2 minute read
s I write, Mary Kaye is busy packing for our 40th anniversary trip to Paris. Paris - the city of love, the fashion capital, and the city of lights. Here I am, being of French descent, yet never having been to France! Parlez-vous francais?? Well neither do I. But we’re greatly looking forward to this vacation.
I hope you will be able to enjoy some vacation time as well this summer. It’s certainly good for the soul to have down time and to make memories with family and friends. However, there is an area of life in which “down time” has no place. That area is our spiritual life. There is never a time to take a break from cultivating our relationship with Jesus. In fact, the busier and more demanding life becomes, the deeper we need to dive into our walk with the Lord.
“My highest priority in life is cultivating a personal intimate relationship with the Lord.” This single statement guides my life more than anything else. It reminds me of my highest priority; namely, to become like Jesus. The more a person becomes like Jesus, the more she or he experiences a rich, fulfilling life. The more he can soar above trials and disappointments. The more she will experience the supernatural wisdom of God.
I heard someone say, “That which is heaviest must weigh heaviest- it must have first place.”
From here to the nations, GREG S T.

So true. Practically speaking, that means our spiritual life must weigh heaviest. There is never a time that we take a “vacation” from growing in Christ. Our relationship with Him is to be the overarching priority and goal of life.
Paris might be the city of love, but Christ is the embodiment of love. Paris claims to be the fashion capital but Jesus wants to fashion you into His likeness. Paris is the city of lights, but Jesus is the light of the world. As great as any vacation or experience might be, nothing compares to knowing Jesus.
This summer let’s not take a vacation from becoming more like Jesus. His grace will abound in your life as you spend daily time with Him in Chapter a Day, as you faithfully gather on Sundays for worship, as you prioritize being better together with other believers, and as you use summer opportunities to love and share the Good News with your neighbors.
Wish me and Mary Kaye bon voyage…and see you when we get back!
This summer we are all about setting aside intentional time to slow down - to read, to listen, to sing - so we can continue to experience Jesus changing us. Don't know where to start? No worries! We polled the staff to get their insight and help. On the next pages, you'll get their number one book recommendations, top podcast recs from our teaching pastor on all sorts of topics, and a summer setlist of songs to keep on repeat.


Every Single Time Sound of the House & Austin & Lindsey Adamec
I love this song because it reminds me of how faithful God is. When I listen and sing along to this song, I feel like it’s my thankful response to his faithfulness.
Monday Morning Faith SEU Worship & Chelsea Plank
This song is such an encouragement for me to continue to pursue my faith with the Lord outside of the church walls. My relationship with Jesus should not be “just a Sunday thing,” but a daily, growing relationship.