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From the Pastor’s Desk

a.m. even if the parish priest will be away on holiday for the next few weeks. Priests are in short supply, so if one isn’t there to replace Father, we have parishioners who have taken training to be lay ministers.

The interior of British Columbia is bursting with an assortment of gorgeous coloured tulips and daffodils and fruit trees are in full bloom. We can only dream of this on the prairies! Betcha’ two weeks from now our wild grassland will be adorned with nature’s beauty of crocuses and tons of pussy willows.


Have a good week everyone, walk outside early morning and evening as the days are getting much longer which is what we look forward to this time of the year.

By David L. Walker Turtleford Baptist Church

Hello once again. Trusting that you had a great Easter, as the world remembered the atoning work of the Lord Jesus through His death, burial and resurrection. TBC had an early morning Easter sunrise breakfast, where four men and a young boy were busy in the kitchen, giving the ladies a chance to sit back and enjoy pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, potato cakes, toast and fruit for dessert. Following breakfast, we had our 11 a.m. worship service. We had 29 in attendance at the breakfast.

We had a great

GGMH hymn sing March 26, with 24 in attendance. Can children come? Yes, we do a children’s song with actions if any children are present. GGMH stands for “Gather Gospel Music Hour” (although as it grows that hour is more like an hour and a half). We gather on the last Sunday of every month at 6 p.m. At the Turtleford Baptist Church 314- Railway Ave.

In an informal way, we sing hymns, gospel songs and even country and western gospel, followed by a lunch in the lower auditorium. Hope to see you April 30. In March the lunch consisted of whatever one happened to bring, but we did have a birthday cake for Don Rookes who turned 77. Everyone is special and we welcome visitors with open arms. Why not come check us out some Sunday morning? We are familyoriented, we back what we say with scripture and we are only sinners saved by the grace of God.

Until next time, remember before Jesus ascended back to Heaven, He said He would come again. Are you looking for His coming?

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