Motivational Letter Dear IFMSA Family, As a kid, I grew up reading the stories of heroes we all know, starting from the imaginary ones of Superman and Robin Hood up to the real ones, of Mahatma Ghandi and my favorite, Che Guevara. I used to ask myself, how did these people manage to change the world, rescue humanity and leave a lifelong impact? I used to wonder am I ever going to make a difference? I was always waiting for this extraordinary thing to happen, unleash my potential and secure me the feeling of change. And along came IFMSA. My name is Batool Al-wahdani, a 5th year medical student from the beautiful peaceful country,surviving all the conflicts around, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. I’m honoured to share with you my motivation for running as a Vice President for External Affairs for the extraordinary federation, IFMSA. “The impossible we do tomorrow, miracles might take a little longer”, Pr. Erik Holst. Reading these words while writing to you brings me to an unforgetable moment few months ago, when you chose me to serve IFMSA as a Liaison Officer to Student Organizations. Feeling the amount of trust I was given by NMOs gave me a huge dose of motivation and willingness to work hard for our beloved IFMSA. Enjoying every moment I spent working in the international team and feeling productive towards this federation made me eager for your trust again. But before deciding to take another step, I asked myself few questions and I know you might be wondering about the same.
Do I have enough experience to run for this position? During my first few months in IFMSA I have jumped from attending my first campaign into being elected as a local officer of public health, and a year after a local vice president, and another year after a president of my local committee. It’s only recently when I was the NMO president of IFMSA Jordan. Being a president has been an amazing experience, of constant personal growth which helped me to build on my leadership and management skills. It also gave me a closer perspective of NMOs understanding of IFMSA and its processes. Being currently a Liaison officer to Student Organizations introduced me to the international aspects of our Federation, what we need, where we are heading and what we all share. Having the chance to work with many student organizations, and taking a role in many youth networks as the World Health Students’ Alliance, the Informal Forum of International student Organizations and ICMYO, helped me to explore the different aspects of external representation in many organizations. In addition, working with the Liaison officers’ team gave me a closer look and understanding of the role of Vice President for External Affairs who coordinates this team. And here comes the most important questions; Why did I choose to run as a Vice president for External Affairs and Why do I want to do this? Usually the most important yet the most hard thing in life is to find a purpose, but in my case it was just too obvious for me. Having the chance to take many diverse roles in this organization, and reflecting on my personal best qualities and talents of leadership, public speaking, teamwork and decision making; I have come to the realization that I can do my best serving IFMSA by applying the knowledge I have in External Representation.
Being one of the Executive Board members who run IFMSA is a huge responsibility and commitment, but it’s a pleasure at the same time, to work for an organization which brings medical students from all parts of the world and empowers them with the knowledge and skills to have a leading voice in global health leadership. Throughout all the different teams I worked with before, starting with my own local committee in Jordan and up to currently with IFMSA team of officials, I have enjoyed being part of these teams, played my role and fulfilled my responsibilities as well. My engagement with IFMSA from the beginning, beyond doubt, was one of the most enriching, beneficial and life changing experiences I have ever had. My dedication to this federation is unmeasurable, and I promise to do my best to ensure the highest levels of external representation and most appropriate administration of IFMSA. How am I going to ensure a successful External Representation? I would like to leave you now with my plan of action to explore how I envision this position and my role as an Executive Board member. But before, do you remember all the stories we used to read when we were kids? Well, we’re writing our own now, the story of a remarkable organization which is changing the world. Warm Regards, Batool Alwahdani
Plan of Action Here, I share with you my plan of action if elected as a Vice President for External Affairs (VPE), devided into focus areas which come under two main field: VPE’s Role in External Representation and VPE’s role as an Excutive Board Member.
VPE’s Role in External Representation
Goal: Achieving a successful external representation through the maintanance and continuous development of our external image, participation and collaboration with partners.
My focus areas are:
The strategy of External Representation: External Representation can reach its highest benefits with successful outcomes when it is goal oriented, planned and directed into the fields which NMOs believe IFMSA should work on. IFMSA has started working with The Global External Focus Areas after adopting them in August meeting 2016, which direct our external representation efforts in certain fields, in order for our passionate and youthful voices to really be heard. Being part of the Liaison officers now, I work directly with these focus areas and I’m well acquainted with the benefits of using a strategy which is based on our priorities. By the end of the ongoing term, we will be evaluating these focus areas and tracking the goals achieved, which will serve as an indicator for proposing the next focus areas, in order to insure continuity and quality of our work. a) Proposing the next focus areas in external representation. b) Choosing the goals for each external focus area along with the next Liaison officers. c) Implementing their usage in all external meetings and events, and connecting them with our policy statements. d) Ensuring that IFMSA TO, Delegations, NMOs and members are well acquainted with each focus area and provide support to anyone who is working with them. e) Implementing a system for the evaluation of their impact on our federation to serve as a base for the upcoming terms.
Capacity Building in External Representation Our federation has grown tremendously, and keeping a good external image to the world was and will always be by the efforts of our members who are participating in meetings, dealing with stakeholders, and representing IFMSA in all levels. We have developed largely in capacity building, from simple basic trainings into specified ones, and it has evolved to different means accessable by every member through toolkits, manuals, webinars and more. I will be focusing on addressing the needs of members in external representation through Pre GAs and regional meetings. In addition to providing new opportunities such as trainings, conferences and workshops from our partners. Working with IFMSA regions
Working with IFMSA NMOs
Regions differ in their priorities when it comes to external representation. I will be working with the regional directors and Liaison officers to approach the needs of the NMOs of each region, expose regional opportunities and meetings, encourage active participation in them and use the regional meetings as training opportunities for its members. I believe creating regional partnerships with organizations, activating the region’s presence in meetings and collaborating with regional partners will be achieved by strengthening and training the region, its team and members to take the lead in these initiatives.
I’m aiming to help NMOs in strengthening their own external representation by making all the sources available and easily accessable. Guideline, toolkits, manuals and webinars have been created throughout the past terms and I believe that we should start with our own resources instead of neglecting them. I will work on gathering all the sources of online capacity building, organizing and updating them and creating new ones for new topics. In addition, I will continue working with the LOs on the monthly webinar system which targets the external focus areas and the updates of IFMSA external representation.
Policy Making and Usage in IFMSA Policy making in IFMSA exists to serve the Federation’s vision, namely uniting medical students and equipping them with knowledge and skills to take on leadership roles locally, nationally and globally. After adopting the new policy system in AM2016, I believe it still needs some time to be easier to follow and take part in. I will continue on the implementation of the new system, encouraging all NMOs to take part in it and along with the LOs to ensure the usage of our policies in all external representation opportunities. In addition, making all our policy statements available and easily accessible through a database to be used by all IFMSA members and officials, and above all, evaluating and following up on their usage.
IFMSA Delegations Preparation: Our external image in meetings depends mainly on our delegates, and I will work on ensuring that all IFMSA delegations are fully prepared and ready for their meetings with the necessary skills including, advocacy, communications skills, networking, public speaking, etc.. In addition, insuring the usage of our policy statements and directing our external efforts into our focus areas. I will take part in the preparation of our major external events (EX: UN meetings, WHO meetings) and I will support preparation workshops idea (Like PRE WHA workshop). Representation: I will be focusing on ensuring fair selection within our delegations to meetings in terms of Regions and Gender. IFMSA consists of 5 regions, and having representative from the different regions in our delegations would insure our strength and contribute to our visibility as an international federation, in addition to keeping a balance between the gender representation in delegations. We defenitly have a different level of expertise between our members, but ensuring a good preparation for our delegates would keep the quality of our delegations and also give a fair chance for everyone to take part in meetings. Working on a selection criteria which would ensure quality and fair representation in large delegation meetings would strengthen our external image.
IFMSA Partners and Stakeholders: IFMSA works with a lot of partners and stakeholders, and they play an important part in the sustainability of our federation. However, it is important to coordinate our outreach, evaluate and prioritize our partners and standardize the methods of our approach; in order to insure the maximum benefits for our federation. Documenting our partners and evaluating their impact on our federation is a must to be done each term. There are a lot of potential partners we can work with, and others we worked with in the past but no longer. Therefore, I will be supporting our Liaison officers in extending the list of partners who can contribute to our work. In addition, many partners work on regional and national level, and providing support for our NMOs to approach these partners would be by making it accessible for them to get to know the partners we work with internationally, their fields of work and the responsible official who can provide support them if they need any help in their communications. As a VPE, I will be working specifically with some externals including the United Nations. A lot of Liaison officers work with UN agencies, and it’s important to coordinate our work and to set up priorities for us in the UN system. In addition, I’ll be following up on the United nations Taskforce and work on implementing their recommendations. I will also keep a good collaboration with World Medical Associaion and Junior Doctors Network.
Keep a track on External Representation! It’s important for NMOs to follow up on external representation activities, as they are the core of our federation and their input is valuable and needed. However, it can be difficult and confusing sometimes as IFMSA External Representation is very vast, with the huge number of meetings and events we take part in. a- Following up on reporting the external meetings and preparing the monthly updates of IFMSA external representation in a simple way; making it possible for all NMOs to be involved. b- Encouraging NMOs to be confident to give input through the calls shared before all external meetings. c- Making the external meetings calender accessible, linked to reports and easy to use at anytime by all members.
VPE’s Role as an Executive Board Member
Goal: Leading IFMSA in the best working environment, through efficient decisions and towards a successful term. Being part of IFMSA Executive Board is a huge responsibility and commitment, in which one has to possess the necessary leadership and teamwork skills to ensure the best management of this federation. Throughout the different teams I worked with before, I have been a good team player, with qualities of professionalism, cooperation, dedication and respect. And I look forward to be one of the next team of officials and excutive board members of IFMSA.
Towards IFMSA Team of Officials As a VPE, I will be working directly with almost every official in the team, from the excutive board, to Liaison officers, to Regional Directors and more. I believe that supporting each other, respecting each other’s work, and making sure that the TO is involved in the relative decision making process are very necessary for a healthy work environment.
Towards IFMSA Liaison Officers The Liaison officers have a huge responsibility in the external representation of our federation, and being the leader and the coordinator of this team is one of my main tasks as a VPE. Having the chance to be part of the Liaison officers team this term as a liaison officer to student organizations gave me a good overview of VPE’s coordination of this team and the effect of having a positive work environment in the outcomes of the team as a whole.I will ensure the highest teamwork spirit in this team, continuous communication, involvement in external representation capacity building, activating their role in regional meetings and most importantly supporting them in all their tasks and meetings.
Towards IFMSA Executive Board As a VPE and along with the next Excutive Board, together we will be runing and leading this federation. Having this huge responsibility requires showing and possessing a lot of important skills and including: leadership, continuous availability, reliability and efficient decision making. In addition, ensuring the excusion of the next strategic plan is one of our main tasks.
Towards IFMSA NMOs Openness, transparancy and communication will be my core values in dealing with NMOs. I was once NMO president, and I can understand NMOs point of view of IFMSA and its processes. To be one of the Executive Board members is to have the trust of NMOs in leading this organization, and it has to be met with commitment, hardwork, and a high level of responsibiliy.
These are some of the most important areas I’m planning to work on if elected as a Vice President for External Affairs. I’m looking forward hear your opinions and receive your questions. Thank you for reading and see you in Montenegro!
Curriculum Vitae Name: Batool Ahmad Al-wahdani Address: Abdulla Zreqat St, Al-Shmeisani City and State: Amman, Jordan Phone number: 00962795484277 E-mail address: Skype: Batoolwahdani Facebook profile: Batool Wahdani Education: o o o
First school name, address and duration: Islamic Scientific College, Amman Jordan. 1999-2008 Second school name, address and duration: The Jubilee School)(مدرسة اليوبيل, Amman, Jordan. 2008-2012 University, address and duration: University of Jordan, Faculty of Medicine, 5th year medical student.
Languages: o o o
Arabic: Native English: Excellent German: Beginner
International Federation of Medical Student Association (IFMSA) Experience: Positions: 12345-
Liaison Officer to Student Organizations in IFMSA for the term 2016-2017. National President of IFMSA Jordan for the term 2015-2016 Local President of IFMSA Jo UJ LC (University of Jordan Local Committee) 2014-2015 Local Vice President of Internal Affairs for the term 2014 Local Public Health officer of the term 2013-2014
As a leader and organizer of many projects and voluntary events: 1- Creativity and Theme Coordinator in the 12th Eastern Mediterranean regional Meeting of IFMSA 23456789-
(EMR12). SCORP CAMP 2014 IFMSA Jo 5th National General Assembly Pediatrics Conference: Leader Complex Cardio Book project: Leader World Heart Day Campaign Hearing Loss Awareness Campaign Jordan Matters Medical trip No shave November
Curriculum Vitae IFMSA Meetings and participations 1- A certified trainer (TNT: Training New Trainers) in the International Federation of Medical Students
Association (IFMSA) Represented IFMSA in the Informal Forum of International Student Organizations in Lisbon, Portugal. Attended 1st Team of Officials 2016/2017 Meeting in Rotterdam, Amsterdam Attended 2nd Team of Officials 2016/2017 Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia Head of Jordanian Delegation in the 65th August Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) in Mexico, August 2016 6- Head of Jordanian Delegation in the 65th March Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) in Malta, March 2016 7- Head of Jordanian Delegation in the 12th Eastern Mediterranean Regional Meeting of IFMSA in Jordan, 2016. 8- Attended the 11th Eastern Mediterranean Regional Meeting of IFMSA in Egypt, 2015. 9- Attended SCORP Camp 2014 10- Attended seven IFMSA Jo National General Assemblies. 2345-
Other Experiences Leadership Experiences: o o o o
Elected as First Female President of the Student Council in the Jubilee School 2010-2011. Organized Jubilee Model United Nations (JMUN) in February 2011 and chaired a session titled (The Unity between South & North Korea). Organized Youth Economic Forum in Jordan 2010. Represented Students and youth party in Jordan in a discussion about The Youth Interests and Hopes with His Majesty King Abdulla, 2011.
Medicine Related Experience:
o Participated in research exchange program in in Bochum - Ruhr University, Germany, June 2015. I worked on a research Immunohistochemical Detection of Thymosin Beta 15 in Avian Tissue Sections of Embryonic Stages� o Co-authored a chapter in Complex-Cardio Book about Sepsis in Cardiac Patients. o Attended Clinical Attachment Program in Hamad General Hospital in Qatar, June, 2016. Competitions and Awards: o o o o o
Participated in International Science Olympiad (QUANTA) and represented Jordan in debate (Stem cells are the only solution for science to win against diseases) and got first place in India, 2010. Got 3rd place in best in category award in Intel ISCARAB with a research about Water Disinfection in Egypt, 2010. Participated in Intel ISEF in Los Angeles- California, 2011. Got Best Distinguished project award for high school graduation in 2011. Participated in the robotics competitions (FLL Jordan Championship) in the research field and got the Innovative Solution Award (2010).