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We were the pioneers of backhoe loaders, and no one knows the business of getting more work out of one machine and one operator like CASE. Now we’re adding to the trusted N Series lineup with the new Utility Plus model that dominates in value and four new Construction King models, two center pivot and two side shift. They’re all built to work harder so you can work smarter. See them at your CASE dealer or learn more at CaseCE.com.
with standard features like torsion suspension undercarriage, two-speed travel, rear-view camera, interactive full-colour display, and Smart technology. The available one-piece enclosed cab design delivers excellent in-cab comfort. Add any assortment of attachments, including Smart Attachments, to increase versatility.
valued by customers thanks to advanced technology, labour-saving machine features, and innovative attachments, which can help customers save time and make more money by automating repetitive tasks like grading, digging, and loading. Advanced technologies also allow Cat CTLs to perform these tasks with less user experience. Some of these features include dual-direction self-levelling, return-to-dig, and work tool positioning. Cat CTLs can be paired with the Smart attachment lineup: Smart Grader Blade, Smart Dozer Blade, and Smart Backhoe Attachment.