JULY 2018
Police Chief Murphy Paul Faith & Family First Baton Rouge’s Good Samaritan Servants of Our City Chaplain Ken Spivey: Serving with God’s Grace
Congratulations Dania Tanguis of Peters Wealth Advisors Quota International of Baton Rouge – May 2018 Frances Landry Service Award Few Quotarians hit the road running like Dania Tanguis when they first join Quota. She has a true servant’s heart. She immediately joined the Service Committee and got to work. Early this year, she led Quota to help with the St. Vincent DePaul Uniform for Kids drive to make sure underserved youth had school uniforms. Dania participates in all of the hands-on service projects and was a key participant in the successful Eyes on the Ties fundraiser for LPB. Our service committee wanted to do a service project to serve the elderly in our community and to do a “Bucket of Something.” Dania came up with the idea of a Paper Closet of Love and hence was born the Quota Closet of Love at the Oak Park Plaza for senior citizens. This project has become one of the VOA Season of Caring Projects. She understood the needs of the elderly were basic – toilet paper, paper towels and cleaning products. Thank you, Dania, for your vision, leadership and compassion for others.
wealth advisors llc
Quota International of Baton Rouge award winners Dania Tanguis, Cheryl Bourg, Carol Patin and Pam Beadle
Investment advisory services are offered through Peters Wealth Advisors, LLC (“PWA”) an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Such services are only provided after clients have entered into a Wealth Management Agreement confirming the terms of the advisor client engagement and have been provided a copy of PWA’s ADV Part 2A brochure document.
JA M M I N ’ I N
July 14 | 7-9:30 p.m. LIBERTY LAGOON
July 26 | 6:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
JULY 2018 issue 4, volume 4 JULY 2018
columns 7
A Life of Service
The Good Samaritan
12 14
22-25 Cover story
Faith and Family First
Faith Life
Chief Murphy Paul Calls the Community to Action
PUBLISHER Beth Townsend beth@brclm.com
by Sharon Holeman
by Lisa Tramontana
Associate Editor/Publisher Susan Brown
Founders Forum
contributing writers Susan Brown Lisa Tramontana Sharon Furrate Bailey Sharon Holeman Jessica LeBlanc Elmo Winters Rachele Smith
Karl Weber, PBC
Witness at Work Devotional Days Bring the Dream Team Together Mark of Excellence: William Holmes by Rachele Smith
Man UP
by Susan Brown
COVER Baton Rouge Police Chief Murphy Paul
26 Connecting Men for Christ
Photo courtesy Murphy Paul
by Elmo Winters
32 9
Creative Life
LAYOUT & DESIGN BY Illuminated Designs Studio
28 Kenneth Drake: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow by Sharon Furrate Bailey
printed by Baton Rouge Press Baton Rouge, La.
Millennial Life What Does Service Look Like to You? by Jessica LeBlanc
inside each issue
BATON ROUGE CHRISTIAN LIFE MAGAZINE WEBSITE BY Kadmos Technology kadmostech.com and Ellen McDowell-Your Social Butterfly www.ellenmcdowell.com
37 Cooking for life 38 opportunities for life
5 Publisher’s letteR 32 a little lagniappe Called to Serve
BATON ROUGE CHRISTIAN LIFE MAGAZINE 9655 Perkins Road, Suite C-133 Baton Rouge, LA 70810 225-910-7426
batonrougechristianlifemagazine.com @brclifemagazine 4
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Publisher’s LETTER
Serving Others….Are You a Door or a Doormat? The truth is, it made me mad. Here I was in church, looking to be encouraged by the sermon. As the worship ended, our pastor stood up and made a statement I’ll never forget. You could have heard a pin drop in the huge auditorium. “Do you want to know how to improve the most difficult relationships in your life?” The crowd was on the edge of their seats. We were all leaning in to take detailed notes. Yes! Yes! We want to know how to improve the most difficult relationships in our lives! “Serve ‘em.” Really? Is that it? Is that all? Please tell me there is more! That is not what I wanted to hear, likely the sentiment of the thousands of other people who filled the room. He went on to explain that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet at one of his darkest hours. There was a plot to kill him, and he knew his earthly time was coming to an end. Regardless of Jesus’ state of reality, this radical act of service demonstrated the full extent of his love for them. Beth with founding advertiser Karl Weber, this month’s Founders Forum feature.
Jesus even said in John 13:14-15, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Wow! Jesus didn’t say wash the feet of those worthy of foot washing. He didn’t say wash the feet of those who were in right standing with you. Nor did he say, “Wait until they deserve it.” There is little argument that serving someone quickly softens a situation where tension could otherwise erode relationships. There were times in my life where, even though I was angry with someone, one kind act of service changed my attitude and quickly shifted me to a more compassionate position. Not because of the other party, but because in that moment I chose to obey Jesus. There is no better invitation for the hand of Jesus to intervene than when we choose to obey His Word.
Beth with BR Police Chief Murphy Paul, this month’s cover story.
Beth with writer Sharon F. Bailey delivering June issues of the magazine.
There were also times when I ignored this life lesson and just let my anger have its say. Bitter words and ugly attitudes can quickly fester and bring about doubt and fear. Cold silence can be just as hurtful. It’s a tool of our enemy and can allow disobedience to wreak havoc and usher in often unnecessary suffering. Perfectly good relationships have ended over poor communication and misinterpreted feelings. One of my most personal struggles is this very battle: serve or say. I’m a proponent of clear communication and dealing with what needs to be dealt with. There are frequently times when productive conversations are needed. To clarify and reach agreement with a kind approach is an effective way to strengthen a relationship. What I’m trying to articulate here is that we don’t become doormats, we become doors. Better relationships, based in truth and wisdom, are often born out of someone who humbled themselves in an effort to serve that relationship into health and often happiness. Jesus sets the example. It’s up to us to choose. Will you serve others?
Beth Townsend Beth with Andy Bishop of Baker Printing, this month’s Witness at Work. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
X Faith LIFE
Ken Spivey and his wife, Amy.
A Life of Service by Sharon Holeman
hey were on their way out. Ministry was done for the day, and it was time to go home. Standing in front of the elevator, Chaplain Ken Spivey was suddenly overwhelmed by a vision from the Lord and began weeping. His friend and fellow pastor who stood beside him raised an eyebrow. “We have to go back,” Spivey said. “What? Why? ” replied his friend, weary from the day. “ We h ave t o go b a ck ,” Spivey r e p e a t e d , t h i s t i m e w it h u r ge n c y. 6
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Together they returned to the last hospital room they had visited. An elderly man who seemed to be only partially present during their previous conversation was now awake. The two pastors greeted him again as Spivey gently explained, “Your daughter sent us. She is concerned about your spirituality.” “I don’t understand,” the man answered. Speaking with his usual calm and kind tone, Spivey responded: “I’ll go slow.” The gospel message was explained, and upon acceptance from the patient, a prayer of salvation through faith in Jesus
Faith LIFE was said. Now the night of ministry was indeed done. About three hours later, the man in the hospital bed died. Miracle stories and moments like this flow almost as an unending river when speaking with Spivey about his life of service for Jesus. Called at the age of six, this Texas-raised boy, who married the little girl down the street, is more a servant than most of us dare to dream. He manages to travel from crisis to crisis with an unexplainable peace that can be nothing other than the spirit of the Lord. As a chaplain for the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office he has seen things – and had to minister to others who have seen things – that go immeasurably beyond the evil of today’s prime time drama shows. When asked how he manages to live and serve in conditions like this, he says without hesitation, “God’s grace.” Spivey said he feels closest to God when he is serving. “Almost weekly, I will walk by someone, and the Holy Spirit will tell me to go back.” Nine times out of ten the person is receptive, and Spivey’s words of faith are well received. While it’s exciting to know that God is using you to reach the hurting world, the level of servitude Spivey undertakes daily can be exhausting. He frequents hospitals and funeral homes. He listens and counsels with confidentiality, seemingly always on call, and living in response mode. As a public servant, sheriff’s deputy, Healing Place associate pastor, and Christian … how does this man, who works as the hands and feet of Christ, bear the price of a life lived in service to others? “It’s cost more for my family than for me,” he says. Thankfully, he’s been blessed with an amazing wife, Amy, that little girl down the street, who grew up surrounded by
Chaplain Ken Spivey and Healing Place Church Spanish Campus Pastor Fernando Gutierrez serve with the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office.
pastors and ministers, including her father, grandfather and all her uncles. She knew the lifestyle and long hours of ministry. Married for more than 30 years, the Spiveys know that quality time is precious. That’s the hard part of service - the collateral damage that sometimes happens when we lay aside our life and our priorities to serve others as Jesus did. According to Spivey, service can be summed up in one word: others. “It’s cost everything,” he said, “but given everything. I wouldn’t change a thing.” U
When asked how he manages to live and serve in conditions like this, he says without hesitation, “God’s grace.”
Sharon Holeman is a writer and photographer living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was the project creator, coordinator and co-author of the book Backyard Miracles - 12 American Women, 12 True Stories, 1 Miraculous God. She was previously published in Her Glory and Inspire Louisiana. Sharon is a graduate of the University of Texas at San Antonio and The Art Institute of Houston. She is currently attending Bethany College to further her pursuit of the Lord and His Word. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Faith LIFE
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Faith LIFE
The Good Samaritan Lisa Tramontana
t ’s h a r d t o k n o w where to start when describing Bi l l Sm it h . Fat he r a nd husband, insurance professional, Sunday school teacher, LSU football player, pr ison m i n ister, ch ili cook, Bible deliver yman, cowboy … We l l , w e m i g h t a s well star t there … Even now, in his early 80s, Smith is entirely comfortable in his well-worn cowboy hat and boots, moving cattle. At least twice a year, he joins friends in Lottie, Louisiana (about halfway between Baton Rouge and Opelousas) to move cattle from one pasture to another and provide them with medical care, including weighing them and administering shots.
It’s not such an unusual hobby when you consider that Smith grew up in north Louisiana, in an area known as Texarkana. He was surrounded by horses, cattle and cowboys. He grew up with a strong Christian faith, thanks to his mother, who was half Cherokee. “She was a tiny woman, about 110 pounds,” Smith said, “and she made sure I went to church every Sunday. She knew everybody! Every morning, she’d get up early and make two big pots of coffee, and neighbors and friends would drop by all morning. They’d just sit and talk. Everyone was welcome.” Smith says he recalls his father going to church exactly twice in his lifetime. He was a good man, Smith said, but quiet about his faith. “I was really lucky to have family and friends, preachers, even a high school coach who really cared about me and set a good example for me to live my life.” In 1954, Smith arrived at LSU on a football scholarship and roomed with Jim Taylor, who went on to play for ten
seasons with the Green Bay Packers. The two were not only roommates and teammates, but they also shared a deep Christian faith. For years afterward, Smith was involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and even served as president in the 1970s. Like most young men, marriage, family and work eventually became his focus, but Smith was constantly looking for ways to practice his faith. His daughter, Stacy Bennett, says she couldn’t have asked for a better father or role model. “My dad was always a very hands-on man who worked hard and set a positive example for his children,” she said. “He always made it clear that God and his family came first in his life. Many times over the years, I’d hear people tease him and say he missed his calling --- that he should have been a minister.” Apparently, that was on his to-do list as well, although he chose to minister to inmates at Angola. In fact, he was instrumental in founding Cowboys for BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
X Faith LIFE “Bill is Baton Rouge’s 24/7 goodwill ambassador and good Samaritan. He literally drives around town looking for trouble – with jumper cables, a full gas can, and a tow rope in his truck bed so he can assist stranded motorists.” – Retired Judge Darrell White
Bill Smith was one of the founders of the Cowboys for Christ ministry.
Rules to Live By
For Bill Smith, living a Christian life is pretty simple. In fact, he has narrowed it down to seven common sense “rules” that have helped him navigate the ups and downs of life for decades. He has even printed cards with his Rules to Live By, and he hands them out to friends, neighbors, strangers ... anyone who needs to be reminded how easy it is to be a good person.
1. Do the right thing. 5. Improve someone’s life. 2. Do more than is expected. 6. Make a difference. 3. If it’s wrong, make it right. 7. Do it now. 4. Make time for people. 10
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Faith LIFE
Bill Smith (left) has helped deliver Harlan Bibles across the country with retired Judge Darrell White through the American Judicial Alliance.
Christ, an organization designed to share the gospel and reflect God’s love with prisoners who sought a relationship with Christ. That was more than 40 years ago, and it remains one of Smith’s biggest accomplishments. The ministry is nationwide and today, includes Cowboy Church, which is conducted at rodeos, trail rides and county fairs Since retirement, Smith has joined his friend, retired Judge Darrell White, in a special project of the American Judicial Alliance. The group personally delivers replicas of the Harlan Bible to judges and courthouses across the country.* Armed with their commemorative Bibles, the two have made road trips to Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee and beyond. Judge White has been impressed by Smith’s energy and optimism. “Bill is Baton Rouge’s 24/7 goodwill ambassador and good Samaritan,” said Judge White. “He literally drives around town looking for trouble – with jumper cables, a full gas can, and a tow rope in his truck bed so he can assist stranded motorists. And he’s active in nursing home visitation, prison ministry and a host of other Christlike activities. He’s a living, breathing example of James 1:26-27.” In spite of his busy schedule, Smith still finds time to work as a Sunday school teacher at Parkview Baptist Church, and he leads several Bible studies in the area, including at local nursing homes. It seems there is always someone to help. “I love God,” Smith said. “It really is as simple as that. So it makes me happy to be the kind of person He wants me to be. It’s not hard! Smile at people, thank them, hold the door open, do someone a favor, offer your friendship. There are opportunities everywhere to be a good Christian.” U *In 1906 Justice John Marshall Harlan dedicated a Bible to the U.S. Supreme Court. Since then, every Supreme Court justice has signed the Bible’s flyleaf, a tradition now being replicated by the American Judicial Alliance.
Smith stays busy with many community events and church activities, including Bible studies, prison ministry, and even chili cook-offs. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
X Founders FORUM
Founded on Friendship and Faith B
ack in 1978, Karl Weber and his partner John Mouton were trying to come up with a name for their new industrial supply company, and nothing sounded right. Karl’s wife Carolyn asked, “Well, who will your customers be?” “Plants, builders and contractors,” Karl said. “Then that should be your name,” Carolyn replied. “PBC.” Simple as that. Forty years later, PBC is a successful family company with 20 employees and satisfied customers throughout the city and in the chemical plants located up and down the Mississippi River. Mouton passed away in 2005, but the partners’ families have remained close and Mouton’s children operate a sister company called Drillco. Probably the first key to PBC’s success is that the company was founded on friendship. The most important key, however, is God. Weber is a man of faith who credits God for his good fortune and says he has been blessed with great employees. “Without faith, I couldn’t operate this business,” he said. “Over the years, the Lord has led people to me, employees and customers, who had an impact on my life. He has also given me opportunities on a daily basis to help others and set a good example.” Weber says his staff occasionally prays together, and he has been known to pass out inspirational books that encourage his staff to demonstrate their Christian faith through their actions. “It all comes down to this, you’ve got to treat others the way you want to be treated,” Weber said. “And even though none of us is perfect, we can try to choose a Christian path as often as possible. We just need to let the Lord guide us.” Weber was an early advertiser and supporter of Christian Life Magazine, and says he’s grateful for the positive stories it publishes. “It’s a reminder that there are a lot of good people out there who want to share their faith, tell positive stories and make the world a better place.” PBC Industrial Pipe is a supplier of industrial, welding, safety, marine and janitorial equipment. The company is proud of its 24/7 customer service and 150-mile radius delivery service. The business is located at 12649 S. Choctaw Drive. For more information, call (225) 272-5680. Company President Karl Weber is a Founding Advertiser of Christian Life Magazine.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Founders FORUM
The PBC Industrial Supply staff
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X Witness at Work
Devotional Days Bring Team Together
Leslie Wilbur, Pastor Butch LeBauve, Andy Bishop and Kevin Carbo gather after their weekly devotional.
t was a busy lunch hour at the offices of Baker Printing. Unlike most days, upon entering there were signs pointing to the large gathering in the back of the building. Wednesdays are devotion days, and most employees as well as special guests are starting to gather. This week’s guest speaker was Pastor Butch LaBauve, Senior Pastor of Rivers Ministries International.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Located in the heart of Baker, Baker Printing (known as The Printing People), has been having a positive impact on the city since 1962. Baker Printing was founded by Jack and Martha Bishop and has grown to become one of the largest and most prestigious commercial printers in the state of Louisiana. The list of political dignitaries who have made personal visits to the offices is almost as impressive as the long list of awards. The company has been recognized for various kinds of professional excellence. Among them are: • In 2002, they were honored with the Douglas Manship Torch Award for Business Ethics. • In 2003, the Better Business Bureau awarded them the International
Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics.
• The company received the James C. Dobson Award from Focus on the
Family for communicating the positive message of family.
• The Eagle Award (one of their most treasured) was presented by
Liberty Cards. This award is normally given to a division within their own company rather than an outside vendor.
Witness at work
Kevin Carbo has been attending the Bible study for 26 years, and says it has made a huge impact on his life. “I’ve learned that I didn’t know what I thought I knew about God. It wasn’t until much later that I found that man’s laws are not necessarily God’s laws. Follow the Bible, follow God. Don’t call yourself Catholic, Baptist or Methodist. Call yourself a Christian, a believer. Over the years, I’ve grown tremendously. I’m getting old, and I try not to be grumpy or short tempered, but when I am, I try to slap myself in the face and say, ‘hey wait a minute!’ Then and I go and apologize if I’ve offended someone. But it’s all good and it’s all because of God.” Breyana Wheeler was all smiles after the recent devotion. She recently moved from Ohio and has worked for Baker Printing since December. She was quick to offer kind words about the warm environment. “I worked at a Chick-Fil-A before I moved here, so the Christian environment has definitely been amazing! My future fatherin-law works here and that is how I learned about this job. I started working part-time during the holidays, but I loved the environment and they loved me, too. Thankfully, they gave me a full time position. This was an answer to prayer because I came here with no Louisiana experience at all. Since then, I’ve been getting closer to everyone.”
Catalina Wilkinson has worked at Baker Printing for 29 years. “This is like my second family. I came here after I got divorced, and it was the best move I ever made. I’m from Baker, and it’s like coming home.”
BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Witness at work
The team at Baker Printing is also known for civic and humanitarian accomplishments. Representatives have served in leadership roles in various community organizations such as the Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors Printing Industry of America South, Ad Federation of Baton Rouge, Rotary Club of Baker, Baker Chamber of Commerce, Associated Builders and Contractors, Louisiana Family Forum, Sales and Marketing Executives (SME), Cancer Relay for Life and the Better Business Bureau 2004 judges panel for the International Business Ethics Award in Virginia Their facility is one of the largest and most modern in the state with more than 21,500 square feet of working space and an additional 8,500 in offsite warehouse space. In-house they have pre-press, press, bindery, business mail processing, signage, digital printing, letterpress departments, and offices for management and sales associates. The team is most proud of the strong roots they’ve built in the community. Their goal is to keep challenging themselves to stay on the leading edge of technology so they will be ready to meet all of their clients’ needs. U
Baker Printing staff at a gathering in April. The group prays in a circle at the end of each devotion.
Excerpts from LaBauve’s Devotion “Step out in faith, let Him have you. God loves you! You don’t have to worry about low selfesteem when you know God loves you. And He forgave you, calls you, speaks to you, encourages you, and corrects you … because we serve a God of order. That is why 16
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
we study the Bible today, so we can know His Word, His Way and His Will. It’s not complicated. God is not complicated. People are complicated. God is simple. You see Him through His son Jesus Christ.
It’s about serving God. Just serve Him. You may be the solution to a problem or you might be the answer to someone’s prayer. Just daily say, “God use me … I’m yours. I’m your possession. I’m a slave to you.” It’s all about who is in control. Let the Lord have you.”
Witness at work
Mark of Excellence William Holmes by Rachele Smith
ith hard deadlines, client demands and the ever- changing landscape of technology, today’s business climate can seem cold
and methodical, one completely closed off to expressions of faith. For many Christians, that means it’s of ten difficult to display their spiritualit y at work. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Witness at work
“William started with us as a salesman almost 20 years ago. He moved up to management by an impressive commitment to hard work and a true sense of doing the right thing for customers and has also been a company man during this time. He has shown Christian values throughout his career, which has impressed me personally. For William Holmes, the general manager of Gerry Lane Chevrolet, bringing Jesus to the job is as simple as taking a breath. To cloak or hide his faith would be unrealistic since, as Holmes explains, it not only guides his next step, but also offers him an assurance for the future. “My sight is my faith,” he said. Since starting work as a car salesman with Gerry Lane in the 90s, and 18
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
We promoted him to general manager five years ago at Gerry Lane Chevrolet. He has continued to work hard and keep our store as the number one volume Chevy store in Baton Rouge for 31 straight years. Thanks, William, for being a committed Christian and valued employee.” –Eric Lane, CEO Gerry Lane Enterprises
through his current leadership role at the Chevy store, Holmes has achieved much. Professionally, his hard work has led to many accolades, including the dealership’s “Mark of Excellence” award. Spiritually, he has witnessed and led colleagues to Christ, encouraged others around him to find and use their God-given talents and solidified true Christian friendships with previous and present customers.
To this day, Holmes remains humbled by what God has allowed him to do. But surprisingly, this ordained minister and active member of Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge wasn’t always eager to serve Christ. As a young man, he was more concerned with doing things his way. “I thought I was a good person. I didn’t care too much for drinking or smoking, and I just tried to live
Learning for life a good life. I thought that was sufficient,” Holmes said, adding, “I didn’t go to church.” Life, though, would soon point him in another direction, starting with his first job at Sizzler Family Restaurants. “When I left home, my dad told me I could do anything I wanted to do, be anything I wanted to be and go as high as I wanted to go,” Holmes said, explaining he “fell in love with work” early on following his dad’s advice. “I enjoyed having my own place to live and being able to have other things. Work provided that,” he explained. In the short years that followed, Holmes quit college to work full-time and married his wife, Sheila, who he met on the job at Sizzler. Fortified by a strong work ethic, Holmes found success quickly in the restaurant industry. But even as he received promotion after promotion, he knew something had to change. “I was working [as a restaurant manager] in Baton Rouge two nights a week, then driving to and from New Orleans, managing the restaurant on Carrollton Ave. two nights a week and then two nights a week at the one in New Orleans East. I was killing myself with all of the work,” he said. Still Holmes continued to push himself, even taking on another job stocking shelves at a grocery store at night. “My wife and I made the decision early [that she would stay home with the children], and I did whatever I needed to do to make sure that happened,” he said. Then everything changed. “One day, I got a call from my manager. He wanted to talk with me, and you know what he said? They [the Sizzler Family Restaurants] were closing down. I was devastated,” Holmes admitted, adding that even though he was treated well during the separation, his job loss was sudden and difficult to handle. The next Sunday, he decided to join his wife and children as they left for
Holmes committed himself and the job to God, allowing God to work through him. He noticed positive changes taking place.
church. “I don’t even remember now what the pastor was saying, but I just remember the Holy Spirit coming down on me and God saying, ‘Do it your way or my way.’ I was just staring at the pastor, and I made a decision in my heart right there,” said Holmes. “I just walked up and did an altar call, and I told the pastor I wanted to give my heart to God,” he explained. That was the beginning. “Early in my Christian walk, I heard someone say, ‘Whatever you render to the world, God will expect you to render the same to him.’ So, I carried that same diligence and that same work ethic my dad taught me, and I just gave myself totally to the ministry,” Holmes said. From attending classes and other activities to serving, even cutting the grass if that was needed, Holmes was committed. Career-wise, he decided to leave restaurant management and began a new job as a cook. While working one night, a customer asked to talk to him. From that faith-filled conversation, he said he knew he was on the right path. He then
began to listen more and to trust God more with his future, which eventually brought him to a sales position with the used car division of Gerry Lane. “I got into it like I did everything else, I just worked hard and kept working and working,” Holmes said. But he struggled with some aspects of the new job. In the industry, he had found examples of deception and darkness. “I asked God why he pulled me here, and I was told, ‘because you are a light in the darkness,’” Holmes said. Understanding now what he was called to do, Holmes began to work harder. He committed himself and the job to God, allowing God to work through him. He noticed positive changes taking place. Then, he said he felt the Holy Spirit was leading him away from the car business. But as he started to move forward in that direction, he discovered a different path being created, one that God was obviously preparing for him all along. “I was offered the GM of the Chevy Store,” he smiled. “This is how God works.” U
BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
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Matthew Williams at gradation receiving his award from Joe Martin, President and CEO of ITI Technical College.
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I found each one always ready and willing to help me be successful.”
As he approached his mid-20s several years ago, Williams found himself in a situation familiar to many young people – he wanted more out of life. He appreciated his job, but he believed he was meant to experience more. He had been enrolled in a traditional college program, but wasn’t making progress, so he started looking at other options. “I knew ITI was a good trade school, and I contacted them on the website just to investigate,” he said. “They responded quickly, and the next day, I had an appointment to tour the school.”
If recent achievements can predict the future, then success has already found Williams. At the ITI graduation ceremonies last month, Williams received an AOS degree in Automation & Electronic Systems Technology. But that’s not all. Recognized as a top graduate in academics as well as a student leader on campus, Williams received the 2018 Joe Martin, Jr. Award, an honor given to a student who has shown extraordinary achievement in and outside of the classroom.
On that first visit, Williams found what he’d been looking for: an accredited school with hands-on training – a place where he could use his interests and build a lifelong career. “I was impressed with the outside experience of my instructors and the field knowledge they brought to the classroom,” he said. “Honestly, every instructor I had was nothing short of excellent. They were very genuine, and
Williams recently began his career as a systems technician at Johnson Controls. He credits ITI with placing him on a new journey and says the school’s connections and reputation helped him land his new position quickly. Plus, his lab work and courses gave him a better feeling of what to expect on the job. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without ITI,” he said.
Call today for a tour or visit www.iticollege.edu.
BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
X Cover Story
Faith and Family First
Chief Murphy Paul Calls the Community to Action by Susan Brown Photos by Beth Townsend
Armed with 27 years of law enforcement experience and standing on a foundation of faith, Baton Rouge Police Chief Murphy Paul exudes confidence in efforts to stem the rising tide of violence among American youth. 22
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If we’re going to change the hearts and souls of young men, then I think it’s going to start with our faith-based community,” he said. “Less than 7% of individuals are responsible for a majority of the violent crime. They’re not in their congregations on Sundays – they’re not. So, if we’re going to evangelize to the lost, you have to get from behind the pulpit. We have to hit the streets.” That means intentionally stepping into troubled areas, building bridges of trust and opening avenues of communication.
Cover Story But they want to do it wisely. This summer, the U.S. Department of Justice is holding sessions in Baton Rouge with faith-based leaders and other community partners on safely engaging the community at the street level. “We’re going to ask our pastors to try to reach the hearts of these young men, and we’re going to have mentors out there,” Paul said. “We’re going to do everything we can to have a positive impact on this culture of violence.” “One of the things we recognize is that there are barriers in community-police relations. So, what we’re telling the community is - if you’re scared to come forward to law enforcement, if you don’t want to come forward, then go to your pastor, your faith-based leader and talk to him or her,” Paul said. Faith-based leaders can then present appropriate information to law enforcement. While current statistics indicate an increase in the homicide rate, Chief Paul expects the number of violent deaths to decrease as their efforts take hold. “We’re below the national average when it comes to solving these homicides and that’s due, in part, because the community is not coming forward and working with us to provide information to put these bad guys in jail,” he said. “Every violent crime that we see right now - there’s a gun involved. And we’re starting to see that some of the criminals are getting younger and younger.” It’s important to get to know people, then look for crisis signs. “A change in behavior is a big indicator,” Paul said. “So, I think it’s important in this day and age that when we see something, we say something.” Chief Paul favors the idea of police officers in schools to serve as resource personnel. However, there is currently too little funding and too few officers. Consistent, on-site police officers would develop relationships with students that can break down barriers, flag problems
The Baton Rouge Police Department is seeing success through connections with community leaders including faith-based partnerships.
and help kids view police officers in a different light. “We’re starting to see some progress. The community is saying we’re sick and tired of the violent crime that’s going on in our community, and they’re talking,” he said. Crime Stoppers, the anonymous tip line, is receiving as many as 400 calls per month at 344-STOP. But the core of the issue is a need for changed hearts, Paul believes. “We are dealing with a culture of violence in the city of Baton Rouge where we have young men who don’t care if they live another day. They don’t care about the consequences,” he said. “Their hearts are not in the right place. With all our work and efforts as police officers, we’re not in the heart business.” That’s where the faith-based community can work best – by transforming lives, Paul said. He traces his own success to adults who cultivated his faith and understanding of right and wrong.
Growing up in New Orleans, Paul confronted a spectrum of tough choices. “I look at the young men that I grew up with – some are in jail, some have lost their lives, some may not be doing as well. And I look at all the successful [ones].” Education and positive role models are key, he said. “You need mentors; you need people to look up to, people to help lead you in that direction.” Paul said some people who run into trouble with the law were never taught to do the right thing. “It’s unfortunate that we do have a generation that are lost, but we can’t give up on them. It’s not the Christian thing to do,” he said. “We have to keep trying.” To youth in the community – and his own four sons – Paul preaches the three C’s: control, choices and consequences. “You have control over everything you do. How you respond to a situation is more important than the hardship itself. That’s why you have to be wise when you make choices because they have consequences,” he said. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
X Cover Story ...we have young men who don’t care if they live another day. They don’t care about the consequences. Their hearts are not in the right place.
But I think the true change in the crime issues here is not going to come from me. I think it’s going to come from the community - and it’s going to come from the faithbased community. They’re in the business of changing hearts.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
“So, I tell kids: Don’t buy into this victim mentality. We make mistakes. Learn from them,” he said. “The way you do that is understanding the 3 F’s: faith and family first. They are the only institutions that don’t judge you and give you second chances.” Paul said many people invested in his life and led by example. “My mom [Patricia Price Paul] always preached the importance of putting God first,” he said. His parents divorced when he was very young, leaving her to raise Paul and his two sisters. “She just showered us with so much love. My sisters - we have a great relationship. I can’t ever think of a phone call or a conversation where we didn’t say “I love you” and “I love you, too,” even after an argument. He credits his mother for her awareness of their friends and activities – and for being quick to intervene when something didn’t seem right. “My mom could come in my room any time and just search the room. I can remember one time she searched the car – she didn’t like the company I was with that time,” he said. “Kids out there don’t always make the best decisions.” He advises parents to take charge by searching their kids’ backpacks and bedrooms. “We need to look under the mattress, we need to pull out the drawers, we need to go to the car, get the keys, search in the glove compartment, the trunk and everything. Be involved.” “I’m in a great place right now, spiritually,” Paul said. To start the day with a positive attitude, he turns to gospel music. At 6:00 every morning, a cashier at the State Police cafeteria sends a verse of scripture. “Today’s scripture is, ‘Live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity’ [Colossians 4:5, 6 NLT]” he said. He reads the daily scripture on the Bible App. He is refreshed and encouraged at Healing Place Church.
Cover Story
“Every Sunday, you get an opportunity to empty that stress cup,” he said. “It puts things in the right perspective.” That perspective is at the heart of his appeal to the faith-based community, in the belief that a mindset of awareness and mentoring can make a difference. Chief Paul is so committed to the concept of community involvement that - when he decided to retire from State Police - he intended to spend the rest of his life connecting capable volunteers with their areas of passion through his new nonprofit, Work to Give. He prepared to become a certified mentor trainer
through the John Maxwell program, Then, he experienced a life change. “If you want to see God laugh, tell him your plans,” Paul said. “God began to bless me and open up doors and opportunities that I could never imagine.” Fellow mentors in the Maxwell program saw his sense of hope, his enthusiasm and his experience as qualifications for a future police chief - something he had not considered. On their advice, he turned in his application for Baton Rouge chief of police just before the deadline. I’m excited about the future of the police department here. We have great men and women who work here,” he said. “I think God put me here for a reason.” “It’s a difficult time. I do believe that. And that’s why I think prayer is so important,” he said. “God has a way of calming us in difficult times…I pray and ask God for wisdom, for guidance on decisions.”
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Susan Brown began her career in radio news. She was news director for WJBO/WFMF radio and a journalism instructor at LSU. She holds master’s degrees from LSU and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and served as a chaplain at Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women.
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“But I think the true change in the crime issues here is not going to come from me,” Paul said. “I think it’s going to come from the community - and it’s going to come from the faith-based community. They’re in the business of changing hearts.” U
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X Man UP
Connecting Men for Christ by Elmo Winters
ne of the most neglected areas of ministry in our churches is that aimed at men. Some experts credit this extreme lack of interest in reaching men for Christ as one reason for the decline in American families. Most churches provide Bible training, discipleship programs and other activities for their youth, children and women, but too often the male population is left to fend for itself. Men are looked upon as “keepers of the grounds” and maintenance people in far too many settings. Many churches discount the value of having strong male leadership in the church and home. One organization that addresses this monumental problem is the National Coalition of Ministries to Men (NCMM), which provides a vast pool of resources and networking opportunities that focus on the unique spiritual needs of men. According to its website, the organization “connects the men who disciple men.” NCMM is a partnership of more than 200 organizations, churches and individuals that build men into Christ-followers. NCMM doesn’t minister directly to men, but effectively unites the people and groups that are doing this vital work. NCMM was founded in 1996 at the height of the Promise Keepers movement when hundreds of thousands of men were filling stadiums across the nation, hungry to know Jesus. In response, men’s ministries were popping up all over the United States. But many of the men who spearheaded these ministries were isolated from one another. Resources were scarce.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Many struggled to survive. The big ministries couldn’t help the smaller ones because they didn’t know they existed. Denominational men’s ministries saw a flood of new converts, but lacked the manpower to effectively disciple these men. NCMM was created to connect and encourage these ministries to work together. The goal was to help them do together what no one ministry could do alone. For over 20 years, the organization has fulfilled this goal. One local ministry, Gulf South Men
NCMM is a partnership of more than 200 organizations, churches and individuals that build men into Christ followers.
Man UP
(GSM) is an active member of the NCMM. Under the leadership of Rev. Mark Lubbock and Bax Kegans, GSM has ministered to the men of Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Arkansas for many years. In a partnership with Iron Sharpens Iron (ISI), another local NCMM member, Gulf South Men has hosted conferences and conducted numerous training events to reach and disciple men for Christ. NCMM emphatically maintains, “Our mission is expressed simply with three words: Together, Building Men. We are uniting leaders to amplify their influence. (We) provide visibility, connection, and growth Men from around the Baton Rouge area gather over food and in fellowship to discuss issues at the opportunities for ministry NCMM (National Coalition of Ministries to Men) meeting. leaders to become more influential in discipling men.” Elmo Winters is the founder and executive director of Kingdom Group International, Inc., The spiritual needs of men across the country and in an organization that promotes evangelism, the Baton Rouge community are being met because of the racial reconciliation and unity. He serves great work of NCMM. Membership in NCMM is open to on the boards of the National Coalition of all Christian churches and men’s ministry groups, without Ministries to Men (NCMM) and Gulf South regard to denomination, ethnicity or culture. For more Men of Louisiana. Married to Therese Winters, information, visit ncmm.org. U he is also an author and event speaker.
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Creative LIFE
Kenneth Drake Musician and Music Minister
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow by Sharon Furrate Bailey
Q: When did you first discover your musical talent? Music was always in my home. My mother taught piano and was minister of music at our church into my high school days. Therefore, I was inquisitive and interested in music and piano for as long as I can remember. After I began studying piano around 8 years old I began receiving positive feedback in competitions. My mom, one of my greatest mentors musically and spiritually, “threw me in the fire” at church having me play for assemblies and worship services at a very early age, so I learned to sight read well early on. In the eighth grade, she sent me kicking and screaming to a piano audition at Furman University to be accepted into their college prep program. I was accepted and studied piano there throughout high school and attended Furman for college. My mom’s insistence set the course of my life. I received a degree in piano pedagogy with minor studies in church music which then brought me to LSU for a master’s degree in piano performance, accompanying, and doctoral studies in pedagogy.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
Ken leads Sunday morning worship with the Worship Team and Chorale at Community Bible Church.
Creative LIFE Describe your experience as music director at Chapel on the Campus and Chapel in the Oaks (alongside your wife Kathy) and a few memorable Q: moments that come to mind. Years of memories are flowing as I ponder this question. Tears are flowing as well as I recall how instrumental Pastor Donald Tabb, the Pastor Emeritus of the Chapel on the Campus, was to myself and Kathy. We were so saddened by his recent passing but so blessed to have ministered with him for almost 20 years. Honestly, I wish Kathy and I had kept a count of how many funerals we played and sang for when Donald was officiating. That God would grant us that opportunity … there is no way to put into words all that dear man meant to us, what he invested in us biblically and spiritually, and just living life as a married couple. In 1983, Kathy and I were asked to organize a music ministry, but God had so much more planned. In Donald’s presence, we were like the two men on the road to Emmaus with Jesus. “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” Oh, the days of ministering and working with that remarkable man! Praise God we were blessed with that opportunity so many years ago. Recently, 80-plus choir members gathered to sing at Donald’s memorial service. Even amid our grief, it is a sweet memory due to all the choir members that surfaced over 31 years of ministry to pay their respects. To look out and see so many familiar faces, literally thousands, I was overcome at the lives he touched. As for memorable worship services, we orchestrated moving Christmas musicals, cantatas, and pageants that dramatized the full life of Christ. Kathy had a vision of incorporating all aspects of the arts into the church and the purpose was to reclaim the arts for God’s glory. We sought to incorporate this plan all the way down to the “Hallelujah Little Ones” and the preschool choir. For me personally, YMAD, the Youth Music & Drama Group for middle and high school, was a tremendous blessing. This group attracted the unchurched youth because it presented Broadway musicals with a biblical theme. We are still seeing the fruit today from that ministry. What a joy!
What advice would you give to other music directors, and what wisdom did you gain?
Seek God in every decision. When it comes to selecting music, it is important to ask how this will help people grow spiritually in worshipping God from a Biblical perspective. People are placed in our path daily, so I would encourage one to be a pastor, not just a music director or worship leader. Kathy and I have been blessed ten-fold by those who we just sat with and visited or ministered to in a time of need.
CBC’s 2017 Christmas musical included drama and dance, and represented eight churches.
The Chapel’s production of Les Miserables in 2009 featured a spiritual message.
BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Creative LIFE
What are you learning in your role at Community Bible Church?
The richest blessing Kathy and I have experienced since joining this church body is that we are part of the body. We are worshippers and not just leading worship. One of the church’s core values is to provide a worship setting for a multigenerational congregation, so we are working on this desire daily. I would have to say this past Christmas was amazing. We presented an inspirational musical/drama and dance including 60-plus voices, representing eight churches. Pastor Steve Foster has been a great mentor and friend.
Tell us about your family.
Kathy and I will soon be celebrating 39 years of marriage. She has been my wife, partner, best friend, mother, grandmother, teacher of the Word, amazing singer, worshipper, best voice teacher, and interior designer. She is so full of grace and beauty … what more can I say? In our first year of marriage, we took off for Salzburg, Austria to study at the Mozarteum Conservatory. Kathy had received a Rotary Scholarship for post-graduate study there and we thought we would seek musical careers in Europe. Yet we were led in another direction. We joined a little Baptist mission, the only church we could find that offered services in English, and through John Linderman, a young mentor in our lives, we joined a weekly Bible study with a group of internationals. God opened the scriptures and His heart to us in deeper ways than either of us had experienced before. God has also blessed Kathy and me by giving us two daughters who are both talented, gifted artists. Can you imagine being with four artists in one household? I am outnumbered since I am the only male, but I would not trade it for anything. Maggie is a visual artist/painter. She teaches art, and at the same time, is a wife and mother to her two daughters. She perseveres with her crazy schedule and is doing well in Greenville, South Carolina with her own paintings and classes. Spencer, her husband, is very supportive. Mary Elizabeth lives in New York, and is pursuing a career in musical theatre, and has been cast in two shows and a nationwide tour since moving there in 2015. I am so proud of both daughters, and their desire to grow in the Lord is still a very big part of their lives. I appreciate the readers’ prayers for them as they continue to hone their talents and pursue their careers as Christian artists! They have very different and unique personalities and to watch them operate in their gifts is a joy to see unfold daily. Praise God! 30
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Q: Do you have a favorite book of the Bible or scripture? The Psalms are just gorgeous and steeped with what it means to worship in spirit and in truth. In 1985, I had the opportunity to attend a conference, and it was there that I was introduced to the Psalms written by musician/choral writer Don Wyrtzen, whom I greatly admired. God certainly had His hand on Kathy and me and a specific plan and direction for our life! The life verse that I hold closely is Romans 12:1-2 (ESV) and it’s what I seek daily as a husband, father, grandfather, worship pastor, musician, and friend: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
The late Donald Tabb and his wife Mary joined Ken, Kathy and The Chapel Choir at one of the Choir’s retreats in the Fall of 2013.
What else you would like our readers to know about Q: your personal life and journey as a creative person?
I haven’t talked about my piano teaching, but I do love that one-on-one with my students. The ones that impress me are those who do not have the most natural musical instinct or talent but have the drive to learn. Finding students who have the time and/or make the practice time needed to succeed at the piano or any instrument is rare in these challenging days. Seek ye first His kingdom and His righteous and all shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6: 33) . U Sharon Furrate Bailey grew up in Alexandria, La., and moved to Baton Rouge to attend LSU. She earned a B.A. in English Literature in 1990. She attends Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church. Sharon has been in the field of marketing, sales and public relations since 1996. She is a gifted artist and has been a columnist since 2005. She can be reached at sharon@brclm.com.
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To all of our military personnel: Thank you for your service. You are in our prayers. “But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” (Psalm 5:11)
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A Little lagniappe
Called to Serve Rev. Jesse Bernard Bilberry, Jr.
Friends, family and fellow pastors gathered recently to honor a very special man, the Rev. Jesse Bernard Bilberry, Jr. With his wife Verta beside him, Rev. Bilberry was honored for his many years of service and ministry in a career brimming with achievements, including a term as president of the 4th District Missionary Baptist Association.
One of 10 children, Rev. Bilberry was born in Marion, La. In 1929. He earned degrees in social studies and English from Southern University, a master’s of education from LSU, and a doctorate of theology from Christian Bible College. He spent 13 years as principal of Tensas Rosenwald High School in St. Joseph, La., and 15 years
in various roles at Southern University. In 1981, he accepted the call to ministry, and since 1984, has served as pastor at Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church in Baton Rouge. Over the years, he has collected numerous honors and awards related to his role as an educator and spiritual leader. U
Rev. Bilberry and his wife Verta pose with the Youth Girls Division at a recent gathering to celebrate his accomplishments.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
From left: Cedrick Robinson, Anston Broadway, Caleb Butler, Kamden Jackson, Marquell Coates. Seated (from left): Rev. Jesse Bilberry and wife Verta.
Anniversary speaker Rev. Geoffrey Sykes and wife Tracy.
Rev. Bilberry presented roses to his wife, Verta.
From left: Mayor Elvadus Fields, his wife Mamie, anniversary committee chairpersons Donald and Nona Haynes, and Rev. Bilberry.
Standing (from left): Dana Harris, Shirley Merrill, Dr. Saundra McGuire, Cheryl Matthews, Melanie Wells, Dr. Beverly Wade, Charlotte Galloway, Almena Major, YeSheka Adams. Seated (from left): Rev. Jesse Bilberry and wife Verta. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Millennial Life
What Does Service Look Like to You? by Jessica LeBlanc
hen I think of service, the first thought that comes to mind is Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. What a humbling act. I mean, the Savior of the world, the God of the universe, the Prince of Peace, the Rose of Sharon, stooping down to wash and make clean the filthy feet of human sinners. How awesome. Of course, Jesus’ acts of service go far beyond that, but I believe this particular act embodies what we as believers
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
should be doing every day. Each of our lives should be an act of service. We should always ask the question: What can I do to help my fellow man? I encourage you to read John 13 and take note of the entire scenario, before and after, that surrounded the Lord washing the feet of His servants. John 13:14-15 says, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do
as I have done to you.” The way we are to live our lives is already laid out for us in the Bible. There are many lessons to be learned in this chapter alone. For instance, when we serve, it’s not just to our friends or to people we know love us. We are to serve our enemies as well, if they are in need. This is extremely difficult to do, but God never requires something of us without giving us the ability to carry it out.
Millennial Life
Each of our lives should be an act of service. Jesus led us to understand this by his example. Jesus washed the feet of Peter, knowing that Peter was going to deny Him not once but three times! Wow! He’s so amazing! Can you imagine washing the feet of someone who lied about you, treated you poorly, or denied they even knew you when you spent quality time with this person? During my days in television, I had countless opportunities to serve others and shine the light of Christ. Whether it was praying for a mother who just found out her son had been shot and killed, or showing compassion to family members burying a child, those people were in need of serving and God used me to do just that. I knew that God placed me on certain stories just so I could share His love and offer up a prayer for those in some trying situations; situations that the average person would never experience. Service can be as simple as a smile to a sad soul. I’m so grateful for
the privileges I had to experience those moments where I could offer encouragement. Sometimes that’s all it takes to plant a seed of righteousness in someone’s heart. We affect each other and you never know how your words will help someone. Sometimes people will let you know you made a positive impact on their life and sometimes they won’t. But just know that God is always watching and if you are showing love, compassion and exhibiting any of the fruits of the Spirit, He is pleased. As believers, we are constantly being watched. Our lives are living epistles to be read by all men (2 Corinthians 3:2). What are people reading when they look at you? What do they see? Are you willing to serve others even if it’s at the expense of your feelings? I hope so because not only will you be helping someone else, but you will reap the benefits of God’s blessings and His pleasure. U
Jessica LeBlanc is an award-winning, Emmy-nominated journalist who was named one of the top student television news reporters in the country by College Broadcasters in 2011. While in college, she traveled to Europe and wrote political and human interests stories for UPIU.com (an extension of United Press International). Upon graduation from Southeastern Louisiana University, she began working at WBRZ News 2 in Baton Rouge as a multimedia journalist and later an as anchor. Originally from New Orleans, she spends her free time working on her blog Moments with Jess, reading, taking on various speaking engagements and spending time with her family.
All Things Productions
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Owner: Rachel Boster BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Healthy Life
America, God shed His grace on thee....
“Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Cover STORY
[The Lord said to Solomon] “…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
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Cooking for life
Best Ever Potato Salad
What You’ll Need:
1½ pounds red potatoes, cut into small cubes (about 4 cups) 1 (12-ounce) package bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces ¾ cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt 4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped 1 stalk celery, finely diced 1 small yellow onion, finely diced ½ medium green pepper, finely diced
How to Make It:
Boil the potatoes until they are fork tender. Drain the potatoes and set aside. Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a skillet over medium-low heat until crisp. Remove bacon with a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel-lined plate to drain. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon drippings in the skillet and remove the pan from heat. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, sugar and salt to the reserved bacon drippings in the skillet and whisk to combine. In a large bowl, combine the potatoes, eggs, celery, onion and green pepper. Pour the dressing over the ingredients and gently stir to evenly coat. Stir in the bacon. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving. Leftovers can be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Recipe from BrownEyedBaker.com
Do you have a recipe that you’d like to share? We would love to feature it right here! Send your recipe to Baton Rouge Christian Life Magazine and it may be chosen for publication in an upcoming issue. Send it to recipes@brclm.com.
BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
Opportunities for LIFE
Calendar of Events Do you have an event to share? To have your event included in our calendar, please email a brief summary of your ministry or service-related event to news@brclm.com by the 8th of the previous month. Please include details (date/time/location/ information/etc.) so we can be sure it’s ready to print. Please send August submissions by July 8.
JULY 1-31
BR HOMESCHOOL CHOIR EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION First Christian Church, 8484 Old Hammond Hwy. Save 20% on three ageappropriate choirs. Classes meet for 13 weeks beginning August 21. Open to homeschoolers only, in 4th-12th grade. For details, call Sherry Barron, Director, at (225) 335-8365, or visit brhomeschoolchoir.com.
ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS/FUNDRAISER & SILENT AUCTION Noon, Boudreaux’s, Government Street. Cost is $25 per person. For more information, contact Joycelyn Green at green731@cox.net or at (225) 928-0436 or (225) 329-9000.
JULY 6-7
CULTURES FOR CHRIST: EVERY TONGUE, TRIBE & NATION UNITE! 6:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday (workshop), Elevate Church, Cortana Mall, Entrance 2. Presented by Heritage International Ministries & Partners. Share your experiences to help others called to the missions field. Free, but donations and offerings will be accepted. For details, email heritage5@aol. com, call (225) 291-4272, or visit the website at heritage-ministries.com.
JULY 9-13
CYT MUSICAL THEATER YOUTH CAMP 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bethel Church, 12124 Airline Hwy. Hop on your magic carpet and join Aladdin and his friends for a week of musical theater fun! Act, sing, dance and design at this high energy, fun-filled camp designed for ages 5-12. Cost is $175 per student. Register at cytbatonrouge.org on the Camps page.
CELEBRATION OF YOUTH 9 a.m., Gloryland Baptist Church, 6745 Greenwell Springs Road. 100 Voice Youth Choir sings with Pastor Rayford Iglehart (Why Can’t We Love in the Sun Like We Do in the Rain?) along with Kenny Acosta, “The Blues Man,” on guitar.
Christian Women’s Job Corps is now recruiting participants/students and volunteer mentors/teachers for fall semester classes which begin in September. Applications will be accepted at the Eastern Louisiana Baptist Association (ELBA) office, 9126 Comar Drive, in Walker. For details, visit elbamissions.org or call (225) 664-9309. Applications for adult unemployed or underemployed women who wish to enroll in the free 10-week program may be printed and mailed to ELBA now through August 14.
HEALTH AWARENESS SUNDAY 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Gloryland Baptist Church, 6745 Greenwell Springs Road. Worship service followed by free health screenings and blood drive sponsored by LifeShare. For details, call (225) 928-0436 or email green731@ cox.net.
JULY 17-19
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SESSION 1 9 a.m., Healing Place Church Arena, 19202 Highland Road. Fun, handson learning experience for children in K-6th grade. For details, visit healingplacechurch.org/vbs.
JULY 24-26
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VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SESSION 2 9 a.m., Healing Place Church Arena, 19202 Highland Road. Fun, handson learning experience for children in K-6th grade. For details, visit healingplacechurch.org/vbs.
MEN’S UNITY BREAKFAST 7:30 a.m., Gerry Lane Chevrolet, 6505 Florida Blvd. Join us for food and fellowship. For more information, call/text (225) 305-3006 or RSVP at kingdomgroup.co/MUB-Gerry-Lane.
JUly 2018 l BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com
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New Patients Welcome Same Day Crowns & Bridges Are you looking for a way to pay it forward? Join us in helping others by providing ministry and some great food to those in need! Have some free family fun and make a difference!
Did you know? • Bees were about to become an endangered species? • Bees are responsible for most of what we eat? You can help save our planet Don’t kill bees....Call Dr. B. Dr. B removes bees and gives them a new home. BatonRougeChristianLifeMagazine.com l JUly 2018
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