1 minute read
Vows and Oaths
By R.H. Wood North Battleford

In my opinion, the defections, departure and redeployment of cabinet ministers has destabilized the government and last week’s not entirely unexpected personal announcement of trouble in paradise has not helped. Our leader’s previous declarations of confidence in his cabinet choices do not necessarily include a guarantee of competence and it appears that even he has decided that new faces are required. Gender and proportional balance however seem more important than regional representa-
Traffic lights
Continued from Page 1
The options available were either to do work to replace all four light poles and electronic equipment in 2023, or to replace
Pool roof
Continued from Page 1 the aquatic centre during the pool’s usual shutdown period at the end of August.
The intention is for the roof work to be done by the end of December, dependent on the weather. There is a 15-year manufacturer’s warranty for the roof.
When asked by Mayor David Gillan if it was common for roofing work to be done during that time of year, Johansen said he has seen roofing work done during the winter.
“I don’t think it’s the most desirable time of year to be doing roofing,” Johansen added. However, he did say there were no