Weekly Newsletter For 4 Apr 2012

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u.S. army garrison–Main Post (grafenwoehr) / Rose Barracks (Vilseck)


Check for updates on community news, information and events at: www.grafenwoehr.army.mil

4 April 2012 Easter traditions In some parts of Germany it is customary to decorate the wells and fountains during Eastertide. Typically, evergreen branches, yellow and purple ribbons, and painted eggs are used in the lovely and sometimes very elaborate Easter wells. Decorating the wells seems to have originally been done in conjunction with an annual spring-cleaning of the wells for health purposes. However, "Osterwasser" (Easter Water) drawn from the depths of the well was especially prized by the village girls for improving their complexions as well as protecting livestock from illness. Babies baptized with Osterwasser were said to become extremely intelligent. There are countless Easter wells in Franconia and the Oberpfalz. The Amberg-Sulzbach county offers this interactive map - it's only in German but if you click on the city names, it provides you with the addresses of the fountains and some restaurants as well. There are also Easter wells in Marktredwitz, in Schönsee, in nearly every town in the Fränkische Schweiz (e.g. Muggendorf, Streitberg, Ebermannstadt, Wellerstadt near Baiersdorf), .. the list goes on. You can see a comprehensive listing of all Osterbrunnen in the Fränkische Schweiz on this German page (all the names in italics) - with a map! Alternatively, copy the respective city name and paste it into Google or Bing Maps. Beneath the map, you'll find a list of Easter wells in the Fürth area and numerous photos. Thurs, 5 April: 10 a.m.: Decorating of the fountain in Eggolsheim. Thurs, 5 April: 2 p.m.: Decorating of the fountain in Heiligenstadt. On Easter Sunday, 8 April, 2 p.m., you can join them for an "Osterfeier" on Marktplatz. On Easter Monday, April 9. 2 p.m., there will be traditional music and dancing at the Easter fountain. In general, Easter Wells stay decorated from Good Friday (Karfreitag) until about two weeks after Easter. Please note: Next Friday, starting at midnight on Thursday (Good Friday) and Saturday are quite days. German law does not allow entertainment in local bars, discotheques, etc.

Community Highlights Special programs, updates, community campaigns, classes and more

Tax deadline is approaching! Tax centers in each U.S. Army community in Bavaria are staying busy helping taxpayers to file their taxes as the April 17 deadline for payment fast approaches. This free service is available to all Soldiers, spouses, DOD civilians and authorized I.D. cardholders. Americans living in Germany can file their tax returns until June 15. Individuals owing money or penalties, however, must file a return and pay any penalties by April 17. The Grafenwoehr Tax Assistance Center will extend its hours to 8 p.m. on Monday, April 16 to prepare last minute returns. Check with your local tax center to see if they will stay open late prior to April 17 to help last minute filers. Many postal service centers will not stay open beyond 5:30 p.m. on April 17, so please visit your tax center before that date so we can promptly file your taxes. For more, Rose Barracks, DSN 476-2714, CIV 09662-83-2714 Grafenwoehr, DSN 475-9258, CIV 09641-83-2714.

2012 Overseas Housing Allowance Survey Available 1-30 April: This survey is used to measure utility/recurring maintenance and move-in expenses incurred by Uniformed Service members stationed overseas, who reside in private housing. This survey does not cover rental expenses. The data collected will assist in the determination of Oversea s Housing Allowances (OHA) paid to members in your country of assignment. Take the survey here: https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/aprutil.cfm.

Report Suspicious Activities As a family member of the military community, you are a vital player in our success, and we could not do our job without your support. You may not know it, but you also play a crucial role in ensuring your loved ones’ safety just by what you know of the military’s day-to-day operations. You can protect your loved ones by protecting the information that you know. Be careful what you say, where you say it, and who you say it to. And remember. Report all suspicious activity! See Something, Say Something To receive a tri-fold on indicators of suspicious activity, how and where to report, please contact the AT Cell here.

Be vigilant during Spring Break All personnel are asked to exercise vigilance and sound decision-making during Spring Break, Easter, and Summer Break. These dates present opportunities for a symbolic attack against U.S. forces or host nation soft targets. Maintaining a high level of situational awareness and avoiding risky venues minimizes the probability of becoming a victim. Report all suspicious activity to the Military Police or HN authorities immediately.

ID Card Office Consolidation Plan Effective 30 April: The USAG Grafenwoehr East Camp and Rose Barracks ID Card Offices will consolidate offices effective May 1 into the Bavaria Military Community ID Card Office located in Building 244, Room 134 on Graf, East Camp. The Bavaria Military Community ID Card Office operating hours are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., the last customer is taken at 4 p.m. to ensure they can complete their IACS registration on the same day. Customers can make an ID Card appointment online, or utilize walk-in services. (Appointments can be made for all services such as renewing ID Cards, enrolling family members into DEERS or making corrections to DEERS Accounts.) The last day for ID Card/DEERS services on Rose Barracks will be April 30, 1-4 p.m. Visit the Garrison Home Page for more. 10 April: Tune in to AFN-Bavaria’s morning show from 8-10 a.m. on FM 98.5 and get more details and information on the upcoming consolidation from Anna Thorne, of the USAG Grafenwoehr Military Personnel Division.

Plan ahead when traveling to Italy Did you know ONLY active duty military personnel, federal employees and government contractors who are authorized logistical support and have valid TDY orders in Italy may purchase a limited supply of fuel coupons? If you are headed south of the Alps on leave, be sure to budget for host nation fuel prices. For more information, click the Vicenza FAQs page here: http://bit.ly/H3D1Kz.

Industrial Paper Shredder available The garrison is now equipped with an industrial paper shredder where Soldiers and civilians can destroy large amounts of data and quell bulk shredding needs. (Note: is it not approved for destruction of classified information). The machine

is located in the recycling center (across form range 118) and open Mon. – Fri., 8 – noon, Mon. Tues. Thurs. and Fri. 12:45 – 3:30 p.m., and is closed on Wed. afternoons, Sat., Sun., and German holidays. For more, DSN 475-6664.

POV Shipping U.S. DOD military and civilian members planning to use their POV shipping entitlement during the months of 25 March- 4 May will experience a delay. The authorized delay will affect vehicles shipping through the North Atlantic, to include shipments to and from Germany. The RDD has been extended by 30 days during this time period. Based on the location of VPCs, transit times will vary in the delays. All DOD members planning to ship their POVs during this time frame should plan accordingly. POC is Mrs. Ulli Kreisl or Mr. Jeff Martin at the Vehicle Processing Center: DSN 475-7470.

Exchange Makes Good Health its Business The Grafenwoehr Consolidated Exchange understands that a large part of the military’s focus is on a fit mind and body to ensure top performance, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service values the importance of wellness. To that end, the Exchange is feeding shoppers’ minds with information. Healthy nutrition options, fitness programs, family activities and overall wellness information are all just a click away through the Exchange’s “Operation Be Fit” website. Opbefit.com offers tips for all members of the family, from novice to expert. “Providing fitness and nutritional information is just one of the many ways the Exchange strives to meet the needs of shoppers,” and “In addition to the myriad of online resources, the ‘Be Fit’ shop in the Exchange offers competitively priced athletic footwear, fitness gear, sporting goods and nutritional items all in one convenient location.” Beyond lightening the strain on the wallet, your Exchange is also looking out for military families’ literal “bottom lines” with healthy eating options. Subway, Popeye’s and other Exchange restaurants have a wide array of nutritional facts available for diners to review at Exchange Restaurants Nutrition Information online to ensure they’re making healthy choices. Many restaurants even allow the substitution of a side salad or bottled water in lieu of fries or a soft drink, just ask when ordering. Hungry shoppers looking to “fill up” at their Exchange Express also have wholesome snack choices as the Snack Avenues offering six different fresh salad options, and “Fresh Fruit” program which delivers fresh bananas, apples, oranges, limes and lemons to Expresses as well.

Disability Evaluation information now available on-line Soldiers, family members and commanders can now find helpful data, phone numbers, and first-line information on how the Integrated Disability Evaluation System works for the Army in Europe at the USAREUR IDES Web site www.eur.army.mil/IDES/. Europe and Asia were part of the final implementation phase of an improved disability evaluation process for Soldiers which began in October 2011. The new system eliminates both the requirement for veterans to navigate the Department of Veterans Affairs disability evaluation process on their own and the delay between the end of a Soldiers’ service and the beginning of their VA benefits. The IDES partners the disability rating systems of the Department of Defense and the VA to produce a disability rating system used by both departments. The IDES also features a single set of medical examinations and a single set of disability ratings, resulting in benefits that begin as soon as Soldiers separate from military service.

Department of Defense Self Service Logon information Department of Defense Self Service Logon (DS Logon) is a joint Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DoD) initiative to provide Service Members, Veterans, Retirees, and other beneficiaries access to DoD and VA benefits. DS Logon is accepted by several VA and DoD websites, including TRICARE, My HealtheVet, myDoDBenefits, VA for Vets, and eBenefits. Depending on your status, your DS Logon account allows you to access, administer or view certain benefits including TRICARE, Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and VA Compensation, Pension, Education, Burial and Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Benefits. Registration is a mandatory requirement for all Soldiers. website

Bag it with EAP: Brown bag lunch series In the month of April, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will be hosting a series of topics every Thursday that will inform you and make your day break a little more enjoyable. Join us at Main Post Bldg. 621, Room 217, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 5 April: Stress Less (interactive session) 12 April: Cocktail Hour (non-alcoholic beverages) 19 April: Talking to Children At Any Age About Alcohol & Drugs 26 April: Alcohol and Drug Awareness in the Workplace (Supervisors encouraged to attend) Please call 475-5122 or email kettely.darden@us.army.mil to register. *Civilian Employees, these sessions will count towards your ASAP and EAP Annual Training.

Community Amnesty Day

10 April: The next Ammunition Supply Point #1 Community Amnesty Day for ammunition will be from 8 a.m – 2 p.m. Unit Entrance at Ammunition Supply Point #1. Simply approach the gate, let the ASP personnel know that you have amnesty, and they will take it from you. The Department of the Army and USAREUR have recognized that people may have acquired abandoned or unauthorized A&E from a variety of sources: training ranges, souvenirs from peacekeeping missions, and military artifacts found from battles waged centuries ago, just to name a few. The primary intent of this A&E when manufactured was to destroy property, kill and/or maim personnel. In untrained or unauthorized hands, these items could have catastrophic results. If these items are found in your possession, you could face disciplinary action, hence, the creation of the Amnesty Program. This program provides personnel an avenue to return A&E to government control and remain anonymous in the process. USAREUR has designated that one day each quarter be specifically set aside as a reminder of the program’s existence and to further promote safety within the community through the recovery of A&E. This program is not intended to circumvent normal ammunition turn-in procedures and cannot be used as the basis for AR 190-series investigations. How does the Amnesty process work? 1. Personnel in possession of A&E will need to transport these items to ASP 1. (Utilize Unit Entrance). 2. Once at the ASP Gate, notify the guard that you have amnesty items. 3. The guards will escort you to the amnesty turn-in point. 4. Simply leave the items in this area. The guards will then escort you out of the ASP. 5. Trained personnel will then pick up these items and process them into the ASP. That’s it. Regardless of the size, people should not touch A&E items they suspect might be unsafe for movement. Report these items to your local military police. They will then see to the removal of these items. For more about the Amnesty Program and Amnesty Day, contact the ASP # 1 QASAS office at DSN 476-3007.

GCSC Welfare The next Welfare application deadline is Friday, April 13. Find the application online at gcsconline.com. For more information, email our new Welfare address at GCSCWelfare@yahoo.com.

Hohenfels, German – American Volksfest 27 April - 1 May: Opening Ceremony - 4:30 p.m. – Festplatz Fest Opening Hours: Friday, 4 - 11 p.m.; Saturday, noon – midnight, fireworks at 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, noon - 11 p.m.; Monday, noon - 11 p.m., Family Day: Half Prices on Rides; Tuesday, noon - 9 p.m.

The Army Emergency Relief (AER) program, training AER will run through May 15. All Units within USAG Grafenwoehr geographic footprint are requested to provide an AER Representatives. For questions please contact Ms. Christine Nunez, DSN: 475-8432 or email.

Voting information All registered voters must revalidate their status with their registered voting states. Submitting an FPCA to their state local election official will register eligible voters to vote, update their mailing address with their state local election office, and request an absentee ballot for all state and federal elections to include primary elections. See your unit voting officer for a mail-in SF 76, or visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website at www.fvap.gov for specific state information.

Reminder, when traveling to the Czech Republic … Military AND civilian personnel travelling PRIVATELY into the Czech Republic are required to have their passport in possession. Just carrying their ID card and leave orders is considered insufficient documentation and will result in criminal charges by the German Police for "Illegal Entry of Country." Fine averaged €2000. For more, DSN 476-2846.

Army’s Qualitative Service Program The Army’s Qualitative Service Program here starts identifying noncommissioned officers for involuntary early separation from active duty April 1.

Suicide Prevention Awareness Call the suicide prevention hotline number at DSN 475-LIFE. Visit our website for more on suicide prevention. Suicide prevention, sexual assault or just a friendly ear… you are never alone. Professionals are available to counsel you in confidence. Getting help is a sign of strength. 24 Hour Community Hotlines: Chaplain Hotline 0162-296-0838, Military Police Hotline 09662-83114, Sexual Assault Hotline 0162-296-0661 and Emergency Services 09641-83-117.

ICE QR code Now it’s even easier to submit ICE - Interactive Customer Comments. Take a snapshot of the code with your phone, and the code automatically directs you to ICE.

Lithium Batteries Being Returned Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen a large number of items being returned to sender due to host nation security scanning at Frankfurt Airport. These items have been mainly laptops with lithium batteries. All items containing lithium batteries are being returned to the office of mailing. To prevent any unnecessary delays or further inconveniences to the mailer, it is recommended that items containing Lithium batteries are not sent through the Postal Service Center. Should you have any further questions please email Main Post or Rose Barracks Postal Service Centers or call 475-6333 / 476-2581. You can also like us on Facebook (Main Post / Rose Barracks) for up-to-date information.

News from The Exchange Cataloged opportunities: With Spring weather fast approaching and it comes to outdoor living, no one outshines the Exchange’s values. Stop by your local Exchange Main Store and pick up copy of the Outdoor Living Supplement Exchange catalog for 2012 or go to www.shopmyexchange. Whether troops are looking for patio furniture, swimming pools, grills or lawn enhancements, the Outdoor Living Exchange catalog makes it easy to get the most out of a home’s outdoor living space. Prices in this all-services catalog are valid through July 3, 2012, for any authorized exchange customer. Match it: Grafenwoehr Exchange Committed to Offering Best Possible Price On or Offline. With smart phones becoming more prevalent as shopping tools, price matching is becoming increasingly popular. With this in mind, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s “We’ll Match It!” program is ensuring military shoppers at pay the lowest price possible. Depending on the item, price matches can be done with or without a competitor’s ad. Complete details regarding the Exchange’s price matching policy as well as exceptions can be found at here.

How to save time in the Postal Service Center Mailing to the States? All Priority and Express mail boxes are free to take home. You pay for the rate of postage when you actually mail them. Hate being passed because you still have to fill out a customs form? Take some home with you. Customs forms are available inside the Finance lobby during opening hours and available 24/7 in the mailroom lobby. Depending on the size of your box, customs forms must fit flat on the face of a box, i.e. if the box is big enough to fit a large customs form, a large one must be used. Have a question? Email us from home or write us a message on Facebook. We check both daily.

Army Community Service (ACS) Contact Army Community Service (ACS) Main Post, DSN 475-8371, CIV 09641-83-8371. Rose Barracks, DSN 476-2650 CIV 09662-83-2650. ACS is now on Facebook and Twitter (Follow GRAF ACS) or email graf.acs@eur.army.mil for info. ***The Army Volunteer Corps, AFTB & AFAP programs have moved back into the Rose Barracks ACS, Bldg. 322. ***

Check out our E-Newsletter: http://issuu.com/usag_grafenwoehr_acs/docs/march_april_2012

GED Program 30 April – 11 May: Mon. – Friday, 10 a.m. – noon, Rose Barracks Bldg. 221. Childcare is provided. Each subjects will range from language arts and writing, science, math and social studies in preparation for GED exam. Please contact ACS at DSN 476-2650 CIV 09662-83-2650 to sign up, or for more.

Military Saves Campaign Take the pledge and build your wealth by visiting www.militarysaves.org This website will provide you will tips, advice and tools necessary to take the initial steps towards building your wealth with everyday actions. Take the pledge as a Family, as Soldiers and as friends! For more information on saving your money, you may also contact your ACS Financial Readiness at 0962-83-2650 or 09641-83-8371.

ACS QR CODE If you have a Smartphone or iPhone, download a QR decoder app. Take a snapshot of the code with your

phone, and the code automatically direct you to the ACS section of the Garrison webpage - a quick and easy way to access our information and that of the USAG Grafenwoehr Garrison.

Employment Readiness 10 April: USAjobs: Learn the NEW Federal Application Process, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Rose Barracks ACS Bldg 322. 16 April: Career Fairs 101, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Rose Barracks ACS Bldg 322. 24 April: Job Fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Rose Barracks Bldg 134.

Mobilization & Deployment Readiness 17 April: P.O.W.E.R. Training, 8:30- 4 p.m., Rose Barracks ACS, Bldg 322. 20 April: FRG Funding, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Rose Barracks, Bldg 134. 23 April: Point of Contact Training, 10-11 a.m., Main Post Chapel Annex 24 April: Care Team Training, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Main Post Chapel Annex 30 April: FUN Workshop, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Rose Barracks, Bldg 134.

Financial Readiness 18 April: Financial Readiness across Borders, 1-3 p.m., Main Post Chapel Annex.

Relocation Readiness 18 April: Immigration Workshop, 11-Noon, Rose Barracks ACS Bldg 322. 20 April: Bavarian Cooking with Chef Sven, 11-2 p.m., Rose Barracks ACS Bldg 322. 24 April - 27 April: Welcome to Bavaria Level I, 9-4 p.m., Rose Barracks Graf Chapel Annex. Pick up from Vilseck ACS at 8:30 a.m. Pick up from Graf ACS at 8:55 a.m.

International Spouses Club Every Tuesday at Main Post Chapel & every Thursday at Rose Barracks ACS, Bldg 322: English as a Second Language, 10 a.m.-noon. This class is for Spouses of active duty military, retirees and civilians whose native language is other than English. This class is free of charge and ongoing. Learn and embrace the American culture by starting with the language and meet new friends! For more information call DSN 476-2650 or CIV 09662-83-2650.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Have questions? Email EFMP directly. 5 April: EFMP Support Group, 3-4:30 p.m., Rose Barracks ACS Bldg 322. 13 April: EFMP System Navigation Services, 3-4:30 p.m., Rose Barracks ACS Bldg 322. 19 April: Free EFMP Bowling, 4-6 p.m., Main Post Bowling Center Bldg 612. nd 27 April: EFMP 101, 3-4:30 p.m., Main Post Bldg. 244. 2 Floor, Room 219. Become a Respite Care Provider for the EFMP Program. Please call us for more information

New Parent Support Program Newborn Network for parents with babies ages 0 through 3 Every Tuesday: Rose Barracks ACS, bldg 322, 1-3 p.m.

Playgroup for parents and children ages 0 through 3 Every Tuesday: Main Post Chapel, 9:30-11 a.m. Every Wednesday: Rose Barracks Chapel, 9:30-11 a.m.

Hospital Tours st

Every 1 Wednesday: Visit Weiden, meet at 5:45 p.m. in the Weiden hospital lobby. th Every 4 Wednesday: Visit Sulzbach-Rosenberg, meet at 5:45 p.m. in the Sulzbach-Rosenberg hospital lobby. Next date, 28 March. Hotlines to help: Sexual Assault Reporting 09662-83-3217 and Domestic Violence 09662-83-3218 or 09641-83-5130. Please contact us for a complete listing of programs and services offered.

Family Advocacy Program 27 April – 11 May April: At Ease/Stress Management Workshop, Noon-1:30 p.m. Rose Barracks, Bldg 221. (3 Sessions that meet on Friday). Hotlines to help: Sexual Assault Reporting 09662-83-3217 and Domestic Violence 09662-83-3218 or 09641-835130. Please contact us for a complete listing of programs and services offered.

Military and Family Life Consultants are here for you Military Life Consultants provide solution-oriented consultations to individuals, couples, families, and groups. They are designed to provide anonymous, confidential support to Soldiers and their family members, especially those returning from deployments. To contact a military life consultant, call Rose Barracks 0152-0294-0761 or Main Post 0152-0293-4290 / 0152-0241-5226, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Volunteers and other help needed Army Volunteer Corps 11 April: Organizational Point of Contact Training, 1-2 p.m., Rose Barracks, Bldg 221, Room 206. 25-26 April: Army Family Team Building Level I, 9-3 p.m., Rose Barracks Bldg 211, Room 206. 28 April: Drill Sergeants Seminar, 9-3 p.m., Graf Chapel Annex Contact us to find out how to become a volunteer by calling DSN 475-2650.

Looking For A Few Good Leaders The Grafenwoehr Girl Scouts have positions for leaders and co-leaders in Graf, Vilseck and Netzaberg. For a list of openings, email or call Amy at 01719901808.

Seeking Emergency Placement Care Providers The children in the USAGG need you. The Emergency Placement Care (EPC) Program trains individuals to become 24 hour providers for at risk children. The community is in need of more providers as the number of children in imminent danger increased due to the deployment rotation of family members. The training you receive will last you a lifetime and help you build your experience and resume. Call ACS 476‑2650 or 09662‑83‑2650.

Sports, Fitness, Hobbies & Recreation AAFES Movie Listing Main Post listings, click here. Rose Barracks listings, here.

CYSS Mobile Registration Team The CYSS Mobile Registration Team is on site at Army Lodging Facilities on Thursdays to register children for CYSS programs. If you are new to the Grafenwoehr community, stop by the Grafenwoehr Army Lodging lobby between 0800 and 1000 or the Kristall Inn lobby in Rose Barracks from 1200-1400 to complete CYSS registration. USAG Grafenwoehr CYSS issues a voucher for 16 hours of free childcare to use while you in-process. For more information, call our Parent Central Services office at DSN 476-2760 or 09662-83-2760.

Trips with Leisure Travel Services Daytrips 7 April: Karlovy Vary & Asian Dragon Market** 8 April: Dachau/Munich, Nationalmuseum 8 April: Lauenstein Chocolate & Kronach Castle 14 April: Playmobil Park 14 April: Berlin 15 April: Rothenburg 21 April: Polish Pottery 22 April: Geiselwind Amusement Park 28 April: Dresden 28 April: Salzburg, Austria** 29 April: Two Castle

Overnight trips 6-11 April: Dalmatian Coast, Croatia

9-12 April: Disney and Paris Trip** 4-6 May: Keukenhof Tulips & Amsterdam 25-28 May: Vienna, Austria 14-19 June: Rome & Verona, Italy 3-9 July: Scandinavian Capitals (Copenhagen, Stockholm, & Helsinki) 12-16 July: Paris, France 8-13 Aug: United Kingdom (Cornwall) 30 Aug. – 3 Sept: Budapest, Hungary To enroll, ODR at DSN 476-2563, open Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri. 11 a.m. – 6p.m. Customers must pay a $100 deposit per person to sign up. (** Passport Required).

Dinner in the Patton “Get Caught” is cancelled Originally set for 6 April, the event is cancelled: We appreciate your assistance, support and understanding. For more information please contact The Patton Fireside Lounge, Bldg. 209. DSN 475-6200, CIV 09641-83-6200.

Easter Dinner at Patton Fireside Lounge 8 April: Fried Chicken, Baked Chicken, Pot Roast, Meat Loaf , Salmon Cakes, Shrimp & Grits, Fried Catfish. Fried Okra, Collard Greens, Corn, Green Beans, Corn bread dressing, Candied Yams, Yellow Rice or Mashed Potatoes and Eggs Benedict and more. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Contact the Patton Fireside Lounge, Main Post Bldg. 209. DSN 475-6200, CIV 09641-83-6200.

USAG Grafenwoehr Unit Level Dodgeball Tournament 14 & 15 April: Blow off some steam by participating in our first ever Dodgeball tournament. Oh yeah and have fun throwing Dodgeballs at each other. Stop by the Fitness Center in Grafenwoehr or on Rose barracks and sign up. For more detailed information about this event please contact DSN 475-8207, CIV 09641-83-8207.

Christian Motorcyclists Association 14 April: Lunch ride, departing 10 a.m. from the Roadside Diner outside gate 6, Grafenwoehr. Nice ride, for lunch, then a relaxing ride home. 21 April: Ride to Topen to the East / West German border museum. Find them on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/216331315112157/) or email (RemnantCMA@gmail.com) .

ASAP Fitness Challenge Bench Press completion 20 April: 1 p.m., Main Post Gym. In conjunction with Alcohol Awareness Month, Service Members will be able to show their strength by competing in an ASAP Fitness Challenge Bench Press completion with Mr. John Dale of ASAP. For more, email or DSN 475-5122. Note: must bring sneakers to compete.

Take a trip with the Bavarian Ski Club! Let the Bavarian Ski club take the guess work out of planning the perfect ski weekend. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert shredder, the club with quell your skiing desires and handle all the preparations for you. Not to mention, they know how to have a good time. All trip prices include transportation, hotel accommodations, breakfast and dinner, lift tickets and libations for the ride there and back. 27-30 April: Rock out on the top of the mountain (on skis!) with a concert in Ischgl, Austria with Mariah Carey. Visit the Facebook page for a complete listing of upcoming trips, or email to sign up.

Customer Appreciation Block Party BBQ 21 April: We’re firing up the grills to tell our community “Thanks for all you do.” Hamburgers and hot dogs with the purchase of a drink at the bar; there will be raffles for gift cards, outdoor games, and the DJ playing all day and night. Come out to the Zone with us!

UFO Class – Beading and Quilting 21 April: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Free and open to adults. A U-F-O is an Un-Finished Object. If you have to finish a beading or quilt project that has sat untouched for a few weeks or longer, here’s your chance. There is no cost for this class but you must have taken a class with us in the last year, and

you must sign up in advance. For more, Heart and Home Craft Shop, Main Post Bldg. 607 - DSN 475-6101, CIV 0964183-6101.

USAG Grafenwoehr Boxing Invitational 21 April: Weigh-Ins: 9 a.m. – noon. Doors Open 6 p.m. Event starts 7 p.m. Entrance Fee: $4. Children 12 and under: free. This Boxing Invitational promises to be nothing short of explosive with boxers from Garrisons all over Europe fighting to land the winning punch. The boxing event is being held at the Rose Barracks Memorial Fitness Center, Bldg. 616.

Libraries 1 – 7 April: Come to your Grafenwoehr Libraries and pick up a coloring sheet; take it home to decorate and bring it back during the week of April 8 - 14 to Rose Barracks Library, or the week of April 15 - 21 to the Main Post Library and collect your prize! 15 – 22 April: Days of Remembrance by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Your libraries will have special displays related to this year’s theme of Choosing to Act: Stories of Rescue.

BINGO Coming to Rose Barracks!!! 22 April: Cash prizes & fun.Test your luck with an inexpensive game of bingo, open to all military personnel, retirees, family members and DoD civilians. Get out your daubers and join us for bingo fun, once a month at Tumbleweed. For more info contact Tumbleweed Southwest Grill, Bldg. 227 at DNS 476-3699, CIV 09662-83-3699.

USAG Grafenwoehr Softball Officials Clinic 24-29 April: If you love the game of softball but the game is starting to pass you by and it might be time to hang up the cleats but you still want to be a part of the game then we may have something for you. There is a shortage of qualified good officials for all sports and it would be great if you came out and gave officiating softball a try. You can be a part of the game and make some extra money on the side. The clinic is held at Bldg. 355 on Rose Barracks. Stop by the Fitness Center in Grafenwoehr or on Rose barracks and sign up. For more detailed information about this event please contact DSN 475-8207, CIV 09641-83-8207.

It’s BINGO time again 26 April: Join us at the Patton Fireside Lounge for cash prizes & fun. Get your package of 13 games and play. Extra jackpot cards are $2/card. Open to all military personnel, retirees, Family members and D.O.D. civilians. Get out your daubers and join us for Bingo fun. Early Bird Bingo starts at 6 p.m. and regular Bingo starts at 7 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. For more, contact the Patton Fireside Lounge Main Post Bldg. 209, DSN 475-6200, CIV 09641-83-6200.

CYS Kinder Fest 28 April: The Kinder Fest takes place 10 a.m – 1 p.m. in the Grafenwoehr Fitness Zone (Field House, Bldg. 547). This is our annual community event for children of all ages. Lots of fun and things to do!

Grafenwoehr Community and Spouses' Club The Grafenwoehr Community and Spouses Club is a great place to meet people, develop new interests and get involved in the community. Upcoming Events: April: Gotta Have Art - A Community Collective (interested artists are encouraged to contact us - we want to represent the entire community), Bunco and Brunch, Trodel Day, Natural Living Club Whole Foods Challenge, Farmer's Market Tour, Photography Club - Wedding Photography; May: Craft Fair For more information, visit our website: gcsconline.com <http://gcsconline.com/blog/bazaar> , our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181935125459 or email: gcscmembership@yahoo.com.

Kids on Site – “Get fit and bring your kids!” Monday – Thursday, 8:30 – 10 a.m. and 10 – 11:30 a.m. Main Post Physical Fitness Center and Rose Barracks CYSS, Bldg 224. Convenient on-site hourly care when using MWR services. Quality child care services – easily accessible and affordable. Age-appropriate and enriching environment for 0 – 12 year-old children. Safe and fun activities, toys and games. Must Pre-register at CYSS Parent & Outreach Services or online at https://webtrac.mwr.army.mil/webtrac/Grafenwoehrcyms.html for more contact Parent & Outreach Services – DSN 476-2760, CIV 09662-83-2760.

Knitting at the Library! Want to start the New Year with a new skill set? Try Knitting! Knitting is just one of the skills that you might want to learn or brush up on and there is a new knitting group that meets at the Grafenwoehr Library on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Bring your project and your questions and spend a little time actively engaging your hands as well as your brain. Contact Main Post Library Bldg.445, DSN 4751740, CIV 09641-83-1740.

Grafenwoehr Thrift Shop, Want to give back to YOUR community? Volunteer! Help YOUR community by consigning or donating today. PCSing? No problem; we will mail you your check. We will be CLOSED for Spring Break April 7-13. We will be OPEN on Saturday, April 14, 10 am - 2 pm Visit us at Bldg 508, Main Post Grafenwoehr. Tues., Wedns., 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Thurs. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m., 1st Saturday of the month 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Consignments, Tues. and Wedns. from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. For more, CIV 09641-926-0377, online, or find us on facebook.

Hidden Treasures Thrift Shop Bring your gently used items to Bldg 221 on Rose Barracks. The March sales are buy 1 get 2 free on winter clothing (pants, long sleeve shirts, jackets, beanies, gloves, scarves); video games, buy 1 get 1 free; and 50% off bedding (comforters, sheets, pillowcases, blankets). Color tags only. April sales are buy 1 clothing item get 1 free. Buy 1 VHS movie get 1 free. Buy 5 books get 5 free. Sales apply to color tags only. Open 10am to 2pm Tues, Wed &Thurs. DSN 4762649, CIV 09662-83-2649, or email for more information. Volunteers and donations are always welcome.

Omega Psi phi Fraternity, inc. Cruise with the Ques: Omega Psi phi Fraternity, inc. Theta Rho International Chapter Annual Boat Ride Scholarship Fundraiser, Heidelberg, 9 June, 7 – 11 p.m. for more information and tickets contact email.

Month of the Military Child April is the month of the Military Child and Heart and Home Craft Shop would like to celebrate with your children. The shop will be offering make-it take it classes for children ages 6 - 18. The cost will be $5 per child. Classes will be held each Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in April from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Sign up at the craft store as spaces are limited. Heart and Home Craft Shop, Main Post Bldg. 607 - DSN 475-6101, CIV 09641-83-6101.

Java Café April special Caramel Apple Spice Prepared from apple juice sweetened with cinnamon syrup, whipped cream and our own buttery caramel sauce, it strikes a soothing balance between sweet and tart that never fails to hit the spot. For more info call DSN 475-6177, CIV 0964183-6177 or DSN 476-2360, CIV 09662-83-2360.

Child Youth & School Services Special Openings: Register at CYSS Parent Central Services Offices. Rose Barracks Bldg. 224 DSN 476-2760, CIV 09662-83-2760 or at your Local CDC/SAC.

KINGZ MC Motorcycle club Thursdays: Join other motorcycle enthusiasts at the KINGZ MC Clubhouse from 6 – 9 p.m. at Main Post Bldg. 441.

Find us on Facebook USAG Grafenwoehr, Army Community Service, VFW Tower Post 10692, MWR, Main Post and Rose Barracks Postal Service Centers, Education Centers, Graf Dog community, the EXCHANGE, Environmental Division, AFN Bavaria, Performing Arts Center, Grafenwoehr Chaplains, Main Post DFAC, 172 Infantry Brigade, BMEDDAC, 2SCR, Graf Housing Dept., Netzaberg Middle School and Vilseck Falcons.

Your opinion matters to MWR We’d like to know your thoughts about some of the different services offered at the Auto Skills Centers. Please take a few minutes to share your opinions with us. Take the survey now! Click here.

Health & Medical, Red Cross, VET Corner TRICARE access at your fingertips Are you tired of waiting on the phone to schedule an appointment? Did you know that you can schedule an appointment online? Just go to www.tricareonline.com to register and schedule your next appointment with the Health Clinic.

Metabolic Testing and Nutrition Education Metabolic testing is available to assess daily caloric needs. The test measures how many calories you burn and then calculates how many you should eat. It is the key to knowing precisely what your body needs for effective weight management. The test is followed up by a course in basic nutrition, reading labels, weight management, and eating to your metabolism. Fitness Assessments: Fitness testing and counseling are available at the Army Wellness Center. State of the art equipment is used to assess flexibility, muscular strength, cardio-respiratory fitness levels, and body composition. In conjunction with fitness testing, patients receive a comprehensive report that shows current fitness levels and education and individualized exercise counseling on how to meet their specific goals. These services are available Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., appointment is required. Call 476-4795 or 09662-83-4795 or email.

Facility & Road/Openings/Construction/Closures "

Expansion of the self-service washing station, cable upgrades Due to construction projects, following Main Post parking lots are requested to be blocked: Now – 5 April: Some parking spaces south of Bldg 532 Signs will be posted to direct pedestrians.

Construct Parking Lot, North of Bldg 150 (USO/Red Cross, Main Post) 2 April - 30 June: Construction work will start on or about 2 April; parking lot must be cleared NLT COB March 29. During construction the fire emergency road between Bldg 144 and 141 can be used for deliveries to the back of Bldg 150. Replacement of the pedestrian crossing will require a road closure on Childers Street for about 2/3 days. Contractor will try to work one lane at the time to allow one-way traffic. This work is scheduled for the week of June 18-22.

Community Bank, closure of activity 6 & 9 April: All Community Bank banking centers in Germany will be closed for the Easter Holiday.

Vilseck parking area by Bldg. 670 10 April – 7 May: Parking lot, south of bldg 670, will be closed for installation of heating lines. The parking area southeast will close first such that the southwest parking area can be used as alternate, then vice versa. Other nearby parking areas are by Bldgs. 616 and 660.

Exchange scheduled outage 12 April: The Europe Exchanges will be undergoing a Mainframe Upgrade on Thursday, April 12 from 12 a.m. to 11 a.m. The following systems will be affected; all ESSO functions which include fuel service on and off post, Military Star, Take it Home Today purchases, payments and 3rd Party Gift Cards will NOT be available. The following will not be affected; Credit and Debit transactions for Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover will be available. AAFES Gift Cards at retail facilities will be available. Main facilities affected by the outage will be the Grafenwoehr 24 hour Express and all other Express that open early that morning. Only a short disruption will occur at your Main Store and Retail Stores which open at 10 a.m. Your Exchange highly recommends customers to fuel up on April 11th prior to the outage to avoid any inconvenience.

Postal Service Centers-Change to Customer Service Hours Effective 30 April: In an effort to “Do Better with Less” the USAG Grafenwoehr Postal Service Centers will have a change in customer service hours. What we offer our customers is a plan of action to provide an expeditious and secure delivery of daily mail and to accommodate front door services that meet optimal customer usage times. Management used critical data to outline

which hours will be adjusted. The purpose of this change is in an effort to meet today’s fiscal reality and support the restructuring and reshaping of IMCOM-E and the DoD together. The small change will overall enhance customer services by allowing our lean postal teams to work together in the morning to process and deliver all mail to our customers. The later afternoon hours will have little change in Mailroom Delivery, Finance and Official Mail service hours of operations. The majority of the adjustment will be in the morning hours which had the least amount of customer usage as shown in years of collected data. To help offset any inconveniences we will continue to provide morning appointments available in the Finance/Official Mail Lobby from Tuesday to Friday. The new hours are as follows: Mailroom Delivery, Mon. - Fri: 11:30 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. Finance/Official Mail, Monday-Friday: 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Appointments available 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tues.-Fri.) For more: Rose Barracks, DSN 476-2581; CIV 09662833462; larry.j.morris.civ@mail.mil or Graf DSN 475-6333; CIV 09641836333; jaye.m.bakalars.civ@mail.com.

Adult Education / Training Become an U.S. Army CID agent If you are interested in becoming a U.S. Army CID agent, then the following information is for you: WHO: Highly qualified Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard Soldiers in the grades of E-4 through E-5 (P), who are over 21, and have at least 24mths of service. If you are E-6 then you may apply with a waiver. The completion / submittal of an application does not mean you are guaranteed to be selected. Applicants will be selected based upon the needs of the Army in addition to meeting the basic prerequisites outlined on the CID web page below. WHAT: CID Recruitment Briefing WHEN: EVERY Thursday from 1 p.m. - UTC WHERE: CID Office located in Main Post Bldg. 506, Hasting Street If interested, be at this office on the date & time indicated above as phone calls or questions outside the normal briefing window may not be responded to. Visit our website at www.cid.army.mil for information and answers to frequently asked questions.

Unit Transportation Coordinator Training All activities, directorates and tenant units requiring Non-Tactical Vehicle (NTV) support from USAG Grafenwoehr must assign Unit Transportation Coordinators (UTC). UTCs must complete a mandatory Unit Transportation Coordinator training Class. Classes are held every other Friday (except German/American Holidays). Personnel must register for class one week prior by email. Email must include unit/organization, name, rank, last four of SSN, and telephone number. Email confirmation will be sent back. Personal must bring with them to training a copy of their Unit Transportation Appointment Orders. Units who fail to complete training will not be able to dispatch NTVs or request TMP support. POC: Mr. Kedrick Bruce, DSN 475-8409.

University of Maryland University College-Europe Vilseck(Rose Barracks) National Test Center *New Hours of Operation: M,W,F noon – 4 p.m.; T,TH 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Test your way to success! Take your CLEP, DSST, and Pearson Vue exams at the National Test Center (NTC) on Rose Barracks, Vilseck. You can earn college credits quickly and affordably. University of Maryland University College Europe, in Vilseck (Rose Barracks), offers computer-based, on-site testing services to military and eligible civilians, making it easy to earn certifications, fulfill general education requirements, and get the credit you deserve! Free study resources are available at www.myarmyonesource.com , www.militaryonesource.com , and installation libraries. For more information email: sanderson@europe.umuc.edu or call DSN 476-2462, CIV 09662-834262.

FAST Classes 10 – 20 April: Main Post (Grafenwoehr) Education Center, Bldg. 538, 8:30 a.m. – 4p.m. Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST) provides Soldiers with instruction in reading, mathematics, and language skills and is an excellent tool to prepare Soldiers to raise their GT score. This class is a 60-hour long course and is limited to twenty students. For more information please contact Rose Barracks Education Center at DSN 476-2653/3292 or Main Post (Grafenwoehr) Education Center at DSN 475-6219/6786.

TARP, SETA and OPSEC and Anti-terrorism Level 1 Training United States Army Garrison Grafenwoehr (Security and Antiterrorism Divisions), together with the 66th Military Intelligence Group and JMTC Intelligence and Security, will be conducting FY11 community make-up sessions for Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP), Security Education Training Awareness (SETA), Operation Security (OPSEC), and Anti-terrorism Level 1 Refresher Training.

Please note, training for LN’s is cancelled on 11 April: Scheduled at the Main Post, Tower Theater, Bldg. 620. 10:30-11:30 a.m.

The following training events remain: 11 April: 1:30–4 p.m. (US employees) 12 April: Rose Barracks, Post Theater, Bldg. 354. 9-11:30 a.m. (US employees), and 1:30–2:30 p.m. (LN employees). This training is a mandatory annual requirement for all DoD personnel including Military, AF/NAF (both US and LN); U.S. Contractor employees are welcome.

Food Handlers course 13 April: Rose Barracks Education Center, Bldg. 223, Room 1.3, 11:30 a.m. A food safety class required for food service personnel who prepare or serve food to the public within the Graf/Vilseck community. Certification is intended for individuals involved in fund raising food sales such as, boss, FRG, clubs or bazaars, and also to CYS personnel such as CYPA’s. The class may also supplement required refresher training for regular food service employees. Class is free, lasts approx. 1 hour, and registration is not required. For more, Sgt. Thompson, DSN: 476-2041/2138, CIV 0152-29587133, email.

University of Phoenix University of Phoenix is honored to serve military service members stationed in Europe by offering both MBA and Master of Arts in Education degree programs at several on-base locations near you. Classes meet one night a week. We are currently enrolling for our January semester. Get started today by visiting www.phoenix.edu/militaryeurope or by calling, Fe Gehrels at DSN 475-6712 or CIV 09641-83-6712.

Unit Transportation Coordinator Training All activities, directorates and tenant units requiring Non-Tactical Vehicle (NTV) support from USAG Grafenwoehr must assign Unit Transportation Coordinators (UTC). UTCs must complete a mandatory Unit Transportation Coordinator training Class. The first class will begin Friday, March 9 and repeat every other Friday (except German/American Holidays). Personnel must register for class one week prior by email. Email must include unit/organization, name, rank, last four of SSN, and telephone number. Confirmation will be sent back via email. Personal must bring with them to training a copy of their Unit Transportation Appointment Orders. Units who fail to complete training will not be able to dispatch NTVs or request TMP support. POC: Mr. Bruce, DSN 475-8564.

Religious Easter Services 5 April: 6 p.m., Catholic Holy Thursday service, MP Chapel 6 April: 6 p.m., Catholic Good Friday Service, RB Chapel 6 April: 6 p.m., Protestant Good Friday Service, MP Chapel 7 April: 6 p.m., Catholic Easter Vigil, RB Chapel 8 April: 7 a.m., Rose Barracks Cavalry Chapel, Easter Sunrise Service All other religious services as normally scheduled.

Chaplain Crisis Line After duty hours, please call: MP STATION CIV 09662‑83‑2490 or 09662‑83‑3397 / DSN 476‑2490 or 476‑3397. USAG‑Grafenwoehr IOC CIV 09641‑83‑7226 / DSN 475‑7226. CHAPLAIN CRISIS LINE CIV 0162‑296‑0838. During business hours: Main Post Chapel: DSN 475-1570, CIV 09641-83-1570. Rose Barracks Chapel: DSN 476-1570, CIV 09662-83-1570.

New Single Women's Bible Study Tuesdays: Meet other women and learn how to study your Bible while enjoying a cozy home and good food. This first study book will last six weeks and involves no homework. The group will meet every Tuesday, 6-8 p.m. at Hopfenweg 1, 92700 Kaltenbrunn. For more, contact Laurel Hoyt 0151-14991395, email. Sponsored by the Garrison Chaplains office.

Single Women's day trip to Prague

14 April: Meet new friends while enjoying the beautiful and unique city of Prague. Castles, cemeteries, synagogues, churches, bridges, and more grace this city and make it the jewel of the Czech Republic. Cost is free, except for personal spending money. To carpool, meet at the Rose Barracks chapel parking lot at 8:30am. Transportation from Graf available. For more or to sign up, contact Laurel Hoyt 0151-14991395, email. Sponsored by the Garrison Chaplains Office.

School News 2012 Summer Hire program The 2012 Summer Hire program, which runs from June 18 - July 27, provides jobs in clerical, labor and child development positions. Applicants for summer hire positions must be unmarried family members of active duty service members or DOD civilian employees, ages 14-22. The applicant must have reached their 14th birthday prior to June 21 and must not reach their 23rd birthday prior to the end of the program July 27. Online applications are available at the CHRA-E Web site. Applicants must also submit hard copies of employment documents directly to the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center that services their community.

Active Duty Army after graduation High School Seniors and Juniors: Get in contact with Sergeant First Class Roger A. Borja to discuss your options in the Active Duty Army after graduation. Airborne options are also available with a variety of Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), Contact SFC Borja at DSN 475-9208/ Roger.Borja@usarec.army.mil or on facebook. Station-Grafenwoehr-Germany/114457648565007.

Grafenwoehr Elementary School 5 April: Last Day of 3rd Quarter 6 April: No School Teacher Record Keeping Day 9-13 April: No School Spring Break 16 April: Classes resume 19 April: Parent/Teacher Conferences 25 April: Volunteer Appreciation 27 April: STAR Assembly

Lend me your ears … Attn. Parents - What do we have that Van Gogh would want? Why the ears of some school leaders of course! Grafenwoehr Elementary School’s Principal, Mrs. Bailey and our school leadership team want to send YOU a special personalized invitation to one of their “Five on Fridays” coffee clatches. You’ll have donuts and Sanka with the head honcho and her team. It’s once a month on a Friday in the morning for about 45 minutes. Casual and laid back conversation about our school, good and not so much. Please e mail your child’s teacher you’d like an invite to the next “5 on Friday” or Mrs. Bailey at crystal.bailey@ eu.dodea.edu DSN 475-7133. The Grafenwoehr Elementary PTA has received great support so far this year from our parents. We would like to remind you that if you intended to join the PTA, it is not too late. Contact DSN 475-7133 or email for more information. School Office Hours School Hours Important Phone Numbers Mon.‑ Fri. 7 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.‑ Fri. 8:15 a.m.‑2:35 p.m. CIV 09641‑837133 DSN 475‑7133 Grafenwoehr Elementary School Free Developmental Screenings for children 3-5 years old Do you suspect that your child may have difficulties with: running, jumping, climbing, coloring, or writing? Speaking clearly, expressing themselves or, understanding what they are told? Learning colors, shapes, letters, numbers, or counting? Connecting with others, independence, or tantrums? Eating, dressing, or grooming skills? Child Find is a process designed to screen, refer, and identify children with suspected disabilities who may be eligible to receive special education and related services. Developmental Screening appointments are available throughout the school year. To schedule an appointment contact Jonica McPhail DSN 475.7133 or CIV 09641.83.7133 Or email jonica.mcphail@eu.dodea.edu EDIS offers a free screening of children less than 3 years of age to determine if your child is meeting his/her developmental milestones. DSN 476.3221 CIV 09662.83.3221

Vilseck Elementary School Through 30 April- Food for Poland. VES is collecting food for the children in Lwowek Slaski, Poland. Please bring in the below nonperishable items during the months of March and April!

The food will help feed the children from a local elementary school. For many of them, this is their only meal of the day. So hurry and clean out those cabinets, please select items with few English instructions, as Polish is their native language. Please donate canned goods: Soups, vegetables, sauces, beans. Bags and Boxes: Rice, cakes, pancake mix, beans,cereals. Drinks: Powdered milk, powdered Kool-Aids and other mixes 03 April: Book Swap. Main Lobby 9-11 a.m. 04-06 April: Registration for School Year 2012-2013 rd 05 April: 3 Quarter General Membership PTSA Meeting and PTSA Elections in the annex. Ms. West and the student council will run StarLab during the meeting. 06 April: No School-Teacher Work Day 9-13 April: No School-Spring Break 19 April: No School-Parent Teacher Conferences 24 April: Awards Assembly 4th and 5th Grade 8:45 a.m. VES Vision: Vilseck Expects Success Continuous School Progress Goals: Goal 1: By 2016 all students will improve competency with numbers and operations as measured by increased performance on assessments. Goal 2: By 2016 all students will demonstrate improved reading comprehension through written and oral communication as measured by increased performance on assessments. PTSA Information can be found at VES.My-PTSA.org 1 March- 30 March: Read Hot Readers Month (Read below). Parents are asked to once again help promote this schoolwide initiative by monitoring and promoting their child’s reading. More information will be made available. Red Hot Reader’s Month It is that time of year again where VES will host its’ wildly successful Red Hot Reader month. There will be many activities held during the month of March to encourage students to read outside school. This year we will have an Olympics theme: “Go for the Gold…Light the Torch for Reading.” Bronze, silver and gold medallions will be awarded to students who meet the criteria for minutes read outside school hours. Child Find: What is child-find screening? Preschool Child Find is a developmental screening for children ages 3-5 identifying children with developmental delays or other special education needs. For children under age 3 please contact EDIS at 09662-833221. What is the process? A Child Find team made up of the preschool special needs service provider, speech and language pathologists and the occupational therapist screen the children for developmental delays. These free screenings take place monthly. How does it work? Parent submits the Child Find questionnaire (which they can pick up in the office or find on the school website); they are set up with an appointment for the screening. When they come in for the screening the child must first pass a vision and hearing screen by our school nurse. Then they are screened by the team. If the child is suspected of having any delays the team will refer them for further formal evaluation. Why is it important? When learning challenges are identified at a young age, early intervention can help the child with learning tasks. If parents are interested, what do they need to do? They can go to the schools website (http://www.vilses.eu.dodea.edu/) and find the link for Child Find. Under that link is a questionnaire they need to fill out and email back to the email address provided on the form. Someone will be in contact with them within 48 hours. If they do not hear back please contact the school at 09662 832812 and let them know what happened. (Just in case the email was rejected as SPAM). School Office Hours School Hours Important Phone Numbers Mon.‑Fri. 7 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon.‑Fri. 8:25 a.m. ‑ 2:35 p.m. CIV 09662‑832812 / 832673 DSN 476‑2812/2673

Netzaberg Elementary School 5 April: End of Quarter 3 6 April: Teacher workday. No school for students. 9-13 April: Spring Break. No school. 16 April: Beginning of Quarter 4 th th 17 April: 4 and 5 Grade Awards Assembly. MPR. 8:15a.m. 19 April: Parent/Teacher Conferences. No school for students. 27 April: Popcorn Friday Netzaberg Elementary School Job Openings: Looking for a great place to work while your child is in school and still have school out days off? Don’t wait; APPLY NOW for school year 2011-2012 jobs at Netzaberg Elementary School. If interested, please apply for these or other continuous positions by following this link.. Parent Volunteers: We need and appreciate all of our parent volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at Netzaberg Elementary School, please contact the school. We welcome your support. POC: Email Child Find: Netzaberg Elementary School’s Preschool Services for Child Development (PSCD) program is conducting screenings to identify strengths and concerns in a young child’s development. The free Child Find developmental

screenings are provided for command sponsored children from age three to five years. Professional staff will screen motor, language, problem solving, social, and self-help skills, plus the child’s vision and hearing. In addition, parents will have an opportunity to ask questions about their child’s development. For further information on Child Find developmental screenings at Netzaberg Elementary School, please call CIV 09645-917-9184 or DSN 472-9184.Child Find developmental screenings are held at DoDEA schools to assist parents in identifying the early warning signs that put young children at risk for learning delays and provide crucial early diagnosis and intervention. Netzaberg Elementary School Needs YOU. Netzaberg Elementary School partners with our parents and community to support the success of all students. Goal 1: Reading By 2016, all students will improve targeted reading comprehension skills across the curriculum as measured by local and system-wide assessments. The targeted reading skills are: Pre-reading skills in Pre-K—Kindergarten; Retelling and inferring in grades 1 – 2; and Summarizing and drawing conclusions in grades 3 – 5. Intervention: Explicitly teach targeted reading comprehension strategies through Think Alouds. Goal 2: Math By 2016, all students will improve their understanding of number sense and operational concepts across the curriculum as measured by local and system-wide assessments. Intervention: Explicitly teach students to think and talk about numbers through Number Talks. Check us out on Facebook at link. School Office Hours School Hours Important Phone Numbers Mon.- Fri. 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Mon.- Fri. 8:00 a.m.-.2:35 p.m. CIV 09645-917-9185/9184/9313/DSN 472-9184/9313

Netzaberg Middle School 04 April: 2012-2013 Registration Days April 4-6 - 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 04 April: Last Day of 3rd Quarter 04 April: Game & Sports club - 2:45 p.m. - 4 p.m. 04 April: 2012-2013 Registration Days April 4-6 - 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 06 April: 2012-2013 Registration Days April 4-6 - 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 06 April: NO SCHOOL for students - Teacher Work Day 9-13 April: Spring Break – No School 19 April: NO SCHOOL for students – Parent/Teacher Conferences (invitations will be sent) PTSA Basket Raffle: Your student’s seminar will be assembling a basket for raffle during our Spring Registration, April – 4-6. Please ask your students their theme and send in items by April 1. Spring Registration: The dates are April 4-6. We will have representatives at Vilseck Elementary on Thursday, April 5 & Graf. Elementary on April 6. NMS will be available all three days from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Students are required to register every year. If your student will be returning to NMS in the 2012-2013 SY you will need to complete a registration packet. Preprinted packets will be provided for you. You will need to bring your contact names and numbers with you. FACS Antique Auction: The Netzaberg Family & Consumer Science Club is trying to raise money to purchase sewing machines and other 220 volt appliances. Our main fundraiser is School House antiques. Please join us on April 28th at Netzaberg Middle School to get some great items and support the NMS FACS. Talent Show: Got talent? The Netzaberg Elementary and Middle Schools are happy to announce our first ever combined talent show! The talent show will take place @ 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 10 in the Netzaberg MPR. Auditions take place after school on Tuesday, April 3 – 4. Please have your child pick up a permission slip from the front office and returned back to school no later than Friday, March 30 in order to reserve an audition time. Attendance: If your son/daughter is going to be absent from school – notify us via the attendance mailbox: NetzabergMS.Attendan@eu.dodea.edu or call the attendance phone line: DSN 472-9233 (CIV 09645 917 9233) the email notification is the preferred method as this gives us an easy to refer to record. Bus Passes - Parents we want to remind you of a bus policy we have. Students are not allowed to request bus passes to go home with other students. Bus passes are issued for emergency care only. If you have any questions regarding this policy - please contact the front office. Lunch accounts: To use the online service you will need to set up an account at http://www.mealpayplus.com/. If you are new to the area you will need to open a Horizon account at the PX or the school cafeteria. All lunch concerns need to be addressed to AAFES. You can also logon to www.odin.aafes.com/nutrition/08/index.html to set up your child’s account. Find us on Facebook: Like our page and you will always have access to the most update information about your student’s school. We will also be able to upload photos from the various activities. Parent volunteers: If you are interested in volunteering for the PTSA or other school committees, please contact the school. We welcome your support. POC: Email School Office Hours School Hours Important Phone Numbers Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Mon-Fri 7:55 a.m.-2:40 p.m. CIV 09645-917-9232/9233/9229 DSN 472-9232

Vilseck Highrd School

5 April: End of the 3 Quarter 6 April: NO SCHOOL – Teacher Work Day 9 – 12 April: NO SCHOOL – Spring Break 21 April: Varsity Soccer at HOME

21 April: J-V Soccer at Schweinfurt 21 April: Softball at HOME 21 April: Track Meet at Ansbach Yearbook Sales The 2012 Talon Yearbook is now available for order, for $60. Contact Mrs. Vandeventer at VHS for more information. Vilseck High School Tutoring Services for Students Free after-school tutoring is offered at VHS every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Student tutors are always needed to help out – all volunteers are eligible for service hours. Attendance E-Mail It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the school when their child will be absent. If your child will be absent, please call DSN 476-2573 or 09662-83-2573. You can also e-mail the attendance clerk at vilshs-attendance@eu.dodea.edu Free, Online Tutoring All U.S. military families can receive free online tutoring, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Go to http://www.tutor.com/military for more information. The VHS Mission: To provide an exemplary education that inspires and prepares all students for success in a dynamic, global environment. The VHS Vision: Falcons S.O.A.R. (Success, Opportunity, Achievement, Respect) School Office Hours School Hours Important Phone Numbers Mon.‑Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mon.‑Fri. 8:10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. CIV 09662‑832864 / Fax 09662-832480 DSN 476‑2864

Was ist Los? Get involved in the local scene

Flea markets Every Sat., 6 a.m. - 4 p.m., in 93059 Regensburg inside the building at Am Protzenweiher 27, ph 0941-82933. The market will not take place on German holidays. Every second Sat. of the month: 6 a.m. - 3 p.m: in 90443 Nuremburg, Großparkplatz (large car park) on Gugelstraße, corner Humboldtstraße. Every third Sat. of the month: 7 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.: in 92224 Amberg, Kaufland-Parkplatz, An den Franzosenaeckern Every third Sun. of the month: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Trödel- & Jahrmarkt in 93073 Neutraubling (next to Regensburg), at the "Globus" DITY store, Pommernstraße 4. Sat., 07 April: - 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.: in 92637 Weiden, at the Spielvereinigung ("Am Langen Steg" subdivision, near hospital). - 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in 91054 Erlangen on Bohlenplatz. You can also find the dates on their Homepage and on their Facebook page (both only GE). 07 April, 05 May, 02 June: - 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.: in 90443 Nuremberg, Großparkplatz (large car park) on Gugelstraße, corner Humboldtstraße. - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in 92318 Neumarkt, Volksfestplatz and Jurahallen, Festplatz 1 (ca. 45 km / 28 miles west of Hohenfels). A large selection of everything you do and don't need: toys, antiques, collectibles (coins, stamps etc.), clothes and much more. Kids can enjoy themselves on the inflatable jumping castle during the summer months (Apr. - Oct.) - only when the weather is good! If you would like to sell items email anfrage@neumarkter-flohmarkt.de. 9 April: (Easter Monday), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.: in 92345 Dietfurt, Volksfestplatz, Bahnhofstraße (ca. 35 km / 22 miles SW of Hohenfels). 14 April: - 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.: in 90443 Nürnberg at the Großparkplatz (large car park) on Gugelstraße, corner Humboldtstraße. - 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.: in 92224 Amberg, Dultplatz, Bruno-Hofer-Straße. 21 April: - 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.: in 92637 Weiden, at the Spielvereinigung ("Am Langen Steg" subdivision, near hospital). - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in Raigering just outside of 92224 Amberg, car park at the “Sterk” brewery, Hofmark 2. 22 April: - 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.: in 92339 Beilngries at the Volksfestplatz, Sandstraße (ca. 45 km / 28 miles SW of Hohenfels). - Antiques and Flea Market in 91555 Feuchtwangen all around the Altstadt = historical town center (ca. 30 km / 19 miles west of Ansbach). 28 April: - 1 p.m.: in 92421 Schwandorf, Festplatz, Angerring / Nürnberger Straße (ca. 45 km / 28 miles north of Regensburg). 29 April: - 8 a.m.: in 92334 Berching, along the Uferpromenade (ca. 42 km / 26 miles west of Hohenfels). - midday - 4 p.m.: in 92224 Amberg, Dultplatz, Bruno-Hofer-Straße. 4 & 5 May: in 95448 Bayreuth, Volksfestplatz, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. Opens at 10 a.m. on Friday and at 7 a.m. on Saturday. 5 May: 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.: in 92637 Weiden, at the Spielvereinigung ("Am Langen Steg" subdivision, near hospital). - 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in 91054 Erlangen on Bohlenplatz. You can also find the dates on their Homepage and on their Facebook page (both only GE).

- 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in 92318 Neumarkt, Volksfestplatz and Jurahallen, Festplatz 1 (ca. 45 km / 28 miles west of Hohenfels). A large selection of everything you do and don't need: toys, antiques, collectibles (coins, stamps etc.), clothes and much more. Kids can enjoy themselves on the inflatable jumping castle during the summer months (Apr. - Oct.) - only when the weather is good! The next couple of dates: 02 June. - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in Raigering just outside of 92224 Amberg, car park at the “Sterk” brewery, Hofmark 2. 6 May: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.: in 92339 Beilngries at the Volksfestplatz, Sandstraße (ca. 45 km / 28 miles SW of Hohenfels). - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Jahrmarkt in 93055 Regensburg, in front of the Globus Baumarkt (DITY store), Sulzfeldstraße 3 (next to the Ikea and Hiendl furniture stores). - no time specified: at the Autohof (service station) in 91637 Wörnitz, Bastenauer Straße 10 - 12, ph 0986-898-940 (ca. 30 km / 20 miles west of Ansbach). Homepage (only GE). 11 & 12 May: "Trempelmarkt" in 90403 Nürnberg, around the Hauptmarkt. Germany's largest flea market is held in the pedestrian zone every second weekend in May and September. Around 4,000 sales stands group around the so-called "Hauptmarkt" in the historic inner city and the side-roads off the Hauptmarkt - and with this many vendors you can find anything, from expensive antiques to "Graffel" (bric-a-bracs). Children have their own flea market where the can sell their old toys. Don't miss this great Flohmarkt!. Opening hours: Fri. 4 p.m. - midnight, Sat. 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. 12 May: 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.: in 90443 Nürnberg at the Großparkplatz (large car park) on Gugelstraße, corner Humboldtstraße. - 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.: in 92224 Amberg, Dultplatz, Bruno-Hofer-Straße. 13 May: 8 a.m.: in 92334 Berching, along the Uferpromenade (ca. 42 km / 26 miles west of Hohenfels). - 8 a.m.: in 91054 Erlangen at the large car park on Parkplatzstraße along Frankenschnellweg. Homepage (only GE). 18 May: 4 p.m. - 10 p.m.: "Sternenlichtflohmarkt" in 91054 Erlangen on Bohlenplatz. You can also find the dates on their Homepage and on their Facebook page (both only GE). 19 May: 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.: in 92637 Weiden, at the Spielvereinigung ("Am Langen Steg" subdivision, near hospital). 26 May: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.: in Raigering just outside of 92224 Amberg, car park at the “Sterk” brewery, Hofmark 2. 27 May: 8 a.m.: in 92334 Berching, along the Uferpromenade (ca. 42 km / 26 miles west of Hohenfels). 28 May: (Whit Monday), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.: in 92345 Dietfurt, Volksfestplatz, Bahnhofstraße (ca. 35 km / 22 miles SW of Hohenfels).

Easter Market Ongoing until 9 April: in 90403 Nuremberg, on Hauptmarkt. Opening hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun. and Easter Monday 10:30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Closed on Karfreitag (Good Friday)!

Spring Volksfest 7 - 15 April: in 95448 Bayreuth, Volksfestplatz, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. Two fest tents, around 50 rides and lots of activities like fireworks on the first and last days, a family day, a "Miss Volksfest" pageant or even a boxing event make this Volksfest (only GE) a great attraction for the whole family. 7 - 22 April: in 90471 Nürnberg, Volkspark Dutzendteich, Bayernstraße. Nürnberg is hosting the largest Volksfest in northern Bavaria! At the Frühlingsfest (program, only GE), you'll find loads of entertainment for the young and still-young! And plenty of Franconian and Bavarian delicacies and beverages in the stalls and beer tents. Opening hours: Mon., Tue., Thu.: 2 p.m. - 11 p.m. Wed. (family day): 1 p.m. - 11 p.m. Fri.: 2 p.m. midnight. Sat.: 1 p.m. - midnight. Sun.: 10:30 a.m. - 11 p.m. On the last day: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. p.m. 27 April - 6 May: in 92637 Weiden, fest site along Leuchtenberger Straße. The booths, rides and tents will be open daily 2 p.m. - midnight, the music will stop at 11 p.m., though. The Grand Opening ceremony starts with a festive parade from the Altes Rathaus in the pedestrian zone, to the near-by fest site. This is followed by the tapping of the first keg of beer at around 7 p.m. At ca. 10 p.m., the first Volksfest day culminates in a brilliant fireworks display. Wednesdays are always family days with reduced fares for children.

Historischer Schäfertanz = Historical Shepherds Dance 8 April: 2 p.m., in 91541 Rothenburg on Marktplatz around the Rathaus = City Hall. Especially in the Middle Ages, sheep farming and the wool trade played an important part in the life of the town. In 1517, the Shepherds Guild was granted the privilege of celebrating Shepherds Dance with music and dancing. More about the origins of this tradition can be seen in the Shepherds Dance Cabinet in St.-Wolfgang's-Church. In remembrance of this custom, visitors have several opportunities every year to see the dance of the colourful couples in the market square. Visit their homepage for more background information in English (at the time when this document was compiled, the dates hadn’t been updated yet).

Easter Family Special at Pullman City Fun Park 8 & 9 April: at the Pullman City Fun Park in 94535 Eging am See, Ruberting 30 (ca. 100 km / 62 miles SE of

Regensburg). On Sunday, there will be a large Easter egg hunt for children - the largest in Lower Bavaria! 3,000 eggs are hidden in "Fort Pullman" and "Little Pullman". Furthermore, you can enjoy the regular shows (stunt shows, illusionists etc.) as well as the concerts this weekend: "The Lennerockers" on Sun., 08 Apr., at 8:30 p.m.; and "The Daniel T. Coates Duo" on Mon., 09 Apr., 7 p.m.

Osterritt = Blessing of Horses for Easter 9 April: 9 a.m., in 92507 Nabburg (ca. 30 km / 19 miles south of Weiden). The horses will start at the Volksschule (German school) and ride to the pilgrimage chapel "Maria Brünnl."

Tattoo Convention 13 - 15 April: in 90471 Nuremberg, at the Arena, Kurt-Leucht-Weg 11, CIV 0911-9889-7280. The trendiest tattoo artists and models will meet at this show. If you want to get a piercing or a tattoo, you've come to the right place. There will also be a show program and a "Miss Tattoo" pageant for your entertainment. Click here for some photos from 2010 - more photos to follow soon! They're on Facebook as well. Open Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m. - 11 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. On Saturday, there will be an After-Show Party right after the convention.

Model Train and Toys Market 21 & 22 April: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., in 90469 Nürnberg-Gartenstadt, at the Gesellschaftshaus, Buchenschlag 1. Find new and used model trains, cars, accessories, literature and many other things at this market (only GE). It is the largest model toy market of its kind in Franconia. You can sell here too, just contact the organizer at ph 0733-230-89989 (you'll probably need to speak German to them, get a German friend to help you out). Upcoming markets at this locations: Sun., 20 May. Sun., 17 June.

Beer Day - Tag des Bieres 23 April: no time specified, in 96047 Bamberg, next to the Schloss Geyerswörth (mansion), Geyerswörthstraße 3. Bamberg has the highest density of beer breweries in all of Germany, nearly 100 in just this one city / county. Nine of these organized this beer fest and will entertain the visitors all day long.

Street Market: Venezianischer Markt 27 April - 06 May: in 90402 Nürnberg, all around the historical city center, including Hauptmarkt, Jakobsplatz, Ludwigsplatz. Italian "dolce vita" is coming to Nürnberg: scrumptious food and delicious wines accompanied by Italian music - what more could you ask for? The Mercato (outdoor market) with stalls offering Murano glass, jewellery, artefacts, food and wine can be found all around the city center; the traders are mostly from the Veneto area in Italy. The Italian Garden is the location if you want to relax and listen to Italian music. A special Italian Night is held on the Museumsbrücke (bridge) at the weekend between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., with live music by Pino Barone. Even genuine Italian gondolas will travel on the Pegnitz river. You can make reservations with the gondoliere at 0177-935-475. Another highlight will be the Carnival parade in traditional Venetian masks and costumes on 28 April at 2 p.m. (starts at the Liebesinsel). If you can read German, you can find all details on their homepage.

Guided Tour in English: Once Upon A Time -Schweinfurt's Altstadt 27 April: 4 - 6 p.m., in 97421 Schweinfurt; meet in front of the Tourist Information on Marktplatz. Discover amazing evidence of Schweinfurt’s historical past as we walk along the north and east city walls, pass by Baroque and Renaissance architecture of the old city, and climb the spiral stairways of the so called “Gunpowder” and “Buckshot” towers. Cost per person is 3.50 Euros and must be ordered in advance from the Tourist Office, CIV 0972-151-3600. Tour Guide: Colleen Reuss.

Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition in Munich Through the end of May: Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Theatinerstraße 8, 80333 Munich, downtown. Go to www.hypo-kunsthalle.de for more information in English.

Concerts Show: Musical Rocks Tour overview. Excellent performers and songs from the most popular musicals. 02 - 04 April: in 70469 Stuttgart, at the Theaterhaus am Pragsattel, Siemensstraße 11.

Tue., 10 April: 8 p.m., in 97070 Würzburg, at the Congress Centrum, Franconia Saal, Pleichertorstraße. Tickets. Sun., 22 April: 7 p.m., in 90478 Nuremberg, at the Meistersingerhalle, Münchener Straße 21, ph 0911-231-8000. Tickets.

Scottish Music Festival on tour in Germany until 27 May. Click here for the complete tour overview. 5 April: 8 p.m., in 65185 Wiesbaden, at the Rhein-Main-Halle, Rheinstraße 20, ph 06111-44245 (ca. 40 km / 25 miles west of Frankfurt). Tickets. 24 May: 8 p.m., in 80335 München / Munich, at the Circus-Krone-Bau, Marsstraße 43. Tickets. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park, and using the public transport system (both links are in English). 27 May: 7 p.m., in 97070 Würzburg, at the Congress Centrum, Franconia Saal, Pleichertorstraße. Tickets.

Swingin' Hollywood 7 April: 7:30 p.m., in 90762 Fürth, Stadthalle, Rosenstraße 50, ph 0911-749-120 (ca. 10 km / 6 miles west of Nürnberg). With Andrej Hermlin and his Swing Dance Orchestra, supported by the singer David Rose, the groups "The Skylarks" and "Ballroom Lindy Hoppers", as well as a tap dancer . The wonderful music form the 30s and 40s takes us back to the time when Fred Astaire danced with Ginger Rogers, when Gene Kelly was every girl's Mr. Perfect, and when Hollywood films seemed to make dreams come true. You'll hear songs such as "You Are My Lucky Star", "As Time Goes By" "Singin' In The Rain", "Chattanooga Choo Choo" and many more.

Spider Murphy Gang 8 & 9 April: 8:30 p.m., in 80802 München / Munich, at the Lustspielhaus, Occamstraße 8, ph 089-344-974. Tickets. Good ol‘ Rock’n‘ Roll with Bavarian lyrics - the SMG is so famous in Bavaria that they could play all their songs as instrumentals, their fans will fill in the vocals! Even after 30 years, the SMG fills even the biggest stadiums and still know how to rock the place and have the audience dancing and singing along to every song. They are definitely one of the best live acts you will see in Bavaria! More about the artist: Homepage. YouTube. MySpace. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park, and using the public transport system (both links are in English).

Samy Deluxe 9 & 12 April: Click here for the whole tour. Samy Deluxe is one of the most successful German rappers. Hear him on YouTube, or check him out on his homepage or on Facebook (GE). 9 April: 8 p.m., in 85057 Ingolstadt, at the Eventhalle Westpark, Am Westpark 2 (ca. 80 km / 50 miles SW of Hohenfels, or 94 km / 58 miles south of Nürnberg). Tickets. 12 April: 8:30 p.m., in 97070 Würzburg, at the Posthallen, Bahnhofplatz 2. Tickets.

Michael Bublé 25 April: 8 p.m., in 50679 Köln, at the Lanxess-Arena, Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, ph 0221-8021. Tickets. This is his only concert in Germany! It is highly recommended you park your car on a P+R car park (in EN) on the city's outskirts and use the excellent public transport system (in EN).

James Taylor 27 April – 12 May: The man with the smoothest voice in the business is gracing Germany with his presence. He is known for his brilliant, jazzy live performances. You can find out more about him via his homepage, YouTube and Facebook. Fri., 27 April: 8 p.m., in 10963 Berlin, at the Tempodrom, Möckernstraße 10, ph 030-747-370. Tickets. As in all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN). Sat., 28 April: 8 p.m., in 20355 Hamburg, at the Laeiszhalle, Johannes-Brahms-Platz, ph 040-357-66666. Tickets. Again, it is highly recommended you use the public transport system (in EN), as parking is a nightmare in Hamburg, you get towed in no time at all, and towing charges are incredibly expensive. Wed., 09 May: 8 p.m., in 60313 Frankfurt am Main, at the Alte Oper, Opernplatz, ph 069-134-0215. Tickets. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park (interactive map and links, text only GE), and using the public transport system (in English) Sat., 12 May: 8 p.m., in 81667 München / Munich, at the Philharmonie im Gasteig, Rosenheimer Straße 5 - 8. Tickets. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park, and using the public transport system (links are in English).

Judas Priest 27 April - 24 May: Click here for a tour overview. Fri., 27 April: 8 p.m., in 22297 Hamburg, at the Alsterdorfer Sporthalle, Krochmannstraße 55 (access via Braamkamp 1), ph 040-3005-1216. Tickets. public transport system (in EN). Sat., 28 April: 8 p.m., in 04105 Leipzig, at the Arena, Am Sportforum 2, ph 034-1234-10 (ca. 260 km / 160 miles north of Weiden). Tickets. 1 May: 8 p.m., in 40591 Düsseldorf, at the Mitsubishi-Electiric-Halle (aka Philipshalle), Siegburger Straße 15, ph 0211775-057 (ca. 40 km / 25 miles north of Cologne). Tickets. 3 May: 8 p.m., in 70327 Stuttgart, at the Porsche-Arena (aka Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle), Mercedesstraße 69. Tickets. 4 May: 8 p.m., in 90471 Nürnberg, at the Arena, Kurt-Leucht-Weg 11, ph 0911-9889-7280. Tickets.

Fiddler's Green 28 April: 9 p.m., in 96049 Bamberg, at the Live-Club (Haas-Säle), Obere Sandstraße 7, ph 0951-500458 and -53304.

Tickets. The band plays exciting, independent Irish "speedfolk" which is a mix of traditional Irish or Scottish songs and self-written tracks. They have an informative homepage in English. Or check out their clips on YouTube.

NKOTBSB 1 - 10 May: "Who??" you might ask. It's New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys together! Sat., 05 May: 7:30 p.m., in 70327 Stuttgart, at the Porsche-Arena (aka Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle), Mercedesstraße 69. Tickets. Sun., 06 May: 7:30 p.m., in 04105 Leipzig, at the Arena, Am Sportforum 2, ph 034-1234-10. Tickets. Mon., 07 May: 7:30 p.m., in 10243 Berlin, o2 World, O2-Platz 1, ph 030-2060-7080. Tickets. Wed., 09 May: 7:30 p.m., in 22525 Hamburg, at the o2 World, Sylvesterallee 10, ph 040-88-1630. Tickets. Thurs., 10 May: 7:30 p.m., in 46047 Oberhausen, König-Pilsener-Arena, Arenastraße 1, ph 0208-82-000 (ca. 80 km / 50 miles north of Cologne). Tickets.

Peter Gabriel Wed., 02 May: 8 p.m., in 80809 München / Munich, at the Olympiahalle, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21 / Eingang Ost (east entrance). The only car park is located at the Olympiapark: 80809 München, Olympiapark Parkharfe, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 100. It is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system. Tickets. Thurs,, 03 May: 8 p.m., in 46047 Oberhausen, at the König-Pilsener-Arena, Arenastraße 1, ph 0208-82-000 (ca. 80 km / 50 miles north of Cologne). Tickets. Wed., 09 May: 8 p.m., in 10243 Berlin, at the o2 World, O2-Platz 1, ph 030-2060-7080. As with all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN). Tickets. Fri., 11 May: 8 p.m., in 70327 Stuttgart, at the Porsche-Arena (aka Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle), Mercedesstraße 69. Tickets.

Scorpions' Farewell Tour Sat., 12 May: 7:30 p.m., in 70327 Stuttgart, at the Porsche-Arena (aka Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle), Mercedesstraße 69. Tickets. Sun., 13 May: 7:30 p.m., in 60325 Frankfurt am Main, at the Festhalle / Messe, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1. Tickets. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park (interactive map and links, text only GE), and using the public transport system (in English). Sat., 13 Oct: 7:30 p.m., in 80809 München / Munich, at the Olympiahalle, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21 / Eingang Ost (east entrance). The only car park is located at the Olympiapark: 80809 München, Olympiapark Parkharfe, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 100. public transport system. Tickets.

International Dixie Festival 14 - 20 May: in Dresden, various locations. Click here for a PDF of the program, here for the locations,and click here to conveniently order your tickets online (all in EN).

"Oldie Marathon" Wed., 16 May: 7 p.m., in 96050 Bamberg, at the Stechert-Arena, Forchheimer Str. 15, ph 0951-23-837. Tickets. This concert has an amazing line-up, at least if you have grown up with and/or are a fan of 70s music: The Sweet. Boney M. Smokie. Middle of the Road. The Tremeloes. Chris Andrews. Heaven. (I still have some of them on cassette). Sat., 19 May: in 44139 Dortmund, at the Westfalenhalle 1, Rheinlanddamm 200 (ca. 100 km / 60 miles NE of Cologne). Tickets. This concert has an almost identical line-up as the one in Bamberg, perhaps even better: The Sweet. Boney M. Smokie. Middle of the Road. Showaddywaddy. The Tremeloes. Harpo. Pussycat. And Chris Andrews.

Keith Sweat & Band. The RnB / Soul singer Keith Sweat* is on a small tour of Germany 16, 17, 18 May. Wed., 16 May: 8 p.m., in 70376 Stuttgart, at the Zapata, Pragstraße 120, ph 0711-956-1546. Tickets. Thu., 17 May: 8 p.m., in 80639 München / Munich, at the "Backstage Werk" (aka "Soul City" and BR-Studio 1), Reitknechtstraße 6, ph 089-1266-100. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park, and using the public transport system (both links are in English). Tickets. Fri., 18 May: 8 p.m., in 10967 Berlin, at Huxley's Neue Welt, Hasenheide 108-114, ph 030-7809-9810. Tickets. As with all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN). The U-Bahn (Underground) station "Hermannplatz" is only about 200 yards east of the facility.

Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson presents "Thick as a Brick" 17 - 28 May: Tour overview. Thu., 17 May, 8 p.m., in 70174 Stuttgart, at the Liederhalle (Beethovensaal), Berliner Platz 1-3, ph 0711-202-7710. Tickets. Sat., 19 May, 8 p.m., in 86159 Augsburg, at the Schwabenhalle, Am Messezentrum 5 (ca. 80 km / 50 miles NW of Munich). Tickets. Tue., 22 May, 8 p.m., in 55120 Mainz, at the Phönix-Halle, Hauptstraße 17, ph 0613-196-2830 (ca. 46 km / 30 miles west of Frankfurt). Tickets. Sun,., 27 May, 8 p.m., in 68161 Mannheim, at the Rosengarten (Mozartsaal), Am Rosengartenplatz 2, ph 0621-41060. Tickets. Mon., 28 May, 8 p.m., in 90478 Nürnberg, at the Meistersingerhalle, Münchener Straße 21, ph 0911-231-8000. Tickets.

Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band

Fri., 25 May: 7:30 p.m., in 60528 Frankfurt, at the Commerzbank-Arena, Mörfelder Landstraße 362. The arena is near the Frankfurt airport, and the "Waldparkplatz" car park is right next to it . Tickets. Sun., 27 May: 7:30 p.m., in 50933 Köln = Cologne, at the RheinEnergie-Stadion on Aachener Strasse 999. Tickets. Wed., 30 May: 7:30 p.m., in 14053 Berlin, at the Olympiastadion at Olympischer Platz. Tickets. As in all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN). The U-Bahn (Underground) station "Olympia-Stadion" is right next to it, the U2 line stops here.

Norah Jones 26 May & 17 July: With her lovely voice, the gorgeous Norah Jones took the world by storm a few years ago. Now she's back on German turf for two concerts: Sat., 26 May: 8 p.m., in 60313 Frankfurt am Main, at the Alte Oper, Opernplatz, ph 069-134-0215. Tues., 17 July: 7 p.m., in 22303 Hamburg, at the Stadtpark Freilichtbühne, Saarlandstraße 71 / corner Jahnring. Tickets. 17 July: 7 p.m., in 22303 Hamburg, at the Stadtpark Freilichtbühne, Saarlandstraße 71 / corner Jahnring. Tickets. Again, it is highly recommended you use the public transport system (in EN), as parking is a nightmare in Hamburg, you get towed in no time at all, and towing charges are incredibly high.

Soundgarden Thurs., 31 May: 7 p.m., in 13599 Berlin, at the Zitadelle Spandau, Juliusturm 64 / U7 Station Zitadelle; ph 030-333-9388. This is their only concert in Germany! Tickets. As with all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN).

Rock im Park Fri., 01 June: 1:30 p.m., in 90471 Nürnberg, Zeppelinfeld, along Zeppelinstraße. Tickets. Rock im Park is another HUGE open-air Rock festival. And the big headliners this year are Metallica! It is twinned with Rock am Ring in 53520 Meuspath (next to Nürburg / Eifel), Nürburgring (ca. 165 km / 100 miles NW of Landstuhl) which is held at the Nürburg Ring race track, hence the name. Tickets can be bought on their homepage or via Eventim. For more information, see their Homepage (partly in English) and YouTube.

Joan Baez on tour in Germany 02 - 11 June. Tour overview. Fri., 08 June: 8 p.m., in 83671 Benediktbeuern, at the Kloster = monastery, Don-Bosco-Straße 1 (ca. 45 km / 27 miles NE of Garmisch-Partenkirchen). Tickets. Sun., 10 June: 7 p.m.: Open-air concert in 70192 Stuttgart, at the Freilichtbühne Killesberg (open-air stage in the socalled "Höhenpark"), Am Kochenhof. Tickets. Mon., 11 June: 8 p.m., in 81667 München / Munich, at the Philharmonie im Gasteig, Rosenheimer Straße 5 - 8. Tickets. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park, and using the public transport system (both links are in English).

Elvis Costello & The Imposters Sun., 03 June: 8 p.m., in 20355 Hamburg, at the CCH, Am Dammtor. Tickets. Again, it is highly recommended you use the public transport system (in EN), as parking is a nightmare in Hamburg, you get towed in no time at all, and towing charges are incredibly expensive. The "Dammtor (CCH/Messe)" S-Bahn = overground train station is right in front of the CCH.

Black Sabbath: World Tour The reformed original line-up is in Germany for only two stops, 06 + 20 June: Mon., 04 June: 8 p.m., in 44139 Dortmund, at the Westfalenhalle 1, Rheinlanddamm 200 (ca. 100 km / 60 miles NE of Cologne). Tickets. Wed., 20 June: 8 p.m., in 68163 Mannheim, at the SAP Arena, Xaver-Fuhr-Straße 150. Tickets. Lynyrd Skynyrd on tour in Gemany 05 - 10 June: Tue., 05 June: 8 p.m., in 80939 München - Freimann, at the Zenith, Lilienthalallee 29. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park, and using the public transport system (both links are in English). Tickets. Wed., 06 June: 7:30 p.m., in 04107 Leipzig, at the Parkbühne (open-air stage) in the Clara-Zetkin-Park, Karl-TauchnitzStraße 28 / corner Haydnstraße, ph 0234-1100 (ca. 260 km / 160 miles north of Weiden). Tickets. Thurs., 07 June: 7 p.m., in 13599 Berlin, at the Zitadelle Spandau, Juliusturm 64 / U7 Station Zitadelle; ph 030-333-9388. As in all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN). Tickets. Sun., 10 June: 7 p.m., in 22303 Hamburg, at the Stadtpark Freilichtbühne, Saarlandstraße 71 / Ecke Jahnring. Again, it is highly recommended you use the public transport system (in EN), as parking is a nightmare in Hamburg, you get towed in no time at all, and towing charges are incredibly high. Tickets.

Jay-Z and Kanye West in Germany 05 and 16 June for two concerts! Tues., 05 June: 9 p.m., in 60325 Frankfurt am Main, at the Festhalle / Messe, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1. Tickets. Again, please consider parking your car in a P+R car park (interactive map and links, text only GE), and using the public transport system (in English).

Sat., 16 June: 9 p.m., in 50679 Köln, at the Lanxess-Arena, Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, ph 0221-8021. Tickets. It is highly recommended you park your car on a P+R car park (in EN) on the city's outskirts and use the excellent public transport system (in EN).

Guns 'n' Roses Fri., 08 June: 8 p.m., in 41179 Mönchengladbach, at the Warsteiner Hockey-Park, Am Hockeypark 1, ph 02161-30772450 (ca. 75 km / 45 miles NW of Cologne). Tickets.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers Sun., 10 June: 8:30 p.m., in 22525 Hamburg, at the o2 World, Sylvesterallee 10, ph 040-88-1630. Tickets. Again, it is highly recommended you use the public transport system (in EN), as parking is a nightmare in Hamburg, you get towed in no time at all, and towing charges are incredibly high. Mon., 25 June: 8 p.m., in 50679 Köln = Cologne, at the Lanxess-Arena, Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, ph 0221-8021. Tickets. It is highly recommended you park your car on a P+R car park (in EN) on the city's outskirts and use the excellent public transport system (in EN). 30 June: 8 p.m., in 68163 Mannheim, at the SAP Arena, Xaver-Fuhr-Straße 150. Tickets.

Mötley Crüe 11 June: 7 p.m., in 41179 Mönchengladbach, at the Warsteiner Hockey-Park, Am Hockeypark 1, ph 02161-3077-2450 (ca. 75 km / 45 miles NW of Cologne). Some very special guests feature at this concert: Slash with Myles.

Kennedy & the Conspirators! 12 June: 7 p.m., in 10437 Berlin, at the Max-Schmeling-Halle, Falkplatz 1, ph 030-443-045. As with all big cities, it is highly recommended you use the excellent public transport system (in EN). Tickets. 20 June: 7 p.m., in 96050 Bamberg, at the Stechert-Arena, Forchheimer Straße 15, ph 0951-23-837. Tickets.

Lenny Kravitz 20 June: 8 p.m., in 88212 Ravensburg, at the Oberschwabenhalle (only GE), Bleicherstraße 18 - 20, ph 0751-82-640 (ca. 180 km / 111 miles west of München / Munich, or 145 km / 90 miles south of Stuttgart). Tickets. Recommended car park is the adjacent "P+R-Platz Eywiesen" along Parkstraße.

Billy Idol Sun., 08 July: 8 p.m., in 70327 Stuttgart, at the Porsche-Arena (aka Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle), Mercedesstraße 69. Tickets. 10 July: 7 p.m., in 22303 Hamburg, at the Stadtpark Freilichtbühne, Saarlandstraße 71 / corner Jahnring. Tickets. Again, it is highly recommended you use the public transport system (in EN), as parking is a nightmare in Hamburg, you get towed in no time at all, and towing charges are incredibly high.

Madonna Tue., 10 July: 8 p.m., in 50679 Köln, at the Lanxess-Arena, Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, ph 0221-8021. This is her only concert in Germany - don't miss it! Tickets. It is highly recommended you park your car on a P+R car park (in EN) on the city's outskirts and use the excellent public transport system (in EN).

Mary J. Blige Wed., 18 July: 7 p.m., in 55130 Mainz, at the Volkspark along Göttelmannstraße (ca. 46 km / 30 miles west of Frankfurt). This is her only concert in Germany! Tickets. If you want to avoid the traffic chaos, it is recommended you travel to the Volkspark by bus. Two bus stations are directly in front of the park, namely "Volkspark" and "Am Viktorstift", both frequented by bus lines 62, 63, and 92.

Kool and the Gang Celebration - the party band is back in Germany 26 and 27 July. Thurs., 26 July: 8 p.m., in 90762 Fürth, at the Stadthalle, Rosenstraße 50, ph 0911-749-120 (ca. 10 km / 6 miles west of Nürnberg). Tickets. It is highly recommended you use their public transport system (only GE): Best use the Park-and-Ride car park "Hardhöhe" along Solderstraße / Gaußstraße. From here, the U-Bahn (underground) will take you to the city center in just four minutes. Exit either at "Rathaus“ or "Fürth Hauptbahnhof“. The P+R car park has 78 spaces, 2 of which are for handicapped; If you park there between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., you will not be charged for the first four hours. Parking in excess of four hours costs 1.50 Euros total for the whole day ("Tagespauschale"). You can reach the P+R car park from the B8 (Würzburger Straße) when you drive in the "Stadtmitte" (city center) direction, then turn right at Söldnerstraße and continue to corner Gaußstraße. Fri., 27 July: 8 p.m., in 65185 Wiesbaden, at the Rhein-Main-Halle, Rheinstraße 20, ph 06111-44245 (ca. 40 km / 25 miles west of Frankfurt). Tickets.

Tucher Blues & Jazz Festival 06 - 12 Aug: in 96047 Bamberg, with one stage on Maximiliansplatz, the other at the Gabelmann / Neptunsbrunnen (fountain), Keßlerstraße 8. The program with specific times, locations and links to the bands will be announced here (currently still with 2011 data!). The best thing: entry is free to ALL concerts!

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