Battelle For Kids North Star Navigator: A Wayfinding Guide to Transforming Education

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North Star Navigator

A Wayfinding Guide to Transforming Education

About Battelle for Kids

Battelle for Kids (BFK) is a national, not-for-profit organization with the mission of realizing the power and promise of 21st century, deeper learning for every student. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, our work centers on helping education leaders engage their communities to re-envision and transform their school systems. We take a systems approach to promote enduring transformation of the system and 21st century, deeper learning outcomes for every student.

Our History Supported by an initial grant from Battelle Memorial Institute, BFK was established in 2001 by the Ohio Business Roundtable to advance student achievement and growth in Ohio. In 2005, Battelle for Kids became an independent, national not-for-profit organization focused on developing innovative services and solutions that empower and support teachers, leaders, and school systems to reach every learner.

In just the past 3 years, we have meaningfully engaged with



Impacting the educational experiences of





Core Values

Table of Contents 2 Who We Are & Who We Serve 4 Transformation Journey 6 How We Help: Vision 8 Portrait to Practice

We are INCLUSIVE We promote equity, value individual uniqueness, and celebrate diverse voices.

We are CARING We lead with empathy, invest in meaningful relationships, and respect one another.

10 How We Help: Strategy 12 How We Help: Practice 14 How We Help: Acceleration 16 How We Help: Additional Services 18 Contact Us

We are COURAGEOUS We value innovation, creativity, and bold action to transform education.

We are COLLABORATIVE We trust one another, invite varied perspectives, and leverage our collective strengths to advance our mission.

We are LEARNERS We make the greatest impact by cultivating curiosity and a culture of continuous improvement.

©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.


Transforming Education Systems Realizing the Power & Promise of 21st Century Learning for Every Student At Battelle for Kids, we help education leaders engage their community to re-envision and transform their school systems. We take a systems approach to promote enduring transformation of the system and 21st century, deeper learning outcomes for every student.

How We Help Locally developed and globally positioned, the Portrait of a Graduate is the first step in system transformation.

For enduring transformation, all aspects of the system must be aligned and anchored in the vision of 21st century, deeper learning - the Portrait of a Graduate.

Bring the vision to life with impactful professional learning and resources.

Connect, learn, and collaborate with other forward-thinking leaders to transform education for every student.



PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE EDLEADER21 NETWORK ANNUAL EVENT “We took a team to the Annual Event, which was powerful. We heard from people who had been doing the work of Portrait to practice for years. And it was reassuring for us to know that it wasn’t something that we would walk right into and put our Portrait to practice immediately. We were able to bring back insights to our district and begin to do that work.” Tracy Wheeler Superintendent, Berea City School District (Ohio)

DEEPER LEARNING “I jokingly said at a conference that none of us got into education because we wanted to give kids the best worksheets. Of course, worksheets are a tool we use, but our purpose lies in deeper learning. We facilitate ownership of content, harness curiosity, develop confidence, critical thinking, and problemsolving skills, help students form emotional connections to learning experiences, intend for students to apply lessons from school to real life, and ultimately cultivate a student’s desire to learn more. This is what drives us as educators and what prepares students for their futures.” Bethany Swift Math Teacher, Fallen Timbers Middle School, Anthony Wayne Local Schools (Ohio)

EDLEADER21 NETWORK MEMBERSHIP “It helps us not focus so much on the now. You can get really stuck in the now, the nuts and bolts of education. EdLeader21 helps us really focus on the future and how that is and how it’s framed. What it looks like, what are the examples, what are the skills and practices that we need to do.” Kipp Rogers, Ph.D. Chief Academic Officer, Newport News Public Schools (Virginia)

“The excitement and enthusiasm around our shared vision has been one of the most satisfying aspects of my role as a leader. You don’t develop a Portrait behind closed doors with your Cabinet. It is something that is born from stakeholder engagement exercises. It is our anchor in the storm.” Michael Barnes, Ed.D. Superintendent, Mayfield City Schools (Ohio)

SOAR NETWORK MEMBERSHIP “Coming together with like-minded school systems that are ready to envision a new future of education, challenge each other’s thinking, and share resources and ideas is why we are part of a network.” Danielle Prohaska, Ed.D. Superintendent, Mechanicsburg Exempted Village Schools (Ohio)

URBAN DISTRICT COHORT “We are incredibly thankful to be a part of the Battelle for Kids Urban District Cohort. It’s critical that students from our nation’s biggest cities and school districts have the opportunity to engage in deeper learning strategies. They are our future city leaders!” Bob Nelson, Ed.D. Superintendent, Fresno Unified School District (California)

SCIENCE OF HOPE “As a new superintendent, I was looking to see what I could bring to my district. We have to change the way we’re thinking after the pandemic did a number on us. You have to either stay stuck or you use that as a springboard to move forward. The Battelle for Kids session on the Science of Hope was that springboard to move us forward. The theme for our district this year is ‘lighting the way with hope in a champion’s spirit.’” Pam Quiñones Superintendent, Lovington Municipal School District (New Mexico) ©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.



Creating Your North Star for System Transformation The first step in transforming your school system is establishing a shared vision of 21st century, deeper learning for every student – your Portrait of a Graduate. Locally developed and globally positioned, a school system’s Portrait of a Graduate is developed with the community to identify the skills, dispositions, and competencies students need for success in this rapidly changing, complex world. We help school systems engage their communities to develop a collective vision, which serves as the North Star for system transformation.


Instilling hope in students through the Portrait of an Eagle

“Our students were telling us that they didn’t have the confidence to embark on their post-secondary plans, that they weren’t sure about what they wanted to do, that they were confident at ‘playing school’ but they weren’t confident for life after school.” Robyn Euker, Ed.D. | Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessmentt

Portrait of an Eagle

Through its Portrait of an Eagle, the Cumberland Valley School District is sending a clear message to students: we are focused on your future. After hearing from students during the Portrait design process that they were not confident about life after high school, Cumberland Valley made it a priority to inspire hope in the students they serve. This idea is reflected in their Portrait, specifically the competency of “Confidence.” By developing hope and confidence in their students, they are not only setting them up for success but also ensuring the future success of their local community.




Critical Thinking

Problem Solving




Rallying community support for students in a small town

“This tool is a beacon to rally our community around our students.” Tom Bailey, Ed.D. | Superintendent Washington Court House City Schools partnered with Battelle for Kids to assemble a group of community stakeholders to develop their Portrait of a Blue Lion. This locally developed vision articulates the skills and mindsets WCHCS students need for success today and tomorrow. The Portrait of a Blue Lion helps prepare students to graduate ready to be active contributors in this vibrant, rural community. By welcoming many voices in this endeavor, WCHCS built a cadre of community supporters who can rally in support of schools to bring this shared vision to life for every student.



Your Community’s Vision For Every Student Do you have a vision for 21st century, deeper learning for every student? Battelle for Kids helps innovative leaders get started to create their community’s Portrait of a Graduate. Locally developed and globally positioned, the Portrait of a Graduate serves as a North Star for system transformation.

THE DESIGN PROCESS We help you identify your shared aspirations as you engage with your community to consider these important questions: • What are the hopes, dreams, and aspirations that our community has for its students? • What are the skills and dispositions our children need for success in this rapidly changing, complex world? • What are the implications for the design of the learning experiences – and access to those experiences – we provide in our school systems? Our Portrait of a Graduate design process engages the education system and the broader community – educators, students, elected officials, partners, business leaders, community members, families – to help you build a unifying, collective vision for your students. Bringing together these diverse perspectives is essential for enduring educational transformation.

SKILLED FACILITATION Our team of experienced facilitators leverages interactive engagement tools, including our dynamic Futures CoLab experience, to capture diverse perspectives and support system leaders as they engage alongside community members in meaningful discussions. We have supported hundreds of school systems across the country in designing their locally developed Portrait of a Graduate in both virtual and in-person engagements.

A Collaborative, Unifying Community Conversation FuturesCoLab is a community engagement process to facilitate enriching conversations about how the world is changing and the implications for school systems. The goal is to engage your community to establish a shared vision, shared commitments, and momentum around every student receiving 21st century, deeper learning experiences. School systems with a Portrait of a Graduate can use FuturesCoLab to build momentum or onboard new staff, while systems considering a Portrait of a Graduate can use it to start community conversations and set the stage for developing a shared vision around your community’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations for all students. ©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.



Giving students ownership in their learning experiences “It’s critically important that students have ownership in this, and they see themselves within the work.” Mark Smith, Ed.D. | Deputy Superintendent Howard-Suamico School District is working to implement studentcentered personalized learning experiences as part of its District Strategic Plan. Students are coached to engage in deeper learning and develop life skills identified in the district’s Graduate Profile. Students build an understanding of new learning through inquiry, engage in dynamic collaborative learning experiences, apply skills with voice and choice, and ultimately assess their own learning. Authentic learning experiences are being built directly into each content area, course, and grade level using a curriculum framework that details learning intentions and success criteria for deeper learning.


Honoring the past, planning for the future “We first established the key competencies for students as they progress through our school system. Having those as a foundation helped us then develop the educator competencies that we felt aligned with getting students to attain and advance in those critical areas.” Jeff Knapp | Assistant Superintendent of Professional Learning and Human Resources The Winnetka Public Schools District 36 has deep roots in progressive education. For more than a century, this educational philosophy – learning by doing – has informed the district’s practices of differentiated instruction and project-based learning. With such a strong reputation as a progressive school system, it was important to integrate the district’s history when developing a Portrait of a Graduate. This, in turn, influenced the creation of their Portrait of an Educator. Both Portraits are displayed in one unified graphic that tells a story about Winnetka and the importance they place on students, educators, and their community.




Leveraging STEAM learning to teach 21st century skills “It doesn’t mean giving up on teaching kids to read and write and compute and understand the historical context of society and culture. It means that we will do all that, PLUS.” Michael McCormick | Superintendent The Val Verde USD STEAM Continuum organizes how students progress through increasingly more complex problemsolving throughout the K-12 system. In order to give students opportunities to apply their 21st century skills towards a problem, the district created a systemic infrastructure that enhances the design principles on each campus using reimagined spaces, STEAM teachers, and curricula. STEAM labs were built on all K-8 campuses to serve as the engineering hub and a flexible space that fosters collaborative learning with diverse groups. These spaces give students the chance to use a combination of low-tech and high-tech tools to solve problems and communicate their learning. The district has also hired itinerant STEAM lab teachers who co-teach STEAM-integrated lessons to ensure all students have access to STEAM learning.


Ensuring the Portrait of a Graduate is accessible to all learners “This work is a testament to our belief in an inclusive education that uplifts every student, regardless of their background. It’s about empowerment, equity, and fostering a future where every learner will thrive.” Angela Chapman, Ed.D. | Superintendent When Columbus City Schools was ready to launch its Portrait of a Graduate, it was important that all stakeholders were able to easily access and understand the attributes and what they meant for students. This included the district’s youngest learners. The original attribute descriptions were “translated” into simpler language that elementary students could more readily comprehend. The district designed “kid-friendly” posters in multiple languages to scale the accessibility even further, so students walking the halls could read them in their family’s native language.


• RETRATO DE UN GRADUADO • ADAPTABILIDAD Me adaptaré. Resolveré los problemas por mí mismo y con los demás.

COMUNICACIÓN Me comunicaré. Escucharé para entender y me expresaré con acciones y palabras.

CREATIVIDAD Soy creativo(a). Usaré mi imaginación para crear algo nuevo y único.

PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO Soy un pensador crítico. Pensaré y analizaré ideas de muchas maneras diferentes.

EMPATÍA GLOBAL Soy empático(a). Mostraré empatía al comprender los sentimientos de TODAS las personas e incluyendo a TODOS en nuestra comunidad.

TECNOLOGÍA Utilizaré la tecnología. Utilizaré los diferentes tipos de tecnología de forma responsable y respetuosa.

©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.



Aligning Your System with the Vision of 21st Century, Deeper Learning For enduring transformation, all aspects of the system – including the strategic plan – must be aligned and anchored in the vision of 21st century, deeper learning, the Portrait of a Graduate. We provide education leaders with strategic offerings to identify the big moves that bring this vision to life for all students.


Giving students voice and choice in their learning experiences

“Above all, our work is about seeing that all students reach their greatest potential while maintaining wellness and discovering their passions in a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment.” Gary Thomas Scott, Ed.D. | Governing Board of Education President Since launching its Portrait of a Graduate in 2020, San Gabriel has been busy putting the community’s vision into practice and bringing it to life for students. Students have been an integral part of the process the entire way – from serving on the team that developed the six competencies to designing the graphics and writing the descriptions to most recently helping to create the Strategic Plan. San Gabriel has also ensured that teachers were part of the process, including a new honor of “Portrait of an Educator.” Rather than name a Teacher of the Year, the district is honoring teachers who guide students in their Portrait of a Graduate journey and exemplify the competencies with the new Portrait of an Educator designation.



Using a human capital framework to align, find, grow, and keep staff “We knew we needed a focused, ever-evolving human capital plan, which is why we engaged in an ongoing professional learning cohort experience as a team.” Jim Fritz, Ed.D. | Superintendent Historically, Anthony Wayne Local Schools (AWLS) was able to rely on its reputation alone to attract plenty of applicants across all positions. Like many districts, AWLS recently began seeing fewer applicants and needed a focused approach to recruit and retain staff. By utilizing a framework with their 21st century instructional vision at its core, the team is able to better align efforts and enhance strategies to find, grow, and keep the people that can deliver on their brand promise for students – the Portrait of a General. Using this human capital framework keeps the work centered on student outcomes and concentrated on the district’s strategic plan and Portrait of a General. This alignment informs all of Anthony Wayne’s efforts to find talent, grow its people, and ultimately retain staff.



Strategic Planning

Identify the Big Moves that Bring Your Vision to Life Battelle for Kids helps system leaders identify and develop the strategies and action plans that will bring their community’s vision to life. Our process is anchored by each school district’s Portrait of a Graduate, a locally developed and globally positioned vision that articulates their community’s aspirations for all students. Our strategic planning process involves the ongoing engagement of a representative Design Team. This team ensures the strategic plan is informed by diverse perspectives, is responsive to student needs, and inspires both ownership and action.

Plan Your Journey This experience helps district leaders develop a shared understanding of what it takes to implement a vision for system transformation. Participating teams identify potential on-ramps, detours, and roadblocks along their journey in leading system transformation. Teams develop an action plan – their road map – to bring their system’s Portrait of a Graduate to life.

Create a Culture of Innovation People are the most important part of your system – so how are you reimagining human capital in the 21st century? Our HumanCapital21 suite of offerings provides the tools you need to move your human capital systems forward. What big moves can help you align, find, grow, and keep the people who will bring your vision to life every day for all students?

Locally developed, the Portrait of an Educator process identifies the competencies necessary for today’s education workforce. This exploration reveals the support the system needs to provide to educators as they shift practice and implement deeper learning experiences aligned to the Portrait of a Graduate.

This tool helps education leaders reflect on their human capital management systems in four core areas: Align, Find, Grow, and Keep. The assessment report includes a detailed summary to identify strengths and challenges and to inform collaborative conversations that lead to the creation of a comprehensive 21st century human capital management system.

This professional learning experience helps you reimagine and begin developing your human capital systems based on your local needs. Align, Find, Grow, and Keep an empowered workforce to advance your vision for 21st century, deeper learning for every student.

©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.



Impactful Professional Learning and Resources To bring the Portrait of a Graduate to life, educators must be empowered and supported. We offer virtual and in-person professional learning to equip educators in the design and implementation of 21st century, deeper learning experiences for every student. Our ongoing collaboration with school system leaders drives our research, innovation, and design work. The Battelle for Kids team is always listening to education leaders to inform the design of meaningful professional learning and relevant resources that are responsive to their needs.


Applying deeper learning and cultivating student voice every day “Life-ready and future-focused are how we describe our district. We’re working on aligning everything to our vision, supporting teachers in shifts, and modeling risk-taking and innovation.” Brian Troop, Ed.D. | Superintendent Ephrata Area Schools have been focused on deeper learning for several years. Their Portrait of a Graduate, called the Life Ready Graduate, guides the way to ensuring every student experiences a 21st century education. One of the most innovative and powerful ways Ephrata has supported implementation is by prioritizing student voice and choice. For example, when the district has a space that needs to be refreshed or reimagined, students have a say in how it will look. Teams of students work together to brainstorm ideas, then work with local architectural firms and the school board to see their ideas come to life.


Classroom-ready resources for educators across the state “While the Portrait itself drives alignment between workforce needs and student preparation, it is our educators who help expose students to the real-world competencies during their K-12 journey that truly prepare them for life after graduation.” Catherine Truitt | State Superintendent of Public Instruction In order to support the implementation of its statewide Portrait of a Graduate, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction created a comprehensive set of classroom-ready resources to help schools and teachers. These resources included the Portrait of a Graduate Rubrics, I Can Statements for grades K-12, and a Suggestions for Use document with additional actionable tools for educators. The resources were developed by teachers and administrators from across the state and provide options for educators to intentionally weave the Portrait’s seven durable skills into daily lesson plans based on grade level.



Build Capacity in Deeper Learning Leaders

Discover and Amplify Deeper Learning Experiences

This experience for school leaders and those responsible for supporting principals, develops and builds a shared understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to lead the implementation of 21st century, deeper learning in their schools.

Rounds21 shines a light on the deeper learning experiences happening in your school system. Using protocols that empower teacher voice and engagement, this repeatable process is customized to correspond with competencies defined in your district’s Portrait of a Graduate framework.

Empower Educators to Assess Deeper Learning

Bring Deeper Learning to Your School System

Now is the time to equip and empower educators to assess 21st century, deeper learning competencies. The six-week experience features a flipped classroom approach through a blend of flexible, self-paced online courses and interactive, virtual sessions.

In this experience, educators actively engage in reimagining learning and teaching in the 21st century. Through practice, reflection, collaboration, and iteration, participants explore the design and facilitation of deeper learning experiences, aligned to the district’s Portrait of a Graduate. Throughout the experience, educators implement and iterate learning design strategies through real-time practices with their students.

Develop Authentic Student Engagement Now, more than ever, hope, engagement, and belonging in 21st century learning matter. Listening to student voice is essential. And when educators have tools to improve student engagement and help them respond, they can make a powerful impact. TheStudentExperience21 is an online suite of tools that help educators respond to student voice. It includes a student perception survey, timely reports, an action guide for educators, and an interactive data dashboard for system leaders.

©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.



Fuel Your Advancement of Deeper Learning Outcomes for Every Student School system transformation starts with a vision of 21st century, deeper learning – a Portrait of a Graduate – that is activated with strategy and purposeful, intentional shifts to practice. This work is accelerated through professional learning networks of like-minded peers working to create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Network members learn from each other, share best practices, and collaborate to accelerate transformation for every student.


Personalized learning takes center stage for EdLeader21 Network members “What has blossomed from our Portrait work and our belief in it as the anchor and North Star is a philosophy of personalized learning. That philosophy has impacted the way we instruct, the way we design learning spaces, the way we offer courses and pathways, and the way we structure our school day. Born from our Portrait is an institutional alignment and transformation that has people absolutely on fire in Mayfield.” Michael Barnes, Ed.D. | Superintendent Mayfield City Schools opened its doors to EdLeader21 Network members from across the country to showcase first-hand how they are putting their Portrait of a Mayfield Wildcat into practice. Students led roundtable discussions to share how their learning experiences have been transformed. The group toured Mayfield High School and heard from middle school teachers who use flexible scheduling and thoughtful grouping strategies to ensure that each student’s unique needs are met. The visit concluded with a panel discussion with various stakeholders who shared their experiences of how Mayfield’s visionary approach is coming to life throughout the district.


Virtual site visits provide opportunities to witness deeper learning from across the country “We were seamlessly guided between sites, and the balance between the inspirational classroom application and the district-level coherence was amazing!” “These first-hand examples inspire me to what’s next for us in deeper learning.” “Our system is different, but the issues are the same.” Virtual Site Visit Participants One of the many benefits of membership in the EdLeader21 Network is the opportunity to connect with and learn from educational leaders around the country – all the while with minimal impact on members’ busy schedules. Battelle for Kids co-hosts virtual site visits throughout the year to allow network members to witness deeper learning in action from the comfort of their office. Virtual visitors are taken into classrooms and learning spaces to hear directly from teachers and students about how their Portrait of a Graduate is coming to life.



The Premier National Network for Education Transformation The EdLeader21 Network is a vibrant network of future-thinking educators committed to 21st century, deeper learning for every student. We bring together innovative leaders from across the nation to connect, learn, and accelerate their big moves to engage their communities and re-envision their school systems. Focused learning experiences are offered throughout the year to support superintendents and their teams, including roundtable events for superintendents and curriculum leaders.

“It’s an incredible, powerful network that has really helped me grow as a leader... there is no doubt that these experiences really helped propel the work we were doing in service to students.” Amy Cashwell, Ed.D. EdLeader21 Network Advisory Chair Superintendent | Henrico County Public Schools (Virginia)

The EdLeader21 Annual Event is an engaging and inspiring experience exclusively for network member districts to accelerate 21st-century learning for every student. It brings together innovative education leaders to build relationships, share ideas, learn from one another, and plan for the future.

For more than 20 years, the SOAR Network has been supporting innovative leaders to affect transformation in school districts across the state of Ohio. The SOAR Network is focused on a shared vision – represented by the locally developed Portrait of a Graduate – to advance deeper learning for every student.

Building a shared vision, strategy, and practice as they collaborate with other like-minded urban systems from around the country, Urban District Cohort teams engage in design opportunities in the areas of vision, leadership, human capital, assessment, and access to deeper learning for every student. “Being part of the Urban District Cohort has been a game changer for WS/FCS. It has provided us with knowledge and tools to bring the North Carolina Portrait of a Graduate and deeper learning to life in our school district. The thought partnership and consultation with Battelle for Kids staff and the opportunities to collaborate with other districts engaged in similar work has allowed us to accelerate and enhance our efforts in a customized approach for students, staff, and community.” Tricia McManus Superintendent, Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools (North Carolina) ©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.


Additional Services Let’s Pursue Transformation. Together. We want to be your partner for innovative solutions to the unique issues faced in education today and in the future. Battelle for Kids offers customized services to design and implement 21st century, deeper learning frameworks, experiences, assessment strategies, and more. Our intent is always to partner with districts to provide services that meet the needs of the entire system.





Battelle for Kids is proud to offer new communications and brand design services in support of and aligned to a school district’s Portrait of a Graduate and strategic planning process. In response to feedback we heard during our recent “We’re Listening” outreach campaign, BFK has developed a comprehensive array of services that will help school districts communicate effectively with stakeholder groups throughout each phase of their transformation journey – from design to launch to integration – creating greater transparency and increased buy-in.


Academic Expert

Critical Thinking

Academic Expert

OUR STUDENTS: • Honor and leverage strengths to build collaboration and action. • Enrich the learning of both self and others. • Seek, contribute, and respond to feedback to achieve collective outcomes. • Elicit diverse perspectives and contributions. OUR STUDENTS: • Develop and draw from a baseline understanding of knowledge in an academic discipline. • Transfer knowledge in combination with new learning to deepen understanding and influence conclusions and solutions. • Use content knowledge in routine, as well as innovative, ways in real-world situations. OUR STUDENTS: • Understand the “bigger picture” and propose solutions that are mindful to the impact they may have on other parts of a system. • Consistently improve the quality of one’s own thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing. • Applies disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence to become skilled problem solvers.

Critical Thinking


Learner's Mindset

Pinal County Schools


Learner's Mindset

OUR STUDENTS: • Are visionary and inspire positive action in others. • Recognize, invest in, and leverage strengths to build collective ownership and action. • Create the environment or the conditions that empower others to grow and succeed. • Build relationships with others through trust and compassion. OUR STUDENTS: • Embrace curiosity to experience new ideas. • Have a growth mindset by possessing the desire to learn, unlearn, and relearn. • Find and maximize opportunities to actively listen and elicit diverse perspectives from others. • Become life-long learners by developing positive attitudes and beliefs about learning.

Battelle for Kids can help. Our experienced Grant Services team offers a wide range of support during the pursuit and after the award, including:

• Grant Proposal


Your Partner, From Pursuit to Award

• Grant Evaluation

There is no shortage of grant funding available for education programs from a wide variety of sources, be it federal or state offerings or private foundations. However, securing these grant funds for your organization can be challenging due to strong competition and limited time and resources.

• Grant Writing Workshops

• Grant Management • Grant Sustainability • Programmatic Grants • Thought Partnership • Partner Management


Speakers Bureau Featuring Renowned Thought Leaders on Education Transformation The Battelle for Kids team is passionate about education, and we love collaborating with innovative school systems and visionary leaders. If you’re planning an event, we’d love to join you and help make it a success. We’re always looking for new ways to share our thought leadership on a variety of impactful and timely topics, including:

• The Science of Hope

• The Future of Work

• Principal Leadership

• The Science of Belonging

• Workforce Landscape Shifts

• Instructional Transformation

• The Science of Learning & Development

• Workforce Success

• Deeper Learning

• The Science of Storytelling

• Human Capital

• School Improvement


Education & Workforce Alignment Bridging the Gap Between Education and Industry


As a convener and facilitator, Battelle for Kids brings together key stakeholders from K-12 education, postsecondary institutions, and industry to develop a community-driven vision that allows for a seamless pathway for students into the workforce. Our expertise lies in leveraging our renowned Portrait of a Graduate process, along with other transformative services, to ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the ever-evolving job market. Our collaborative approach fosters meaningful partnerships, allowing us to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of your community.


©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.


Get Started Looking for a trusted partner to help you realize the power and promise of 21st century, deeper learning for every student? Reach out to Jeff Korchinski at to set up a conversation. He will be happy to answer any of your questions and show how Battelle for Kids can help you transform education in your school system.







Services At-A-Glance

Additional Services Communications & Branding Education & Workforce Alignment Grant Services Innovate + CoCreate Speakers Bureau ©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.


©2023, Battelle for Kids. All Rights Reserved.


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