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O L MS H R E D A S E H T H T I W S E RV I N G bayareacc.org/GOANDMAKE S P R I N G 2 02 2 GO&MAKE 1

IN THIS ISSUE 16 10 12 14 20 Holm Church: Serving With The Saderholms Odenton: Small But Mighty




EDITOR Abbie Hoekstra

Barry Willhite Bill Plenge Bill Smith Chris Heacock Don Wiley Greg St. Cyr Horacio Tablada John Taylor Ken Gilmore Kyle Sponaugle Merrill Hoekstra Peter Godfrey Rich Heath Roger Ishii Steve Youtsey Stu Cooper Tom Dalpini

Abbie Hoekstra, Communications Director – abbie.hoekstra@bayareacc.org Allen Smith, Missional Communities Pastor – allen.smith@bayareacc.org Aaron Hixson, Teaching Pastor – aaron.hixson@bayareacc.org Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor – jason.barthelemy@bayareacc.org Jeff Supp, Executive Pastor of Operations – jeff.supp@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Sacks, Serving Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org Jonathan Madrid, Worship Leader – jonathan.madrid@bayareacc.org Josh (Burgi) Burgin, Creative Director – josh.burgin@bayareacc.org Kammi McGinty, Care Network & Marriage Ministry Director – kammi.mcginty@bayareacc.org Keara Mahan, Connecting Director – keara.mahan@bayareacc.org Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director – kristin.collins@bayareacc.org Megan Heath, Women’s Ministry Director – megan.heath@bayareacc.org Shawn Hart, Global Missions Pastor – shawn.hart@bayareacc.org

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Josh (Burgi) Burgin PHOTO EDITOR Arianne Teeple LEAD DESIGNER Jake Williams CONTRIBUTORS Greg Dixon Brian Hopper Alex Williams Melissa Pettigrew Morgan Steele Michele Rollins

The Least Of These

Precious In His Sight

For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/ourteam. We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours. COVER PHOTO Arianne Teeple

A Place Where Everyone Belongs


The Saderholm family (pictured) are the ultimate example of living a life of servanthood - something we are passionate about here at Bay Area as we seek to live a life that models that of Jesus. The photo on the cover is meant to communicate their story. The shirts represent the ministries they serve in, the water representing the signature Bay Area imagery, and the extending dock to show the spiritual pathway we are all on, and how the Saderholm's growth journey is strengthened by the life of service they have chosen to lead. Here at Bay Area, we serve. It's who we are and it's what we do. If you are not already serving, we invite you to take the next step in exploring what ministry might be a good fit for you by heading to bayareacc.org/serve.

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The financial generosity of our church family helps fuel our mission of making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. Every gift is used to resource our ongoing ministries at our three campuses, and support dozens of local and global missions partners who are reaching people with the gospel around the world. Want to learn how to manage your finances God’s way? Read our Philosophy of Generosity at bayareacc.org/give.

If you would like to give, you can do so at bayareacc.org/give, or by mailing a check to our Annapolis Campus (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Please be sure to include your campus designation on all gifts.

YTD Giving through 3/31/21: $3,943,903 YTD Budget through 3/31/21: $4,104,114 Actual vs. Budget: –$160,211 ODENTON YTD Giving through 3/31/21: $221,406 YTD Budget through 3/31/21: $242,876 Actual vs. Budget: –$21,470

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hether today is your first Sunday or you’ve been part of the family for years, it’s a joy to worship together! Thank you for joining us. I hope you are encouraged. As I write, March Madness has just begun (I have Baylor going all the way!). Being a basketball fan, I thought I’d use the NCAA tournament as a way to share a bit about our church. March Madness is a time when teams do all-out battle with an opponent at the risk of elimination. Without question, we are in an all-out spiritual battle that is manifesting itself on the court of life. From the war in Ukraine, to the moral decline of society, to the overwhelming needs of the poor and oppressed, the battle rages. Ultimately, the battle is for souls. Fortunately, Jesus is our “Head Coach” and He calls the plays. We follow His leadership and obey His will. Here is how our Head Coach has led us to articulate His mission for Bay Area:

ONE WORD: Jesus TWO WORDS: Make disciples ONE SENTENCE: Making passionate maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.

ONE SCRIPTURE: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19

It’s not complicated. We are all about Jesus. We want to love Jesus, follow Jesus, and become like Jesus. His last words in the Gospel of Matthew were to make disciples of all nations. That’s our game plan, straight from the lips of our Coach.

So how does Bay Area Community Church do that? Three simple words frame out our playbook: You, Neighbors, Nations

YOU: We are here to help you become like

Jesus. Every ministry of the church is designed to support you and your family. From our daily bible reading plan called Chapter A Day, to our Children and Student Ministry, our Care Network, a host of small groups and opportunities to serve…We care about you and your spiritual growth!

NEIGHBORS: God has called each of us to

love and serve our family, friends, co-workers, kid’s playmates and parents, those we meet bowling or at the gym. Bay Area is committed to helping you fulfill the unique mission our Coach has planned for you!

NATIONS: “From here to the nations.” That’s a

tagline at BACC. We desire that every person on the planet would have the chance to say “yes” to Jesus. From planting churches in India and Poland, to supporting the Moscow Evangelical Seminary, to reaching youth in Ghana and the Dominican Republic, to feeding and educating the poor in Belize, to caring for those with HIV aids in Uganda, to equipping pastors and educating children in South Sudan…God has a heart for all peoples. And so do we. As much as I love March Madness, I love the Church and our Head Coach infinitely more. And I hope you do too. We want you to know that you are welcome here. Our arms are open wide. If you are looking to grow in your relationship with God, to experience the encouragement of a community that is applying God’s Word, and to live a purposeful life on mission with God, then I hope you will make Bay Area your church home!

From here to the nations,




Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE


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Oneness and God's Diverse Family

Jesus Offers Divine Love. I was only 2 years old in 1965 when the lyrics from this song were written, and if for some strange reason I was asked today for my opinion on how to improve the song, I would readily agree that love is what the world needs, but not the love they’re referring to. I’d also add that the lyrics “if you (Lord) want to know” should be changed to “you do know” because God has already provided divine love through His Son, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). But you may be thinking, I know what Christ did for me on Calvary to forgive my sins and that by believing in Him I have been given an eternal home, but what is God doing about all the evil and suffering that still exists in the world? I believe the answer for the church can be found in John 17. This is normally referred to as “The High Priestly Prayer”, where Jesus prays for His disciples, including you, that we would pursue oneness, the greatest gift he’s given to the church to confront moral evil in the world (John 17:20). But how do we do this? Let’s look a little closer at this chapter to find out. As Jesus is preparing the disciples to remain strengthened during His crucifixion and after His return to the Father, He did not pray for our prosperity, comfort or health but rather that we would become one, as He is one with the Father (John 17:11, 21-23). Love is Demonstrated through Oneness. So, what’s the big idea with this prayer for oneness in the body of Christ? First, Jesus is not praying for uniformity or sameness, but for the unity of

His disciples around a common purpose. God is not looking for cookie cutter Christianity where everyone looks the same and gathers around a majority expression (think communication and music) but rather a family of diverse image bearers that when unified around a common purpose are able to become His effective witnesses in the world. This effectiveness normally flows from a community of believers who are welcome and free to express their love for Jesus in the way that He created them, free of judgment within the family of Christ. As Paul writes, “Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand” (Romans 14:4). Additionally, the common purpose to which we have all been called is to proclaim the gospel with boldness and to make disciples of all who believe. What Jesus is praying for is that we would develop caring and deeply relational bonds with each other that overcome the earthly differences we possess. He says when we figure this oneness thing out, the world will know that God sent Christ and that the world would also know that He loves them as much as he loves His Son (John 17:23). What a powerful thought, that God the Father who knows my faults, failures and future sins loves me





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A cursory glance at the world at large reveals a global community of people engaged in an ongoing struggle with both natural and moral evil. From the lingering and crippling effects of a global pandemic, ongoing racial tensions in America, extreme poverty and resulting hunger in many areas across the globe, to the ongoing destructive warfare between nations and against terrorism, natural causes may explain some of what ails the world, however moral evil (injustice) remains the major cause of strife. Moral evil can be defined as morally negative events caused by the intentional action or inaction of an agent, such as a person. Like the old Hal David and Burt Bacharach

song ‘What the World Needs Now is Love’ states, “Lord we don’t need another mountain…or meadow… Lord, if you want to know, what the world needs now is Love”.


The World Needs Love.

" So, if the world needs love, God has given the church the purest form of love to offer the world." as much as He loves His Son. And that oneness between his diverse set of disciples would be how the unbelieving world would see this love demonstrated. So, if the world needs love, God has given the church the purest form of love to offer the world. A love from the Father that has forgiven our sins through Christ’s atoning death on the cross, that not only offers eternal life but also an earthly family, the church. From many different people Christ has created a new people who are identified not by race, culture or creed but by the one who redeemed us and granted us adoption into the family of God. I like how Eugene Peterson states this about Ephesians 2:14-15, “He tore down the wall we used to keep each other at a distance… Instead of continuing with two groups of people separated by centuries of animosity and suspicion, he created a new kind of human being, a fresh start for everybody.” So in conclusion, evil and suffering exists because of man’s sin nature, the preaching of the gospel’s context is what frees humanity from slavery to this sin nature (Romans 8:2), and the teaching of the gospel’s scope is what leads to freedom and growth in Christ. Our effectiveness in sharing the context and the scope of the gospel is dependent on whether we actively seek oneness between God’s diverse body of believers.

Greg Dixon is an elder at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE


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surveys before the pandemic started that an overwhelming majority of workers would like to work from home and would even be willing to quit a job to work remotely. This is one of the major reasons for The Great Resignation. It now seems that The Great Resignation has introduced a shift in how society functions and operates.

here is a recent phenomenon in our culture called The Great Resignation where record numbers of people are leaving their jobs to seek opportunities that afford them the ability to work out of the office or from home.

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When it comes to our faith, we are wired to connect, to be with and among one another in our faith. There is something that happens to us Spiritually when we are with one another, practicing our faith together. For the believer,

" A faith lived on its own is a truncated understanding of the Gospel." normal life. Naturally, and for good reason, we were forced to be in isolation for the sake of safety. But that shift has caused many people to either walk away from their faith or decide to practice it in isolation. Very few churches have returned to their pre-pandemic numbers of participation and attendance, Bay Area being one of them. Sadly, what this reveals is that the value of being connected in a community and participating in a church is much lower than many originally thought. The church has always worked hard to counter the consumerist pull of our culture where the church is reduced to simply dispensing spiritual goods and services. It appears for some that the church has been viewed as just another place where people get what they want, when they want it, and how they want it no different than how they shop online. So, when the pandemic hit and the church was limited in

filled with the Holy Spirit, He uses the personal connections and relationships as a means to grow us spiritually. When we worship together, we experience His grace mediated through one another. Our sanctification is often experienced when we are with one another. The Word is made flesh among us when we are with one another. This is why the author of Hebrews proclaims in chapter 12:24,25: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”




Stewart Butterfield, the CEO of Slack, asks: “If we say that everyone must return to the office, or we expect people to, and one of our competitors says you can work remotely, who wouldn’t take the second option there?” We already know from

Unfortunately, like many who participated in the Great Resignation are now finding out, it doesn’t deliver on its promises. The isolation and disconnection from co-workers in environments that were designed to be communal and collaborative has had a negative effect on people. This is no different for the Christ follower.



This phenomenon has been intriguing to me. Given what we have seen in our church and in other churches across the country, it appears that there has been a ‘great faith resignation’ as well. Churches have seen a dramatic decrease in attendance and participation since the pandemic and our seemingly return to

how she congregated, this opened the door for many to participate in their Great Faith Resignation.


Yet, it seems that a new expression of faith has entered into our space. One that seems to promote separation and isolation. As a culture, we pride ourselves on individualism, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance because we erroneously believe we can do it on our own. This is the antithesis of what Jesus envisioned for His church. A faith lived on its own is a truncated understanding of the Gospel. The Gospel brings us into community. It brings us into the community of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that is expressed visibly in His body, the church. And though we may practice aspects of our faith alone, the overall picture is that we were made to be with one another. If you are living your faith in isolation, apart from a local community of believers, you are not fulfilling the call of Jesus to live within His body of believers. And no matter how you define ‘the church’ - whether a formal organization and body like Bay Area, or a small community of faith-filled believers, we are called to be with one another. There is no room for a resignation of community in a local expression of the body. So, don’t let this be your Great Resignation from the church and from your faith. You are called to be with others in community, for the sake of growth, sanctification, edification and encouragement. We most become like Jesus when we are with others in community. For in community, we are best able to grow to be more like Him. It’s time to resign from the Great Resignation.

Brian Hopper is the Annapolis Campus pastor at Bay Area Community Church and is a regular contributor to GO&MAKE

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hat is it like over in Odenton, really? We asked Odenton’s new Connecting Coordinator Alex Williams to share some insight and here’s what she said:





Odenton : Small But Mighty

The city of Odenton might not even be on most people’s radar. Especially if you live in Anne Arundel County. It gets lost in the mix. Locals say it’s “Nuttin to do” spelled backwards (Not ne do). I personally can say, because Odenton is my hometown, that it really is far from nothing. This little town is populated with so many families from far and wide moving in to settle and work many government jobs in the area. It’s filled with tons of new and old people. It feels like the perfect spot for Bay Area to land. In a way, the nations are represented in Odenton. I’ve been working as the Connecting Coordinator at our Odenton Campus now for just a few months but it already feels like home when I walk in on a Sunday. It feels good to be back and investing where I grew up. I recognize the faces and I know most people by name. This creates

a disarming feel when we worship because I’m with my family. It’s really quite refreshing. There is a sense of togetherness, unity and family in the air immediately as you are welcomed in. It’s hard not to radiate this when we set up and “do” church together every single Sunday. I’ve found that as I talk with individuals there is a passion for their town, neighbors and neighborhoods. Teens who attend school at Arundel High School come serve with us in the same building on a Sunday morning. Moms serve on the high school athletic board. Dads coach and help with concessions during football season. People can walk from their homes on a Sunday to worship and there is something simple and sweet about that. There’s a sense of God doing something special here in our midst. We are expectant and open. This translates

" There’s a sense of God doing something special here in our midst. We are expectant and open."

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into everyday life too, not just an hour on a Sunday morning. Odenton’s Missional Communities are made up of believers that live in the same neighborhoods and brush shoulders with the same people on the daily. I personally get more of an overwhelming sense of being a “sent one” because this is our town and we live and breathe and do life HERE. As we gather together for prayer on a Sunday, Pastor Jason reminds us that prayer is the work, we are ushering in the Spirit to do the heavy lifting. We are available and excited to reach the corners of our little Odenton and see many come to know the Lord. Jason closes with “wherever there is darkness, let there be light.” That’s my personal prayer for Odenton and I think this rings true in many of our hearts. We are small but mighty and the Lord is daily adding to our numbers. Sounds a bit like the early church in Acts to me! Join us in praying for this campus and all He has in store for us. We are all grateful to be here.

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The Least of These

knowledge of Arabic and lack of experience as a teacher, my quick friendship with Hannah encouraged me greatly. When I sat in on her literacy, pregnancy health and craft classes for women in the refugee camps, I saw how her tangible joy and loving attention brought smiles to her students' faces. During her classes, the benches were always full, and everyone would have to squish together as latecomers trickled in. I could tell that she loved being there and that they loved having her. Hannah welcomed me into Lebanon enthusiastically and began calling me her American daughter; in

organ!” Hannah* practically squealed with excitement as I stepped into her small apartment. “Ahlan we Sahlan (welcome)” she ushered me in, smothering me in a hug and saying “binti binti (my daughter, my daughter).” I was three weeks into my five week stay in Tyre, Lebanon where I was teaching an English class, leading a Bible study, and learning study, and learning about life as a missionary. After all my doubts about my primitive

" When we become the least to serve the least, we get a picture of what Heaven will look like someday." the course of my stay, she showered me with gifts and many encouraging words. While visiting, I told Hannah about my family– showing pictures and sharing names, but in a moment, she went from excited to somber as she told me about her own family– seven sisters and two brothers who all still live in Syria, surviving amid violence and poverty. Through her broken English, she told me of her brother and ten year old nephew who passed away, likely from being caught up in the violence in Syria. She told me about how there were no churches in Syria,

and how her family doesn’t know Jesus. She talked about her small hometown that she missed so much. How everything there is handmade and beautiful, and her dream to bring the gospel back to her people someday. The road that Hannah has had to walk has been difficult and lonely. Her daughter, now 13, was traumatized by things that happened in Syria, and rarely leaves her room except to go to school. Her husband works as a doorman for an 8 floor apartment building, which means he is obligated to run errands for tenants, fix anything broken, and keep hallways clean, so he is constantly busy at all hours of the day. From the joy Hannah exudes and time that she devotes to her ministry, she is the last person I would expect to have such difficulties facing her. While doing her best to support an overworked husband, traumatized daughter, and unsaved family in Syria– Hannah has found purpose in impacting women with the love of Christ even in her own hardship and mess. Many of the women in her classes have also been through trauma, loss and heartbreak, and when I taught my own class, Hannah told me the heart-wrenching stories of each student. When I was at a loss for how to bring comfort to them, Hannah was the one who gave me advice. As someone coming from their culture who has been in their exact situation, she can encourage the other refugees in a way that I never could, because the loss and heartbreak Hannah is going through uniquely equips her to minister to other refugee women.

Preparing for Lebanon, my prevalent question was how can God use me to minister to these refugees? I just wanted wisdom and experience that I knew I didn’t have, but once I began my class and Bible study, I found that God used my youth to help me connect with my students who are close to my age. Just like Hannah, my experience uniquely qualified me to teach and disciple those like me. This upside-down way that God works is exactly what we were talking about during the SOULS conference and our series Upside-Down Kingdom. We talked about how the values of God’s kingdom are the opposite of the world; when the world says it’s all about me, my temporary possessions and my happiness, the Bible says we are to become the least, to have joy when we have nothing, and to look toward His eternal glory. We see this in how He uses our perceived ‘weaknesses’ to advance His kingdom. When we become the least to serve the least, we get a picture of what Heaven will look like someday - a place where anyone who believes has a home, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, history or mistakes made. When it comes to serving, we often hold ourselves back, thinking our contribution would be insignificant. But God says we are wonderfully made and uniquely gifted to serve Him. Just like in Hannah’s life, God uses whatever we bring to the table to advance His Kingdom.

* Hannah’s name has been changed for her privacy

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s u o i c e Pr t h g in His Si

n Sunday October 10, the elementary kids in Children’s Ministry heard the story of Jesus calling Matthew to be a disciple (Matthew 9:9-13). Through the story and activities that day, they learned that knowing Jesus changes how we see ourselves. They heard the truth that instead of seeing the things we don’t like about ourselves and the wrong things we’ve done, we see how valuable we are to God.

After the gathering, the leaders wrote down the names of the nine kids who received Christ and gave the list to the Kids at Bay Area staff. Kristin Collins, the Children’s Ministry Director, reached out to each child’s family to celebrate with them. A devotional was also provided to each family for them to read through with their kids. It is a 28-day devotional that walks kids through four things they can do every day to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Sandi Reiger and Matt Collins led the 2nd/3rd graders that day. Both have been serving with Kids at Bay Area for quite some time. As Sandi was talking with the kids about the difference Jesus makes in our lives, she shared her testimony of how Jesus has changed her life. In that moment, she felt led to share the Gospel with them. Sandi walked them through what Jesus did for us through His death and Resurrection. She then invited anyone who had never put their trust in Jesus to do so right then. That morning, nine kids raised their hands to indicate they wanted to trust Jesus. Sandi and Matt led them to pray to receive Jesus.

This is such a beautiful example of the Kids at Bay Area mission: “to have each child build a personal relationship with Jesus and learn to share Him with others.” This relationship starts when they decide to trust Jesus for salvation and grows as they learn to walk with and live for Him. These nine children began their relationship with Jesus that day.

And in fact, we know that the future o f making disciples starts with discipling children and students at a young age. While parents are being discipled in the big gathering, kids are being discipled in Children’s Ministry. We are so grateful to all our leaders who disciple our kids on Sundays. They are making an eternal impact in

" While parents are being discipled in the big gathering, kids are being discipled in Children’s Ministry." the lives of kids and families here at Bay Area. If you are interested in discipling the next generation, please email our Children’s Ministry Director, Kristin Collins, at kristin.collins@bayareacc.org.

It is also an example of our mission statement here at Bay Area, “making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.” We are all about making disciples of Jesus, whether young or old.

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Let ’s sta rt off with a quick survey. Raise your hand or high-five your neighbor to respond. Have you ever: • Dropped off a child in Children’s Ministry to be discipled by our awesome leaders? • Checked in to a BASM Sunday Gathering or Amplify, or helped your student attend a BASM event? • Attended a Sunday gathering in Annapolis, Odenton or online? If you’ve not yet done any of those things - welcome! We’re so glad you’re here and can’t wait for you to experience all that Bay Area has to offer. For those of us who have experienced one or more things on the list above, we all have something in common:



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Andy and Melanie started attending Bay Area in 2010, when they had a first-grader, an almost-middle-schooler, and an almosthigh-schooler. Though they were a little





We’ve been blessed by the faith and generosity of the Saderholm family.

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WIT H "IF I’M IN AGREEMENT YING R T IS Y R T IS IN M E H T T WH A D IN H E B T E G O T D E E N T O DO, I THAT. I NEED TO PUT MY FEET ON THE GROUND AND PUSH ’RE TOWARD THE GOAL TH AT THEY ST RIVING FOR." hesitant to make the drive from Bowie, they found that their concern that they would find only “stuffy Annapolis people” proved inaccurate and soon made Bay Area their church home. Andy started serving first, holding babies in Children’s Ministry (CM) while both adults helped out occasionally with student ministry events alongside our new Student Ministry Pastor, Brent Squires. When CM encouraged leaders to start serving every week, the Saderholms knew they had a decision to make. “We decided to do it - we were gonna be a family coming to all three services to go to church, serve as a family, and have kids in multiple ministries,” Andy shared. “I was really convicted of that. We’re not babysitters, we’re discipling them. We’re showing them the love of Christ, serving their families. If I’m in agreement with what the ministry is trying to do, I need to get behind that. I need to put my feet on the ground and push toward the goal that they’re striving for. And that’s what that meant. And I really never looked back.”

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As parents themselves, Andy and Melanie knew just what a safe CM environment meant to parents. “Our kids were very active as little ones,” Andy said. “It was really hard to pay attention in church. So having a good CM was so key to us being able to experience church in that season. We’d been there and I knew the influence of that. In order for them to feel safe and pay attention to the message, they have to know their kids are in a place where someone is going to be responsible for them.” Meanwhile, Melanie became a community group leader, walking with a group of girls from sixth grade through their senior year. Leading middle schoolers definitely wasn’t in her comfort zone: “At first I thought, ‘I don’t like middle schoolers they’re terrifying!’” But she was obedient, and there she found community and purpose. “It’s so worthwhile,” Melanie said. “Students need people who are going to show up predictably, and it helps them realize that they’re worth people’s time. That they’re really important.”

So she kept showing up, listening and pouring into the lives of students. As Josh, Zach and Hannah grew, the lifestyle of service not only seeped into their own lives, it impacted their faith journeys as well. Josh and Zach serve on the production team in various roles, from operating a camera to running lights or audio. On any given Sunday, you can find one or both of them helping create an engaging environment for you or your students to participate in worship. They’ve built relationships and friendships - they teach others new skills and are core members of our team. As I lead our production teams each weekend, I get a frontrow seat to watch both of them grow in their faith and their skills.

into her own. Presenting creative ideas, feeling more comfortable teaching older kids about Jesus instead of just our youngest. After the internship, she started serving in elementary and has continued to grow and feel a part of our team.” Along the way, all three Saderholm kids have built relationships of their own with others on their serving teams. “Being plugged into a community where they are habitually in front of people who have already made that journey and are maturing believers has had a significant impact on their journeys,” Andy shared. “An impact that I don’t know that I would have been able to do myself. To have other people living out that life of serving Jesus and serving in the church has had a tremendous impact on them.” In so many ways, the Saderholm family is living out who we want to be as a church family. They’re serving as a family, ingrained

in the rhythms of their serving teams and finding rich community, proving that we really are better together. They’re e x t ra v a g a n t l y generous with their time on any Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday you can expect to find at least two Saderholms serving, and probably more. They’re investing in the generations to come, from babies to kindergarteners to high schoolers. They’re relentless in mission. They keep showing up - keep pointing others to Jesus as they grow themselves in faith and confidence and maturity. That doesn’t mean it’s always been easy. They’ve had to say no to other things - other good things - so that they could live this lifestyle of serving. But it’s been worth it - they’ve found community, and purpose, and abundant life amidst it all. I asked Andy what he would say to someone considering serving at Bay Area, and we’ll give him the final word:

“Go. Find somewhere to get plugged in and try it. Find a friend who’s serving and walk alongside them. Or something that you want to learn about. If you want to learn production - we will teach you! You’ll start the process of getting to know people who work and serve, and you’ll find a place where you belong. If you want to come hold babies, come hold babies. If that’s not quite for you, head up the hall to two-year-olds. If that’s not your thing, maybe you find someone who has a husband on the usher team or a greeter. You’ll meet new people and start understanding that that’s where we flourish. The satisfaction of being able to give back to people, it’s gonna bless you - as much if not more than the people you’re serving. That’s the big hidden secret of serving at the church. It’s like shortterm missions - some of it is for you. You never know what God has in store.”


Hannah started serving as soon as she was able - as a fifth-grader helping in Preschool. After an internship last summer with Children’s Ministry, Hannah blossomed. CM Director Kristin Collins shared, “She completely flourished and grew

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A Place Where Everyone Belongs


December 13, 2021, the Broadneck volleyball team came to use our student ministry space for their end of the year banquet. One of the girls on the team was really intrigued with what the building had to offer for the students and decided she wanted to come back sometime. She decided to check out Amplify, BASM’s Wednesday night community group event, and has continued to come back regularly. “That’s the win,” Michelle Goodacre, BASM’s Community Outreach Coordinator shared. “A kid who probably wouldn’t come to church normally came for an outside event, saw the space, and was like ‘I want to be a part of a community that offers this kind of space for students,’ and now is regularly involved in a community group.” As the Community Outreach Coordinator, that’s what Michelle’s main goal is – to develop relationships with schools in our county so that Bay Area becomes a pillar in the community,

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and many would come to know Jesus. Specifically, she wants students to know that church can be a place where all are welcome, valued and loved. A place where everyone belongs, as BASM’s motto says. And this isn’t something new to Michelle. As we chatted, she reflected on the way the Lord had clearly directed her path, giving her all the right experience along the way to be able to tackle this role head on. Before coming to Bay Area, Michelle worked at Camp Wabanna, a Christian camp in Edgewater, for 15 years, living onsite for 10 of those, where she had countless interactions with students of all ages. She had also started substitute teaching, coaching middle school lacrosse for Annapolis Area Christian School (AACS), and volunteered with BASM for about 8 years.

Michelle always new she wanted to work with students in this way but wasn’t sure how to make a career out of it. The outreach position was a perfect transition because of what she was already doing in the schools. The goal of this role is to be a bridge between public schools and Bay Area, so that students can see our church as another outlet for them. Over the last few years being a teenager has become increasingly difficult with mounting pressures to figure out who they are in an everchanging and confusing cultural moment. Michelle shared that BASM has encountered stories about some really difficult issues like suicide, sexuality, anxiety and depression. “These issues are really hard for schools to handle because they can’t come at it from a biblical perspective,” Michelle said, “so we just want to be an outlet for them.” She also spoke

about how they recognize the weight this applies to parents who might find it difficult at times to walk alongside their students through these hard things. Her message to parents is, “we care for your students, the burden is not just on you. The church cares for them just as much as you care for them.” The initial design and intention for the BASM space was for it to feel like a place that students wanted to bring their friends to. This intention extended beyond a Sunday morning, and that’s where the Community Outreach Coordinator role comes in. When Michelle started in June 2021 she prayed, “Okay God, how do I actively do this? How do I get into a school?” And as she met one person, the rest of the dominos fell. Her experience at Camp Wabanna has opened doors, her role as a substitute and coach has opened doors. Back in October, Michelle went to

“ When you have a great space, why not share it?”

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a networking breakfast and ended up connecting with the Superintendent which opened up even more doors. “It’s cool to see the Lord prepare the way,” she said. I t ’s because of the relationships she has built that Bay Area has been host to the entire Broadneck High School football team and their parents as well as their volleyball team, teacher organizations, teacher of the year awards banquet, Crofton High School’s Best Buddies program, service projects and clubs. The way Michelle (and the rest of the BASM staff) sees it, “when you have a great space, why not share it?” There is so much more to this story! From networking with teachers and parents at school events, to the trust that is being built in schools like Annapolis Middle by meeting physical needs first with financial gifts or helping facilitate events. Michelle and the rest of the BASM staff are leading the charge in going out and being intentional and missional. But we want to see this extend beyond just our students. We want our church to be a reflection

" We want our church to be a reflection of the community, which is really a reflection of the Kingdom – a diverse and flourishing community." of the community, which is really a reflection of the Kingdom – a diverse and flourishing community. When we are in schools, when Ministry Partners are in their jobs and living a missional life, all with the Bay Area stamp and under the banner of what Jesus has done for us, we are

becoming a beacon of hope in the community – a place of rest for not only students, but adults. We become more than this easily identifiable church off of I-97. We become a place for people to come and find rest – a place that they identify as ingrained in and involved in the community. A place where EVERYONE belongs.

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Interested in learning more about managing your finances in a way that honors God? bayareacc.org/financial-resources






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APR 2-9


APR 8-18




JUN 24-JUL 2




JUL 17-22


JUL 21-AUG 1


JUL 24-29










NOV 4-14


DEC 2-6

C O M M U N I T Y. bayareacc.org/community

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ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS If you are new or looking to get connected at Bay Area, join us for First Step. You’ll get a chance to learn about our mission, vision and how to get connected. Find more details and sign up on our website.

Do you have a desire to serve those who are grieving? If so, let’s talk about opportunities to serve in the grief comfort ministry. To learn more, email Kammi McGinty.


Care Coaching If you are walking through a challenging season of life and would like someone to come alongside you, consider reaching out to a Care Coach to walk with you for a season. To learn more, email Kammi McGinty.



Housing and Transportation

May 15, June 12 10:45 a.m. ODENTON CAMPUS

Ministry Partner Orientation

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Come enjoy lunch, fellowship and encouragement. To register go to our website.


Moms in Prayer Wednesdays, 7 p.m. ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Join us in praying for our teens. Email mhherring71@gmail.com for more information.

Interested in having a Christian woman to walk through life with? Email journeytogether.bacc@gmail.com for more information.

ENGAGED OR SERIOUSLY DATING We want to partner with you as you establish a strong Jesus-centered life together. Through premarital mentoring, you will be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you will need to succeed in marriage.

For more information email premarital.ministry@bayareacc.org or visit our website at bayareacc.org/marriage




Interested in becoming a Ministry Partner and joining Bay Area in our mission to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations? Register on our website.



April 24, 9 a.m. ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS

April 30, 1-3 p.m.

Journey Together - New Women’s Mentoring Program

Do you have a spare room that you would consider renting to a young Christian Adult? Or are you available to transport people to church or to doctor appointments? If so, let's talk about opportunities to serve these needs. To learn more, email Kammi Mcginty..

Join us in the Arundel High School cafeteria to hear more about who we are as a Church and find out how you can be more connected.

Mother’s Luncheon



May 1, June 5

Grief Support


First Step




Eastport Ministry - Food for Kids Our friends in Eastport are in need of snacks for the children at the community center, where they receive most of their meals. They receive most of their meals at the Community Center and supplies are low. We desire to provide snacks and in some instances gift cards through drop-off on Mondays at 10 a.m. as well as food bags one Friday a month. For more information check out our website at bayareacc.org/outreach or email Dale Conway.


Odenton Community Outreach This summer we will be partnering with one of our local partners, Hope for All. It is our desire to send three Saturday serve teams to their facility and collect much needed household items and gently used clothing. Stay tuned for details! For more information email Alex Williams.

alex.williams@bayareacc.org Stay up to date and learn more about Community Outreach opportunities on our website: bayareacc.org/outreach.

Join the men’s ministry every 3rd Saturday of the month for breakfast in the Student Ministry warehouse and café. To find out more or register you can go to bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.

Men's BBQ August 27, 3 p.m. ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Save the date for our Men’s BBQ. Looking forward to food, fun and fellowship! Registration will open in the summer.

For additional information on Men’s Bible studies and other events – visit bayareacc.org/men.

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Join us for Kid's CON, a VBS-style event just for kids! We're inviting completed kindergarteners through completed fifth graders to join us as we learn about Jesus through fun games, snacks and so much more! Head to our official Kid's CON registration page: bayareacc.org/kidscon.

Preschool Play Date May 10, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Preschool families, please join us for a Water Play Date! Bring your own water toys and a picnic lunch to enjoy the day! We will have fun surprises and popsicles to enjoy! Visit our website to register!

Special Buddies Children’s Ministry is looking to grow their ministry for kids with special needs. If you have experience and a passion for these children, please email Kristin Collins.


May 6, 7-8:30 p.m. (MS) & 9-10:30 p.m. (HS) ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Our last Friday Night Hangs for the school year is May 6th. This is a night of themed fun great for students to invite their friends to. Location is subject to change but typically takes place at the Warehouse. This is a free event and requires no registration! More details will follow closer to the event.

Amplify Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. ALL CAMPUSES We will have dinner available for purchase, games and time spent in community groups discussing Sunday's message. The final Amplify for the school year will take place on May 18th 2022. We will resume again in the fall.

Junior & Senior Prom April 30 ALL CAMPUSES Bay Area Student Ministry is thrilled to announce we are hosting a Junior & Senior Prom at our Annapolis campus! Join us for an Enchanted Forest Prom complete with required formal/semiformal attire, a sit-down dinner, DJ, photo booth, and much more. This event is open to juniors and seniors only. Each senior may invite one guest/ date. Tickets are $65. Questions? Email Lauren Gibeault.

specific service projects throughout Anne Arundel County. Parents will be responsible for both drop off and pick up. The registration fee will cover the cost of breakfast, an event t-shirt and onsite supplies. Registration opens on April 10th and the cost of the trip is $20. More details will follow closer to the event. Questions? Email Michelle Goodacre.


Victory Jam June 27-July 1 ALL CAMPUSES Middle schoolers are invited to join us at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in Harvey Cedars, NJ for our middle school summer camp. The week includes worship, teaching, team games, and plenty of time at the beach and hanging out with friends! Registration will open April 3 and the cost of the trip is $415. NOTE: This trip always fills up very quickly and we have a limited number of spots. Email Lauren Gibeault for more information.


Connect Groups An 8-week introduction to Missional Communities, groups are introduced periodically throughout the year. For more information, you can go to bayareacc.org/community or email Mary Anne.



May 14, 8:30-11 a.m.


At out first ever BASM Serves Annapolis, community groups will head out into our community to serve and complete group-

Missional Communities are groups of disciples who are committed to loving God back (UP), loving each other (IN) and loving their neighbors (OUT). We have about 40 MCs between the Annapolis and Odenton campuses. If you are interested in getting connected, you can go to bayareacc.org/community or email Mary Anne.

Big Beach Weekend

BASM Serves Annapolis ALL CAMPUSES

Missional Communities (MC)


It’s never too early to start planning for summer! Save the date for Big Beach Weekend 2022. High school students can join us at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in Harvey Cedars, NJ, for a weekend of worship, teaching, coffeehouses, tournaments and plenty of time to hangout on the beach. The cost of the trip will be $365 and registration will begin on May 1. Spots are limited so don't wait to register! Email Lauren Gibeault at for more information.




Friday Night Hangs


July 18- July 20, 6:30-8 p.m.



Kid's CON

More events and information can be found on our websites bayareacc.org/odenton-students bayareacc.org/annapolis-students

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So many have a heart for seeing the gospel reach the ends of the earth but find themselves questioning where we fit in if we can’t go. If that is you, this a great meeting for you to come to learn how you can support Global Missions from here to the nations. Light breakfast will be served. Register on our events page at bayareacc.org/annapolis-events or on the Bay Area app to let us know you are coming.

PRAY Pray for the safety and health of our teams heading to Belize, Lebanon, Ghana, Appalachia, Uganda and Poland. That the hearts of those they encounter are ready to receive the good news of Jesus! We’re looking for committed people to pray for our missionaries and global partners. Join us every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Email Joan for more information.



UGANDA: July 11-22 APPALACHIA 1 (BASM only): July 17-22 POLAND (Family Camp): July 20-August 1 APPALACHIA 2: July 24-July 29 APPALACHIA 3 (Gifts for Children): December 2-6

GIVE Whether you can travel on mission this year or not, there’s still a way for you to be a part of what God is doing among the nations through Bay Area by financially supporting others. To give go to our website.


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2022 missions team applications are open! To support, apply, or learn more visit our website at bayareacc.org/stm.

Facilities Assistant Part-time (25+ hours/week) ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Assist in overseeing and managing the day-to-day operations of the church building and grounds.


TBD Summer 2022



Global Missions Collective

Children's Ministry Coordinator Full-time (hourly, non-exempt) ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Works to plan and organize events, as well as manage the administrative needs of the ministry.

Children's Ministry Coordinator Part-time (Up to 25 hours/week) ODENTON CAMPUS Lead and uphold the Children's Ministry Strategy to families and volunteers at the Odenton Campus.

Campus Production Coordinator Part-time (up to 25 hours/week)

Local Outreach Pastor/ Director Full-time (salaried) ANNAPOLIS CAMPUS Equip and mobilize the people of Bay Area to live on mission in word and deed by building strategic relationships with our local partners and creating opportunities for Bay Area people to participate.

ODENTON CAMPUS Serve on the Odenton Campus team by directing the production of the campus’ gatherings and contributing to the Bay Area staff.

Please submit your resume and cover letter to jobs@bayareacc.org.

Shopping online? Consider using Amazon Smile. When you do, they will donate a portion of your purchase to the charity of your choice. Select Bay Area Community Church and support out ministry with every purchase you make.


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S U M M E R ?

Send us a pic ture with your journal and location at stories@bayareacc.org.

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