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WoodPile The Coronation Day

By R.H. Wood North Battleford


What did you find memorable and what did you do on Coronation Day one may be asked in the future – not too much would surely be the response of most people round here. We ourselves watched the TV coverage from about 3 a.m. I thought the pomp and circumstance was overdone and unnecessary.

King Charles, like Queen Victoria, appeared largely “not amused” and his expressions showed tolerance and resignation.

The photographs of the newly crowned couple on the balcony with the crowns perched on their heads made them look like a pair of finger puppets and rather ridiculous. In comparison, submitted with this article is a photo- graph of Camilla taken by my wife on their wedding day after their blessing in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in April 2005.

In the afternoon, we joined in Battleford a small Royal Canadian Legion group honouring the occasion. Next day we enjoyed a very nice British

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lunch and tea at St. Paul’s Anglican Church again held to mark the royal event. That afternoon we also took in the hugely popular Community Youth Choir concert in the Logie Hall at Third Avenue United Church but were disappointed that the program contained nothing relevant to the coronation event.

The World Health Organization, recognized as an embodiment of knowledge and wisdom, has declared that the COVID pandemic is over. Where, one might ask, have all the COVIDs gone? Well, they haven’t gone anywhere –they are simply fewer in numbers, resting up and commuting if that is the right word, ready to return at the behest of the WHO or China (according to Mr. Trump). As with all the other microbes they have simply melded into the vast, varied, virus diaspora for the time being.

Meanwhile. our elected intelligentsia, determined to provoke China by word and action, seem forgetful that the Chinese population and armed forces outnumber us by 35 times and that this country is indefensible and could be easily overrun. I have been saying for years that the next war will be one of occupation – are our leaders that stupid? By the way, are we to believe that Mr. Trudeau was unaware of the extent of Chinese involvement in our elections and that Mr. Chong and his family and others are specifically targeted or so we are told.

On a lighter note, Charles, Camilla and myself were much concerned that the precariously perched crowns were at great risk of falling off over the balcony parapet. Now that would have made Coronation Day truly memorable for me anyway!

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