Go & Make Issue #11 (Sep. 2014)

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the anointed One who comes to save. So what is His name? God left us no doubt by sending an angel to tell both Joseph and Mary what to name the Son of God, our Savior: She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21


And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. Luke 1:31 His name is “Jesus”.

At Bay Area we are “Jesus” people. We love Jesus. We seek to follow Jesus. We strive to obey Jesus. Jesus is our hero, model, Savior, and Lord. There are many words that we, the Church, use to refer to Jesus. I find it interesting that the phrase “Jesus is Lord” became the earliest Christian creed shortly after the resurrection. With that declaration believers rejected a plurality of pagan gods and threw off the claim that Caesar is lord. Jesus is not only Lord, but He is also “Christ.” The word “Christ” means “anointed” and is a translation of the Old Testament word for Messiah. When you hear the phrase, “Jesus is Lord,” think about His deity. When you hear the phrase, “Jesus is the Christ,” think of Him as the promised Messiah. Interestingly, neither “Lord” or “Christ” is His name. “Lord” affirms that He is fully God. “Christ” affirms that He is

“Jesus” comes from the Old Testament name “Joshua” which means “Yahweh is salvation.” What an appropriate name for the One who came to save His people from their sins! Frequently the New Testament uses the powerful triad of “Lord Jesus Christ” to refer to the One we love and follow. For example, Romans 5:1, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Of course, the second member of the Trinity may be referred to as Christ, Lord, or any of the 256 names in the Bible. The names and titles of our Savior point to the Person. But the name that He was given, the name that is above all names, the name before which every knee will bow and tongue confess, is Jesus. And this Jesus is both Lord and Christ.

You’re wondering, “Why is Greg sharing this with us?” The elders of BACC have been prayerfully weighing whether God would have us make a slight, but meaningful, change in our mission statement. After several months of prayerful reflection, we believe it would honor God to use the name Jesus instead of His title in our mission statement. Either is fine because both point to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, but we believe it would be better to have the name “Jesus” in our mission statement. So moving forward, our official mission statement, to which we hold dearly, will be: Making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. If you have questions or would like to know more about this decision, I invite you to contact Bill Smith, our elder chair, at wjeral@gmail.com. Excited about continuing to follow Jesus with you from here to the nations,

Greg St. Cyr Lead Pastor

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at feedback@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.

884 Chesterfield Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401

MAGAZINE CREDITS EDITOR IN CHIEF Josh Shirlen MANAGING EDITOR Arianne Teeple ART Josh Burgin Josh Shirlen CONTRIBUTORS Deb Shipley Jocelyn Rimbey Sacks Rachel Perry

Cover by Josh Shirlen & Josh Burgin.

ELDERS John Battan Dennis Brady Tom Dalpini Tim Dotson Peter Godfrey Tim Grossman Rich Heath Roger Ishii Brian Mallare David McPeak Bill Smith Greg St. Cyr John Taylor J Upton

Gathering Times: 8am 9:30am 11:15am

BAY AREA LEADERSHIP Brent Squires, Student Ministry Pastor – brent.squires@bayareacc.org Brian Hopper, Missional Community Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org Casely Essamuah, Global Missions Pastor – casely.essamuah@bayareacc.org Ed Kelley, Executive Pastor – ed.kelley@bayareacc.org Gail Wiles, Children’s Ministry Director – gail.wiles@bayareacc.org Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org Janet Graves, Women’s Ministry Director – janet.graves@bayareacc.org Jocelyn Rimbey Sacks, Connecting Director – jocelyn.rimbey@bayareacc.org Josh Shirlen, Gathering Team Leader – josh.shirlen@bayareacc.org Leanne Lane, Care Network Director – leanne.lane@bayareacc.org Lynn Dutton, Financial Administrator – lynn.dutton@bayareacc.org Micah Pringle, Worship Leader – micah.pringle@bayareacc.org Pat Linnell, Teaching Pastor – pat.linnell@bayareacc.org Ron Dutton, Operations Director – ron.dutton@bayareacc.org Tres Cozad, Technical Director – tres.cozad@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all BACC staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/leadership

MICAH’S MIX Here are a couple album recommendations that aren’t “new” albums, but perhaps they’re new to you. It’s just plain, solid music that’ll point you to Christ. by: Micah Pringle (BACC Worship Leader)

Brian Johnson “Love Came Down - Live Acoustic Worship in the Studio” Many of the songs we sing on Sundays are written at least in part by Brian Johnson. This album is an acoustic rendition of those and many other songs. It’s a great album to put on for more contemplative, meditative worship.

Phil Wickham “The Ascension” Phil’s voice is phenomenal, and his music swings between folk influences to anthemic declarations. He brings fresh melodies to familiar themes, such as the song, “This Is Amazing Grace,” and speaks to dealing with pain in songs like, “When My Heart Is Torn Asunder.”

BOOK: Intellectuals Don’t Need God and Other Modern Myths AUTHOR: Alister McGrath

Alister McGrath is brilliant. Period. If one has heard him speak live or read any of his material, one instantly realizes that he has a heart for sharing and defending his faith. Now, one would think that being the Research Lecturer in Theology at the University of Oxford and being the Professor of Systematic Theology at Regent College in Vancouver BC, along with his other numerous books and other positions/ titles, would give him a snooty approach to faith and writing. Untrue. He is warm, engaging, and intellectually stimulating. I saw him live in Seattle and it was truly one of the greatest teaching

hours I’ve ever sat under. Mars Hill Seattle invited him in on a Sunday night at their main campus and it was jam-packed! His sermon, like his writing, has a little bit of everything for everyone. Funny, unique, strong, and poignant are words that come to mind. Intellectuals Don’t Need God and Other Modern Myths is one for anyone who has questions about the validity of Christianity. Anyone who is not convinced by the classic apologetic arguments of Josh McDowell and others (See Evidence That Demands A Verdict) will find this book a completely different approach to an intellectual defense of Christianity. Mr. McGrath, through other lenses, depicts why it is totally rational to believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator aiming his arguments directly at the “relativist” (a person who doesn’t believe much in absolute truth). Instead of debate he believes the best apologetics (that is defending the faith intellectually) is a dialogue. He argues in this book that apologetics is not about winning “arguments.” It is about “bringing people

to Christ.” If one is going to enter a dialogue, one has to be conversant with the material. This book helps with that preparation, besides being incredibly interesting on its surface. Answering questions such as, “What keeps people from coming to Christ?” and describing “The Intellectual Barriers to Faith,” Mr. McGrath combines a brilliant scientific mind with a deep commitment to Christ and points the reader to how they too can engage intellectuals in the activity of “contending” for the faith.

hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15). A doctor approached me last week to have coffee so we could strategize how to share his faith stronger in his environment. He had read my previous reviews and was in the process of buying some for his own “preparation”. This guy was really going to put some time and effort into following 1 Peter 3:15.

Earlier this month, a couple young ladies asked to meet me for coffee as they had some significant questions about faith due to an atheist hammering them with Is this an easy read? Hardly. questions they couldn’t The topic is complex. Is answer. We used another this a massively hard read? book in their circumstance to No, not at all, but it’s not bolster their understanding. a Nicholas Spark’s novel Folks, people have questions either. It requires the reader and we’re the one’s they’re to critically interact with the looking to for some guidance! author to get the most out of I believe once we start getting it. As far as I’m concerned, prepared, God gives us divine this book is helpful in appointments to be tools fulfilling every Christian’s for His Kingdom. That, my commanded action, “...but friends, is exciting! in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always - Ed Kelley being prepared to make a Executive Pastor defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the


ON MISSIONAL COMMUNITY Bob & Courtney Gregory By: Brian Hopper

From the very beginning of the New Testament church, in Acts 2, we see how the early church cared, served, and loved one another. Hundreds of years later, we see the same care for one another exhibited in Bob and Courtney’s MC. Naturally, it is the same Holy Spirit that enabled the early church and now enables us to live in community like this, so it is not surprising that it mirrors what we find in Acts 2. However, it takes a willingness and openness to be in close proximity with other families with a hunger for Jesus to experience this. Beyond caring and serving one another, they are also growing together in Christlikeness. Their group has spent considerable amounts of time reading and reflecting on the Gospel, supplemented with books and studies that have helped them apply the gospel to their everyday lives. Bob says, “Whether it be learning what it means to trust Him more, yielding to the Holy Spirit, spending more time in prayer, or being intentional about spending time with Him, we all have grown closer to Jesus in some way.” When asked about what they have learned in loving one another, Courtney says, “We believe creating a relaxing and safe (confidential and non-judgemental) environment for each other is the key to being able to share and grow together. This is important so any question can be asked and we can all journey together finding answers and becoming more like Christ.”

About a year ago when Todd and Kim Christner challenged Bob and Courtney Gregory to step out and start a new Missional Community (MC), they were naturally hesitant, but willing. After praying about it and seeking counsel, it became evident that the Lord had already begun preparing them to be leaders. This was confirmed as Bob and Courtney saw how the Lord had brought several people into their lives who were seeking a new community with them. It’s groups like this that we get a glimpse of how we are meant Some of them were literally neighbors, while others were to live: in community, loving God back, loving one another, friends who happened to be looking for a new church to call and loving our neighbors. home. With some basic training, they took the step of faith and started a new MC. In the ten months or so that their MC has been meeting, they have grown incredibly close to one another. They have naturally and authentically lived out one of the three core practices that defines a Missional Community: IN - loving each other (the other two are UP - loving God back, and OUT - loving your neighbor). One of the ways this love for one another has been revealed is through their regular gathering time. When their MC meets, they spend about an hour sharing a meal together. Some of the best conversations and the deepest relationships have occurred by simply breaking bread. Courtney says, “This allows for that special time to get to know one another and share what’s going on in our lives.” Each person/couple/ family brings something to share so they all, kids included, can be together. But their love for one another extends outside the meeting time as well. Folks in their MC have supported one another and helped one another in everyday, common ways as well. They have watched each others’ children, cared for each others’ pets, celebrated birthdays and weddings together, and provided much needed date nights for couples with young children. All of these things reflect the very nature of what it means to be in community with other believers.

If you are are interested in joining a Missional Community, join us for our MC Taster (second Sunday of every month). It’s a luncheon and info session led by our MC Pastor, Brian Hopper. You’ll learn what an MC is, what it isn’t, what it looks like to live in community, and hear of open MC opportunities.

Local Outreach What’s the first thing that you think when you hear “Happy Helpers?” Probably some smiling faces doing good. That’s fairly accurate when talking about Happy Helpers at Bay Area. The group has been a long-standing service opportunity at BACC and yet many don’t know it exists (or what they do). Every Sunday at different times, a rotating team of Happy Helper volunteers gather to make and pack 300 lunches. On Monday, those bagged meals are finalized and delivered to the Stanton Center off of Clay Street in Annapolis. The Stanton Center stands tall as the lone beacon of hope for people in the Clay Street neighborhood. Every day after school and throughout the summer, children come knocking on the center doors for their homework helper club. There they get help with their homework and eat one of the bagged meals. Those meals are typically dinner. The Clay Street neighborhood is notorious for crime and poverty. Hunger seems to also be a common theme. Those 300 bags are distributed daily, yet are consumed by Thursday each week. Jeremy DiCandilo, Bay Area’s new Happy Helper coordinator, sees this as a serious problem. “It’s an issue because if there are no meals left by Thursday, that leaves three days a week where people could possibly be hungry,” he says. In May, Jeremy humbly, yet excitedly, accepted an offer to take over the coordinator role. Jane Slocum, who had been leading Happy Helpers for several years, felt the Lord calling her into some new areas of ministry which opened up the opportunity for Jeremy. He now manages, schedules, and advocates for the important work that Happy Helpers provides downtown Annapolis with each week. The group is comprised solely of members from Bay Area, about 75 people in all. Jeremy took on the role to organize them to achieve a common goal: fight hunger in downtown Annapolis.

Happy Helpers for the Homeless By Trevin Hoekzema

Coming from a large family that struggled financially, Jeremy knows what it’s like to go to bed hungry and has a passion to limit that feeling in Annapolis as much as he can through Happy Helpers. So he and the Happy Helpers crew are trying to attack the problem through partnerships and thinking creatively. In the short couple months that Jeremy has been coordinating efforts, he has partnered with Whole Foods, Annie’s Organic Snacks, and Panera Bread to increase the quality and quantity of the meals. Whole Foods has donated over $4,000 in food this year for Happy Helpers to include in the bagged lunches. Right now, they are able to fill each bag with a meat and cheese sandwich made on whole wheat bread, a whole grain cereal bar, raisins, and sometimes a bag of chips. Jeremy hopes to continue improving the quality of the meals, and increasing the quantity within each meal, as well as the total quantity of meals provided over the next year, all while reducing expenditures. By doing so, Happy Helpers would take a giant step towards fighting hunger in downtown Annapolis while promoting healthy eating. Many Missional Communities and individuals at Bay Area look forward to their turn to volunteer their time in the meal-making process. Despite the 75-person volunteer army, there are always more opportunities to get involved with Happy Helpers. If the mission of Happy Helpers resonates with you and you’d like to get yourself, your Missional Community, or your family involved in serving, please contact Trevin Hoekzema at trevin.hoekzema@ bayareacc.org or feel free to contact Jeremy directly at jjd@me.com.

By: Charlotte Cole This article is part of an ongoing series about Beyond884: Room for People. Beyond884 is Bay Area’s current initiative to make passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. We’re starting here, at 884 Chesterfield Road, and going beyond to Annapolis, Washington, D.C., India, and South Sudan. For more information, visit www.beyond884.com.

T he

startling contrast between an evening tour of the Severna Park Pregnancy Clinic and a Tuesday morning stop at the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic left an unexpected mark on my heart, especially around Bay Area’s call to stand with this life-giving ministry. Both clinics house beautiful spaces filled with love and grace, uniquely abounding with hope and healing, but the difference is that an evening tour casts a vision, where as a day tour includes the sobering faces of terrified girls. I, like many within the Bay Area community, have been elated that God has included helping the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic as part of the Beyond884 movement, particularly towards permanence in their location across the street from the Annapolis Planned Parenthood. With all the excitement surrounding the outpouring of support, I personally lost sight of the condition of the hearts of the individuals who desperately arrive at the doorstep of this ministry. The Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic is strategically located directly across from where Planned Parenthood steadily performs Tuesday morning abortions. The little house can be seen from Planned Parenthood’s waiting room.

When I went to meet with Pregnancy Clinic Director, Pam Palumbo, to discuss the exciting details about BACC participating in the annual 5K Walk/Run on September 20th, reality hit me as I saw two suffering girls in the waiting room. With all the excitement of what we are doing as a church family, I was truly out of touch with the agony that encompasses the souls who urgently seek out help at the clinic. As I waited with the anxious girls, the reality of their situation was sobering. Just earlier these girls had been intercepted by a committed group of volunteers who compassionately intervene the life-ending procedure that these women and girls are headed into, often without understanding. A designated group – “The One Hundred” - consists of men of honor who have been called by God and pledge to stand in the gap as “protectors and providers for women and children.” They offer a loving presence at the entrance of Planned Parenthood on Tuesdays. These “One Hundred” are not there for a guilt trip, but to provide an opportunity for these girls to get resources, a

free sonogram to see the life in their womb, and most of all, the love of Jesus in action where they least expect it. One girl in the waiting room wore a military uniform. The other girl was so curled up that I could practically see her label: SHAME. “To share the Gospel,” director Pam Palumbo responded when asked, “What’s your goal?” That might surprise people who assume it’s simply about saving unborn babies. That is happening of course, but on an even deeper level, The Pregnancy Clinic is extending love, dignity, and the hope of salvation to those who feel so unworthy. As we sat in Pam’s office in the welcoming, historic, West Street house in Annapolis, she pointed out women in the waiting room across the street at Planned Parenthood. A sign hanging out of her second floor window with a phone number encourages the women to text the clinic – one last lifeline to save the baby nestled in a womb. Curiously, I went from seeing the Pregnancy Clinic as a place to offer life to unborn babies, to a place of Christ’s ministry in its purist form. These girls, who might otherwise feel the church is caught up in judging them, are in fact discovering Jesus in an authentic form. It’s as though He was at a well in the middle of the day, offering eternal life to one who feels she must hide from society. The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.” John 4:15 The woman in uniform was led to get the free sonogram and see the heartbeat of her baby. I was later told how she gasped with joy when she saw the life inside of her. Pam Palumbo, a mother of seven, discreetly pumped her hand up in victory, “We got one,” she gently cheered. I don’t know what resulted with the girl who was coiled in shame in the waiting room. I do know she was face to face with someone who understands the love of Jesus as poured out for all. Whether it was a seed or a complete life-transforming experience, I know that girl’s shame encountered heaps of unconditional love, support, and options. God has called Bay Area to be a part of this beautiful, Christ-breathed outreach. We’ve been called to put the monies down so there will be a sense of permanence for this ministry and the lives it reaches. As part of our Beyond884 movement, we are joining the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic’s effort to provide Christ for pregnant women, their babies, and the growing population of postabortive women who are struggling to see their value in the eyes of God. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


R ACE! September 20, 2014 marks the community Family Fun Walk and Run timed 5K, in Crownsville. Athleticism is optional for Bay Area’s team – you can walk or run at your own pace. Generate support and gather sponsors to help us make the biggest impact we can.

Register or give support online through the Pregnancy Clinic’s easy to use website:

www.WalkandRun.org 1. Find “Click Here to Register” and click to proceed.

2. To support the Bay Area team financially, click “give.” a. Scroll and find Greg St. Cyr. Click on his name or picture. b. A new page will open. Find and click “Give.” c. Securely submit your giving information.

3. To participate in the walk/run, click “participate.” ($35 fee for runners) a. Register yourself and submit.





john taylor By Meredith Thompson


hey wore the same uniforms, studied in the same classes, and were pursuing similar paths, but when Naval Academy student John Taylor looked at the midshipmen surrounding him at the Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF) gatherings he attended three decades ago, he saw something he didn’t have. “I grew up going to church, but I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus at the time,” he reflected. “I liked what they had, so I decided to start walking with Jesus and placed my faith in him at that point.” Originally from Millersville, the Crofton resident met his wife of nearly 27 years, Marleen, while at flight training in Pensacola and served as a flight officer in California and Florida before being assigned to his alma mater, the Naval Academy. There John again became involved with OCF, this time as a member of the ministry team (that would ultimately introduce him to Bay Area Community Church) and a Bible study leader for other officers.

from praying for people’s needs, John also finds joy in teaching baptism classes and interviewing new ministry partners. “As a part of both, I get to hear [people’s] testimonies. It’s always inspiring to see how God is working in their lives,” he highlighted. Likewise, John has a heart for seeing God work in the church body as a whole. He explained one of his greatest desires for Bay Area is that it’s members would take their faith to the next level. “I would like to see the congregation … have consistent times where they read the Bible, try to apply it [to their lives], take time to pray, and see how it changes their lives.”

“Several of the ministry team families from OCF were going to Bay Area, so we decided to check it out,” John recalled. “The first time we came, we looked at each other like, ‘Was that church?’ And then we had a long conversation about what church is supposed to be like and decided it still counted – it doesn’t have to be so traditional – and we liked it.” John served in the Navy until 1995, when he entered a career of management roles in the IT field until he began his current job in management at Pasadena-based Alpha Plumbing in 2003. Today, the father of four spends most of his time outside of the office and church cheering his three boys on in lacrosse, or enjoying home improvement projects, whether enhancing his own home or lending a helping hand to someone in need. Ministry Partners at BACC since 1991, John and Marleen previously oversaw the college and career group, then known as Out of the Cellar, for many years and participated in several Missional Communities together. John also taught in the elementary school program, but six years ago, knew he wanted to do more to serve God through serving his church. After asking Pastor Greg St. Cyr what the church’s needs were, John prayed about and felt called to help steer the direction of the church as an elder. He was nominated for the position, and with three others, made the commitment to serve on the elder board. In this capacity, he views his primary role as encourager: John prays for the prayer ministry leader, disciples budding leaders in a life group, covers the congregation in prayer, and aims to be a living example that points those around him to follow Jesus closer. While he stated his greatest fulfillment in being an elder comes

J o h n added that it’s those disciplines that help him live out one of his favorite passages of Scripture as he pursues setting a good example for the church in his role as elder. “The verse I cling to is 1 Corinthians 10:13, which talks about how there is no temptation that God doesn’t give us the power to overcome, so that’s the way I try to live my life,” he said. “God has given me power to overcome temptation and I try my best to use that power to really pursue doing the right thing.”


Katie McGrath represents one of hundreds who serve like Jesus as part of the family at Bay Area Community Church. She serves as co-leader for a Bible study in The Well (part of our Women’s Ministry), and with her husband Billy in The Deep Blue Children’s Ministry.

“For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” John 13:15


n Sunday mornings my feet typically hit the church parking lot a little before 6 AM. By that time, Tres, our technical director is already at 884 doing stuff on the soundboard (of which I am clueless). Shortly thereafter, volunteers on the tech team arrive, along with members of the worship team, followed by the faithful who set up chairs. Greeters, ushers, Bay Café team members, people directing parking, a host of children’s ministry volunteers, enthusiastic student ministry leaders, prayer warriors, learning community teachers, and many more arrive shortly after 7 AM. Every Sunday hundreds of people serve Jesus throughout the three gatherings. The rest of the week finds people using their gifts in missional communities, ministering to women and men, leading or serving in Celebrate Recovery, volunteering with the Care Network reaching out to those who need Jesus, or preparing for mission trips, to name just a few. Then there are the countless daily ways God calls each of us to serve family, neighbors, work colleagues, and people in need.

Everywhere we turn in the Gospels we see Jesus serving. John 13 gives a profound picture of the servant nature of Jesus. Here the Teacher and Lord washes the disciples feet and then gives this challenge: “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” - John 13:15 Q: How do we serve like Jesus? A: Two words take priority: love and humility. The love of Jesus is never limited by the response of the other person. He served out of love even though those whom He served would reject and crucify Him. And Jesus calls us to the same kind of service. Our service is to be grounded in the love of Jesus and not based on the response of those we serve.

If you made me select just one word to describe the ministry of Jesus, I would choose “servant.”

When we study the life of Jesus, we see a certain attitude in His serving: humility. If anyone ever had the right to consider himself more important than others, it was Jesus. Yet He never does. He is the humble servant of the Lord who came not to be served but to serve. Humility is the pathway to serving.

Jesus came to serve. That means if Jesus is living His life through us, we will be servants as well. Yet there is something on the inside that wants to be served instead of serving others. It’s that attitude of selfishness that we want to see the Holy Spirit root out.

When I think of modern day servants, the person that comes to mind is Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity who dedicated themselves to serving the poor. When asked about the reason of her commitment to serve, she answered:

Let me introduce you to three words that describe the kind of people the Lord is shaping us into. Three words that if acted upon will change our lives and the world. They are:

SERVE • LIKE • JESUS Simple. Not flashy. Yet packed with truth and power. God wants us to intentionally, faithfully, and sacrificially serve like our Savior. Can you imagine how the kingdom would be advanced if the hundreds who call BACC their home embodied that simple phrase? As we think about “Serving like Jesus,” two questions quickly surface. “Why” and “How”? Q: Why do we serve like Jesus? A: We serve because He served us. When we are experiencing the ultimate expression of service, His death on the cross, our response is to serve like Him. We serve, not in our own resources, but because of His grace. Service is the outflow of what God in Christ has done for us. Our lives have been transformed because Jesus has served us by sacrificing His life. We’re transformed to be able to serve others selflessly. Service is simply the life of Jesus flowing through us impacting others.

“Jesus is my God. Jesus is my Spouse. Jesus is my Life. Jesus is my only Love. Jesus is my All. Jesus is my everything. Because of this I am never afraid. I am doing my work with Jesus. I am doing it for Jesus. I’m doing it to Jesus; therefore, the results are His, not mine.” - Mother Teresa In one sense, Mother Teresa’s ministry was unique. But, in another sense, all of us are called to a life of serving like Jesus. Why? Because He served us. How? In love and humility. As Dallas Willard put it, “As a disciple, you are in the process of becoming who Jesus would be if he were you.” If Jesus were you, you would serve like Him. Throughout this month we’ll be focusing on Serving Like Jesus as a church. There are many opportunities to use your gifts. It’s our prayer that you will experience the joy of advancing the kingdom, along with hundreds who call BACC their home, by embodying those three powerful words: Serve Like Jesus.

In the pages that follow this article, find exciting opportunities to serve like Jesus at BACC.

BAY CAFÉ TEAM Free coffee is crucial to a welcoming environment. It is a pleasant surprise for newcomers and a relied upon energy boost for regular attenders. But the welcoming, aromatic experience of the Bay Café doesn’t happen all on its own. The Bay Café team and baristas work every Sunday to keep the coffee hot, the creamer and sugar stocked, and the bread and pastries cut up to be enjoyed. They also provide a smile and some conversation along the way. If you’d like more information about serving with the Bay Café Team, contact Deb.Shipley@ bayareacc.org.

TECH TEAM It takes a million details to make a single Sunday gathering come together. Between filling slides with the words to each worship song, running sound check for the band, setting a few lighting cues, and ensuring the announcement videos play at the right time, our tech team makes it all run smoothly. Although the role is a bit more “behind the scenes,” our Sunday gatherings would be lost without them. Other Sunday gathering serving opportunities include participating on the Worship Team and special gathering production teams (i.e., Christmas and Easter). If you’d like more information about serving with the Tech Team or any of the ministries related to the production of our Sunday gatherings, contact Tres.Cozad@bayareacc.org for Tech, Micah.Pringle@bayareacc.org for Music, Arianne.Teeple@bayaracc.org for special gathering production.

GREETER TEAM Streams of people flow into our church building each Sunday. Some carry praises to God, others carry burdens. As part of our Connect Team, Bay Area Greeters have a big charge in the midst of this reality: to welcome each person with a smile, a handshake, or sometimes even a hug. With just a few words and a genuine smile, they convey that Bay Area is a place that welcomes everyone just as they are. The visitor experience is crucial to welcoming and loving newcomers. Other connecting opportunities include the Bay Area Ambassador Team. If you’d like more information about serving on the Connect Team, contact Jocelyn.Rimbey@bayareacc.org.

MARRIAGE MENTOR Strong marriages are the cornerstone of a healthy, Jesuscentered family. As part of Bay Area’s Care Network, our marriage ministry equips future and existing marriages with the tools they need to make it in marriage. Our marriage mentors serve as living examples, each with 10+ years of walking through the ups and downs of married life. Our mentors facilitate discussions about key challenges that a couple might face. The Care Network also has serving opportunities in its financial ministry and general care. If you’d like more information about serving with the Care Network, contact Leanne.Lane@bayareacc.org.

STUDENT COMMUNITY GROUP LEADER In a world with a million competing messages, its easy to imagine the need for a solid, Christ-loving mentor in a student’s life. As part of Bay Area’s Student Ministry, Community Group Leaders build lasting relationships with middle and high school students as they walk through the ins and outs of teenage life. These leaders serve as a positive voice in the reality of struggles and complicated relationships, and ultimately hope to lead students closer to Jesus. So much more goes into a Sunday gathering for students. Additional serving opportunities include: Assistant Community Group Leaders, Greeters, Check-in, Hospitality, Student Info Kiosk, AV, Worship, and Games Coordinator. If you’d like more information about serving with the Student Ministry, contact Brent.Squires@ bayareacc.org

USHER TEAM Our welcoming environment doesn’t stop at the front doors. As you enter the auditorium each Sunday, you’re greeted by another smiling face: the Ushers. It can occasionally get busy, so these men and women keep things flowing smoothly during the gatherings – everything from handing out gathering cards, helping families find seats, collecting offering, or passing out communion. Other Sunday gathering opportunities include Communion Prep Team and Baptism Prep Team. If you’d like more information about serving at our Sunday gatherings, contact Arianne.Teeple@bayareacc.org

WOMEN’S SMALL GROUP LEADER There’s more to leading a women’s ministry small group than just preparing for a study each week. With a large focus on relationships and discipling, The Well’s small group leaders are challenged to build transparent and spirit-filled friendships with women in their group. They guide, facilitate, and pray with their groups and often communicate with group members during the week. Between Bible studies, events, and retreats, there are lots of women’s ministry serving opportunities to fill. Those opportunities include: Bible Study Coordinators, Small Group Coaches, Small Group Leaders, Prayer Coordinator, Sound Tech, Retreat Coordinator, Event Hospitality, Registration Coordinators, and Outreach Coordinators. If you’d more information about serving with the Women’s Ministry, contact Janet.Graves@ bayareacc.org.

CHAIR MINISTRY By 8 AM, the auditorium looks like a church. There are plenty of seats for the 1500+ folks who walk through our doors. But much goes on before 8 AM to make that happen. Each Sunday, our faithful Chair Team arrives bright and early to stack and place chairs to accommodate those who come here to worship. Our gatherings would be impossible without them. The Chair Ministry is part of a larger Operations Ministry that is responsible for the general care of our building. From painting to landscaping, there are a variety of opportunities to serve. If you’d like more information about serving with our Operations Ministry, contact Ron.Dutton@bayareacc.org.

SUBMARINE CANYON COMMUNITY GROUP LEADER Discipling starts at an early age at Bay Area. Even with our youngest attenders, The Deep Blue (Children’s Ministry at BACC) focuses on presenting the gospel in a kid-friendly way, encouraging children to live out their faith throughout the week. Community group leaders in Submarine Canyon meet with kids each week in order to build meaningful relationships that foster spiritual growth and the love of Jesus. Other Children’s Ministry opportunities include Welcome Team, Community Group Coaches, Community Group Leaders, Floor Leaders, Large Group Leaders, Assistant to Group Leaders, Midweek Prep Volunteers, and Special Buddy Partners. If you’d like more information about serving with The Deep Blue, contact Gail.Wiles@bayareacc.org.

PARKING TEAM First impressions are a big deal. For first time visitors of Bay Area, their initial impression of the church, and sometimes of Jesus, is the parking experience. Our dedicated Parking Team is an essential part of creating a smooth transition between gatherings by setting up directional signage and directing cars as they pull in. Their smiles and waves also serve others who might just be passing by. If you’d like more information about the Parking Team or any of the other teams in our Operations Ministry, contact Ron. Dutton@bayareacc.org.




There are times when every one of us experiences difficulties such as the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, divorce, job loss, addiction, discouragement, spiritual crisis, loneliness, parenting difficulties and many other challenges. God’s intention is that we engage with others and not walk alone through these circumstances! This is why the Care Network was developed here at BACC. The Care Network is a free, confidential, Christ-centered ministry that assists those seeking help by serving as a bridge to hope and healing through a variety of resources. We offer appropriate referrals and resources such as a Care Coach, a Missional Community group, financial assistance, Celebrate Recovery, Christian Counselors, or an appropriate agency or program in the community. If you need some help or have questions, email leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

Wo u l d y o u l i ke t o b e b a p t i z e d ? • K-5th contact: gail.wiles@bayareacc.org • 6-12th contact: brent.squires@bayareacc.org • Adults: Join us for a group baptism class on September 21 @ 9:30 AM in the front office. Contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org for more information. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery is for anyone seeking a richer life through worshipping God and being in community with others. Don’t let your hurts, struggles, and habits keep you isolated. Let Celebrate Recovery be a place of healing, hope and community for you! We meet every Monday night, even on holidays, at 7 PM for worship, a lesson, open share groups and fellowship. We share a meal together every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 6-7 PM. The 3rd Monday is a potluck dinner. Stop by our kiosk in the lobby every 1st Sunday of the month to talk with Celebrate Recovery representatives and learn more. Contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information.

C ON N E CT W ITH B AY AREA If you’re new or just have a question, we’d love to meet you and help you get plugged in. Look for a member of our connect team in a blue shirt in the lobby after each Sunday gathering or visit us online at www.bayareacc.org/waystoconnect

CELEBRATION STATION This is a free, 52-week complementary resource for children, ages 1-12, of parents attending Celebrate Recovery on Monday nights. So while adults explore topics that bring healing and wholeness, children discover the same truths in ageappropriate ways. There is limited space, so please be sure to secure a spot for your child/children. Contact Jen Marshall at celebration.station.group@gmail.com for more information. HOSPITAL/HOMEBOUND VISITATION If you or a loved one is in the hospital or homebound we would love to serve you! Contact us so that we can learn more about how to be of assistance. Contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org or phone 443-837-3718.

PREMARITAL MENTORING The premarital mentor program pairs couples with marriage mentors, couples who have been married for 10 + years, to help prepare them for marriage. It doesn’t matter whether a BACC Pastor is officiating at your wedding, being prepared is the key. This is the best gift you can give each other as you start your life together as man and wife. Contact Todd & Kim Christner at premarital.ministry@ bayareacc.org for more information. To learn more about the Marriage Ministry at Bay Area visit www.bayareacc.org/ carenetwork or contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org for more information. DIVORCE CARE We’re looking for potential leaders for a divorce support group at BACC. Qualified candidates would be those who have experienced divorce and/or have previously participated or led a Divorce Care group or another Christ-focused support group. Contact leanne.lane@bayareacc.org PRODIGAL CHILDREN SUPPORTS Luke 15:11-32 tells us the parable of the lost son. He leaves home, lives his life the way he wants to and thankfully, he eventually returns to his father. This child has become known as the “Prodigal Child.” While this parable is part of Jesus’s messages describing God’s love for all of us, for some families it is reality. The journey/trial of having a prodigal is incredibly challenging. If you are a parent that has a prodigal, you are not alone. Contact leanne.lane@bayareacc. org for more information about how BACC can lend support & encouragement to you.

CONNECTING MINISTRY CONNECT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT Walking into church for the first time can be a daunting experience for some, but a welcoming word and smile at the door can change someone’s whole demeanor. That’s what makes BACC’s greeting team such an essential part of our welcoming experience. One of our faithful volunteers is Carole Sue Mayfield. She and her husband Norm have been attending Bay Area for about the past five years. After trying out other serving opportunities that weren’t right for her, Carole Sue found her perfect fit as a greeter before the gatherings. “My favorite part about greeting is welcoming others to the best part of our week,” Carole Sue shared. Celebrating their 40th anniversary this fall, Carole Sue and Norm (who serves and plays guitar on the worship team) have two children and two grandchildren. Carole Sue is an office and account manager for Reliance Solutions in Arnold where she’s been for 17 years. DISCOVER BAY AREA New to Bay Area? Welcome! Join us for Discover Bay Area on September 7 from 12:30-1:30 PM to learn more about who we are, what we are about, and how you can get plugged in. It’s a great chance for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you. A yummy lunch is included. No RSVP needed - just bring yourself! We hope to see you there. Our next Discover is October 5.


CJ Delp started out serving when his youngest daughter was in the Tidal Pool. He began as a Community Group Leader and soon after moved on to be the large group leader and floor leader in the Tidal Pool. His two daughters are his world and his mom and dad who also attend Bay Area are his best friends. CJ says his favorite part of serving in the nursery is hearing a two year old say “God Loves Me.” Ryan Anderson is one of our animated Large Group leaders in Preschool. Ryan and his wife Tammy have a precious 17 mos. old daughter, Taylor. Serving in the Deep Blue has helped Ryan realize how important it is for all of us to serve and the importance of his own daughter knowing Jesus. When he is not spending time with family, he enjoys playing tennis, fishing, and playing fantasy football. From all of us in the Deep Blue, Thank you Ryan, for your dedication to Bay Area’s preschoolers! Connie, Nick and Tyler Jodon have been a dedicated family to the 11:15 gathering for almost a year. Connie and Tyler enjoy discipling kindergarteners and Nick enjoys connecting with the 4th and 5th graders. The Jodon family has an amazing heart to serve and an infectious joy about them. When they aren’t serving they love Family Fun Nights where they have pizza and play competitive family games. Thank you Connie, Nick and Tyler for sharing your joy with the Deep Blue! MOVE UP SUNDAY September 7 is the official Move Up day in Children’s Ministry. This will be the first day to check your children into the new grades they are moving up to this fall. This exciting day is also the day preschoolers entering Kindergarten will transition into our elementary environment Submarine Canyon. DEEP BLUE DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING All Tidal Pool, Coral Reef and Submarine Canyon ministry year partners save the date for September 3, 2014 from 7-8:30 PM for a required training event. We will have some snacks, conversation and a training session for all people who will be serving during the school year.

WAVE RIDERS Wave Riders is a support and playgroup for families with children ages birth through preschool to grow closer in Christ by sharing in community gatherings, fun outings, activities, book clubs, and more to support and share in parenthood and life experiences. Visit their Facebook page to see their upcoming events at www.facebook.com/waveriderplaygroup

EMPLOYMENT OPPORUNITIES HOSPITALITY COORDINATOR Bay Area is looking for a Hospitality Coordinator. This position is a part-time, paid position (22-27 hours/week) that requires leadership and hospitality gifts. The Hospitality Coordinator duties include the hosting and catering of events that support various ministries of BACC. The Hospitality Coordinator is also responsible for recruiting, developing, and training teams of volunteers to assist in these activities. Contact deb.shipley@bayareacc.org to learn more. ELEMENTARY LARGE GROUP COORDINATOR Children’s Ministry is looking for an energetic and outgoing addition to their staff. If you love kids, have drama experience, a creative eye, and would love to plan the elementary large group gatherings each week – then ask for more information about the Elementary Large Group Coordinator part-time position. Contact chyloe.cheetham@bayareacc.org KIDCARE TEAM MEMBERS KidCare at BACC provides a safe, loving, and secure environment for all children entrusted to our care. We provide KidCare to all ministries of Bay Area and different events throughout the year. Our team consists of great individuals who have a heart for kids. Our workers are paid and we are always looking to add to our team. If you or someone you know is interested in joining, contact jen. marshall@bayareacc.org or visit the Children’s Welcome Desk for more info. CELEBRATION STATION COORDINATOR Serve by providing leadership for the Children’s Program Leaders and the overall program of Celebration Station. Celebration Station is a program for the children of parents attending Celebrate Recovery on Monday evenings. Training is provided. Paid position. Contact jen.marshall@bayareacc. org

FINANCIALS NEW Operating Budget Financial Update July 31, 2014 New Fiscal Year began September 1, 2013 Fiscal Year Giving Goal *Revised April 30, 2014

$ 3,613,000

YTD Giving Goal YTD Received YTD Actual vs. Goal JULY Giving Goal JULY Received

$ 3,364,540 $ 3,219,961 $ (144,579) $ 267,358 $ 232,973

4.3 % Behind

Building Debt Status as of July 31, 2014 Balance Due Fiscal YTD Donations

$ 1,938,998 $ 41,700

For weekly financial updates, please visit us online at www.bayareacc.org/financials Please be sure to designate all Building Fund Donations on the Memo Line of your check: “One & Only Life” for Existing Debt or “Beyond884” for the Building Expansion & Beyond884 Outreach. Please note all undesignated checks will go toward the Bay Area Operating Fund. How Do I Support The Cause of Beyond884: Room For People? Preferred Methods (no fees charged) Direct Debit: Go to www.beyond884.com/give to download the form. Mail completed form to the BACC Finance Department and we will debit your checking account directly each month. Personal Check: Write “Beyond884” on the memo line and drop it in the offering basket on Sunday or mail the check to BACC (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Bank Check: Process through your bank’s Bill Pay service online for a bank check to be sent to BACC. Be sure to note “Beyond884” on the memo line.

CELEBRATION STATION PROGRAM LEADER Serve by assisting the Celebration Station Coordinator and providing overall care for children during the program. GLOBAL MISSIONS Celebration Station is for children of parents attending Celebrate Recovery on Monday evenings. Training is provided. Paid position. Contact jen.marshall@bayareacc.org PRAYER Our missionaries around the world need our relentless prayer. Sign up to receive prayer updates by going online to www.bayareacc.org/globalmissions/ and filling out the signGATHERINGS up form on the bottom of the page. Please also pray for our short term missions teams. SATURDAY NIGHT SINGALONG Join us for Saturday Night Singalong on September 6 at 6 PM. SHORT TERM MISSION TRIPS This is a great opportunity to rest in worship, prayer, and Over 150 people signed up to participate in short term testimony as a church body. There will be a special space for missions with Bay Area this year. We are excited to continue children to worship with the adults. Therefore we will not our partnerships with our friends around the globe in the have Kidcare. 2014 short term missions season. Please join us in praying for these trips and teams as they get ready to make passionate maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations.

These 150 are representing Bay Area as a whole. Please consider giving, over and above, to support those going on short term missions this year. You can give online at www.bayareacc.org/stm and hit GIVE. POLAND: International Messengers (COMPLETE) July 9-21 (COMPLETE) July 20-30

building workshops this fall where we will provide you with materials, tools, and coaching. You’ll walk away with a nativity scene to display in your front yard as well as a full belly! First workshop is September 13 from 9 AM - 1 PM. Contact Phil Monetti at phil@theintegrityteaminc.com for more info or to sign up.


INDIA: ICBM (FULL) Rescheduled for January 2015 led by Doug Lane and Mike Lane

COMMUNION TEAM: Interested in preparing the communion elements on Sunday mornings once a month? Contact arianne.teeple@bayareacc.org

GHANA: Scripture Union (SU) (COMPLETE) August 2-12

SAFETY TEAM: Are you passionate about safety? Do you have experience in security, law enforcement, EMS, First Responders or have a heart to serve and learn in this area? Come be part of helping our church stay safe. Contact Ed at safety@bayareacc.org

EL SALVADOR: Great Commission Church (COMPLETE) July 5-13 (COMPLETE) July 12-20 (COMPLETE) July 19-27 (COMPLETE) August 16-24 (FULL) November 8 - 16 led by Steve & Janice Onken UGANDA: HIV/AIDS Ministry February 2015 Details on an informational meeting to come in the next issue.

LEARNING COMMUNITIES FALL LEARNING COMMUNITIES This Fall we are kicking off a whole new set of Learning Communities or (LC). Check out the offerings below and sign up now by going to www.bayareacc.org/learningcommunities. Space is limited! Deadline to sign up is Aug 31. Starting Point: Got questions about Jesus, the Bible, or what church is all about? This is the place to start. Starts Sept. 14 at 9:30 AM for 10 weeks. Colliding Worldviews: How do you navigate the waters of loving people who philosophically disagree with your faith? Let our Executive Pastor Ed Kelley help you in this LC. Starts Sept. 7 at 11 AM for 8 weeks. The Big Five (MEN ONLY): Get connected with other men who are in pursuit of growing in Christlikeness. Starts Sept. 7 at 9:30 AM for 8 weeks. Thrive in Marriage: This LC is for couples who seek to get better every day in their walks with Jesus and each other. Starts Sept. 21 at 11 AM for 6 weeks.

LOCAL OUTREACH LOCAL SERVING OPPORTUNITIES Missional Communities often don’t know how to get involved with serving locally. We’re here to help! Email trevin. hoekzema@bayareacc.org to start the conversation. There are many organizations in the Annapolis area that will be blessed by your involvement, we’d love to connect you with them. NATIVITY SCENE WORKSHOPS Want to make an active step towards reminding people of Jesus during Christmas? Join us during one of our nativity-

BAY CAFÉ: Interested in serving in the bay café? Contact deb.shipley@bayareacc.org CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Serve in the audio and/or visual aspects at Celebrate Recovery on Monday from 6-8:30 PM. Contact: micah.pringle@bayareacc.org CHAIR MINISTRY: Serve on the chair setup/tear-down team. Contact ron.dutton@bayareacc.org PARKING MINISTRY: Serve by directing traffic and greeting those arriving at church. Contact Steve at parking@bayareacc.org AUDIO/VIDEO TEAM: We’re looking for a few more passionate, committed people to partner with our Sunday production team. Contact micah.pringle@bayareacc.org SPECIAL BUDDY PROGRAM: Have a heart to serve children with special needs? Contact chyloe.cheetham@bayareacc.org to hear about ways you can bless a child in the Deep Blue by partnering with a family in this unique way. CONNECTING VOLUNTEERS: If you have a heart for people, you belong on our team. Whether it is greeting at the door or representing Christ and His church on our ambassador team, we need people like you to be our first impression to those visiting or returning to Bay Area. If you are interested in learning more about this Sunday serving opportunity, contact jocelyn. rimbey@bayareacc.org

Wednesdays, Sept. 17 - Dec. 10, from 9:30-11:30 AM or Janet Graves & Deb Shipley as they lead Tuesdays, Sept. 16 - Nov. 18, from 7-9 PM. Cost $10. Contact Jamie at jamiens826@aol. Did you know BACC has an entire ministry devoted to com prayer? The BACC Prayer Ministry is made up of teams of individuals devoted to gathering in prayer for the church WEDNESDAY MORNING KIDCARE AT THE WELL worship gatherings, the pastors, our missional efforts and Is a discipling ministry for children, ages birth - preschool, missionaries, the ministries of the church, those who are sick available every Wednesday during The Well Women’s Bible or saddened by grief and those who are wrestling with life’s Studies. Pre-registration is required with payment in person struggles. The Prayer Ministry provides an opportunity for at our kiosk on Sundays by September 14. Space is limited. us to gather together and share our hearts with our Father New costs: $55/one child and $75/two+ children. Registration who loves us. Let’s pray together. The prayer room is located is not final until enrollment is confirmed by Jen Marshall at on the second floor of BACC. For more information about jen.marshall@bayareacc.org prayer or the teams, go online to www.bayareacc.org/prayer or contact pat.linnell@bayareacc.org “Jonah. Navigating a Life Interrupted” In this video series by Priscilla Shirer we will learn through studying Jonah’s story how to have a new perspective on MEN’S BIBLE STUDY life’s interruptions to see that God may have better plans & purposes than we can imagine. Join us on Tuesdays, Sept. 16 MEN’S MORNING BIBLE STUDY Oct. 21, from 7-9 PM. Cost $15. Contact Darby Cate at darby@ Tuesdays from 6-7:30 AM in room 236. Email Dennis at dougcate.com dbradylaw@aol.com for more information.


“Lord, Teach Me To Pray” This video series by Kay Arthur is based on the Lord’s Prayer WOMEN’S MINISTRY and uses practical lessons helpful for women to learn how No matter where you are spiritually, Jesus meets you where to talk to God through prayer. This is helpful for beginners you are and leads you to the next step. “A disciple who is fully and for those more seasoned in their prayer lives. Join us trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:40. We want to grow Tuesdays, Oct. 28 - Dec. 9, from 7-9 PM. Cost: $15. Contact in Christ-likeness as we spend time in spiritual community Darby Cate at darby@dougcate.com with each other. If you are searching or new to the faith, join us for the NEW Essentials of Discipleship classes on OTHER STUDIES Wednesday morning & Tuesday evening. If you are already a “Post Abortion Bible Study” growing disciple of Christ, check out any of the other studies Hosted and led by The Pregnancy Clinic This study will give women a safe place to meet and process that will take you further on your discipleship journey. the pain of their past abortion experience(s), to deal with grief issues associated with their abortion(s), to experience forgiveness, and to successfully cope with the ongoing reminders of the experience. This study begins September 11. Time/Place TBD. Contact Pam Forbes at 301-390-6135 at The Pregnancy Clinic to arrange a confidential appointment to find out more about this new group. Testimonial: “I wanted to do this study to seek healing for the ongoing pain I was feeling. God drew me closer to Himself and He helped me deal with my shame & guilt. Now I have nothing to hide, and have experienced freedom through His forgiveness.” - Ginger THE WELL BIBLE STUDIES “Children of the Day” In this new video series study on I & II Thessalonians, Beth Moore will take us with the Thessalonians along a journey of walking in the light of the Holy Spirit. We will see the gospel that came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (I Thess. 1:5). Join us Wednesdays, Sept. 17 - Dec. 10, from 9:30-11:30 AM. Cost $20. Contact Laurie Gregory at thewell@bayareacc.org “Essentials of Discipleship” This study will equip women who are not yet believers, or are new to Christ & to Bible study. You will learn about a variety of topics like why the Bible is important and how we make use of it. What is the gospel & how we can have a personal relationship with God? How can we talk to God through prayer? What is the Trinity and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? As well as many more essentials for growing in Christ. Join Mary Kaye St Cyr & Jamie Stadlerus as they lead

OTHER EVENTS WOMEN OF LEGACY (50+) This group of women meets to encourage each other in their walk with Christ and to leave a lasting legacy for others every Monday, Sept. 8 & 22 from 10:30-11:30 AM in The Warehouse. Contact: Cedulie Sanchez at luisandcedulie@gmail.com WOMEN IN PRAYER The Women’s Prayer Team meets on Wednesdays from 9:3010:30 AM to pray. Contact Cedulie Sanchez at luisandcedulie@ gmail.com QUILTS FOR KIDS Join us on Saturday, Sept. 20 from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM in room 223. Bring your own sewing machine and we provide the fabrics. If you would like a quilt kit, have a quilt you would like to donate, or have a question about this ministry, please contact Janet Hogan at annapolisqfk@gmail.com for more information.

Women’s Ministry Continued...

WOMEN’S HIKE Women, join us as we head to Frederick County and Cunningham Falls State Park in Thurmont, MD. We will hike to the 78 foot Cunningham Falls, the largest cascading waterfall in MD. Meet at the church parking lot at 8 AM and we’ll plan to return before dinner. Pack waters, and your lunch. $5/entrance fee to the park. Contact Susan Kelley at suzanneakelley@yahoo.com HAIR STYLIST/ MAKE-UP ARTIST/ NAIL TECH VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We are looking for hair stylists, nail technicians, and makeup artists to commit to share their time, talents, and products to bless some single Moms at Bay Area on November 15. Please contact Janet Graves at janet.graves@bayareacc.org to volunteer for this event or to help with planning.

LEADER SPOTLIGHT MARY SETTLE has been working with us since last school year and has proven herself to be a dedicated and patient leader. She is an active member of our church who loves to spend time with her missional community and participating in activities such as rock climbing or hanging out with her eight other siblings. At the moment, most of her time is spent working towards being a dental hygienist.

STUDENT MINISTRY ANDY SADERHOLM has been dedicated to serving our high school students for about two years. Born in Bangkok, Thailand, he and his high school sweetheart, Mel, have three kids in elementary, middle, and high school. Currently working with our 9th and 10th grade guys, we are grateful for Andy’s sense of authority as well as his humour - traits which have made him a beloved part of our ministry.

September Sunday Teaching Series: Comparison Trap Many of us take our cues from others about who we are, how we should look, what we should buy, how we dress. And after a while, those comparisons can lead us to care more about what others think and say than what Jesus says. Students, join us as we study this comparison trap Sundays in September in The Warehouse. Parent Gathering Parents, join us in The Warehouse on September 14 for our annual Parent Gathering. Come and hear about the Student Ministry’s vision and scope for the next year. Middle School parents are invited to join us at the 9:30 AM Fusion gathering and High school parents can join us during the 11:15 AM High School gathering. Contact brent.squires@bayareacc.org for more info.

MIDDLE Join us for Club 678 on September 12 from 7-9 PM. Club 678 is the second Friday of every month and is a great opportunity for students to hangout and invite friends who have never been to Bay Area before. Contact austin. maccubbin@bayareacc.org for more info.

AMPLIFY School year amplify kicks off on September 10. Join us at Bay Area in The Warehouse from 6:30-8:30 PM. We’ll meet every Wednesday through the School year. We recap the Sunday message and then break into gender and grade specific community groups. Plus who doesn’t want free food. Contact brent.squires@bayareacc.org for more info.

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