Regional News-Optimist May 30, 2024

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Saskatoon Berries

Growing up and playing minor ball in North Battleford was the start of Andrew Albers’ storied baseball career. Albers has returned to Saskatchewan and will serve as pitching coach for the Saskatoon Berries, the newest baseball team in the Western Canadian Baseball League

Albers was drafted by theMilwaukeeBrewersout of high school but chose toattendtheUniversityof Kentucky instead of signingaprofessionalcontract. He played four years at the universityinthesoutheasternconference.Alberswas drafted again in his senior season, this time by the San Diego Padres.

His career took him throughindependentbaseballinQuebectotheMinnesota Twins in 2011. He made his major league debut for theTwinsinAugustof2013. His inaugural appearance showcasedeightandathird scorelessinningsinthebig-

league debut. Albersproceededtohave MLB stints with the Blue Jays in 2015, the Mariners in 2017 and multiple years with the Twins. The former NorthBattlefordresident also played in the Korean andJapanesemajorleagues.

The Saskatoon Berries pitchingcoachrepresented Canadaonthenationalteam three times at the World BaseballClassic,andseven othertimesintournaments such as the Pan Am Games and Premier 12.

In an interview with AlbersfortheBattlefords News Optimist and, he says, “I’m gettingusedtothecityand it is nice to finally settle downsomewhereaftermany years on the road and I am enjoying Saskatoon.”

The Saskatoon Berries willstarttheirseasonMay 24weekend,withtheirhome opener May 28.

Albersaffirmstheweather has hampered some outdoorpracticeshoweverthey have seen most guys in the last couple days, while othersarejustwrappingup

their college seasons. The pitchingcoachsaystheyare a good group of guys who are eager to be here.

Saskatoon,andSaskatchewan,fansappearravenous for the Berries season with the home opener sold out, except for standing room only tickets.

“Themarketingteamhas done an amazing job and people are really excited about the season and that will add to a great atmosphere at the park,” says Albers.

Albers adds he is excited aboutwhatthenewseason brings and looks forward to getting that underway andhelpingplayersontheir baseball journey.

“It’s a short season for baseball, so it’s all about navigating information to give guys, getting to know players and giving them to thebestopportunitytogrow. Can’toverloadwithinfoto startoutwith,sojusttrying tofigureoutwhatinformationisuseful,”notesAlbers.

From his past pro experience,Albers’approachto the game and his role is to

help players understand there will be good days and bad days. In the bad days, it’s about finding a way to adjust and compete, giving one’s team the best chance to win.

“Mytakeawaymessageforpitchers:finda waytocompeteandattackhitters.Goabouta routineandgetinaroutineandmakeadjustments along the way, as needed.”

Being part of the Saskatoon Berries team intheWCBLresultsinafullcircleforAlbers as he once played for the SaskatoonYellow Jackets back when the WCBL was know as the Western Major Baseball League. AntheBerriesorganizationappearsexcited to see what Albers can do in the bull pen.

“Congratulationstoourpitchingcoach, AndrewAlbers, on his berry much deserved inductionintothe2024SaskatchewanBaseballHallofFameandMuseumClassof2024,” is their comment on Facebook.

doll is carefully bandaged by a member of WPD Ambulance staff during the Battlefords Early Childhood Community Planning Network Teddy Bear Clinic on May 25 in Central Park. For more photos see inside this edition. | Photo by Averil Hall/Freelance Photographer

Battlefords North Stars’ success aided by board

Teamwork makes the dream work. That is one of the affirmations that has helped the Battlefords North Stars Junior A hockey team succeed.

Theteam’ssuccessstory isalsobuiltofftheicewith boardmembers,volunteers andbillets.KentandKara Rosenaretwoofthepeople whose longtime commitmenttotheStarshashelped contributetotheongoing success story.

Kara has been a board member since 1988. In these years, she has taken on the role of game day co-ordinator, as well as being in charge of season andplayoffticketsformany

years.Sheiscurrentlyservingastreasurerandinterim secretary.

Kara’s husband, Kent has helped with both the fishingderbyandtheagriculturefundraisingproject.

The dynamic duo, as theyarefondlyreferredto, have been North Stars billetsfor28years,beginning in 1996. On Feb. 11, 2020, thecouplewasrecognized astheNorthStarSask.Energy Billet Family. Kara says, “Ienjoy being involvedinthecommunity, and being able to volunteer as a board member is rewarding. Billeting is a veryrewardingexperience as you can watch these young men become great husbands,fathersandprofessionals.”

The Rosens acknowl-

edge the billets they take in become an extension of their family, with the parentsoftheseyoungmen becoming some of their closest friends.

“Some of the biggest highlights? Being around for all four of the SJHL championships won. We have made two trips to the nationalfinals.Lastyearin Portage we watched them win silver.That was a very proud moment for us,” says Kara.

The decades-long volunteers say that, with the good, there are also the lows like players getting hurt or not playing. They aimtohelptheplayersbalancethegoodwiththebad and commit to being their best cheerleaders to keep spirits up through these


Kara adds, “With good communicationandagood understanding of your expectations at home, it makeslifeenjoyableforus and our billets.”

It is no surprise to anyone who knows the Rosens that the upcoming SaskatchewanJuniorHockey League Hall of Fame celebrationsbeingheldinthe Battlefords will include Karaontheplanningcommittee.

Thisdedicatedvolunteer admits hockey season can be very busy when balancing work with home and volunteer commitments, but says, “Honestly, after all these years, it is just a normal routine come the end of August. You use the schedule a lot to plan

yourmeals.Thebilletshelp around the house. There really is no secret.”

Karafoundthe50-year reunioneventin2023very gratifying as she was able to see players from 19732023. She appreciated the opportunitytogettogether andexchangestoriesabout being a North Star or a Baron.

Afavouritehighlightfor the billet family includes this great memory.

“One of my favourites is when coach Hasselberg asked us to entertain Igor and his family. Igor was living in the States, but is originally from Belarus.

When we first met, his English was very limited. After his three years with us, his English improved. IgornowlivesintheStates

but we will get a surprise visit at least twice a year.”

Thirty-six years of solid dedication to the team by Kara, encouraging her husband to join in some of theactivityasavolunteer, andalmostthreedecadesof offeringtheirhomeasabillet family, makes for miles of memories made and immense gratitude from theteamfortheircontinued commitment.

The Junior A hockey team, based out of North Battleford was founded in 1973 as the Battlefords Barons, before evolving intotheNorthStarsbrand in 1983. The team has won four SJHL championships, most recently in 2023. The team celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2023.

How North B’ford Public Library benefits the community

The North Battleford Public Library was officially established June 12, 1912, and was built with the assistance of $15,000 in grant funding from the Carnegie Foundation of New York.

The original library building is one of only 13 Carnegie libraries built west of Ontario, of which only nine exist today. The

originalNorthBattleford Public Library now houses the Allen Sapp Gallery, aninternationallyknown Indigenousartcollection.

Colin Evans has been withLakelandLibraryRegion since 2015 and his officialjobtitleandroleis publicservicesmanagerand headlibrarianattheNorth BattlefordPublicLibrary.

The North Battleford Public Library mission statement is to “Serve our community by promoting life-longlearningandliter-

Community Builders

acy, offering people access toinformation,andproviding people the facility and opportunitytoembraceit.”

Asked what are some of the challenges of a community library, Evans responds, “One of the challenges in meeting these

goalsisprovidingexcellent library services to our diverse population which includerecentimmigrants, Indigenous people and atrisk individuals. We have addressed these needs by offering biweekly dropin counselling sessions in partnershipwithCatholic FamilyServices,expanding ourforeignlanguagecollection (including Ukrainian languagetexts)andincreasingoutreachtoFirstNation reserves surrounding our community.”

The North Battleford Public Library manager also said highlights are part of his work and have includedbeingabletooffer services to everyone who comes through the front door,regardlessofpersonal circumstances.

“We are one of the last spaces in our community where there is no expectation to spend money in ordertoenjoyourservices and we offer programs and materials for all ages and backgrounds,” says Evans.

Special programs and activities from May to September are part of what is offered at this Lakeland Library location. Evans says some of the upcoming programs include: The annual Teddy Bear ClinicintheLibraryCentral Park May 24 for children and their caregivers. Bokashi composting seminar with Rhea Good June 17 at 7 p.m.

Author reading with Candia Kirkpatrick June 26 at 7 p.m.

Members of the Battlefords North Stars pose with Kara and Kent Rosen, volunteers and billet parents.
| Photos courtesy of Kent Rosen

Almost five-decade-old organization continues to positively impact youth in the Battlefords

Nicole Combres, executive director of BGC tells the News Optimist and SASKTODAY. ca the organization formerly known as Battlefords Boys and Girls Club, now known as BGC Battlefords, was established in 1976.

“Theintentoftheorganization is to provide for the recreational, cultural,educationalandsocial needs of all children five to 14 years of age in our community. Our mission is to provide safe, supportive placeswherechildrenand youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life,” said Combres.

The vision of BGC Battlefordsisforallchildren and youth to discover and achieve their dreams, and grow up to be healthy, successful and active participants in society.

Combres said, “Operating on Treaty 6 Territory, BGCBattlefordswelcomes allchildrenandyouthfrom

the community and surroundingareas,including allfinancialcircumstances, socio-ethnic backgrounds and abilities. Our members are as diverse as the communities we serve … BGC Battlefordsprovidesasafe place to go, positive role models and quality recreationalandeducationalactivities.Allofourprograms include nutritious snacks andaccesstofun,enriching activitiesandcaringadults who support our members in becoming healthy, responsible, compassionate andcompetentindividuals.”

The organization employs 62 staff. Activities and programming are enhanced by 69 volunteers committed to the organization, its programs and events.

“We served a total of 944 participants, with 765 of those being children and youth through direct program/servicedelivery.”

Each year, BGC Battlefordsofferstwostreamsof summer programming. The firstistheirfee-for-service, registration-basedSummer Adventure Day Camps. The weekly camps operate during the months of July

Community Builders

andAugust,providingchildren ages five to 14 a fun, safe and enriching place to go while on summer break. The program runs weekdays, excluding stat holidays, from 7:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

“During that time, all childrenareprovidedabalancedbreakfast,lunchand afternoonsnackatnoadditional charge. Each week has a unique theme and activitiesforeachdaywill followthetheme.Fieldtrips takeplaceeveryThursday andfollowthethemeofthe week.Childrenhaveplenty ofopportunitytoenjoyand play in the warm summer weather,puttheircreativity to use during crafts and challengetheirmindswith educationalactivities,”affirms Combres.

When the weather permits, children also get the opportunity to play in the splashpark.Whetherchildren attend one day or the entire summer, Combres

This year in the Battlefords and Meadow Lake, Tim Hortons restaurant owners Glenn Isaac, Marion Michnik, Kim Lefevre and guests helped raise $21,771.65 to support the Living Sky Innovation Fund Communication Board Project through the franchise’s Smile Cookie campaign.

They donated 100 per centofproceedsfromsales of Smile Cookies between April 29 and May 5. The donation from the Smile Cookie campaign will be used to purchase augmentativeandalternativecommunicationboards (or AAC Boards) for playgroundsacrossthedivision toensureallstudentshave

a voice.

“Many students have difficulty verbally communicatingforavarietyof reasons,sotheyneedother ways to talk. Communication is a human right, and these boards provide a way tocommunicatealongwith also promoting play and inclusion for everyone,” explained Shari Dueck, a speech and language pathologist with Living Sky School Division.

The Living Sky Innovation Fund, in partnership withtheLivingSkySchool Division speech and language department, plans to have at least six boards installedbeforethestartof the next school year.

Christeena Fisher, Living Sky Innovation Fund Coordinator,saidthisabout the campaign, “We are so

incrediblygratefultoour local Tim Hortons owners for partnering with us to support the Living Sky InnovationFund,andmore specifically the Communication Board Project. This fundraiser definitely exceededourinitialthoughts of what we could accomplish.

“On top of the generous financial support, we are still a new fund in the community and being able tocreateawarenessaround whatthefundisandintroducetheinitiativeswehope to support with it is a huge opportunity.”

She added “Thank you againtoourlocalTimHortonslocations,toouramazing speech and language team,toallthevolunteers thathelpedduringtheweek, andfortheoverwhelming

saystheyaresuretohavea great experience.

“The second stream of summer programming offered by our organization is our summer parks drop-in program.Duringthemonths ofJulyandAugust,from11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday [to] Friday(excludingstatholidays), BGC Battlefords offers drop-in programming at Centennial Park, Kinsmen Park and Senator Herb Sparrow Park. This program is free of charge andisavailabletoanychild between the ages of 5-14,” statestheexecutivedirector of BGC Battlefords.

The summer park dropin program is strictly outdoorssoonlyoperateswhen weatherpermits.Children can be part of crafts and experiments to keep their minds thinking and their bodies active. Water featuresofallthreelocations arealsoincorporated,and available for this second stream of programming.

Parents/guardiansarewelcome to drop their child off and pick them up at any point during the program. Nutritious and balanced snacks and a bagged lunch are provided.

The organization says oneofthehighlightsofthe pastyeardefinitelyincludes exceeding pre-pandemic attendance with the number of children and youth attending club programs higher than ever before.

“While the number of overall BGC participants rose 26 per cent since 2022, so did the number of members who received direct program service delivery (15 per cent increase).

Through over 33,000 Club visits, 765 unique members receivedover49,000snacks and meals,” affirms BGC Battlefords.

Some of the challenges fortheorganizationinthe past year include a 41 per cent increase in visits and a 44 per cent increase in nutritionprovided,resulting in significant operational costs.

“Due to increased numbers of members attending our programs, increased staff were required, resulting in unexpected and unbudgetedstaffingcosts. Therisingcostsoffoodalso ledtobudgetoverages.Like otherbusinessesandorganizationsacrossthecountry, recruitmentandretention

continuedtobeastruggle,” said Combres.

Beginning in 2022, BGC Battlefordsandclubsacross thecountryembarkedonan impactjourney–theLearning & Impact Project (L&I Project).Thepurposeofthe L&I Project is to prove and improvetheimpactofclubs acrossCanada,individually andcollectively,through evaluation.

“Through the L&I Project, our goal is to ensure we are providing the best services and programs to ourcommunitythatwecan, and [to] be able to share with you the impact we are making. The continuation ofourlearningandimpact journeyin2023reinforced the impact being made and provedthat,becauseofour club, children and youth aremorephysicallyactive, more comfortable being themselves, more confidentintheirfutures,more excited to try new things, betterpreparedtodotheir schoolwork, more confident in their abilities and morecomfortableleading. This truly is unbelievable Impact,” exclaims the BGC Battlefords executive director.

Participating in an official presentation of Smile Cookie campaign proceeds are Marion Michnik, Glenn Isaac, Adria Runge, Lindsay Zubiak, Rachelle Stephenson, Christeena Fisher, Shari Dueck (kneeling), Brenda Vickers, Tonya Lehman. Michnik and Isaac are two of the local Tim Hortons owners. Runge, Zubiak, Stephenson and Dueck are speech language pathologists (SLPs) with Living Sky School Division, Fisher is executive assistant and Living Sky Innovation Fund co-ordinator, Vickers is director of education and Lehman is deputy director. |

courtesy Tim Hortons


Phone: 306-445-7261 Fax: 306-445-3223



Decriminalization won’t solve Canada’s drug crisis

Canadian cities must do something to curb the alarming rate of deaths from lethal drugs like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine or methamphetamine. But the solution, if one is even possible, should not be through decriminalization.

As disastrous experiments in British Columbia and Oregon so starkly show, decriminalizing the possession ofharddrugshasledtoanincreaseindeathsandturned some city streets into hellish no-go zones for citizens who aren’t there to get a hit. If you’ve been to Portland recently, as I have, you’ll see portions of the downtown transformed into post-apocalyptic encampments of drug-addicted homeless people. Vancouver’s East Hastings,meanwhile,hasbeenbranded“Canada’sworst street.”

Yet, despite tales of horror from those two jurisdictions, the City of Toronto is pressing ahead with an application to Health Canada to be allowed to decriminalize possession of hard drugs. The obstinance of public health officials in that city has sent Ontario Premier Doug Ford into apoplectic fits.

Ford argued governments should instead invest in drug treatment centres.

“That’swhatweshouldbedoing.Notlegalizinghard drugs. Like, you’ve got to be kidding me. Like, letting people do cocaine, and crack and heroin?You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ford said last week. “I will fight this tooth and nail.”

Torontohealthofficialsarenotwrongthataddiction shouldbetreatedasahealthissue,notacriminalmatter. But there is an overpowering naïveté in the belief that decriminalization will, in itself, save lives. Portland’s experiment failed because officials didn’t do enough of the other things that must be done at the same time.

Portugal – the poster child of drug death reduction –provides an instructive example. In 1999, Lisbon was known as the “heroin capital of Europe,” and overdose deaths were averaging 360 a year in the country of 10 million citizens.Alarmed officials formed a multi-partisan party coalition that backed sweeping change that redefined the problem of addiction. Through an eightpoint program, of which decriminalization was just one part,Portugaleffectivelyalteredtheenvironmentaround drug addicts to change their behaviour.

The detailed strategy included shifting from courtbased incarceration to custody in the Commissions for the Dissuasions from Drug Abuse (CDTs); creating mobile teams to deal with addicts on the street; staffing those teams with experts; creating ways to test and administertreatment;decriminalizing(notlegalize)possessionofsmallamountsofdrugsandencourageaddicts to seek treatment or to face penalties; helping addicts find employment; tracking the costs of drug addiction, including the total cost to society; expand public education; and, giving treatment officials, instead of police officers, the power to make decisions about drug users.

The initial results were spectacular. By 2018, the number of heroin addicts in Portugal had dropped from 100,000 to 25,000. The country also achieved the lowest drug-related death rate in Western Europe, one-tenth of Britain and one-fiftieth of the U.S. João Goulão, a former family doctor who designed Portugal’s radical approach, was hailed as a genius.

Then things began to unravel. As the country struggled with budget deficits, Portugal

reduced resources allocated to its programs, undercutting efforts to encourage addicts into rehabilitation programs. Drug dealers, meanwhile, continued to use Portugal as an entry point to import hard drugs into European Union countries.

Between 2015 and 2021, drug users in treatment declined from 1,150 to 352. Funding dropped from $82.7 million in 2012 to $17.4 million in 2021. Overdose rates have reached a 12-year high and have doubled in Lisbon since 2019. Crime, often drug-related, rose 14 percent from 2021 to 2022.

“What we have today no longer serves as an example to anyone,” Goulão says.

AsGregoryShea,seniorfellowatWhartonCenterfor Leadership and Change Management, writes: “To code thecaseofPortugal’sillegaldruginitiative...asabinary choice – in this case, to decriminalize drugs or not – misrepresentsthechangeeffortrequiredand,consequently, how to sustain it. .. . If you decriminalize and do nothing else, things will get worse.”

In short, decriminalizing hard drugs while failing to adequatelyfundotherstrategieswillnotonlyfailbut, worse,willlikelycreateanexpectationthatlifetimedrug use is a right.

In British Columbia, Premier David Eby said he hopes other jurisdictions in Canada will learn from his province’s mistakes. While he maintains addiction should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal one, public consumption of illicit drugs must have hard limits.

Do public health officials inToronto understand all thatisrequiredforadecriminalizationefforttosucceed?

It’snotclearthattheydo,northattheyhavetheability to tap into the substantial resources required to reduce addiction.All levels of government need to be committed to this effort, not for one year or five years, but over the long haul.As in, quite possibly, as far into the future as we can see.

The federal government, which initially supported B.C.’s decriminalization experiment, has become more circumspect. Mental Health and Addictions Minister Ya’ara Saks told the House of Commons it’s too early to drawconclusionsaboutdrugdecriminalization:“We’re still evaluating the data,”

Skip the data and listen to the people across the country who are fed up with witnessing the rampant consumption of hard drugs on the streets. It’s not the way any of us want to live, and it’s not the Canada we want to live in.

Provincialgovernments,notablyOntario,Saskatchewan, andAlberta, are also largely opposed to decriminalization. Other provinces say they have no plans to go there.And Conservative Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, our prime minister-in-waiting, has been outspoken against it.

So, with three levels of government at odds over decriminalization,theprospectsofrunningaco-ordinated strategythatwouldmirrorPortugal’sinitiallysuccessful project couldn’t appear dimmer.

The real lesson from B.C.’s disaster is that if you’re not ready to go all in on doing it right, you are much better off not doing it all.

Doug Firby is an award-winning editorial writer with over four decades of experience working for newspapers, magazines and online publica-

tions in Ontario and western Canada. Previously, he served as Editorial Page Editor at the Calgary Herald.

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The Dryhorub triplets

From precarious beginnings at Richard to celebrating 83 years


The Dryhorub triplets — Angie, Jerry and Sylvia — were born on May 22, 1941, to John and Tilly at their farmstead in the Richard area. At the time, the family had eight children already, making the surprise arrival for the Dryhorub family total of 11 children. They were brought into the world by their Baba and their oldest sister, Helen, and the babies were kept warm with “set irons” (warmed stones) in their shoe box bassinets placed in a large drawer.

Triplets born in an era before fertility drugs were almost unheard of, about once in every 7,500 births. They were premature and underweight and health care was limited but they thrived with the love and care of their older sisters and brothers on the farm.

Over the years the family bond has become stronger and closer. The triplets, who turn 83 years old, are amongst the oldest living fraternal triplets in Canada according to available research.

Sally Lesko Sylvia, affectionately

known as Sally, was married to Robert Lesko for 64 years and they farmed in Hafford. Sally’s husband passed suddenly in 2023 and she now resides at the Hafford Special Care Centre close to family and community.

She is an excellent historian and an active resident and enjoys socializing and recreational activities, especially playing cards with friends. Sally’s family includes seven children, 14 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren keeping in touch with her iPhone, text messages and visits.

Angie Baxter

Angie is the oldest of the triplets. In 1960 she married Tom McGrath and they had three children, Patrick, Laurrie and Christine. Tom was killed in a farming accident in the summer of 1964. A couple of years later Angie met Hugh Baxter and the two were married in 1966 and moved to British Columbia. They had another three children, Shelly, Shane and Shandell.

Angie and Hugh now reside in Kelowna, B.C. and have 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, with an eighth on the way.

Jerry Dryhorub


Give us the big picture

Dear Editor

Close-up TV views during live play in hockey games are not only distracting but interfere with viewers’ understanding of the flow of the game.

Full ice views during live play are the only useful alternative.

On May 22, 1941, along with his two sisters, Jerry was born in a set of triplets.

In Jerry’s late 20s, he relocated to Kakabeka Falls, Ont., where he became an addition to the family of his brother Nick and wife Hazel, and Uncle to Maryann, Lola, Lorraine and Nick.

Jerry is special and one of a kind. He can speak both Ukrainian and English. With a heart of gold and arms that would always give the biggest hugs to everyone, especially Santa Claus. He’s a happy go-lucky guy. Jerry was given tasks on the farm and did them to the best of his ability.

As the family got older, his brother Nick and sisterin-law Hazel passed but the family also grew. Now at the age of 83, he is a great-uncle to 10 children, great-great Uncle to 17 and great-great-great uncle to one and we all love him very much.

He now resides at Ho-

garth Riverview Manor in Thunder Bay, Ont. and is a well-known fellow to all who work, live and visit there.

The triplets have two older surviving siblings in Saskatchewan— sister Ann (Odnokon) and brother Mike.

— Reprinted with permission from the Moose Jaw Express

North B’ford Library

Continued from Page 2

TD Summer Reading Club celebration featuring Eric Paetkau July 27 at 3 p.m. and an adult concert at 7 p.m. TD Summer Reading Club for children from June 10 to Aug. 31.

With the North Battleford library open each weekday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday hours offered until 6 p.m., there is a wide variety of services and programs for people of all ages. Access to magazines, newspapers, DVDs, Blu-Rays, video games, ebooks, free WiFi, a seed library, virtual reality, Nintendo Switch and more much are offered at the location.

North Battleford Public Library is managed by the Lakeland

Library Region as part of the provincial, ‘One book, one province’ library system, which provides equitable library services to all residents of Saskatchewan.

Even with the presence of the Internet in our homes, our community libraries offer a plethora of information resources in print and other forms that are organized and made accessible for reading or study. It can serve as the hub of learning and resource opportunities.

You can find all

The triplets at two and a half years old.
Sally Lesko
Jerry Dryhorub Angie Baxter
Sally, Jerry and Angie circa 1946. | Photos courtesy the Moose Jaw Express

Fort Battleford Reopens

Patricia Fornarolo, Filip Miskulin, Mclane Bertoia, Tami Conley-Blais from Parks Canada in front of Barracks
A tourism fair at Fort Battleford May 25 offered visitors an opportunity to tour the fort grounds and buildings with interpreters on site to explain historic significance. Western Development Museum, Fred Light Museum, Battleford Spirit Group, Legacy Trail Group, Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum and other community groups were at Fort Battleford to promote their activities. This Mural in the main visitor centre was painted by Ray Keighley about 10 years ago. Robert Peterson from Paynton interpreted the mural which tells the story of the people from Breysalor and how Chief Poundmaker protected them.
| Photos by Averil Hall/Freelance Photographer-Reporter
Filip Miskulin interprets the different displays to the visitors in Barracks No. 5.
Display in Barracks No. 5
Display showing how officers slept in Barracks No. 5.
Display in Barracks No. 5 showing the uniforms the officers wore.
A display in Barracks No. 5 shows how a teepee would likely look inside
Troy Hundt, Fort Battleford maintenance supervisor, Alvin Baptiste, cultural consultant for Fort Battleford and Larry Halter, maintenance at Fort Battleford stand in front of the newly erected teepee at the fort.

Artists to be recognized at SK Arts gala


this month, SK Arts (formerly the Saskatchewan Arts Board) announced theirselectionsforspecial recognition at an event May 27.

A Darke Hall Soiree, heldonMay27,willhonor artistsandorganizations. The new event, entitled ArtsofCelebrationwillbe hostedbycomedianandactorDakotaRayHebertand willincludemainstageperformances, with live work beingconductedduringthe opening reception. In addition, pieces from a number of the evening’s honorees willbefeaturedinanexhibition of artwork from SK Arts’permanentcollection.

The list of artists beinghonouredincludestwo NorthBattlefordresidents, one Borden resident and one Biggar resident.

Miguel Fenrich is a youngauthorandpublisher from Battleford. He is passionateabouttheliterary arts in Saskatchewan and helping other writers become authors. His first novel, Blue: A Novel, was published in June 2022, and his second, What Lies in the Valley, was published inJanuary2023.Hestarted his own publishing company, Supernova Press, in BattlefordinMarch2022. Fenrich was nominated by Brianne Hager.

“It’sahugehonourtobe recognizedasanemerging artistbySKArtsattheirinauguralArtsofCelebration event at the end of May. Artists spend countless hours honing their crafts andworkingtosharetheir

Musician Jackie Kroczynski of North Battleford. Photo by Nicole Romanoff

workwiththepublic,andto be seen and recognized at thiseventfortheworkI’ve done in the community is a phenomenal feeling,” said Fenrich.

Theauthorandpublisher added, ““Not only do I get to celebrate myself as an author of two novels and astheownerandpublisher of Supernova Press here in Battleford, I’m blessed to get to stand beside talented artists from Prince Albert,Regina,Saskatoon, theBattlefordsandsomany other communities across Saskatchewan.”

In addition to his gratitude to SK Arts for hostingthiseventtocelebrate artists in various mediums atdifferentstagesintheir careers,Fenrichisthankful fororganizationslikeSaskatchewanWriters’Guild, SaskBooks and the North BattlefordPublicLibrary, among many others, that havesupportedhisjourney thus far.

“I’m not only looking forwardtocelebratingon May 27 in Regina, but to continuingtosharestories thatmatterwiththeBattlefords as I’ve been blessed toalreadyasanauthor,publisher,journalist,photographer,actorandstoryteller, andinthemanyprojectsyet to come,” affirms Fenrich. While working as a reporterfortheBattlefords Regional News Optimist, Fenrich netted nine Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Awards in 2022/23. When he’s not writing, you can find him reading, exploringtheprairieswith his camera or performing livetheatreonastagesomewhere.

You can find more information about Fenrich and his work at

CindyHoppe,fibreartist andChairoftheSaskatchewanCraftCouncil,resides in Biggar and was nominated by Emily Kohlert on

behalfofthecraftcouncil. Thenominationreadinpart, “Cindy is an innovative fibre artist who has long supportedandparticipated in the craft community throughherleadershipand practice. She has been on the SCC board for over 10 years. Her staple technique of ‘thread painting’ isuniqueandinventiveand hasinfluencedmanyother artists.”

Inaninterviewwiththe News Optimist and, Hoppe said, “I was pretty surprised with the nomination, while I am unable to attend the Monday gala as my May is pretty full and it is a long way to travel.”

Hoppe says she started to draw in Grade 1 and her loveofartbeganwithpainting. Raising a family put a halt on her work however sherediscoveredherloveof art working with her mom,

Verna Harris. The duo was partoftheBattlefordsCraft Festival for many years.

The fibre artist became drawn to doing artwork withclothrealizingthere were a lot of painters out there.

“Hopefully, when the workisdone,youcan’ttell if it’s a painting or a quilt and I refer to it as painting with a sewing machine,” says Hoppe.

Hoppe will be hosting the Prairie Art Road Trip July 20 with several artisans showing in her yard. Detailscanbefoundonthe website,prairieartroadtrip. ca. Hoppe’s work can be seen on her website and the Sask. CraftCouncilonlinestory. BiggarGuardianPharmacy also has a small display.

NorthBattlefordartist and educator, Jackie Kroczyński, has also been recognized. Part of her nomi-

nation read, “Jackie wrote and recorded an album of herownsongswhichshereleased on IWD in 2023. She received a Saskatchewan MusicAwards nomination, twoSaskatchewanCountry MusicAwardsnominations, and recently performed three artist showcases at FolkAllianceInternational. Shealsohasbeenteaching music, band, and guitar to students from grades K to 12 for 26 years.”

Inaninterviewwiththe News Optimist and SASKTODAY.CA, Kroczynski says, “This is a real honour andI’mverygratefultobe recognizedamongso many fabulous Saskatchewan artists.I’mreallyexcited.”

The North Battleford artistwillattendtheArts ofCelebrationeventtaking place at Darke Hall in Regina, May 27, and is happy togetanopportunitytotalk Continued on Page 10


Fibre artist Cindy Hoppe of Biggar, quilting in her studio. Photo by Chandra Archdekin

Visitors could have their stuffies checked over by medical personnel and they and their parents could learn about various services, activities and programs. Aboveis a family checking out a lamb at the petting zoo. | Photos

The Battlefords Early Childhood Community Planning Network hosted its annual Teddy Bear Clinic May 25 behind the North Battleford Public Library.
Above, having a blast drawing a masterpiece. At right, getting a teddy bear checked over by a doctor.
Bananas were given out to the children.
The Balloon Man had a large captivated audience while making balloon animals.
Having a hard time choosing a sweet.
Running through the obstacle course.
Fishin’ for ducks at the pond.
Making a face at the creative corner.

Budget constraints force Jackfish Breakwater Project tender rejection

The Resort Village of Cochin has rejected all tenders for the position of projectgeneralcontractor for a proposed Jackfish Breakwater Project.

Fourcompaniesrespondedtothecallfortendersby attheendofAprilallwere rejected.

“[Allfour]exceededour budgetandcontingencies,” mayor and council state in a press release.

“There was no choice but for the ResortVillage Counciltorejectalltenders andinvestigatealternative options with the project team in consultation with the project engineers and

subject matter experts.”

Accordingtotherelease. thebreakwaterneedstobe refurbished and with some urgency.

The plan was to begin stockpiling rock in June, haveshovelsintheground by the end of August, and complete construction by theendof2024.Thiswould

leave cleanup of the site access, finalizing donor recognitionandrecognition of First Nations historical connectionswiththelakes area until early 2025. Abudgetforthisproject was $1,800,000 developed inconsultationwithanengineeringfirm.Thisamount is inplace through a combinationofdonations,grants, funds committed for 2024 andaplannedresortvillage debenture of $600,000.All

funds received are maintainedinaseparateproject account with sources and amountsrecorded.Afederal-provincialinfrastructure grant is in place until the end of March 2025 and theresortvillageofficials anticipateallotherdonors will support an extension.

“We will continue to receive committed funds and fundrzaise because of the level of priority,” the council states.

Meota run/walk raises more than $19,000

wasspearheadedbyhiswife Sylvia until her passing. Thousandsofdollarswere raised and donated over the years. There remained $14,281.14 which Maurice presented to this event.

Signsofhumour,encouragement and satire were posted along the course.

Bev Soucess and James Beaton played and sang to the thrill of participants.

“Our goal is to find a solutionandgetthisproject competed as soon as possible,” officials state in the press release.

“That leaves redesign, if needed, in the hands of councilandcontinuedfundraising shared by council andallresortcommunities who will benefit from the refurbishment and suffer the consequences should thebreakwaterbeallowed to fail.”

westbreeze.Thehornblew andeveryonestartedtheir journeyledbyrunnersand joggers and followed by walkers.Friendsandfamily walkedtogetherinsolidarity.The route ended back at thechurchwherehotdogs, refreshments and bananas wereservedtoreinvigorate and socialize.



organized a five-kilometre walk/run May 18 and $19,447.14 was raised with theproceedsdonatedtothe Battlefords branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

The cool air was invigoratingasmorethan130people gathered for the walk/ run. They met in front of theMeotaCatholicChurch whichhostedtheeventand where the trek began. Becauseofthefrigidweather, it was decided to avail the warmthofthechurchtohear openingremarksbyCharles Baillargeonoverseeingthe event.MicheleWinterholt, executive director of mentalhealth,addressedthose present on the issues and awarenessofmentalhealth facing our society.

MostdelightfulwasMarcel Duhaime’s beautiful team of Clydesdale horses and wagon. Anyone needing a ride simply had to climb aboardandliterally“hitcha ride.”Participantsrangedin age from 95-year-old Elsie GabruchtoCohenWheaton at seven months old.

Maurice Duhaime spoke onmentalhealthissuesfaced by their family. The Cody Duhaime Memorial Walk

From the church steps a youthchoirledthesinging of O Canada with the flag brisklywavinginthenorth-

Robert St. Amant and CharlesBaillargeon,both marathonrunners,conceived this idea and are proud to announce $19,447.14 was raised. All the funds were donated to the Canadian MentalHealthAssociation Battlefords Branch. Thecoolweatherbrought out the best in participants withmanywarmandgiving hearts.Thankyoutoparticipants, donors, helpers and sponsors of this event. The success was exhibited by thetruevalueofcaringfor others.Weareverygrateful. Thank you.


Above, Elsie Gabruch, 95, was the oldest participant in the Meota May 18 walk/run in support of mental health. Jenna Boisvert is the mother of Cohen Wheaton, who at seven months was the youngest participant. At right, Robert St. Amant and Charles Baillargeon present a cheque to Michele Winterholt, executive director of the Canadian Mental Health Association Battlefords Branch. | Photos submitted

Sask atchewan Inflation RemainsLow DuetoRemoval

of Carbon Tax

Sask atchewan’s Consumer PriceIndex rose by only 1per cent in April2024 over April2023. This marks thesecondlowestincreaseamong theprovinces andsitsfar belowthe national averageof2.7 percent.

Removing theCarbonTax from home heatingishelping our province tackle inflation.Our government will always fight forthe people of Sask atchewan andstand up againstpoliciesthathur tour province

Hon. Jeremy Cockrill, MLAfor TheBattlefords


Art Notes

Art has it’s ups and downs

Several Battlefords Art Club members attended an imaginative paintingworkshophostedbytheChapelGallery andinstructedbyAlexsi Ann.

We worked on landscapesandportraitswith emphasis on values, saturation,colourtemperatureandevenhowcolour is used to communicate emotions.

Alexis sees herself as a colourist first and

secondly a painter. Her studentsconsideredher anexcellentcoachwho allowed seeing a more playfulprocessthatcan change how to interact with colour from day to day.

Hereareexamplesthat started from thumbnail sketchingtoapplication of paint to canvas right side up, upside down or evenreflectedinamirror.

Formoreinformation abouttheBattlefordsArt Club please email:battlefordsartclub@gmail. com.

Hon. ScottMoe,Premier, MLAfor Rosthern-Shellbrook


Artists to be recognized at SK Arts gala

Continued from Page 7 to so many people in one gathering.

“I’m being [recognized] intheestablishedartistsand arts leaders category for my work as a musician and educator.Musichasalways been so important in my life. I decided to become a teachersothatIcouldteach musictostudents.Theband teachersthatIhadwerereallyinspirational.Iamalso a performing musician,” says Kroczynski.

The North Battleford artist’smostrecentalbum, She’sAStory,wasreleased forInternationalWomen’s Day in March of 2023. The 10 songs on that album are allstoriesofthetrialsand triumphs in women’s lives. She’s A Story is also nominatedfortheSaskatchewan Country Music Awards –Alt CountryAlbum of the Year, with the awards in June. Most of her music is story-based. Kroczynskibeganpiano when she was four. She has taughtfor27years,always music, band and arts edu-

cationashermainteaching areas. The artist has been writingandrecordingmusic forfouryears,andpriorto thatperformedwithseveral bands.

“I think it’s really wonderful that SK Arts has opened up their event to include so many more people.Saskatchewanhasaton ofhard-working,talented artists who should be recognized; this is just a small sampling. As an artist it is alwaysbeneficialtoreceive publicrecognition.Ithelps with being able to apply forgrants,andgettingyour work out to where people can hear it.”

Kroczynski has a website,, and you can hear her music at https://open.

The best way to support artistsisgotheirshowsand exhibits,buytheirproduct andsupportthemonsocial media, as well as telling others about your experi-


Artist,youthmentorand communityorganizerAlana Moore of Borden is also on the list of nominees.

Rachel Broussard’s nominationinthemediarelease states, “Alana Moore and Amber Phelps-Bondaroff have been working on a community-engaged art project for people living withdementiaandtheircare partners.BelongWhereYou FindYourself works with 12 artist participants from Yorkton and will lead to agalleryexhibitionatthe GodfreyDeanArtGallery in 2023.”

Shandean Reid, communicationsstrategistforSK Arts,says,“Inacallearlier this year, SKArts received nominationsforartistsand arts organizations whose work in the last 18 months was considered worthy of celebration, and SK Arts will honour all of those recommendedatthissoirée. This new event, Arts of Celebration, will honour morethan70artistsandarts organizations, and marks

an attempt by SK Arts to celebrateourprovince’sarts community while moving away from a traditional awardsformat.Theagency believesthatthiswillallow SKArts to celebrate more artiststhantheArtsAwards allowed and encourage thosebuildingtheirartistic dreams.”

SK Arts CEO, Michael Jones, says, “For years, SK Arts has hosted an annual

ArtsAwards event, but we were always struck by the number of amazing nominations we received for individualsandorganizations thatwecouldnothonourin that type of ceremony.”

Theeventwillreflectthe widespectrumofartspracticed in the province, from thecommunitylevel,allthe way up to Saskatchewan’s most recognized national andinternationalartists.

The SK Arts team says theagencywillreviewArts ofCelebrationafteritsdebuttodetermineitsviability asalong-termreplacement fortheSaskatchewanArts Awards.

Youcanreadmoreabout the vision, mission and valuesofthisSaskatchewan organizationandallartists being recognized at the Arts of Celebration event at

Battlefords Art Club members applied principles of colour interaction to projects created at a workshop led by Alexsi Ann. | Photos submitted
During SK Arts’ 75th anniversary celebrations in 2023. Photo by Mark Greschner

On the Land

fields this spring.

from last fall. |

Opinion Empowering farmers

The Canada Grain Act and the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) are pillarsestablishedtoserve grain producers. It’s our collectiveresponsibilityto ensurethattheframework governing grain regulation and oversight prioritizes the interests of the backbone of our industry – farmers.

Established in 1912, the Canada Grain Act sets standards for Canada’s grain industry, ensuring quality,safety,andfairness in grain trading. Under its purview, the Canadian Grain Commission operatescriticalprogramsthat ensure quality standards, information access, and protection from payment default.

The March 26, 2024, Canada Grain Act Summit in Saskatoon provided a crucial platform for producergroupstoaddress critical issues concerning theAct and CGC, sparking discussions vital for our agriculturalsector’sfuture. Throughout the summit, participants engaged in discussions pivotal to the Canadian grain industry’s competitiveness and prosperity.

Understanding the CGC’s role and mandate was central. Participants stressed maintaining objectivity in CGC operations and governance for fairnessandtransparency.

To achieve this, those regulated by the CGC should not unduly influenceitsdecisions,ensuring policies serve producers’ best interests.

The need to enhance producer protections, includingincreasedoversight of quality assessment at primary elevators, dispute resolutionmechanismsand payment security, were emphasized. The CGC must act as a guardian of producer rights, ensuring accountabilityandequity throughouttheagricultural value chain.

Transparent,consistent, andefficientdeliverycontracts and market information emerged as critical themes.Enhancingmarket clarity with information such as forward export sales, empowers producers to make informed decisions. Participants noted successful use of a consistent grain contract in Australia, yet similar streamlined models are lackinginWesternCanada due to the reluctance of grain companies to engage and the CGC to initiate discussions on improvements.

The Summit emphasized the significance of sustainable funding approaches for the CGC and upholdingstringentquality standards to preserve the integrityofCanadiangrain and maximize agricultures contribution to the economy. Participants learned about inspection

and funding systems in Australia and the US, how their systems are maintained and administered with clear provisions for fundingincludingservices delivered for the public good.

Maintaining grain export integrity is key for economic prosperity and reflectsourcommitmentto excellence. As we navigate trade dynamics and emergingconsumertrends, integrity, accountability, and transparency remain essential, ensuring the grainindustry’scontinued prosperityfortoday’sfarm familiesandgenerationsto come.

The newly appointed Chief Commissioner of the CGC, David Hunt, will be stepping into the role at a crucial time. His leadership will be pivotal innavigatingtheconcerns of grain producers and ensuring that the CGC continues to function as a cornerstone of fairness and transparency in these complex times. Our commitment to addressingchallengesand driving positive change is unwavering.Let’sbuildon the summit’s momentum, fosteringcollaborationand commitmentforastronger, moreresilientagricultural sector benefiting producers.It’scrucialtoreaffirm our commitment to the Canada Grain Act principles to maintain Canada’s status as a trusted grain supplier globally.

Twoworkplaceinjuries, one in November 2021 and another in January 2022, have resulted in $325,000 in penalties to Spiritwood Stockyards (1984) Ltd. Bothincidentsoccurred near Spiritwood. Nov. 22, 2021 a worker was struck by a gate and seriously injured while attempting toloadbullsontoatrailer. On Jan,26, 2022, a workerwasfatallyinjuredwhile attempting to clear snow off a roof.The worker fell

through a fiberglass skylight.

Spiritwood Stockyards pleaded guilty in SpiritwoodProvincialCourtMay 14 to two violations of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 The company was finedforcontraveningsubsection 7-6 (1) of the regulations(beinganemployer fail where there is a risk of injury to the head of a workertoprovideapproved industrialprotectiveheadwearandrequireaworker to use it, resulting in the

seriousinjuryofaworker), aswellascontraveningsubsection 9-2 (2) of the regulations(beinganemployer failtoensurethatworkers useafallprotectionsystem atatemporaryorpermanent work area if a worker may fall three metres or more; or there is a possibility of injuryifaworkerfallsless thanthreemetres,resulting in the death of a worker). The Court imposed a totalfineof$232,142.86with a surcharge of $92,857.14, for a total amount of $325,000.

Thousands of white snow geese among ducks dot the prairie
These hungry fowl are scratching and digging for leftover seed
Photo by Elaine Woloshyn

Ten tips for evaluating soil biological products

onyourfarm.Manyofthese tipswillapplytocropinputs ingeneralandcanserveas a guide for approaching and conducting your own on-farm research. Why should we care aboutsoilbacteriaandfungi?

Some say they are the mostimportant“livestock” onthefarmorranch.These organismsprovideahostof benefitstocropproduction. Herearejustafew: Create organicmatterthroughdecomposition;makenitrogen availabletocrops;improve waterinfiltration;improve soil structure; fix nitrogen from the atmosphere; competewithpathogensto protectcrops;enhanceroot


nutrientandwateruptake. degrade pollutants.

Given these benefits, improving the health of soil biology should be a priority on all farms. As we approach this conversationaboutbiologicalsoil additives,itisimportantto cover a few basics of soil biology.A gram of soil can haveabout500millionbacteria.Therearethousands of known species of bacteria,andtheycanreproduce in as little as 30 minutes. Thereareabout900million grams of soil per acre in the top 6 inches. Taken together,thisequatestoabout 45,000,000,000,000,000 (4.5 x 1016) bacteria per acre.

Now, let’s say a soil biological product recommends a rate of 1 million bacteria per acre. That would represent about 0.0000000022 per cent of thebacteriaalreadypresent in the soil. This example highlightsthechallengeof significantlyalteringthe biology of soil by applying bacteria and fungi. Other factorsthatinfluencethe temperature,moisture,and habitat for soil biology suchastillage,livingroots, fertilizer,amendments,and residue management can rapidly and greatly alter the amount and diversity of biology. These factors should be the first focus when seeking to improve soil biology.

It should be noted, though, that the right biological input in the right place can make a large difference. A prime example ofthisisrhizobiumbacteria coatedonlegumeseed.This placementsignificantlyimpacts a legume’s ability to nodulateandfixnitrogen. Biologicalproductsinthe right place can make a difference but will require extreme care to ensure effective outcomes.

A lot to ponder

As you consider which biologicalproductstotrial on your farm, it may be wise to remember these 10 tips:

3 Maximize biological activity. Minimizing or eliminatingtillagereduces soil disturbance and can maintain higher levels of arbuscularmycorrhizalfungi.Keepingthesoilcovered andmanagingresiduehelps provide a more ideal soil temperature(around85°F) tosupportbacteriaandfungi activity. Where possible, keep soil pH between 6.0 and 7.2. Avoiding excessive soil salinity will also promotebiologicalactivity in the soil.

productsarelivingorganisms. Living organisms can evolveanddieduringproductdevelopment,storage, andhandling.Ensurethat thereislive,desirablebiology(bacteriaand/orfungi dependingontheproduct) by requesting a product analysis by the manufacturerorbyconductingyour ownindependentanalysis. Applying a bottle full of dead bacteria or fungi is sure to have no effect on your crop production.

7 Follow storage and application instructions. Manybiologicalproducts have special requirements for handling and application. This often includes avoiding excessive temperatures and priming the bacteriafora24-or48-hour period before application.

8 Do not bet the farm. This saying is used a lot by extension personnel and cannotbeoverstated.Once you’veidentifiedreputable productstostarttesting,it is wise to start small and test products using best on-farmresearchpractices (see crops/research/on-farmresearch-guide for more details).Thisincludeshavingreplicatedtreatedand nontreatedstripsorsections ofafieldwithcarefulyield monitoringtomeasurehow theproductinfluencesyield and ROI.

1Focusonfoundational inputs first. With so many newandexcitingproducts onthemarket,itcanbeeasy to forget or question the valueofthefoundational inputs of water and plant nutrition.Beforeexploring new biological products, ensurethatyourirrigation systems and management (if applicable), fertility program, and agronomic practicesarefine-tunedand maximizingyourreturnon investment. If these inputs are limiting, other efforts toimprovecropproduction may prove futile.

2 Feed and water soil biology. It is wise to first fine-tunethepracticesthat influencebiologythemost. Continuously adding organicmatter(cropresidues andamendments)withlow carbon-to-nitrogenratios provide food for bacteria andfostersgrowthandactivity.Biologicalactivityis also promoted by growing healthyplantswithhealthy roots,reducingsoilsaturation by avoiding over-irrigation, and having proper soil drainage.

4 Pay due diligence. Therearealotofbiological soiladditivesorinoculants onthemarket.Itwillnotbe possible to test all of them on your farm. Thoroughly investigate a product before trialing. Check for independent, nonbiased researchontheperformance oftheproductandbeonthe lookout to avoid products withextremelyloftyclaims, incredibletestimonials,and no data on product performance. Ask other farmers fordataonhowtheproduct has worked for them.

5 Know what’s inside. The first thing to check whenevaluatingaproduct is what’s inside. Read and know the ingredients. If a company will not disclose the ingredients, you may want to steer clear. This is especially important for biologicalproductsbecause they are living organisms thatcanchangeduringhandling and storage. Some productsclaimcertainquantities and types of bacteria andfungithatarenotpresent when an independent analysisoftheingredients is conducted.

6 Request or test ingredient analysis. Biological

9 Focus on return on investment. If the product costs only $5 per acre, but theyieldincreasewasonly worth$3peracre,thenthe product is not a good investment.Yieldgainsalone sometimes inaccurately becometheultimatefocus. Besuretotrackthecostof theproductandthereturns tothatinvestmenttoensure it is positive.

10 Ask for a second opinion. It can be difficult to know which products havepotentialandaregood investments. University extension services, crop advisers,andotherprofessionalsareavailabletohelp you sort through options, connectwithresourcesand previousresearchresults, andconducton-farmtrials. A simple phone call or email can save you a lot of stress and money.

Soil bacteria and fungi can be the most important “livestock” on the farm or ranch. | Photo by Jan Kroon/Pexels

AAFC announces over $1 million in funding for the Canadian Centre for Agricultural Wellbeing


Withthegrowingseason upon us, life is busy for farmersacrossCanada.With the hectic pace of farming comesthepressuretojuggle many aspects of running a business — and sometimes oneofthefirstballstodrop is caring for our mental health.

Lawrence MacAulay, MinisterofAgricultureand Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), hasannounced$1.08million in funding for the CanadianCentreforAgricultural Wellbeing(CCAW)through the AgriCompetitiveness Program,aninitiativeunder the Sustainable Canadian AgriculturalPartnership. CCAWisanorganization thatbringstogethernational and global leaders in the mentalhealthfieldtoconductcutting-edgeresearch to develop evidence based,

Agribition Signs MOUs with Congreso de las Estrellas and Beef Australia

community informed programmingandeducationto addresswellbeingrelated challengesamongstCanadian farmers.

Briana Hagen, chief executive officer and lead scientistfortheorganization says, “the CCAW seeks to work with grassroots, community-basedorganizationsacrossthecountry,to providemeaningfulsupport of Canadian agricultural wellbeing.”

CCAWwillusethefunds to support activities aimed at:

• Supporting the mental healthofCanadianfarmers, includingsupportformental healthliteracyeducationfor agricultureeducatorsacross the country;

• The development of a mental health toolkit to supportthesectorincaseof catastrophic events;

• Help industry further


CanadianWesternAgribition has signed two memorandumofunderstandings with Congreso de las EstrellasandBeefAustralia. Thesetwointernationally recognizedpartiescameto an agreement with CWA toformalizeapartnership between the shows to encouragemoreinternational

developcapacitythroughout the sector; and,

• Facilitate the sharing and expansion of national farmmentalhealthstrategies and resources.

The CCAW will also develop Canada’s first evidence-based agriculture literacytrainingprogramin collaborationwiththeRural Physicians Society of Canada in order to deliver the trainingtoruralphysicians whointeractwithCanadian farmers and organize two nationalconferencesthat willenablementalhealth information sharing with stakeholders from across the sector.

TheAgriCompetitiveness Programsupportssector-led activities that identify industry best practices and buildthecapacityofthesector, advance farm business management, farm safety information and tools, as

trade and promotion of Canadian cattle genetics, alongwithbestpractisesof event execution.

Guadalajara, Mexico –March 23, 2024, Canadian WesternAgribition (CWA) and Rafael Gonzalez, as organizer of Congreso de lasEstrellas,signedamemorandumofunderstanding. Rockhampton,Australia – May 8, 2024, CWA and

• Pumping temporar y sloughs & potholes early allows full fields to be seeded

• Increase yield and acreage during seeding and har vesting

• Saves wear and tear on seeding and har vesting equipment

• Soil salinity is decreased and saline soils are rejuvenated

• Grasshopper and mole infestation around potholes and sloughs can be reduced

• Water basins formed during flash rains can be pumped to prevent drowning of plants

CCAW brings together national and global leaders in the mental health field to conduct cutting-edge research to programming and education to address wellbeing related challenges amongst Canadian farmers. |

wellasactivitieswhichraise agricultural awareness.

Ifyou’restrugglingwith your mental health, or if you just need someone to

BeefAustralia signed the same memorandum of understanding.BeefAustralia was represented by Chief Executive Officer Simon Irwin.

Thesepartnershipsmark a significant step for CWA, CongresodelasEstrellas, and BeefAustralia, all of which are major livestock events in their respective markets, according to an

talk to, AgTalk by the Do MoreAgricultureFoundation is available to Canadian producers. AgTalk is a freeandanonymousmental

Agribition press release.

With the intent of expandinginternationalmarketingandpromotion,CWA andeachpartywillcollaborate,allowingtheirevents togrowandbreakbarriers intheirrespectivemarkets withthelivestockindustry top of mind.

“Agribitionpridesitself onbeinganindustryleader and a place where people


health support community for members of the Canadianagriculturesector,and available in both English and French.

come to do business. The increasedcollaborationand representationinothermarkets allow us to not only continuetodothatbutalso focusoncontinualgrowth in these areas,” said Shaun Kindopp, CWA CEO.

“We anticipate the presence of dignitaries from each organization at our show this November.”

CANNONS Pump your temporar y sloughs & potholes dr y in record breaking time.

up to 2000 GPM covering 4-6 acres.

FEATURING • High Pressure Irrigation Pump • Hydraulic Priming Pump

Hydraulic Side Boom • High Flotation Tires • Pressure Relief Safety Valve on Priming System

Photo by Jannis Knorr / Pexels

Mayfair and District News

Toomuchprecipitation? Not enough?The rainfall has varied within a few miles. Rain gauges do not lie.Whitkow-Mayfairarea did not receive any snow. Thetemperaturediddiplow butiftherewasfrostinthe

low areas it was not a big problem. Few farmers are finished seeding but by the time this paper comes out, some will have had. The weathermanrevealswarm weatherforthenextweek.

Yahoo. Perhaps more grass can get mowed and garden seeding completed.

Congratulationstolocal farmerKyleWoloshynand his partner Gillian Harris on the birth of a baby girl namedAliana May 18. Proud grandmothers are DarleneWoloshynandGillian’smotherDorothyHarrisofOntario.Great-gramma is 95-year-old OlgaWoloshyninNorthBattleford.

This past weekend Mayfair’sCreativeCornerorganization was pleased with the interested crowd who cametosupportthefollowing vendors: Joanna Roth authorofchildren’sbooks, massagetherapistandreiki practitioner;April Lafreniere selling Farmasi Skin

products /makeup and cinnamonbuns;MaryWerezak Tupperware;ShellyEsakin teatowels,dishclothsand pot scrubbies; Julie Prebushewski homemade jams andcondiments;ElaineWoloshyn baking and plants; Gail Adamus crochet stuffedcharacters(which certainlyhadthechildren’s attention);HeatherWelsh plantsandgoodcondition garage sale items; Dora Brownlargeassortmentof beddingplants;locallibrary withbooksandbaking;and the hall an assortment of kitchenware.Manyhungry peoplesatwiththeirlunch amongstmuchlaughterand visiting.

Belatedbirthdaywishes to93-year-oldDougGrigor

JUNE at TheClub

We’rereadyfor aSUNsationalSummerwith you!

Battlefords Boys & Girls Club

June is PrideMonthand NationalIndigenous HistoryMonth!

Summer Programming: If youhaven’talready registered your child(ren) forour Summer Programs,thereisstill time!Starting July 2nd- August23rd we’reoffering 8weeks of SUMMER FUN. Join us forour SummerAdventure DayCamps,that operate Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm (excluding stat holidays).Eachweek has a funtheme,amazing field trip andtons of activities, games, crafts andMORE! Thesecamps will keep your child(ren) stayingactiveand havingfun this summer! Also included is nutritious anddelicious breakfasts, lunchesand snacks. $150/week or$50/day, we can’t wait to see you!

Let’snot forget aboutour Summer ParksDrop-in Programs, that areoffered at the3 SplashParks in theCity:

•Centennial Park

•Kinsmen Park


Theseprogramsare FREE OF CHARGE,and operate Monday-Friday,11:00am4:00pm (weather permitting).All that’s required is a valid 2024 Membership Form! Nutritious baggedlunchand balanced snacks areprovided daily.

For more informationonthese programsand how to register,visit our website:

June datestoremember:

• Saturday,June 1st –IFCUSaturday Program:Love& Acceptance

• Friday,June 7th –BGC Club Day! Join us fora flagraising and proclamation signing ceremonyatCityHallat10:00amfollowedbya celebrationatBGC Battlefords Main Site(4:30pm-6:00pm) forour membersand theirfamilies, sponsored by Bridges Chevrolet BuickGMC.The celebrationwill include adelicious BBQ,bouncycastles, facepainting, outdoor games andmore! (Satellitekidswill be bussedtoour Main Site). Besuretotakea look at thewater towerthat will be lit up in BGCGreen on June 7th!

• Saturday,June 8th –IFCUSaturdayProgram:World Ocean Day!

•Thursday,June13th –FFUNDodge Race forKids!

•Saturday, June 15th –IFCUSaturdayProgram:Our Dad’sare theCoolest!

•Sunday, June 16th –Happy Father ’s Day!

•Friday, June 21st –NationalIndigenous Peoples Day.

•Saturday, June 22nd –IFCUSaturdayProgram:CelebratingNational Indigenous Peoples Day.

•Wednesday,June 26th –LastDay of School!

•Thursday,June27th –All Programming CLOSED forsummerstaff training. Office open.

•Friday, June 28th –All Programming CLOSED forsummerstaff training. Office open.

•Saturday, June 29th –IFCUSaturdayProgram CLOSED

•Monday,July1st –Happy Canada Day! Office and allProgramming CLOSED

•Tuesday, July 2nd –SummerProgramming begins!

•SummerAdventureDay Campsoperatefrom7:30am –5:30pm.

•SummerParks Drop-in Programs operatefrom11:00am –4:00pm (weather permitting)

•Office hoursare 8:30am –3:30pm

As areminder, our school year hoursofoperation areasfollows:

-Office:MondaytoFriday, 8:30am –3:30pm

-SatelliteSiteBeforeSchoolPrograms: Monday to Friday,7:30am –8:30am (Bready & EMBM)

-SatelliteSiteAfterSchool Programs: Monday to Friday,class dismissal– 5:30pm (Bready, EMBM &HolyFamily)

-Drop-in Program (MainSite):Monday to Friday,class dismissal– 8:30pm and Saturdays, 1:00pm –4:00pm


Office:Monday to Friday,8:30am –3:30pm

-SummerAdventureDay Camps: Monday to Friday,7:30am –5:30pm

-SummerParks Drop-in Programs:Monday to Friday,11:00am –4:00pm(weather permitting)

Continue to watchour Facebook page (BGCBattlefords),Instagram @bgcbattlefords and website( more updates.Havea question? Call us at (306)445-0002!

Opportunity ChangesEverything

formerlyofMayfair.Doug is a resident of Idylwild Senior Citizens Lodge in Spiritwood. Wife Alice resides in Mayfair and helps extensivelywithfundraising for seniors’ activities. The small hamlet of Whitkow will be seeing someactionnextweekend. The Ukrainian Catholic ChurchoftheAscensionof OurLordwillhaveFather LeonidMalkovofficiating the divine liturgy at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 8. Potlucklunchandvisitinglocal cemeteries are to follow theservice.Includedinthe cemeteriesareKindrachuk, DemyonandGlasslake.For

more information please callRaymondEwanchukat 306-971-2658

A new imaging system iscurrentlybeinginstalled at Spiritwood and District Health Complex. The SaskatchewanHealthAuthority advises service is limited to X-ray emergencies only until July 16. Also in the busy town of Spiritwood, a folk festival is scheduled for Aug. 30 and 31. More pavilions can still be added. It is on asmallerscalethanonesin cities but a good weekend oftraditionalethnicfood, costumes and music. Mark your calendars for an up-

coming fun weekend. A free weekend for anyone wanting to take in the “TasteofCulture”heldon theBattlefordsexhibition groundsthisweekendJune 1 and 2.There will be much action with music, market vendors,andfunkids’activities,foodtrucksandmore. LeovilleandDistricthas its popular history book titled“AftertheDust”online. One can search and purchase by going to their website and typing in “After the Dust.” History books are a greatsourceofnamesfrom generations ago and are interesting to read.


Public notice is herebygiven, Pursuant to Section207 of the Planning andDevelopment Act 2007 that theCityofNorthBattlefordIntends to passa Bylawtoamend Zoning Bylaw No,1971.

It is proposed to amendthe ZoningBylaw,which formspartofthe BylawNumber1971, asfollows:

Changethe zoning of thelandareashown below fromFuture Urban Development (FUD) to C3 –ArterialCommercial.

Reasonfor Amendment:

The City andRed Pheasant Cree Nation have aser vicing agreement that requires development of theRed Pheasant Urban Reser vetobeapproved through theCity’s standard approval process.

The current development on theRed Pheasant site offTerritorialDrivewas approved as a buildingonly, matching thecurrent FUDzoning. The current development area needstobe rezonedtoC3toallowfor uses to be approved forthe building.

Bylaw Inspection

Anyinterested person mayinspect theBylaw at City Hall, 1291-101st Street, North Battleford, SK,Monday through Friday,between thehoursof9:00a.m.to4:30p.m Copies areavailabletopersons through theOffice of theCityClerk

Public Hearing

Representations respecting the Bylawwill be considered by Council on the17th dayofJune, at the DonRoss CentreRoom 107 (CouncilChambers)at5:45 p.m. Council shall hear any person,group of persons, or persons acting on their behalf, whowishtomakea representation. Council will alsoconsider written comments received at thehearing or whichare delivered to City Hall before the hearing.

Information ****Please note: If you wish to provide comments regarding the application, we ask thatyou consider submitting your comments in writingtoour officebyemail, mail or in person at City Hall. The deadline to submit comments is June 7th,2024, by 12 pm noon.

FORMORE INFORMATION: Gary Fung, Junior Planner City of NorthBattleford (306)445 –1710

Dr Iain Weston Nor th Battleford

Er nie Krawetz Nor th Battleford

Rust y&Elsie Stensr ud Battleford

Jerome Alberding Nor th Battleford

David Bunnell Nor th Battleford

Daniel Gotto Nor th Battleford

Pear lWintonyk-McGregor Nor th Battleford

Colleen Côté Medstead

Donna Hickson Nor th Battleford

Lana Hickson. Nor th Battleford

JoyceKoliniak Nor th Battleford

Char lotte Lahti Nor th Battleford

Walter T. Nelson Nor th Battleford

Al Gotto. Nor th Battleford

Jacquelyne Byers. Nor th Battleford

David W. Shur y. Battleford

Dean M. Williams Nor th Battleford

Ivan Wasmuth Nor th Battleford

Sylvia Char ko Nor th Battleford Garr ySchmidt Ruddell


Allan Dillabough

SandraIllingwor th Nor th Battleford

visiting or playing cr ib He spent many hours bobbing on the water Keith was bor n in Maple Creek and received his education in Golden Prair ie, Maple Creek and Medicine Hat He joined the militar y in 1961 at 18 years old, trained and wor ked as a firefighter He met his wife (lifetime sweethear t)

Dianne (Leard) in Summerside PEI and they marr ied in 1964 They were young and enjoyed moving to a total of 11 militar y bases including Ger many, where their first t wo boys were bor n Keith retired from the militar y in 1982 and moved to Medicine Hat, Regina, and eventually ended up in Nor th Battleford in 1989 Left to cher ish Keith’s memor y are his wife Dianne Ar nold of 59 years his three sons and their spouses: Michael Ar nold (Rosemar ie) Steven Ar nold (Darcy) and Darr yl Ar nold (Cathy) Also left to cher ish his memor y are his Grandchildren: Chr istopher Ber linger, Gabr ielle Ar nold, Shayne McInnes, P J Ar nold, Brandon Haster (Cynthia), Keith Ar nold, and Devyn Ar nold; Great Grandchildren: Eleanor Haster and Par ker Ar nold Keith was predeceased by his parents Pear l and Leonard Ar nold, brother Ver non Ar nold, sister-in-law Aldean Ar nold, sister Carol McIvor and brother-in-law Wally Jenser At Keith s request no memor ial ser vice will be held and he will be interred at a later date Keith was a devoted and loving husband, father, grandfather, firefighter and mentor and we’ve all been blessed to have him in our lives Surely, he’s still catching more and bigger fish than any of us where he is now “Firefighters never die, they just bur n forever in the hear ts of the people whose lives they saved

MERRITT: Br yan - October 19 1947-May 16 2024 Br yan Edward Merr itt passed away in Saskatoon SK on May 16 2024, at the age of 76 Br yan was preceded in death by his wife Brenda and older sisters Helen Mead, Yvonne Soden and Fran Garrett He is sur vived by his children Chad and Alicia, son-in-law Er nesto and his grandchildren Cohen and Logan Bor n in Cabr i, SK Br yan would have a long career as a recreation facilities manager for Swift Current Meadow Lake and Nor th Battleford, SK He was a lifelong Saskatchewan Roughr iders and Montreal Canadiens fan and would spend his remaining years doting on his grandsons as “Little Grandpa” As per his request no funeral will be taking place, but a celebration of his life will be arranged and announced later In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be given to the Canadian Deafblind Association (CDBA) Saskatchewan Chapter To share memor ies and condolences visit www par kfuneral ca “Obituar ies-Guestbook Arrangements entr usted to Greg Lalach Par k Funeral Home 306 244 2103 www.sellyourfarm

Rita DeniseJanuar y 31, 1968-Apr il 16, 2024 In loving memor y of Rita Denise Pr


SK and


y 31, 1968,


Church, her step-children: Rochelle Billette of Edmonton AB Ryan Billette of Edmonton AB, her mother : Naomi Pr imeau of Richard, SK, her siblings: Julie (Ken) Rose of Richard, SK, Bonnie Pr imeau of Ruddell, SK, Jesse Pr imeau of Borden, SK, her nieces and nephews: Michelle (Bobby) Kwiatkowski of Glendon, AB, Amy (James) Winger t of Cold Lake, AB, Car la (Chr istian) Lobb of Ardmore AB Kr ista Pollard (Shaun Nelson) of Nor th Battleford SK Cole (Madison) Pozdrowski of Cold Lake AB Har ley Pr imeau of Ottawa, ON also numerous great-nieces/nephews, cousins, and fr iends She was predeceased by her father : Alber t Pr imeau in 2022 A funeral ser vice was held Monday, Apr il 22, 2024 - 2:00 pm at the Lions Communit y Hall, Shell Lake, SK with Delores Beaulac officiating The eulogy was given by Amy Winger t Honorar y pallbearers were considered Ever yone who shared in Denise s life pallbearers were Bobby Kwiatkowski James Winger t Shaun Nelson Kyle Lobb Xzavier Lobb and Joshua Winger t Denise’s final resting place is in the Shell Lake Cemeter y Memor ial donations may be made to a Char it y of the Donor ’s Choice in memor y of Denise Pr imeau as tokens of remembrance Arrangements have been entr usted to the care of Beau Lac” Funeral Home and Cremator ium, Delores Beaulac Funeral Director Spir it wood SK (306) 883-3500

PUGSLEY - It is with heavy hear ts that we announce the passing of our father Ronald Leroy Pugsley of Regina, Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the age of 89 years He was predeceased by his loving wife of 66 years Helen (nee Backus) parents Frank Thomas Pugsley and Almina (nee Blakely) Pugsley; sister Lorraine Thompson; brother-in-law Roald Thompson, brother-in-law Joseph Backus, sisters-in-law Mar y Backus, Marguer ite Jones, Mar tha Moses, and daughter-in-law Robin Pugsley Dad will be lovingly remembered by his children Karen Pugsley Ron (Bonnie), Br ian (Glenda), and Grant; grandchildren, Amy, Michelle, Tracy-Lynn, Kathie-Lee, Rachael and Kyle; brother-inlaw Don (Sandy) Backus, sister-in-law Alsinah Backus as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and fr iends Dad was bor n on Januar y 1, 1935, at Spr ing Coulee Distr ict of Sintaluta, Saskatchewan Dad based his life on faith, family, and fr iends Dad loved going to church regardless of where we were living but it was First Presbyter ian church in Regina where Dad and Mom spent much of their church life Dad loved his involvement in the church teaching Sunday School, was on the Board of Managers and was an Elder His life of faith was the fabr ic for Dad’s daily life, his family life and ever yone he interacted with After graduation in 1953 from Luther College, Dad star ted his career with SaskTel Dad’s career spanned 35 years at SaskTel which involved moves throughout Saskatchewan and to Montreal and Ottawa Dad retired in Saskatoon where he was responsible for SaskTel’s operations in Saskatoon and nor ther n Saskatchewan It was in Nor th Battleford where he met the love of his life Helen After one year in retirement Dad took a close fr iend's suggestion and joined the real estate industr y which he loved Dad, like Mom, loved the new adventures with each move but it was his passion for his church, family, fr iends, and communit y that were most impor tant to him Dad was a fir m believer in giving back to the communit y and helping He volunteered and par ticipated with many organizations that made a difference in the lives of others; United Way, the Nutana Lions Club in Saskatoon, the Masonic Lodge in Regina and CNIB were some of Dad’s favour ites Dad was honoured by the Lions Inter national Foundation as the recipient of the Melvin Jones Fellow award for dedicated humanitar ian ser vice Dad had a profound sense of humour, it was so good he always laughed at his own jokes! We will miss Dad but are grateful for the lessons he shared and his love Funeral Ser vice for Dad will be held on June 8 2024 commencing at 2:00pm at First Presbyter ian Church in Regina with the Rev Amanda Curr ie officiating If you cannot join us in person, you can live stream the ser vice, https://www youtube com/watch?v=BOEJIciIXkI In lieu of flowers donations can be made to CNIB or a char it y of your choice

imeau bor
passed away
il 16, 2024, Nor th Battleford, SK at 56 Years of age Denise is lovingly remembered by her par tner : Ken


Thank you to all who attended our event on May 23, 2024 and contributing to the success of the Battlefords Regional Community Coalition (BRCC) 1st Annual Recognition Day

“A special Thank you to the Battlefords Regional Tribal Chiefs (BATC) team for being a part of the event. Your enthusiasm, contribution and support made it an incredible experience for ever yone involved.”

Building a better Battlefords Regional Community by tur ning our shared issues and challenges into opportunities.

Sincerely, Brad Swiftwolfe

Executive Director - Battlefords Regional Community Coalition MAMAWICIHITOWIN – “working together.”


The R.M. of Cut Knife No 439 is currently seeking applications for a full-time seasonal Equipment Operator/Operations Staff/Labourer

Duties may include, but may not be limited to, operation of a backhoe, tractor & mower, rock picker, tandem truck & trailer. Previous experience with the operation of these pieces of equipment will be an asset to placement as will a Class 1A license

The successful applicant will enjoy a health and dental benefits plan and employer matched pension plan

Interested applicants may apply by sending a resume with hourly wage expected as well as a current driver’s abstract to:

R.M. of Cut Knife No 439 Box 70 Cut Knife, Sask S0M 0N0

Phone # (306) 398-2353

E-mail -

Fax # (306) 398-3016

Deadline for applications: Applications taken only until such time as the placement is filled.

Editor/Repor ter Wanted

If you are a good writer with a strong sense of curiosity and a love of meeting people and telling their stories, we want to hear from you.

The Regional News-Optimist has an immediate opening for a dedicated and enthusiastic full-time reporter/editor. Our small but mighty newsroom is responsible for delivering solid news coverage and compelling photos to the Battlefords region, and working to find stories that matter to our readers

The ideal candidate will be a self-starter, a person who’s not afraid to go the extra mile to capture and tell human-focused stories.

We’re looking for someone who can: generate story ideas

• write up to 10 stories a week (sports, news, and features)

• take compelling, eye-catching photos

• be a team player who is flexible to changing work needs


• a driver ’s license and working vehicle

• proficiency in English and CP style adherence to journalistic ethics ability to write accurate and fair stories to deadline

• computer skills

• a post-secondary qualification in journalism or a related field would be an asset basic knowledge of Photoshop and InDesign would be an asset

• possess excellent communication skills

Deadline for applications is May 31st, 2024

We thank all applicants for their interest Successful candidates will be contacted to set up an interview. If this job seems right for you, please email your resume, writing and photography samples and references to:

Gord Brewerton

Vice-President and Group Publisher






FROM PATTISON: go south 2.8 KM across Highway 14 onto Range RD 3230 to Yard 40065 watch for signs




HILLMOND, SK NW 1-52-25-W3


FROM HILLMOND: go 3 km east to RR 3253 -grid 684, tur n left go 6.4 km north on Highway 684 to TWSP #522 tur n right go 3 km east on TWSP 522 to RR 3251 tur n right go south 1.6 km to location

FROM PARADISE HILL: go west on Highway #3 until you get to the

Motor scrapers, dozers, excavators, rock trucks, packers; wide range of machines.

Lots of work all season Camp/R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to:

Email: brydenconstruct@ www brydenconstruction

Edwards Society Inc. Executive Director

Edwards Society Inc. is accepting applications for the position of Executive Director.

Edwards Society Inc. is a community-based organization providing residential services to adult individuals living with emotional and mental health concerns whose primary function is to enhance the quality of life for them so that they may live in the community with greater self-reliance.

We operate a 6-bed group home, a supported apartment living program for 30 participants. We also operate an 8-space semi-independent program cooperatively with Saskatchewan Health

The Executive Director will report directly to a Board of Directors and work with a strong team of dedicated staff.

The successful candidate will possess a combination of education and experience in administration and human services, finance and accounting, and knowledge and experience in facility management

• Degree in Health Care Management or equivalent education and experience

• At least 3 years experience in a senior management position

• Good organizational skills and be able to maintain a positive attitude

• Experience in program planning, implementation and evaluation

• Objective verbal and written communication skills

• Ability to work effectively with community resources and personnel

• Knowledge of psychosocial rehabilitation practices

A competitive salary and benefits package is offered

Proposed starting date: June 15, 2024

To apply, please submit a package which includes a cover letter, resume, references, and all certificates you have earned

Deadline for applications is June 07, 2024

Apply by letter or email to:

Kevan Migneault, Personnel Committee

Edwards Society Inc.

11301 Clark Drive

North Battleford, SK S9A 3P4

Only those individuals who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.

Notice of Call for Nominations

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:

Mayor: Resort Village of Turtle View

Councillor: Resort Village of Turtle View, Number to be elected: Three (3) will be received by the undersigned on Saturday, the 22nd day of June, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Resort Village of Turtle View Municipal Office located at 116 Golden Sands Dr., Turtle View, Saskatchewan, and during regular business hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., June 7, 2024 to June 21, 2024, at the Resort Village of Turtle View Office.

Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: Resort Village of Turtle View Municipal Office at 116 Golden Sands Dr., Turtle View, Saskatchewan

Dated this 30th day of May, 2024.

Lorrie Bannerman Returning Officer


Resort Village of Aquadeo Public Notice Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Resort Village of Aquadeo (RV) intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No 19/89, known as the Zoning Bylaw (ZB)

INTENT: The intent of the amendment is to introduce shipping containers as an allowable accessory use for landowner storage in the RV The use of shipping containers would be a discretionary matter of Council where employed as a permanent accessory use or temporarily during the construction of another allowable use, and as a permitted use for periods of 21 days or less during a calendar year without development permitting. Regulations and evaluation for the use would be prescribed and varies dependent on Zoning District The use would potentially be allowable in any Zoning District other than the R2 – Residential District (R2), in which it would be prohibited.

AFFECTED LAND: All lands within the RV would be affected, except for any lands zoned R2, which are unaffected.

REASON: The RV Council is considering a regulatory and evaluation system for the placement of temporary and permanent shipping containers in the RV; shipping containers are currently not provided for in the ZB The amendment stems from interest received by the RV to accommodate shipping containers as they are growing in popularity for use as secure storage. In considering their use and placement, Council is proposing regulation and unit-specific evaluation to manage the potential for land use conflict.

PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RV office between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Wednesday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost or by emailing the RV administrator and asking for a copy The office can also be reached at (306) 386-2942 A digital copy of the draft amendment is available at the following web address:

PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on June 21, 2024, at 10:00 AM, in the RV Office Written submissions and requests for verbal representation must be received by June 20, 2024. For additional information, please contact (306) 386-2942 or Written submissions can be mailed to Box 501, Cochin, SK, S0M 0L0, or emailed to the address above.

Issued by the Resort Village of Aquadeo this 21st day of May, 2024.

Gina Bernier Chief Administrative Officer – Resort Village of Aquadeo

Outdoor flea market draws 40 vendors


Lions Club held a successfuloutdoorfleamarketSaturday, May 25, with more than 40 vendors having theirwaresforsaleonfour blocks in Borden.

The Lions Club sold 50/50 tickets and the winner of $222 was Rhonda Siery of Borden. Closest guess to the more than 1,800 jelly beans in a jar was Florence Neufeld.

Guessing the number of candies in a jar for the 12 and under set was Blaire Dolsen. For the teens, the

winnerwasMylaJohnston. Guessing the number of macaroniandbrownricein a small jar was won by BerniceKramchynsky.Allare fromtheBordenarea.Each winnerreceivedacooleror bag full of donated items plus the jar of candies or jelly beans.

AttheAnglicanChurch table, a donated antique pottery mixing bowl was raffledoffandthiswaswon by Ken and TamYoungson.

The Borden Museum wasalsoopenfortheafternoon.Theywillofficially open June 1 at 2 p.m. servingicecreamsundaesinthe schoolhouseforallwhoare in attendance.

The museum received

a grant to hire a summer student.Fillingtheposition is Kaidyn Turgeon, from Langham.Shewillbeopening the museum Saturdays and Sundays in June from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In July and August, the museum will be open Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdayfromnoonuntil5 p.m. There is no charge but any donations are always welcome.

Winningthe50/50atthe Borden Farmers Market May 24 was Lucy Isaac of Langham. The market is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. everyFridayintheSeniors’ Room in the Borden Community Centre. If you like hotdogsandpie,itisagreat


Diefenbaker Daze is June 1 and 2 with a slopitchtournamentbothdays, paradeSaturdayat11a.m., museum opening at 2 p.m., steak supper for $25 at the grounds Saturday from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and a cabaret in the evening.There will be a kids’ zone and concession booth both days and on Sunday there is a pancake breakfast at the grounds from 8 to 11 a.m. and an ecumenical joint church service outdoors at the Borden Care Home at 10:30 a.m. with Celtic Countryprovidingthemusic.Allotheractivitiesare atthesportsgroundsuntil the ball finals.

Condolences are extended to the families and friends of Hylke van der Wahl of Radisson who passed away May 10 at the age of 86 and to family at Borden of Roy Nykiforuk, who passed away May 15

at the age of 97. Roy was originally from Borden thenlivedinSaskatoonfor manyyearsandhadrecently moved into the Borden Care Home. His service was held May 21 in Saska-


Hope MennoniteFellowship 1291 -109thStreet, NorthBattleford SundayWorship Service- 11:00a.m. SundaySchool -10:00 a.m. Pastor:DeanCovert Church Phone 306-445-4181

Worship Together

NotreDamedeLourdesChurch 12thAve. &104thStreet,North Battleford, SK S9A1S8

PASTOR:Rev.FatherMillanSajonasOffice: 306-445-3836 Mass Times: Saturdays: 7:00 pm Sundays: 11:00am& 5:00 pm (exceptJuly& August) Sundays: 9:30 am St.André’sChurch Email: •

Borden Lions Pat and Perry Nicol cooking wieners. The Lions sold hot dogs, muffins, cookies and beverages during the outdoor flea market May 25. |
Photo by Lorraine Olinyk

Athletes set sights on provincial track and field

this week where the top three will advance to provincials. Maidstone High School graduation 2024 was celebratedonMay24.Congratulationstoallthegraduates

and their families. We’ll have a picture, names of grads and a list of awards next week.

Week 4 for Maidstone Disc Golf welcomed a couple more new players. Top averages for this week: Tier 1 -8 Matt Sayers; Tier 2 +0.25 Brendan Donovan; Tier 3 +14 Brad Lejeune. DrawnwinnerswereSteven Frerichs and James Croke. A multitude of communitysaleslastSaturdayhad shoppersbustlingfromone addresstoanotherfordeals. How could one possibly takeinover25garagesales as well as score goodies at SilverLakeMarket,watch balltournamentsinMaidstone and at Silver Lake, see the Comets honouring ceremony (more on it

nextweek),enjoylunchat theco-opcharitybarbeque and nab some of the lush plants at Bloomers?What a workout.

The summer market at Silver Lake had a terrific startup with lots of outof-town visitors. From hot sauce to goats, baking, homemadecrafts,crocheted dollclothes,pettreatsand pet care (nail trims and grooming),therewassomethingforeveryone.Dueto events happening nearby this weekend (Party in the PastureandMarshallDays), themarketwillnotbeopen this week but will proceed on Saturday, June 8.

MaidstoneGullyMultiple 4-H Achievement Day on Sunday, May 26 was a resounding success.After

Meota and District News

A hearty five played golfThursday,theseniors’ morning — Ken Morton, MarcelDuhaime,Annette Duhaime, old-timer Jackfish Day and I. Jack did his usual on the fifth hole and put his drive long and straight down the middle. That left about 180 yards

left to reach the green. Marcelle used his Yuma fine-tuning to advantage anddroppeditapproximately six feet from the flag. Annette being a stalwart anchor put it down. There was a great deal of rejoicingaseaglesarefairlyrare birds among us seniors.

The 5 C weather may have deterredmanyofgolfersbut thewarmfeelingasweleft

the course made up for any discomfort.

The house on the end of Second Avenue was delivered Thursday. The rainsoakedclayprovedtobean obstacle,butwithtruegrit, the70-foot-longstructure was set in place thanks to the Neufeld team and the good construction by Ted.

Activities for the week saw Cletus Sherman and

Maidstone High School’s record-breaking athletes during the 2024 BRAA track meet May 21 and 22: are Tristan, Alyssa, Ben and Olivia. | Photo submitted

a week of rainy weather, the club was blessed with a sunny day. Thank you to Eleanor Pegg for opening theevent,allthesponsors and the crowd of specta-

Anna Marie Wallbilling topping bridge play Tuesday. Margaret Dyck and Jean Beattie were second. Thirdandfourthendedina tie between David Sharpe and Richard Groves and Gerry Craig and Albert Blais. In Thursday bridge, first were Donna Scherman and CatrionaWinterhaltandsecondwereVern Iverson and David Sharpe. Third were Jean Lawes and Eric Callbeck. Friday

torswhocameout.Project displays and record books wereproofofthehardwork members put in all year. Indoorandoutdoordemonstrationsshowcasedthever-

satilityoftheclub’syouth inawidevarietyofprojects. Thank you to the judges: Archery – Chad and Dawn Kinchen, Beef – Chance Jurke,Canine–TanyaKenyon, Cloverbuds – Maxine Johner, Coffee Club – Chad and Dawn Kinchen, Lighthorse –Anya Kuziw, Movies and Munchies –KathyTucker,Photography – Maxine Johner, Sewing –Linda Rodh, Sheep – Wendy Reece, Small Engines – Pat McLaren, Record Books–HeatherThompson and Rhiannon Hanson. No matter what placing they received, all the 4-H members, leaders and families are to be commended for a job well done. Good luck at Expo in Lloydminster June 1 to 3.

Braving less than balmy conditions to play seniors’ golf at Meota Golf Course Thursday were Ken Morton, Marcel Duhaime, Annette Duhaime and the old-timer Jackfish Day. | Photo by Eric Callbeck

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