to end racism in the Battlefords
Level playing field is a misconception
By Miguel Fenrich Staff ReporterDespite being a petite, dark-haired, brown woman by Canadian standards, in her home country of Chile, Manuela Valle-Castro is considered a tall, white blonde and she’s in the dominant majority.
“I am a respectable, regular Chilean … we see ourselves as white,” she tells a group of six community leaders at an antiracism training workshop on March 7. Her workshop partner and fellow academic, Becky Sasakamoose, an Indigenous woman and 60s scoop survivor from Atakahkoop First Nation, finds the story funny along with the rest of the group. Valle-Castro, less so.
Sitting at a table in the basement of the Don Ross Centre at the trauma-informed anti-racism workshop hosted by the Battlefords Regional Community Coalition — an organization signed into existence by the mayors of Battleford and North Battleford and leaders of five local First Nations — attendees are told that the day-long event
won’t be scary. “So, we’re also not going to yell at white people,” Valle-Castro adds, laughing.
They ask the group to tell people that they survived. That everyone is going to be OK, no one is going to be made to feel guilty or responsible for things that have happened.
“Really, we’re not like watering down anything because we’re really invested in changing outcomes for everybody, not just Indigenous kids, [but] all our future generations … deserve a better legacy,” Valle-Castro added.
“It’s really going to take all of us as a society to own this issue [colonialism and racism] and move forward in a loving, compassionate way,” she adds.
Deconstructing false narratives around colonialism in Canada
Do a few bad apples spoil the bunch? Sasakamoose used to think so. After university, her first job as an adult at 22 was with the RCMP.
“I used to think — because that’s what they told us — that a few bad apples spoil the bunch … so I used to think that racism
just seeped into organizations, that it was just a few bad apples,” she said.
The follow-up mindset is that if those few bad apples can be rooted out and removed from systems of power (the RCMP, the education system, the justice system, government, local non-profits) then racism will go away. But because of that approach, due partly because of a lack of information about what racism is, that idea has been maintained for a long time.
“I really didn’t even know what racism is because we learned that it’s a feeling of hatred, or when you say racial slurs or use violence against a person with a different skin colour.
“We often learn that it’s like bullying … 99 per cent of the people I meet are good people, right?”
But is that true? We’ll come back to this in a minute.
Sasakamoose’s mother is British; the first generation in her family to be born in Canada. Her grandfather is a pioneer, a settler who cleared the land and brought his family over.
“My grandfather … had family members and ba-
bies die during the depression. So they have this tie and entitlement to the land that I grew up understanding and thinking,” she said, explaining that she was adopted by a white family south of Saskatoon.
“So, my mother, who is British, believes — because this is what they do in England — is that if you send your children away to schools it’s a sign of affluence,” she added.
“It’s very much this false narrative that we are doing something good for Indigenous people when in reality, we learned … that (residential schools and the 60s scoop) are assimila-
tion, removing Indigeneity which is our language, culture, heritage, and what is really important, is spiritually.”
One of the myths that Sasakamoose believed throughout her life was that she was given away to white parents (via the foster care system) as a way for her to have a better life.
“What does a better life mean? What is a better life?” she added.
“My parents are kind, loving, generous people but yet were still part of one of the most racist acts in Canadian history.”
Despite the nature of the 60s Scoop, neither her
parents nor Sasakamoose knew about it
“When you don’t have access to information you cannot understand the nature … of what is happening,” she said, noting that although things are changing for the better, there are still tons, and tons, and tons of work to be done.
These misconceptions about Indigenous people, (that they needed to be educated) came from ‘mainstream society. A mainstream society she says comes directly from colonial societies from Europe, like England, Germany, Spain, etc...
Continued on Page 2
Behind the Headlines
Mayor Gillan is expected to provide an update on topics such as community safety and well-being, regional partnerships, economic development, and major projects. There will be a question and answer period following the Mayor’s address.
The event is slated for Wednesday, April 3, 2024, from 11:30 am to 1 pm at the Dekker Centre for the Performing Arts.
Tickets are only $17.50 per ticket, taxes included. Learn more about this event and buy your tickets check
BRCC’s work fights to end racism in the Battlefords
Continued from Page 1
“Systems and structures were imposed upon Indigenous people.”
Understanding the systemic nature of prejudice in Canada
When Canada was founded as a country, who built it? Not in a literal sense, but who wrote our laws, built our schools, and wrote the policies that governed them, that decided what was socially acceptable to do and what constituted ‘real’ medicine or education?
settler punishment-based ones? Or where Indigenous people are often discriminated against in Canadian hospitals?
“Every structure has said it’s better than Indigenous systems,” she said, referencing the lack of Indigenous education, healthcare and justice system.
“The system is not broken, it was actually designed this way … our systems are not designed to be able to make a difference.”
“The trajectory we’re on is not sustainable,” she said.
“We’re in a crisis. We are living in a crisis and the efforts to address the problem, which ultimately is racism, have come in many forms.”
But the key, Sasakamoose says, is access to anti-racism training.
Addressing downstream issues will not solve an upstream problem
MONDAY MARCH 18 1:30-3:30PM
“We’re not saying there are evil people [at the top of these systems] saying, ‘how can we exploit these people,’ not at all. The problem that at the time our colonial institutions were created, the only people that counted as people according to the British North American Act, were white, male British subjects over the age of 21 who owned property,” Valle-Castro said.
This demographic was eight per cent of the population. Obviously, ValleCastro said, the systems are going to be biased to address their needs first.
But why don’t things like civil rights or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs never work to end systemic racism?
There is idea that settler ways of life are better, Sasakamoose explains. A ‘settler’ supremacy is baked into our systems and non-traditional ways of life are often looked down on because of that.
The problem, Sasakamoose explains, is not that there aren’t enough Indigenous women in universities or the RCMP, but that those systems were designed to exclude Indigenous ways of life and thought.
Sasakamoose says, the Collective Impact Project in the Battlefords spearheaded by BRCC will stop everyone walking around in the dark not knowing what to do. This will allow the lights to be turned on and see the writing on the wall, Sasakamoose said. Not only that, but we’ll be able to face the same direction.
“And that, just in and of itself [would be a success] because this area … really is the hotbed of racism in Canada, in so many different ways. And it’s psychologically entrenched, and it’s very historically rooted.”
Survey open until late spring, 2024
Participants will receive a complimentary pass to a City recreational facility.
The blueprint was built for them, ValleCastro adds. There is a misconception that the systems are neutral. That everyone starts on a level playing field and competes with the same skills. Both Sasakamoose and ValleCastro say that’s not the case.
“Race and racism is not about colour, it really isn’t … it’s almost a smokescreen for power and being able to maintain that power,” Sasakamoose said.
In Canada, the context for systemic racism is to eliminate the Indigenous title to the land (to allow for settlers to live here) and in the U.S. it’s to exploit black people out of their labour.
Society shouldn’t be trying to fit Indigenous people into settler-based systems, continually pushing (albeit very quietly) that settler systems are better, rather than changing our systems to not be white ones.
For real transformation to occur, they say, people need to become not just better caterpillars, but butterflies.
“It comes across as a very benevolent intention. It’s just that it’s misinformed. And then the outcomes [of DEI or other police that are made by people who don’t know what needs to be done] reinforce that idea. ‘See, people still don’t succeed, they need more help.’
She added that by taking away the number one barrier for Indigenous people — systemic racism in Canadian systems of power, Indigenous over-incarceration in jails, under representation in schools a slew of social problems would be resolved.
“No longer can we ignore them. No longer can we continue to say, ‘Oh, Indigenous people just continue to make really bad choices. Like drinking too much and having children that they can’t look after.’”
“I grew up listening to all of those [stereotypes] but I was a ‘good one.’ Right?” she added.
Though often gone are the days when direct racism and prejudice happens on the street corner, systemic racism is when systems and policies (again, the RCMP, universities, government, non-profits, schools, etc…) were created and still allow the status quo to be upheld where things are hard to change.
How easy is it to get a job without a diploma?
Why do our elected leaders have to make decisions about Indigenous people despite having no understanding of racism (at no fault of their own) or because they have no lived experience? Why is curly hair often seen as unprofessional?
What about where Indigenous ways of justice are ignored in favour of
“Colonial approaches will not yield reconciliatory results,” she said, noting that change will not come overnight, but in slow incremental change.
Racism as the underlying issue facing Indigenous people
In the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s (TRC’s) 94 Calls to Action, there are five major areas that need drastic change or transformation. They include justice, education, health, sport and business.
“The research … [is] stating racism as an impact to the overall political, economic, social, and environmental health of our country. This isn’t just, ‘oh, we need to do something to help Indigenous people,’ this is, ‘the alarm bells are going off in every single one of those areas.’
“These are the false narratives that look like love. Or look like good leadership. Or look like an unfortunate consequence … so racism doesn’t look like racism, so it becomes impossible for us to understand, unless we have an analysis [like anti-racism].”
Without it, we will never understand the problem, she says, but just focus on initiatives that fall flat because we’re trying to treat symptoms instead of the root cause.
It’s a way of looking at systems of oppression. In social work talk, they would say, ‘rather than working to help pick babies out of a river, stop and wonder why babies are in the river in the first place.’
“Addressing downstream issues will not solve an upstream problem initiatives are just initiatives and won’t solve the problem.”
Behind the Headlines: Chasing Community Safety
‘Let’s be honest, we have a crime issue in the Battlefords’By Miguel Fenrich Staff Reporter
As the City of North Battleford prepares to take the fight against the Crime Severity Index to Ottawa along with the provincial government, other elected officials wonder if that’s the right direction.
Battleford Mayor Ames Leslie has said he’s not as concerned about not being ‘Canada’s Crime Capital’ as the City of North Battleford is.
“Yeah, I guess I’m always the person on the other side,” Mayor Leslie said.
“I think that like Rosemarie [Falk, MP] said we need to continually address the root causes,” he said, addressing Falk’s previous comments at this year’s Battlefords and District Chamber of Commerce Power Hour where she’d said crime is a complex topic.
Since CSI numbers have been released by Statistics Canada, North Battleford has been saddled with the infamous position as the most dangerous city in Canada.
“Let’s be honest, we have a crime issue in the Battlefords,” he added.
“I think putting our head in the sand and trying to deflect that fact that the Battlefords and the region have a crime problem is not helping anything.”
Though he understands fighting to end the CSI, he says years ago regional groups were talking about the lack of a dextox centre in the Battlefords.
He added that now with the new Poundmaker Lodge setting up shop in town, the work to deal with underlying social issues is continuing.
“We [Mayor Leslie and Mayor David Gillan of North Battleford] meet with our Indigenous lead-
ers to say, ‘how can we help in that sector for your cultural approach.’”
He noted that Battleford has worked with Mosquito Grizzly Bears’ Head Lean Man First Nation (MGBHLM) to build The Ridge which he said, has a facility to help Indigenous people as well.
“Until we start addressing some of the root causes ... it doesn’t matter what list we’re on or not on, if it’s not getting any better in the Battlefords.
“And we just have to continue to fight that way.”
A view through an Indigenous lens
“When I heard about the meeting on the [CSI] I was pretty mad because I was not invited to the meeting,” Wayne Semaganis, Tribal Chief with Battlefords Tribal Chiefs (BTC) said.
“It was supposed to be a place for all First Nations leaders to go there to be a part of the solution.”
Though he thanked Chief Lori Whitecalf for attending on behalf of Sweetgrass First Nations, he noted that she’s only one person and one First Nation.
“And the issues that have to be discussed are hard issues,” he said, “and not many people are willing to step up and say the things that need to be said.
“It was a crime to be an Indian. That’s why our languages got taken away, our spirituality, our children, our ways of life ... our freedom to travel on the land that we agreed to share with the Queen’s people.
“If you want to talk about addressing issues, address issues with your treaty partner.”
Semaganis said that when he was a child growing up in Little Pine, his family was poor, along with many other families.
But, the adults in their community didn’t let the youth turn to bad habits.
With little funding, every winter and summer their parents got together and made sure that the youth were involved in healthy pastimes, including setting up local sports teams each year.
“Everything was great. Where are those things today in our big areas that we share together?
“I would like to see that [pride in volunteering] back, but we keep waiting for somebody with deep pockets to come and start it for us.”
Every weekend, Semaganis’s son comes home with all his friends.
“And you know what? Maybe there’s two Indian boys with him and the rest are kids from town and I never have any problems with them, they’re all polite, respectful.
“We should all be that parent that neighbour for everybody else’s children. We shouldn’t blame the system, we should be looking at solutions not talking about the problems.”
He noted that everyone in Saskatchewan needs to work with each other.
“I hear complaints in Saskatoon about homeless people. And I read some of the very negative comments, ‘why don’t they go back to the reserve or their house?’ You know, we’re so proud we can build shelters for dogs and cats but we won’t even look after each other as humans?”
“That’s our responsibility to look after each other... we have to take those steps and not blame the system and not blame each other.”
Mayor addresses North Battleford’s ‘dangerous’ stigma’
By Miguel Fenrich Staff ReporterWeeks after North Battleford’s Crime Severity Index (CSI) Conference wrapped up in Saskatoon, North Battleford mayor David Gillan addressed longstanding conversations about the communities fairly sinister reputation as being dangerous, but also that the CSI is allegedly contributing to that issue.
Speaking at the Battlefords Chamber of Commerce Power Hour Friday of last week, he said, “You did see the news articles last, we had a very successful meeting ... The City of North Battleford and 10 other cities here in Western Canada that are adversely affected by this [CSI.]”
Gillan said that the CSI started in 2009, and it’s been going on for 15 years.
“And we’re questioning and we’re delving into the methodology on how it’s created,” he said, noting that academics show that there are many ways of looking at crime.
“Why is this model al-
ways pumping out that the City of North Battleford or Thompson [Man.], Wetaksin [Alta.], Cold Lake [Alta.], all these cities are always at the top?
“What the obvious problem with all this is, is it destroys the reputation of the communities that are on this list,” he said, noting that it makes it’s harder to attract workers, businesses, teachers, healthcare workers, and more.
“It’s across the board ... everyone is facing this reputation issue, of North Battleford and of course it affects the surrounding communities as well.”
The municipalities, he said, want to create a new index to measure crime, not hide statistics from the public but preventing them fairly.
He also wanted to dispel the idea that anything good comes from ranking communities against each other.
“Crime is a very complex matter, there’s a lot of elements and context that go into crime statistics, these statistics were meant for the police force ... [not] lets just compare commu-
nities and call one more dangerous than the other.”
Gillan added that it was brought up to him in Whistler in January and that the North Stars are struggling to recruit players because people are worried North Battleford is dangerous.
“It is everywhere, it is the dark cloud that hangs over the Battlefords ... is this hurting the community? You can be sure it is, and we’re doing our best at the city to get rid of it.”
The group of municipalities, Gillan said now, is growing and the fight will be going to Ottawa and the national chiefs of police.
And Minister Jeremy Cockrill, MLA for The Battlefords, also on the power at the Power Hour even, noted that he appreciates the city spearheading these lobbying efforts.
“Certainly, the City of North Battleford and those other cities involved can expect the province to join the lobby effort to change the CSI.”
Frankly, he said, the CSI has to not be reported publicly.
Share your view!
Phone: 306-445-7261
Education: A dying art
Continued from last week
We were steeped in poetry, some more than others, but many students at one time would try their hand at poetry, some were quite clever.
Before my years as a school student, children were expected to do a prodigious amount of memory work. It isn’t all that long ago that children would have only slates on which they mostly did sums. Almost to the time of her death at age 99 years and six months, my mother could recite epic poems such as The Wreck of the Hesperus and How Horatius Kept the Bridge. She, like most of her age group, could recite the multiplication tables up to 12 times.
Their computers were in their heads, they were called the brain or the mind.
We had teachers who were just as teachers have always been, some good, some bad, some indifferent. It was one of the bad who gave me a poor grounding in mathematics for which my personal computer was not well equipped anyway. There were good, even brilliant, mathematicians in the family but I was more concerned with, “Is it two and two is five or is it two and two are five.” (You mean it isn’t five?)
That teacher refused to give any pupil extra help. That teacher should not have been in a schoolroom.
I’ve known teachers in somewhat more recent years who couldn’t spell nor put together a grammatical sentence and yet, year after year, they were paid for not teaching.
On the other hand, I know a teacher, not long retired, whose knowledge of the English language and how it should work makes me a dunce. Lucky the students taught by that one.
I heard one man say to another a few years ago, “Him and me shudda went.”
I knew his parents and grandparents, both sets, and their grammar far excelled that, nor was he brought up to mangle the language. So, he was better educated? He was a school teacher, I’m sorry to say.
Another retired teacher, now gone, was stunned when her granddaughter said, “Y’know, Gran, like I mean, I could sort of do that.” (She could have added “going forward.”)
“What did you say,” exclaimed the grandmother.
“Oh, what does it matter? You know what she meant,” said the teenager’s father, son-in-law to the teacher.
What does it matter?
Well, English is a living language but there is no excuse to murder it.
I don’t like it when I hear anyone in charge of “the system” say art and music, home economics and shop are “frills.”
Art and music, like handwriting, develop certain parts of the brain. Is everyone going to be an artist or musician or write a fine hand, as it used to be said? No, but a school band can create great school and community pride; putting on a musical gives jobs from singers to stagehands.
As for shop, building something is a great skill. One of my uncles took after-school classes in carpentry and those skills sure bore fruit when he came to Canada. And home economics? How could learning how to cook, sew and shop wisely be called a frill?
A lot of the time it could be said school children are guinea pigs, kept for experimentation. Who decided Ca-
nadian children should be downgraded by that pathetic reader from the United States, “Dick and Jane?” Oh, oh, oh, rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.
Who decided on new math when teachers would tell parents, “We don’t care that the answer is wrong, we just want to know how they got the answer.”
How, indeed.
Who decided phonetics should be dropped?
“We just want them to recognize the word.”
OK, kids, recognize this one: scholastic.
Who decided to cause a Grade 1 child to ask his parents, “Am I a boy or a girl?”
Up until then, he thought he was a boy, until he went to school and took a short course on How to Confuse Little Children in Grade 1.
Recently, I heard a man being interviewed on radio who stumbled over his words and started nearly every second sentence with “Y’know.”
I discovered he was a professor at one of our universities.
Well, like I mean, y’know, if that’s sort of like what’s at the top it is no wonder Saskatchewan’s school system is at the bottom. Sure ain’t gunna see no intellectuals come out of our system, going forward, like,
If I were a teacher I would, for certain ages, have students listen to the two great educational CBC programs, Under the Influence and Quirks and Quarks. The first tells the history of how we are influenced by advertising, the second is a dandy science program.
Then we’d discuss them. They are available on podcast.
Now, here’s my final pearl of wisdom.
Give every school student, 15 and over, paper and pen and ask them to write — oh, paper, pen, write. Well, in some fashion, get their opinions on what they think should be taught in school. Of course, there would be some silly answers, some teenage politicians, some school wits, but I really have faith that it would be worthwhile.
I’m pleased there are teachers and parents who are doing their best to raise useful adults, as long as they won’t be bigger. Better looks are just the luck of the draw and right now better education seems that way, too.
Let’s hope Saskatchewan can climb up from being at the bottom of the class.
Meanwhile, as Michelangelo said when he was a very senior senior, “I’m still learning.”
Christine Pike WasecaThen I’d send them out to climb trees if there were any trees to climb.
WoodPile The A Potpourri
North BattlefordMy suggestion last week that GST could be raised several times to equal the levels in comparable countries has received no support. Well, why not simply double it to 10 per cent which would make calculation of it relatively easy and help pay for the many programs the Conservatives are set to inherit? PST at six per cent requires additional schooling to calculate –don’t bother raising it, we will manage somehow.
“Axe the Tax” Pierre is committed to consigning carbon taxation to history. His impossibly inadequate solution to replacing the federal income loss will be to tax those evil moneygrabbing bloated corporations which on our backs and half-empty grocery carts pay their executives countless millions accord-
Top Baby Names
A list of the top 20 baby names for 2023 was released by eHealth Saskatchewan Monday.
In 2023, Olivia was the most popular name for baby girls for the ninth year in a row. The second most popular girl name
ing to Mr. Singh. This will increase inflation and make Canada an even less desirable place to do business, but nonetheless, Mr. Singh will be ecstatic and having squeezed the last drop of goodwill and money out of Mr. Trudeau may well transfer his allegiance to the Conservatives even before the next election call.
The recent death of a relative prompted her
was Emma, pushing last year’s Amelia all the way down to eleventh place.
Oliver was the most popular name for baby boys this year, while longtime favourites Noah and Liam follow in the second and third spots respectively.
As of data published Feb. 3, 2024, there were
unheard-of daughter to write and ask how we are related. Our family tree mentions forebearers called Leiper who lived in Unthank Scotland. This was land illegally settled within the domain of a mediaeval Flemish overlord called Thancard and thus our relatives were undesirable squatters. Leiper is a French name and my wife’s grandfather was a Mr. French – perhaps we should have emigrated to Quebec and not Saskatchewan! Research into the Leiper side of the family shows that most were independent bakers going back to the 1800s in small towns in Scotland, all of whom were eventually put out of business by aggressive heartless multiples.
Distant Morag’s mother had been communicating unbeknownst to me with my late brother who as a child, like the rest of us, contracted measles. The disease affected his heart, and he was on digitalis for years. My case was also severe as I was covered
50 baby girls named Olivia, followed by Emma, Sophia, Charlotte, Ivy and Ava. There were 63 baby boys named Oliver in 2023, followed by Noah, Liam, Leo, Jack and Theodore.
Some new names made the 2023 top 20 list. For the first time on record, Muhammad made the boys’ list at number 19.
with spots, and it affected my eyes horribly. I spent days in a darkened room but there was no residual corneal scarring or partial vision loss such as I would frequently see in Glasgow patients.
For interest, general immunization became available for measles in 1963, in 1967 for mumps and for rubella in 1969. The MMR combination
Baby girl names that did not carry over to the 2023 top 20 list were Willow, Abigail, Scarlett, Chloe and Mia.
More than one-third of the most popular baby boy names from 2022 didn’t reappear on the 2023 top 20 list: James, Benjamin, Walker, Asher, Maverick, Luke and Elijah.
became available in 1971 developed by Dr. Maurice Hilleman to whom we owe much gratitude. A recent Doc Martin T.V. episode, commenting on failure to vaccinate by “enlightened” parents was most timely.
For years I have said that the national news is “doctored”. This is particularly obvious at the moment as the unresters in Wellington Street, Ottawa, milling around the P.M.’s office, are receiving no coverage. Instead, we are being told in large doses about the “controversy” surrounding the Photoshop modification in a recent royal photograph. Some years ago, in a group photograph of importances, Prince Harry was looking sideways instead of at the camera. His head was removed and replaced with one the right way round as perhaps should have happened six years ago. Today, he is neither a royal nor celebrity although on occasion he attests he is both and merits taxpayerfunded protection in the U.K.
SUMA resolutions on the minds of NB council
By John Cairns SASKTODAY.caResolutions coming before the 2024 SUMA convention in April were a prime topic at North Battleford city council Monday.
There are 11 SUMA resolutions coming up at the convention, and council discussed each of them at their meeting Monday at the Don Ross Centre, with each council member eligible to vote on them at the convention. Some of those resolutions are ones that have impacted North Battleford directly over the years.
Among the resolutions is one from the City of Prince Albert to re-establish grant funding and partner with Saskatchewan municipalities to sustain and grow urban parkways and open spaces.
That one was of interest to North Battleford because a few years ago the province of Saskatchewan had pulled out of its partnership with the City of North Battleford and Town of Battleford for the river valley, where there was shared funding.
“They withdrew from that, we still have the costs,” said City Manager Randy Patrick. “It’s a fairly large area, it’s hard to maintain with smaller populations in particular,
but it’s one that’s more of maintaining and providing people access to.”
He said it was “in the city’s interest” to bring that back again, and the indication is this is a resolution North Battleford council members will support. Another resolution calls for province to provide infrastructure funding for firefighting infrastructure such as fire hall and firefighting equipment. Patrick said this was a resolution council could consider supporting heavily, as fire equipment was among the most expensive items for the city. He said a ladder truck would be a $2 million investment, and there was no real programming to fund it. There is also a resolution from the City of Prince Albert for increased financial support for fire services.
There is a resolution calling for the province to support and grow the public library system, mainly to address inflationary pressures and keep pace with current technologies. This one drew support from Councillor Len Taylor, who pointed to the important of the library in assisting those individuals who need access to pay telephones or computers.
“The library always was a hub in the commu-
nity, but it’s become even more so for financial purposes for individuals,” said Taylor, noting the heavy use of the computer terminals there. He also pointed to the rise of borrowing electronic books and the purchasing power of the library has shifted to digital, and pointed to the costs there.
“Every time a book is borrowed, the cost goes up,” he said.
Also discussed a resolution proposed by City of Lloydminster calling to increase numbers of nurse practitioners. This has been a particular hot topic for municipalities as of late, to alleviate the shortages of health professionals in secondary centres.
Whether that resolution will still hit the floor of the convention remains to be seen, as the province announced on Tuesday morning its plans to address some of those concerns by expanding utilization of nurse practitioners in a pilot project.
Councillor Kent Lindgren was fully in support of increasing nurse practitioners working in all parts of the province, calling it “an excellent service, we should have more.”
One other request of the provincial government is regarding highway road closure authorizations. A
resolution from the Town of Indian Head is calling for the province to authorize the RCMP to determine if a Sask. highway is to be closed and to install permanent activatable barriers or indicators of road closures at more points on provincial highways to alleviate the pressure on other first responders.
“You see them in Al-
berta, you see them in BC,” said Patrick. The main point of the resolution is to prevent situations where people head out on highways in bad winter conditions while they are still open.
Other resolutions coming to SUMA include antiharassment support, more supports for animal control, legislation to move
Work In Progress
unpaid fines to tax rolls, establishing regulations requiring aerial spray applicators to give notice to neighbouring municipalities when spraying within two miles, and one calling for greater local autonomy when enforcing bylaws.
The SUMA Convention takes place in Regina from April 14-17.
Jerry and cast of “Homecoming” are busy rehearsing for performances April 19, 20 and 21 hosted by Speers United Church and community dinner theatre. For tickets call Colleen at 306-246-2165. | Photo submitted
Canadian Agricultural Safety Week takes place annually during the third week of March. This campaign encourages farmers, farm families, workers and communities to commit to farm safety every day.
The Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) offers online safety training courses for employers and workers to learn about farm safety.
CASA’s online training courses are available online at
ca. They take between 45 and 60 minutes to complete and have a quiz at the end. Course topics include:
• Introduction to grain handling and storage hazards
• Farm safety orientation
• ATV safety awareness
• Tractor and farm machinery safety
• Agricultural machinery safeguarding
• Dairy worker safety
There’s also a course that teaches seasonal farm workers about basic agricultural safety so that farm owners and operators can practice due diligence when managing the wellbeing and safety of their employees.
The courses are affordable, with most modules available for between $30 and $40. CASA members can receive a 25 per cent discount.
If you own or manage a large agricultural operation, CASA provides you with the option to offer courses through your own website. With CASA’s assistance, you can set up a personalized web training platform for your business that includes course administration training. This Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, educate yourself and others about farm safety. By sharing knowledge and resources, you can help prevent accidents and promote a safer work environment for farmers and their families.
March 10 - 16, 2024
PPE for farmers: 6 essential items you need on hand
Personal protective equipment (PPE) keeps farmers safe and protects their well-being in the often challenging and hazardous conditions of agricultural work. Here are six essential items that every farming operation should have on hand:
1. Eye protection.
Safety glasses or goggles shield the eyes from dust, debris and harmful chemicals. Eye injuries are common in farming activities, and proper eye protection can prevent accidents and long-term damage.
2. Respirators or masks Farmers frequently encounter airborne particles, pesticides and
other pollutants that can harm their respiratory health. Respirators or masks with appropriate filtration prevent the inhalation of harmful particles.
3. Gloves. Highquality gloves protect the hands from cuts, abrasions and exposure to chemicals. Different tasks may require
Attend a Town Hall Meeting
to discuss your ownership of a Western Canada Nitrogen Fertilizer Manufacturing Complex
Join the board directors, management and our project team to learn how you can own your tonnes, forever
North Battleford SK
Monday, March 18-12 pm
Comfort Inn, 610 Carlton Trail
Lunch Provided
Humboldt SK
Tuesday, March 19-10 am
Canalta Inn, 2421-8th Ave
Lunch to Follow
Winkler MB
Wednesday, March 20-10 am
Days Inn, 395 Boundary Trail
Lunch to Follow
Esterhazy SK
Thursday, March 21-10 am
Canalta Inn, 1301 Park Ave
Lunch to Follow
Assiniboia SK
Friday, March 22-10 am
Canalta Inn, 601-1st Ave W
Lunch to Follow
different types of gloves, so having a variety on hand ensures you’re adequately protected for any job.
4. Ear protection. The noise from tractors, power tools and other farm implements can permanently damage your hearing. Wearing hearing protection dampens noise to prevent hearing loss.
5. Footwear. Sturdy, slipresistant boots with steel toes and soles protect you from sharp objects, chemicals and uneven terrain. Proper footwear prevents injuries and maintains comfort on long workdays.
6. Headgear. ATV crashes are responsible for farm
fatalities and injuries every year. Always wear a helmet while driving ATVs and other off-road vehicles around the farm.
Canadian Agricultural
Safety Week takes place between March 17 and 23. This event is the perfect reminder to check your gear and ensure it’s ready to go and in good condition.
Invitation to Tender
60' x 40' Wooden Arch Rib Storage Building
Sealed Tenders marked "Hafford Co-op Building Tender", will be received at the Hafford Co-op up to 5:00 pm on Friday, April 5th, 2024.
Successful Applicant will be responsible for cost of moving the building off site, and the associated clean up.
A deposit of 10% is required with submission of Tender. Building must be removed by August 31, 2024.
The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The prices tendered will not be the only consideration in evaluating whether to accept the tender.
March 10 - 16, 2024
Farm safety means good business
Agriculture is a big business in Canada. Recent statistics show that Canada’s agriculture and agri-food system employs around 2 million people and generates about $140 billion annually, more than 7 per cent of the country’s GDP.
Canadian Agricultural Safety Week (CASW) raises awareness of farm safety on the third week of March of every year. Since farming is one of Canada’s most hazardous occupations, decision-makers in agriculture must account for health and safety in planning and budgeting. In addition to the financial impacts, the Canadian Agriculture Safety Association (CASA) has identified three other areas where businesses are affected by worker health and safety.
When a worker is injured, the remaining staff may take on increased work, which puts them at
a higher risk of making dangerous mistakes. Even if a replacement worker is hired, the new person needs training and time to get “up to speed.” The result of the farming operation is a loss in productivity.
Workplace accidents make busines ses vulnerable to legal action at three levels. They’re liable to regulators like the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. They may also be sued in civil court or tried under criminal law. Beyond the legal costs, the outcomes of such actions can have longterm ramifications for businesses.
Every year in Canada, more than 100 people, including some children, are lost to agricultural fatalities. The injured person is only the beginning of these impacts be-
cause injury and loss of life affect entire families and communities. In addition, a workplace inju-
ry impacts morale and quality of life for everyone working and living on that farm.
We salute the farming Community during Agriculture Safety Week
When it comes to care and production Saskatchewan’s farmers are the greatest.
We’d like to say “thanks folks” for a job well done. We wish you continued growth and prosperity in future years.
Art Notes
Labour Market Strategy Unveiled Building the Workforce for a Growing Economy
The Labour Market Strategy is our roadmap to secure a labour force that keeps pace with growing demands and opportunities of our economy. Through strategic investments that align Saskatchewan’s work force with the needs of industry, we are ensuring that investment into our province is supported and that growth translates into a better quality of life for Saskatchewan people.
A tough loss
By Lorraine Vogeli and Rosemarie Stadnyk Battlefords Art CubEarlier this year the Battlefords Art Club lost an accomplished artist and friend. Irene Slotzer was known to many in the Battlefords, particularly in the art community. Always encouraging and helpful, she was a perfect fit for the Battlefords Art Club, being one who graciously gave suggestions to others when they struggled in their own art work. Irene used several mediums like watercolour, acrylics, printing and pastels and received numerous awards for her work in both the USA and Canada.
At one point, Irene lived at Summerfield Beach on Murray Lake. Her studio, or one should say one of her studios, was above the garage with an inspiring view. She had a second studio in the house. Being quite organized, both studios were in tip top shape, everything in its place!
Later, when she moved into North Battleford with her husband, another studio was created and again a piece of artwork in its own way.
Irene and her husband went to Arizona during the colder months. While there, she engaged herself in a variety of
classes and workshops. There was little she wouldn’t try! Friends were quite impressed with her adventurous spirit and continuous quest for learning and being experimental with her work. Her favourite subjects were landscapes, older buildings and vehicles and florals often attempted in a new medium or new way for her.
Once back in the Battlefords, art club members benefited from her newly acquired knowledge as she would generously teach her peers.
As an active member, Irene was involved with organizing many art shows and sales, sharing or donating art supplies or books to the club and her continuous instruction and sharing of her knowledge. Although the group misses her contribution, they miss her cheerful, kind and encouraging spirit the most.
The Slotzer family has graciously given a number of her pieces to the art club. We will have them for viewing at the Chapel Gallery on July 11 and 12. Please join us in admiring these pieces and maybe taking one home for yourself.
If you would like to join the Battlefords Art Club please email:
Festival Fanfare Workshops ‘boost’ choral performances
By Kelly Waters Battlefords Kiwanis Music FestivalSpeech arts are an interesting category within vocal entry options for music festivals. Speech arts are an opportunity to dynamically express poetry or prose and storytelling. Speech arts can be performed as solos or in groups (choral speech). As part of a booster program being offered by the Battlefords Music Festival Committee, a vocal arts expert is being brought in by local music teacher Lisa Hornung to “boost” learning for students in speech arts, singing, and presentation of musical theatre. Though Hornung calls North Battleford home, she enjoys a singing career, as a contralto, that has taken her across Canada, the United States and Europe. Hornung is always pleased to perform with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra with whom she has sung for over 30 years. She is well known as a performer, teacher, adjudicator, clinician, and choral coach. She is passionate about education and dedicated to inspiring seasoned teachers and mentoring young educators. In October of 2017, Hornung was presented with the Saskatchewan Music Educators Association’s Outstanding Achievement Award, and in July 2019 the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association’s Adjudicating Excellence Award.
The vocal discipline specialist being hosted in this booster program experience is Heather McNab. McNab lives in Maple Creek where she has a private studio for voice, speech and piano students. She is a member of the
Heather McNab lives in Maple Creek where she has a private studio for voice, speech and piano students. | Photo submitted
Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers’ Association. She has directed 20 seasons of youth musicals in Maple Creek with shows including Anne of Green Gables, HMS Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance, Seussical and Les Miserables School Edition. McNab has been bringing her expertise into schools around the province for several years, often hired by the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association to promote speech arts participation. Battlefords area students will enjoy workshops with her that are engaging, entertaining, and inspiring.
In addition to teaching, McNab is a singer, speech artist, accompanist, adjudicator, clinician and church musician. She holds Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Music (ARCT) diplomas in singing, piano and speech arts and drama. She won the gold medal for her speech
arts and drama performers ARCT, signifying the highest mark in Canada. She has been on stage with the Medicine Hat Musical Theatre as Mrs. Tottendale in The Drowsy Chaperone and as Mother Abbess in the Sound of Music and has been a part of the Calgary Opera Chorus in Eugene Onegin, Otello, Aida, Lucia Di Lammermoor, The Inventor, The Flying Dutchman, and La Boheme. Battlefords area audiences may remember her 2021 performance of the one-woman show “Shirley Valentine” when it was hosted by the Battlefords Community Players.
For local folks wanting to show support for the festival, there are a variety of options. Businesses or individuals may wish to sponsor a session or award. Volunteer opportunities come in all sizes. For folks with more complicated schedules, volunteering might be in the form of making phone calls or running errands. For folks with less complicated scheduled, volunteering might involve being a greeter outside of sessions during the festival or being a secretary for the adjudicator. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and see where your time, skills, or resources might be of most help. Correspondence can be directed by email to the Committee secretary Amy Francais amy. or to P.O. Box 1301, North Battleford, SK, S9A 3L8.
“Listening is more important than anything else because that’s what music is. Somebody is playing something and you’re receiving it. It is sending and receiving.” - Carla Bley, an American jazz composer, pianist, and bandleader (1936 - 2023)
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Jeremy Cockrill describes sit-in as a challenging situation
By John Cairns SASKTODAY.caEducation Minister Jeremy Cockrill provided his account to reporters Monday regarding a sit-in on Friday at his Battlefords riding office by supporters of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation job action.
Those involved in the sit-in were soon ordered to leave by Battlefords RCMP. Those supporters have since claimed the sit-in had been peaceful, and took issue with the RCMP being called in. One of the participants, Erik Hansen, was quoted by saying “I felt that we were ac-
tually disrespected,” adding there was no need for the RCMP to come in.
At the legislature Monday, Cockrill offered a different view, saying the group had started to be disruptive to his staff members.
“Yeah, so obviously a challenging situation at my local North Battleford constituency office on Friday. We had a meeting previously scheduled with an individual teacher, but instead a large group, I guess, a large group for the space showed up and demanded to speak with the Premier on the phone before they left.
“You know, obviously Friday every MLA is at
Sporting Contributions
home, likely doing constituency business in their respective communities and constituencies. I listened to the group, probably conversed with the whole group for probably about 15-20 minutes, and they decided to stay in the office. I had other meetings that afternoon, so I continued on with my constituency business.
“A fairly calm group, but then there started to be a couple of individuals exhibiting some disruptive behaviour and intimidating my staff, and I think that’s really where I drew the line and asked the RCMP to come and remove these folks from the office.
Continued on Page 12
Challenging situation
Continued from Page 11
“I spend a lot of my time when I am at home in the Battlefords meeting with constituents. I meet with constituents on the evenings and the weekends, teachers, grandparents, parents, all sorts of folks on all sorts of issues at home, and happy to have those conversations, whether I agree with people or not, as long as we have respectful conversations, I’ll meet with anybody. But from my perspective, it crossed the line too disruptive and intimidating to my staff, and that’s not some thing I’m going to tolerate.”
He confirmed that at least initially, he had agreed to permit the group to be inside his office.
“I said listen, we close at 5 o’clock, and if you’re here and quiet and respectful, that’s fine. But again, especially, I think about the two ladies I get to work with in North Battleford in my constituency office. They do really incredible work on behalf of myself in the government and for
the constituents of the Battlefords and I don’t think it was right for people to start essentially intimidating my staff, and again, that’s where I drew the line.…
“When you get to intimidating my staff, I’m sorry, I’m just not going to tolerate that. And I think that’s reasonable whether you’re a government MLA or an opposition MLA. At the end of the day, the staff that work for us, whether it’s here in the legislature, or at home in our constituencies, these are people who are trying to do their best for their constituents and if you’re going to intimidate the staff, that’s where I draw the line and ask you to leave.”
As for particulars as to what he meant by ‘intimidation’, Cockrill said “all I’ll really comment on that is several individuals taking photos of my staff, and my staff asking them not to do that, and them getting a little bit threatening after that. So that’s not right in my view.”
He later said that when
the staff members asked those people to stop they were met with a reply of “what are you going to do about it.”
“I mean, I would expect that’s not the type of behavior that I have going into anybody else’s office and I would expect the same for people coming into my office.”
Cockrill adds that what was “most frustrating for me as an MLA is that when an individual teacher had called on Monday asking to meet with me, I have not turned down any meetings with any of my local teachers in the Battlefords. Happy to meet with them. We’re not going to agree on everything, but you know what, they’re meetings that informs some of the decisions I make as an MLA, and as a Minister. And so obviously for an individual to decide to meet up and then not show up for their meeting and instead have some of their Teachers Association colleagues be there instead, and causing disruption, that’s disappointing.
“Again, I’m always up for a respectful conversation. Absolutely. That is why I got into this role. I wanted to be an MLA, because I wanted to make the Battlefords a better place. That’s what I’m focused on, and listen, you’re not going to agree with everybody in your community but as long as you have a respectful conversation, I think that’s what it’s about at the end of the day.”
Opposition Education
Spring into Seeding
Critic Matt Love was also asked about the sit-in incident at the legislature, but said he did not have any information about it, other than from what he had heard it was “very peaceful, very respectful and that the folks who were there were surprised when the RCMP showed up.”
STF President Samantha Becotte was asked about the sit-in Monday on a call with media, and she called it “disappointing to
see.” She added the following:
“The Minister needs to really start listening to the concerns of the people in not just his community but the people here in Saskatchewan, who continue to say that public education is a top priority. And if he’s not going to listen, then he is going to experience more instances where people are going to take a stand, and really push to make sure that their voices are heard.”
Sit-in at education minister’s office thrown out by RCMP
On Friday, March 8
a peaceful sit-in protest of approximately a dozen supporters of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation, filled Education Minister Jeremy Cockrills (MLA for The Battlefords) office.
And despite saying last year that peaceful protests were essential in democratic countries like Canada, the sit-in protest that filled Cockrill’s waiting room in North Battleford, ended abruptly with a call to the RCMP.
Eyewitnesses told that despite Cockrill having told the crowd that if they remained quiet they could stay until the office closed at 5 p.m.
After the media had arrived and been told to leave and interviews were con-
ducted outside, a member of the RCMP arrived and told the group to clear out at approximately 4 p.m.
“I felt that we were actually disrespected,” Erik Hansen, a retired educational assistant (EA) from Unity told the media after the group was removed from Cockrill’s office.
He also noted that Cockrill had said they could stay until the office closed. When a secretary has asked them to stay quiet, which he said they did, mostly sitting in the chairs and reading books.
“And then all of a sudden we have a police officer come in. There’s no need for it, it’s the way of this government, and it’s unfortunate we have to come together as a society [instead of] being divided.”
“I want a fair world to live in. And right now, we’re not being treated that way by our governments,”
Hansen added, saying that he has no vested interest in education.
He said, that he just wants people to talk.
“The government is unwilling to bend on something that has been important ... for decades,” Hansen said.
He said that children are not getting properly educated because teachers don’t have enough support.
“And that’s just not right. Education is our one tool of improving the world.”
Ignoring the plight of students, Hansen added, is negligent on behalf of the Saskatchewan Government.
Comments from STF and Tri-West Teachers’ Association
“A group of community members have joined us today at Jeremy Cockrill’s office,” Micheal Hagal,
Continued on Page 18
Crop insurance premiums decreasing in 2004
Changes to the 2024 Crop Insurance Program, administered by the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC), were announced Tuesday.
For 2024, multi-peril crop insurance average coverage is $389 per acre, a decrease from 2023, largely due to an average decrease
in insured commodity prices. As a result, the average premium is also decreasing to $12.71. Producers’ coverage and premium are individualized to their operation. Coverage reflects each producer’s production records and premium reflects each producer’s claim history.
SCIC’s existing Weather-Based Programs include Forage Rainfall Insurance,
Nature is Awesome
Corn Rainfall Insurance and Corn Heat Unit Insurance. The rainfall insurance programs protect if seasonal precipitation is below the long-term average, adjusted for extreme heat. The Corn Heat Unit Insurance Program insures against a shortage of heat units over the growing season. A selection of program options allows producers to tailor coverage to their
This female pine grosbeak has a nice juicy cranberry in its powerful beak. Design all around! | Text and photo by Jim Mclane
Introduced for the 2024 Crop Insurance Program, SCIC’s weather-based programs now provide options to insure intercrops and additional feed crops. The Mixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program protects any forage feed crop not previously covered under weather-based programs, including mixed forage, greenfeed and silage, if seasonal precipitation is below average. With the Intercrop Rainfall Insurance Program, annual intercrops intended for harvest can now be insured for below average seasonal precipitation.
Additionally, coverage is increasing for the 2024 Forage Rainfall Insurance Program. Coverage levels now better reflect the productive capacity of the insured acres and increased transportation allowance (which recognizes the costs associated with replacing lost feed). Producers can select from three levels of coverage, Low, Medium, and High, offering flexible risk management and related premium cost options.
For 2024, SCIC is pleased to announce an additional 38 weather stations to supplement its existing network. All weather-based
programs are enhanced by this increased weather station density provincewide. With 224 weather stations across the province, most land is located within 30 kilometres of at least one weather station. One weather station can be selected for each insured land location. This allows producers to insure each of their land locations with relevant coverage.
“During our town hall drought meetings last summer, producers emphasized changes to programs such as Forage Rainfall Insurance Program were needed to provide better coverage and flexibility, especially during times of prolonged drought,” Saskatchewan Cattlemens Association Chair Keith Day said.
“It’s clear to SCA that Minister (David) Marit and SCIC took the feedback from those meetings into consideration when making changes such as increasing the number of weather stations, improving communications and increasing the transport allowance. Expanded coverage for cover cropping, green feed and silage is also a significant improvement. We will continue to work with SCIC to improve programs for the benefit of cattle producers.”
“The improvements made to the forage and
rainfall insurance options underscore the ongoing evolution of the program in meeting the requirements of producers,” APAS VicePresident Bill Prybylski said.
“We support SCIC for adding additional weather stations to address gaps in their network,” “We want to thank the province’s ongoing commitment to Saskatchewan agriculture,” SSGA’s Chay Anderson said.
“Additional options to their weather-based programs can further help producers reduce their risk on their operations.”
“An increased number of weather stations and expanded options around coverage for cover crops, greenfeed and silage are enhancements that will make insurance decisions easier for our producer members,” “Saskatchewan Forage Council Vice-President Kevin Steinley said. March 31, 2024, is the deadline for Saskatchewan producers to apply, reinstate or cancel their Crop Insurance contract. Producers must select insured crops and coverage levels or make additional changes by this date. Producers can speak to their local SCIC office to make any changes or coverage will remain the same as the previous year.
Bail for armed suspect who shut down Highway 16
He is now scheduled back in court March 25 to enter a plea.
Kahmahkotayo was arrested by Battlefords RCMP and the Saskatchewan RCMP Critical Incident Response Team Mon-
day night, March 4, after police got a report around 1 p.m. that afternoon of an armed man travelling in a vehicle in North Battleford. Battlefords RCMP and officers from surrounding detachments worked together to locate Kahmahkotayo. They found him on Highway 16 near Delmas. Kahmahkotayo is charged with five firearmsrelated offences, three counts of uttering threats and one count of resisting arrest.
RCMP say there were no injuries to members as a result of the incident.
thinking about using a computer program to file your taxes, you may want to reconsider. Here are four shortcomings of tax software.
Although tax software is capable of handling most common tax scenarios, it may not be programmed for more complex situations, such as multiple income sources, investments, business income or international tax matters. A professional tax preparer will ensure you don’t miss out on possible deductions or credits.
Tax software relies on accurate data entry, meaning incorrectly entered information could go unnoticed and result in inaccurate returns. Additionally, although software can suggest deductions and credits, it may not be able to identify all the specific tax breaks that a human tax professional could uncover.
Tax laws and regulations change from year to year, and tax software might not always be up to date. These inaccuracies can result in financial discrepancies and potential legal complications. A professional tax preparer ensures your taxes
are filed correctly and you get the most out of your return.
Although tax software can automate the filing process, it can’t provide customized advice based on your unique situation. A tax pro-
fessional offers personalized guidance tailored to your financial situation. This can help you make informed decisions and optimize your tax strategy for the future.
Don’t sweat this tax season. Entrust your taxes to a local professional!
Fire Destroys Collision Centre
At press time, the cause of the fire that destroyed Quickfalls Collision Centre (formerly Manning Mercury) at 832 - 104th St. was still under investigation. According to the City of North Battleford, the North Battleford fire department responded to the structure fire at 5:13 p.m. on Thursday,
AA Meetings
Sunday - 11:00 am - Big Book Meeting - BIMFC - 961103rd St.
Sunday - 11:00 am - Morning Breakfast meeting - Action
Now - 15th Ave & 101st. St.
Sunday - 7:00 pm - Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID 640 084 8923. No Password. Call 306-441-2776 for help with logging on.
Monday - 8:00 pm - Zion Lutheran Church - 15th Ave and 108th St. - use north door
Tuesday - 12:00 noon - St. George’s Anglican ChurchSouth across the street from Battleford Furniture - 2nd Ave and 24th St. Battleford
Wednesday - 7:00 pm - Southtown Group - Lions Clubhouse - 162 - 22nd St. Battleford.
Thursday - 8:00 pm - Third Avenue United Church - 102nd St and 13th Ave - use East door and ring buzzer - Best to call
Carol B. 306-481-5263 if meeting is on.
March 7. Mutual aid was then activated to control the fire with both the Town of Battleford and the RM of North Battleford assisting in operations. The fire was not declared stopped until 6:17 p.m., Friday, March 8, approximately 26 hours later. There were no injuries; however, the structure was a complete loss. |
Maidstone Trade Fair committee disbands
By Kathy Utri CorrespondentMaidstone Trade Fair Committee delivered disappointing news last week that the end has come for the trade fair. Over the past several years, our community has witnessed many changes in the venue of the fair. With dwindling support from vendors and visitors, the future didn’t look good but many still held hopes it could keep going. I was a supporter from the start, spending years organizing the Girl Guides booth as well as helping with Maidstone Museum’s silent auction and supper for all the vendors. Many of us have fantastic memories of past trade fairs and are sad to see it go. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard over the years. The remaining funds have been dispersed to Maidstone Curling Club, Maidstone Gymnastics Club, Maidstone Kin Club, Maidstone Library and Ratushniak Breakfast Program.
The online auction at in support of the Dennis and Valerie Lakatos family opened March 2 and has seen plenty of action. Organizer
Desirae Blanchette-Wyatt is currently updating the items and the auction will close March 15 at 5 p.m.
Winner of Maidstone Legion Club Room’s first monthly 50/50 draw was Neil Blanchette, taking home $1,355. Congratulations, Norm. Next draw is April 4.
Chase the Ace draws continue, with the weekly prize being 20 per cent of sales and the jackpot now about $5,700 (30 per cent of weekly sales goes into the jackpot). The club room is holding a Texas Hold ‘Em tournament on Saturday, March 23 at 2 p.m. Entry fee is $50. Contact Boone 780-205-2839 or Maidstone Club Room 306-893-4048.
The ladies’ curling bonspiel scheduled for March 9-10 at Maidstone Curling Club was cancelled due to not having enough teams.
Maidstone’s 75th annual Skating Carnival is happening on Saturday, March 16 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 17 at 1:30 p.m. with the theme “Villains.” Carnival queen contestants Evelyn Telenga, Gwen Fritz and Sway Krepps have been busy selling their tickets with hopes of being
high seller and winning the crown. The carnival is the club’s major fundraiser so get out, show your support and enjoy the local stars on ice.
The Maidstone Ice Maidens attended the Carstairs Synchronized Skating Invitational event this past weekend. Both the adult and junior teams competed and skated phenomenal routines. The adult team had two beautiful skates but had tough competition and unfortunately didn’t place for a metal. The junior team also had an amazing skate and placed third out of the eight competitors at their level. Both teams will be performing in the Maidstone Skating Carnival this weekend.
Milleton Community Hall is holding a Spring Fling dance on April 6 at 8 p.m. with a DJ, midnight lunch and DD service. Minors must be with a legal guardian. Family pass $50, adult $20, child $10.
Waseca Recreation Board’s 10th annual fish fry will be on Saturday, April 27 at Waseca Community Hall with comedian Doug Arden and live auctions. A silent auction
at will run from April 12 to 26. Doors open at 4 p.m., buffet supper 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 or a table of eight is $350. Dine-in contacts:
Rodney 306-893-7422, Ronald 306-903-7772; drive-through contact: Jessica 780-870-4687. This one’s always a sellout so get your tickets early.
Reminder: Wednesday, March 20 - Third ecumenical lenten lunch at United Church CE Wing at noon (Catholic Church hosting).
Sit-in ended by RCMP
Continued from Page 13 president of the Tri-west Teachers Association and who sits on the STF board told the media on Friday before the RCMP had arrived. He said they’re asking for class complexity funding to be included within the scope of a bargaining agreement with the STF. The plan originally, was to stay at Cockrill’s office until the government takes action.
“We want it in the contract so that there’s a mechanism if that money isn’t delivered ... a dispute resolution process,” Hagal explained.
“So the agreement with the school boards right now, it’s a start, but there’s also no way to make sure it happens.”
Hagal also explained the government’s comments that the STF have only been at the table for half an hour in five months.
“So when they refused to talk about [class size and complexity] everything else happens after that,” he said, noting that if the government isn’t willing to discuss those concerns, there’s no point meeting.
Protests key in democracy: Cockrill Last year, when protesters had gathered in front of
his office rallying against his ministry’s controversial ‘Pronoun Policy,’ Cockrill had said that peaceful protest was the cornerstone of a democracy.
“It’s just a part of our democratic system ... in other countries, people go to jail for doing that, and in Canada, they don’t,” Cockrill had told on Sept. 11, 2023.
“You know, there’s lots of ways to express your opinion, I mean obviously, you get a chance to vote every four years ... but between elections, you have an opportunity to talk directly to your elected officials, whether that be through a meeting, or email or phone call.
“And you know, protest is one of those ways as well,” he had added.
At this time, Minister Cockrill’s office has not responded to a request for comment sent March 9, as to why the RCMP was called on the protesters.
— With files from Averil Hall.
Back Row: (L-R) Kris Dushire, Derek Keller, Rory Gregoire.
Middle Row: (L-R) Isla Stade, Austin Keller, Liam Nicotine, Lennox Denton, Kyler Huebert, Carter Dushire.
Missing: Jon Hosegood (Ass’t
Missing: Cam Alexander, Shay Woloshyn, Burke Strain, Brennon Strain (Head Coach), Ryan Woloshyn (Ass’t Coach), Kristin Parenteau (Manager).
Back Row: (L-R) Coaches Stephen Mann, Daxon Collins, Ryon Haggard, Brennon Strain.
Middle Row: (L-R) Konnor Longley, Rhett Strain, Owen Frolek-Morris, Jaxon Dobson, Ander Kobelsky, Sam Haggard, Jada Lapointe.
Missing: Jaedynn Pooyak Mcleod, George Acaster, Erica Pooyak-McLeod, Lennox Herbel, Joshua Pooyak Mcleod, Brandon Taylor (Ass’t Coach), Ryan Acaster (On-ice Helper), Brennan Tebay (On-ice Helper), and Trissa Boothman (Manager).
Missing: Maleke Night, Haedyn Gardypie, Bentley Stone, Shalynn Miller (Manager).
Shalynn Miller(Manager).
Missing: Jax Bird, Savior Starchief, Jeremey Verity(Ass’t Coach), Wendy Verity (Manager).
HDC Contracting & Electrical
Harley Collins 306-480-4330
Supporter of Minor Hockey
Back Row: (L-R) Dryden Harrabek, Luke Treptow, Cason Cheze, Lucas Suchan, Mason Poitras, Kace McCrea, Matt Poitras (Asst. Coach), Brad Weber (Asst. Coach).
Middle Row: (L-R) Mike Weber (Asst. Coach), Carson Gutek, Kai Genereaux, Carter McKee, Cash Van
Ty Lajeunesse.
Jaymisun Pelchat, Jarod Nichol, Konnor Ahenakhew-Sapp, Jase Borschneck, Memphis Kahpeaysewat, Mikeal Bird.
Front Row: (L-R) Pax Andersen, Kade Lehman, Lee Ulmer (Head Coach), Nate Poole, Brett Sheppard (Manager), Jaxton Sayers, Masen Carriere (Ass’t Coach), Kayler Gidluck, Nate Dallyn. Missing: Blake Young (Ass’t Coach), Hunter Gladue.
U9 Teal Sharks
Back Row: (L-R) Courtney Gardiner (Asst Coach), Frazer Donahue (Coach), Mike Gerein (Coach) and Maddy Muzyka (Asst Coach).
Middle Row: (L-R) Sophia Heisler, Conlan Donahue, Leti Paskemin-Bear, Lexi Paskemin-Bear, Sephine Mann, Aiyana Bird.
Front Row: (L-R) Jada Lapointe, Brooklyn Sayers, Talia Nykiforuk, Natalie Zemlak, Reegan Gerein, Brexley Fauchon, Mila Sauvie.
U9 White Sharks
Back Row: (L-R) Mitch Hawtin (Head Coach), Ashley Rafuse (Ass’t Coach), Rory Gregoire (Ass’t Coach).
Middle Row: (L-R) London Fiddler, Adelyn Eischen, Macie Cox, Hadley Hawtin, Avery Demarais-Corrigal, Anna Woytowich, Emersyn Rafuse.
Front Row: (L-R) (kneeling) Rhea Gregoire, Sadie Weber, Addley Whitt, Ivy Reis, Rya Sparrow, Huxley Hawtin.
Missing: Ellie Scheafer, Keegan Sparrow (Ass’t Coach), Brad Eischen (Ass’t Coach), Brandon Whitt (Manager).
Middle Row: (L-R): Shaun O’Brian (Asst Coach), Sheldon Rhinehart (Asst Coach), Jadyn Rhinehart, Breanna Booy, Kylan Kramer, Sadie Taves, Paige Ellis, Makena Swiftwolfe, Brendan Kramer (Coach), Rees Kachmarski (Asst Coach).
Front Row: (L-R): Adrianna Robinson, Kadence O’Brian, Jadyn Bossaer, Jayce Brown, Mia
Battlefords AAA Sharks
U15 A Sharks
New leadership for Do Drop In
By Eric Callbeck MeotaHere we are in the aftermath of a major dump. Friends were in Biggar and most of the side streets were still only open to traffic with lots of ground clearance. Fortunately for us, our town had two large tractors opening up roads and driveways. Thanks to those in charge for taking the initiative to get us up and mobile in good time.
The Do Drop In had their annual elections March 8. The president and treasurer Carrol Huys decided to retire. Eric Callbeck had served as president for nine years. The election results were: president Arlene Walker, vicepresident Eileen Bru, secretary Gwen Lacerte and treasurer Vivianne Lesko.
Happily, I have seen completed during my tenure a few major projects including installing 85 feet of new sidewalk on the street side, the addition of a highly durable deck, a new
all-weather durable storage shed and some landscaping improvements. Thanks to all the seniors who took part and a special thank you to Vivianne for getting us through the new communication hurdles as well as to Carrol for keeping us in great shape financially. As we leave the centre in great shape we leave the challenge open to our successors to do the same.
Welcome home to past postmistress Carolyn Tait and husband Terry after a good vacation in Mexico. Also a warm welcome back to Donna Scherman after a lengthy convalescence and to Catriona Winterholt with her return from sunny, warm northern Scotland.
A golf course general meeting will be held March 17. A new clubhouse is on the agenda, so community input is urged.
Tuesday bridge experienced a snow day rain check.
Thursday, Margaret Dyck and Dave Creegan were first. Second were Mary Phelps and Gerry
Craig and third were Donna Scherman and Catriona Winterhorholt. In 2B, Anne Crozier and Cletus Scherma had top score.
Canasta results from Friday afternoon were:
HF – first Vivianne Lesko, Karen Kelly and Eric Callbeck, second Cora Christianson, Judy Schmidt and Arlene Walker; HKF –first Bev McCrimmon and Dave Ottas, second Louise Doom and Gwen Lacerte, third Vern Iverson and Lillian Solenko.
Vernon Iverson was the winner in Norwegian Whist. Second was a tie between Sadie Green and Arlene Walker. Third was Carrol Huys.
Silver Broom Recap
(By Derek Welford)
The Silver Broom Championship was Tuesday in Meota, in what was a one-day gauntlet of curling tribulations where 18 teams anticipated glory, but only one would prevail.
The pinnacle of the Grand Slam of Curling, where the 12-week journey of end-
to-end action led to the climax of this year’s storybook ending.
Kirsten Bru, a firstyear attendee of the Silver Broom, cleared his path to the A event qualifier and a chance at a berth in the Silver Broom game defeating the season-leading Lacousiere rink followed by Randy Orchison in the A semifinal.
Top of the event saw the Lee Gansauge rink put together a string of victories over Lonnie Alm, Colin Sharp and Al Colley. Having Bru on the ropes with a two-point advantage in the final end and shot rock behind cover, it appeared that Gaunsage was close to punching their tickets to the final. A heroic shot from Bru to take two and force the extra end highlighted the night. In the draw to the button tiebreaker, Bru completed the comeback and earned the opportunity to get their names etched into the Silver Broom.
After a tournament-
opening loss to the Bru rink, Brent Czuy commandeered the Lacousiere team to the B event qualifier with a win against Don Johnson. Missing their fearless leader Zane Lacousiere, it was up to Czuy to pilot the regular season champs to greatness. Derek Welford came up through the other side with victories over the Alm and Weber rinks. Czuy found himself up by two points coming home. Welford had a shot for two but it didn’t curl enough as Czuy, Dale Howrie, Robbie Reed and Marcel Bernier earned a rematch with the Bru rink in the title game.
The stage was set as the spectators began to congregate around the middle sheet seating area, trying to get the perfect vantage
point of history. Four hundred and eighteen grams of solid silver handcrafted into a broom was ushered out onto the ice as it looked over its two challengers. Kirsten Bru got up early but Czuy made a pressure shot in the second last end to limit the damage to a one- point deficit going into the final end. Bru set up the end to protect the house and he did exactly that, leaving a low-probability shot for Czuy to tie. An over-curled rock on a double raise signalled the end of a good season for the Lacousiere rink and solidified Kirsten Bru, Dave Code, Jacquie Code and Lindon Goodall in Meota’s record books as the 2024 Meota Grand Slam of curling champions.
Youth Employment and Skills Program offered
Agriculture and AgriFood Canada is providing approximately $13.5 million to support a new application intake under the Youth Employment and Skills Program (YESP).
The initiative will provide the agricultural sector with help needed to support approximately 1,200 jobs for youth in the sector.
The YESP offers support for 50 per cent of wages up to a maximum of $14,000 to agriculture employers hiring Canadian youth. Employers that hire youth facing employment barriers will be eligible for 80 per cent of the cost of salaries and benefits (to a maximum of $14,000) and may be eligible for an additional $5,000 to address specific obstacles to employment.
The program supports the following employees: Indigenous; youth living with a disability – including physi-
cal, mental health-related or learning disability; racialized youth; recent newcomers to Canada (within 5 years); single parent; living in a low-income household; individual who left high school; residing in a remote, northern and/or fly-in community; living in an Official Language Minority Community; and 2SLGBTQQIA+.
Employers can apply between Feb. 26 and March 25, 2024 for their project to be considered.
Applications from Indigenous employers will be prioritized for the 2024-25 program year. Application forms for the YESP are available through the webpage. For additional information, contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada by email aafc. yesp-pecj.aac@canada. ca or by calling 1-866452-5558.
Breast cancer care tackled by Sask. gov’t
By John Cairns SASKTODAY.caSeveral major initiatives have been announced by the provinto address breast cancer care and screening in Saskatchewan.
At a news conference at the Legislature, Minister of Health Everett Hindley, along with Minister for the Status of Women Laura Ross and surgeon Dr. Sarah Miller, announced several measures including opening of a new Breast Health Centre in Regina, the expansion of provincial breast cancer screening eligibility, and implementation of new tumour localization technology.
The moves are being made to address the backlog in diagnostic and surgical wait times for breast cancer. Many details, including amounts of funding and the staffing, are still to come with those details to be shared in the provincial budget. This announcement was made in advance of the budget, said Hindley, to reassure people of the government’s level of commitment to health care in the province.
“Improving patient care and wait times is a priority for this government,” said Hindley at the news conference Tuesday. “We know that receiving earlier screening, diagnosis, treatment ensures the best possible outcomes for patients.”
Here are five takeaways from that provincial announcement Tuesday:
The new Breast Health Centre is to open in Regina. It will be located at Regina Center Crossing on Albert Street and wibe operated by Saskatchewan Health Authority.
The Centre will be similar to the Breast Health Centre currently in Saskatoon. It is to be a focal point for a wide variety of services including diagnostic imaging, specialists consultation, patient education, and navigation to other on-site post-treatment therapies and rehabilitation.
Among the changes coming is that family physicians and nurse practitioners will be able to provide a referral directly to the Breast Health Centre, instead of having to coordinate multiple referrals for their patients. It is believed this will cut down on wait times and move things along, and also help in communication to clients.
“With the aid of a Breast Centre, again, with having a centralized service, we hopefully can provide wait time estimates and also give patients updates ‘well, this is a here you are in this process,’” Dr. Miller said, It is also believed having the Breast Health Centre in
Regina will help in attracting health care professionals and specialists.
“I firmly believe that this Centre will help with the retention of current breast specialists, aid in the recruitment of these specialists, and most importantly improve care for our patients,” said Dr. Miller. “We know that early detection and timely access to care are key for positive outcomes.”
Hindley stressed a commitment to making sure the new Centre is fully staffed so it is fully operational. He said they are working to recruit five radiologists for advanced breast imaging and biopsy services in Regina.
“It sends a signal across the health care sector that this is something that is going to be a key focus for us, to make sure that we are reducing the waiting times,” said Hindley.
The province is changing the provincial breast cancer screening age eligibility. Instead of from age 50 and older, it will now include women aged 40-49 in a phased approach, starting in January 2025 through a phased approach.
Also expected this spring is the implementation of new breast tumour localization technology.
This will be utilized in both Regina and Saskatoon. Under this technology a marker, known as a seed, is implanted by a radiologist up to 30 days prior to the procedure.
This is seen as providing a more comfortable and less painful experience to patients and should also reduce surgical delays and cancellations.
Hindley also provided an update on the “immediate action” the government announced last November to reduce breast cancer diagnostic wait times: to place patients on an urgent wait list to receive procedures at a medical facility in Calgary.
According to the latest numbers for Feb. 23, Hindley said a total of 188 patients have been referred to the clinic in Calgary and 131 had already had their diagnostic procedures completed.
Additional proactive steps are also under way. Hindley said they are working closely with SHA more supports are being provided to Regina surgeons who provide breast cancer surgeries to make sure there are enough surgeons to meet the surgical timelines.
They are also collaborating with SHA on increasing access to diagnostic breast cancer services including temporarily expanding breast cancer diagnostic imaging capacity.
I. General Information
A. Purpose. This request for proposal (RFP) is to contract for legal services to be provided to Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. effective May 15, 2024.
B. Who May Respond. Only attorneys who are currently licensed to practice law in Canada and maintain an office in Saskatchewan , or law firms including such attorneys, may respond to this RFP.
C. Instructions on Proposal Submission.
1. Closing Submission Date. Proposals must be submitted no later than 5:00pm on March 29, 2024.
2. Inquiries. Inquiries concerning this RFP should be mailed to:
Patricia Whitecalf Executive Director
Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.
PO Box 1658
North Battleford, SK S9A 3W2
Or emailed to:
3. Conditions of Proposal. All costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal responding to this RFP will be the responsibility of the Offeror and will not be reimbursed by Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.
4. Instructions to Prospective Contractors. Your proposal should be addressed as follows:
Patricia Whitecalf Executive Director
Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc.
PO Box 1658
North Battleford, SK S9A 3W2
It is important that the Offeror’s proposal be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked in the lower left-handed corner with the following information:
Request for Proposal
Time and Date
Sealed Proposal for Legal Services
Failure to do so may result in premature disclosure of your proposal. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to ensure that the proposal is received by Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc., by the date and time specified above. Late proposals will not be considered.
Or emailed to:
5. Right to Reject. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP. A contract for the accepted proposal will be drafted based upon the factors described in this RFP.
6. Small and/or Minority/Owned Businesses. Efforts will be made by Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. to utilize small businesses, women and/or minority owned businesses. Offeror qualifies as a small business firm if it meets the definition of “small business” as established by the Small Business Administration.
7. Notification of Award. It is expected that a decision selecting the successful Firm will be made within two (2) weeks of the closing date for the receipt of proposals. Upon conclusion of final negotiations with the successful Firm, all Offerors submitting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal will be informed, in writing, of the name of the successful consultant. It is expected that the contract shall be a contract for work performed within the time frame listed above with a fixed price and an option for renewal.
D. Description of Entities. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. serves the communities of Sweetgrass First Nation, Lucky Man Cree First Nation, Poundmaker Cree First Nation and Little Pine First Nation. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. is a non-profit corporation and has been determined to be exempt from Federal Income Tax.
Battleford Family Health Centre Inc. and 101058848 Saskatchewan Inc.
Our Mission:
Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. builds engaged and wholistic communities through:
• Client focused and family centred care
• Honoring traditional values; and
• Promoting and supporting the wholistic health of people living in our member communities.
II. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Offeror shall be readily available to perform the following legal services, as requested by the Executive Director and/or Board of Directors:
1. Review, draft, and negotiate contracts and leases
2. Advise on corporate and tax-exempt organization legal issues
3. Advise on individual labor and employment matters
4. Review personnel, fiscal and other policies, as well as corporate by-laws
5. Attend Board of Directors and Committee meetings as necessary
6. Advise on government grant and contract issues
7. Advise on responses to subpoenas, court orders, and requests for information from third parties
8. Defend lawsuits, administrative claims, or other legal claims
9. Conduct litigation as necessary
10. Other legal services as needed
Although it is preferable for an attorney or firm to submit a proposal covering all of the above areas, Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. will consider proposals for subsets of these areas. Offeror shall be prepared to submit detailed billing statements for all services billed at an hourly rate, if any, broken down into time increments of no more than a quarter hour. Offeror shall also include summaries of work performed and time spent on services performed under the flat monthly fee, as discussed below.
III. PROPOSAL CONTENTS. The Offeror, in its proposal, shall, as a minimum, include the following;
A. Legal Experience. The Offeror should describe its legal experience, including the names, addresses, contact pe sons, and telephone numbers of at least three clients, preferably
1. Experience advising nonprofit organizations
2. Experience advising clients conducting similar programs and government-funded services
B. Organization, Size, Structure, and Areas of Practice. If the Offeror is a firm, it should describe its organization, size, structure, areas of practice, and office location(s). Indicate, if appropriate, if the firm is a small or minority owned business. Also include copy of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy, if the firm has one.
C. Attorney Qualifications. The Offeror should have experience in the following areas: non-profit and tax-exempt organizations; The Offeror should describe the qualifications of attorneys to be assigned to the representation. Descriptions should include:
1. Professional and education background of each attorney.
2. Overall supervision to be exercised.
3. Prior experience of the individual attorneys with respect to the required experience listed above. Only| include resumes of attorneys likely to be assigned to the representation. Education, position in firm, years and types of experience, and continuing professional education will be considered.
D. Price. The Offeror’s proposed price should include information on the hourly billing rates of each attorney or other legal staff who is expected to work on this representation and charges for expenses, if any, such as legal research, copies, and faxes. Also include a monthly flat fee that would be charged to advise on routine matters that could be handled over the telephone or otherwise without extensive research or other legal work. Battle River Treaty 6 Health Centre Inc. reserves the right to negotiate with the Offeror on the structure of the billing and/or retainer fee.
IV. Proposal Evaluation
A. Submission of Proposals. All proposals shall include an original and 5 copies.
B. Evaluation Procedure and Criteria. Battle River Treaty 6
TATRO: Harry Arthur September 16, 1924 – March 9, 2024 Harry Arthur Tatro, born September 16, 1924, passed away with family at his bedside, on Saturday, March 9, 2024. He was predeceased by his parents Henry Lynn Tatro in 1956 and Grace Attix in 1979, his wife of 60 years, Dorothy Elizabeth Beeching in 2018, and son David Edward in 1955. He is survived by his four children, Garry William Harry, Susan Helen, Richard Gordon, and Dorothy Gwen; and a legacy of grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. Memorial Services will be held at McInnis & Holloway (Chapel of the Bells, 2720 Centre Street N, Calgary, AB T2E 2V6) on Friday, March 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Reception to follow in the Hospitality Centre at the Funeral Home. Family and friends who are unable to attend in person are invited to join Harry’s service streamed live on the day of the service at For those who are unable to view live, a recording of the service will be posted. Condolences, memories, and photos may be shared and viewed with Harry’s family there. In living memory of Harry Tatro, a tree will be planted in the Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area by McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes. You may wish to email your family and friends to let them know that the above obituary may be viewed online at:
BLANCHARD: It is with broken hearts, the family of Jo-Ann Blanchard share the news of her passing on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at the age of 87 years. Our Mom was born February 6, 1937, in Brandon, Manitoba to William Ward and Ann Ward (Van de Sype). Mom is survived by her five daughters: Debbie (Colin) Koshinsky, and their family: Jocelyn, Shaune, and Jessica Terry (Gordon) Waldner, and their family: Amy, Robin, Shelah, James and Ben Laurie Blanchard (George Cote) and her children: Chelsey, Jeff, and Jonathan Barby (Edwin) Beland, and their children: Becky, Heidi, Sarah, Zach, Rose and Josiah Shea (Johnny) O’Brien and their children: Megan and Michael She is also survived by many greatgrandchildren Mom was predeceased by her husband, Dwane (Rusty) Blanchard; parents: Bill and Ann Ward; grandchildren: Christie Weiler and Mason O’Brien; sons-in-law: Lorne Weiler, Larry Schmaltz and David Tkachuk; sisters: Viola Marteniuk and Muriel Brown; sisters-in-law: Joan Spotowski, Fern Brown; brother-in-law, John Brown. A Celebration of Life Service was held at Living Faith Chapel on Saturday, March 9, 2024, with Pastor Jim Marteniuk officiating. A Private Family Interment followed at the Meota Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial donations can be made at Samaritan’s Purse Canada 20 Hopewell Way NE Calgary, Alberta, T3J 5H5. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Eternal Memories Funeral Service & Crematorium – Trevor Watts, Funeral Director.
GEORGE HAGERTY June 23, 1934 – March 6, 2024 ROBERT “BOB” HAGERTY, of Lethbridge, Alberta, passed away on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at the age of 89 years. He is survived by his loving wife, Janet; children, Sheila (Owen Byrne) Hagerty of Lethbridge, Maureen (Herb) Groenenboom of Lethbridge, and Tony (Tatiana) Hagerty of Edmonton; grandchildren: Kelsey (Zak), Jamie, Victoria and Seraphina, as well as beloved nieces, nephews, and dear friends. Bob was predeceased by his parents, Micheal and Florence Hagerty, brothers Jack, Tom, Kenny and Daniel. Bob was born in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, on June 23, 1934. He grew up near Denholm, SK with his two older brothers, working on the family farm. His love of farming and the life that goes with it would serve him and his family well in subsequent years. Bob attended East Hill Rural School until the family needed him to run the family farm. Growing up, he enjoyed outdoor sports, fishing, fastball, curling and hockey. He even managed to play a ballgame or two against the great Gordie Howe in his younger years. Bob met Janet Murphy, the love of his life and they were married October 31, 1964. Working various winter construction jobs, improving the farm with the addition of sheep and cattle, and raising three children made for a full and busy life. He was active in the community as a leader for the Mount Hope 4H Club, member of the Denholm recreation club and volunteer firefighter. Bob later worked as a caretaker at Battleford Central School, where he was well loved by staff and students alike and set the gold standard for caretakers. In his free time, Bob loved spending time with family and friends, camping, fishing and playing cards. After moving to Lethbridge, Bob and Janet developed a whole new social circle through St. Martha’s Parish. Bob rarely missed church or Tim Horton’s coffee afterwards and was an active member of the Knights of Columbus. Bob will be remembered by all as a sweet, kind and gentle person. He handled the diagnosis of Parkinson’s, melanoma and dementia with grace and dignity. He never lost his ability to smile or to count a crib hand faster than anyone. A Prayer Service will be held at CORNERSTONE FUNERAL HOME, 2825 – 32 Street South, Lethbridge, AB, on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. with Deacon Bruce Barnett officiating. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at ST. MARTHA’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 355 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge, AB, on Friday, March 22, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. with Father William Monis celebrating. The Funeral Mass will be live-streamed and may be viewed through Bob’s obituary on the Cornerstone website. It is the family’s request that in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Parkinson’s Association of Alberta ( or Development and Peace Canada ( To send a condolence, please visit
The Tax Enforcement Act CLETE STUART REKVE
TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Glaslyn intends to be registered as owner under the above Act of the land described as LOT 10-BLK/PAR 1-PLAN AH4170 EXT 0, Title No. 154595795.
I’m a two year old Shepherd cross that just loves to cuddle! If you want a loyal and handsome man in your life, then look no further! He has been in the shelter for 120 days!
General Assembly/Election
Community Hall @ 3pm
The municipality claims title to the land by virtue of an interest based on the tax lien registered against the existing title to the land in the Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 197280030 and you are required to TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of the municipality or redeem the land pursuant to the provisions of the above Act within six months from the service of this notice on you and, subject to the further provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, a certificate of title will be issued to the applicant and you will thereafter be forever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to, or in respect of, the land.
The amount required to redeem the land may be ascertained on application to the Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of the municipality. For any questions about the tax enforcement process please contact Taxervice at 1-877-734-3113.
Dated this 7th day of March, 2024.
Kate Clarke, Treasurer Village of Glaslyn
Notice is hereby given that Innovation Federal Credit Union’s (“Innovation”) Board of Directors have selected March 22, 2024, as the date of record for determining Innovation’s members who are entitled to vote in the 2024 Director Election and Annual General Meeting. Innovation will send formal notice and details of the Annual General Meeting to members on April 4, 2024.
By Order of the Innovation Board, Ian McArthur Corporate Secretary
KEYANOW CHILD AND FAMILY CENTRE INC. JOB OPPORTUNITIESPROTECTION – FAMILY SERVICES WORKER – 2 positions: Reporting to the Family Services Manager, the Family Services Worker is responsible for investigating allegations of neglect, physical or sexual abuse; assessing family functioning; determining risk factors to the children’s safety; implementing intervention plans; providing support services to the family; working with the courts; managing the needs of children admitted into care; placement in foster and alternate resources, assessment and treatment planning to ensure that individual health, social psychological and education needs are met and preparation to return home.
The successful candidates will have a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work. Consideration will be given for candidates with other degrees that would involve working with children and families. Experience in Emergency Duty (EDW) work. EDW supervision an asset. Will be required to travel and work flexible hours.
Applicants must maintain a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle while on Keyanow property and on duty. Maintain confidentiality. Provide a clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and Driver’s abstract annually.
Please submit your application with 3 professional references to: hr@; fax (306) 445-5568 or drop off at 691 – 109th Street, North Battleford, Sask.
We thank all applications and wish to advise that only those individuals who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.
Candidates granted an interview will be required to submit a current clear CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Check, a class 5 driver’s license and driver’s abstract.
Positions: President Vice President Secretary / Treasurer Must Be A Valid Métis NationSaskatchewan Citizenship Card Holder MN-S Constitution Article 7:6 Career Opportunity! We are looking for a Member Service Representative to join our team! Please submit cover letter and resume by March 22, 2024 to: Edam Credit Union Limited PO Box 68 Edam SK S0M0V0 or NEWS-OPTIMIST Regional THE BATTLEFORDS Serving the Battlefords since 1908 Classifieds NEWS-OPTIMIST Regional THE BATTLEFORDS Serving the Battlefords since 1908 We Need Your Help ... Not Your Name SASKATCHEWAN’S BEST ONLINE
The Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum invites applications for:
Duties: Courteous member and customer service, telephone etiquette, adhere to museum policies and procedures, perform other duties as assigned.
Qualifications: Mature, motivated, honest, reliable, flexible.
Previous office experience required.
Good computer skills, interpersonal skills, organizational skills, ability to work individually and on a team.
To apply, contact Jane Shury at 306-441-5886 292-22nd Street West, Battleford, SK.
Only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.
Baljennie News
Sled dogs give rides at WDM
By Dorothy M. Mills CorrespondentThe Western Development Museum in North Battleford keeps volunteers busy with antique items to be worked on. They welcome new volunteers. The museum has been closed Mondays during January, February and March. They open again on Mondays in April.
The WDM hosted Heritage Days during the week when the children were out of school, offering an array of activities for them to take part in.
Out in the village, they had a couple of people from Northern Saskatchewan who own 60 sled dogs. They brought part of their
Concession Lease
From May 13th to September 15th 2024. Please send your written application with intended hours of operations, experience, references & proposed lease expectations to Meota Regional Park. Email applications to: meotapark@ Deadline for applications is March 28th, 2024. For more information call: 306-441-3994.
Park Manager - Full-Time
The Park Manager will oversee all matters related to the maintenance and operation of a 100site campground. Position would include overseeing the day-to-day operations of the park during its operations season, including the start up and shut down of the Park. This would also include supervision of the Assistant Manager and the Park Maintenance staff, scheduling park staff, ensuring staff keep the grounds maintained and working with seasonal and non-seasonal campers to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the park. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license and driving abstract, be knowledgeable of Saskatchewan Workers Compensation regulations, WHIMIS and other Provincial requirements. This contract is an ongoing contract that will be renewed on a yearly basis. Wages are negotiable. Must be available to work most weekends and some evenings. The term of employment will start May 1st and would work until approximately September 30th .
Assistant Park Manager - Full -Time
The Assistant Park Manager works under the direction of the Park Manager and must have the ability to undertake the Park Manager’s responsibilities as required. The responsibilities will include supervision of Park Maintenance Staff. The successful individual will be a self-starter, possess organization skills, have previous supervision and general maintenance experience, possess a valid Saskatchewan Driver’s License and will be available to work weekends and some evenings. The term of employment will start May 1st and would work until approximately September 30th .
Park Office Staff
The Meota Regional Park Authority is accepting applications for Park Office Staff. One Full time and two Part-time positions are available. Preference will be given to individuals with office experience and must be knowledgeable of Microsoft Excel. Duties will include operation of the campsite on-line reservations system, answering telephones, checking in of campground patrons, relaying requests and issues to maintenance staff, collection of fees and recording of daily revenues. The successful applicants will be available to work weekends and evenings and be willing to work with the Park Manager in other duties within the Regional Park. Park Office staff report to the Office Administrator and provide support for all office duties. Regular cleaning of the park office and cleaning for season close will be expected of the park office staff. The term of employment for the Park Office staff will be mid-May 2024 to mid-September 2024.
Park Maintenance Staff
The Meota Regional Park Authority is accepting applications for several Park Maintenance Staff positions for the Spring and Summer of 2024. Reporting to the Park Manager, the Park Maintenance Staff will perform general grounds maintenance, lawn-mowing, painting, cleaning of facilities and garbage collection among other duties as assigned by either the Park Manager or their Assistant. Successful applicants will be self-motivated, reliable and able to work weekends as well as possess a valid Saskatchewan Driver’s License and will be able to operate most lawn/garden care equipment. The term of employment will begin mid-May and end September long weekend. Students are welcome to apply.
For All Positions Listed:
All placements will be considered probationary for no less than 90 days and will require weekend and evening shifts. Actual hours and employment dates can be weather dependent and may be allotted in regards to individual suitability. Clean and appropriate apparel, while on duty, is expected of all staff. Strong communication skills, hospitable nature and ability to work well with others will be definite assets to placement.
Please email resumes to on or before 5:00 pm Thursday March 28, 2024. Please identify on your cover letter the employment position you are seeking
team and a sleigh to the museum and spent from 1 to 4 p.m. giving interested people rides. They run five dogs at a time and pull a two-seater sleigh. The dogs are on a dead run on each trip out.
The museum is marking its 75th anniversary and has all sorts of things planned to celebrate. Apil 5, 1949 the museums in North Battleford and Saskatoon were founded to collect antique farm items.
Battleford has just lost another piece of 1800 history when the Queen’s Hotel was demolished at the end of February. It has not been used for the past few years and fell into a dete-
riorated condition. It was built in 1884 and used as a hotel in 1889. It was wellused through the years and was one of Saskatchewan’s oldest hotels. Many people spent time in the beverage room and took in other activities being held. Now it is gone. Just one big piece of history gone forever.
Stomach flu has been going around. It lasts only a few days.
Get well wishes to Henri and Elaine Poirier from Battleford West Place as they have both been in the hospital. Elaine has been home for a few days. We hope all goes well for them both. We welcome a new fam-
From the Pastor’s Desk
ily, Jake and Ann Meineme to our apartments. It’s nice to see some new faces.
Stanley and I celebrated our 70th wedding anniversary Feb. 3. The day we got married at North Battleford United Church parlour, it was 52 above, snow was melting and there was water running through the streets. Going home that night we plowed mud as the roads were a mess, but we made it back to the farm at Baljennie.
Easter is early this year, so we can look forward to that. There will be another school break for the children. They just went through a 10-day break in February.
Hymn sing evenings set to resume April 28
By David L. Walker Turtleford Baptist ChurchCheer up, next week is spring. It may not appear that way when you glance out your window, but it is true. God said there would always be seasons and His word never fails. I grew up in a place where the time went ahead every spring and back every fall. I never saw much benefit in the time change for the disruptions it causes. There is now a three-hour difference between where I came from and here. Three cheers for Saskatchewan.
Are you getting excited about resuming the GGMH hymn sing? Mark April 28 on your calendar. If you have never attended the once-a-month evening of music, why don’t you?
Because of so many participants, and because we never seem to have enough time for many house specials, we will not limit the gospel singing evening to one hour. We will still have snack and fellowship time in the lower auditorium.
Throw an instrument in your vehicle, bring along your singing voice, and let’s have a great evening of
gospel music.
We would like you to join us some Sunday for our 11 a.m. worship service. It is preceded by a coffee and chat time at 10:20 a.m. in the foyer. We do not want to take anyone away from your regular place of worship, but if you have nowhere to attend, why not check us out? We believe you will be glad you did.
Until next month remember, “True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie.”
— A.W. Tozer
Town of Battleford Summer Employment Opportunities
Parks and Recreation Department- 7 positions
Positions are available in Parks Maintenance (2), Fred Light Museum (1), Tot Lot (3), and Campground (1). Some positions require a valid Saskatchewan Driver’s License. Full job descriptions may be requested at Start dates vary between the start and end of May.
Utilities – 2 positions
Responsibilities will include assisting in maintaining the water and sewer infrastructure, facilities and will primarily be responsible to ensure that all maintenance activities are fulfilled in a timely manner as effectively, efficiently, and safely as possible. This position will ensure high standards of workmanship and efficiency.
Public Works – 1 position
Responsibilities will include assisting in maintaining the streets and roads infrastructure, facilities and will primarily be responsible to ensure that all maintenance activities are fulfilled in a timely manner as effectively, efficiently, and safely as possible. Also, ensuring that Battleford residents have safe transportation and environment.
Please indicate on your cover letter what position(s) you are applying for in order of preference. All positions are open to male and female applicants and are covered by the Canadian Union Public Employees (CUPE), Local No. 3003 Collective Agreement. Proof of vaccinations upon date of hire is required as per Town bylaw. Job descriptions are available upon request.
Please submit to Jordan Schechtel, Manager of Parks and Recreation, Town of Battleford, Box 1240, Battleford, SK S0M 0E0, (or drop off to the south side, Alex Dillabough Centre, Battleford); phone: (306) 937-6216, fax: (306) 937-3103; email:
Museum plans clothing exhibit
By Lorraine Olinyk CorrespondentThe Borden Museum held their annual meeting recently. On the board are president Karen Kerr, vice-president Eleanor Walton, secretary Brenda Tumbach, treasurer Ruben Rempel and Heather Penner, Stew Walton, Ed Neufeld, Elaine Gunsch and village representative Bev Hrynuik.
In 2023 the museum added a dental office and renovated so there is now much brighter lighting in the basement of the schoolhouse where the war display and local church history are displayed.
One of their displays for 2024 will be clothing of
yesteryear with more to be finalized at their meeting March 19 in the schoolhouse at 7 p.m. The committee will be hosting a supper Saturday, April 13 at 5 p.m. in the Borden Community Centre with the theme Celebrating our Farming Community. Admission is by donation and there will be a silent auction.
Over 80 from the Borden and Radisson senior clubs were invited to Langham Saturday, March 9 for supper and a program.
There was a tip jar on each table for the WW Brown Drama Club who had helped with setting up and washing dishes. After the blessing and a great meal the entertainment
for the evening — Rachael Dean and Memory Lane of Saskatoon — were introduced.
Heather Penner from Borden won the 50/50 jackpot of $219.25 and two of the door prizes came home with Ann Lennon of Borden and Lisa Rascher of Radisson.
The Borden Community Centre Preservation Committee are having a luncheon on Friday, March 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Borden Community Centre with stew, soup and all the extras to raise funds for new flooring in the centre. Celtic Country will be providing music to enjoy while you dine. Admission is by donation. BCCPC will also
have a spring basket raffle draw that day and tickets can be bought at the Village Office or that night at the supper.
Even though many of us were snowbound on March 4, those who made it out to the soup and bun luncheon at St. John’s Anglican Church were generous and donated a total of $285 which went to Telemiracle.
It was great to see Saskatchewan get into the finals at the brier in Regina, but a strong Team Canada- Gushue and company were not to be denied their sixth win. Hopefully, Mike McEwen can come back with Saskatchewan to try again next year and win it all.
Ruddell hosting ‘green’ potluck March 14
preparations are underway.
Since November 2023 there has been a Kaiser tournament once a month in the Memorial Hall in Maymont. The next one is scheduled for March 23 with the cost of $10 per player. Coffee and lunch are provided and a 50/50 draw adds to the fun.
serious about getting their income tax done are frantically searching for the bills/ receipts that have accumulated in many places if they are disorganized. The accountants appreciate early clients. Calving season is in full swing for ranchers and farmers and now that the weather is co-operating life is a little easier for both humans and animals. Easter is early this year on March 30 and
The Hamlet of Ruddell’s monthly potluck is Thursday, March 14 at 6:15 p.m. in the hall. Wear something green and have an opportunity to win a “green” prize. An evening of fellowship with friends and neighbours is always guaranteed.
Rabbit Lake Senior Sunrise Circle annual general meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 21 at 7 p.m. This club hosts coffee times three times a week: Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday. Times are 8 to 10 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. Since Jan. 25. they had fun times in their hall every Thursday evening starting at 7 p.m. until the last group of people leaves. Card and board games and much fellowship are the usual. The last day for this activity is the end of April.
Maymont Memorial Hall’s annual meeting is to be on March 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the hall.
I had the pleasure of meeting the new owners of the Maymont Restaurant and Convenience store on Monday. The Madhar family from Saskatoon purchased this business in May 2023 from Elsie Pozdrowski who still resides in this small thriving village. Rashpinder and Lakhvinder Madhar along with their adult daugh-
ter operate every day except Sundays. They are originally from India and upon arrival to Canada years ago they settled in Toronto and then moved to their permanent Saskatoon residence. It’s a small family-owned cafe with a friendly atmosphere just how Elsie used to operate. An East Indian lunch is the Friday special of the day. Madhar claims it is prepared with mild species which the local people have become accustomed to. Wednesday’s special is old-fashioned English fish and chips. Come say hello and enjoy a cup of coffee and/or lunch or other food on the menu. If a local runs short of an important food item there is no need to drive to the Battlefords or Radisson as the shelves are well stocked. I know that
when I’m in the Maymont and surrounding area I’ll support this local business which is on Main Street sharing the RM office.
There is a fundraiser for Trevor and Jeanette Short of Medstead on March 23.
In November 2023 Trevor was in a serious accident and he is still in Saskatoon hospital with a long road to recovery. For more information please contact: Rob 306-342-7383; Leigh 306-342-7774 or Al 306930-9992. Doors at the Medstead Hall open at 6:30 p.m. and a live auction starts at 7:30 p.m. Please come show your support for a very worthwhile cause.
Marble art was an interesting project to do in the Mayfair Library last Wednesday. Dorothy Toews instructed the in-
terested women and one small child. Come for a good time on the third Wednesday in April again at the library.
In this past month of being back from Yuma, Ariz. I’ve been busy going to many grandchildren’s sports all over the countryside in some challenging weather. There have been badminton and hockey games and tournaments for my three grandsons ages seven, nine and 13. One granddaughter participated in a figure skating competition in Melfort and a dance competition in Prince Albert.
Let’s not put away our winter gear yet just because it’s feeling like short-sleeve outdoor weather these days. A few more storms can hit the prairies.