Change {0 Comments} Display in Thesis

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Change {0 Comments} Display in Thesis Coding made easy for Thesis

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When you first tried Thesis Framework you noticed that below the post there is this {0 Comments} link and I have read about some dude saying that this turns off visitors. So instead of inviting people to leave a comment people tend to move away from your site and go to another site or something like that. Visitors sometimes check blog post with most comments or the popular post that you have on your site the more activities you have on your blog post the better. And this drives people to interact and socialize with other visitors who have commented. Now here is how you do it. function my_comments_link() { if (!is_single() && !is_page()) { echo '<p><a href="'; the_permalink(); echo '#comments" rel="nofollow">'; comments_number(__('Be the first to comment', 'thesis'), __('<span>1</span> comment', 'thesis'), __('<span>%</span> comments', 'thesis')); echo '</a></p>'; } } remove_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'thesis_comments_link'); add_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'my_comments_link');

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To learn more information about this topic visit: My Brave True Hero

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