HP Is Shutting Down Operations for TouchPad and webOS Phones MYBTH News
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Just read this blog today that HP is shutting down operations for TouchPad and webOS phones. It was kinda sad since I was rooting for HP since the first product brand that I loved when it comes to gadgets is HP. Though i’m not that affected since I don’t own any TouchPad or webOS phones but its kinda sad because I was planning to buy one. “Although HP’s press release says the company “will continue to explore options to optimize the value of webOS software going forward,” owners of the TouchPad and smartphones like the Pre 3 probably don’t have much to look forward to in terms of future development and support—at least from HP. HP is also looking at spinning off its personal computing systems group, getting out of the hardware game altogether it seems.” http://lifehacker.com/5832333/hpshutting-down-operations-for-touchpad-and-webosphones
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To learn more information about this topic visit: My Brave True Hero
Brought to you by: My Brave True Hero - http://www.mybravetruehero.com
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