January 5, 2017 Edition of the Bay Area Reporter

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Trans detainee released





Fine art, 2017

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Since 1971, the newspaper of record for the San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ community

Vol. 47 • No. 1 • January 5-11, 2017

Out majority, for now, to oversee City College

Sari Staver

Terrance Alan, left, and Aaron Silverman will take over Cafe Flore.

New owners hope for cannabis cafe in Castro by Sari Staver


he new owners of Cafe Flore hope the funky Castro hangout will become the city’s first cannabis cafe. Terrance Alan, the chairman of San Francisco’s Cannabis State Legalization Task Force, and Aaron Silverman, an experienced cannabis entrepreneur, take possession of the business January 5. The men discussed their plans for the 44-year-old restaurant and bar over lunch Tuesday, January 2. “Cannabis is definitely part of our long term vision,” said Alan, an entertainment and nightlife consultant who previously served as president of the San Francisco Entertainment Commission. For the past year, Alan, a gay man, has led the city’s 22-member cannabis task force, which is advising the city on how it should regulate the industry under state Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, which was approved in November and legalized the recreational use of pot. Last month, the task force approved its recommendations on how the city should implement Prop 64 (http://www.ebar.com/ news/article.php?sec=news&article=72188). Among those recommendations was that the city should consider creation of new types of licenses to accommodate “the diverse businesses within the adult use cannabis industry such as baking or cooking licenses, consumption lounges.” Alan, 64, said he and Silverman, 41, “wanted to get into the customer service and food service side of the tourist economy so we can explore what socialization and food look like in the next 10 years.” Customers won’t see cannabis on the menu “for at least a few years,” conceded Alan, who noted that currently Prop 64 prohibits businesses that sell alcohol to also serve cannabis, a clause Alan said was put into the legislation because of all the “uncertainty” among the public about legalization. The law would have to be amended and the city would have to develop a specific license for such a business, Alan said, two developments he believes could happen “in time.” See page 14 >>

Rick Gerharter

Tom Temprano

Shanell Williams

by Matthew S. Bajko


ith their swearing-in Wednesday afternoon, a quartet of out trustees now holds a majority on the board overseeing City College of San Francisco. Gay incumbents Rafael Mandelman, the board president, and Alex Randolph, along with newcomers Tom Temprano, who is gay, and Shanell Williams, who is bisexual, took their oaths of office January 4 at a ceremony held on the school’s Ocean Avenue campus. They swept the November election for the four seats on the college board, leading to the ouster of former trustee Amy Bacharach.

Rafael Mandelman

They now join the oversight body’s three other voting members – Vice President Thea Selby, Brigitte Davila, and John Rizzo – as well as a nonvoting student trustee in working with lesbian interim Chancellor Susan Lamb on myriad issues buffeting the stability and finances of the 81-year-old public institution. “It is two new people who haven’t been through the last four years with us so they bring a fresh perspective, which is a good thing,” said Mandelman of the freshmen trustees. “One thing very different about the board than what we have had previously is the last two years it has been a very well-functioning board and a very respectful board. I think we

Alex Randolph

need to work very hard to retain that, and I think Tom and Shanell are great and we will be able to continue that.” Mandelman told the Bay Area Reporter this week that he expects to step down as board president later this month when the newly constituted board meets January 26. Selby is next in line for the board presidency, he said, with Davila moving into the VP seat due to her seniority. “City College custom is one or two years. I’ve had two, and it’s probably time to let someone else have a turn,” said Mandelman of the rotating president’s role. See page 14 >>

Health Trust ousts gay CEO by Seth Hemmelgarn

my leadership around how do we serve and improve the health of he gay longtime CEO of the most vulnerable members of a Silicon Valley nonprofit our community.” that provides support to During his tenure the budget people living with HIV/AIDS, grew from about $12 million to homeless people, children, and approximately $22 million. others says he’s left the organiAsked whether he’d had diszation after its board told him it agreements with board members, wants a new leader. Ferrer said, “Everybody always “The board decided they wantdisagrees with their board. ... You ed to go in a different direction always should have good, rigorand to do that, they decided they ous debate and have good push were looking for new leadership. back from the board and staff,” ... I agreed to step aside as they and then move “into getting look for new leadership,” said things done.” Frederick J. Ferrer, 59, who joined Ferrer said he wasn’t “holding the San Jose-based Health Trust Courtesy Facebook back” information in respondin 2007. Ex-Health Trust CEO Fred Ferrer, left, talked with San Jose Mayor ing to questions about what had Ferrer’s last day was December Sam Liccardo at a May 2015 event. happened. 31. He said board members didn’t “Boards choose their leaders, tell him they had problems with and it’s their decision,” he said. The organization’s also a key player in Santa “I’m not hiding something ... That’s the decihim. “I wasn’t fired for performance,” he said. Clara County’s Getting to Zero initiative, which sion they made. You serve at the pleasure of a will focus on HIV prevention and increased “There’s nothing illegal. Nothing happened.” board.” usage of PrEP and post-exposure prophylaxis, Ferrer, who said he learned of the board’s He said he doesn’t know what new direction decision December 1, said he’s “thrilled and or PEP. The agency’s also worked to help people the board wants, but “their public statements who are “chronically homeless” and to assist have said they’re committed” to continuing the proud of my accomplishments over the last nine years,” and the organization’s “great staff ” people in getting access to food. last nine years’ work. “We’ve done incredible work in all kinds of and “amazing funding partners.” He also doesn’t know whether there will be areas of health” for “the most vulnerable com“I’ve raised millions of dollars for HIV,” he less focus on LGBT issues, and said he’s “very said. “We have one of the best integrative mod- munity members in our valley,” Ferrer said. proud” of the organization’s record on LGBT “That’s really what distinguishes us in what we health. els for HIV services,” and “we’ve done amazing do. The Health Trust was really focused under See page 7 >> work in HIV housing.”



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Who should not take TRUVADA for PrEP? Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you already have HIV-1 infection or if you do not know your HIV-1 status. If you are HIV-1 positive, you need to take other medicines with TRUVADA to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment for HIV-1. If you have HIV-1 and take only TRUVADA, your HIV-1 may become harder to treat over time. Do not take TRUVADA for PrEP if you also take lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) or adefovir (HEPSERA).

What are the other possible side effects of TRUVADA for PrEP? Serious side effects of TRUVADA may also include: u Kidney problems, including kidney failure. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests to check your kidneys before and during treatment with TRUVADA for PrEP. If you develop kidney problems, your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking TRUVADA for PrEP. u Bone problems, including bone pain or bones getting soft or thin, may lead to fractures. Your healthcare provider may do tests to check your bones. u Changes in body fat, which can happen in people taking TRUVADA or medicines like TRUVADA. Common side effects in people taking TRUVADA for PrEP are stomach-area (abdomen) pain, headache, and decreased weight. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.

What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking TRUVADA for PrEP? u All your health problems. Be sure to tell your healthcare

provider if you have or have had any kidney, bone, or liver problems, including hepatitis virus infection. u If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if TRUVADA can harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant while taking TRUVADA for PrEP, talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you should keep taking TRUVADA for PrEP. Pregnancy Registry: A pregnancy registry collects information about your health and the health of your baby. There is a pregnancy registry for women who take medicines to prevent HIV-1 during pregnancy. For more information about the registry and how it works, talk to your healthcare provider. u If you are breastfeeding (nursing) or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed. The medicines in TRUVADA can pass to your baby in breast milk. If you become HIV-1 positive, HIV-1 can be passed to the baby in breast milk. u All the medicines you take, including prescription and overthe-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. TRUVADA may interact with other medicines. Keep a list of all your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. u If you take certain other medicines with TRUVADA for PrEP, your healthcare provider may need to check you more often or change your dose. These medicines include ledipasvir with sofosbuvir (HARVONI). You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.FDA.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

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Community News>>

January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 5

Port bar donates to Oakland fire victims Courtesy Port bar


akland’s Port bar, 2023 Broadway, which opened last year and serves the LGBT community, recently raised over $750 for the Gray Area Foundation for the Arts in response to the Ghost Ship warehouse fire through a four-DJ fundraiser. Bar owners Sean Sullivan and Richard Fuentes said that DJ Becky Knox pulled the DJs together – she had

developed her DJ talents by playing in many spaces similar to the Ghost Ship and felt other DJs would want to do something for victims’ families and friends. Additionally, Tito’s vodka donated $5,000 to the effort. From left, Fuentes, Sullivan, and Knox are joined by Tito’s representative Devin Grigg in publicizing the donation.

CA bans travel to 4 states by Matthew S. Bajko


alifornia has banned most taxpayer-funded travel to four states that have adopted anti-LGBT laws. In addition to the three Southern states that the state attorney general’s office had identified in November for inclusion on the list – Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee – Kansas was also named to the official list posted online January 1. The AG’s office did not explain its reasons for including the quartet of states on the travel ban list. It is the result of Assembly Bill 1887, which was authored by gay Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell), going into effect January 1. Low’s legislation was in response to North Carolina lawmakers adopting in early 2016 House Bill 2, which restricts cities in the state from enacting local non-discrimination laws and requires transgender people to use public restrooms based on the gender they were assigned at birth. Newly sworn in Democratic Governor Roy Cooper has vowed to repeal the law, though an effort to rescind it just prior to Christmas failed. Mississippi allows for its residents and businesses to discriminate based on their religious beliefs, while Tennessee adopted a law last year allowing therapists and other mental health professionals to deny seeing LGBT patients and others for religious reasons. Kansas last year

adopted a law allowing into new contracts with campus-based religious businesses headquartered groups to discriminate in the banned states. against LGBT students. “San Francisco and Low told the Bay Area California must send a Reporter this week that clear message that we he is “actually disheartaren’t doing business in ened” to see four states states that pass anti-LGmade the list, as ideally BT hate laws,” gay state Rick Gerharter there would be none fallSenator Scott Wiener ing under the ban. He State Senator (D-San Francisco), who added he hopes it serves Scott Wiener was the main sponsor of as a warning to lawmakthe city’s travel ban, said ers in other states where in a statement Tuesday to anti-LGBT laws are pending. the B.A.R. “The issuance of this list “Our state has clearly said our – and the upcoming issuance of San taxpayer dollars will not fund bigFrancisco’s list – of banned states otry or hatred,” Low said. “If other makes our legislation tangible.” states try to pass similar laws, we will Santa Clara and Santa Cruz do everything we can in our power counties already have travel ban to stop any type of discrimination policies in place, as do the cities of from happening to Californians. As Santa Cruz and Watsonville. And a you know, our zero tolerance policy number of states have banned travel says there is no room for discrimito certain jurisdictions with antination of any kind in California and LGBT laws. this bill ensures discrimination will California’s travel ban applies to not be tolerated of any kind outside not only government workers but our borders.” also to employees and students at Equality California, the statewide the state’s public universities. But it LGBT advocacy group which codoes allow for exemptions to meet sponsored Low’s legislation, did not prior contractual obligations, or for respond to a request for comment the protection of public health, welfor this story by deadline. fare, or safety. As the B.A.R. noted in a story last With anti-LGBT legislation alweek, San Francisco officials are exready pending in Alabama, Georgia, pected to also ban non-essential travel Iowa, Texas, and West Virginia, it is to the four states, and possibly others, likely more states could be added to when its local travel ban goes into the travel ban lists this year. effect February 14, Valentine’s Day. The online page regarding CaliThe city’s ordinance also bans departfornia’s travel ban can be found at ments and agencies from entering https://oag.ca.gov/ab1887.t

Man released in trans stabbing case by Seth Hemmelgarn


man who pleaded guilty to stabbing a transgender woman in an incident that started on a San Francisco Muni bus in 2015 has been released from jail. Brodes Wayne Joynes, 56, had been headed to trial on charges including attempted murder and hate crime enhancements, but those charges were dismissed after he admitted in November to a charge of assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury. Joynes has been in custody since his arrest the night of the incident. He was sentenced this week to four years in prison, but with credit for time served, he was released. At Joynes’ sentencing in San Francisco Superior Court Tuesday, January 3, exactly two years after the incident occurred, Assistant District Attorney Ben Mains read

a statement from victim Samantha Hulsey in which she recalled seeing “pure hate” from Joynes and being “sure I was soon to die.” Hulsey said she’d moved to San Francisco seeking acceptance and stated, “I will not stop being myself.” “Too many of us die for this hate, and I will not forgive you,” she said. Deputy Public Defender Elizabeth Hilton told Judge Rene Navarro that Joynes hadn’t acted “out of any hatred or animosity toward people with transgender identities,” and “that’s not what was going on in his mind that night.” Hilton said that Joynes, who’s African-American, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, and that he and Hulsey have much in common as people who “feel marginalized” and “haven’t been treated very well by society.” Video of Joynes lunging at Hulsey with a steak knife on a 49 Van Ness/

Mission bus was shown at a preliminary hearing last year. Joynes allegedly threatened to kill Hulsey and her former partner, Rae Raucci, during the dispute, which started after Joynes complained about the bus’s windows not being open. Raucci testified that Joynes called her and Hulsey “faggots” and told them, “You’re defrauding me by pretending to be women.” Eventually, the bus stopped near the now-shuttered McDonald’s on Van Ness Avenue. Hulsey got off with Raucci and swung at Joynes, who then stabbed Hulsey in the chest. Joynes, who’s expected to serve three to four years parole, has been ordered to stay away from Hulsey and Raucci. In court Tuesday, Hilton said that Joynes is “a lovely individual and a very talented artist.” She submitted some of Joynes’ work to the court so that it could be included in the docket.t



<< Open Forum

6 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

Volume 47, Number 1 January 5-11, 2017 www.ebar.com PUBLISHER Michael M. Yamashita Thomas E. Horn, Publisher Emeritus (2013) Publisher (2003 – 2013) Bob Ross, Founder (1971 – 2003) NEWS EDITOR Cynthia Laird ARTS EDITOR Roberto Friedman BARTAB EDITOR & EVENTS LISTINGS EDITOR Jim Provenzano ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko • Seth Hemmelgarn CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ray Aguilera • Tavo Amador • Race Bannon Erin Blackwell • Roger Brigham Brian Bromberger • Victoria A. Brownworth Brent Calderwood • Philip Campbell Heather Cassell • Belo Cipriani Richard Dodds • Michael Flanagan Jim Gladstone • David Guarino Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell • John F. Karr Lisa Keen • Matthew Kennedy • Joshua Klipp David Lamble • Max Leger Michael McDonagh • David-Elijah Nahmod Paul Parish • Sean Piverger • Lois Pearlman Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota • Bob Roehr Donna Sachet • Adam Sandel • Khaled Sayed Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro Gwendolyn Smith • Sari Staver • Jim Stewart Sean Timberlake • Andre Torrez • Ronn Vigh Ed Walsh • Cornelius Washington Sura Wood ART DIRECTION Jay Cribas PRODUCTION/DESIGN Max Leger PHOTOGRAPHERS Jane Philomen Cleland • FBFE Rick Gerharter • Gareth Gooch Lydia Gonzales • Jose Guzman-Colon Rudy K. Lawidjaja • Georg Lester • Dan Lloyd Jo-Lynn Otto • Rich Stadtmiller Steven Underhil • Dallis Willard • Bill Wilson ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS Paul Berge • Christine Smith ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION Colleen Small VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVERTISING Scott Wazlowski – 415.829.8937 NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Media – 212.242.6863

LEGAL COUNSEL Paul H. Melbostad, Esq.

Just don’t buy Milo’s book


ay professional troll Milo Yiannopoulos, a racist, misogynist, and loud transphobe, signed a book deal recently and one would think the world had ended. Immediately, gay groups and progressive activists began badgering publishing house Simon and Schuster, urging it to call off the deal – which had an advance of $250,000, according to the Hollywood Reporter – and posting online petitions asking that Amazon not sell it. Actually Threshold Editions, the designated right-wing imprint of Simon and Schuster, is publishing Yiannopoulos’ book. And yes, he is a hateful man who revels in pushing button, and making outrageous comments because he knows it will generate a reaction. Yiannopoulos, a writer at Breitbart News, will be at UC Berkeley February 1 spewing his insults even as media outlets report campus security will be increased during his “Dangerous Faggots” talk, which is sponsored by the Berkeley College Republicans. But after the decades of censorship that the LGBT community has experienced – making the sending of sexual materials through the mail illegal, being ignored or reviled by the mainstream media – our community should be mature enough not to feed into what’s turned out to be loads of publicity for Yiannopoulos before his memoir, titled “Dangerous,” is even published. Already banned from Twitter for his racist tweets about “Saturday Night Live” star Leslie Jones, his aim is to manipulate a collective rise out of progressives – and give cover to fellow alt-righters to cheer him on. A darling of the altright, there’s no doubt that he has expressed repugnant views. The alt-right, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, “is a set of farright ideologies, groups and

44 Gough Street, Suite 204 San Francisco, CA 94103 415.861.5019 • www.ebar.com A division of BAR Media, Inc. © 2017 President: Michael M. Yamashita Chairman: Thomas E. Horn VP and CFO: Patrick G. Brown Secretary: Todd A. Vogt

News Editor • news@ebar.com Arts Editor • arts@ebar.com Out & About listings • jim@ebar.com Advertising • scott@ebar.com Letters • letters@ebar.com Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement which the publisher believes is in poor taste or which advertises illegal items which might result in legal action against Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected solely on the basis of politics, philosophy, religion, race, age, or sexual orientation. Advertising rates available upon request. Our list of subscribers and advertisers is confidential and is not sold. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, and writers published herein is neither inferred nor implied. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.

these last couple of weeks before the beginning of the Trump administration, this is an issue worth pondering. Republicans will control all three branches of the federal government, and we have already seen business leaders and politicians jump when President-elect Donald Trump tweets. Just this week, after House Republicans eviscerated the Office of Congressional Ethics, Trump tweeted his disapproval and viola, the GOPers reversed themselves in less than 24 hours. Boycotts should be used cautiously and as a last resort in specific circumstances. The state of North Carolina, for example, found itself in the crosshairs last year over the passage of its anti-trans bathroom law. Various sports organizations – from the NBA to the NCAA – moved games or tournaments out, costing the state millions of dollars in lost revenue. The law remains on the books after a recent special session to repeal it failed. But that’s different from targeting a person because of their speech. In this case, the state is actively discriminating against a group of people, and it’s up to opponents of the law to engage in peaceful protest while demanding that responsible companies take action. It’s been very successful in calling attention to the issue. Twitter’s banning of Yiannopoulos is again different and does not constitute censoring free speech. He was found to be in violation of the social media company’s terms of service and booted off. There is no constitutional right to be on social media. But speech is different. Yiannopoulos is a provocateur, much like the late Fred Phelps and his clan, showing up at funerals carrying their “God Hates Fags” placards. It’s often those with disgusting worldviews that shout the loudest, but that doesn’t mean we have to listen – and we shouldn’t. There’s an easy remedy – don’t promote or buy Yiannopoulos’ book.t

Don’t be a part of the problem by Tommi Avicolli Mecca Editor’s note: The Bay Area Reporter asked community leaders to weigh in on what they think the new District 8 supervisor should focus on in 2017.



individuals whose core belief is that ‘white identity’ is under attack by multicultural forces using ‘political correctness’ and ‘social justice’ to undermine white people and ‘their’ civilization. Characterized by heavy use of social media and online memes, alt-righters eschew ‘establishment’ conservatism, skew young, and embrace white ethno-nationalism as a fundamental value.” Threshold Editions may have identified Yiannopoulos as a “possible future” of conservative thought, according to a Vox article; and Yiannopoulos himself has suggested his book is the “moment” he goes mainstream. That is scary. If his book is successful it will prompt publishers to ink similar deals, conferring legitimacy on a brand of hate that is repulsive. What progressive advocates should be concerned about is the value of freedom of speech. If protesters are successful in shutting down Yiannopoulos’ book deal, that would be troublesome. What happens when someone doesn’t like a book by a liberal LGBT person, or rails against a left-leaning publishing imprint over a deal with a progressive queer person? In


he building of affordable housing, stopping evictions, and addressing poverty and homelessness within the LGBT community as well as maintaining San Francisco as a sanctuary city and pushing for reforms within the police department should be key priorities for the mayor’s appointment to replace gay former District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener. The LGBT community, like all communities in this city, has been hard hit by the current affordable housing crisis. Countless members of our community in the Castro and elsewhere in the city have been displaced by no fault evictions motivated by the desire to make huge profits. Our new District 8 supervisor must work hard to stop these evictions by fighting to strengthen tenant protections (on the local and state levels) as well as making it less lucrative to speculate on and flip buildings, which usually ends in tenants being evicted. Will the new District 8 supervisor go down in history as someone who aided the demise of the gayborhood or worked hard to protect it? The new supervisor should be concerned that the Castro has seen no 100 percent affordable housing except for the Openhouse units for LGBT (and other) seniors which are currently being built at the very edge of the gayborhood and which were fought for by community activists. In the six years that Wiener was supervisor, a ton of market-rate condos were built along Upper Market, with a handful of BMRs (below market rate units) that are not affordable for the homeless or those who are low-income, such as many people with AIDS, seniors, minimum wage workers and youth. The new District 8 supervisor should prioritize the building of 100 percent

“criminal” record that can thwart affordable housing in the district, efforts to obtain housing, and cost especially in the Castro; oppose any the city more money than simply more luxury condos, which most of giving the homeless a place to live, us in the neighborhood cannot afas Salt Lake City and New York City ford; and support the work of the have discovered. I hope that the new Community Land Trust in acquirsupervisor understands that housing ing buildings and keeping them afis the only solution to homelessness, fordable forever. not taking away tents or pushing LGBT poverty and homelessness Khaled Sayed people from one area to another. also need to be addressed by the The new supervisor must also denew supervisor. Two Williams Insti- Tommi Avicolli fend our sanctuary city policy to protute studies show that poverty is as Mecca tect our immigrant brothers and sishigh within our community as it is ters, and join with Black Lives Matter within other communities, refuting and others in working for reforms in a police the misperception that we have lots of disposdepartment that continues to murder black and able income. Homelessness disproportionbrown people. Our new District 8 supervisor ately affects our community. Up to 40 percent must understand that LGBT issues encompass of homeless youth in this city identify as LGBT. more than gay marriage and electing out Twenty-nine percent of the homeless also queer and trans people. They include self identify as queer or transgender. issues that affect all segments of our Shelters are not an option for diverse community. homeless queer and trans folks. Finally, the new supervisor must According to a report from the be accountable, first and foremost, Coalition on Homelessness, to the needs of the people of the trans people experience harassdistrict and the city and not to ment in the city’s shelters at a the mayor and his desire to have higher rate than any other segsix votes on the board. District ment of the population. It’s why 8 has a proud legacy established I and other housing activists over 40 years ago by Harvey Milk helped set up the LGBT friendly and his successor Harry Britt, a legacy of lookJazzie’s Place in 2015 with the support of gay ing out for the most vulnerable among us; a outgoing Supervisor David Campos and his legacy of challenging the powers that be, even, staff. It has only 24 beds. We also helped reat times, the Democratic machine itself; a open Marty’s Place as a co-op for homeless legacy of putting what’s right over what’s poand low-income people with AIDS. It currentlitically expedient. ly houses six people. Clearly, not enough. The The next two years will show whether this new District 8 supervisor must work to idennew supervisor will be part of that legacy tify more housing opportunities for homeless or merely one more moderate vote on the LGBT folks. board.t The new District 8 supervisor should oppose the criminalization of homelessness. It’s not a crime to be homeless. It’s a crime that San Tommi Avicolli Mecca has been a queer Francisco continues to criminalize the poorest activist for 45 years and a tenants rights/ affordable housing advocate for almost two among us. So-called quality of life citations, decades. He has lived in the Castro for 25 whether for sit/lie, panhandling or pitching a years. tent on a sidewalk, tie up the courts, create a


Open Forum>>

January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 7

4 priorities seen for new D8 supervisor by Andrea Aiello

Editor’s note: The Bay Area Reporter asked community leaders to weigh in on what they think the new District 8 supervisor should focus on in 2017.

from those on Divisadero or in the Tenderloin. The local Castro Cares program is trying to develop solutions, and the new supervisor must be knowledgeable about the issues and support community groups to develop local solutions.

he Castro/Upper Market Community Economic vitality Benefit District was a pretty amazing idea The current commercial/retail vacancy rate Rick Gerharter when it started more than 10 years ago: local in the Castro is about 7 percent. New conproperty owners voted to pay an additional fee struction will bring about 9,000 square feet of CBD Executive to develop services to make the neighborhood Director commercial space to the neighborhood. clean, safe, and vital. Yes, they, in essence, taxed Andrea Aiello So we have the available space, but it’s inthemselves to improve the Castro. So with that credibly challenging to open a small business commitment in mind, here are some of the in San Francisco. The wheels at City Hall move priorities the CBD sees for the next supervisor. very slowly when it comes to approving new businesses. It’s unacceptable when it takes a popular local restaurant, Affordability and housing supply with no opposition, nearly a year to expand its dinTo maintain a vibrant and thriving neighboring room into an empty adjacent storefront. hood a mix of housing needs to be mainAnd it took more than a year for a small busitained. That’s why we’d prefer to have the ness with neighborhood support to replace a city’s required affordable housing units in blighted lot with outdoor seating. This can’t new developments built on site and includkeep happening. ed in any new buildings in the neighborIt’s also wrong for long-term commercial hood, rather than outsourced elsewhere. vacancies to be allowed to persist for years At the same time, the city needs to look and years. Empty storefronts cause blight at why so many existing housing units are and hurt the neighborhood, and the new kept empty, rather than rented out. By some supervisor should get involved and help estimates, thousands of apartments citywide expedite plans for businesses that will help are purposely left vacant because landlords believe there are keep the Castro thriving. disincentives to renting them out. Let’s finally deal with that so people can have homes in buildings that already exist. Public safety It’s also astonishing how slowly the system works, even Recently there have been officers in the Castro on foot when everyone agrees that a vacant lot or underused proppatrol, and this needs to continue. San Francisco Police erty should be developed for much-needed housing. One Department Captain Daniel Perea, who leads the Misexample is 2100 Market Street, site of the long defunct sion Station, which has the responsibility for the Castro, Home restaurant. It has taken three and half years for a is in the neighborhood often, and he knows the imporplan for housing there to move forward. That’s too long. tance of this type of community policing. But the Castro has to compete for attention with the Mission, one of the Quality of life issues busiest districts for the SFPD. And by many accounts, the No one in San Francisco should step out of their station is understaffed. homes onto dirty needles, clean up human feces, or be The new supervisor should look at whether Mission afraid to walk their neighborhood in fear of being acStation has adequate resources to continue to serve both costed by a meth-crazed individual or by someone in the the Mission and the Castro. depths of psychosis. Likewise, it is inhumane for us to let Housing, homelessness, local business development, people suffer on the streets without immediate access to and public safety are all complex challenges. If there were treatment and resources. simple, easy solutions, they would have been found by Each neighborhood has different challenges related to now. The CBD’s commitment is to help the new supervisor homelessness and under-housed individuals. Regional with any insight we can offer to tackle these priorities.t and citywide solutions must be developed, but neighborhood solutions should also be created. The population Andrea Aiello is the executive director of the Castro/ Upper Market Community Benefit District. of un-housed individuals in the Castro is very different


Letters>> Don’t blame Putin

“U.S. intelligence services and President Barack Obama,” states the Bay Area Reporter, “have confirmed Russia’s meddling in this year’s presidential election – with the knowledge of top officials, possibly including President Vladimir Putin ... Putin is also virulently anti-gay ...” [“Don’t fall for flawed Calexit plan,” Editorial, December 22]. Has the meddling really been confirmed? Not according to the Intercept: “[T]he refrain of Russian attribution has been repeated so regularly and so emphatically that it’s become easy to forget that no one has ever truly proven the claim. ... The U.S. intelligence community must make its evidence against Russia public if they want us to believe their claims.” (Intercept.com, December 14.) It’s not known whether the Democratic Party information released was a hack from outside, or a leak from within. Former British Ambassador Craig Murray said a Democratic insider, whom Murray met, leaked the documents. Julian Assange, whose WikiLeaks published the material, denies that it came from Russia. No one denies the documents are genuine. They show Democratic officials favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders and the Clinton Foundation taking large


Health Trust

From page 1

“It would be a mistake to change that commitment,” Ferrer said. In response to emailed questions, Charlie Bullock, Ph.D., the Health Trust’s board chair since 2014 and now its interim CEO, said it’s not accurate that the board told Ferrer it wanted to move in a new direction and was looking for new leadership. “The board remains wholeheartedly committed to the important work currently underway in its three important initiatives: healthy aging, healthy eating, and healthy living and other important programs,”

donations from corrupt monarchies like Saudi Arabia and Morocco, “even as Hillary helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors.” (New York Times, April 23, 2015.) Blaming Russia and Putin for Clinton’s loss lets her party off the hook, and continues a pattern of blaming him for failed U.S. policies. After Putin blocked U.S. plans for regime change in parts of Ukraine, Clinton likened him to Hitler. When the U.S., having armed the rebels, failed to topple Syria’s Assad, Putin was blamed for killings in Aleppo. Putin rejects Washington’s claim to rule the world. For this the U.S. casts him as an aggressor, though U.S. bases range along Russia’s border from Poland to Afghanistan. And don’t imagine our government hates Putin because it loves gays. Washington remains the ally of countries like Bahrain, where a pending law plans “to instruct children’s teachers in apparent warning signs of homosexuality or cross-dressing, so that the children can be punished” (Wikipedia) and Saudi Arabia, where the “crime” of homosexuality earns a public beheading.

Bullock said. “The organization is not changing direction.” He also said the board doesn’t want to do less work in LGBT issues, HIV/AIDS, and homelessness. “The Health Trust has strong programs and partnerships in housing, homelessness, aging, early childhood, health care and HIV/ AIDS Services that have benefited our entire community,” Bullock said. “The board remains committed to these programs, initiatives and partnerships.” Asked whether anyone on the board had a disagreement with Ferrer that had led to him being asked to leave, Bullock said, “I am not at

Jay Lyon San Francisco

liberty to disclose confidential conversations between Fred and the board. What I can say is that his departure was a mutual decision between Fred and the board.” Bullock, a straight ally, is 67. His salary as interim CEO is $240,000. Ken Yeager, a gay man who is a Santa Clara County supervisor and who has worked closely with Ferrer, said of his departure, “It’s all quite a mystery. ... No one quite knows what this new mysterious direction is supposed to be for the Health Trust, and we all are looking for an explanation.” See page 15 >>

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<< Politics

8 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


It won’t all be bad tidings in 2017, say these LGBT politicos by Matthew S. Bajko


earing for the worst from the Trumpocalypse? Well, there will be some bright spots in the political world during 2017, so predicts the septet of LGBT politicos who

participated in the Political Notebook’s annual tradition for the first column of the new year. This mark’s the 10th installment of the yearly feature, and unsurprisingly, what may come from the administration of President-elect Donald Trump was foremost in many of the respondents’ minds. But a host of local issues and upcoming races for public office in two years, as there are no local elections in 2017, also caught their attention. Looking back at the predictions for 2016, just one person saw Trump being the Republican Party’s nominee, though even they thought Democrat Hillary Clinton would be taking her oath of office come January 20. Several correctly called the wins by Scott Wiener and Kamala Harris to their state and U.S. senate seats, respectively. Check back next January to find out how foretelling this year’s prognosticators turned out.

2017 predictions

I believe that in 2017, given the fact that we are having no elections, it will be gearing up for the battles in 2018. My predictions are as follows. Conor Johnston will be appointed in the District 8 seat on the San

Francisco Board of Supervisors, and Rafael Mandelman will gear up to run against him in 2018. London Breed will be reelected board president, and will move in a more progressive direction. Issues with single-room occupancy hotels as they relate to the transgender community may come up. Tenants rights legislation that Jordan Gwendolyn Troy Bodnar will be simultaneously supported Davis by some moderates and opposed by some progressives will make even-numbered seats on the Board the stage. of Supervisors in 2018; progressives No politicians will come to Trans will focus on keeping District 6 in March. their hands and picking up both San Francisco Mayor District 8 and District 10. District 2 Ed Lee will be pressured and District 4 will remain in modinto actually funding free erate hands, and therefore, progresCity College. sives will punt on both of them. Cash bail will be elimiSenator Wiener will be the one nated, thus meaning less to stymie progressive change in jail population, thus the state Legislature, and he will be meaning more ability to protested. plug holes in the budget. President Trump will become Funding for homelessness such a disaster that even more modand transit will come up again, and erate pro-development supervisors there will be a debate about using the will be turned off by gentrification sales tax versus a more progressive of majority black or brown areas. tax to fund it. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (DU.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein will California) will get confrontational announce her retirement at the end with Trump’s Republicans and of the term; a wildcard would be Mirightfully so. Congressman Bernie chelle Obama running for her seat. Sanders (I-Vermont) will be louder There will be gearing up for the than ever and will be one of the

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major voices against the Trump administration. Calls for single-payer health care in California will heat up, eventually to end up on the ballot in 2018. The city’s progressive faction will have to reckon with certain ableist undercurrents. Most of all, there will be a lot more protests and a lot more left unity as we confront the racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, classist and ableist men in the White House. Jordan Gwendolyn Davis Transgender rights activist At the national level, I predict that the LGBT community will realize that President-elect Trump is not the enemy and that he will continue to be our advocate. Voters who thought he would destroy this country will thank him for his policies that keep Americans employed and create more jobs here at home. I also predict that he will not start a new world war, as many of my Democrat friends will have you believe. 2017 will also see many LGBT organizations wanting to work with Log Cabin Republicans since we are best able and prepared to work with the president-elect. In California, I predict that Gavin Newsom’s campaign for governor will start to unravel as more qualified and honest Democrats step up to the plate. Although Republican Mayor Kevin Faulconer of San Diego has stated he will complete the second term that he was easily re-elected to in June, I predict he will decide to run and will win the governorship in 2018. Mayor Faulconer is a strong ally of our community. Voters of San Francisco have sent a message to the Board of Supervisors by electing moderates who will work with the mayor and for the voters who elected them. They are elected to represent us, not themselves. We will also see less of a tax-and-spend board and more of one that will be a better steward of our money by cutting costs and eliminating wasteful spending and programs. Troy Bodnar President, Log Cabin Republicans of San Francisco Fire safety, fire department inspections, and permits will skyrocket in Oakland. Thirty-six lives were lost in the December 2 Ghost Ship fire and this unfortunate event will lead to landlords looking closer at insurance coverage of tenants and use of space. The perception of Oakland took a big hit on a national level rightfully so. Rental affordability will be the main issue again for 2017. Oakland has yet to bring jobs to the city that can help people afford rising rental costs and/or costs associated with moving. This imbalance can be helped, but not alleviated, by the city encouraging small business development. Opening a business can take just as much time, or less, as looking for a Job. Maybe someone wants to sell ‘Music CDs.’ For example, in East Oakland, the unemployment rate is rather high (+30 percent). Oakland lacks a workforce that could quickly shift to different job categories as our current situation demands. Commercial property will have a larger role for 2017. Large-scale residential projects are urged to have commercial space thus attracting businesses that need only tenant improvements. With major construction downtown, it breaks the economic rhythm of the business. This issue could open up small livework enclaves in Oakland to spread businesses throughout the city. Oakland protests/riots are See page 11 >>

to ride than any shop in SF! in stockready& Community News>> t shop in SF! January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 9

Summit gives update on HIV cure research by Liz Highleyman


esearchers at the amfAR Institute for HIV Cure Research at UCSF presented an update on their latest work at the recent World AIDS Day summit. The institute, established in 2015 with a $20 million grant from amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research, is a multidisciplinary effort that aims to understand HIV reservoirs, or hiding places within the body, and ultimately control or eliminate the virus. It will soon move into a new home on the UCSF Mission Bay campus. While complete eradication of HIV from the body seems like a distant prospect, a more feasible goal is a so-called functional cure. This would “allow an HIV-infected person to live a full life without having to take medicines, without having to worry about transmitting the virus, and without having to suffer any complications from HIV infection,” said Dr. Paul Volberding, director of the UCSF AIDS Research Institute. This is not a short-term effort, acknowledged amfAR CEO Kevin Frost. “But that’s the history of medicine – taking things that are dangerous, complicated, and expensive and making them safer, simpler, and cheaper,” he said.


stopped, the latent virus methods to detect it, said almost always resumes UCSF associate professor replicating and attacking Satish Pillai, who is workT-cells. Even during treating on new tools includment, inactive HIV can ing radioactive labeling cause inflammation that that lights up HIV-infectcontributes to conditions ed cells. “We have a lot of such as cardiovascular very expensive technolodisease and cancer. gies that all do slightly Liz Highleyman Researchers have tried different things and tell various approaches to Dr. Paul Volberding different stories, but we curing HIV, including don’t really know if any very early antiretroviral of these are telling us the therapy, gene therapy or stem cell absolute truth,” Pillai said. transplants that protect T-cells Understanding the viral from infection, the “shock and kill” Hybrid/City Kid’s reservoir strategy that aims to flush the virus Road Kid’s 2016 WINNER Much of the cure institute’s reout of hiding and destroy it, and search involves figuring out ways to strengthening natural immune re2016 WINNER more accurately measure the viral sponses against the virus. 2016 WINNER reservoir, determine whether residBut these efforts have generally ual virus is “replication-competent,” not led to long-term control of the Every Thursday in April between 4 & 7pm or able to reproduce and infect new virus. Only one person – former cells, and whether experimental San Francisco resident Timothy Ray take 20% OFF all parts, accessories & clothing.* therapies are having an effect on the Brown, known as the Berlin Patient Road Mountain reservoir. – appears to have been truly cured, Mountain Hybrid/City *Sales limited to stock on A new wrinkle in cure research, with no detectable HIV in his body Now Open Thursday to 7pm! according to Pillai, is the growing nine years after receiving bone marN.Y.’s understanding that even defective row transplants from a donor with a N.Y.’s Resolution: Resolution: latent HIV that is not able to pronatural mutation that makes T-cells Every Thursday in April between 4 & 7pm duce infectious new viruses may resistant to infection. NowOFF Open Thursday to &7pm! take 20% all parts, accessories clothing.* still spit out viral proteins that can Two other HIV-positive bone *Sales limited to stock on hand. trigger an inflammatory immune marrow transplant patients in BosEvery Thursday in April between 4 & 7pm response. ton, who received normal, nontake 20% OFF all parts, accessories & clothing.* Only about 1 to 2 percent of CD4 mutated stem cells, managed to T-cells are circulating in the blood hold off viral rebound for a while *Sales limited to stock on hand. at any given time, while the majorafter stopping antiretrovirals – eight ity live in tissues of the body such as months in one case – but eventually the gut and lymph nodes, explained the virus returned. UCSF associate professor Dr. Peter Extensive studies of these patients Hunt. Cells in tissues may be differsuggest that having even a single re1065 Valencia Btwn 21st 21st 22nd St. •) •SFSF 1065 &1077 1077 Valencia(((Btwn 22nd St.) •) SF 1065 & &1077 Valencia Btwn 21st&&& 22nd St. ent from those in the blood and may maining latently infected cell in the ( SALES 415-550-6600 • REPAIRS 415-550-6601 1065SALES &SALES 1077 Valencia Btwn 21st & 22nd St. ) • SF 415-550-6600 415-550-6601 415-550-6600 •• REPAIRS REPAIRS 415-550-6601 respond differently to experimental reservoir may be enough to rekindle Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 11-5 SALES 415-550-6600 • REPAIRS 415-550-6601 Mon.Sat. 10-6, Thu. 10-7,NY Sun. 11-5 therapies, which may not be able to Mon-Sat HIV replication and all its detri4PM Eve and all day NY Day 10-6, Sun 11-5 • Closed reach the sequestered specialized T- Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 11-5 • Closed 4PM NY Eve and all day NY Day mental consequences. 9.75 in. showed us cells that are most likely to harbor The Boston patients 1065 & 1077 Valencia (Btwn 21st & 22nd St.) • SF HIV. that “the virus was lurking all along” SALES 415-550-6600 • REPAIRS 415-550-6601 but we didn’t have sensitive enough See page 15 >>

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<< Community News

10 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


Stud bar seeks new space by Seth Hemmelgarn

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an Francisco’s iconic Stud bar, the tavern at 399 Ninth Street that was recently faced with a dramatic rent increase, is seeking a new home again after a tentative deal on another location fell through. Marke Bieschke, a spokesman for the Save Our Stud collective, made up of DJs, performers, and others who recently bought the bar’s liquor license, said the group had been working on a deal to move to a warehouse “about a block away,” but the landlord for that space wouldn’t agree to a 10-year lease. The city’s Small Business Commission recently granted legacy business status for the Stud, which opened at 1535 Folsom Street in 1966. Among other benefits, a legacy business’s landlord may get grant money, but to get such funds, the business needs to have a 10-year lease. “We’re optimistic that we will find a new space, and we’re doing everything we can to look at places within the historic leather district,” Bieschke said. The collective has a two-year lease on the current site. The purchase of the bar, and its proposed move to a new location, came about after the building was sold and the new owners announced a 300 percent rent increase. Then-owner Michael McElhaney

Courtesy the Stud

Members of the Save Our Stud collective are looking for a new space for the iconic gay bar, currently at 399 Ninth Street, after a previous deal fell through.

announced he planned to retire. Bieschke said his group is hoping to stay in the neighborhood and find “an older building,” rather than a recently constructed site that would feel like a TGI Fridays with “wacky queer vintage memorabilia inside a shiny new building.” He couldn’t say how much the collective is currently paying on the lease, but he said, “it’s less than the almost triple the rent they wanted to charge” McElhaney. The group is ideally looking to pay in the $5,000 to $10,000 a month range. The bar was the original home of the long-running Trannyshack, and

the weekly Some Thing show, which is soon to become a monthly event, has drawn crowds for years. Bieschke said that besides the legacy business grants, the collective also wanted a 10-year lease because “if we were going to spend $300,000 to $400,000 building things out and eight months of our time, a five-year lease would not have been worth it.” The collective has paused its crowdfunding campaign at http:// www.gofundme.com/save-ourstud, but still plans to do fundraisers. As of Tuesday, January 3, just over $1,600 of the $500,000 goal had been raised.t

Workshop explores lessons from ACT UP by Liz Highleyman


workshop Saturday, January 7, will look back at the history of ACT UP and explore its lessons for organizing and activism in the Donald Trump era. The event, cosponsored by Godless Perverts and the GLBT Historical Society, will be held at the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco. “A lot of people are reeling from the election and wondering what they can do. The rise of hatred and fascism has to be fought on so many fronts, it can feel overwhelming or even impossible,” said author and Godless Perverts co-founder Greta Christina. “ACT UP was one of the most effective resistance movements in recent history and they fought back in extraordinarily difficult circumstances and against overwhelming odds. We think a lot of people can learn from their experience and be inspired by it.” Godless Perverts, a group for sexpositive atheists, agnostics, and other non-believers, has mostly hosted social events and performances in its nearly five years, but the November election “lit a fire under us to do more activism,” Christina told the Bay Area Reporter. Saturday’s workshop will feature former ACT UP/SF members Rebecca Hensler, Crystal Mason, and Ingrid Nelson, who will share personal stories about how they got involved in direct action, ACT UP’s successes and challenges, and what current resistance movements can learn from their experiences. “We must use every tool at our disposal to tell the new regime ‘No.’” Mason told the B.A.R.

The legacy of ACT UP

The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power was founded in New York City and held its first major action in March 1987, a “die-in” on Wall Street, to demand access to HIV treatment – then limited to the marginally effective and poorly tolerated

Liz Highleyman

Ingrid Nelson, holding mic, and Rebecca Hensler, left of Nelson, participated in an ACT UP action at the 1990 AIDS conference in San Francisco.

AZT – and an end to discrimination against people with AIDS. The group’s stylistic flair, eyecatching graphics, and savvy use of the media garnered widespread attention, and ACT UP chapters soon sprang up across the United States and around the world. In San Francisco, a group of activists started the AIDS Action Pledge in 1986, which networked with ACT UP chapters and eventually changed its name to ACT UP/San Francisco. ACT UP/SF split in 1990, not long after a week of protests in the city surrounding the sixth International AIDS Conference. One faction was taken over by AIDS denialists and others went on to form ACT UP/Golden Gate, later renamed Survive AIDS. Made up of both people directly impacted by AIDS and seasoned multi-issue activists, ACT UP always had a dual purpose. It is best known for its insider/outsider strategy that helped speed up the drug approval process and accelerate the development of effective HIV treatment. But it also fought against the homophobia, racism, sexism, poverty, and sex negativity that allowed the epidemic to rage out of control. “Ever since the presidential

election, I’ve been feeling like it’s the Reagan-Bush years all over again,” Nelson, now a nurse practitioner who specializes in HIV/AIDS and prison health care, told the B.A.R. “The fear of nuclear war is hanging over our heads, abortion rights are under attack, racists and homophobes are feeling empowered, and none of us feel safe. I want people to know that queers and other marginalized people have fought back before, and that we can do it again.” “Some people are saying it’s important to do something rather than nothing, but I think strategy is as important as action,” added Hensler, now a middle school counselor and founder of Grief Beyond Belief, a grief support network for non-believers. “Looking at what worked in the past is one step, but it isn’t enough because so much has changed in 25 years. Talking about ACT UP and what worked then is about inspiration and insight, not instruction.”t “How ACT UP Fought Back: Direct Action and Civil Disobedience” takes place January 7, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Center for Sex and Culture, 1349 Mission Street. A donation of $5-$20 is requested.

t <<


January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 11

Political Notebook

From page 8

legendary but the riots fuck with small businesses. Even if no physical damage, interruption of foot traffic is enough to stress business. Flipping a coin ... the Raiders will stay. Jobs are important, but seasonal jobs do not truly impact the unemployment rate in East Oakland. Balancing the needs of the community with capitalism is Nenna Joiner Shaun Haines Louise "Lou" Fischer of importance to the future. I do believe both the capitalist interAttorney General nominee Jeff Sesloose with the facts. From U.S. Senests and needs of people can be sions’ track record for LGBT rights ators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala achieved. makes Anita Bryant look like “just Harris holding us down in the BeltOakland will get its first Equinox a beauty queen from Florida.” way, and Governor Jerry Brown health club. Abortion rights: Roe v. Wade with soon-to-be state Attorney Nenna Joiner does not need to be overturned General Xavier Becerra, plus state Oakland storeowner and to decimate abortion rights at the Senate President Kevin de Leon (DDemocratic Party activist state level. The GOP Congress will Los Angeles) and Assembly Speaker cut federal funding to Planned Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) Hello 2017, you will be beautiful, Parenthood. etching “progressive” full of challenges and opportunities. The environment: into a new version of The adage, “what doesn’t kill you Farewell to Obama’s states’ rights, to gay state will make you stronger” comes to legacy of combatting Senators Ricardo Lara mind. 2016 was the year of villainy, climate change. Trump’s (D-Bell Gardens) and 2017 will be the year of heroines and appointment of climate Scott Wiener advancing heroes. There is a war coming and change denier Scott LGBTQI issues in Sacwe need your super powers to proPruitt to head the Enramento and nationally, tect what we hold dear. You never vironmental Protection and courageous young imagined yourself to be a hero for Agency makes Richard leaders from Richmond liberty and justice, but I guarantee Nixon (who started the with RYSE Executive Dithat you will become one and soon. EPA) look like “the envi- Valerie Cuevas rector Kimberly Aceves Hillary Clinton lost the Electoral ronment president.” keeping us all honest to College but she won the popular Voting rights: Sessions ensure the voices of our vote, outstandingly. This changes is not going to protect voting rights. most vulnerable are heard. the game and moves the United The economy: The GOP will pass Valerie Cuevas States closer to joining the rest of massive tax cuts for the rich, run up West Contra Costa Unified School the civilized world in recognizing the deficit, and Wall Street will go Board Member the leadership of women to lead us back to being unregulated and the through the struggles ahead. economy will melt down. We might On January 31, 1989, the Golden We may see an African-American make it to 2018 before this happens Gate Bridge was shut down by female chair of the California Dem(so start saving now). Stop AIDS Now or Else, with Mike ocratic Party – Kimberly Ellis. We Foreign policy: We have a secreShriver and Waiyde Palmer. There may also see an African-American tary of state that has no idea how to was no Ryan White CARE Act, and male chair of the Democratic Nado this job; there will be no foreign AZT was the only approved antirettional Committee – Keith Ellison. policy. roviral drug – it was a very dark and California shall not secede from There is hope – Democrats will desperate time. the union. unite and work to elect more govBefore that, in 1986 during the Future generations depend on you ernors and flip a few house seats Reagan era, Terry Beswick with to do your part. You will stand for in 2018. For my final prediction Citizens for Medical Justice was truth and help to protect our freefor 2017, people will channel Peter being arrested at the San Francisco doms and the vulnerable. Be strong, Finch in “Network” and yell “I’m as federal building. Congress was conbecause the lives of the innocent are mad as hell, and I’m not going to sidering mandatory HIV testing of in danger. Your participation, sacritake this anymore!” and this will be applicants for the Peace Corps and fices, bravery and our ability to unite the catalyst for change. Jobs Corps, which would disproagainst evil are required – there’s just Louise “Lou” Fischer portionately affect poor and innertoo much at stake. We must win. Co-Chair, Alice B. Toklas LGBT city people of color. Progressive and moderate camps Democratic Club “We definitely lost that battle. will still butt heads. However, there But we had to take a stand, and who will be more collaboration as we On January 20, President-elect knows? Maybe it had some effect join forces to ensure our survival. Trump takes office and California on policymakers considering even We will mobilize to secure our returns to the spotlight as that most broader testing. But it had a huge rights and privileges. “progressive” state where we settled effect on me,” Beswick told me. Believe me, I know you are ready questions over the encompassing “That’s the way direct action protest to show that special power of yours. intent of equal protection clauses a works. You just do what you can, Your power to: call out injustice, long time ago. and if you have no voice and all you volunteer to build stronger comSame-sex marriage? K-12 public have to fight with is your body, then munity, and donate to important education regardless of citizenship? you put your body on the line.” causes because you understand Health coverage for pre-existing conToday, with the incoming Trump how important those resources are ditions? Yes to all! administration, San Franciscans to those we love. Most importantly, Whether protecting the will stay true to hisyour power to vote and inspire othenvironment or banning tory and fight. We’ll ers to work hard to ensure we idenassault weapons, Califorturn to Shriver, Palmer, tify new Democratic candidates we nians are well-practiced and Beswick, along will respect and trust to lead. champions of meaningful with Laura Thomas, We will defeat Trump and the progressive public policy. Kate Kendell, Cecelia tyranny of his Red & White Army And despite the national Chung, Lito Sandoval, of hate, racism, bigotry, homophoelection results, we are and others for mentorbia, xenophobia, sexism, and ready to lead in 2017. ship in 2017. obstructionism. No surprise then that We’ll see an incredShaun Haines San Francisco Board ible amount of comFounder and President President London Breed munity organizing in San Francisco Black Community introduced, and the San Gary McCoy 2017 from: Thea MatMatters Francisco Board of Superthews and Queer Black visors passed, a resolution Lives Matter; more local Happy 2017 San Francisco; Donin response to the election of Trump activism from folks like Shaun Osald Trump is president. Half the that reaffirms my tremendous honor burn (who most recently crowdcountry is discontented enough to and great sense of responsibility as funded tents for the homeless) and believe that a clueless, tyrannical, an out, publicly-elected leader at this Jimmy Ryan (Burrito Project SF); narcissistic, reality TV demagogue moment in time. more community organizing in is qualified to run this country. One verse of that resolution must the Tenderloin from residents like I predict that chartered Demobe our North Star in 2017: “CaliCurtis Bradford (Tenderloin Peocratic clubs’ memberships will swell fornia is the sixth largest economy ple’s Congress, and TL Votes); and with people who said, “What the in the world. The Bay Area is the increased advocacy for homeless heck just happened?” and recognize innovation capital of the country. youth from people like Zak Franet the need to organize for civil rights We will not be bullied by threats to (Homeless Youth Policy and Adviand social justice. revoke our federal funding, nor will sory Committee). There are no elections in San we sacrifice our values or members We’ll all do our part and fight like Francisco, so my predictions are naof our community for your dollar.” our life depends on it – because it tionally focused. Look for a powerful varsity team likely will. LGBT rights: Marriage is safe (for of national, state, and local playGary McCoy now) but workplace protections ers to lead California’s high-stakes Homeless advocate and and anti-discrimination laws can dance with those who play fast and Democratic Party activistt be overturned by executive order.

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<< Commentary

12 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


Cannabis dispensaries offer venue for samples by Sari Staver

infused candies and cookies are sampled, although buds and concentrates are also given away. It’s a great way to try it before you buy it and definitely more fun than sampling at Costco. In mid-December, the Bay Area Cannasseur caught up with Amanda Hareskog, who was giving away apple pie and blood orange caramels in the lobby of SPARC, a SOMA dispensary at


ree samples of cannabis are flooding the market in San Francisco, as start-ups vie for customer loyalty and dispensary shelf space. Depending on how much time you want to spend chasing the freebies, there are giveaways almost every day. Frequently, cannabis

Robert (Bob) John Dern September 16, 1948 – December 22, 2016

Robert (Bob) John Dern passed away suddenly at his home in Cathedral City, California, on December 22, 2016. He was 68. Bob was a kind, gentle man who was actively engaged in LGBT issues and AIDS awareness and was the certified public accountant for the Bay Area Reporter newspaper. Bob had an irrepressible sense of humor and was uncompromisingly himself. He was born in East Orange, New Jersey on September 16, 1948, the younger son of Claude and Elizabeth Byrnes Dern. In the mid-1950s he moved with his family to an old farmhouse on Nichols Hill in Dorset, Vermont. He attended Burr and Burton Seminary, graduating in 1966 having been voted the worst male driver in his class. He lived in Boston for several years, then moved west to San Francisco in the mid-1970s. He obtained his CPA and worked as a successful accountant until his retirement in 2005. He had been diagnosed HIV-positive in 1984 and saw many dear friends succumb to AIDS over the years, in particular, his old partner, Sunny Fisher, last year and his close friend, Chas Wesdell. He visited Dorset this summer for his 50th high school class reunion. He was predeceased by his parents, his nephew David Keith Dern, and his former partner, Sunny Fisher. He leaves behind his beloved cat, Pia; his brother Claude G. Dern; his sister Suzanne (Dern) Greene; his niece, Joyce (Dern) Rollins; his trusted friend Jim Yarbrough; as well as many other nieces and nephews, and dozens of friends, including Arthur Jones of Dorset, Vermont and Ann Soucy of Connecticut. If friends desire, charitable donations to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation or the SPCA in his memory would be very appropriate.

gift cannabis to attendees. 1256 Mission (at Ninth Street). On Wednesday and ThursHareskog, 27, founded Choose day evenings, there’s a ganja Love, a Berkeley company, two yoga class held in a South of years ago and can hardly keep Market studio (http://www. up with the demand. deedussault.com). Teacher The SPARC customers kept Dee Dussault has an array of her busy. “I start with just a half vape pens and edibles, proof a caramel,” she advised one vided to her by sponsoring woman. “Please go slowly. And companies, that she offers to enjoy.” students before class. Check Several times a week, Hareskthe website for further details. og visits a dispensary where she And lastly, there is actually spends several hours distributa way of enjoying free samples ing samples of her product, in the comfort of your own which come in six flavors and home. doses from 25 mg. and up. The company Healthy Now selling more than 30,000 Headie Lifestyle (http://www. caramels each month, the comhealhtyheadie.com) offers pany hopes to ink a distribution cannabis parties, much like deal that would send the prodthe Tupperware parties peouct to hundreds of additional ple did decades ago. outlets throughout the state. Sari Staver The company makes its SPARC has afternoon tastChoose Love founder Amanda Hareskog ings on Thursdays or Fridays in stands near some of her products at SPARC. money if partygoers buy any of the gadgets it demonJanuary, according to its calenstrates, which include desktop dar, which is available by email be giving away samples of its gumand handheld vaporizers. The if you sign up on the website, mies on Tuesday, January 31, from Healthy Heady distributor brings http://www.sparcsf.org. 4 to 7 p.m. and Thursday, February along samples to try. For more inTwice a month, there’s a real bo16 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more formation on scheduling a party, or nanza of samples available at the information, sign up for the Apothbecoming a distributor, check the farmers market held at Harvest Disecarium’s email newsletter on its website.t pensary, 4811 Geary (http://www. website. harvestshop.com). In addition to the free samples Held on the first and third SaturBay Area Cannasseur runs the available at dispensaries, the passage days from noon to 4 p.m., 10 rotatfirst Thursday of the month. of the Adult Use of Marijuana Act To send column ideas or tips, ing vendors set up shop in the dis– Proposition 64 – has also enabled email Sari Staver at sari@ pensary’s normally private lounge, bayareacannasseur.com. people sponsoring events to legally according to general manager Gannon Castner. Beginning in 2017, Harvest will be sampling various cannabis concentrates. The events will rotate between the Geary location and Harvest’s second location at 33 29th Street in Bernal Heights. For updates on Harvest events, Castner recommends signing up for their online newsletter or following them on Facebook or Twitter. At the Castro’s Apothecarium, 2029 Market Street (http://www. apothercariumsf.com), San Francisco grower State Harvest Cannabis will be gifting samples of its sustainably grown buds on Tuesday, January 10 and Tuesday, January 24 from 4 to 7 p.m. The Apothecarium has been selling State Harvest flowers, without a label, but the company is now branding its products, according to the Apothecarium. Also, Valhalla Confections will

Mass meeting called to fight Trump

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Bay Reporter.indd 1

9/30/16 10:24 AM

group calling itself SF United Against Trump will hold a panel discussion and speak out Saturday, January 7 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Women’s Building, 3543 18th Street (between Valencia and Guerrero). According to a news release, the group invites interested people to discuss fighting the agenda of President-elect Donald Trump, who will be sworn into office Friday, January 20. Items expected to be discussed include defending minority and women’s rights, including LGBTs; standing together against hate; and defending civil liberties and workers’ rights. The group will also talk about fighting immigration policies Trump has pledged to institute, such as deportations and a Muslim registry. “Panelists will discuss how Trump’s proposed attacks will affect their communities and all of us, and how we can fight back,” the news

release states. “Then, we’ll open the floor for discussion.” Upcoming actions include those around the inauguration and the following day, January 21, when women’s marches are planned in Washington, D.C. and cities across the country. SF United Against Trump formed out of a meeting at the Howard Zinn Book Fair last month. Organizers said they wanted to “launch a broad, open activist front dedicated to resisting Trump’s agenda in San Francisco.” For more information, or to join the group, visit https:// w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p s / sfunitedagainsttrump/.

New supes sworn in Monday

New members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will take the oath of office Monday, January 9 at 10 a.m. in the board chambers See page 15 >>



January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 13

The year we fight back

Christine Smith

by Gwendolyn Ann Smith


y now, the crowds have dispersed from Times Square, leaving behind heaps of confetti, deflated balloons, and the odd, broken pair of “2017” sunglasses. College bowl games and tie-in parades are now a memory. Even my neighbor who seems intent on holding his own backyard fireworks extravaganza has, mercifully, run out of M-80s. We have – at long last – shambled into the new year. By most metrics, 2016 was difficult. Scores of celebrity deaths dominated entertainment news, as we saw the passage of gendertransgressive musicians like David Bowie, Prince, Pete Burns, and

even George Michael among other adored celebrities. We saw the United Kingdom leave the European Union in an embarrassingly close vote, only to do a similar move in the United States, electing reality show star and ethically challenged businessman Donald J. Trump to lead our country for the next four years. I assure you that was about the nicest description I could manage for a man who has brought sexism, racism, and all forms of phobia to the highest office in the land. I can’t help but mention that, yes, 2016 was also the year my father passed away. To paraphrase the movie tag line, this time it was personal. If 2015 was the year when

transgender people found themselves deluged with one bathroom bill after another, 2016 will be recalled as the year when just one single such bill caused months of strife. It was March 22 that the North Carolina Legislature, in a special session, passed House Bill 2. The bill, commonly referred to as an anti-trans bathroom bill, went far beyond simply defining who could use a bathroom. It changes laws related to employment and contracting involving all sorts of discrimination; disallows localities within the state to enact minimum wage standards and other employment protections, such as child welfare of family leave policies; and generally made North Carolina persona non grata for any number of business, sports, and performance artists. HB 2 also helped cause the downfall of North Carolina’s former governor, Pat McCrory, who continues to champion the law. In December insult was added to injury, as North Carolina Republicans brokered a deal with the city of Charlotte, getting it to rescind its LGBT protection ordinance in exchange for the repeal of HB 2. Once Charlotte had done so, the Legislature found itself unable and unwilling to complete the repeal, and HB 2 remains on the books. North Carolina was not alone, with other states, most notably Texas, pushing for similar bills. In the Lone Star State’s version, the law only prevents male-to-female individuals from using women’s rooms: femaleto-male trans folks will be welcome to use the men’s room. Texas also has

Castro Hanukkah celebration draws revelers by David-Elijah Nahmod

administration’s anti-LGBT Cabinet choices – and the similarly antiLGBT Vice President-elect Mike Pence – are leading to more than a little trepidation on behalf of the transgender community as we turn our calendars to the new year. What we see, as we go into 2017, is a future where our rights are likely to be rolled back. Protections that were expected to continue through another Democratic administration are now assumed to be lost, possibly as soon See page 15 >>

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round 100 people gathered in Jane Warner Plaza recently to celebrate Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights – the second year the holiday was officially celebrated in the gayborhood. For eight days every year – usually in December – Jews, friends, and loved ones light candles and exchange gifts for one of the Jewish calendar’s most joyous holidays. The Castro celebration was held December 28, the fourth night of Hanukkah, hence four candles were lit. A fifth candle, known as the “attendant candle” is used to light the others. The evening was a joint effort between Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, San Francisco’s LGBT synagogue; Castro Merchants; and the Castro/ Upper Market Community Benefit District. A giant electronic menorah stood before the crowd and was used for the symbolic candle lighting as local dignitaries spoke. Traditional menorahs were placed on a nearby table where people could light candles and say blessings if they chose. Congregation Sha’ar Zahav interim Rabbi Ted Riter was the evening’s host. “Hanukkah is the season of bringing more light into the world,” Riter said. “This year the holiday overlaps with Christmas – so many people are trying to bring more light into the world.” A representative of Castro Merchants welcomed attendees. “We’re excited to be doing this again,” said Brian Springfield, covice president of the merchants group. “We’re pleased to be partnering with Sha’ar Zahav and the benefit district.” Andrea Aiello, executive director of the CBD, was pleased to see the plaza activated.

taken a stab at the Affordable Care Act, fighting against abortion access and transgender inclusion, on “religious freedom” grounds. I hasten to add that such so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Acts are one of the popular ways to chip away at LGBT and other rights in a post marriage-equality era. We can be all-but-assured that we shall see a lot more of this in 2017 and beyond. RFRA bills, coupled with the expected undermining of Obamaera transgender protections, particularly in light of the incoming

san francisco

ColumbariuM Rick Gerharter

Cantor Sharon Bernstein from Congregation Sha’ar Zahav leads a crowd of nearly 100, including former state Senator Mark Leno, right, in song during Hanukah in the Castro activities.

“I’m so excited to see positive nighttime activity at Jane Warner Plaza,” she said. “Enjoy!” Gay former state Senator Mark Leno, who is Jewish, lit the attendant candle. “It’s been a tough year for us,” Leno said, referring to Presidentelect Donald Trump and anti-gay Vice President-elect Mike Pence who will soon take office. “The spirit and power of this celebration of light brings light over our spirits. Tonight will keep us strong.” Jeff Kositsky, director of the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, lit the first candle. “Homeless or housed, rich or poor, all deserve compassion and hope,” he said. The second candle was lit by Rafael Mandelman, a gay Jewish man who’s president of the board of trustees at City College of San Francisco. “It’s always a great time to take a class at City College,” he said. Michael Chertok, president of

Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, lit the next candle. “This is a holiday which commemorates our struggle for religious freedom,” Chertok said. “Everyone in our community is free to practice their religion and to be themselves.” Sharon Bernstein, cantor for Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, lit the final candle. “This light should enter into our hearts and minds and make us stronger,” she said. After the lighting concluded, coffee and pastries were served. Traditional Hanukkah tunes, including “The Dreidel Song,” were played on a loudspeaker as people danced. Some of the music came from Gay Izmar, Sha’ar Zahav’s in-house Klezmer band. One tune, a recording by Yiddish cover band The Shlomones, drew approving laughs from attendees. The Shlomones were heard singing, “Let’s Light the Candles Again” to the tune of “Let’s Do the Time Warp Again” from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”t

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<< Community News

14 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


Trans Lifeline co-founder released from ICE detention by Sari Staver

“Today I got to see how much my community has my back and it touched my heart.”


mmigration officials have released the co-founder of the nonprofit Trans Lifeline from custody after a harrowing six-day stay in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Arizona. Nina Chaubal, 25, posted $4,500 bond, which represented less than half the money raised in 24 hours via a crowdfunding campaign. The remainder will be used to pay for related legal expenses. Chaubal, a trans woman who cofounded Trans Lifeline in San Francisco in 2013, was detained December 28 after immigration officials interrogated her at a checkpoint in Wellton, Arizona and learned that she was not a U.S. citizen. Many vehicles are routinely stopped to determine if everyone traveling is a U.S. citizen, a practice that is allowed under Arizona law, according to Andre Perez, Trans Lifeline’s director of communications. ICE officials did not respond to a request for comment by press time. Chaubal, who was travelling with her wife, Greta Gustava Martela, 47, also a trans woman, and other friends, was locked up when immigration authorities learned that her visa had expired and that her application for a green card was still pending, Perez said in a telephone interview. Chaubal and Martela were driving to Chicago, where they now live, after visiting California to research new


City College

From page 1

The college board could see another change in leadership should Mayor Ed Lee opt to name Randolph to the vacant District 8 seat on the Board of Supervisors. As of the B.A.R.’s press time Wednesday, the mayor had yet to name his choice for the appointment. The person is expected to take their oath of office at 10 a.m. Monday, January 9 with the winners of the fall oddnumbered supervisor races. Late Tuesday afternoon Randolph told the B.A.R. he was looking forward to his swearing-in ceremony for the college board – his third since being tapped by Lee in 2015 to fill a vacancy – and addressing the numerous issues confronting the college board. “I have no idea beyond planning to start my term at the board of trustees tomorrow,” he said, noting it is an historic time for the community college system. “For the first time in City College history a majority of the board is openly LGBT, and we have a lesbian chancellor and two LGBT vice chancellors. That is kind of very exciting and a historic moment for our community to have leadership in place that


Cannabis cafe

From page 1

Prop 64, which makes it legal for people over the age of 21 to possess cannabis, will go into full effect in January 2018, the deadline for the state to approve a legal and regulatory system that will enable retailers to sell cannabis. Cafe Flore “could be the perfect location” for a cannabis cafe said Alan, who looked at dozens of locations before writing an offer for the iconic eatery. “The Castro is the neighborhood where medical marijuana got started in this city,” said Alan, referring to the first dispensaries under Proposition 215, which legalized medical marijuana in 1996. Because it is currently illegal to smoke in restaurants, including outdoor seating areas, Alan foresees cannabis on the menu, infused in food and drinks. “Or used in ways

–Nina Chaubal the toll it continues to take on transgender people and our families. We must advocate for the release of all trans women from detention.” In a Facebook post January 4, Chaubal wrote: “Through my time being detained by ICE, they treated me and the other detainees like criminals. The more they did that, the less I felt like a criminal, the more I felt like I was a leader of the resistance being held by a bunch of fascists and that the resistance was going to get me out. “Today I got to see how much my community has my back and it touched my heart. I love you all so much,” Chaubal added. “I’m crying, but not because of what they did to me. It’s tears of joy seeing what all of you did for me.”t

locations for the agency, which has provided peer support for thousands of transgender people over the past two and a half years, Perez said. Originally from India, Chaubal came to the U.S. on a student visa and later got her H1B, a visa for foreign workers employed in the U.S., when she was offered a job at Google, said Perez. When she left Google to organize the Trans Lifeline, Chaubal and Martela married. But Chaubal ran into a stumbling block while gathering documents for her green card application because she couldn’t locate Martela’s divorce decree, which had been lost by government officials. Martela had been married to someone who

has since died, Perez said. The divorce decree is apparently necessary for green card approval, said Perez. Immigration officials took Chaubal to an ICE detention center in Eloy, Arizona, a privately run for-profit prison about two hours away from Wellton, where Martela waited in a motel. According to Perez, the Eloy facility has received national press attention for its “poor treatment” of detainees. Chaubal remained in custody until January 3, when she posted bond. She and Martela were expected back in Chicago in a day or two, Perez said. The funds raised in the crowdfunding campaign will be used to hire an experienced immigration attorney, who will explore

available options. The Arizona case has been transferred to Illinois, according to Perez. In addition to their successful fundraising campaign, Perez said that over 6,000 emails were sent by Chaubal’s supporters, urging the government to release her. “We believe the support helped expedite the case and keep the bail relatively low,” said Perez. Commenting on the situation in an email to the Bay Area Reporter, Flor Bermudez, detention project director at the Transgender Law Center, wrote, “Nina’s case is not typical. Most transgender women in immigration detention have been caught at the border while fleeing persecution or have been illegally profiled for behaviors they engaged in to survive. “There are currently over 40 transgender immigrants in detention who have yet to be visited by a lawyer, let alone a community member,” Bermudez added. “Criminalization and selective enforcement targeting transgender immigrants is a widespread crisis, and we cannot lose sight of the inhumanity of our immigration detention system and

is very diverse and very respective of our community.” Temprano and Williams did not respond to requests for comment by deadline Tuesday. The college board is facing a host of critical issues over the next six months, foremost of which will be the status of its accreditation and how that impacts its ability to attract students. It is bracing to learn later this month, or possibly in early February, if the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges will follow through on threats to revoke City College’s accreditation or find it is now in full compliance following a campus visit by a team of reviewers in October. Due to fierce backlash from lawmakers in California and Washington, D.C., the ACCJC placed City College on special restoration status to give it time to address its compliance issues that were first flagged five years ago. City College received an early Christmas present when news broke that the ACCJC’s embattled president, Barbara Beno, had been placed on administrative leave and that the U.S. Department of Education was pushing back its decision

to withdraw federal recognition of the ACCJC itself until next month. “We still are not out of the woods for our accreditation,” noted Randolph, who added, “A lot of the signs are looking favorable to us. But until that announcement comes that dark cloud still hangs above our heads.” Another focus will be selecting a new, permanent chancellor; the trustees are expected to make a decision by July 1 and have encouraged Lamb to apply. Once City College is assured of its accreditation, Randolph said increasing enrollment would be another “huge focus for the board of trustees.” Enrollment at City College has fallen precipitously, by 33-plus percent, since 2012 due to the ongoing fight over its accreditation, and its state funding is facing a $35 million cut this year as special stabilization money to help offset the enrollment declines is phased out. During fall editorial board meetings with the B.A.R. Temprano and Williams both flagged boosting enrollment as at the top of their agenda as it will positively impact the college’s finances going forward. They identified building stronger ties with the city’s public school system as well as local businesses as

part of the strategy they would pursue to see an uptick in enrollment. “We need a much stronger plan to increase the number of students,” said Temprano. “It can’t be we lost 30 percent of our students so we are cutting 30 percent of our classes.” With the legalization of recreational marijuana use in California, Temprano pointed to the expected boom in the cannabis industry as an area that City College could focus on with new class offerings. “We are the kind of city that should be thinking out of the box on that,” he said. Williams suggested City College could do more to attract business professionals who want to advance their education as well as people looking to learn English by offering more courses on weekends and online as a way to bolster enrollment. She also echoed the calls made by other trustees to see City College once again be the go to place to educate city employees who require ongoing training. “The business community enrollment dropped off because of the accreditation issue. We have to pick it back up,” said Williams, who attended City College and served in the student trustee position on the board. The college’s finances will also

continue to be front and center for the board this year. News broke last month that the college district owes the state $39 million because there are no records verifying instructors taught all of the students they claim to have in online classes from 2011 to 2014. College leaders had flagged the issue with state education officials several years ago, noted Randolph, and the local board has been given 10 years to pay back the money. “We are negotiating with the state on what our options are,” said Randolph, who added that, “in the past the state did not penalize colleges that are self-reporting problems.” Also a top priority will be working with City Hall to implement free City College for San Francisco residents, which voters adopted as policy in the fall election. The mayor and the Board of Supervisors, facing their own budget deficit this year, are fighting over how much money will be allocated to turn the policy into reality. The supervisors have called for $9 million to cover the fall semester, with Lee indicating he prefers spending $500,000 this fiscal year and $4.25 million annually going forward. “The whole free City College is going to capture a lot of working adults,” Williams had told the B.A.R.t

we may not have even thought about yet,” he added. While such changes are years away, Alan said the new owners have ambitious plans they hope to adopt almost immediately. “Improvements in the quality of food and service” are at the top of their list, he said. A new front of the house manager, Denae Silverman, will work with staff “to improve the customer experience,” said Alan. Denae Silverman, who has decades of experience operating restaurants, bars, and special events, is married to co-owner Aaron Silverman, who will also be involved in the day-to-day management of the restaurant. Alan, who will oversee the cannabis task force in its second and last year, will also be on the premises “quite a bit” in the first months, he said. The menu will be revamped to emphasize shared plates, “tapas style,” said Alan.

Before any changes are adopted, Alan said the new owners will hold a “makeover party” to get community input on proposed changes. A consulting cocktail mixologist will help with the beverage menu, he said. Some of those changes hopefully will be reflected on the menu prior to grand opening around Valentine’s Day, said Alan. The owners are meeting with architects and designers to figure out their priorities in spiffing up the restaurant, said Alan. “More comfortable seating,” is a must, he said. Improvements to the outdoor cafe to make it usable year round are also a “top priority,” he said. The restaurant plans to develop a line of private branded Flore foods, such as its own line of coffees. These products will be sold at the Castro Farmers Market held next door to the restaurant nine months of the year. If the plan to include cannabis

infused foods is eventually adopted, the restaurant might develop a line of infused products, such as salad dressings, said Alan.

“We think if we develop the right model it can be replicated across the country,” as an increasing number of states approve recreational use of cannabis, said Aaron Silverman. While developing their plan for a cannabis cafe, the two visited many available locations before they learned that Cafe Flore was on the market. “Given the tremendous history of community involvement here, we thought this would be really perfect,” Alan said. The two raised money from investors, enough to pay for the renovations and to carry the business until it can become profitable, said Alan. Current owner Stu Gerry and property owner J.D. Petras are staying on as minority owners, said Alan. The restaurant will drop the word “cafe” and be known as Flore going forward, said Alan. “You remember the definition. Flower,” he added.t

Courtesy Facebook

Nina Chaubal, left, and Greta Gustava Martela

Myriad issues await trustees

Hurdles remain

The improvements face hurdles, Alan acknowledged. The restaurant “in recent times” has been losing money, he said. In addition to bringing in new business, Alan said the owners face the challenge of bringing down labor costs and keeping menu prices “where they are still a good value.” Alan and Aaron Silverman have never worked together before, nor has either ever owned and operated a restaurant. The two met while doing cannabis advocacy work in California and, when they became acquainted, realized they shared a vision of a restaurant where residents enjoy and share cannabis while they socialize over food.

To contribute to the crowdfunding campaign, visit https://www. gofundme.com/help-nina-settleher-immigration. In the U.S., the Trans Lifeline number is (877) 565-8860; in Canada it’s (877) 330-6366. For information about volunteering for the lifeline, visit www. translifeline.org.

t <<

Read more online at www.ebar.com


From page 13

as Day 1 of the Trump presidency. Congress is also in Republican control, the Supreme Court is set to do the same, and the Democratic Party seems more willing to point fingers at transgender people – among others – for their defeat. This is not the recipe for securing transgender rights. So 2016 was bad, and 2017 will likely be a lot worse. It makes one want to despair. Let me tell you one key thing, however. That’s exactly what our opponents want. While they will certainly try, the only thing they cannot stop is each of us. It becomes all the more important that we stand and fight back. If you are a transgender person,


News Briefs

From page 12

at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. Joining the board will be Supervisors-elect Sandra Lee Fewer (District 1), Hillary Ronen (D9), Ahsha Safai (D11), and whoever Mayor Ed Lee appoints to the District 8 seat to replace now-state Senator Scott Wiener. Re-elected board members who will be sworn in to their new terms are Supervisors Aaron Peskin (D3), London Breed (D5), and Norman Yee (D7). Following the swearing in, the board is expected to elect its next president. Ronen will be having a volunteer appreciation party Sunday, January 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Mission Neighborhood Center, 362 Capp Street. During the party, Angela Calvillo, a lesbian who is clerk of the board, will officially swear in Ronen.

Follow-up to LGBT safety meeting

City and community leaders will hold a safety town hall meeting Monday, January 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center, 100 Collingwood Street in San Francisco. The meeting is a follow up to one held in late November, following Donald Trump’s election victory. Organizers said that Trump’s election and upcoming inauguration have raised significant community concerns regarding safety, security, and the possible escalation of hate crime incidents. Invited panelists include representatives from Mayor Ed Lee’s


HIV cure research

From page 9

“If we’re only getting peripheral blood draws, we’re never going to see these specialized subsets of cells,” said Hunt, who studies HIV-infected cells in tissue biopsy samples. Furthermore, just one out of every million T-cells in the body is latently infected with HIV. “There are 4 million people in the Bay Area. There might be one in San Jose, one in Oakland, one in San Francisco, and one in San Mateo,” said Warner Greene, director of UCSF’s Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology. “Our challenge is to study those four cells amongst the millions and millions of other cells, and further to attack and kills those cells without harming any of the other cells.” Researchers in San Francisco have been “very fortunate to have many volunteers from the community who are willing to share their blood with us through leukapheresis,” a process that extracts specific types


Health Trust

From page 7

Yeager said that he and other officials, including the public health director, would meet with Bullock Thursday, January 5. Ferrer “was absolutely a perfect

January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 15

take what little time is left before Trump takes office January 20 and get your papers in order. Seek out resources like http://www.translawhelp.com and get your U.S. passport and Social Security paperwork in order while you can. If you are in a position where you can support translawhelp.com and other transgender organizations, please do so. You may wish to also support larger groups like Planned Parenthood, which is now starting to offer trans-related services, or the American Civil Liberties Union, which is gearing up to fight in Texas over its ACA ruling as well as anything done to harm people from the incoming administration. If you can provide support of any type to your transgender siblings

and others who will be marginalized further under the incoming administration, now is the time to lend your hand. Stand with each of us who are and will be in need. There’s one more important thing to do: stay alive. There are many on the right who would like to see us go away, and that includes seeing us dead. To that end, they’re doing all they can to make our lives a struggle. It is up to each of us to resist, and even just continuing to be our wonderful selves fights against their desires. Let’s make 2017 the year we fight back.t

office, the district attorney’s office, the San Francisco Police Department, Castro Community on Patrol, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and the Leathermen’s Discussion Group. There is no cost to attend. For tickets, visit https://www.eventbrite. com/e/sfpd-chiefs-lgbt-forumtown-hall-meeting-tickets-3076897 1823?aff=efbeventtix.

‘other’ to empathy, from distant to engaged,” said Doniece Sandoval of Lava Mae. “Lava Mae’s work on the streets – with our guests and volunteers – has reinforced that building this bridge is critical to strengthening resilience and creating a more vital city for all.” The event is free. To RSVP, visit http://www.eventbrite.com/e/coming-clean-san-francisco-openingreception-tickets-30339235470.

Lava Mae launches new project

Gwen Smith will stand with you if you’ll stand with her. You can find her at www.gwensmith.com.

Lava Mae, the nonprofit that helps homeless people by providing showers in re-commissioned buses, is launching a new project called Coming Clean San Francisco and will have an event Friday, January 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Fouladi Projects, 1803 Market Street. Deborah Schneider, director of marketing and business partnerships for Lava Mae, said in a news release that Coming Clean San Francisco is a multi-media exhibition amplifying the intimate experience of homelessness through the artists’ lens. It’s based on a shared belief that art – as a cultural tool – has the capacity to elicit a “visceral, almost cellular reaction in a way information cannot,” Schneider noted, “challenging us to push beyond the stereotypes that frame our current perspectives.” The project features a range of well-established Bay Area artists, including Amy Wilson Faville, Elizabeth Lo, and Danielle Nelson Mourning. “Our goal with Coming Clean San Francisco is to use artistic insight to begin to shift the broader community’s relationship with people moving through homelessness – from

Wine event wins gay travel award

of cell from large volumes of blood, Greene added. “It is these types of precious, precious cells that form the gold standard for our studies.” UCSF professor Steven Deeks discussed the challenges of applying the work of researchers in the laboratory to the community of people with HIV in the clinic, and vice versa. “We almost invariably find out things we didn’t think would happen that require explanation, and the institute allows us to seamlessly take observations from clinical trials right back into the lab to answer those questions as they come up in real time,” Deeks said. “There’s a synergistic relationship between the community, the clinicians, and the basic scientists which I honestly think does not work as well anywhere else.” Testing new approaches will eventually require study participants to temporarily interrupt antiretroviral treatment with close monitoring to see if the virus bounces back, because researchers do not yet know how to

measure the reservoir directly. A study starting in early 2017 will test GS-9620, a TLR7 agonist from Gilead Sciences that turns on immune responses, Deeks said. Researchers will later test a TLR9 drug as a backup plan, and therapeutic vaccine trials will probably start in about a year. “I do not think we’re going to cure people with a single drug ... it’s going to require a combination approach.” Deeks predicted. “People often ask me when we’ll cure HIV. I have no idea, but I think we’re going to have a combination regimen that’s viable and testable” by the end of the first five-year funding cycle. “No one in 1993 had any idea we’d be actually able to control the virus, but yet three years later we did,” Deeks continued. “Where we are with [cure] science is like where we were [with treatment] in the late 1980s and early 1990s. We’re beginning to have a vision of what a combination regimen might look like and have started working in that direction.”t

choice” for the Health Trust job “and he’s made a huge impact on our community over the last nine years,” Yeager said. “... It’s going to be very hard, if not impossible, to replace Fred.” Ferrer doesn’t know what exactly he’ll do next. “This was not my plan, so there’s

no new job in the wings or anything, but I’m really going to try to take some time off and decompress and get my energy back and then figure out what I want to do,” he said. According to the organization’s 2014 Form 990, Ferrer’s total compensation was $283,283.t

Out in the Vineyard, an LGBT wine tasting event in the Napa Valley, won GayTravel.com’s event of the summer in its inaugural Gay Travel Awards. Since 1999, GayTravel has served the LGBT community by providing information and raising awareness of inclusive travel companies and destinations where travelers can research, plan, and book memorable travel experiences. “The Gay Travel Awards are a natural extension of our brand,” Steve Rohrlick, chief visionary officer for GayTravel, said in a statement. He added that the goal of the awards is to recognize and showcase inclusive travel-related companies and to inspire other companies and brands to continually raise their service levels and amenities while encouraging a broad spirit of inclusiveness. For a complete list of winners, visit http://www.gaytravel.com/ gay-blog/2016-gaytravel-awards. This year’s Out in the Vineyard Gay Wine Weekend takes place July 14-16. For more information, visit www.outinthevineyard.com.t

Legal Notices>> NOTICE


The Annual Report of the Burk Chung Foundation, 837 Washington Street, San Francisco, California 94108 is available at the Foundation’s office for inspection during regular business hours. Copies of the Annual Report have been furnished to the Attorney General of the State of California. Burk Chung, Trustee. Fiscal year ended November 30, 2016.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MIKE’S, 505 HAIGHT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ZIPZAP HAIR INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/26/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 11/29/16.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: FRESH GREEN, 1970 JERROLD AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed GRUBMARKET INC (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/05/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/07/16.

In the matter of the application of: LARRY DUKE ROGERS, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner LARRY DUKE ROGERS is requesting that the name ROGERS be changed to LARRY DUKE ROGERS. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 514, Rm. 514 on the 7th of February 2017 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SEABEE CONSTRUCTION, 1387 BRUSSELS ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ZHIBIAO YAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/01/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/08/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: UX SOLUTIONS, 4257 18TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed GREGORY WELLS INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 10/15/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/07/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ROHAN CONSTRUCTION, 26 FOREST SIDE AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KIERAN P. ROHAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/08/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/08/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: DOWNTOWN GROCERY, 289 EDDY ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GHAMOAN JAMIL ALI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/01/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/08/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: LARK IN THE MORNING, 837 25TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ERIC AZUMI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/12/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/12/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: RICHARD GERVAIS COLLECTION, 1465 CUSTER AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RICHARD NORMAN GERVAIS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 11/17/16.

DEC 15, 22, 29, JAN 05, 2017


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SAMLO TRANSPORTATION, 138 PARIS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SAMUEL MEJIA LOPEZ. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/22/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 11/22/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CHARLIE’S DRUG STORE, 1101 FILLMORE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NAHLA SHOMAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/87. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/14/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SOMA VIDEO PRODUCTIONS, 1040 FOLSOM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed AHMED ADNANI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on12/20/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/20/16.

DEC 22, 29, JAN 05, 12, 2016 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE A-036508000 The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: NORIEGA STREET CLEANERS, 1711 NORIEGA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by YUEER LIN. The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/29/15.

DEC 22, 29, JAN 05, 12, 2016

City and County of San Francisco Outreach Advertising January 2017 Stay Connected To the City through SF311 The SF311 Customer Service Center is the single stop for residents to get information on government services and report problems to the City and County of San Francisco. And now, we have even more ways for you to stay connected to the City with our SF311 App and SF311 Explorer website. The SF311 App lets you get information on City services and submit service requests on-the-go right from your smartphone. You can track your service requests through the app or through our new website, SF311 Explorer. Download the SF311 App from your smartphone’s app store and visit the SF311 Explorer at explore311.sfgov.org today! Count on WIC for Healthy Families WIC is a federally funded nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children. You may qualify if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or just had a baby; or have a child under age 5; and have a low to medium income; and live in California. Newly pregnant women, migrant workers, and working families are encouraged to apply. WIC provides Nutrition Education and Health information, breastfeeding support, checks for healthy foods (like fruits and vegetables), and referrals to medical providers and community services. You may qualify for WIC if you receive Medi-Cal, CalFresh (Food Stamps), or CalWORKS (TANF) benefits. A family of four can earn up to $3,747 before tax per month and qualify. Enroll early! Call today to see if you qualify and to make an appointment. Call City and County of San Francisco WIC Program at 415-575-5788. This institution is an equal opportunity provider Board of Supervisors Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings January, February and March 2017 Meetings • January 9 (Inaugural Ceremony) • January 31 • February 14 • March 7 • March 21

• January 10 • February 7 • February 28 • March 14

There will be no scheduled meetings on January 3 and 17, February 21 and March 28. LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST CHINESE…. SPANISH…. FILIPINO Requests must be received 48 hours in advance required for interpretation. For more information see the Board of Supervisor’s website www.sfbos.org, or call 415-554-5184. The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach. Articles are translated into several languages to provide better public access. The newspaper makes every effort to translate the articles of general interest correctly. No liability is assumed by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions.


Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

16 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

Classifieds The




In the matter of the application of: BERYL MAGILAVY, 433 LINDEN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner BERYL MAGILAVY, is requesting that the name BERYL MAGILAVY, be changed to SIMONE THOMAS. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 514, Room 514 on the 7th of March 2017 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MARLEY BADSELF INSPECTIONS, 1390 MARKET ST #2606, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KAZEEM LAWAL. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/01/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/15/16.


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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine time a day for nine days. Thank you Jesus and St. Jude for prayers answered. Publication must be promised. S.W.




The following person(s) is/are doing business as: L & C MAINTENANCE, 1641 NEWCOMB AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NATAN ISAAC CALLEJAS GUZMAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/12/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/14/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: L T TRANSPORTATION, 430 PARIS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LUIS TORRES. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/22/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 11/22/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INSTITUTE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH...; INSTITUTE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH; CENTER FOR LOOSE ENDS, 751 LOMBARD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KARIN A. WEISS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 09/01/78. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/08/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: NORIEGA STREET CLEANERS, 1711 NORIEGA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed YU FEN WANG. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/09/16.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BEX SPEX, 4083 24TH ST #460726, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed BEX SPEX, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/05/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/22/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ICARUS ARCADE, 4145 ULLOA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed ICARUS ARCADE (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/23/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/23/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: THE WORD; YELLOW BRICK ROAD INDUSTRIES, 465 S. VAN NESS AVE STE A, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed YBR PROMOTIONS LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/01/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/06/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: KEMESTRY, 4007 FOLSOM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RONALD B. BROOKS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/07/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/07/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: LAPHET, 448 LARKIN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed WILLIAM LUE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/20/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/20/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PUSH DANCE COMPANY, 179 OAK ST #J, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RAISSA SIMPSON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/31/05. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/22/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ABSEE WORLD, 2088 OAKDALE AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed EVELYN TAM. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/16/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/16/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SERENITY SKINCARE BY RACHEL, 754 PACIFIC ST #D1, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RONG RONG HUANG. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/01/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/20/16.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GIDDYUP PUP, 44 TUCKER AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GENEVIEVE NIZIC. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/21/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/21/16.

This constitutes actual lawful and constructive notice and declaration of the following facts, registration and copyright protections for the tradename/trademark, Sheila Ann Blanc©, a private divine proportional trust and an original expression created on or about September 13, 1962, with all rights reserved, held by blanc,sheila ann©, for the Sheila Ann Blanc© Living Trust, domiciling near Sebastopol, California. Said common-law trade-name/trade-marks may not be used, printed, duplicated, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner (including signature in existence by my hand) whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of the Trust, hereinafter “Secured Party.” With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said juristic person, assents, consents, and agrees that neither said juristic person, nor the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the common-law trade-name/trade-mark, nor the common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative, variation, and/or spelling and printing of Sheila Ann Blanc©, including and not limited to all style, word order, abbreviation, punctuation, hyphen, font, color, derivatives, variations in the spelling, abbreviating, upper/lower case rendering and writing of said trade-name/trade-mark. Secured Party neither assents, nor consents, nor agrees with, nor grants, nor implies any authorization for, any unauthorized use of tradename/trade-mark, and all unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Mutual Assent Implied and Express Contract Executed by Unauthorized Use of Secured Party’s Common Law-Copyrighted Property; Self-Executing Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use of Secured Party’s Common Law-Copyrighted Property: By these terms, both the person and the agent of said person engaging in unauthorized us of copyrighted property, hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Interloper” does assent, consent, and agree that any use of the tradename/trade-mark, except the authorized use as set above constitutes unauthorized use, unauthorized reproduction, copyright infringement, and counterfeiting, of Secured Party’s common-law copyrighted property, is contractually binding upon said Third Party Interloper, securing an interest in said Interloper’s assets, land, and personal property for equal consideration and not less than $1,000,000.00, based on the estimated value of the secured tradename/trade-mark at the time of this notice. Any person claiming an adverse interest, challenging, or rebutting the rights of the Secured Party may write to the Trust in care of: 7319 Witter Road Sebastopol, California 95472-9999, non domestic/without the USA.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: NORCAL COURIER AND LEGAL SERVICES, 268 BUSH ST #4042, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed 41510 LOGISTICS INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/20/16.

The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: GYROTONIC PACIFIC HEIGHTS, 2999 WASHINGTON ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business was conducted by a limited liability company and signed by TRINITY FITNESS LLC (CA). The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/13/12.

DEC 29, JAN 05, 12, 19, 2017

DEC 22, 29, JAN 05, 12, 2017

DEC 29, JAN 05, 12, 19, 2017

JAN 05, 12, 19, 26, 2017

In the matter of the application of: TONY MICHAEL PERKINS, AKA TONY MICHAEL DANIEL APKER PERKINS, 19 CLEMENTINA ST #207, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner TONY MICHAEL PERKINS, AKA TONY MICHAEL DANIEL APKER PERKINS, is requesting that the name TONY MICHAEL PERKINS, AKA TONY MICHAEL DANIEL APKER PERKINS, be changed to TONY MICHAEL ARCHULETA-PERKINS. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 514, Room 514 on the 23rd of February 2017 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: HAPPY FACE FAMILY PRESCHOOL, 631 HEARST AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ELENA RAMIRIZ. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/28/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/28/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INTEGRITY MARKETING, 662 HURON AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RICHARD G. HABIB. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/02/16.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SERVICE EXPERTS, 280 FRANKFORT ST, DALY CITY, CA 94014. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JONATHAN JOYA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/15/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/15/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INVITE A THIRD, 4153 20TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CUC NGUYEN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/12/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/27/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: COCO’S RAMEN, 3319 MISSION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ZHILING XIN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/27/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/27/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: THE URBAN CHAIR, 3650 24TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CARLA BEYER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/26/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/28/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CHEFS FEED, 32 PAGE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed CREDIBLE, INC (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/03/11. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/17.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: TAKUYA, 716 IRVING ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed TAKUYA INVESTMENT INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/29/16. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/29/16.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ZETAOHM LLC, 2565 3RD ST #315, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed ZETAOHM LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/14/16.


Speakeasy gin


Moonlight sonata


Out &About

Castro January




Vol. 47 • No. 1 • January 5-11, 2017


“The Birth of Venus” (2014) by Roz Chast. Cover illustration for The New Yorker, Aug. 4, 2014. Watercolor and ink on paper. On view April 27-Sept. 3, 2017, at the Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco.

by Sura Wood

Looking ahead at 2017 in the museums


017 has barely gotten off the ground, but it’s already shaping up to be a dynamic year at local museums. Take a look. The GLBT History Museum Beartoonist of San Francisco: Sketching an Emerging Subculture features cartoonist Fran Frisch in a playful exploration of the history of the city’s bear community, which, beginning in the 1980s, celebrated older masculine men of the burly, huggable, hairy variety. (Jan. 27 through May) See page 26 >> Courtesy Danese/Corey, New York; Roz Chast

SF Symphony & SF Opera ring in 2017 by Philip Campbell


efore Trump gets Sylvester Stallone to re-consider being posted to the National Endowment for the Arts, let’s get real and consider instead some promising musical events scheduled for the City by the Bay in 2017. See page 26 >>

Cellist Gautier Capucon returns to Davies Symphony Hall this month.


Courtesy SFS

<< Out There

18 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

New year, big cheers! by Roberto Friedman

don’t drink.” Our escort Pepi wasn’t happy about our having more vino (he doesn’t drink, either), but oh well, our grand total of four drink tickets made the whole theatrical evening go by right thumpingly. At the afterparty, Loh offered up her show as a necessary antidote to the poisonous political developments of the last year. It was created, she proclaimed, “For women! And for men who love women!” We were tempted to, but did not shout, “And what about for men who love men?”

Just before Christmas, the “undie-rock” comedy-pop duo et’s catch up with our cultural The Skivvies make their San Franperambulations, shall we? The cisco debut with their holiday show holiday season goes by in Holiday Roadkill at ACT’s Strand a blur, but Out There Theater. Joined by guest Randy took the time to atHarrison (Queer as Folk), Skivvies tend local theatre and Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley performance. offered covers, mash-ups (“We Got Early last month the Beat/The Little Drummer Boy”) found us at Berkeley and originals (“It’s Fucking HanukRep for the opening kah”). Their music’s stripped-down of Sandra Tsing Loh’s on cello, ukulele, glockenspiel, and The Madwoman in melodica, and the Skivvies were the Volvo (reviewed in stripped down, too, at least to their our 12/22 issue). In undies. Great pants-down fun! the courtyard before curtain time, In something of a family tradition fellow culture vulture Tessi Tura at this point, OT & Pepi attended offered us drink tickets, saying, “We Brava’s New Year’s Eve Comedy Fiesta, a benefit for Brava! for Women in the Arts with headliners Tom Ammiano, Marga Gomez, Carla Clayy, hosted by Priya Prasad with special guests Butch Escobar and Chey Bell. Gomez had written to us, “I haven’t told many people, but it’s not a secret that I will be taking a leave from coproducing these NYE galas after this year. Had it planned even before Cheeto won. “It is just hard topping myself year after year. But if I don’t top myself, who will? Seems fitting to share my last big NYE with Tom Ammiano, the ‘Mother of Gay Comedy.’ He got me hooked on this life.” David Wilson Ammiano, 75, said from Comedians Marga Gomez, Carla Clayy and Tom Ammiano headlined Brava’s the stage that he is sick of New Year’s Eve Comedy Fiesta at the Brava Theater Center. people asking him about his “bucket list.” “I don’t have a


Courtesy ACT

The Skivvies (Lauren Molina and Nick Cearley) played ACT’s Strand Theater.

bucket list. I have a fuck-it list!” Amen! Finally, a big “Bravo!” to the San Francisco Symphony for announcing the cancellation of two performances in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, April 5-6, 2017, in response to that state’s House Bill 2 [HB2], a law that overturned protections for LGBT people earlier this year. “The Symphony made the decision to cancel its appearances in North Carolina,” executive director Brent Assink said in a press statement. “In the months after HB2 became law, we have closely watched the fluctuating political landscape in hopes that the law would be overturned. Because that has not happened, and due to

Castro Theatre sees in the new year by David Lamble

visits our wet planet in hopes of finding water for his very dry one. The Bowie film template: an otherworldly creature inspires perilous mix of lust, envy, S/M control issues, sci-fi warnings of doom for our species. Good adaptation of Walter Tevis’ novel. Descending on earth like a comet, Bowie’s alien quickly discovers a group of curious humans and makes them an offer they won’t refuse: financial rewards from nine basic patents that outstrip human technology. The movie benefits enormously from the charisma of two character actors, Rip Torn as an avuncular quasi-mad scientist, and veteran screenwriter Buck Henry. In a witty subplot, Henry’s character is married to another man who’s extremely nearsighted. Henry reportedly wondered out loud why his character was gay.


he Castro Theatre kicks off 2017 with its patented blend of film classics, both venerable and in-the-making. Alien (1979) In director Ridley Scott’s scary space trip, a monstrous creature turns on the crew of an American spacecraft. With John Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Ian Holm, Harry Dean Stanton and Veronica Cartwright. Lifeforce (1985) Tobe Hooper directs space-vampire horror tale that wanders crazily from genre to genre. With Peter Firth and Patrick Stewart. (both 1/6) The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) Mid-70s gem directed by Nicolas Roeg features 29-year-old androgynous Bowie as an alien who







-David Fear, ROLLING STONE El Deseo presents

Adriana Ugarte

Emma Suárez

a film by



Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983) English-language debut feature from Japanese master Nagisa Oshima plays as a hipster remake of David Lean’s POW-camp classic The Bridge on the River Kwai. Essentially a battle of cultures and wills between a stiff-necked Japanese camp commander and a steadfast British major (Bowie). Supporting player Tom Conti steals some dramatic thunder as a bilingual prisoner. Bowie shows how good he could be if he were cast for his acting abilities rather than celebrity freak status. (both 1/8) The Handmaiden (2016) Japanese remake not for every taste. (1/10) 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Classic from author Arthur C. Clarke and director Stanley Kubrick was first popular with the late-60s drug generation, and continues to fascinate as an artifact from the first era of space exploration. (1/11-12) The Beatles: Eight Days a Week (2016) Ron Howard’s entertaining look at when four lads from Liverpool created pop-music shock therapy for millions of rock fans across the country. New chats with surviving Beatles Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Gimme Danger (2016) Iconic shirtless hard rocker Iggy Pop is the hero of this unique biopic. (both 1/13) Loving (2016) Moving account of unlikely heroes in America’s racial wars. The Lovings’ attempt to live as an interracial couple brings them considerable grief in racially polarized midcentury America. Plays with Wattstax. (both 1/16) Noir City 15 (1/20-29): Criss Cross (1949) An early triumph for a muscular young Burt Lancaster. The Asphalt Jungle (1950) John Huston directed this carefully crafted crime drama with Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhern, James Whitmore and Marilyn Monroe. (both 1/20) Kansas City Confidential (1952) Director Phil Karlson’s drama about an ex-con (John Payne) who emerges from prison determined to prove his innocence in a bank robbery


pressing internal travel deadlines, the San Francisco Symphony has made the decision to cancel its concerts. “We feel we must join our city, our state, the NBA, NCAA, and the many artists, organizations, and businesses who have chosen to not visit or contribute economically to North Carolina until legislation denying protection for the LGBT community has been overturned. The San Francisco Symphony, its Board of Governors, and music director Michael Tilson Thomas wholeheartedly support this decision, as they support all those striving for equality and inclusiveness in their community and beyond.” Right on, SFS!t

Rialto Pictures/StudioCanal

David Bowie in director Nicolas Roeg’s The Man Who Fell to Earth.

by finding the real culprit. Violent Saturday (1955) Richard Fleischer directed this study of a small town affected by a brutal bank holdup. Four Ways Out (1951) Pietro Germi directed this tale about a robbery at a soccer arena, with Gina Lollobrigida, Paul Muller and Enzo Maggio. Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) Mario Monicelli’s satire, a store robbery attempted by rank amateurs, with Vittorio Gassman, Marcello Mastroianni and Toto. (all four, 1/21) Rififi (1955) Jules Dassin’s classic crime caper features a magnificent silent sequence involving a jewel heist. Classe Tous Risques (1960) Claude Sautet directed terrific robbery heist featuring a youthful JeanPaul Belmondo. (both 1/22) The Killing (1956) Stanley Kubrick secured his early reputation as

a promising indie-film voice with this stylish account of a racetrack robbery. With Sterling Hayden, Coleen Gray, and The Maltese Falcon’s famous “gunsel now become a man,” Elisha Cook. Plays with Japanese noir Cruel Gun Story (1964). (both 1/23) The Ladykillers (1955) Alec Guinness steals Alexander MacKendrickhelmed noir/black comedy gem. Band of crooks is tripped up by a little old lady. With Katie Johnson, Cecil Parker, Herbert Lom, Peter Sellers, Frankie Howerd and Jack Warner. The League of Gentlemen (1960) Director Basil Dearden orchestrates bank-robbery plot whose twist is a blackmail scheme to bring about the cooperation of former British Army officers. With Jack Hawkins, Nigel Patrick, Richard Attenborough, Robert Coote and Bryan Forbes, who also scripted. (both 1/24) See page 21 >>

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<< Theatre

20 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

Vintage immersive experience by Richard Dodds


ou can’t see it all, but you should at least drain the main vein. Program notes for The Speakeasy include information that three vintage urinals at a cost of $1,300 apiece and nine high-tank toilets at $800 a pop had been installed to help maintain the verisimilitude of The Speakeasy experience. Had I known that, I would have at least paid nature an honorary call. This revamped, expanded, and theatrically improved immersive experience has reopened at a secret location near where Chinatown and North Beach converge. The first Speakeasy opened in the Tenderloin in 2014 in an impressive recreation of a 1920s hooch hall with separate areas for a bar, nightclub, and casino. Comics and singers would take to the stages as small dramas would periodically flare up in the different areas and audiences moved through often-cramped passages. It was doing big business when it lost its lease, but rather than closing up shop, Boxcar Theatre’s Nick A. Olivero and his colleagues upped the ante by raising $3 million to build out a sprawling new space beneath some rundown faux business fronts. This 9,000-square-foot maze of period details needs a cast and crew of 81 to set it into motion at every performance. The new Speakeasy is an astonishingly complex operation that couldn’t possibly work – except that it runs with an efficiency without calling attention to the critical managerial efficiency that operates with only glimpses of discouraged totems of contemporary technology. In an alley behind City Lights Bookstore, where I had been instructed to report to a man in a blue hat, he explained the list of rules and instructions – including sealing of cellphones in heavy foil-lined envelopes – but he was occasionally

Peter Liu

Megan Wicks plays a troubled star in the cabaret at The Speakeasy, one of the numerous areas you are free to roam in this elaborate recreation of a 1920s bootleg palace.

interrupted by questions coming into his earpiece and his Secret Service-style replies into his sleeve. A hand-drawn map directed us to the venue itself, which has several entrances that you hardly notice even when looking for them. In our case, it was into an old Chinese laundry where you then descend a dark staircase into a bustling nightclub. If instead you had been sent to a clock shop, that staircase would take you down to the rowdy main bar. After everyone has been herded into a pre-assigned locale, the audience can then go free range. And that’s where the fun really begins. You are welcome to move about the main spaces, and several that you may or may not discover on your rambles. If a door is not marked private, no matter how small or discreet, you are free to plunge ahead. In one case, in a replica of an office with a picture window into which

voyeurs could peer, a performer and a thuggish producer were having a go at it. Enter another door, and you are peering into a dressing room where the star chanteuse is being inveigled into trying a suspicious drug for her vocal problems. No one else can possibly be having the same experiences. After wandering through the nightclub, the bar, the casino, a vestibule, and other portals, you may decide to concentrate on certain characters. That’s what we did, starting with the charismatic Megan Wicks, playing the troubled star singer Velma, as we followed her from room to room to see how her story developed. And the strongly committed work from Robert Molossi as the sexually conflicted Eugene was another lure, as we see him playing ladies’ man in the cabaret and unsuccessfully trying to pick up another man after wandering

into the bar. And in one of the ethereal moments that only a handful will experience, Eugene pulled my companion into a private room for a sharing of special moments. But as uniquely enveloping as all this is, there can be significant languor during the three-hour-plus production. Not all of the periodically erupting dramas in the various spaces are worth much investment. While focus has been sharpened from the previous Speakeasy, it can still be hard to decipher what is going on as bits and pieces of scripted drama periodically erupt. By chance, I was sitting at a table next to actors playing arguing spouses, and the wife was barely audible even at this close proximity. But in this casual combination of performers and audiences who often come outfitted in period outfits, you’re never quite sure if you’re mingling with cast or customers.


This heightens the impact, and helps maintain the reality, when someone standing beside you begins singing “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” then others around the room begin joining in. It’s a plausible spontaneity that suits the show and that the heavy-handed production numbers seen in the earlier incarnation had lacked. At least, I didn’t see a repeat of those, which doesn’t mean they weren’t happening somewhere else in the warren. Not only can you not see it all, you also have no idea what anyone outside your sightlines is experiencing. The scripted material marches ahead whether it’s three or three dozen who have happened into its vicinity. A flickering of the lights means some sort of scene is about to play out, but in the nightclub, the entertainment is nonstop. A four-piece band works its way through dozens of period songs as the chorus line seems to be changing costumes every few minutes. When the singers and dancers take a break, comics take center stage. The material is unabashedly threadbare, and they perform it with an eerie flatness that doesn’t vary despite the silence that greets most punchlines. Even with the freedom to move from room to room, lubricate with specialty cocktails, and make-believe gamble in the casino, you may feel finished with the three-hour production before it’s finished by a raid by the feds. But the experience has a way of glowing with increasing brightness after the fact as the marvel of this implausible enterprise can be pondered and appreciated. But don’t make the mistake that I made by going to see a man about a horse before arriving. Nothing like pointing Percy at vintage porcelain to start an evening at The Speakeasy.t The Speakeasy is currently taking reservations through Feb. 26. Tickets are $85-$130. Go to thespeakeasysf.com.

Women he has known by Tavo Amador


ctor Robert J. Wagner (b. 1930) has had a longer career than almost anyone would have imagined when he made his uncredited film debut in 1950. He is still working. For decades, he was the quintessential leading man, appearing in countless films, enjoying considerable success on television, yet never taken seriously by critics. David Thomson’s New Biographical Dictionary of Film, for example, has no entry for him. Wagner may best be remembered for his two marriages to Natalie Wood (1938-91) and for being her widower. He has known and worked with many of the most celebrated women in motion picture history. He recalls them in I Loved Her in the Movies: Memories of Hollywood’s Legendary Actresses (Viking, $27). He was eight when he met his first movie star, Norma Shearer. Her son, Irving Thalberg, Jr., was a classmate, and brought him home to meet mother. Wagner got his break in 1952’s With a Song in My Heart, a biopic of singer Jane Froman starring Susan Hayward. He played an exceptionally handsome, shell-shocked soldier. His part was small, but Hayward made sure he got noticed. He writes appreciatively of her kindness, talent, and personality. Next year, he had star billing behind Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck in Titanic. His admiration for her led to an affair, even though she was 23 years older. They remained friends until her death. He also had a brief fling with Joan Crawford, 24 years his senior. His

assessment of her is nuanced and balanced. He worked with Bette Davis, whom he admired but admits could be very difficult, and offers a fresh insight into the differences between the two women. “Crawford wanted to be a star, and acting was the vehicle that got her there.” Davis, however, “wanted to be an actress,” and stardom brought her the roles she sought. Stanwyck, Crawford, and Davis aren’t the only stars of a generation before his whom he admires. Others include Irene Dunne, Loretta Young, Claudette Colbert, Myrna Loy, Ann Sheridan, Joan Blondell, Dorothy Lamour, and Claire Trevor. Lucille Ball was a neighbor in Palm Springs and was crazy about one his daughters. His discussion of them is free of hagiography – they were, after all, individuals with flaws. But for the most part, he writes with no meanness, and focuses on their best qualities. His discussion of how the gifted Betty Hutton’s nastiness caused her career to end after a decade is candid but sympathetic. She wound up broke and forgotten, living on Social Security in a small Palm Springs apartment. He’s excellent at assessing why critics often miss what audiences see. Lana Turner is a good example. Wagner is under no illusions about her acting skills, although he cites some good work she did, but he understands why she was a star for so long. He made films with Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren (whom he adored) and television movies with Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor. He writes astutely about them

as actresses, friends (and, in the case of Taylor, romantic partner) and stars. But working with Raquel Welch was trying. Yet he’s gracious enough to say he was sufficiently impressed by her autobiography Beyond the Cleavage to give a copy to one of his daughters to read. Welch had, he says, clearly matured and changed. He understands the pressures of fame and the extra burden placed on women during and immediately after the demise of the classic studio system. It was hard for them to remain stars as they aged. This became especially true, he writes, with the widespread use of color photography in movies. Previously, skilled cinematographers used black-andwhite lighting to hide Shearer’s inward-facing eye, the tenseness in Dunne’s chin that made it look dark, or the bump on one side of Colbert’s nose. Crawford and Stanwyck were carefully lit, allowing them to play romantic leads well into their 40s. His insights into the vagaries of onscreen chemistry are revealing. He and Stephanie Powers, his costar on television’s long-running Hart to Hart, got along very well but led completely different and independent lives. William Powell and Myrna Loy were classic Hollywood’s

ideal married couple thanks to playing Nick and Nora Charles in movies based on Dashiell Hammett’s The Thin Man, but off-screen they were simply colleagues. He neglects to mention that Crawford and Clark Gable, paired eight times, lit up the screen and were real-life lovers. He writes movingly about the pressures Wood faced from her family as a lauded child performer, as a teenage actress, and as an adult star. He admires her talent, her ambition, but says nothing made her

as happy as motherhood. He cites many friends and colleagues, including Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and David Niven, for helping him move on after her death by drowning. He has been happily married to Jill St. John for 26 years, and writes touchingly about her. Acting and stardom don’t consume her. She would, he guesses, accept a great part if it came along, but she’s happy with a myriad of other interests. Clearly, Wagner was more than a pretty-boy teen idol. He learned as he went along. He may never have given an Oscarwinning performances, but he has usually been a welcome screen presence. He has also produced many successful television series, including Hart to Hart and Charlie’s Angels, as well as pictures he made with Taylor and Hepburn. But what comes across most emphatically in this rewarding book is his tremendous love and respect for women, for their minds as well as their physical attributes. The movie business is misogynistic, so it’s refreshing to read a sympathetic, wellinformed account of what women have faced and continue to endure. Filmgoers who read Wagner’s recollection of these celebrated actresses will gain an appreciation of the price they often paid to make audiences happy.t



January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 21

Marilyn Horne in drag? MEDIA SALES PROFESSIONALS BAR Media, Inc., publisher of the Bay Area Reporter, America’s longest continuouslypublished and highest circulation LGBT newspaper, has an immediate opening for a qualified sales professional to join our sales team. Working from our office located in central San Francisco, you’ll seek out new advertiser relationships from small to medium-sized businesses located in the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout California. In this role you will identify and build solid relationships with advertising clients, helping them to market their business to the largest audience of Bay Area LGBT consumers. When appropriate, you’ll also have the opportunity to represent our print media partners such as the local titles SF Weekly and the SF Examiner, and the LGBT titles in the Los Angeles and Sacramento markets. by Jason Victor Serinus


s it is written in the Book of Gay, any countertenor with the surname Fagioli is a countertenor to love. As demonstrated on his stunning solo recital Franco Fagioli: Rossini (Deutsche Grammophon), there’s far more to love about Franco Fagioli than any intentionally clueless mispronunciation of his name may suggest. In this compilation of extended, mostly off-the-beaten-path Rossini arias for mezzo, accompanied by the period instruments of the Armonia Atenea (formerly the Athens Camerata) under George Petrou, Fagioli turns more than one stereotype on its head. Instead of singing repertoire composed for countertenor, which is what many bel canto-trained mezzosopranos sing, he instead embraces the male “pants roles” that were originally written for mezzos. “Girls can’t have all the fun,” he seems to say. Fagioli also surprises by sounding far less like a man singing countertenor than a rich-voiced mezzo. His voice is exceptionally strong, with round, attractive tones and an amazing facility with showy coloratura. Trills are perfect, and long-breathed runs a marvel. Equally stunning are his gutsy low tones, which sound as though inspired by the strong, sensational-sounding low range of mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne. Horne, in fact, recorded two of the Rossini roles that Fagioli tackles: Tancredi in the opera named after him, and Arsace in Semiramide. Arsace’s extended recitative and aria, “Eccomi alfine in Babilonia, Ah, quell fiorno orgnor rammento, Oh, come da quell dì” (“Here I am in Babylon at last, Oh, I shall ever remember that day, Oh, since that day, how everything has changed for me!”), was a Horne calling cards of sorts. It is one that she recorded in 1964, and used to open and set the tone on her first historic recital of coloratura showpieces, as well as in several studio and live performances of Semiramide with Sutherland, Anderson, and Caballé over a period of 25 years. Arsace was the role in which she scored major triumphs with Sutherland at the Met and La Scala, and reprised close to 20 years later with Caballé. I performed a direct comparison


Castro Theatre

From page 18

Once a Thief (1965) Ralph Nelson-directed drama about a young ex-con whose attempts to reform are thwarted as he is dragged into still another crime. AmericanFrench co-production.

between the two artists’ renditions of the aria on their respective CDs. Fagioli, who seems to maintain virtually the same forte volume level throughout, is more limited in emotional compass. Emote he does, with great sincerity and careful attention to words, but he seems confined to a single aching tone. It’s hard to tell just how dynamic his voice is, given the excessive reverb, but it sure sounds stronger and more substantial than the voices of countertenors David Daniels and Philippe Jaroussky. His high notes, while extremely impressive, take on a white, bleached quality common to many countertenors. But they, as well as his low tones, are quite stunning. Horne, on the other hand, warms her tone when she sings of love. She’s not afraid to sing softly, with touching intimacy, and to reserve her power for the knockout coloratura variations at aria’s end. Those variations may not be as ornate as Fagioli’s, nor the notes of her runs as clearly differentiated, but the overall impact is far more spectacular due to the wider emotional range and greater focus on top. Equally benefitting from her ability to weigh on her trademark, cavernous low tones to wondrous effect, Horne’s performance is a triumph. Equally notable are the differences between the sounds and approaches of the orchestras. Petrou’s early instrument sound is exceptionally clear, his dotted rhythms far more precise than conductor Henry Lewis creates with his modern instrument orchestra. Where Petrou lingers in the orchestral introduction, savoring every instrumental sonority and effect, Lewis moves faster, as if aware that his role is secondary to that of his wife, Marilyn Horne. The orchestra’s sound is beautiful, but doesn’t upstage the diva. Those who love the sound of period instruments will eat up some of the delicious instrumental solos on Fagioli’s disc. Quibbles aside, Fagioli is an exceptional artist. His “butch” expression is far more believable than David Daniels’, and his volume far greater than Jaroussky’s. But where Daniels is tender and moving, and Jaroussky exquisite, Fagioli seem content to present himself as a coloratura powerhouse.t

The ideal candidate will possess prior media sales experience, specifically with print/ online media in the Bay Area, have strong entreprenuerial/prospecting skills, be unafraid of cold calling, networking, and have an ease in building rapport both in person and via telephone. Additional skills in social media, online ad serving sofware, copywriting/design, etc. highly desirable but not required. This full-time position offers a generous compensation package consisting of salary, plus (uncapped) commissions, and bonuses. Paid health, 401K plan, etc. Qualified applicants, please email cover letter and resume to advertising@ebar.com

I am the future of the LGBT community. I’m gay.

I’m 22 years old and I’m an exchange student from Spain. Going to college here means a fun time, lots of hard work and getting to see new things. It also means a chance to really be myself. My parents are supportive of my sexuality, and my host family here is a couple with two teenage boys. Nobody cares if they’re gay or straight. I’m excited to be part of a world where that can be true. I am the future of the LGBT community. And I read about that future every day on my Android tablet. Because that’s where I want it to be.

The Sicilian Clan (1969) Henri Verneuil helmed elaborate crime caper with top-notch French cast including veteran Jean Gabin and sexy newcomer Alain Delon. (both 1/25) The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974) See page 23 >>

The person depicted here is a model. Their image is being used for illustrative purposes only.

<< Out&About


22 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

Fri 6 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto @ Strut

Approaching American Abstraction @ SF Museum of Modern Art See the restaged installations and new exhibits of Pop, Abstract and classic Modern art at the renovated and visually amazing museum, with two extra floors, a new additional Howard Street entrance, cafe and outdoor gardens. New exhibits include Bruce Conner films, Japanese Photography from Post-War to Now, and Tomás Saraceno: Stillness in Motion: Cloud Cities (thru May 21). Free-$25. 10am-8pm. 151 Third St. www.sfmoma.org

Bernadette Bohan @ The Laundry Opening reception for the artist’s exhibit of colorful toy assemblages. 7pm-9:30pm. 3359 26th St. www.thelaundrysf.com

Januworry by Jim Provenzano


ose yourself or find yourself, in arts events all around the Bay Area. For nightlife, see On the Tab listings.

Thu 5 Classic & New Films @ Castro Theatre Jan 5: Samsara (7pm) and Fearless (8:55). Jan 6: Alien (7:30) and Lifeforce (9:40). Jan. 7: David Bowie in Labyrinth (7:30) and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (9:25). Jan. 8: The Man Who Fell to Earth (2pm, 7pm) and Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (4:35, 9:35). Jan 10: The Handmaiden (5:30, 8:30). Jan. 11: 2001: A Space Odyssey (6pm, 9pm). $11-$16. 429 Castro St. www.castrotheatre.com

Gertrude Stein and a Companion @ Eureka Theatre Theatre Rhinoceros’ new production of Win Wells’ award-winning play about the lesbian poet and her partner, Alice B. Toklas. $15-$40. Wed-Sat 8pm (no show Dec. 31). Also Jan. 7 & 8 at 3pm. Thru Jan. 8. 215 Jackson St. www.TheRhino.org

Matthew Martin @ Oasis The popular local performer, known for dozens of drag impersonations (from Baby Jane to Helen Lawson), returns with his solo show, full of Hollywood female icon live music tributes. $25-$35. 8pm. Also Jan. 6. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

Fri 6 946: The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips @ Berkeley Rep Michael Morpurgo and Emma Rice’s rousing musical play about a seaside British family whose house is invaded by WWII U.S. soldiers after D-Day. $29-$97. Tue-Sat 8pm. Sat & Sun 2pm. Sun 7pm. Thru Jan. 15. Roda Theatre, 201 Addison St., Berkeley. www.berkeleyrep.org

Avenue Q @ New Conservatory Theatre Center Lopez & Marx and Whitty’s hilarious puppets-for-adults musical comedy returns, with two different casts. $20-$60. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Extended thru Jan. 22. 25 Van Ness Ave., lower level. www.nctcsf.org

Cirque du Soleil @ AT&T Park The amazing Canadian circus company performs another dazzling show, Luzia, a Waking Dream of Mexico. $49 and up. Tue-Sat 8pm. Also various matiness thru Jan. 29. 74 Mission Rock St. www.cirquedusoleil.com/luzia

Curious Contraptions @ Exploratorium New exhibit of 20 mechanical sculptures by 12 artists, along with interactive science displays. Jan 6 & 7: Tactile Dome open after hours, 6:15 and 7:15 entries. $10-$30. Tue-Sun 10am-5pm. Pier 15, Embarcadero at Green St. exploratoratorium.edu

The Madwoman in the Volvo @ Berkeley Rep NPR personality and best-selling memoirist Sandra Tsing Loh takes the driver’s seat and slams the engine into overdrive in her hilarious, enlightening, and totally candid road trip through the triple M’s: middle-age, menopause, and motherhood. $60-$75. Wed & Sun 7pm. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sat & Sun 2pm. Thru Feb 15. 2025 Addison St., Berkeley. www.berkeleyrep.org

Native Son @ Marin Theatre Company, Mill Valley Nambi E. Kelley’s stage adaptation of Richard Wright’s classic novel stars Jerod Haynes, who originated the role in the Chicago world premiere. Previews; opens, Jan 24. $22-$60. Tue-Sun 7:30pm. Sat & Sun 2pm. Thru Feb. 12. 397 Miller Ave., Mill Valley. www.marintheatre.org

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? @ Ashby Stage, Berkeley Shotgun Players perform Edward Albee’s classic drama about an unhappily married college town couple. $25-$40. In repertory thru Jan. 22. 1901 Ashby Ave., Berkeley. (510) 841-6500. shotgunplayers.org

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto @ Strut Opening reception for Mussalmaan Musclemen, the artist’s exhibit of mixed media works depicting Muslim men, fabric and photos, combining craft styles with homoerotic imagery. 8pm-10pm. 470 Castro St., second floor. Thru January. www.zulfikaralibhuttoart.com www.strutsf.org

Sat 7 All Power to the People: Black Panthers at 50 @ Oakland Museum Multimedia exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Oakland-based civil rights and community group; thru Feb. 12. Other exhibits include Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture (thru April 2) and Oakland, I want you to know..., an exhibit of Oakland resident portraits and reflections on gentrification. Free/$15. Reg. hours Wed-Sat 11am-5pm (Fri til 9pm). 1000 Oak St., Oakland. (510) 318-8400. www.museumca.org

Butterflies and Blooms @ Conservatory of Flowers Beautiful floral displays, plants for sale, docent tours, and the popular live butterflies exhibit; thru June 30. Tue-Sun 10am-4pm. $2-$8. Free for SF residents. 100 JFK Drive, Golden Gate Park, 8312090. www.conservatoryofflowers.org

Christine Ebersole @ Nourse Theater Two-time Tony-winning musical theatre star, with interviewer/ accompanist Seth Rudetsky, performs favorite songs and talks about her career; partial proceeds benefit the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Project Open Hand, and San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. $30-$75. 8pm. 275 Hayes St. cityboxoffice.com/broadway

East 14th @ The Marsh Don Reed returns with his solo show about his Oakland childhood, part of his coming-of-age trilogy. $20-$100. Sat 8:30pm. Sun 5:30pm. Thru Feb. 18. 1062 Valencia St. themarsh.org

Havdallah, Game Night @ Sha’ar Zahav Queer Jewish Women of the Bay’s night of board games, snacks, drinks and music. 5pm. 290 Dolores St. www.keshetonline.org

How ACT UP Fought Back @ Center for Sex and Culture ACT UP SF members Rebecca Hensler, Crystal Mason, and Ingrid Nelson share some of their personal stories about how they came to be involved in direct action, how they got organized and more. $5-$20. 2pm4pm. 1349 Mission St. www.godlessperverts.com

Lamp of the Covenant @ Contemporary Jewish Museum

Revolutionary Grain @ Oakland Library Revolutionary Grain: Celebrating the Spirit of the Black Panthers in Portraits and Stories commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party. Thru Feb. 28. African American Museum & Library, 659 14th St., Oakland. www.oaklandlibrary.org

Serge Gay Jr. @ Spoke Art Opening reception for an exhibit of Different Rules, the painter’s exhibit of compelling pop culture-infused fantastical images. 6pm-9pm. Thru Jan. 28. 816 Sutter St. sergegayjr.com www.spoke-art.com

She Loves Me @ SF Playhouse The lighthearted musical by Masteroff, Bock and Harnick follows a comedic misadventures of a straight couple looking for love over the holidays. $30-$125. Tue-Thu 7pm. Fri & Sat 8pm. Sat 3pm, Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 14. 450 Post St. www.sfplayhouse.org www.sleater-kinney.com sfmasonic.com www.livenation.com

A Billion Buddhas: The Awakened Cosmos of Himalyan Buddhism (thru April 9). Other exhibits include The Rama Epic: Hero, Heroine Ally, Foe (thru Jan. 15), Worshipping Women: Power and Devotion in Indian Painting (thru Mar. 26). Jan. 8: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Dance, a Cambodian dance demo, with Charya Burt, 12pm-4pm. Free-$25. Tue-Sun 10am-5pm. 200 Larkin St. 581-3500. www.asianart.org

Sharon McNight performs her Sophie Tucker Story musical solo show, with a special New Year’s Eve concert. $25-$35. Fri & Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 29. 3333 Petaluma Blvd. N, Petaluma. (707) 763-8920. www.cinnabartheater.org

Ascendancy @ RayKo Photo Exhibit of prints by the late Steve Harper, a local master of night photography, curated by Tim Baskerville. Thru Jan. 13. Side gallery: David Wolf’s The After Life of Thing Discarded, Collected and Assembled. Tue-Thu 10am-10pm. Fri –Sun 10am8pm. 428 3rd St. raykophoto.com

Bill Irwin On Beckett @ Strand Theatre The veteran comic and dramatic actor performs excerpts from Samuel Beckett plays, and discusses his explorations of the playwright’s work. $20-$60. TueSat 7:30pm. Sat & Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 22. 1127 Market St. www.act-sf.org

Sat 7 Michael Nava @ Hormel Center, SF Public Library

Wed 11

New exhibit of 20 mechanical sculptures by 12 artists, along with interactive science displays. $10-$30. Tue-Sun 10am-5pm. Pier 15, Embarcadero at Green St. exploratoratorium.edu

Crimes of the Heart @ Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts

Exposed @ Harvey Milk Photo Center Juried street photography exhibit, thru Jan. 22. 50 Scott St. www.harveymilkphotocenter.org

Queer Tango @ Finnish Hall, Berkeley Same-sex partner tango dancing, including lessons for newbies, food and drinks. $5-$10. 3:30pm-6:30pm. 1970 Chestnut St, Berkeley. www.finnishhall.org

Mon 9

Red Hot Mama @ Cinnabar Theater, Petaluma

David Perry’s online and cable interviews with notable local and visiting LGBT people, broadcast through the week. 7pm. Thu-Tue 11 & 11:30am & 10:30pm. www.ComcastHometown.com

Curious Contraptions @ Exploratorium

Lookout Records Bands @ Gilman Street, Berkeley

The award-winning author reads from and discusses his new gay-themed Henry Rios novel Lay Your Sleeping Head, a complete revision of his 1996 mystery The Little Death ; with author Kevin Killian. 3pm. 100 Larkin St., 3rd floor. www.michaelnavawriter.com www.sfpl.org

10 Percent @ Comcast

A Billion Buddhas @ Asian Art Museum

Sara Ros Bronson & JoAna Gray @ Oasis

Michael Nava @ Hormel Center, SF Public Library

Tue 10

Sun 8

Exhibits about Jewish culture, including Lamp of the Covenant: Dave Lane and Pour Crever by Trimpin, Hardly Strictly Warren Hellman. Lectures and gallery talks as well. Free (members)-$12. Fri-Tue 11am-5pm, Thu 11am-8pm (closed Wed). 736 Mission St. 655-7800. thecjm.org

Pansy Division, The Mr. T Experience, The Smugglers, Brent’s TV, Squirtgun, Potatomen and Kepi Ghoulie perform at three days of reunion concerts with bands from the Bay Area record label. www.thelookouting924. brownpapertickets.com


Musical duo performs a witty cabaret show, Tits, Sass, and …Penis Envy? $20. 7pm. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

Perfectly Queer @ Dog Eared Books The monthly reading series presents, New Year, New Books, with authors Lucy Jane Bledsoe (A Thin Bright Line ), Rob Rosen ( Midlife Crisis), and Aya de Leon ( Uptown Thief ). 7pm. 489 Castro St. www.dogearedbooks.com

Rhino in the Castro @ GLBT History Museum The monthly play reading series with Theatre Rhinoceros presents Tenn by Kathy Boussnia, an evocation of celebrated gay playwright Tennessee Williams and his longtime lover, Frank Merlo. $5. 7pm. 4127 18th St. www.glbthistory.org

Vintage Prints @ William Blake Gallery New gallery of historic art by the 18th and 19th-century poet and illustrator. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. Sat 11am-5pm. 49 Geary St. #205. www.williamblakegallery.com

Beth Henley’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play about three sisters in Mississippi gets a local production. $31-$80. Thru Feb. 5. 500 Castro St., Mountain View. www.TheatreWorks.org

The Unseen World of the Tenderloin @ Tenderloin Museum The Unseen World of the Tenderloin: Rare Historic Photographs 1907-71. Thru Jan. 16. 398 Eddy St. 351-1912. www.tenderloinmuseum.org

Zio Ziegler @ Jules Maeght Gallery Exhibit of unusual sculptures and paintings; gift shop has some neat art reprints, cards and scarves. Thru Jan. 28. 149 Gough St. www.julesmaeghtgallery.com

Thu 12 Local Sirens @ Rickshaw Stop Women in Music series features Bay Area singer-composers Plush, Tanukichan, Sirir and Rayana Jay. Free. 8pm. 155 Fell St. at Van Ness Ave. www.rickshawstop.com

Madonna Dearest @ Oasis Venus D’Lite’s comic drag show (created by Tony Blass with Adam Daniel Guerra) about pop stars, evil villains and more. $20-$40. 8pm. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

Plastic Man @ Transmission Gallery, Oakland Jerry Ross Barrish’s exhibit of sculptures from plastic refuse. Thu-Sat 12pm-5pm. Thru Jan. 21. Oakland. 770 West Grand Ave., www. thetransmissiongallery.com

Skin Deep: The Art of Tattoo @ Katz Snyder Gallery Exhibit of art and photos about tattoo art by 20 regional artists. Thru Jan. 20. Jewish Community Center, 3200 California St. www.jccsf.org



January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 23

Moonlight becomes him by Gregg Shapiro

piece. I had to go back and reread the original, and I was like, “Oh, yeah, there’s so much of it in there.”


ritten and directed by Miami native Barry Jenkins, Moonlight is based on a short play by gay playwright and Miami native Tarell McCraney. Presented in three separate chapters, Moonlight tells the heart-rending story of Chiron, as a child, a teen and an adult, growing up in Miami’s Liberty City neighborhood. The three actors – Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders and Trevante Rhodes – are exceptional, and the supporting cast, including Mahershala Ali (drug kingpin Juan), Janelle Monae (Juan’s girlfriend Teresa), Naomie Harris (Chiron’s mother Paula) and André Holland (the adult Kevin, the love of Chiron’s life), are all outstanding. That sound you hear? That’s the welldeserved Oscar buzz about Moonlight. I spoke with Tarell McCraney about the movie in October. Gregg Shapiro: Congratulations on the reception that Moonlight has received. Tarell McCraney: Thank you. I don’t think any of us expected the response we’re getting, to be honest. A lot of this has been a passion project. I wrote the original script as something that was more of a personal exploration. I think [director] Barry [Jenkins] got involved because he could personally see himself there and wanted to tell a story

Courtesy the subject

Gay playwright Tarell McCraney’s In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue was the basis of director Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight.

about Liberty City. We didn’t think past just doing that. I think people are responding to that personal passion. Clearly, it resonates with other people. What was the process of adapting your short play In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue for the movie? The original piece that was sent to Barry was a script I had been playing with since 2003. I was trying to figure out whether I could turn it into a limited series or something. We were both working with a group called the Borscht Film Festival here

in Miami, mostly underground and indie films and shorts. It was a little longer than they could use; so they put it away. Then they put the Moonlight script in Barry’s hands. He looked at it and thought he could do something with it. I gave him permission to do it.

Absolutely, his one true love! It’s not a down-low story at all. Chiron’s never with anyone else. It’s different when you say someone is living a lie and they’re going and doing other things. But he wasn’t. That’s the powerful thing about it. It’s one of the things Barry wanted to preserve, and so did I.

Was there back-and-forth collaboration on the screenplay? Not really, in terms of a lot of backand-forth. He did send me the script when he finished it. Once he started working on it, it was fairly swift. He had captured so much of the original

Most of Moonlight is set in Miami. As a Miami native, what can you tell me about the significance of the setting? It’s a Miami that we rarely get to see. What we usually see are powdered beaches and jiggly things in

Bad Peruvian trip by Erin Blackwell


don’t know when the last time is I watched a Peruvian film. After Videofilia (and Other Viral Syndromes), I’m not sure when the next time will be, but I hope it’s far, far in the future. Yes, the title is great, and director Juan Daniel F. Molero is ambitious and savvy enough to position his film as his country’s Oscar hopeful, but at an hour and 50 minutes, Videofilia winds up looking like a self-indulgent exercise in editing across visual platforms that ultimately merge in a sloppy psychedelic soup of porn-fueled machismo undercutting any claim to originality. You can see it or not at the Roxie Theater starting tomorrow, Jan. 6. I adore the premise, or do I mean the promise of Videofilia: film as a form of altered consciousness integrating earthquakes, military psy ops, angels, pornography, sexual slavery, urban sniper videogames, cosmetic surgery, virtual reality glasses, snuff films, lysergic acid, Mayan ritual sacrifice, witchcraft, cosplay, rats, percussion, found footage, and amateur actors. Okay, I could do without the snuff films, but I respect any artist or philosopher’s attempt to include everything in the world, not just a narrow corner. Molero’s mixology is technically a heady cocktail, but his narrative sucks. The misogyny is pervasive and oppressive, I mean literally, sucks the pleasure out of the film. That such a hate-filled manifesto gets this far in the Oscar sweepstakes – which, okay, is not really very far, because when’s the last time Peru won an Oscar? But still, brother, what a dismaying kick-off to the films of 2017 to have this paean to the penis taking up space at the Roxie, that purported forward-viewing establishment. I mean “penis” as the sine qua non of personhood, a position the Vatican fully supports. Fuck the Pope. The narrative is hard to follow, on purpose, to make room for the visuals, which have a borderline documentary feel, creating a sense of immersion into the filmed world. So far, so good, except did Molero, does anyone, really need almost two hours

of my time to let me know men exploit women through technology? I guess he does, if he wants to rub my nose in it, which he does with gusto, until I finally reach the conclusion that no, this is not a truly revolutionary denunciation of the degrading effects of sexual commodification, but a winking celebration of the ongoing enslavement and hatred of women. The hero is a budding pornographer who pimps his girlfriend via DVD: that’s the plot. To kill time, Molero lets his male characters theorize and his female characters discuss nose jobs. As two men watch a pixelated version of our hero’s gyrating victim, they hit pause to philosophize. “There’s no more reality or virtual reality. Everything’s been mixed up in this world. Reality is like this screen. All pixelated and fragmented. You’ll never find a pattern to it. But you just gotta

As a playwright, you have worked with a variety of directors, gay and straight. Barry happens to be straight. What was it like working with him on Moonlight? We work with the straights often! We have to work with them. One of the important things to Barry was to preserve the voice of the piece. The piece is so specifically about queer identity. He respected that. Most people want to characterize it as a story about a man living on the down-low, which is actually not what the piece is about. It’s about a guy who only wants to be with one person. It’s kind of a true love story.

roll with it.” Maybe this sense of displacement is why men cling to their antiquated cult of machismo. As long as men can enslave women, really, what does the disintegration of consciousness matter? The film itself devolves into just one more agent of disintegration or degradation, by reiterating found images and messages without finding a way to reintegrate spirit into our era’s demonic technology. Molero’s is an arrogantly masculinist vision in which men have the magic, the machines, the murdering rage, and women are second-class citizens or chattel along for the ride, groupies who listen and admire but have no meaningful agency. Videofilia will do well in the straight-tostreaming young pothead market. Upside: if you make it all the way through the film, you’ll emerge into actually real reality to realize it’s not so bad as you thought.t


Castro Theatre

From page 21

First and best take on an outlandish caper, a plot to hijack a New York City subway train. The gang led by Robert Shaw must overcome a dogged transit cop (Walter Matthau). A transit employee (James Broderick, Matthew’s dad) gets the best quip: “What do they want for the fucking 35 cents, to fucking live forever?” Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (USA/1974) Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges team up in crime drama, directorial debut of Michael Cimino. (both 1/26) Blue Collar (1978) Paul Schrader’s directorial debut, tale of three union autoworkers (Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel, Yaphet Kotto) who discover their union is not their friend. An American unraveling-ofsuccess story with extra heft in this Trump moment. Straight Time (1978) Edward Bunker’s novel No Beast So Fierce brought to the screen by Ulu Grosbard, aided by a dazzling cast: Dustin Hoffman, Hary Dean Stanton, Gary Busey, M. Emmet Walsh, Sandy Baron and Kathy Bates. (both 1/27) Charley Varrick (1973) Rag-tag gang led by Walter Matthau robs a Mafia-run bank, triggering a terrifying showdown in a small New

bikinis, both male and female. We show there is immense beauty to the city, as well as immense poverty and other urban issues. The scene on the beach between teenage Chiron and Kevin takes intimacy to a whole new level. It’s one of the scenes where Barry really preserved the nature of it from the original. Everyone came to the table wanting to be as true and authentic to the moment as possible. Barry didn’t shirk the responsibility; he wanted it to be as beautiful as it needed to be. Remember, we have to hold that in our heart for another decade. That is a defining moment of Chiron’s life, and it is extraordinarily beautiful. What I appreciated about what Barry did is that he trusted the words that had been written. How much of Tarell is in Chiron? A lot. Except for when he becomes a drug dealer! A lot of the piece is based on events in my life. A lot of the ways I operated in the world, being very shy and not being able to say a lot, are very close. Are there any new plays or productions on the horizon? Not that I’ve written. My play Head of Passes is going to Los Angeles in the summer of 2017, starring Phylicia Rashad. Other than that, I’m teaching my students at University of Miami.t Mexican town. Directed by Don Siegel (Dirty Harry) based on John H. Reese’s novel The Looters. The Brink’s Job (1973) William Friedkin spins a nifty tale, the 1950 robbery of a Brink’s armored car. Peter Falk is the mastermind, with Peter Boyle, Allen Garfield, Warren Oates, Paul Sorvino, Sheldon Leonard and Gena Rowlands. Sexy Beast (2000) Nasty noir from British director Jonathan Glazer centers on a retired gangster pushed into doing one more job by a vicious former colleague. Brilliant ensemble includes Ray Winstone, Ben Kingsley and James Fox. El Aura (2005) Late Argentine director Fabian Bielinsky (Nine Queens) concocts taut noirish drama focused on a fatal hunting trip, with Ricardo Darin and Nahuel Perez Biscayart, youthful star of gay feature Glue. (all four, 1/28) Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007) Acclaimed director Sidney Lumet’s last film feels like the work of a much younger man. Two brothers (Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke) stage a robbery of their elderly parents’ jewelry store for the insurance money. Everything that can go wrong does. Gem of a caper film with astute take on the dark side of family. On same bill with the 2015 German noir Victoria. (both 1/29)t

<< Books

24 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

Parading ourselves by Brian Bromberger

Pride Parades: How a Parade Changed the World by Katherine McFarland Bruce; NYU Press, $28 verybody loves a parade” is one of those unattributable quotes, yet it expresses a sentiment shared by most people. On June 28, 1970 in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago (but not SF), 2,000 gay and lesbian activists tested this opinion by initiating a new kind of social protest by parading down the streets of their cities, celebrating who they were unashamedly and with lots of fun, buoyed by the revolutionary spirit of the Stonewall Riots the previous year. This became the blueprint for Pride parades for the next 46 years, where now more than six million people participate in 115 cities across the country. Katherine McFarland Bruce, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Salem College in Winston-Salem, NC, has written an ethnographic history of Pride from its beginnings in 1970 to 2010, weaving together interviews, archival reports, quantitative data, and her own observations at six diverse, contemporary parades in New York City, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Burlington, Fargo, and Atlanta. San Francisco, like Boston or LA, was not included, in spite of the fact that when Bruce told people she was researching Pride parades, their first question was, have you been to the one in SF? Bruce’s focus was not solely on large, well-known parades, but extended to the Pride phenomenon across the country, to


study whether modest parades have anything in common with the grand spectacle of NYC Pride. Protests come in two forms: one is political by changing state laws and policies, but the other is changing culture, which is the province of Pride parades. Despite LGBT people now having unprecedented political rights and cultural visibility, “encountering a tolerance today that the first Pride marchers could scarcely imagine, parades seek to change the heteronormative cultural meanings that render LGBT people symbolically inferior to heterosexuals.” Pride is not a frivolous public party, but a cultural protest communicating the message that queer identity is to be celebrated rather than condemned, through words (signs and slogans) and actions (cheering, dancing, staging, and provocative displays). How political parades should be has been argued from the very beginning. Contrary to pre-Stonewall activism, which sought to convey that gay and lesbian Americans were the same as anyone else, Pride parades had little regard for palatable images. “For the first time, gay people marched for themselves, as themselves, without downplaying the sexuality or gender nonconformity that mainstream culture condemned. They embodied the new gay liberation ethos of pride by literally parading in celebration of their identities, invoking a feeling of euphoria as they found the openness both liberating and fun.” Some critics argued that provocative images (which the media always focused on)

risked hardening individual cultural attitudes (mostly anti) about LGBT people. But Bruce points out that the chief goal was to challenge these negative cultural meanings, with the intent not to persuade individuals, but “to change the cultural understanding of what is acceptable behavior.” Pride really belongs to the marchers and spectators that participate, and there is a blurring between roles of marcher and spectator. In light of the advances the LGBT civil rights movement has made, capped by marriage equality, the question about Pride parades is whether they are still necessary. Bruce argues that parades will remain regardless of the progress of cultural or political equality. She believes Pride “will evolve into a benign community celebration with broad appeal, serving a special role in uniting LGBT people around a common history and identity,” similar to St. Patrick’s Day for the Irish. Bruce has produced an important study, but this book cannot be considered definitive due to several jarring exclusions. Bruce does address the big elephant in the room, namely the effect of commercialism in both its positive (as financial sponsors for expensive parades) and negative aspects (as a market to sell goods to the LGBT community), but her analysis is superficial. Commercialism will continue to be the prime bugaboo of Pride and merits its own chapter. Bruce also doesn’t mention the vitriolic debate in the 1980s/ early 90s about the inclusion of the pedophile group NAMBLA


as a parade contingent. Eventually NAMBLA was expelled, but since this goes to the heart of her argument that participants rather than leaders decide agenda, Bruce should have provided some discussion on this thorny topic. Finally, it seems incomprehensible that there is no

discussion of AIDS, which has became an important element in Pride. This is an inexcusable omission that mars what is otherwise a thoughtful accomplishment. When the history of the modern LGBT movement is written, Pride parades will have to be seen as an essential component.t

disco of Young Americans (“Fame”) and the groundbreaking Station to Station (“Golden Years”), presented in the original 1976 version as well as the 2010 Harry Maslin mix – Who Can I Be Now? is a fitting title. The set includes live recordings, two versions of 1974’s David Live and Live Nassau Coliseum 76 and a disc of single edits and live versions. Of special interest is The Gouster, a previously unreleased album of songs (“Young Americans,” “Somebody Up There Likes Me”) that went on to become the Young Americans album. Released prior to Paul McCartney’s latest return to Capitol Records, the double-disc collection Pure McCartney (MPL/Concord) features 39 tracks. McCartney has had only four career compilations: 1978’s Wings Greatest, 1987’s All the Best, 2001’s Wingspan and now Pure McCartney. The tracks have been curated by Sir Paul, and more than half of the tunes are from his hit-laden 1970s period: “Maybe I’m Amazed,” “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey,” “With a Little Luck.”

Superstar duets “Ebony and Ivory” (with Stevie Wonder) and “Say Say Say” (with the late Michael Jackson) represent the 80s. There are also a few songs from the 90s and numbers as recent as “My Valentine” and “Save Us” from 2012’s Kisses on the Bottom and 2013’s New. But albums Press To Play, Driving Rain and Flowers in the Dirt are overlooked. If you’re looking for a more thorough experience, spring for the 67-track, four-disc Pure McCartney set. You just never know who’s going to get the deluxe reissue treatment. Take The Verve, a band whose heyday coincided with the 1990s British invasion led by Oasis and Blur. Twentyone years after its initial release, The Verve’s second album A Northern Soul (Virgin/Universal) has been reissued in a deluxe triple-disc box set including the remastered album, a disc of EP B-sides, a previously unreleased disc of studio and BBC sessions, a poster, postcards and a book. The Verve didn’t hit it big in the States until its third album Urban Hymns, and its massive hit single “Bittersweet Symphony,” but listening to A Northern Soul can give listeners background. Standout tracks are “History,” “On Your Own” and “Drive You Home.” Elvis Presley has been dead almost 40 years and somehow there’s enough material to be mined for a new release, the double-disc Way Down in the Jungle Room (RCA/ Legacy). A compilation of The King’s final studio recordings, recorded in 1976 in Graceland’s den, aka the Jungle Room, with members of his longtime touring band, the set includes songs that appeared on From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee and Moody Blue. Highlights include Elvis’ renditions of “She Thinks I Still Care,” “Hurt,” “Danny Boy,” “Solitaire” and “It’s Easy for You.”t

Presents from the past by Gregg Shapiro


f you are still in search of the perfect gift for the musiclover on your list, even after the holidays, here are suggestions for that special someone, even if that special someone is you. Vinyl variety: Originally released on CD in 2007, the live Judy Garland compilation Greatest Hits Live (Savoy Jazz) makes its vinyl debut on pink vinyl, no less! Comprised of 14 legendary performances from the diva’s 1963-64 musical variety TV series, it features staples from her repertoire “The Man That Got Away,” “Swanee,” “Smile,” “What’ll I Do” and, of course, “Over the Rainbow.” Particularly delightful are duets with Ray Bolger (“If I Only Had a Brain”), Tony Bennett (“I Left My Heart in San Francisco”), and the now classic 1963 pairing with Barbra Streisand on “Get Happy”/”Happy Days Are Here Again.” The vinyl for the 40th anniversary reissue of Diana Ross’ eponymous 1976 Motown album may not be pink (it’s black), but it’s beloved by her queer fans. The now-famous cover photo, taken by legendary gay photographer Victor Skrebneski, on which Ross gave good face, sets the mood for what’s inside. Album opener “Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You’re Going?)” became a standard for drag queens around the globe. Ballads such “I Thought It Took a Little Time (But Today I Fell in Love)” and “After You” also showed Ross at her best. The almost eight-minute “Love Hangover,” Ross’ crossover disco sensation (heard in Looking for Mr. Goodbar) that made her a full-fledge disco diva, paved the way for later club classics “The Boss,” “Upside Down” and “I’m Coming Out.” This 40-year-old album sounds as timeless as ever. The fourth of Fleetwood Mac’s

multi-platinum studio albums, 1982’s Mirage (WB), has been reissued in a marvelous expanded deluxe edition, including the original LP on 180 gram vinyl, three CDs and one DVD audio disc. In addition to two massive hit singles, Christine McVie’s “Hold Me” and Stevie Nicks’ “Gypsy,” Mirage found the band returning to the more commercially accessible sound of 1977’s Rumours, although traces of 1979’s Tusk can be heard in Lindsey Buckingham tunes “Empire State,” “Book of Love” and “Can’t Go Back.” Nicks also shines on “Straight Back” and sweet country emotion of “That’s Alright.” The second disc features 20 “outtakes & sessions” and includes the Mac’s cover of Bob Nolan’s “Cool Water,” previously available on the second edition of the Revenge of the Killer B’s compilation. The third disc was recorded live at the Forum in LA in 1982, and the DVD audio presents Mirage in 5.1 Surround and 24/96 Stereo Audio. Learn (Frontier) by Rikk Agnew Band, on 180-gram vinyl, is a new

album with deep roots in the past. Agnew, the singer-songwriter of influential 1980s O.C. hardcore punk band The Adolescents and Goth outfit Christian Death, is still a brutal force to be reckoned with. But don’t be fooled by the hopeful tone of the anthemic, accessible opener “I Can’t Change the World” – Agnew hasn’t softened in the least. “Ripped to the Tits” is a cautionary tale about excess and moderation. “Bash!” confronts police violence, and the title track asks “What the hell is wrong with society?” “Punkbelly” introduces us to a frightening new kind of ailment. Discs by the numbers: When the David Bowie box set Five Years 1969-1973 was released in 2015, he was still alive. The second installment in the CD box set series, Who Can I Be Now? [1974-1976] (Parlophone), proves that time, like Bowie, changes with the subtlety of a chameleon, arriving as it does eight months after Bowie’s passing. Focusing on three studio albums – the glammy Diamond Dogs (“Rebel Rebel,” “1984”), the Philly soul/



January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 25

Online platform wants to be a gay Netflix by David-Elijah Nahmod


ekkoo is an online network, a gay Netflix,” Chief Operating Officer Brian Sokel tells the Bay Area Reporter. “It’s a streaming subscription platform for gay men. Our focus is gay movies, gay series and original content.” Sokel noted the current dearth of gay programming on Logo, the Showtime-owned gay network that launched on cable amid much fanfare in 2005. Though RuPaul’s Drag Race remains Logo’s flagship show, much of their current schedule includes classic sitcoms like Bewitched, Green Acres, The Facts of Life, and All in the Family. Sokel feels that there’s a considerable difference between mainstream shows that appeal to gay men and actual gay programs. “We saw a vacuum,” he explains. Dekkoo will be targeting a gay male demographic exclusively. “We want to focus on the G, and give it the

attention it deserves,” he said. “But every letter in the acronym [LGBTQ] deserves its own home. There’s always an audience for every kind of content, if someone dreams it will be.” “The word Dekkoo is derived from Hindi,” Sokel said. “It means ‘Take a look.’” He said he was particularly excited about Love Is Blind, a dating/ reality show that Dekkoo plans to roll out in February, just in time for Valentine’s Day. “We’ve produced seven episodes,” Sokel said. “We set up singles in New York City to go out on blind dates. They do different type of activities: drinks, body painting, other activities. Sometimes they turn each other on, sometimes they turn on each other!” Sokel promises that there’s some good comedy to be found on the dates that go sour. “But the guys are really looking for someone special,” he said. “Just to see their unique experiences is fun and lighthearted.” Two of the dates resulted in the guys

Courtesy Dekkoo

Scene from Dekkoo programming.

becoming real-life couples. Dekkoo has other shows in the works. Currently the network is in pre-production with a stand-up comedy show. Sokel also mentioned an upcoming “dramedy”

(comedy-drama) about a young gay Asian man moving to a new city and dealing with fitting in. “We’re trying to find up-and-coming talent,” he said. “I want to give voices to young filmmakers.”

In addition to their original content, Dekkoo also offers a wide variety of gay independent feature films. Still in its early stages, Dekkoo is currently building its subscription base. It’s available on Amazon Prime as an add-on to your monthly fee. Dekkoo can also be accessed through the Apple Store, Google Play, Roku, Android TV, and Samsung Smart TV. Sokel feels that platforms like Dekkoo can be helpful in fighting the incoming anti-gay Trump administration. The president-elect has appointed a Who’s Who of racists and homophobes to his cabinet, most notably white supremacist Steve Bannon and vice-presidentelect Mike Pence, who supports conversion therapy and opposes LGBT equality laws. “The best kind of resistance is presence,” Sokel said. “Defiance through presence.”t dekkoo.com

Lost at sea by David Lamble


n queer Spanish director Pedro Almodovar’s latest treat Julieta, our heroine (Emma Suarez) is sharing a Madrid flat with her boyfriend. The couple is about to move to Portugal when by pure chance, Julieta reconnects with the best friend of her long-absent adult daughter, Anita. Heartbroken that her child, now married and living in Switzerland with three kids, has not been in touch for 12 years, Julieta cancels her trip and returns to her old apartment, hoping that Anita will know where to find her. Julieta starts writing a memoir revisiting the angst of her teen years. She recalls her first lover, a fisherman from Galicia. A fatal accident changes their life. Almodovar has spent his career switching between male- and female-driven

Emma Suarez in director Pedro Almodovar’s Julieta.

stories. Here he keeps us hooked on a tale of a woman who desperately wishes to reconnect with her daughter, who blames her for the death of their husband/dad lost at sea following an argument. This is not my favorite Almodovar 21-century work – that remains the male-oriented Bad Education – but I’m grateful one of the film world’s high-wire acts continues to produce at such a fantastic level. Here’s hoping the next one will be dedicated to his rude-boy adventures. Paterson American indie darling Jim Jarmusch, whose 1984 breakout B&W feature Stranger than Paradise opened the Opera Plaza mini-cinemas, returns in top form with a nifty little tale about a handsome poet/bus driver (very low-key Adam Driver). It’s rare when such an entertaining comedy-drama pivots on the beat of “The dog ate my poetry.”t

Future generations

Sony Classics Pictures

by Jim Piechota

Becoming Who I Am: Young Men on Being Gay by Ritch C. Savin-Williams, Harvard University Press, $27.95 n Becoming Who I Am, a rewarding study of youth, sexuality, and identity, Ritch C. SavinWilliams, a human development professor at Cornell University, offers clear and insightful glimpses into the lives of young gay men. His new book “shares my accumulated knowledge and perspective with those of you who believe you might be gay, know you’re gay, or want to find out what gay teens experience.” His text, based on over 40 years of career research, is primarily comprised of expansive interviews with gay youth who were more than willing to tell their stories about “growing up gay in today’s world.” These profiles, wonderfully diverse with an average age of 20, primarily spotlight the freedom of coming out, the joy in meeting others who share the same sexual preferences, and the possibilities of developing lasting relationships, whether platonic or romantic. Reflected throughout the course of the book is the author’s longtime correspondence and contact with then-15-year-old Anthony, and the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors that influenced his adolescence and continued to do so into forthcoming years.


Several participants discovered the author through his 2005 book The New Gay Teenager, a lively, eye-opening project addressing how attitudes toward same-sex relationships have changed over time. Drawn to his work, these young men became generous with their time and the personal stories they shared with Savin-Williams. Chicago-based Latino teenager Adrian admits that “we didn’t ask for this blessing of being attracted to the same sex (and I am going to call it a blessing, because that’s what it is).” He writes, “Like any other problem one may encounter, it is the fight through that problem from which we

learn the most, and for that reason, we should feel blessed to have had that learning experience.” Elsewhere, a Middle Eastern man’s first admission of his homosexuality occurred during his first interview with the author, though he remains conflicted about the manner in which he “became gay.” Other men share their first sexual memories, experiences, and encounters, which range from a clandestine kiss under bed covers to wet dreams, pornography, the discovery of masturbation, or a first secretive visit to a gay bar. For others, the defining moment of realization arrived later in their emotional development, through “positive peers, crushes, being tired of living a lie, and time.” These young men participated in one of two research projects. 160 men joined the “Friends and Lovers” study, while 229 joined the second study, which investigated issues of sex, gender, and personality. Some first responders never replied back when contacted, and some never openly identified as gay or bisexual. While there are no shocking revelations here, Savin-Williams’ cleareyed focus remains on the positive aspects of the young gay experience, noting that while nightmarish stories about coming out should be told, “negative experiences should not define what it means to be young and gay.” These real-world case studies bring positivity, promise, and a breath of fresh air to a demographic

that is too often overshadowed by horror stories of exclusion, bullying, persecution, and misunderstanding. “Today’s gay youths are living the life gay adults could only have dreamed about when they were young. They’re proud, popular,

respected, happy, and ordinary.” Though this blanket statement is not the case across the board, vast improvements in the quality of life for many young gay men today are apparent in this well-researched and important book.t

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<< Fine Art

26 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


Stiftung Archäologie, Munich

Cuirass Torso (reconstruction), Acropolis. 460 B.C.E. (2005). Artificial marble. From Gods in Color: Painted Sculpture of Classical Antiquity, coming to the Legion of Honor, Oct. 28-Jan. 7, 2017.


Fine art 2017

From page 17

Contemporary Jewish Museum Cary Leibowitz: Museum Show, the New York-based gay artist’s first career survey, promises to be more imaginative than its title. Working in a variety of media and blending wicked comedy, neurosis and an obsession with popular culture, Leibowitz, a.k.a. “Candyass,” mines sexual identity, therapy tropes, selfloathing and being Jewish – wait, aren’t these last two the same? (Jan. 26-June 25) Roz Chast: Cartoon Memoirs contains original artwork, children’s book illustrations, Ukrainian character eggs and storytelling rugs by the veteran New Yorker magazine cartoonist. (April 27-Sept. 3) Asian Art Museum Tomb Treasures: New Discoveries from China’s Han Dynasty showcases recently unearthed relics, such as a ceramic urinal and a pair of bronze phalluses buried underground for 2,000 years, from a technologically innovative civilization awash in luxury. (Feb. 17-May 28) Saints and Kings: Arts, Culture, and Legacy of the Sikhs, a trove of 30 rare paintings, military artifacts, textiles and photographs, reveals the complex history of the South Asian religious community. (March 10-June 4)


Music 2017

From page 17

The San Francisco Symphony is ringing in the New Year with screenings of Elia Kazan’s On the Waterfront. The feature with live orchestra conducted by David Newman will showcase Leonard Bernstein’s Oscar-nominated score. Everything about this classic goes over the top, but it’s magnificent, and Bernstein’s music is a testament to his versatility. More visuals follow when Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas conducts Mahler’s Das klagende Lied: A Semi-staged Event. Soprano Joélle Harvey joins mezzo Sasha Cooke and baritone Brian Mulligan to enact the Grimm-like fairy tale, directed by James Darrah with projections by Adam Larsen. Other SFS concerts in January feature exciting guest artists French pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet playing Ravel, and Dutch violinist Simone Lamsma performing Prokofiev. Also tempting is the visit with the Prague Philharmonia and brilliant cellist Gautier Capucon on Jan. 29. Capucon has already played the Dvorak Concerto with the SFS. Hearing him again in the Czech composer’s score with a Czech orchestra offers a fascinating twist. February brings Conductor Laureate Herbert Blomstedt to DSH for his annual visit. He is famous for Bruckner but no slouch with

SFMOMA’s treat-packed schedule starts this month with Diane Arbus: In the Beginning, which explores the first seven years (1957-62) of the seminal photographer’s career, a lesser-known, formative period when she created nearly half the images printed during her brief lifetime. (Jan. 21-April 30) Through more than 100 paintings and drawings, Matisse/Diebenkorn traces the lifelong impact of Henri Matisse on Diebenkorn, who initially encountered the French master’s work when he attended Stanford. (March 11- May 29) Edvard Munch, a controversial, psychologically driven, some might say tortured artist, was a late bloomer whose breakthrough didn’t arrive until he reached the ripe old age of 50. Ergo, his startling late paintings serve as a point of departure for Between the Clock and the Bed, a reassessment of his work. (June 24-Oct. 9) The museum’s Pritzker Center for Photography will be jumping with two shows featuring distinctive American artists: Here and Home includes early conceptual and collaborative projects and documentary-style images from the late California photographer Larry Sultan (April 15-July 23), while the far-ranging Walker Evans: A Vernacular Style aims to be the definitive retrospective of work by a giant of the medium. (Sept. 23-Feb. 24)

Legion of Honor This is going to be a very happy year indeed for fans of Impressionism, which only the hardest hearts can resist, with two exhibitions highlighting a pair of undisputed masters. Monet: The Early Years assembles 60 pre-Impressionist paintings (1858-72) when the artist’s techniques and visual vocabulary were considered radical (Feb. 25May 29), while Degas, Impressionism, and the Paris Millinery Trade emphasizes Degas’ intense interest in millinery – he was reportedly a natty dresser – and the Parisian working women who made them, complemented by pastels and paintings by Renoir, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec and Cassatt, and a bevy of fashionable period hats. (June 24-Sept. 24) Curator Renee Dreyfus brings a wealth of scholarship and insight to Gods in Color: Painted Sculpture of Classical Antiquity, which examines polychromy, a prevalent practice in ancient cultures of painting sculptures in dazzling colors that often faded after millennia of exposure to the elements. (Oct. 28-Jan. 7)

de Young Museum In 1967, nearly 100,000 people descended on Haight-Ashbury, many of them in altered states. That was 50 years ago, and now comes Summer of Love: Art, Fashion, and Rock & Roll, an exhibition that should be a balm for nostalgic baby boomers. (April 8-Aug. 20) Stuart Davis: In Full Swing spotlights the jazz-infused, advertising-inflected, Matisse-influenced, quintessentially “on-the-move” American art by this modernist painter. (April 1-Aug. 6) Teotihuacan: City of Water, City of Fire shows off the latest discoveries from the Sun, Moon and Feathered Serpent pyramids in Mexico. (Sept. 30-Feb. 11) YBCA Civic Radar, the first U.S. retrospective of the output of Lynn Hershman Leeson, shines a light on a versatile Bay Area feminist, experimental filmmaker, photographer and interactive media and performance artist who has employed cutting-edge technologies to probe issues of identity, the vulnerabilities of women and surveillance. (Feb. 10-May 21)

Oakland Museum Of Dogs and Other People: The Art of Roy De Forest A charter member of the Northern California Funk and Nut art movements of the 1960s, De Forest’s trippy, gently humorous, large-scale paintings and sculptures open portals to comical fantasylands where canines rule and dogs are the best people we know. (April 29-Aug. 20) Dorothea Lange: Politics of Seeing views the photographer’s imagery, whether of Dust Bowl migrants and other casualties of the Great Depression or the grim fate of Japanese Americans unjustly interned in camps in WWII, through a socialadvocacy lens. (May 13-Aug. 13) BAMPFA Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia looks at the intersection – or was it a collision? – of art, architecture, design, pharmacology, spirituality, alternative lifestyles, and ecology in the context of the 1960s and early 70s counterculture. Film programs, experimental furniture, and media environments reflecting the era’s zeitgeist are on view. (Feb. 8-May 21)t

Beethoven, either. A concert devoted to the mighty Ninth Symphony, the Ode to Joy, and another featuring the Piano Concerto No. 4 with Yefim Bronfman should remind us of his remarkable leadership. Clubby and exclusive SoundBox features music of American superstar composer John Adams in February celebrating his 70th birthday year, but the late-night venue is a tough ticket. DSH will offer a better seating opportunity mid-month with Adams’ thought-provoking The Gospel According to the Other

Mary. Ragnar Bohlin’s SFS Chorus joins guest soloists, the Orchestra and conductor Joana Carneiro to bring director Peter Sellars’ libretto from texts by feminist writers to blazing life. March will see MTT on the podium for concerts featuring Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich, Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra, and Bruch’s gorgeous Concerto No. 1 with violinist Nicola Benedetti. He closes the month with Mahler’s Symphony No. 1. We’ll talk about the rest of the

rich 2017 season later. Across Grove Street, life also goes on at the San Francisco Opera. The summer season will soon be upon us, and anticipation runs high for three artistically varied productions. The menu ranges from Verdi’s luridly dramatic Rigoletto to Mozart’s towering Don Giovanni. Making his SFO debut in the title role, renowned Italian bass-baritone Ildebrando D’Arcangelo should be a strong attraction. Also making his debut is eminent French conductor Marc Minkowski. Summer ends with Puccini’s perfect little heart-breaker La Boheme. The production from 2014 by awardwinning scenic designer David Farley is staged amidst a gallery of canvases by Marcello – the painter in the story. It lends a feeling of intimacy and insight to the characters. For now, there will be familyfriendly and edgy performance events keeping the lights on at the Diane B. Wilsey Center for Opera. A workshop aimed at the very young, First Act: The Little Prince is an affordable chance for parents and friends to introduce kids to opera. The exploration of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic set in opera by Rachel Portman is meant to nurture social development and musical involvement. To paraphrase Miss Jean Brodie, “Give me children at an impressionable age, and they are mine for life.” The delightfully hopeful enterprise takes place on

the morning of Feb. 11. For those of us already in their prime, the Taube Atrium Theater presents a ripped-from-the-headlines (and social media) event, The Source, composed by Ted Hearne with a libretto by Mark Doten in a six-performance run starting Feb. 24. The classified info and surrounding hysteria related to Chelsea Manning’s association with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are probed in a mixed-media presentation that tries to get at the heart and soul of the troubled whistleblower. You can bring drinks into the theater, and you might want a double. The Taube Atrium venue encourages relaxed, intimate and immersive concert experiences, but also provokes lively audience response. Recent presentations in 2016 offered chances to hear Ian Robertson’s brilliant San Francisco Opera Chorus Out of the Shadows and out of stage make-up, and another get-together, Up Close: The Strings, that showcased members of the SFO Orchestra with Concertmaster Kay Stern and Resident Conductor Jordi Bernacer presiding. The programs were just right: not overlong, but still able to give an in-depth look at the wonderful musicians we rarely get to see without opera glasses. The Atrium needs to gain some mileage before it achieves the desired ambience, but there is already a friendly feeling in the air, and the innovative prospect is heartening.t

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Mural fragment with warrior bird, 6th century AD. Earthen aggregate, lime plaster, and mineral pigments. Coming to Teotihuacan: City of Water, City of Fire at the de Young Museum.

Courtesy SFS

SoundBox will feature music of American superstar composer John Adams in February.





Karrnal Knowledge

Shining Stars Vol. 47 • No. 1 • January 5-11, 2017

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Amour for

Amador Wine events warm up LGBT fans

by Jim Gladstone


fter the hustle of the holidays, the New Year provides an opportunity to rethink one’s priorities, reignite one’s curiosity, and open new chapters in life.

Patrons at a recent Amador wine tasting.

See page 28 >> Lauren Lindley

On the Tab Jan. 5-12


e’re starting fresh, according to that old Gregorian calendar. Every day is a new beginning, and every night a chance for fun. See page 30 >>

Fri 6 Bowie Birthday Bash @ The Chapel Eric Stein




Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

28 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


@ ebarnews

Lauren Lindley

Jack Gorman (left) and his husband Kyle at a winery event; their wedding.


Amador wineries

From page 27

Such a process, on a much grander scale, is familiar to Jack Gorman, a Lodi native who, after living and working in Washington, D.C. for almost two decades, returned to California three years ago, settling with his partner (now husband) in rural Amador County, 45 miles east of Sacramento. The longtime lobbyist and politico traded in his suits and ties for blue jeans, and began working as the tasting room manager for Scott Harvey Wines. On the weekend of March 24-26, Gorman and his community of local friends are welcoming members of the LGBT community from far and wide to take a sip of rural reflection for themselves. The first ever Come Out to Amador food and wine weekend is aimed at introducing the region to first-timers, building connections between new friends, and sending attendees home as enthusi-

Hotel Sutter, one of several stylish overnight options in Amador.

astic Amador ambassadors. Come Out offers an agenda of tastings, pairing lessons, vineyard visits, hikes, farm tours, local history talks, yoga sessions, and winesoaked meals. Participants will

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A recent tasting in Amador County.

choose among several simultaneous offerings at Saturday’s morning and afternoon sessions, with everyone sharing four meals: Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner with a ‘Beer vs. Wine’ theme, and a progressive brunch on Sunday. “We’re limiting overall attendance to 75 and most activities will have no more than 15 participants,” says Gorman. “I hope it’s going to feel like camp. I’d like people to come with old friends and leave having made new friends. The activities aren’t available a la carte because we want to build a sense of community over the course of the weekend.” Transportation between activities will also be provided, allowing for non-stop merriment and no run stoplights. A ticket for the full weekend costs $325, exclusive of housing (Three sponsor hotels are offering discount rates). Amador County, about a two and a half hour drive from San Francisco, is home to more than 45 wineries, particularly notable for their zinfandels. More than 2,000 of the county’s 3,300 acres of vineyards are dedicated to zinfandel grapes. “Nothing against my brethren in Napa or Sonoma,” says Gorman. “But wine-tasting here is a completely different experience. And among people who live in Northern California and have been wine tasting for decades, there’s a desire for something different.” “When you come tasting here, it’s not uncommon to have the vineyard owner or grower doing the pouring,” Gorman adds. “It’s rare to find a wine snob, but it’s common to find people with deep expertise and passion they want to share. I think it’s the sort of experience you might have had in Napa or Sonoma twenty years ago. Some of the tasting rooms don’t even have a fee,” says Gorman, “And it’s rare you’ll find a bottle over $50.”


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January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 29

CAFE Lauren Lindley

Serving up a variety of wines in Amador.

The county’s topology and geology lead to its straddling two distinct appellations –California Shenandoah Valley and Fiddletown– providing opportunity for fascinating comparisons: Shenandoah Valley zins from the northeast of the county tend to be full-bodied and earthy, combining dark plummy body with notes of forest flavor including cedar and clove. Fiddletown’s finest, grown to the west of the valley at higher elevations, reveal a tinge more acidity and bright cherry fruit tones. “For Come Out to Amador,” says Gorman, “We’re going to highlight some of these unique aspects. It’s going to be very in-depth and oneon-one with makers and providers. We’re not having any events that are just tastings. Everything’s going to include a lot of perspective.” Gorman explains that the local wineries and restaurants who have collaborated on this first-of-a-kind event are “basically presenting this all at cost. We want people who have never been here to end up telling friends, ‘They’re doing some cool stuff up there’ and sending more visitors our way. “Our gay community is small, but growing. I have to admit, I had a little trepidation when I first moved to this small rural area. But from the very beginning, I feel like we’ve been embraced with open arms. And I’m an outgoing person. I’ve made myself pretty present here.” Last May, Gorman and his partner got married in the wine town. “A lot of our guests were gay and had never been here before,” says Gorman. “They told me they felt incredibly welcome. When they went wine tasting in the days before and after, people working in the tasting rooms would ask where they were from and what brought them to town. When they said they were here for a

Barrels of wine at Scott Harvey Wines.

wedding, they’d regularly hear, ‘Oh! You’re here for Jack and Kyle!’” Eventually, Gorman says, “some of the business people in town who I most admire asked how I thought we might get more gay people up





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here. We view this as a steppingstone event for Amador.”t For tickets, directions and further details, see www.comeouttoamador.com

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Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

30 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017


On the Tab

From page 27

Thu 5

Howler @ Oasis

Fri 6

Tony Asaro’s 40th birthday party is a benefit concert of his original live music, with proceeds going to FOGG Theatre company. $40. 6pm. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

Happy Friday @ Midnight Sun

After Dark @ Exploratorium

Lookout Records Bands @ Gilman Street, Berkeley

Adult cocktail party at the interactive science museum. Jan. 5: is ‘Catch a Wave,’ with ocean and surf demos, cardboard mechanical sculpture workshop, films and more. Jan. 12: Fungus Among Us, with DJs Andy Cabic and Vetiver. $10-$15. 6pm10pm. Pier 15 at Embarcadero. www.exploratorium.edu

Pansy Division, The Mr. T Experience, The Smugglers, Brent’s TV, Squirtgun, Potatomen and Kepi Ghoulie perform at three days of reunion concerts with bands from the Bay Area record label. www.thelookouting924. brownpapertickets.com

Marco Bailey, Timo Maas @ Halcyon

Karaoke Night @ The Stud Sing along and sing out, Louise, with hostess Sister Flora Goodthyme. 8pm2am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Techno dance music duo perform/DJ. Free before 11pm. $10-$20. 10pm6am. 314 11th St. Halcyon-SF.com

Mary Go Round @ Lookout

Mother @ Oasis

Mercedez Munro and Holotta Tymes’ weekly drag show. $5. 10:30pm show. DJ Philip Grasso. 3600 16th St. www.lookoutsf.com

Matthew Martin @ Oasis The popular local performer, known for dozens of drag impersonations (from Baby Jane to Helen Lawson), returns with his solo show, full of Hollywood female icon live music tributes. $25-$35. 8pm. Also Jan. 6 at 7pm. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

The Monster Show @ The Edge The weekly drag show with DJ MC2, themed nights and hilarious fun. $5. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. www.edgesf.com

Picante @ The Cafe Lulu and DJ Marco’s Latin night with sexy gogo guys. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St. www.cafesf.com

Queer Karaoke @ Club OMG Dana hosts the weekly singing night; unleash your inner American Idol. 8pm. 43 6th St. www.clubomgsf.com

Ain’t Mama’s Drag @ Balancoire Weekly drag queen and drag king show hosted by Cruzin d’Loo. 8pm10pm. No cover. 2565 Mission St. www.balancoiresf.com

Bowie Birthday Bash @ The Chapel The First Church of the Sacred Silversexual’s sixth annual music tribute night to the music genius, with a drag, dance and live music performance set to the entire Ziggy Stardust album, with Raya Light, U-Phoria, Johnny Rockit, Phatima Rude, Kitty Von Quim, Honey Penny, and more, plus DJ Sergio Fedasz. Glam rock drag encouraged; mirrors and dress-up area/clothes check. Also Jan. 7, with a full performance set to Diamond Dogs. $20-$35. 9pm-2am. 777 Valencia St at 19th. www.sacredsilversexual.com www.thechapelsf.com

Midnight Show @ Divas

Bootie SF @ DNA Lounge

Weekly drag shows at the last transgender-friendly bar in the Polk; with hosts Victoria Secret, Alexis Miranda and several performers. Also Saturdays. $10. 11pm. 1081 Polk St. www.divassf.com

DJs Mysterious D and guests spin at the mash-up DJ dance party, with four rooms of different sounds and eight DJs. $10-$15 and up. 9:30pm3am. 375 11th St. www.bootiesf.com www.dnalounge.com

Polyglamorous @ Oasis

Bounce @ Lookout

The monthly groove dance night, popular with cubs and queens, with DJs Mark O’Brien, Major and guests. $7-$10. 10pm-2am. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

Dance music with a view at the Castro bar. 9pm-2am. 3600 16th St. www.lookoutsf.com

Red Hots Burlesque @ The Stud The saucy women’s burlesque show hosted by Dottie Lux will titillate and tantalize. $10-$20. 8pm-9:30pm. 399 9th St. Also Sunday brunch shows at PianoFight Theatre.144 Taylor St. www.redhotsburlesque.com www.studsf.com

Rock Fag @ Hole in the Wall

Sat 7

Enjoy hard rock and punk music from DJ Don Baird at the wonderfully divey SoMa bar. Also Fridays. 7pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. www.hitws.com

Some Thing @ The Stud Mica Sigourney and pals’ weekly offbeat themed drag performance night. $7. 10pm-3am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com Christine Ebersole and Seth Rudetsky @ Nourse Theater

Thursday Night Live @ SF Eagle

Boy Bar @ The Cafe

Music night with local and touring bands. $8. 9:30pm. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Gus Presents’ weekly dance night, with DJ Kid Sysko, cute gogos and $2 beer (before 10pm). 2369 Market St. www.cafesf.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

DTF Fridays @ Port Bar, Oakland

Disco guru DJ Bus Station John spins grooves at the intimate retro music night. No cell phones on the dance floor, please! $5. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. auntcharlieslounge.com

Underwear Night @ Powerhouse Free coat/clothes check when you strip down to your skivvies at the cruisy SoMa bar. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

We Go High @ Lookout A night of community, solidarity and fundraising for the Southern Poverty Law Center, with host Donna Sachet. 8pm-12am. 3600 16th St. www.lookoutsf.com

Fri 6 Beach Blanket Babylon @ Club Fugazi The musical comedy revue celebrates its 40th year with an ever-changing lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. $25-$160. Beer/wine served; cash only; 21+, except where noted. Wed-Fri 8pm. Sat 6pm & 9pm. Sun 2pm & 5pm. 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd. (Green St.). 421-4222. www.beachblanketbabylon.com


Various DJs play house music at the new gay bar’s weekly event. 9pm2am. 2023 Broadway. (510) 823-2099. www.portbaroakland.com

Gogo Fridays @ Toad Hall

Vibe Fridays @ Club BnB, Oakland House music and cocktails, with DJs Shareef Raheim-Jihad and Ellis Lindsey. 9pm-2am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

Sat 7 La Bota Loca @ Club 21, Oakland Latin, hip hop and Electro music night. Dec. 24: no cover, all night. 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St., Oakland. www.club21oakland.com

Christine Ebersole @ Nourse Theater Two-time Tony-winning musical theatre star, with interviewer/ accompanist Seth Rudetsky, performs favorite songs and talks about her career; partial proceeds benefit the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Project Open Hand, and San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. $30-$75. 8pm. 275 Hayes St. cityboxoffice.com/broadway

Club Rimshot @ Club BNB, Oakland The weekly hip hop and R&B night. $5-$15. 9pm to 4am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

Drag Me to Brunch @ Lookout Weekly show with soul, funk and Motown grooves hosted by Carnie Asada, with DJs Becky Knox and Pumpkin Spice. The yummy brunch menu starts at 12pm, with the show at 1pm. 3600 16th St. lookoutsf.com

Frolic @ SF Eagle The fursuit animal costume dance party, now at its new location, with DJs NeonBunny, LycanCatt, Ikkuma and Raid Zero. 9pm-2am. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.frolicparty.com www.sf-eagle.com

Go Bang! @ The Stud Eddie Perez and Eddie House guestspin at the disco groovy dance night, with residents Steve Fabus & Prince Wolf & Sergio Fedasz. $5-$10. 9pm3am. 399 9th St. at Harrison. www.studsf.com

Hot dancers grind it at the Castro bar with a dance floor and patio. 4146 18th St. www.toadhallbar.com

Weekly dance night with nearly naked gogo guys & gals; DJs Chad Bays, Ms. Jackson, Becky Know and Jorge T. $4. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Powerblouse @ Powerhouse Juanita More! and Glamamore’s monthly makeover night, where a drag newbie is born; this time, Matthew Cox. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

Pretty in Ink @ Powerhouse Show off your tattoos at the inkthemed night. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

Red Hot Mama @ Cinnabar Theater, Petaluma Sharon McNight performs her Sophie Tucker Story musical solo show. $25-$35. Fri & Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 29. 3333 Petaluma Blvd. N, Petaluma. (707) 763-8920. www.cinnabartheater.org

Saturgay @ Qbar Stanley Frank spins house dance remixes at the intimate Castro dance bar. $3. 9pm-2am (weekly beer bust 2pm-9pm). 456 Castro St. QbarSF.com

Soul Party @ Elbo Room DJs Lucky, Paul, and Phengren Osward spin 60s soul 45s. $5-$10 ($5 off in semi-formal attire). 10pm-2am. 647 Valencia St. 552-7788. www.elbo.com

Sugar @ The Cafe Dance, drink, cruise at the Castro club. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St. cafesf.com

Sun 8 Beer Bust @ Lone Star Saloon Enjoy daytime partying with bears and cubs, plus fundraisers for the SF Fog Rugby team. 4pm-8pm. 1354 Harrison St. www.lonestarsf.com The classic leather bar’s most popular Sunday daytime event in town draws the menfolk. Beer bust donations benefit local nonprofits. $10. 3pm6pm. Now also on Saturdays. 398 12th St. at Harrison. sf-eagle.com

The popular video bar ends each work week with gogo guys (starting at 9pm) and drink specials. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Big Top @ Beaux The fun Castro nightclub, with hot local DJs and sexy gogo guys and gals. $5. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.Beauxsf.com

Hard Fridays @ Qbar DH Haute Toddy’s weekly electro-pop night with hotty gogos. $3. 9pm-2am (happy hour 4pm-9pm). 456 Castro St. www.QbarSF.com

Blessed @ Port Bar, Oakland Carne Asada’s fun drag night returns, with Carnie’s Angels – Mahlae Balenciaga and Au Jus, plus DJ Ion. 2023 Broadway. www.portbaroakland.com

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland The Latin dance night includes drag acts and gogo studs. $10-$20. 9pm4am. 2111 Franklin St., Oakland. www.club21oakland.com Gogo-tastic dance night starts off your weekend. $5. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Nitty Gritty @ Beaux

Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

Happy Friday @ Midnight Sun

Manimal @ Beaux

Heklina the weekly night of drag tour de force performances, DJ MC2 spins dance grooves before and after the show. Jan 7 is a new Lady Gaga tribute show; ooh la la! $10-$15. 7:30pm-9pm. Reg: 10pm3am. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

Bowiemas XIII @ Beauty Bar 13th annual costume dance party celebrates the musical genius. Proceeds benefit Openhouse, the LGBT senior citizens nonprofit. $5. 10pm-2am. 2299 Mission St. www.beautybarsf.com

Sat 7 Frolic @ SF Eagle Tasty Eagle


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January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 31

Tue 10

Thu 12

Bandit @ Lone Star Saloon New weekly queer event with resident DJ Justime; electro, soul, funk, house. No cover. 9pm-1am. 1354 Harrison St. www.facebook.com/BanditPartySF www.lonestarsf.com

Venus D’Lite’s Madonna Dearest @ Oasis

Block Party @ Midnight Sun

Sat 7 Pansy Division at Lookout Records Bands Night @ Gilman Street, Berkeley

Domingo De Escandal @ Club OMG Weekly Latin night with drag shows hosted by Vicky Jimenez and DJ Luis. 7pm-2am. 43 6th St. clubomgsf.com

Femme Brunch @ Balancoire Weekly live music shows with various acts, along with brunch buffet, bottomless Mimosas, champagne and more, at the stylish nightclub and restaurant, with live entertainment and DJ Shawn P. $15-$20. 11am-3pm. After that, Femme T-Dance drag shows at 7pm, 10pm and 11pm. 2565 Mission St. at 21st. 920-0577. www.balancoiresf.com

Mon 9 Drag Mondays @ The Cafe Mahlae Balenciaga and DJ Kidd Sysko’s weekly drag and dance night. 9pm-1am. 2369 Market St. cafesf.com

Epic Karaoke @ White Horse, Oakland Mondays and Tuesdays popular weekly sing-along night. No cover. 8:30pm-1am. 6551 Telegraph Ave, (510) 652-3820. whitehorsebar.com

Gaymer Meetup @ Brewcade

Weekly screenings of music videos, concert footage, interviews and more, of popular pop stars. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. midnightsunsf.com

Cock Shot @ Beaux Shot specials and adult Bingo games, with DJs Chad Bays and Riley Patrick, at the new weekly night. No cover. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Gaymer Night @ Eagle Gay gaming fun on the bar’s big screen TVs. Have a nerdgasm and a beer with your pals. 8pm. 398 12th St. www.sf-eagle.com

Hella Saucy @ Q Bar Queer dance party at the stylish intimate bar. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. www.QbarSF.com

High Fantasy @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Pollo del Mar’s weekly drag show takes on different themes with a comic edge. 8:30-11:30pm. 2369 Market St. www.cafesf.com

The weekly LGBT video game enthusiast night includes big-screen games and signature beers, with a new remodeled layout, including an outdoor patio. No cover. 7pm-11pm. 2200 Market St. brewcadesf.com

Weekly drag and variety show, with live acts and lip-synching divas, plus DJed grooves. $5. Shows at 10:30pm & 12am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

Jock @ The Lookout

Karaoke Night @ SF Eagle

Irene Tu and Jessica Sele cohost the comedy open mic night for women and queers. No cover. 6pm-8:30pm. 4 Valencia St.

GlamaZone @ The Cafe

Enjoy the weekly jock-ular fun, with DJed dance music at sports team fundraisers. 12pm-1am. NY DJ Sharon White from 3pm-6pm. 3600 16th St. www.lookoutsf.com

Sing along, with guest host Nick Radford. 8pm-12am. 398 12th St. www.sf-eagle.com

Queer Tango @ Finnish Hall, Berkeley

Honey Mahogany’s weekly drag and musical talent show starts around 10pm. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Same-sex partner tango dancing, including lessons for newbies, food and drinks. $5-$10. 3:30pm-6:30pm. 1970 Chestnut St, Berkeley. www.finnishhall.org

Mahogany Mondays @ Midnight Sun

Hysteria @ Martuni’s

Tap That Ass @ SF Eagle

Bottoms Up Bingo @ Hi Tops

Bartender Steve Dalton’s beer night happy hour. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Play board games and win offbeat prizes at the popular sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Trivia Night @ Port Bar, Oakland Cranny hosts a big gay trivia night at the new East Bay bar; drinks specials and prizes. 7:30pm. 2023 Broadway. www.portbaroakland.com

Thu 12

Kollin Holtz hosts the open mic comedy night. 5:30pm-8pm. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Girl Scout @ Port Bar, Oakland The weekly women’s happy hour and dance night with DJ Becky Knox. 6pm10pm. 2023 Broadway. www.portbaroakland.com

Enjoy frosty Moscow Mule cocktails in a brassy mug, specials before 8pm. 2023 Broadway, Oakland. www.portbaroakland.com

Latin Drag Night @ Club OMG

Musical Mondays @ The Edge

No No Bingo @ Virgil’s Sea Room

Sun 8 Sara Ros Bronson & JoAna Gray @ Oasis

Mica Sigourney and Tom Temprano cohost the wacky weekly game night at the cool Mission bar. 8pm. 3152 Mission St. www.virgilssf.com

Opulence @ Beaux Weekly dance night, with Jocques, DJs Tori, Twistmix and Andre. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s Sara Ros Bronson & JoAna Gray @ Oasis Musical duo performs a witty cabaret show, Tits, Sass, and …Penis Envy? $20. 7pm. 298 11th St. sfoasis.com

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room Donna Sachet often hosts the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show, now celebrating its tenth anniversary. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595. www.starlightroomsf.com

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht. 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Underwear Night @ 440 Strip down to your skivvies at the popular men’s night. 9pm-2am. 440 Castro St. 621-8732. the440.com

Olga T and Shugga Shay’s weekly queer women and men’s R&B hip hop and soul night, at the club’s new location. No cover. 8pm-2am. 2120 Broadway, Oakland. www.bench-and-bar.com

Comedy Showcase @ SF Eagle

Mule Mondays @ Port Bar, Oakland

Sing along at the popular musical theatre night; also Wednesdays. 7pm2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. www.edgesf.com

B.P.M. @ Club BnB, Oakland

Weekly Latin night with drag shows hosted by Vicky Jimenez. 9pm-2am. 43 6th St. www.clubomgsf.com Rayana Jay at Local Sirens @ Rickshaw Stop

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre Strip down as the strippers also take it all off. $20. 9pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Queer Jitterbugs @ The Verdi Club Enjoy weekly same-sex (and other) swing dancing, with lessons, social dancing, ASL interpreters and live music. $15. 9pm-11:45pm. 2424 Mariposa St. at Potrero. verdiclub.net

Retro Night @ 440 Castro Jim Hopkins plays classic pop oldies, with vintage music videos. 9pm-2am. 44 Castro St. www.the440.com

Sun 8 Bowiemas XIII @ Beauty Bar

LGBT Pub Crawl @ Castro Weekly guided tour of bars. $10-$18. Meet at Harvey Milk Plaza, 7:45pm. Also morning historic tours on Mon, Wed, & Sat. www.wildsftours.com

Trivia Night @ Hi Tops Play the trivia game at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Una Noche @ Club BnB, Oakland Vicky Jimenez’ drag show and contest; Latin music all night. 9pm-2am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

Underwear Night @ Club OMG Weekly underwear night includes free clothes check, and drink specials. $4. 10pm-2am. Preceded by Open Mic Comedy, 7pm, no cover. 43 6th St. www.clubomgsf.com

Wed 11 Bedlam @ Beaux

Sunday Brunch @ Thee Parkside

Weekly event with DJ Haute Toddy, hosts Mercedez Munro and Abominatrix. Wet T-shirt/jock contest at 11pm. $5-$10. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Bottomless Mimosas until 3pm at the fun rock-punk club. 1600 17th St. 2521330. www.theeparkside.com

Bondage-a-Gogo @ The Cat Club The weekly gay/straight/whatever fetish-themed kinky dance night. $7$10. 9:30pm-2:30am. 1190 Folsom St. www.bondage-a-go-go.com www.catclubsf.com

Miss Kitty’s Trivia Night @ Wild Side West The weekly fun night at the Bernal Heights bar includes prizes, hosted by Kitty Tapata. No cover. 7pm-10pm. 424 Cortland St. 647-3099. www. wildsidewest.com

Nip @ Powerhouse Nipple play night for the chesty types. Free coatcheck and drink discount for the shirtless. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

Wrangler Wednesdays @ Rainbow Cattle Company, Guerneville Wear your jeans and meet new folks at the Russian River gay bar. 16220 Main St., Guerneville. www.queersteer.com

Thu 12 Gym Class @ Hi Tops Enjoy whiskey shots from jockstrapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Kick It @ DNA Lounge Kandi Love, Northcore Collective and Plus Alliance’s weekly EDM, flow arts dance night, with DJs; glow drag encouraged. $5-$10. 9pm-2am. 375 11th St. www.dnalounge.com

See page 34 >>

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

32 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

The year ahead by Race Bannon


e have embarked upon a new year and may it be a happy one for everyone reading this column. Many New Year’s writings reflect on the past year, but I’ve decided to focus on the future. So, I asked myself what I’d like to see happen in our leather and kink scene in 2017. What follows are some of my wishes for this year and beyond. But because I know this column is also sometimes a mouthpiece for all kinksters, local and national, I asked dozens of people from various leather and kink networks for their New Year’s wishes. What follows are indeed my thoughts, but many of them were honed by the answers I received from others. It takes a village. With that said, nothing I heard surprised me or ran egregiously counter to my own wishes for the year. I feel I can fully own these as my own. Among the most consistent wishes I heard was the desire for more

sex and play. Less drama. Fewer contests, fundraisers and classes. Less of almost everything. Except they wanted more play. More fleshto-flesh, connected sex and play. Without a doubt this was the most common refrain. Based on my observations throughout 2016, it’s been the feeling of many for a while. This got me to thinking. Why the rather ubiquitous call for less of so much and yet more of sex, play and the deeper connections it creates? Perhaps despite some of the otherwise good community work being done through education, fundraising and other efforts, some of the core sexual and identity reasons for which people are into kink in the first place got lost. I don’t think any of this was intentional or done with malice, but sometimes there are unintended consequences to even noble pursuits. Anyway, I would like to see us focus a bit more on the sexual and play aspects of what we do. This has been my wish for a while. This


Rich Stadtmiller

Contestants at the 2016 Mr. San Francisco Leather contest, one of the big annual events that brings Bay Area kinksters together.

doesn’t mean we need to necessarily neglect anything else. We simply need to embrace the overtly sensual and hot realities of our scene and foster it. After all, if you think about it, without the sex and play, would the leather and kink scene exist at all? Is that not the very foundation upon which it rests? To ignore it seems wrong, but we do. Too often. Also, one of the cornerstones of community building is the concept of self-care. Without taking care of ourselves, we’re not of much use to anyone else. We burn out. We become disinterested. If the main reasons we’re part of something wanes, so does our involvement and enthusiasm. That will have a domino effect and hurt everything else we do. Let’s try to have more kinky sex and play parties. Let’s figure out ways to encourage more private play too. Let’s support the venues in which to host and do it, both private and public. We need these now more than ever. Speaking of venues, we need to maintain those we have and encourage more of them. A big wish of mine is that everyone supports the places we do have. The bars that welcome us, the sex and play spaces, and the community meeting spaces. Frequent those we have. If someone is trying to get a new venue off the ground, let’s support them. Without spaces in which to meet and commune we’ll be relegated entirely to online and at-home options, which are great but we need the public spaces to keep our scene truly vibrant. My next wish is best summed up in the word “balance.” What I mean by that is a balance in terms of events, causes and organizations. Some wish that events, organizations and venues be more inclusive of a wide range of orientations and kinks. Others wish for more of these things to be set aside for specific orientations and kinks. Some wish for fewer contests and fundraisers. Others want more. This week, it was announced that the Mr. Edge contest would be delayed, and the Mr. Powerhouse contest was cancelled due to a lack of contestants. Some wish for fewer BDSM and kink classes and educational events. Others want more. This pattern plays out across the entire spectrum of what it is we do as kinksters. Conferences, contests, fundraisers, play parties, and so on. Some want more of them. Some want less. My own wish tends to split the difference among all these opinions and falls squarely in the middle in what I’m calling a more balanced perspective approach. This call for balance doesn’t denigrate any of those opinions nor violate my own wishes. Instead it honors all of them and creates an amalgam single wish of balance allowing each to exist while respecting the desire for some to have the opposite as well. Balance. Something for everyone, but respecting when others might want something different. The balance wish brings me to something I’ve come to believe about our scene. This will seem like heresy to some, and I don’t mean it in any sort of divisive or negative way. We’re no longer one monolithic leather/ kink scene. We’re many scenes that are loosely affiliated, sometimes quite loosely, by our rebel and maverick sexualities and erotic identities. Leather, and certainly kink, are big umbrellas under which a wide range

Daniel Samblanet

The appropriately shaped trophies for the annual 2016 Golden Dildeaux Awards, a silly and fun fundraiser organized by the Golden Gate Guards.

of sexuality gets categorized. Have you ever seen a Venn diagram, those labeled circles that intersect to varying degrees, their position and overlap indicating the relations among the labeled categories? Once upon a time the leather scene had a few labeled circles (leather, BDSM, role-base dynamics, and so on) and they mostly overlapped one on top of the other. Now, our scene has segmented into a bunch of more granular scenes such as rubber, pup play, watersports, fisting, master/slave, sports gear, and a lot more. The circles representing those scenes overlap to varying degrees, sometimes by not much at all. This makes the balanced approach even more difficult. How do you cater to all the various orientations and kinks? The answer is sometimes you do, and sometimes

you don’t. It’s an imperfect thing that must be handled on a case-bycase basis. My wish is that we foster empathy and sensitivity for the various segments of the scene that may not look or function quite like ours. The next wish necessarily falls into the political realm. It’s the wish by me and many of us to resist racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, and other such social ills within our own ranks. These challenges are part of the greater overall national picture, but their impact trickles into our scene too. Of course, the tricky part is how to do that. Sometimes a certain amount of separation becomes necessary such as when gay men might want to have their own sex party or women might want to have their own educational event. Most people get those necessary separations. However, apart from accommodating the need to sometimes have separate spaces for like-minded people or people in a certain group, much of the time such separations are unnecessary and even morally reprehensible. Imagine a leather club keeping out Black members. There’s no amount of justification that will support such discrimination. These are some of my bigger wishes. I hope they manifest. I love our local and national leather and kink scene. Much of my life revolves around it. So, I have a selfish, vested interest in keeping it active and alive. I hope you do too. Happy New Year!t Race Bannon is a local author, blogger and activist. You can reach him at his website, www.bannon.com.

Rich Stadtmiller

Marchers in the 2016 LeatherWalk, an annual leather/kink community pride, visibility and fundraising event.

Leather Events, January 6-20, 2017 >>


here’s always a lot going on in the San Francisco Bay Area for leather and other kinksters.

Sat 7

Fri 6

Romp, play and socialize at this monthly pups and Handler mosh event. Mats available to pup out on and there are snacks. SF AIDS Foundation mobile testing unit will be available 2pm-6pm to provide free testing. After the mosh, you can head over to SoMa StrEat Food Park for food. $3, 398 12th St., 2-5pm. www.SFK9Unit.org

FTM Munch @ Wicked Grounds Are you kinky (or interested), FAAB (female assigned at birth) and identify as a trans guy, FTM, trans boy/boi, and/ or similar? Join this monthly munch, every first Friday of the month. 289 8th St., 7-9pm. www.wickedgrounds.com

Sober Kink Together @ Castro Country Club Officially a CMA meeting, but open to all Anonymous 12-step Fellowship members, 4058 18th St., 9:30pm. www.castrocountryclub.org

Gear Party @ 442 Natoma Gear play party (leather, rubber, harnesses, etc.) for gay men. 442 Natoma St., $15 (requires $5 membership), 10pm. www.442parties.com

Woof! @ SF Eagle

Frolic @ SF Eagle Music by DJ NeonBunny, plus furry djs Ikkuma, LycanCatt, and Raid Zero. Visuals by Skibit and MaliePono. Best place to wear an animal costume. And whether you just like wearing a fursuit and walking around, or you actually want to be that pretend animal and run around on all fours all night (leashes for untamed animals preferred), it’s all good. 398 12th St., 8pm-2am. www.frolicparty.com

See page 34 >>


Read more online at www.ebar.com

January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 33

Unwrapped packages

Raw And Rough


Hear his butt tat talkin’ to ya? Fuck Ace Era, indeed.

Oh, glee! What a Christmas present Dylan James has for Ace Era.

by John F. Karr

The building’s been sold, and the holdings are being dispersed who knows where, since there doesn’t seem to be an organization willing or able to accept such a vast array of goods. The Institute came from a San Francisco era of freewheeling sexuality. And the city’s certainly been shorn of that. I can’t help but wonder how many, or more likely how few, porn performers voted in the last election. And I wonder whether I’ll ever be able to watch Colby Keller unhindered by my knowledge of his support for Mr. Trump. Lust for Colby the performer lingers on, but liking Colby the person has become fraught. Nowadays, we expect our performers to conform to our politics. Used to be easier to harbor a personal dislike for someone, while still appreciating their artistry. Can I compartmentalize, separating Colby the Sexy from Colby the Stupid? I’m sorry I have to. Oh, sure, I’ll check out his new videos, but I feel distanced. I have a similar problem with Ryan Rose. I unfortunately read several of his posted tweets and comments. The fellow’s illiterate. I wish he’d open his mouth only when putting a dick in it, and not his foot. Yet, perhaps it’s my fault, not his. I really should refrain from reading the epistles of pornstars. I like to suck the marrow out of most bones I meet. But here’s a bone I’d like to pick. Why are porn performers always called models? These guys aren’t modeling anything, unless it’s cock. But you never hear them say, “Hello, I’m a Cock Model.” No, they’re performers. They’re performing having a relationship, they’re performing having fun, they’re performing being aroused.


ince I really haven’t seen all that much (or as much as I’d like to), I won’t do Best or Worst lists for last year. But I’ll tell you what I’ll miss, what I’ve liked, and what my prick’s getting me up to. I’ll most grievously miss the Bush Street video store that was the last shop in town that rented gay porn. And I’ll miss a much more important organization, The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. You’ve probably never heard it. The Institute kept a really low profile, housed in a nondescript building on Franklin Street, and during its four decades wasn’t open to the public. But students came from around the globe, to the only place in the world that offered Master’s and Doctor’s degrees in Sexology. And what a resource center it was, its humungous warehouse crammed with everything related to sex.

Henry Licett has the most bountiful bulge of the year. Quel knob!


A fave scene of 2016 is the hushed, taut pairing of Killian James and JP Dubois in Sexperiment.

It’s not like they need to join Actors Equity, or anything. Nonetheless, they’re performers. Some things I liked last year: the documentary about Chuck Holmes and the Falcon empire, Seed Money; the graciously re-issued Wakefield Poole movie, Take One; and the amazing photo collection, Bob Mizer 1,000 Model Directory. And right now? Who’s keeping me warm during the cold winter nights? I’m currently shedding my seed for Sergeant Miles. He’s been around so long he’s gone from boy to man, and it was the latter that finally got my attention, at LucasEntertainment. Of course, Tegan Zayne, at Raging Stallion. Then there’s small, trés butch and erstwhile str8 top Adam Bryant. And his bottom doppleganger, Jake Davis. What about the Frenchman, Bulrog? This darkly handsome and richly furred stud was a music producer and singer now taking a detour to the top of the Daddy charts. He’s started out at LucasEnt, but I’d expect local studios will snarl and claw to get him.


Devin Franco (right) is happy ‘bout his pappy, the hot ‘n hairy Bulrog.

But the guy I’m getting the biggest blast outta is Ace Era. Love the name, love the Fuck Me tattoo on his butt cheeks, love his thick hair and fine face, and love his gung-ho, happy way of being a mighty sexy bottom. My most recent favorite scene stars Killian James topping JP Dubois in the generally excellent NakedSword feature, Sexperiment (whoa, Rocco Steele gettin’ gritty with JD Phoenix!). Although the movie’s four stories are traditional tropes, director mr. Pam experiments with different styles for each. Her lighting is keyed to a scene’s temperature, and her takes are unusually long, making things about as beautiful and real as it gets. The mood for James and Dubois is hushed, taut. The unadorned room they’re in is hardly bigger than the bed they’re on, but they’re way outside its earthly boundaries. We find Dubois face down in a pillow, with his ass in the air. While one of James’ hands inserts the joystick of an anal probe in Dubois’ ass, the other is milking the dude’s flesh joystick. Then James sucks Dubois’ cock while making him rock his rump down on a fat butt plug. James sure has mastered the art of butt pluggery. Watch them as they pour into each other, kissing and sucking during dildo play, and on through a fuck that’s both dreamy and rollicking. The scene ends with Dubois downing a most desirable load.

O, lucky man, to receive the Royal Jelly of Killian James. Since it’s never too late to bump into some bulge, I’m glad to gift you with Henry Licett’s. He’s been around for awhile, but I’ve only recently found him. He describes himself as an actor and a singer, but he seems to be a stripper, and a wildly uninhibited cock performer (a la Poetry of the Penis). He’s a major show off, with a major piece to show off. It’s a real landmark boner, with the biggest globe

I’ve ever seen atop a rod. It’s round as a round as an apple, as Gertrude Stein once said (while orating on a completely different topic). Search the ‘net, and you’ll find all the nudes. Seeing the big thing is informative, but I find the bulge shots are more rewarding. It’s the imagination that goes into seeing the obscure. It’s so immersive. Remember to find Karrnal in the first issue of each month. Here’s hoping you have a year full of opulent phallustry.t

Personals 34 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 5-11, 2017

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On the Tab

From page 31

Local Sirens @ Rickshaw Stop Women in Music series features Bay Area singer-composers Plush, Tanukichan, Sirir and Rayana Jay. Free. 8pm. 155 Fell St. at Van Ness Ave. www.rickshawstop.com

Madonna Dearest @ Oasis Venus D’Lite’s comic drag show (created by Tony Blass with Adam Daniel Guerra) about pop stars, evil villains and more. $20-$40. 8pm. 298 11th St. www.sfoasis.com

My So-Called Night @ Beaux Carnie Asada hosts a new weekly ‘90s-themed video, dancin’, drinkin’ night, with VJs Jorge Terez. Get down with your funky bunch, and enjoy 90cent drinks. ‘90s-themed attire and costume contest. No cover. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Thu 12 Leather Events

From page 32

Sun 8 Ms. SF Leather Beer Bust @ SF Eagle Sodas, juices and tap water, free of charge, for donors who choose not to drink alcohol. Carnitas Tacos are included in the beer bust price. $15, $5 for only food. 398 12th St., 3-6pm. www.sf-eagle.com

Mon 9 Ride Mondays @ Eros A motorcycle rider and leathermen night at Eros, bring your helmet, AMA card, MC club card or club colors and get $3 off entry or massage. 2051 Market St. www.erossf.com

Wed 11 Golden Shower Buddies @ Blow Buddies A men’s water sports night, Golden Shower Buddies, $15 with membership, 933 Harrison St., 8pm. www.blowbuddies.com

Thump @ White Horse, Oakland

Groove on wheels at the former Sacred Heart Church-turned disco roller skate party space, hosted by John D. Miles, the “Godfather of Skate.” Also Wed, Thu, 7pm-10pm. Sat afternoon sessions 1pm-2:30pm and 3pm5:30pm. $10. Kids 12 and under $5. Skate rentals $5. 554 Fillmore St. at Fell. www.churchof8wheels.com

Weekly electro music night with DJ Matthew Baker and guests. 9pm-2am. 6551 Telegraph Ave, (510) 652-3820. www.whitehorsebar.com

Nap’s Karaoke @ Virgil’s Sea Room Sing out loud at the weekly least judgmental karaoke in town, hosted by the former owner of the bar. No cover. 9pm. 3152 Mission St. 8292233. www.virgilssf.com

Throwback Thursdays @ Qbar Enjoy retro 80s soul, dance and pop classics with DJ Jorge Terez. No cover. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. www.QbarSF.com

Fri 13 Ms. SF Leather Contest Meet and Greet @ Pilsner Inn The community can meet the contestants and the judges. You can submit pop questions that may be used during the contest. Contestants will take your measure giving you a chance to win some raffle prizes. See 2016 Ms. SF Leather’s step-down fantasy. 225 Church St., 7-9pm. pilsnerinn.com

Sober Kink Together @ Castro Country Club

Ms. SF Leather Contest @ SOMAarts

Officially a CMA meeting, but open to all Anonymous 12-step Fellowship members, 4058 18th St., 9:30pm. www.castrocountryclub.org

Contestants strut their stuff, entertain with their fantasies, answer pop questions and give speeches. Advance purchase $10 for General Admission, $20 for VIP Seating. Door Prices $15 for General Admission, $25 for VIP Seating. 934 Brannan St., 7pm. www.somarts.org

Gear Party @ 442 Natoma Gear play party (leather, rubber, harnesses, etc.) for gay men. 442 Natoma St., $15 (requires $5 membership), 10pm. www.442parties.com

Sat 14 Experience It! @ SF Catalyst A play party for both experienced kinksters and first-time rubber men. $20 at door, $15 plus fees advance purchase, 1060 Folsom St., 1-5pm. www.rmsf.org/event/experience-itplay-party


Skate Night @ Church on 8 Wheels

Thump @ White Horse, Oakland



Sun 15 Ms. SF Leather Contest Victory Brunch @ Wicked Grounds Brunch wrapping up the contest weekend. 289 8th St., 11am. www.wickedgrounds.com

Thursday Night Live @ SF Eagle Music night with local and touring bands. Dec. 1: Floating Goat’s record release party. $8. 9:30pm. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge Disco guru DJ Bus Station John spins grooves at the intimate retro music night; tonight makes it the longest running queer night in SF history! 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

Underwear Night @ Powerhouse Free coat/clothes check when you strip down to your skivvies at the cruisy SoMa bar. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

Mon 16 Ride Mondays @ Eros A motorcycle rider and leathermen night at Eros, bring your helmet, AMA card, MC club card or club colors and get $3 off entry or massage. 2051 Market St. www.erossf.com

Fri 20 Sober Kink Together @ Castro Country Club Officially a CMA meeting, but open to all Anonymous 12-step Fellowship members, 4058 18th St., 9:30pm. www.castrocountryclub.org

Gear Party @ 442 Natoma Gear play party (leather, rubber, harnesses, etc.) for gay men. 442 Natoma St., $15 (requires $5 membership), 10pm. 442parties.com


Read more online at www.ebar.com

January 5-11, 2017 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 35

Shining Stars Steven Underhill Photos by

New Year’s Eve @ The Stud


016 got a festive kiss-off at the historic Stud bar’s Champagne Poppers New Year’s Eve party, where the new collective ownership recently announced plans for the bar’s future. Leigh Crow, Honey Mahogany, and VivvyAnne ForeverMore! cohosted the event, with DJs Rolo, Siobhan Aluvalot, John Fucking Cartwright, and Marke B. Visit The Stud at 399 9th Street. www.studsf.com More photo albums are on BARtab’s Facebook page, www.facebook. com/lgbtsf.nightlife. See more of Steven Underhill’s photos at www.StevenUnderhill.com.


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