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BUH Foundation surpasses fundraising goal, buys new equipment

scanner, a trauma imaging stretcher and a LUCAS chest compression system for the Battlefords.

Battlefords Union Hospital (BUH) Foundation says the 2022 campaign surpassed its fundraising goal.


“This was my first capital campaign with BUH Foundation as Executive Director and it is very exciting to have surpassed our campaign goal and helped to make these purchases possible for our community,” said Leanne Ducommun, BUH Foundation executive director.

“Every dollar counts when raising funds and we are very grateful for the Battlefords and surrounding communities as they continue to answer the call and help support healthcare for their family, friends and neighbours.”


“Every Minute Matters” fundraising campaign has reached $168,843, resulting in the purchase of two new LifePak 15 cardiac monitors/defibrillators, a bladder

The LifePak 15 cardiac monitors/defibrillators and bladder scanner purchased were replacement units for previous equipment that had reached their end of life. The LifePak 15 cardiac monitors/defibrillators monitor patients’ vital signs and cardiac rhythms, indicating if there are signs of distress and provides life-saving intervention if required. The bladder scanner allows for a less invasive procedure for patients and increases comfort and efficiency of care, according to BUHF.

The trauma imaging stretcher and LUCAS chest compression system are new technology introduced to BUH. The trauma imaging stretcher reduces the need to have patients move from a stretcher and imaging table between the ED and Diagnostic Imaging units. The trauma imaging stretcher allows the digital detector plates for imaging to be placed within the stretcher, eliminating the need to physically transfer patients who are critically ill or unable to be moved. Arrival of the new trauma imaging stretcher is expected by the end of March.

The LUCAS chest compression system provides CPR compressions at the exact depth, speed and time required. This technology has proven to have better outcomes for those patients who have experienced cardiac arrest. Training has been completed for approximately 150 nursing staff at BUH.

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