SP Formāts International 4(4)

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NR. 4 (4)

FORMÄ€TS The monthly newsletter of Turiba University's Student Council



Away with the darkness Editor: SIGNE SENE

Hello dear readers! October is here and so are the dark autumn evenings. Usually, at this time we want to hide under blanket, have a huge cup of tea, watch our favourite movies and enjoy the rain on the other side of the window. However, I suggest to not give in completely to this autumn melancholy, but to enjoy every sunny and warm moment. The beginning of autumn is one of the best and most beautiful times in Latvia. There is so much to see! Use your free time to see all the wonders around you. Go to city of Sigulda, if you can, or Mežaparks. We call this time “the golden autumn” for a reason. Remember, that the best things and

Photo: from SIGNE SENE personal archive

sights in life are quite often for free. moods that come along with it, will You just need to go and explore the be no problem for you. world around you! Therefore my wish to you, on my Just few days ago I had my annual, first editorial column, is to be happy so called, “autumn depression” for everything what life throws at which is a usual thing for many peo- you! You can find something good in ple during the change of the sea- every single thing. Concentrate on sons. I was ready to spend all day in that and make the world a better bed ignoring everyone and every- place, even if it`s dark outside. Dark thing, but you know what helped? A mornings and evenings is an inevitasunny day and some outdoor activi- ble part of our lives, but between ties. That is everything you need to them, there is a brand new day and a get back on your feet and yet again chance to do something great. Use see the world as a colourful place. it! Forget about the dark evenings and Best wishes, melancholy! As long as you keep Signe moving forward and do everything you can to be in harmony with yourself, autumn and the depressing


Enjoy your time while being a student A N I N T E RV I E W W I T H T H E P R E S I D E N T OF STUDENTS` COUNCIL Correspondent: SIGNE SENE

Photos: J. GAVAR’S personal archive

Two weeks ago the Students` Council had their open door week, when every student was invited to take a look inside the Students` Council’s every-day. That is why; SP Formāts International decided that it is time to have a talk with the President of the Students` Council – Jānis Gavars. Let`s start from the beginning. How did you end up in the Students` Council? Before I started my studies in Turiba, I attended the “New Professionals School”, where one of the discussions was about being active and using all opportunities you can get. That inspired me, so after the Dean`s lecture and the presentation of Students` Council, I signed up to be a part of it. How much of your time do you devote to the Students` Council, before and after being the President of it? On the first year, I only had to attend meetings and help out with organising events. That took a couple of hours in week. Now, the only time when I am not doing something connected to the Students` Council, is when I sleep or when I am out of the city for holidays. What is the everyday routine for the President of the Students` Council? Every day there is something differ-

ent, but mostly I have to start my day with checking my e-mail. Split the e-mails into the more important ones and the little less important ones. Then, the rest depends on which day of the week it is. On Mondays we have meetings which can take place even until 11 pm. Then there are meetings with the administration of Turiba, where we discuss various questions about the students, funding etc. I also meet up with students from other universities and attend meetings at LSA – Latvian Students` association, where I express our Students` Council`s opinion on how to make our study environment even better.

Students` Council” doesn’t mean anything, but other people think differently. For them it is something special if “The President” finds time and talks to them or invites them to an event. People appreciate it and it motivates them. That is why I think, that this is the best part of my work – I can inspire and motivate other people that are around me.

However, working with people is also the hardest part in my work. You have to solve conflicts and problems between people and you can`t learn it by reading a “how-todo-something” book. Mostly your problem solving skills depend on your own experience and What are the best and the hardest knowledge, and that’s why the parts in your work? problem solving can be a little bit tricky. The best is the opportunity to work with people. While you think about yourself - that title “The President of (Continued on page 4)


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first year, then after that, he will know where to go if he needs any answers to his questions. Is there a contest to become a member of the Students` Council? No, right now we don`t have any contests. You just need to fill in the membership application and that`s it. You can attend meetings and work in the organisation. At the end of the interview, I would like to ask you – what would you like to wish all the students in the new study year? Also, I, as the President, have to think about what I talk about and how I say it because it can be taken not only as my opinion, but as the opinion of Students` Council as well. What are the biggest benefits that you have gained while being in the Students` Council? It may sound silly and banal, but the biggest benefit is the contacts. During my time in the Students` Council, my contact list has grown by more than 400 people. You can find anyone in it – students from other universities, people from almost every profession etc. Also, a huge benefit is working in a team. Do international students take part in the Students` Council? The head of International Cooperation Department – Zane, is great! She is doing a lot to invite international students to the Students` Council. In January we had only 2 international students who worked with us, so Zane and I had an agreement – all documents were translated into English and International Cooperation meetings were held in

English. If within a month there are changes, then this system would stay longer. And there were changes. After a month, we had more international students that joined us, and I think that now, they understand that they are welcomed to join the Students` Council. These students are as good as Latvian students. There is no difference between them. They are active, creative and motivated to work in our organisation.

Just keep in mind that the study year will come to an end really fast. Students always think that the beginning of the study year is really easy – there are no exercises, presentations or study work. Therefore they can relax, take it easy and start all the work later. But you need to remember that there won`t be any time later and you need to start doing everything on time.

For the first year students, I would Can the Students` Council be helpful like to wish one thing – be active and to the first year students as well? participate in projects. October and Yes. They will be here, in the univer- all of the autumn semester will be sity, for four years and the Students` full of activities not only in Turiba, Council can be very helpful to them but outside of it as well. Riga is a in many ways. If during the first year, beautiful city, where everything is the students will come to us just to happening and you should to take help with organising events, then everything you can from it. Don’t sit already on next year they can be- in the dormitory and do nothing, go come the voice of their study group outside! Enjoy your time being a stuand come to the Students` Council to dent! talk about those everyday problems and ways how to resolve them. This would be beneficial to our organisation as well; we could find out about the needs of the students from themselves. If the student finds out, what is the Students` Council on his



Photos: Z. KALNINA`S personal archive

AIESEC is the biggest global students’ organization which is run by students and recent graduates. It is active in 126 countries and territories and has 70 000 active members. More than 5 000 sponsor organizations, such as Microsoft and Google, support AIESEC. Over 1,000,000 young people have been a part of the AIESEC experience. One of them is the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and President of Finland, Martti Atisaari. In March 19, our University concluded a cooperation agreement with AIESEC, and founded AIESEC in Turiba, which is headed by Zane Kalniņa. She described the vision of AIESEC, told about the achievements, and explained the benefits for members in easy manner.

team projects. They get to know all of the team processes and structures, but actually, they can start to lead and become a leader in the team, and go up until the position of What is the vision of AIESEC? a Vice President not only by local After World War II, people had no measures, but nationally too! That is mobility. They had closed minds and how you can become a leader. stereotypes, and lived in their own What will happen if everyone deworlds. So, AIESEC was founded to sires to become a leader? create some kind of mobility beWhat makes you think that everyone tween people and let them undercan become a leader? The vision of stand each other. AIESEC is not to make all of the parAIESEC believes that it will create ticipants leaders. The vision of leaders for tomorrow. People who AIESEC is to create good leaders and will shape a future better than the by that to create the world more past. The ones who will make the peaceful place. world a better and a more peaceful So, does this mean that AIESEC is place. That is why the vision of some kind of a leader filter? AIESEC is "Peace and fulfilment of humankind's potential”. Not a filter, but a place where a student can develop their leadership How can I become a leader? skills by coordinating projects, leadThere is a quite powerful structure in ing a team and creating exchange AIESEC. Firstly, every student be- opportunities for others on national comes a member and creates some

and international level. What kind of values should the person have? Every AIESEC member should be approached by simple criteria or values what AIESEC believes in. So, in an idealistic world leader should strive for excellence through creativity and innovation. As well as he should be consistent and transparent in the decisions and actions, and he should demonstrate integrity. He should do everything for activating leadership inside, and be responsible for the future. He should be interested in learning from the different ways of life, and living in diversity. And, of course, he should enjoy what he does – enjoy participation.

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What can you tell about AIESEC in mittee. However, we already had our Latvia? first achievement; we hosted a project about Corruption this summer, AIESEC in Latvia is something new with 6 international students who and unique. Yes, it is in Latvia just came from such countries as UK, about for 19 years, but its developUSA, Germany, China, Portugal and ment has gone up and down through Croatia. They lived in Riga for 6 the years. During the last years, weeks and made a survey about corAIESEC has developed more in Latruption in Latvian companies. So, it via, so for now we have 3 local comwas a brave step and a successful mittees in Latvia. Why it has changed start. Now we are ready for building so much? Because it depends on the new plans with stronger ambitions. people and their mind sets, on leadership positions, as students are elected only for a year, and a good leader can have big achievements, but as well can make some huge damage. But let’s hope it will continue to grow and expand in our homeland.

How can people join AIESEC? You can fill in and send an application on the official site of AIESEC, choosing AIESEC in Turiba as your local organization, or you can go to official office of AIESEC in Turiba and fill in the application there. After that you should be interviewed. If everything will be OK, you can become a part of such a big students’ organization as AIESEC!

What about AIESEC in Turiba? AIESEC in Turiba is super new and was opened in March last semester. Now we are creating a base for AIESEC in Turiba. We are the pioneers, those on whose shoulders are the future of this new local com-

How to survive in Riga RUTHLESS AUTUMN Correspondent: NODIR KARIMOV

In the summer months we are surrounded by a lot of fun - resting near the sea, long walks in the evening or a trip to the countryside. The days are long and it seems that during this time we are ready to move mountains. With the gradual departure of the sun and the shortening of daylight hours, many of might experience feelings of being quite depressed or even apathetic. SP Formāts International decided to

Photo: from internet resources

create some life hacks for the Inter- up and surpass everyone else and national Students, which might help yourself. Don`t! to survive the fall in Riga. 2) Drink vitamins. 1) Do not over challenge yourself. It seems that everybody knows that Autumn – this is a transition period autumn and a lack of vitamins are during which you withdraw from the almost synonyms, but for some reasummer heat and prepare for the son many do not refer to this. In fact, in October, we need vitamins and winter cold. Go into power-saving minerals more than anything. Do mode, and do not take on too much. everything possible to get them as Do not try to do more than you can. much as you can. In everything you are trying to catch


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3) Create your own background information. Any negative information, even if it is background information, increases melancholy. Most of us start our days by turning on the TV, and if there are murders, pain and suffering, we involuntarily begin to mourn even more. You feel that there is too much negativity in your life? Then decrease the amount of news programs in your life a bit. How? Watch some TV Show for a change. Our advice – watch fun, later you will be driven into “How I Met Your Mother." The best even greater gloom. Not to mention TV comedy project world has seen: it the morning hangover. is funny, but at the same time deep. Drink beverages that are warm, but Alarmed? Overtired? Have “burned without the alcoholic degrees. Cook yourself” emotionally? Get into your compote of apples. Drink coffee or bed, have some coffee, have a piece herbal teas. And do not drink alcoof candy and start again. Till the mel- hol. ancholy feeling is gone. 5) Get enough sleep. 4) Do not drink alcohol. Try to understand that if you dediAlcohol aggravates the spleen. Even cate to time to your favorites not 2 if the first dose helps you to have hours, but even 30 minutes, you will

still have fun, but also a good night's sleep at the same time. You like to read? Read till 23:30, not until after midnight. Love to surf on the Internet? Do it for half an hour and then go to sleep. In the morning you will feel much better. But on the weekends, when you don’t have to catch up on your lost sleep hours, you will wake up early and be able to devote more time to you hobbies.

Short guide for sightseeing in Riga Correspondent: EVGENY GOLDOBIN

Photos: from internet resources

Riga – a city with many beautiful become familiar with history and addition, this is where The Blackhistorical monuments and architec- sights of Riga. heads House is located. At the motural masterpieces. It is considered ment, The Blackheads House is a to be one of the most beautiful home to the President’s Administracities in Europe. You surely must tion. visit the following places to be convinced of the beauty and mystery of this town. Riga Old town The first stop is Riga’s Old town, from where starts your little trip. It’s the city's historical and geographical center. This part of city is famous for its unique atmosphere and spirit of medieval ages. Here you can fully

The Town Hall Square The Town Hall Square is surrounded by several buildings – museums, restaurants, shops and public buildings, for instance - Riga City Council. In

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The Museum of the Occupation of The Freedom Monument Latvia I think the majority has already seen This museum tells us about the his- and did the photos at the Freedom tory from 1940 until 1991, when the Monument, which is very close to country was occupied by the Soviet the old town. This memorial honorUnion and Nazi Germany. The en- ing soldiers killed during the Latvian trance for the museum is free, but War of Independence (1918–1920). they do accept donations. Monument is an important symbol of the independence, freedom, and By the way, this museum has guided sovereignty of Latvia. tours with 50% discount for the groups of students, so you can visit it with your friends to learn about the history of Latvia in the 20th century.

Doma Square Doma square – the biggest square in Old Town. It is full of cafés, bars and restaurants; as well, there is the Dome Cathedral – the most recognizable landmark in Latvia and the largest medieval church of the Baltic States. Usually, this square is for different city festivals and events. But also, in the winter, it’s a place for a Christmas market, where you can buy typical Latvian products.

Riga Castle This castle on the right bank of Daugava River has been there for more than 700 years. Today castle is the main residence for the President of Latvia and his administration. But because of the fire in 2013, the castle was closed for restoration, which hasn’t been finished yet. In addition, there are two museums in the castle: Latvian Museum of National History and Museum of Literature, theatre and music. Hopefully, the museums will be opened again, when restorations are completed.

Latvian Academy of Sciences The Academy of Sciences was completely built in 1961 and intended for the Latvian scientists and their colleagues. Nowadays, people visit the academy to see the panoramic view of Riga. You have an opportunity to see the panorama of Riga from the 17th level balcony. If you haven’t been there, you must visit this place and enjoy the views of this city.

The Latvian National Opera Near the Freedom Monument, you can see Latvian National Opera. It was constructed in 1863 and it has includes the Latvian National Ballet, National Chorus, and National Orchestra. In total, the opera experiences over 200 performances and several music concerts a season. If you like opera, ballet or classical music, you should visit this place.


Hello Riga: Erasmus Exchange Program Correspondent: NODIR KARIMOV

For many Turiba University students, the Erasmus Programme is their first time living and studying in another country. It has become very popular among the European students. This year approximately 95 foreign students came for their Eramus experience to Turiba University. And SP Formāts International made a decision to choose one of these students - Iris Sijm, and ask about this student’s life while being at the Erasmus Exchange programme.

Could you tell me about yourself? My name is Iris Sijm and I am an Erasmus Student from the Netherlands. This semester I study Tourism and Hospitality at Turiba University. My passions are traveling (what a surprise!), photography, doing sports and going out with friends. I also

Photos: from IRIS SIJM`S personal archive

love to listen to and to make music. In the future I want to explore the world and hopefully inspire others by what I do with my life, while being around my friends.

ditions. In our room we have a wall decorated with maps of Riga and other things that we find inspiring or cool. We try to make our room as a little happy place.

Why did you choose our University What is your favourite thing in and what you can tell about it? Turiba? I chose Turiba University because of the beautiful city it is in - Riga. I love to explore new places, and Riga is a new, unique and exciting place. I love the old part of town, where you can wonder around and sit way too long in a nice little cafe or in a good restaurant. When I came here, the only things I knew about Riga were that it is located in Latvia and there is a university called Turiba.

My favorite thing in Turiba is having new friends from all over Europe. All of them are fond of travelling, so this gives an opportunity to discover Riga, Latvia and surrounding countries during our free time. It is also perfect for me that there is a student hostel. School is very close, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time on your way home. Also, if I miss my alarm one time, it will not be a problem at all!

Do you live in dormitory or in apartment? And the last one, would you recomend out University to your I live in the student hostel of Turiba. friends in Netherlands? How could you describe the life in I will recommend Turiba to my student hostel? friends! I love the atmosphere here I live in a room with three other and I love the fact that in such a Dutch girls, who already became short time you can be in the city cenvery close friends of mine. What I ter of this beautiful town. I will also like most about living in the dormito- recommend Turiba because I think it ry, is that you can meet people very is a great opportunity and that you easily. Sometimes we have dinner will not get it again soon! with friends, or we watch a movie, while almost falling out of bed, because it is so small! It is so nice to meet people from other countries and learn about their habits and tra-

Editor: Signe Sēne Correspondents: Signe Sēne, Nodir Karimov,Ruslan Orazliev, Evgeny Goldobin Reviser: Annemarija Grasmane Desktopper: Kristīne Šņepste Design: Sandijs Brīze In the case of publication permission from Student Council of Turiba University is required. In case of citation reference of „SP Formāts International” is required.


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