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MAY at The Club
Spring is nature’s way of saying: “Let’s celebrate!”
MAY your month be filled with happiness and inspiration as brighter and warmer days are upon us!
2023 Memberships are still available for members! Valid Membership Forms are required for kids to attend, and forms are available at our office and online through www.bcgbattlefords.ca! Make sure to sign your kids up- all our Special Programs and events are FREE for ALL MEMBERS. The $5 annual membership fee can be paid in person during our office hours or by sending an e-transfer to payments@bgcb.ca. To know more, visit our website.
Summer is coming and we have some GOOD NEWS! - Our highly anticipated (and attended) Summer Adventure Day Camps are NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION!
Starting July 3rd (concluding August 25th), we will be offering 8 weeks of SUMMER FUN for our members 5-14 years of age. The hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 5:30pm and breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are provided at NO EXTRA CHARGE!
$150/week or $50/day. Our weekly themes and weekly field trips will be announced on our social media pages and on our website, so stay tuned for that!
This year, we have LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE, so register your child(ren) NOW! For more information, check out our website: www.bgcbattlefords.ca.
May 1st – 7th is Mental Health Week. BGC Battlefords encourages everyone to spread kindness, check in on your loved ones and practice self-care and love. Mental health- lets talk about it!
As a reminder, our office and programming are CLOSED on Saturday, May 20th and Monday, May 22nd for Victoria Day.
What’s Happening in May:
- May 7th – National Child and Youth Mental Health Day
- Bear Witness Day
- May 8th – It’s a Non-School Day! Just a reminder that our office and programming are open, even on non-school days! Programming runs at our Main Site from 7:30 am to 5:30pm. Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack are provided at NO EXTRA COST! Pre-registration is not required for members.
- May 14th - Mother’s Day. BGC Battlefords celebrates all the mothers and those mothering our members and the whole community.
- May 17th - Early Dismissal Day, all programming starts after class dismissal. - International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- May 20th & 22nd – Office and all programming are closed for Victoria Day.
DROP-IN PROGRAM: Become a member now! For all kids ages 5 to 14 years of age, operating Monday to Friday from class dismissal-8:30pm and Saturdays from 1:00pm-4:00pm. Nutritious snacks, supper and evening snacks are included at no extra charge. Visit our website (www.bgcbattlefords.ca) to register!
- Innovation Credit Union Saturday Program is every Saturday and will be running throughout this month except for Saturday, May 20th. ICU Saturday Program is from 1:00-4:00pm (a hearty snack is provided). Membership forms can be found on our website at www.bgcbattlefords.ca. Can’t attend in person? Don’t forget to stop by the Club to pick up your ICU Saturday Program @ Home kit!
- Memberships are only $5, and this ensures that you have access to our Drop-in Program and all Special Programs! Remember, Special Programs are FREE OF CHARGE for our members.
- Valid Membership Forms are required. If you haven’t updated your child’s form, do so NOW!
Satellite Site Before & After School Programs are open Monday to Friday (excluding STAT Holidays). Available at Bready, EMBM (Before & After School Programs) and Holy Family Schools (After School Program) on school days. These programs are registration-based, fee-for-service. For more information, head on over to www.bgcbattlefords.ca.
Special Programs are in progress, stay tuned on our social media accounts for announcements of our upcoming programs!
- Guitar Program – May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th (program FULL).
- 2BBoys & Girl Power – May 3rd, 10th & 24th (no registrations needed).
- For more information on our Special Programs, here’s our Special Programs page link: www.bgcbattlefords.ca/our-programs/special-programs/ Do you have extra recyclables that need to go to Sarcan but do not want to stand in line? Consider donating your recyclables to BGC Battlefords. We have registered for Drop and GO service. Just enter our phone number (3064450002) and follow the directions to get your tags. It is quick and easy and goes to a great cause!
As a reminder, our school year hours of operation are as follows:
- Office: Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm
- Before School Programs: 7:30am – 8:30am (Bready & EMBM)
- After School Programs: Class dismissal – 5:30pm (Bready, EMBM & Holy Family)
- Drop-in Program (Main Site): Monday to Friday, class dismissal – 8:30pm and Saturdays, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Terms of payment; Interact Debit, Cash, or Cheque with ID. Boechler-Schira
Auctioneering does not charge buyers fee on items sold at our sales
Check our Website and Facebook page for sale details
Call Kelly @ 306-386-7110 or Marlene @ 306-883-8610 www.boechlerschiraauction.com
You never know what you’ll find inside. 306-445-7261
Continue to watch our Facebook page (BGCBattlefords), Instagram @bgcbattlefords and website (www.bgcbattlefords.ca) for more updates. Opportunity Changes Everything
Person to COOK & CLEAN for heavy construction camp this spring with possibility of year round. Spring location: Arborfield, SK. Must have valid driver’s licence and safe food and handling ticket.
Send resume and work references to:
Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844
Email: brydenconstruct@ xplornet.ca www. brydenconstruction andtransport.ca