IN THIS ISSUE 14 COVER STORY: KING - A CAMPAIGN FOR YOUR HEART In 2017, all around us are people vying for the throne of our heart. There is a constant and fierce campaign. This Christmas, three candidates want to sit on the throne of your heart: Johnny Gold, You and Jesus.
20 BEHIND THE SCENES OF BAY AREA’S FIRST EP In a Q&A, Worship Leader Jonathan Madrid gives an inside look at the process of producing “KING,” Bay Area’s first Christmas EP with an original song.
18 CANDIDATE PROFILE: JOHNNY GOLD As the campaign for the throne of your heart heats up, GO&MAKE profiles one of the leading candidates and asks him a few questions during his tour.
12 GLOBAL PARTNERS: MINISTRY IN INDIA From inception to current plans to build a Bible college, our global partners in India have a rich story that has impacted many members of the Bay Area family who have gone there to serve.
10 LEADERSHIP PROFILE: DAX CLINKSCALE Bay Area’s KidCare Coordinator and Weekend Experience Administrative Assistant shares his story of coming to faith and learning to surrender fully to Jesus throughout his career.
We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.
Gathering Times: 7:50, 9:20, 11:20 a.m.
MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR Meredith Thompson ART DIRECTOR Josh Shirlen ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Arianne Teeple ASSISTANT EDITOR Jocelyn Sacks LEAD DESIGNER Josh Burgin GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jake Williams CONTRIBUTORS Andy Smith Michele Rollins Sam Logan Steve Onken
On the cover: Johnny Gold Photo by Josh Shirlen
ELDERS Bill Smith Chris Heacock Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr J. Upton John Taylor Keith Riniker Ken Gilmore Roger Ishii Tim Grossman Tom Dalpini Tom Hogan Warwick Fairfax
884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401
BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor – Casely Essamuah, Global Missions Pastor – Craig Fadel, Easton Campus Pastor – Ed Kelley, Executive Pastor – Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry Director – Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – Jerry Shirlen, Financial Administrator – Jocelyn Sacks, Missional Community Director – Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – Josh Shirlen, arts – Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – Meredith Thompson, Communications Director – Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – Rachel Perry, Guest Services Director – Ron Dutton, Operations Director –
For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit DECE M BER GO&MAKE 3
It’s the Christmas season and with that brings the singing of carols. One classic favorite of mine from childhood goes like this:
COME THEY TOLD ME PA RUM PUM PUM PUM A NEW BORN KING TO SEE PA RUM PUM PUM PUM OUR FINEST GIFTS WE BRING PA RUM PUM PUM PUM TO LAY BEFORE THE KING PA RUM PUM PUM PUM, RUM PUM PUM PUM, RUM PUM PUM PUM The Little Drummer Boy got it right. Jesus is the new born King worthy of our finest gifts. As a church, we will focus our attention this Christmas on Jesus the King. When the angel appeared to Mary, he told her, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son … And the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His father David … and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Jesus was born for a throne and would last for all eternity. Yet sometimes, in light of our own struggle with sin and suffering, along with the ungodly state of society, we lose heart. Why is our King so dismissed? Why is He apparently inactive? Ever since the sin of Adam, the birth of Jesus has been needed. And His birth is needed today as much as ever. The recent brutal killing of innocent lives at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, points to the desperate urgency we have for the reign of the King. In His Incarnation, the new born King comes as a humble servant to be our substitute. In the words of Isaiah 53, “Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried.” His death for us becomes the basis of our salvation. The power of the cross to change an evil heart is God’s answer to humankind’s sinfulness. Before His crucifixion, Christ responded to Pilate by saying, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Jesus was referring to the culminating work of His first coming: His death and resurrection. The earthly birth of Jesus did not immediately bring about His royal reign on the throne of David. That is reserved for His second coming, which will usher in the rule of perfect peace and righteousness. Today, as followers of King Jesus, we eagerly wait in anticipation of His return. Revelation 19 describes the King’s coming as riding on a white horse with eyes aflame and head covered with diadems. The armies of heaven join with Him as He strikes down every form of evil. On His robe is written, “King of kings, and Lord of lords.”
IN THE MEANTIME, AS WE WAIT UPON OUR KING’S RETURN, LIKE THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY WE ARE TO BRING OUR FINEST GIFTS AND LAY THEM BEFORE HIM. THE GIFT OF OURSELVES, OUR LOVED ONES, OUR TIME AND POSSESSIONS, ALL LAID BEFORE THE NEW BORN KING. As you celebrate Jesus this Christmas, be mindful of the many people around you who are in desperate need – whether they are aware of it or not – of knowing our King. December is a fantastic month to tell others about Jesus and to invite them to a gathering, especially one of our nine Christmas Eve gatherings! Wishing you a blessed Christmas as we celebrate our King’s birth,
Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor
Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributor to GO&MAKE. DECE M BER GO&MAKE 5
retty soon the Linnell house will have a small explosion of toys spread around the house, with multiple Christmas celebrations around the corner. No doubt, someone will get stocked up on LEGOs. Most parents have a love-hate relationship with LEGOs, at least I do. LEGOs for many are nostalgic – we played with them growing up, giving them a certain old school street cred from our past. The brand is still strong today, seen as we take our kids or grandkids to the latest LEGO movies, and buy these various sized boxes of building blocks with their favorite heroes or fantasy worlds. My preference are the Batman-themed LEGOs, as I wanted to be Batman as a kid. A newly opened package of LEGOs + fresh instructions + a clean workspace = a good time. This is what’s to love about LEGOs – the building, the making, the creation. Now that I’m a dad of four kids, LEGOs are largely my enemy – the villain of Gotham city. The building, the making, and the creating parts end and the kids don’t really play with what they made. Inevitably, what was once a castle, tree house, spaceship or Batmobile ends up as clusters of random landmines on the floor – at which point I have the compulsion to break out the Bat-Vac and go to town. 6 GO&MAKE DECE M BER
According to the “How it’s Made” TV show, the LEGO factory in Denmark cranks out 15 billion individual blocks per year – which makes total sense since moms and dads sweep, vacuum, store or otherwise throw out 14 billion LEGOs a year. One of life’s great mysteries is where all those LEGO pieces end up – not unlike the mystery of where all the birds go to die. Seriously with the amount of birds in the world, shouldn’t we see them dropping from the sky? We’ll leave that for another day. No matter where you find yourself on this love-hate spectrum, we can all agree that LEGOs are manufactured for a purpose. The blocks with protruding cylinders on top and hollow bottoms are made to be assembled together, produced to carry out the purpose of engineering a new little world, character or machine. LEGOs are not created in Denmark to stay in a box as separate blocks never to be assembled. They are sold with instructions, step-by-step guides that help ignite the imagination of the assembler. This is true of any manufactured product – things are made for a purpose. Bubble gum is made to be chewed, snowboards are made to be ridden, cargo ships are assembled to haul things, and airplanes are built to be flown. If it is built, the builder has a purpose for it. Nothing is made with the intention of
By Pat Linnell
automatically becoming a collector’s item, something that goes straight to a museum or trophy shelf. The Bible tells us that followers of Jesus are like a manufactured product, and being a built thing, as the logic follows, have a purpose – a role to play, and a goal to fulfill. Here is the big idea: believers in Jesus are grace-built people – and grace-built people grace bomb people. This is the way I sum up Paul’s words to the Ephesian church when he writes: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10
somehow pushes us further away from being a gift to others all the time. So when the gift wrap starts to fly, and the LEGO creations are being built for their first and last time, let them be a reminder that you have been put together with a purpose to love, to bless, and to share the great love and grace that you have received.
Pat Linnell is the teaching pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a monthly contributer to GO&MAKE.
This Christmas season the cultural hustle and bustle will work very hard to keep you distracted from living out your everyday calling to lovingly grace bomb people. For some odd reason, the season that is dedicated to gift-giving DECE M BER GO&MAKE 7
reflections on Short Term Missions
from south sudan by Michele Rollins
or 20 minutes, my teammate and I taught a room full of women about being a disciple of Jesus while our new friend Rachel translated from English to Dinka. For the next 30 minutes or more, we listened as they taught us about gratitude, joy and the incredible power of presence. One after another, beginning with an elderly woman in the front row who had begun our time by leading the group in song, these South Sudanese women prayed blessings over us, shared significant Scripture passages, and thanked God and our team again and again for our short visit to the Mission Gardens of Christ (MGC) in Bor, South Sudan.
Brazil and Uganda – nine locations in all. In each of these places, though tasks varied from children’s ministry to pastoral encouragement to medical care, the ministry of presence served as a common denominator. By going or by making it possible for someone else to go, you brought hope, joy and strength. “God is with you,” we said with our actions as we shared the same truth with our words. “God cares for you,” we said as we ministered to the physical needs of children and families in Appalachia, El Salvador or Uganda. “God hasn’t forgotten you” was the message we carried to South Sudan on three airplanes and one very bumpy car ride
anyone preach unless they are sent?” Thank you for going and preaching – whether in word or deed – the gospel of Jesus. Thank you for sending. Thank you for showing up.
to the small, remote town where Pastor Stephen Mathiang is discipling current and future leaders of this young, wartorn nation.
This Christmas season, I’m reminded by the example of Jesus – Immanuel, God with us – how powerful it is to show up. He took on flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14) and He “made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Phil 2:8). Jesus closed the distance between God and man. Thanks for showing Jesus to others this year, Bay Area. Let’s keep showing up in 2018.
More short term missionaries than ever left the doors of Bay Area’s campuses in Annapolis and Easton to show up in cities and towns across the world, bringing the name of Jesus to people in need of hope and encouragement. You closed the distance; you bore the cost in time, money, jet lag or even illness. You prayed and relied on the Holy Spirit as you stepped outside your comfort zone, out “on the edge.”
“We are so thankful for you,” we heard over and over, first from the women and then from the larger group, nearly 130 men and women who had gathered on a Saturday in early November. Some had walked miles to be with us. “We know you are our sisters, and God’s love brings you here,” one woman shared. “Thank you for showing how blacks and whites can be sisters in Christ Jesus,” another said. “Pray for us and our country; please remember us,” a third requested, while a stately older pastor asked us to “tell the church in the U.S. that you have brothers and sisters in South Sudan. We are committed to God’s Word and the peace that it brings.” Each time they expressed such effusive thanksgiving for our visit, I found myself thinking, “But we haven’t really done anything yet.” Most of our trip up to that point had been spent sitting on an airplane, not doing ministry as I tend to think of it. Yet, as I learned over our four days spent at MGC, we had brought the most powerful ministry we could offer to these South Sudanese followers of Jesus simply by showing up. The ministry of presence – the willingness to go and be with – was priceless to them. In 2017, over 160 people from Bay Area traveled on short term missions trips. Countless others gave and prayed to make ministry possible in places as diverse as West Virginia, India, Poland,
It’s difficult to stand far off and shout, “I understand and I care about you.” You must whisper it. You must be close; you must give something of yourself to stand with others in a time of need. You must show up. Whether you traveled, gave or prayed for short term missions this year, you were present as Bay Area teams traveled across the globe, equipped with prayers, funds, donated supplies and more. I love what Romans 10:15 asks: “How can
For more information about short term missions at Bay Area or how to get involved in 2018, visit
by Steve Onken
“It’s not up to me; it’s up to Jesus.” esus has been at work in Dax Clinkscale’s life for over 25 years, and his story is a resounding testimony to the above quote. Through all that Jesus has taken this humble man of God, Dax is often prompted to circle back to one of his favorite passages of Scripture: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Dax has lived all his life in the Washington–Annapolis corridor. Growing up in northwest D.C., he was accustomed to going to church every Sunday, hearing about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. By the time he was 10 years old, he found himself on more than one occasion in tears of anguish over the suffering that Jesus went through. Those tears brought him to the place of repentance and placing his faith in Christ for his salvation. A couple years later, Dax responded to the call of Jesus in Matthew 28 to be baptized. Since the age of 12, he has known that Jesus loves him and that he loves Jesus, and has tried to be involved with other believers to help one another in their walks with the Lord. Even through moves by his family to Hyattsville, to the Largo area, and eventually to Bowie, Dax continued to attend the church in which he grew up in an effort to stay in fellowship with Jesus and other believers. Following high school, Dax attended Bowie State University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in broadcast communication. Having interned for WTTG prior to graduation, he was able to secure a job with the television station as the traffic producer, compiling data from
traffic cameras and other resources to provide what was needed for the day’s traffic reports. He remained there just two years, as the stress and anxiety of the job took its toll. While seeking employment, Dax was led to a position at Banana Republic in the Annapolis mall. This new job was clearly up to Jesus, as Dax developed a friendship with a coworker who would introduce him to Bay Area Community Church. He then went to work for Chevy Chase bank, despite the fact that Dax does not consider himself a “numbers guy.” After all, it was not up to Dax; it was up to Jesus. He was quickly promoted to lead teller, despite his anxiety about his responsibilities. It was here that Dax met his future wife, as she worked at another bank branch and would have to visit his branch to carry out business. Their relationship developed from bank visits to attending Bay Area together, to volunteering together as greeters to getting married in July of 2008. By this time, Dax had left the bank to start his own landscaping business. Owning his own enterprise brought with it new avenues of worry, and Jesus used this season to challenge Dax to fully surrender to Him. Even though Dax had been a believer since the age of 10, it was the various job changes and the responsibilities of parenting that Jesus used to shed light on the anxiety that Dax had been trying for so many years to either suppress or deal with in his own strength. Dax released his worry to the Lord in full surrender, recognizing more than ever before that what life brings his way is not up to him - it’s up to Jesus! As Dax and his wife Anna continued volunteering at Bay Area, they found that their son struggled to adapt in Children’s Ministry at church. As they sought the Lord on how to handle the issue, they felt if they could be present with their
son during Children’s Ministry, he would cooperate. This marked the beginning of Dax’s involvement in The Deep Blue. Serving Jesus in this capacity seemed a great fit for Dax, as families were blessed through Dax and he through his service to them. In the summer of 2015, while Dax was between jobs and seeking the Lord for direction, Children’s Ministry Director Gail Wiles reached out to him to ask if he could fill in temporarily as Bay Area’s KidCare Coordinator for 30 days. It quickly became apparent that Dax was the man God was calling to this ministry; in September 2015, he joined staff. Early on, Dax assisted with the development of Children’s Ministry at Bay Area’s Easton campus. Today, he serves as KidCare coordinator and administrative assistant with the gatherings and weekend experience in Annapolis. Between parenting and his involvement in Children’s Ministry, Dax has seen Jesus stir in him a passion for the core family, and what Jesus can do in His church through the family. He has seen hurting families grow and heal through the church’s ministry to children. Jesus called His disciples to “let the children come,” and Dax has been on the frontlines of facilitating that very thing at Bay Area for over three years now. Dax shared that he has probably grown more in the past two years as part of the Bay Area staff than in any other period of time in his life. The fellowship, accountability and encouragement among those on staff has been a huge blessing for Dax. Although Dax indicated that he still wrestles with worry and anxiety, he knows that “it’s up to Jesus” to allow that thorn to continue as a way to prompt Dax to continue to find his sufficiency in Him.
india By Sam Logan
hen Pastor Samuel, the founder of the International Cultural Bible Ministries (ICBM), was a young boy, he received a vision of Christ standing on top of a tremendous gate welcoming in millions of people. In his vision, Samuel could not see the end of the width or the length of the multitude. He received this vision three times, once as a boy, later in college, and finally while teaching Biblical theology in Hyderabad in 2002. One year later, when he began working earnestly on what would become ICBM, that vision was made clear. Through teaching and training, he was to bring the name of Jesus to the unreached people of India. 12 GO&MAKE DECE M BER
In 2004, with support from Barry Spofford, a man he had miraculously met two years prior, Pastor Samuel began to bring the word of God to remote villages in southern India, always cognizant of culture. “Culture plays an important role all through the history of the Bible,” Pastor Samuel said, explaining why he added the word “culture” to ICBM. “So when you have your own culture, then you are differentiating from others. We started approaching people culturally and [respecting] their traditions, food habits and customs — not changing their whole life, not westernizing their life. Just within their purview, we wanted to teach Jesus. So that’s how the ministry started in 2004, and it went like fire in the forest,” he said with a broad smile.
A short time later, Barry, introduced Bay Area to Samuel’s ministry by bringing Lead Pastor Greg St. Cyr and others from Bay Area to India to meet Samuel, his team and his son Joseph, who is today a pastoral resident at Bay Area. Since that inaugural trip, when Bay Area partnered with ICBM, the ministry has steadily grown through Pastor Samuel’s faithful leadership and support from Bay Area, both financially and by sending short-term missionaries to help teach and train. In 2014, Bay Area engaged in a faithstretching goal to raise resources through the Beyond884 campaign to support the construction of a headquarters for ICBM in Hyderabad, India. Pastor Samuel’s ministry had grown; dozens of pastors had been trained and over a hundred churches
planted. More space was needed to receive pastors, to provide them with fundamental theological training before sending them back to their villages, where some planted local churches. Pastor Ravi, his wife Mallika and their two children live in a village near a tiger reserve, which they regularly walk by as they pray for God’s divine protection en route to nearby villages where they bring the name of Jesus and share the Gospel. God uses ICBM to support Ravi and his family to keep them moving through a network of villages in rural India. As a village pastor, Ravi has direct contact with over 40 other families in his village, where for nearly 17 years he and his wife have run a village church. When Greg St. Cyr shared their story in March 2015, the couple was regularly hosting 25 people in their small living room. Within walking distance, he is able to reach another six villages where ICBM has assisted with funding for wells. A need for water was how God moved Scott Kilpatrick to ask Pastor Samuel in 2015 the price of a well. Long part of the Bay Area family, Scott was moved to lean in and begin to prepare for a trip to India in 2016 that would eventually see him funding a well for a village where people could come to drink and hear the Gospel. But God stretched Scott beyond just a well. He was to teach too. On that trip to India, in February 2016, Pastor Samuel had expected to receive five visitors to teach at ICBM. Due to a variety of logistical and other challenges, only Scott and Greg arrived. “I was leading a Bible study on how to study the Bible,” Scott shared for a March 2016 GO&MAKE article, “and a Hindu man who had converted to Christianity asked a question.” Scott had shared the idea of reading a chapter of the Bible a day, the often-heard Bay Area axiom. The Hindu man offered to share his daily routine, before asking his question. He had shared that he woke up at 4 a.m. to shower, eat and begin his day by reading three chapters of the Bible before spending time in study and prayer. And he asked Scott, “Do you think it would please God more if I
skipped my breakfast and my shower and went straight for devotions?” “I was humbled,” Scott remembered, “because I can barely get in a chapter a day.” Like many others who visit India from Bay Area, Scott’s faith was stretched, but so were his view of God and his love for Jesus. More recently, in August 2017, Pastor Samuel’s son Joseph led a trip to India
There are some 600 tribal groups in India. ICBM has reached 35, training more than 70 pastors, planting over 250 churches, and providing training for close to 4,000 leaders. when they visited a village to inaugurate a new chapel and spend time with the villagers and orphans. One of the Bay Area short term missionaries, Jeff Dolan, returned from that trip deeply impacted. While in India, he prayed publicly. That was a first. He shared his testimony publicly, another first. He also taught on the Bible. A third first. In just a few short days in India, God used Jeff in ways he had never expected. “All that happened in India and those experiences were completely rewarding,” Jeff shared in September soon after returning from his trip. “We were in a small, untouched village, in the middle of the jungle, in the middle of the night. I was asked to provide a message. I prepared to talk about Hebrews 12:1. I gave my introduction and while it was being translated I forgot everything. I was led by the Lord to just look the villagers in the eyes. As I glanced through the different sets of
eyes the Lord gave me my next line. And so it went for 15 or 20 minutes. I couldn’t stop smiling afterward.” Bay Area’s investment in ICBM will continue beyond Pastor Samuel, as Joseph plans to return to India with his wife Esther and their children in fall 2018 to begin working directly with ICBM, eventually to lead the ministry his father founded. Through God’s provision and the support of the Bay Area community and others, ICBM is a firmly planted ministry, though there are challenges. India’s current government has passed a law that requires Christian pastors to be certified before they can teach. This is a hurdle, but now ICBM is connected to the only university in India that is legally able to certify pastors in this way. Despite increased opposition under the Indian government that has begun to push a Hindu Nationalist policy, Pastor Samuel’s ministry continues to teach young pastors and evangelicals to ground their theology in the Word and ensure that when they return to the villages of unreached tribes, they are preaching the Truth, and not a diluted or altered version of it. There are some 600 tribal groups in India. ICBM has reached 35, training more than 70 pastors, planting over 250 churches, and providing training for close to 4,000 leaders. ICBM’s primary goal is to raise these workers for Christ in India, a work that demands great faith, perseverance through prayer, and support. Through Bay Area and others, God has provided resources to complete the construction of a new ICBM building, with plans and prayers underway to purchase an adjacent piece of land to establish a Bible college. Since 2003, and through its focus on teaching and training, ICBM has recognized the truth of Matthew 9:37, when Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” But those who have been raised up remain strong in their faith in the Lord, entering at times a hostile land protected by the armor of God, and armed with the Holy Spirit, Truth and prayer.
hristmas at Bay Area this year can be summed up in one word, “King.” The word “King” is a powerful and right description for Jesus. He was born King of the Jews. One day He will return as King of kings. And today, He desires to rule as King in our lives. A throne represents the seat occupied by a king. It’s a seat so magnificent that only an exalted person has the right to occupy it. It represents authority and sovereignty. The throne is the place where the will of a king is exercised. It’s the seat of decisions, the control center where choices are made. Each of us has a throne. It’s the throne of our heart.
The throne of our heart is where our decisions and choices are made. It is the prime real estate of the human soul. Whoever occupies this space will determine the kind of lives we live, what kind of decisions we make, and what kind of purpose we fulfill. In 2017, all around us are people vying for the throne of our heart. There is a constant and fierce campaign with an infinite pool of candidates competing. In the midst of this spiritual climate, we began to think, pray and plan our Christmas celebrations at Bay Area. We started by asking the question, “How can we best honor Christ and the bold love he demonstrated for us in this unique season?” The answer is tied to the battle for the throne of people’s hearts. Specifically, Jesus
desires not only to be a meaningful part of our lives, but also preeminent. He wants to reign as King of the throne of our hearts. So this Christmas we will worship our Savior by bringing to light the reality that for many of us (perhaps most of us) Jesus does not sit supremely on the throne of our hearts. We are the constituency of an ongoing spiritual campaign in which too often we fail to crown Him as our preeminent King. Our Christmas theme this year will elevate this spiritual reality by creating a worship experience entitled KING: A Christmas Campaign For The Throne Of Your Heart. Much like a modern-day political campaign, there will be three candidates vying for the throne:
(Meet the candidates on the next page)
Johnny Gold is a metaphor for everything our flesh desires. He is sexy, smart and always finding new ways to keep your attention and desire. He represents the great delights of life. Health, happiness, success, prosperity and security – the promise of the “good life” – are the platform that Johnny runs on in order for you to crown him king.
You are the second candidate. Candidate 2 will be represented by snowflake imagery because each of us, like every snowflake, is unique. The “You” candidate promotes ideals of self-help, self-empowerment, selfreliance and the belief in one’s inner strength as the best king. He is self-focused, self-serving and selfpreserving. “You” is a pretty good candidate because who knows you better than you?
Both of these candidates make promises of love, satisfaction and fulfillment that will ultimately go unmet. In the end, these kings turn out to be hollow representations of the rightful king.
KING: A Christmas Campaign For The Throne Of Your Heart is an opportunity for each of us to enthrone Jesus again as the rightful King. It is also a unique chance to bring neighbors, co-workers, family and friends to the King who is to rule on the thrones of their hearts. Let’s make the most of this Christmas season. King Jesus doesn’t campaign for Himself. Rather, those who have crowned Him King have been commissioned by Him to tell the world that He is the rightful King of every heart.
The final candidate is Jesus. His candidacy is outlined in the Scriptures, demonstrating His worthiness of enthronement. The angel declared to Mary that her son’s kingdom would have no end. The magi worshiped the King born in a manger who would one day enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey. His virgin birth, sinless life, powerful teaching and mighty miracles all extol Him as the true King. And of course, His resurrection is the indisputable proof of His rightful rule. Jesus is the best candidate, because with Jesus we are able to fulfill our purpose on earth to know God and enjoy him. And when He is seated on the throne of our hearts, we are filled with the love and satisfaction that “Johnny Gold” and “You” can never give.
We are praying that this spirited Christmas campaign at Bay Area will draw you spiritually closer to Christ. We look forward to seeing you and those you invite at one of our Christmas Eve gatherings, where we’ll all be faced with a choice:
Who will you crown king of the throne of your heart?
orn John Goldenbacher to New England s o f t w a r e moguls Pauline and Garfield Goldenbacher, Johnny Gold has lived the good life and is committed to helping others do the same. A silver-spoon only child, he excelled in academics, athletics and interpersonal relationships. He attended the prestigious Friedrich Nietzsche boys academy where he was particularly astute in topics likes theological anthropology, special relativity, statistical thermodynamics, global economics and math. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Yale University and then went on to get his graduate degrees in political science and philosophy at Harvard in his hometown of Boston.
At age 21, though offered teaching positions at universities across the globe, Johnny decided to change directions and enter the Major League Baseball draft. In his first season of play with the Boston Redsox he became the first player to win the Rookie of the Year, MVP, Silver Slugger and Cy Young awards in a single season. He retired after just one season in search of greater challenges.
His hobbies include chess, kiteboarding, cave diving, jaialai, Irish wolfhound breeding and mountain climbing. It was on his third expedition to the summit of Mt. Everest that he met his wife, Nepalese celebrity Punjab Kanchan. Johnny and Punjab purchased a modest 30,000-square-foot monastery in Tibet at the base of the mountain they fell in love on. It was there that Johnny was mentored by the Dalai Lama in the Tantric practice of deity yoga.
GO&MAKE caught up with Johnny during his campaign tour and was privileged to ask him a few questions: G&M: What has been the best part of this campaign season for you? JG: It’s without a doubt the people. Meeting people from all over and hearing their stories. I enjoy promising them a better a future. To see the hope in their eyes when I tell them they will get a better job, beat an illness, buy a house, meet a lover, and so on, brings me great joy. It’s really the reason I do it. G&M: What is your encouragement to someone who isn’t quite sure who they will be crowing King this Christmas? JG: Thanks for that question. I think it’s important to remember that you only have one life to live, as far as I know. In light of that reality, you should live it to the fullest. You should be happy. You deserve the best life has to offer. That’s been my belief all my life and it has become my reality. That’s what my campaign is all about and I’m the only candidate that is willing to deliver on that promise.
In his late 20s, Johnny turned his focus to philanthropic efforts. He established the “John and Punjab Gold Foundation For The Good Life.” He grew in his personal conviction that every man, woman and child has the universal right to happiness, wealth, satisfaction, success, safety and comfort. In its first decade, the foundation raised nearly $500 billion for these efforts. Today, Johnny Gold has a vision: the good life for all. He’s running the the world’s most influential office, King of the Throne of Your Heart. This Christmas he brings a lifetime of proven skill and good fortune to a fierce campaign against You and Jesus for the office of King.
G&M: Is there anything about the You campaign and the Jesus campaign that you admire? JG: Oh sure. I’m all for personal confidence and fulfillment, and I think the You campaign has that correct. Where we differ though is that individuals can rarely generate their own happiness; they need someone with a record like mine to create it for them. That happiness, in turn, breeds confidence in each individual. Jesus was a remarkable man, from what I read. The thing we have most in common is our love for all people. I, like Jesus, am for everyone. The biggest difference is that Jesus wants what Jesus sees as best for people, I want what people desire for themselves. G&M: One last question, what could possibly be on the Christmas list of the man who has everything? JG: Simple, I would love to be crowned the King of the Throne of Your Heart this Christmas.
KING a Christmas album from
s the production of Bay Area’s first Christmas EP, “KING,” wound down in November, the GO&MAKE editorial team sat down with Worship Leader Jonathan Madrid to gain a behind-the-scenes perspective on the project. On the heels of having over 40 volunteers in and out of his house to record, and many long hours of mixing and producing, here’s what Jonathan had to say: ell us about the studio setup T and recording process. - I have a home studio where I do work and other projects from. Typically, I’ve always gone to an actual studio to do drums, but we have taken a more relaxed approach – it’s going to be less intimidating to be in a house for a lot of volunteers who haven’t been in a recording studio. So we did it at my house, and my wife was very gracious – she let us set up drums and guitars in the kids’ toy area. It got to the point where my son would see a car in the driveway and say, “Oh no, they’re doing it again!” because he knows they have to be quiet.
Had you produced an album before? - I’ve done a couple records, I’ve done my own. I recently did one for my friend Richie Fike right before I moved here, and I did a Christmas record with the church I was at before that. So all that has given me more experience producing. This is the first time that I’m mixing it. I’ve done stuff here and there, but by far this is the most work I’ve done on a single project.
hat are some of the W unexpected or funny things that have happened during this process? - I’ve just had a lot of fun with the volunteers coming in. A lot of them don’t have this experience so they’re wide-eyed, saying “this is great!” Seeing them hear themselves for the first time and feeling that they’ve been a part of creating something has been really great. I’ll tell you something funny – Ryan Scheerer has pretty much lived at my house for the last two months. He’s literally been at my house for 7-8 hours
every day, so my wife has adopted him. He’s kind of apprenticed with me, and he’s been great because he’s been such a sponge.
What’s been most challenging about putting “KING” together? - I expect a lot of the volunteers. We’re trying to build up a culture of excellence here, so I require them to be prepared and for them to study up on their craft. This is my craft, and I don’t want to hand in something subpar, I don’t want to hand in something average. I want to hand in something excellent. On a personal level, people say “we’re so excited, we’re so excited,” which is great, but it puts on some pressure because you don’t want to disappoint.
hat’s been most rewarding W about this process? - I think this is showing value to the volunteers – it’s something we can do together. There are a few musicians who have come in a bit more – I’ll go back to Ryan – it’s been a really good discipling vehicle, that was unexpected. I got to spend 6-7 hours every day with the guy, get to know him, hear his story, hear his heart, getting to talk about Jesus during our down time. I had a couple guys who came in a bit more than others to fix things and established a relationship with these guys who I had known and was friendly with, but definitely took a step forward in cultivating something a little more intimate, a little deeper. That’s been for me the best thing.
hy did the worship team W decide to write an original song? - [Bay Area’s Creative Director] Josh Shirlen is very big about creating our own thing, and that strikes a chord with me. He said we’re doing this Christmas
theme, King, and I said, “Great, we’ll write the song for it.” It’s another way to partner with the creative team here, and it’s another way to bless people. We’ve got some special things going on here, and I think we need to be able to give our community a way to sing those things out, a way to express those things that we’re hearing through the teaching of the Word.
hat was the process for W writing that song? - Greg and Pat sent us their notes [for the sermon series], and I sent it to our team of worship leaders and said, “We’re going to meet in about three weeks, and this is what we’re writing about – King.” I went home, put candles and lights up in my basement, made it intimate, put a couple instruments out. I had a whiteboard and I put “KING” on it, and I said, “All right, let’s just start writing ideas.” It’s almost an exercise in trust because letting people know what you’re thinking through lyric is an intimate thing, it’s a vulnerable thing. We started writing down verses, and by the end of the night – we were probably there three hours – we had two verses and a chorus, and the melody. So I took that and started demoing it and producing it, then Rachel Pletts and I had a writing session and finished out the bridge and another one of the verses.
hat was the process for W writing that song? - It’s ours. We’re not doing this to kick off the Bay Area worship ministry. This was more about creating community for the artists on our team, and the byproduct of that is being able to bless people at Bay Area. It’s for us, by us. “KING” is available this month on CD and for download at DECE M BER GO&MAKE 21
B AYA R E AC C . O R G | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7
“We love, because He first loved us.” - 1 John 4:19
Saturday, January 27 8 a.m. - noon
Cost: $15
the120 hile on sabbatical this summer, one of the things that God did was to stretch my prayer life. He convicted me using an oldfashioned word, “travail.” Godly men and women of past generations would talk about travailing in prayer. As I read biographies and the repeated references in the Bible to “ask” our good God in prayer, He stirred within my heart a desire to gather people together on a monthly basis for the specific purpose of praying. Thus, the birth of the 120.
What is the 120?
In Luke 19:11-27, Jesus tells a parable of a nobleman who gives his servants each a mina, and then departs to receive a kingdom. Upon his return, he summons his servants to give an account. In verse 16, we read: “The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten minas more.’” The 120 is praying for the “more” that God wants to do in making us a “10 mina” church. Together, we will seek to travail in prayer for our church by gathering together on the second Tuesday of the month for prayer.
The 120 is a group who, in the spirit of Acts 1:14, devote themselves to praying for Bay Area. The 120 believes that God has “more” for our church, and are committed to faithfully praying toward that end.
If you are interested in being a part of the 120, please email or join us for one of our next prayer meetings on December 12 or January 9 at 7p.m. in The Docks.
HAPPENINGS OUR MISSION Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations
OUR VISION There are five things we desire for every follower of Jesus who calls Bay Area home to do:
YOUR FIRST STEP New to Bay Area or want to get involved? Join us at First Step, a fun, one-hour gathering where you’ll learn about who we are, what we believe, and how you can get plugged into community and serving at Bay Area! It’s an interactive time with coffee, snacks and childcare. Your next opportunity is coming up in January 2018 - look for more info at Info:
BAPTISM WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE BAPTIZED? For more information, contact: • K-5th: • 6-12th: • Adults:
CARE NETWORK Sometimes life hands us struggles: loss of a loved one, serious illness, parenting difficulties, divorce, addiction and other challenges. These difficult circumstances can cause us
to isolate, yet God never intended that we walk through them alone. He is in the business of comforting, restoring and renewing all things for His glory. We want to walk with you through this season of life. The Care Network is a free, confidential, Jesus-centered ministry for those seeking assistance. We provide hope and healing through a variety of resources both inside and outside the walls of Bay Area. Let’s partner through these struggles together. Info:
marriage is to remain pure and live separately. We’re looking for folks who have temporary space in their homes that could be used in order to fulfill this desire. Info:
PREMARITAL MENTORING The premarital mentoring team is looking for more couples to come alongside engaged couples. If you are married 10+ years and have a passion for helping couples start their marriages in a healthy, encouraging and Jesus-honoring way email Larry & Jeanette at premarital.ministry@
The Celebrate Recovery ministry at Bay Area including its KidCare is taking a hiatus. For those looking for other Celebrate Recovery Ministries in the area we recommend The Lighthouse Church in Glen Burnie, meets Fridays at 6:30 p.m. (www. or Mid Atlantic Church in Gambrills, meets Fridays at 7:00 p.m. ( ) Info:
Are you newly engaged? We want to partner with you as you establish a strong, Jesus-centered life with your future spouse. Through premarital mentoring you’ll be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in marriage. Info: premarital.ministry@
Have you experienced the support of others through a DivorceCare Group or another format while going through divorce? We are looking for women and men who feel a calling to be part of this new ministry and are currently training facilitators. Look for our first DivorceCare Support Group in early 2018. Info:
GRIEFSHARE SUPPORT GROUP Thursdays, 6:45-9 p.m. through 12/14 When experiencing the loss of a loved one there is a deep, prolonged impact caused by the death of a spouse, child, family member or close friend. The griever often needs ongoing support and encouragement. This Christcentered support group meets weekly to help those grieving by providing a safe place to walk through this time with the support of others. Join us in the Kelp Forest Room in the Children’s Ministry wing. For info or registration, email
TEMPORARY HOUSING FOR PREMARITAL COUPLES Occasionally, couples who are living together enter our Premarital Ministry. We believe strongly that the best way to honor God before
Our Marriage Ministry events team seeks to encourage and equip couples to start and stay strong in their marriages through large group events, Learning Communities and other small group gatherings. If you have a passion to help strengthen marriages and have been married for 10 or more years, come be a part of this ministry. Learn more at bayareacc. org/marriageministry.
EMPLOYMENT KIDCARE TEAM MEMBERS Our KidCare team has a need for adults who have a heart for kids. We provide KidCare for all ministries and various events year-round. Want to join our team of paid workers? Visit the Children’s Welcome counter on Sundays or email KidCare Coordinator Dax at
TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Responsibilities will include oversight of all in-service worship technology, i.e. video, lighting, graphics and audio; oversight of external technology experience including live-streaming and remote-site content delivery; recruitment and development of
volunteers; repairs of all ministry technology equipment; support of technology requirements for special events; and support of technology needs of our remote campuses. Preferred candidates will be passionate followers of Jesus who have at least 5 years of experience in worship production and technology.
PRESCHOOL ASSISTANT Part-time position assists with the implementation of our vision and strategy in Children’s Ministry as it pertains to parents, volunteers, potential volunteers and children of our Preschool environments at Bay Area. This person will work with the Preschool Coordinator to ensure all details are covered for Sunday mornings and other events.
SATURDAY CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR Part-time position: 20 hours per week. This person will serve on the Children’s Ministry team and be responsible for communicating the strategy and vision of Children’s Ministry while recruiting and developing volunteers for the Saturday night gathering. Responsibilities for Saturday night CM gatherings include preparing CM check-in and environments; managing CM during the gathering; recruiting, organizing and leading volunteers, and more. The Saturday CM Coordinator will also support churchwide events, assist with the ministry calendar, oversee and edit curriculum, and more. For more info on any of the above positions and to apply:
ISRAEL TRIP 2018 INFORMATIONAL MEETING Sunday 1/14, 9:20 a.m. in Dock B Considering going on the October 2018 trip to Israel but have some questions? Here’s your opportunity to ask questions, review the 10-day itinerary in detail, and talk to Pastor Ed Kelley about the experience of visiting the Holy Land for this Biblical tour. The trip is October 15-24, 2018, and costs $3,892. Register at registernow. with tour code: Kelley18. $80 discount expires Jan. 15. Info:
GLOBAL MISSIONS GO 2018 short term missions trips are coming up soon! You won’t want to miss this chance to take the next step in your walk with Jesus and share God’s love in one of 12 locations worldwide. Check out stm for trip information, including dates and support goals, or to apply.
SEND Interested in sending others through prayer or giving? Give to a short term missionary or team at stmgive. For prayer information email
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 6-7:30 a.m. in room 236 Info:
MEN’S EVENING BIBLE STUDY Sundays, 6-8 p.m. in room 235 This study is geared toward helping men draw closer to Jesus while discussing and discovering God’s answers for the challenges men face at home, work and in society. Info:
Join us for The Line: God ‘N Grits, a men’s monthly breakfast on Saturday, December 16, from 8-9:30 a.m. in the Auditorium. The Line is an opportunity for men of Bay Area to gather around good food and conversation, and maybe walk out with more than just a full stomach and a few laughs. Register today at Info:
WOMEN’S MINISTRY THE WELL A.M. Register: spiritualgrowth
“ENTRUSTED” (BETH MOORE VIDEO STUDY) Wednesdays 1/17-4/11, 9:30-11:30 a.m. We were never meant to take this journey of faith alone. In Paul’s final letter, he charged Timothy, his beloved son in the faith, not to be
ashamed to fulfill God’s call on his life. This study will challenge you to do the same with the plan God has for you. Beth will encourage you to guard what God has entrusted to you and pour into future generations. We’ll learn to journey in community with others through joy and hardship so we can faithfully stay the course. Cost $15. Info:
“BEHOLD YOUR GOD” (BOOK STUDY BY MYRNA ALEXANDER) Wednesdays 1/17-4/11, 9:30-11:30 a.m. A beginner study that teaches what God is really like and encourages practical application of this knowledge to daily living. Each study focuses on a character attribute of God. This small group allows attention to your questions for personal growth in discipleship. Cost $10. Info: KidCare available for ages birthpreschool for Wednesday morning participants with advance registration. Cost $60/1 child, $80/2+children. Registration now open when you register a Wednesday morning Well study. Space is limited. Info:
THE WELL P.M. Register: spiritualgrowth
“ALL THINGS NEW” (KELLY MINTER VIDEO STUDY) Tuesdays, 1/16-3/20, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Study 2 Corinthians In community with other women and be encouraged to open wide your heart in difficult relationships, meet Christ through trying circumstances, and share the comfort you’ve received to comfort others. And so much more from this rich book written by the Apostle Paul. Cost $15. Info:
CHRISTMAS OUTREACH AT CURTIS BAY Sunday 12/10 Join us as we partner with Drink at the Well, a local nonprofit, to prepare an “IT’S CHRISTMAS, HON!” themed event for the women at Curtis Bay. We can use your time and talents to serve as hostesses, provide and serve food, and set up and clean up. Help us make Christmas special for these ladies. Info:
WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP CRUISE August 25, 2018 Join other Bay Area women for a five-night women’s fellowship cruise from Baltimore to Bermuda on Royal Caribbean’s Grandeur of the Seas. Learn more at bayareacc. org/womensevents. Balcony rooms book up first. $100 deposit needed to reserve your room. Info: Lynn Riley at
LIFE CRAFT EVENT Monday 12/4, 7-8:30 p.m. in Dock B Make Christmas wreaths and centerpieces using fresh greens. This workshop taught by Janice Shirlen will get you ready for Christmas decorating. Cost $25/wreath, $15/ centerpiece. Register: womensevents.
lasting legacy for others. We will meet for Christmas potluck brunch and sing Christmas carols accompanied by Dana Toon on the guitar. Info: Cedulie Sanchez at
LEARNING COMMUNITIES Learning Communities are intended to strengthen your Biblical knowledge, character and/or ministry skills. They are also an opportunity to get to know others at Bay Area in an environment of learning. Sign up at
COUPLES PRAYER Sundays 12/3-17, 11:20 a.m., Dock A This is a prayer workshop for couples. Our desire is for you to pray with your spouse, regularly. If you do not pray with him or her, if you did and stopped, or if you do so intermittently, this LC is for you. This three-week LC designed to create space and time for communicating with the Lord in your marriage, as husbands and wives, and joined as one before our Heavenly Father.
PRAISE: INSIGHTS INTO WORSHIP Sundays 1/14-2/25, 11:20 a.m. in Docks A & B The book of Psalms contains seven Hebrew words translated in English Bibles as the word praise. Join us for this interactive, 7-week class as we use Chris Tomlin’s book “Holy Roar” and selected Psalms to study each Hebrew word for praise and deepen our understanding and practice of worship. The majority of each class will be held in a single, large group setting, with men and women splitting into separate small groups near the end of each class.
BUDGETING WORKSHOP Thursday, 1/11, 7-9 p.m. in Bay Cafe
AMPLIFY Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Join us for a budgeting workshop taught by Pamela Monetti to help you get your finances off to a good new year start. Register: womensevents
Amplify is our mid-week middle and high school gathering where students can grow deeper in their walk with God through group-based discipleship. Amplify features games, worship, teaching, and gender/grade-specific Community Groups. Students will experience true community and discipleship in a fun environment with their peers. Optional dinner at 6 p.m. Info:
WOMEN OF LEGACY (55+) Monday, 12/11, 10:30 a.m. We meet to encourage each other in our walks with Christ and leaving a 26 GO&MAKE DECE M BER
MIDDLE SCHOOL CLUB678 Club678 is our monthly middle school hangout night during the school year. Our December Club678 will be on Friday, December 8 from 7-9 p.m., and our January Club678 will be Friday, January 12 from 7-9 p.m. Club678 is a free, high-energy evening full of activities, games, and prizes. Info:
HIGH SCHOOL WINTER RETREAT January 26-28, 2018 High School students are invited to join us for Winter Meltdown 2018, a weekend retreat held at River Valley Ranch. The cost is $175 per student. Registration will open on Sunday, December 10, and space is limited. Info:
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY WAVE RIDERS PLAY GROUP Tuesday, 12/12 Come check out this family play and support group with fun activities, book clubs and socials that offers a space for parents to share parenting knowledge, resources and experiences. Join us for a Pajama Christmas Party at Bay Area! Info: waveriderplaygroup
PAJAMA PARTY Sunday, 12/31 The Deep Blue will have a pajama and movie morning at all gatherings for ages 4 and up. Have your kids dressed in their best winter PJs for fun New Year’s Eve Gatherings!
DIVE 45 LASER TAG Friday, 1/19 Registration will soon be open for our next fourth- and fifth-grade Dive 45 event. Play laser tag at Bay Area, and invite friends and neighbors to join! Cost is $5 per child. Snacks will be available for purchase. Register:
NURSING MOTHERS If you would like a quiet place to nurse during Sunday gatherings, visit our Tidal Pool area and we will direct you to a room equipped with glider rockers. If you would like a place to nurse and hear the gathering during the 9:20 a.m. and 11:20 a.m. gatherings, visit our Children’s Welcome desk.
YOUNG ADULT MISSIONAL COMMUNITY (AGES 18-25) Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. Missional Communities are a great opportunity for people to connect in community where they are loving God, serving others and growing spiritually together. Info: bryan.mcfarland@bayareacc. org
FINANCIALS Annapolis Campus Operating Budget Financial Update As of October 26, 2017 New Fiscal Year Began 9/1/17
ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Fiscal Year Giving Goal
$ 5,185,000
YTD Received YTD Goal YTD Actual vs. Goal MTD Received MTD Giving Goal
$ $ $ $ $
694,764 684,396 10,368 365,574 309,956
Fiscal Year Giving Goal
YTD Received YTD Goal YTD Actual vs. Goal MTD Received MTD Giving Goal
$ $ $ $ $
34,782 28,769 6,013 19,159 14,385
How Can I Continue To Support Bay Area’s Building Funds?
For weekly financial updates, go to Please indicate any designated gifts on the memo line of your check or use the drop-down box online to select your desired giving fund.
How Can I Participate In The Descendants Project? Envelopes are available on Sundays at the 3D model in the lobby. Gifts also can be made online at Please designate “The Descendatns Project” in the memo of checks. For gifts other than cash, contact our finance team at
eCheck: Go to to give online through your checking account through a one-time or recurring donation on My Bay Area. Personal Check: Write “Building Fund” on the memo line and drop it in the offering basket on Sunday or mail the check to Bay Area (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Bank Check: Process through your bank’s Bill Pay service online for a bank check to be sent to Bay Area. Be sure to note “Building Fund” on the memo line.
END OF YEAR GIVING In order for contributions to be included in giving statements for charitable deductions per IRS guidelines, they must be given during the December gatherings, submitted online by December 31 or sent in by mail with a US Mail postmark no later than December 31. Checks with a December date sent in an envelope with a postmark after December 31 will be counted as 2018 contributions. If you would like to donate stock, please download and use the form at
PRAYER MINISTRY Jesus lived a life of unceasing prayer that connected Him to the Father. We too long to be devoted to prayer. Our Prayer Ministry is comprised of individuals dedicated to gathering in prayer for all aspects of Bay Area life: our gatherings, communities, pastors, missions and so much more. Individuals are also available to pray with you on Sunday mornings after each gathering (front and right of the Chapel stage). For more information visit us online at Info:
MISSIONAL COMMUNITY We are all about community. Being connected with others helps us grow in our love for God, for each other, and for our neighbor. You can find out more about Missional Communities at missionalcommunities.
EASTON CAMPUS HAPPENINGS NEW GATHERING TIMES We have added a new Sunday morning gathering and now we offer a 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. gathering! We are grateful for the growth that God has given us and we hope you’ll join us regularly as we worship the Lord together on Sundays. If you’re not yet plugged in, there are new opportunities for serving as well. Info:
MINISTRY PARTNER ORIENTATION Saturday, 12/9, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Are you interested in officially becoming part of the church family? Join us for Ministry Partner Orientation. Ministry Partnership is a commitment to live out our faith together under the mission of “making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.” It is an invitation to pursue Christ personally, for our community, and for the nations. If you consider Bay Area your home church, we would love to have you join us for this orientation. We will provide lunch and offer KidCare in most cases upon request. Info:
CHRISTMAS EVE GATHERINGS 12/24, 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. We look forward to having wonderful Christmas Eve gatherings using our new times. This will be a special morning with a choir as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Invite your friends, neighbors, coworkers and family to join us on Sunday morning on Christmas Eve! You can pick up invitations at the connect counter on Sundays.
Christmas Eve Gatherings Dec. 21 7 p.m. Dec. 22 7 p.m. Dec. 23 6, 8 p.m. Dec. 24 2, 4, 6, 8, 11 p.m. • •
Reserved seating encouraged.