September 2013

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September 2013



H September 2013H

BOYCOTT: Da! Nyet!

F Page 4 f 40's a Cinch

F Page 8 f Leatherazzi '13

F Page 10 f Boxxy Lady

F Page 11f On The Tab

F Pages 12-29 f BARchive: The Slot

F Page 30 f

Tickets are available at To charge by phone (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per person. All dates, acts and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. All tickets are subject to applicable service charges.

Read more stories online at

V On the cover: Nicolas Bettinger, the newly crowned San Francisco Most Original Stoli Guy, at the August 14 event at Beatbox, which boycotting activists picketed outside. See the story on page 4. Photo:: Steven Underhill

H H H H H H H H H H H H H Editor: Jim Provenzano


NEWSPAPER: PUBLISH DATE: ART DUE: Advertising Sales: Colleen Small, Scott Wazlowski CONTENT: Contributors: Ray Aguilera, Matt Baume, Heather Cassell, SIZE: Coy Ellison, Michael Flanagan, Dr. Jack Fritscher, ART PRODUCTION: Designers: T. Scott King, Jay Cribas

T. Scott King, Michael McAllister, Sal Meza, David Elijah-Nahmod, Adam Sandel, Ronn Vigh

Photography: Biron, Marques Daniels, Don Eckert, Lydia Gonzales, Rick Gerharter, Jose Guzman-Colon, Georg Lester, Dan Lloyd, Jim Provenzano, Rich Stadtmiller, Monty Suwannukul, Steven Underhill BARtab is published by Benro Enterprises, Inc. Publisher: Michael M. Yamashita BAR Media, Inc.

BAY AREA REPORTER 8/28/13 8/23 PATRICIA KAAS 4.75X7.75 LIVE (5.25X8.25 BLEED) SACHA PFEIFER (720) 239-3411

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395 Ninth Street • San Francisco CA 94103 (415) 861-5019

2 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Tickets are available at To charge by phone (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per person. All dates, acts and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. All tickets are subject to applicable service charges.

from August 29 to September 10 for details


hile guests lined up outside the South of Market nightclub Beatbox for last month’s local edition of a promotional event, a handful of activists poured bottles of Stoli vodka onto the South of Market street. Actually, it was water, since they didn’t want to buy Stoli just to boycott it. Inside the nightclub, frivolity and free drinks reigned, and Nicolas Bettinger, a cute young gay man with a cuter Parisian-themed strip act that left him in a black corset, was dubbed the San Francisco winner of the Most Original Stoli Guy contest. While most local bars aren’t quite as declarative as Beatbox with their Stoli support, many others have declined to honor the boycott of Stoli products. So, why a boycott? Yes, some people still don’t know. Amid escalating reports of anti-gay violence across Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently signed a law, which bans the “promotion” of homosexuality to minors. Vigilantes have posted videos of themselves kidnapping and assaulting gay men. Worldwide condemnation of the new law, and its resultant violence, was swift. George Takei, the openly gay Star Trek star, called for the Olympics Committee to move the 2014 Sochi Winter Games from Russia to Canada. The sports events are scheduled for February 2014. Oscar winning-film star Tilda Swinton daringly stood in front of the Kremlin sporting a rainbow flag. Her photo of this action went viral. Even President Barack Obama harshly condemned these laws, yet offered no support of a boycott. Other celebrities have declared their refusal to visit Russia. Bravo Networks’ Andy Cohen bowed out of hosting the Miss Universe pageant, scheduled to broadcast November 9 from Moscow. Despite an online petition with 28,000 signatures supporting a move out of Russia, the pageant organizers, headed by Donald Trump, refused to consider relocating the event. And gay actor Wentworth Miller came out on August 21, citing his refusal to attend a film festival in St. Petersburg. But did the vodka boycott start this, and is it still viable? The anti-Stoli stance is being led by notables such as Cleve Jones and Dan Savage, who claim that the vodka company is a Russian-owned entity. Here in San Francisco, Stoli has been the primary boycott target by a gaggle of activists, including Michael Petrelis. But many, including some in the bar and night-

Boycott Da!

Nyet! d The Stoli War

by David-Elijah Nahmod

Steven Underhill

Patrik Gallineaux congratulates Nicolas Bettinger at the Stoli event at Beatbox.

4 BARHTAB • • September 2013

club community, aren’t honoring Anita Cocktail and pals at the boycott. Beatbox’s Stoli event. “Moby Dick will no longer boycott Stoli,” said Joe Cappelletti, owner of Moby Dick, a popular Castro watering hole. “A boycott of Stoli does not directly impact the Russian government. In regard to SPI, Stoli’s parent company, they’ve been a longtime supporter of the LGBT community worldwide.” Paul Miller, co-owner of the popular South of Market bar Truck, told BARtab that he was also declining to boycott Stoli. “I don’t believe in boycotting,” Miller said. “Our problem is not with Russians or Russian things. It’s with the policies of the Russian government. Stick to putting pressure points on the Russian government. Russia responds well to international pressure. We want to let Russian Steven Underhill LGBT people, who are being isolated tion in the past two years.” and told they’re alone, to know that True, new interest in the plight of LGBT Russians the world is watching, and they’re not alone.” Miller said that his customers weren’t talking has gained more coverage, and athletes have beabout the situation in Russia as much as he’d like. gun to speak out, but not for a boycott of vodka or “People aren’t sure what to do,” he said. “We need the Sochi games. Celebrated gay diving champion to decide what to do. We need a leader to step up Greg Louganis called for support of competing and decide to get something done that can yield athletes. Athletes who stand a chance to compete in Sochi include openly gay U.S. figure skater results.” Arguments about the boycott have led to almost Johnny Weir and gay New Zealand speed skater as much discussion about it as the reason for it. Blake Skjellerup, who have both said that they anOn August 20, the New York Times published ticipate being arrested. “Boycotting Vodka Won’t Help Russian Gays,” an At the world athletics championships held in op-ed by Mark Lawrence Schrad, author of the Moscow in August, straight ally and champion upcoming book Vodka Politics: Alcohol, Autocracy runner Nick Symmonds stated, “I respect Rusand the Secret History of the Russian State. Schard sians’ ability to govern their people. I disagree with claimed that the boycott is misguided, considering their laws.” A Russian pole vaulter (and unofficial that Stoli’s original company is no longer exactly ‘mayor’ of the upcoming Sochi Games athletes’ village) supported the law while castigating gays, Russian. Speaking as a representative of the revived but then claimed her statements were misinterQueer Nation New York, gay author John Weir preted. responded to Schrad’s piece. “Our goal was never Other athletes’ simple gestures were scrutinized, to dissolve the global market of Stolichnaya or to from an innocuous same-sex podium kiss, to indissolve the extensive Russian investments of its tentionally rainbow-painted fingernails. With forparent company SPI, as if that were possible,” Weir eign dignitaries flying rainbow flags in the stands, wrote. “Rather, we have meant it as a first tactic and the world is finally paying attention. to spread news of a human rights disaster, and we The well-presented vodka-pouring photo ops in know that boycotts have been proven historically New York City, Chicago and West Hollywood may to be highly effective in accomplishing this aim. have started a movement. But has the struggle Indeed, in the past three weeks, the Russian vodka moved elsewhere? boycott has focused more attention on the plight Perhaps the loudest pro-Stoli voice from within of Russia’s LGBT people than any other interven- the LGBT sphere comes from Patrik Gallineaux,

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Rick Gerharter

Protestors outside Beatbox at the August 14 Stoli event.

such as GLAAD and the RichmondErmet AIDS Foundation.” Gallineaux stated that efforts by activists like Cleve Jones and Queer Nation to paint Stoli as a Russian company are misguided. “We need to be more thoughtful, enlightened and diplomatic, and to come from a place of love and uplifting people,” he said. But some activists remain undeterred from the Stoli-specific boycott. At an August 3 rally in front of the San Francisco Russian consulate, Cleve Jones stated, “If you don’t understand that Stoli is a Russian company, please go back and do your online research.” That research, mostly from New York activists, insists that Stoli is a Russian company which sells vodka in Russia, despite distilling it in Latvia (www.boycottrussianvodka. com). According to Gallineaux, there are two companies named Stoli. One is indeed based in Russia, and its products are available within Russia only. The other Stolichnaya is the company whose vodka is sold in San Francisco gay bars, and is based in Luxembourg. The company also has offices in New York City, which Truck co-owner Gallineaux says is populated with Paul Miller holds the executives who are unwavering in megaphone as activist Trey Allen chants at the Aug. 3 their support of the LGBT comRussian consulate protest. munity. “I’m half a drag-queen,” he says. BARtab “This company has accepted me no who describes his flamboyant style of dress as being “semi-drag.” Gallineaux works for Stoli. His matter how I present myself.” official job description is National LGBT Ambas- Among those who support Gallineaux’s prosador for Stolichnaya via Momentum Worldwide. Stoli stance is Stuart Milk, the openly gay nephew He’s in charge of the Most Original Stoli Guy of the late gay SF Board of Supervisors member Harvey Milk, who was assassinated at San Francompetition and campaign. “Most Original Stoli Guy is a thirteen-city tour cisco’s City Hall in 1978. recognizing the most original, passionate, and “Targeting Stoli was extremely misplaced and unique leaders of tomorrow within the LGBT anti to the very premise of these organizers stated community, vetted from thousands of applicants cause to the boycott call,” Milk wrote. “At the end online and via in-person interviews and auditions. of the day, Stoli is one of the few hopeful comAll applicants must prove that far beyond physical munity hands that our LGBT brothers and sisters attributes, they posses dedication to LGBT com- in the Baltic region have to hold onto. The only munity development and giving. I personally ask thing a Stoli boycott will accomplish is a very all my staff members for Stolichnaya to donate at misinformed and misguided attack on an ally to least 20 hours per year to community non-profits LGBT people and create a huge setback for entire 6 BARHTAB • • September 2013

nations of LGBT people in Latvia.” But another call for a refocus away from their brand fumbled when Stoli’s media partners GayCities and Queerty offered to make donations to LGBT charities for every Stoli drink sold at their events. However, none of the recipients had been contacted, and each refused to participate. Many critics of such boycotts have said to listen to Russian LGBT activists. But they may not like what they hear. At a late August meeting at New York City’s LGBT Center, journalist Masha Gessen spoke before an audience of about 100 concerned people. Gessen recently fled Russia out of concern for the safety of her family, citing how the new anti-gay law could affect LGBT parents and their children. “One of the best moments of my time was when I was in my car 10 days ago in Moscow and I turned on the radio and they were talking about the vodka boycott on every radio station,” Gessen said. “That is getting media attention. It was really, really amazing, Suddenly we’d been granted visibility that we hadn’t had in years.” While activists elsewhere are calling the vodka boycott a success, here in San Francisco, the presumed home of liberal politics and gay power, the vodka boycott seems to have slowed to a trickle. An informal survey of several Bay Area LGBT

bars and nightclubs included less than half a dozen who are participating in the Russian vodka boycott, among them Hi Tops, El Rio, and the East Bay’s White Horse Tavern and Bench & Bar. The most active group of protestors have moved on to plans for pickets outside a local Russian Orthodox Church, saying their faith, and Putin’s favoritism toward it, is part of the problem with the antigay violence in Russia. Others are focusing on larger boycotts, of Olympics sponsors Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Visa and other corporations. But it won’t be easy. Even as far back as the 1936 Olympics, Coke supported the host country, Nazi Germany, by inventing Fanta, a new beverage, in their honor. Historically, the Olympics, its organizers and sponsors, have prioritized money over human rights. But whether you support any boycotts or not, the genie of LGBT activism is obviously out of the vodka bottle. ✸

(Jim Provenzano contributed to this article.) Want to chime in? Show your support either way? Go to BARtab’s Facebook page:

Bunny-eared bear serves up shots at The Cinch.

A drag show at The Cinch. Dan Karkoska

40’s a Cinch d “ S

Dan Karkoska

by Michael Flanagan

o, do you trick up on Polk Street?” A simple line delivered in the movie Milk from Sean Penn as Harvey Milk to the Cleve Jones character is cause for reflection on the 40th anniversary of the Cinch, which was celebrated on June 30. The Cinch is currently the only gay bar on Polk Street, or one of the few, if you count the gay-friendly spaces. This is from a high which numbered between 20 and 30 venues in the neighborhood during Milk’s era. The Cinch’s longevity is easy to understand, as it’s a casual friendly place that attracts patrons throughout the day. Bob Thornton, current co-owner with Robby Morgenstein, suggests that the success of the bar is due in part to it being as much a neighborhood bar as anything else. He thinks of the space as “everybody’s living room,” a place to come and have conversations. And over the 30 years that I’ve been going to the space I’d certainly agree – it’s a haven for characters and the kind of place that it’s unlikely you’ll go to without at least starting up a conversation with someone you didn’t know before. It’s a place that

8 BARHTAB • • September 2013

has surprised me repeatedly with its community spirit. I happened by on more than one holiday when the bar surprised me with food – once with hot dogs on July 4! Part of the charm of the Cinch is the eclectic nature of the place, both in its clientele and its décor. From the front it plays the part of an old west saloon, complete with swinging doors. And the way the entrance looks, as well as the description of the bar in guides, has confused many a tourist that comes in the bar expecting a gay Country and Western saloon. Having been around as long as it has, the bar has collected a large number of its decorations from former patrons, including a first edition Lion’s Pub poster, complete with the genitals that were removed in later editions. Behind the bar you’ll notice photos of some of the former patrons as well. And the collection continues to grow. Recently they received a large number of bar matchbooks and buttons from historic gay bars in the neighborhood which will eventually be displayed in the bar. And a recent addition is a large painting of a former unidentified Haight street gay bar –

reputed to be an after-hours joint as well. The bar has remained much the way I remember it when I first visited. The Mexican paper flags which once decorated the ceiling of the bar have been replaced with similar laminated flags in the hope they will last longer. The eclectic nature of the decorations harken back to the first decade that the bar was open, and will remind you of the simpler low tech era of the 1970s. Robby Morgenstein reflected on the spirit of the place, saying that in a way the Cinch has always been the Cinch and that owners are really just caretakers of the spirit of the place. Certainly part of the draw of the space is the back patio of the bar. “There are bar people and there are patio people,” Bob Thornton reflected. This is indeed my experience, as I’ve seen a number of people, visitors and longtimers alike, gravitate to the space. It draws enough of a clientele that I have visited the bar during the rainy season and still see a hardy band under the awnings which protect the patio in the winter. There have been changes in the last few years. Due to condos in the neighborhood, the patio now closes at 10pm. But that doesn’t seem to have made the space any less lively. Perhaps part of what has kept the bar going so long is that although it does feel homey, it doesn’t feel like it’s a relic of the past. There is still a lot going on at The Cinch, including raffles and benefits for organizations like the Imperial Court and AIDS/LifeCycle. Since they don’t have an entertainment license, there are no bands or DJs. But it isn’t missed because of a lively jukebox which allows patrons to select their own soundtrack. The drinks have evolved with the times as well. Gone is the Long Island Iced Tea in Mason jars – which were a lethal feature of the bar in the 1980s. But they’re still making amazing Bloody Marys, and drink specials are featured both on menus on the bar and the chalk board behind the bar. Stop by; in no time, you’ll be sure to feel like you’re with family. ✸ The Cinch, 1723 Polk St.

Patrons at The Cinch’s Sunday brunch. Georg Lester

The Cinch’s co-owner Bob Thornton.

Michael Flangan

Cinch bartender Eddie.

Dan Karkoska


first drag incarnation, f the many drag “from the very beginperformers ning. It’s a side of me who’ve graced the that stands out, for set of RuPaul’s Drag Race, sure. I tend to be a little Pandora Boxx remains a shy around people I personal favorite. don’t know. With PanWith a wry comic edge dora, this entity – some that can leap into slapstick might say demon! – or caricature, Boxx’s perlike the mythological formances balance classic tale, was unleashed. drag with contemporary Pandora is blond and pop sensibility. She’ll be slutty, and that’s just performing in San Franwithin me to be.” cisco on September 6, 7 & Boxx’s act includes 8 at Rebel. backstage stories from This isn’t Boxx’s first time in the Bay. She re- by Jim Provenzano Steven C De La Cruz the show, songs live and lipsynched, and some cently performed at the catty comic moments. “Drag Race changed the Gay Gaymer convention, and had a blast. “It was the first LGBT game event, and about two game again and really brought it to the mainthousand people were there,” she said. “I’m a nerd stream,” said Boxx. “It was an amazing opportunity. But it’s what you do afterward.” ✸ myself. I outed myself as a gamer.” Born Michael Steck in Rochester, New York, Boxx may be one of the more well-adjusted drag Pandora Boxx: Kick This Boxx! $22.50. performers to have expanded her career post- 7:30pm & 10pm, nightly Sept 6, 7 and 8. Rebel, 1760 Market St. RuPaul. Steck says his Pandora Boxx persona was his

Boxxy Lady

Leatherazzid W Photos by Rich Stadtmiller

hat kind of leather and fetish drag will trend this year at the 30th annual Folsom Street Fair? Ponies? Bronies? Codpiece big bonies? Sunday, September 29, from 11am to 6:30pm, the yearly parade of pliant perversion and perky pulchritude will fill Folsom Street (from 7th to 12th) with fun, frolicking, food, beer and BDSM, and more than a few classic and new fetish displays. 100% of gate donations benefits several local LGBT and HIV/AIDS nonprofits. To celebrate the fair’s third decade, the event lasts 30 more minutes, the official post-party’s right on the fairgrounds, plus there’ll be extra entertainments on the various stages. Take a cue from this selection of Rich Stadtmiller’s 2012 images; less is more, but more is more fun. ✸ Get tickets for the several Folsomrelated events, including Magnitude (the big dance party), Deviants (an adult arcade), Aftershock and ReCon’s Full Fetish sexy circuit events, and info at

10 BARHTAB • • September 2013

~September H

Oakland Pride @ Downtown Oakland

Annual East Bay LGBT pride events inlcude performances by En Vogue, Montez, LaToya London, Luciana, Banda Cienega and Sheria, plus community booths, food, drinks and more. $5-$10. 11am-7pm. 20th St. at Broadway. Nighttime block party outside Bench & Bar and Club 21, with DJs Olga T, David Harness, Pam Jacatac, Rum and Calalo. 6pm-4am. $100.

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

The popular country western LGBT dance night celebrates a decade and a half of fun foot-stomping two-stepping and line-dancing. $5. 5pm-10:30pm with lessons from 5:30-7:15 pm. Also Thursdays. 550 Barneveld Ave., and Tuesdays at Beatbox, $6. 6:3011pm. 314 11th St.

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

En Vogue headlines Oakland Pride, Sun. 1

Sun 1 Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

The classic leather bar is back, with the most popular Sunday day time event in town. 3pm-6pm (Also now open daily 11am-2am). 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Brunch @ Hi Tops

Enjoy crunchy sandwiches and mimosas, among other menu items, at the popular new sports bar. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Disco Daddy @ SF Eagle

DJ Bus Station John’s new post-beer bust tea dance at the famed (and nicely remodeled) leather bar. $5. 7pm-12am. 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Hella Gay Comedy @ Pa’ina Lounge

Charlie Ballard hosts the raucous comedy night, with headliner Karen Ripley, plus Rachel Gill, Rich Hutcison, Scott Simpson, Steve Post, and Ron Chapman. $10. 21+. 8pm. 1865 Post St. 829-2642.

Jock @ Lookout

Donna Sachet hosts the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.

Swagger Like Us @ El Rio

Queer hip hop dance party, with performances by Vogue and Tone, DJ sets by davO of Double Duchess, Lemz, and more. $5-$8. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission St.

Mon 2 Karaoke @ The Lookout

Paul K hosts the amateur singing night. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Monday Musicals @ The Edge

The renovated bar shows fun musicals each week. 9pm show; open til 2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood.

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Sacred Cocktails @ Twin Peaks

Weekly gathering for Christian and other faithful LGBTs, sponsored by Oasis, the GLBT Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of California. Upstairs, 7:308:30pm. Castro St. at Market.

Weekly fundraiser for various local LGBT sports groups. $2 cover. Drink specials. 3pm-9pm. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Tue 3


Weekly screenings of music videos, concert footage, interviews and more, of popular pop stars. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

12 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Block Party @ Midnight Sun

Fuego @ The Watergarden, San Jose

Weekly event, with Latin music, half-off locker fees and Latin men, at the South Bay private men’s bath house. $8-$39. Reg hours 24/7. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215.

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night; this weke, headliner Liz Grant. Onedrink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV.

Gary Numan @ Oakland Metro

The New Wave icon performs new and classic synthpop tunes at the East Bay punk club; Cold Cave also performs. $27. 8pm. 630 3rd St., Oakland. (510) 763-1146.

Opening Night Gala @ SF Symphony

Broadway and TV star Audra McDonald headlines the annual festive symphony gala, with Michael Tilson Thomas conducting the symphony in a Jazz Age tribute. $160-$1000 and up. Drinks, dinner and dancing. 5pm. 201 Van Ness Ave. 864-6000.

Trivia Night @ Hi Tops

Play the trivia game at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Chet Faker, Wed 4

Soma Country @ Beatbox

Sundance Saloon’s monthly SoMa two-stepping dance night now takes place every Tuesday. $8. 8pm12am. Lessons 8pm. 314 11th St. at Folsom.

Wed 4 Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

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f eON THE TAB ~ ~from page 13


Comedy Bodega @ Esta Noche

Marga Gomez (often) hosts the weekly LGBT- and queer-friendly comedy night at the Mission club. No cover one-drink min. 8pm. 3079 16th St.

Big Gigantic, Fri. 6

Latin Night @ The Café

Amazingly hot gogo guys, cheap drinks and DJed dance music. $5. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St.

Lipstick Revue @ Longboard Margarita Bar, Pacifica

Monthly drag show with Ana Mae Cox, Ruby Holliday, and others, at the gay-friendly surf bar that features karaoke and band nights. No cover. 10pm-2am. 21+. 180 Eureka Square, Pacifica. (650) 738-5905.

The Monster Show @ The Edge

Chet Faker @ The Independent

Soulful electro singer bear (aka Nicholas Murphy) from Australia performs. $13-$15. 8pm. Lawrence Rothman opens. 628 Divisadero St. 771-1421.

Queer Salsa @ Beatbox

Weekly Latin partner dance night. 8pm-1am. 314 11th St.

Rookies Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Compete for $200 prize in this amatuer strip contest, or watch the newbies get naked. $20 includes refreshments. 8pm-11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758.

Trivia Night @ Harvey’s

Bebe Sweetbriar hosts a weekly night of trivia quizzes and fun and prizes; no cover. 8pm-1pm. 500 Castro St. 431-4278.

Way Back @ Midnight Sun

Weekly screenings of vintage music videos, and retro drink prices. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

Thu 5 Christine Ebersole @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko

Broadway and TV actress-singer performs. $40-$85. Thu-Fri 8pm. Sat 7pm. Thru Sept. 7. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. 394-1111. 14 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Fri 6

Nightlife @ California Academy of Sciences

The popular sax-drum electro-dance-hip hop jazz duo perform live; Ill-esha opens. $20.50. 8pm. 1807 Telegraph Ave., Oakland. (510) 302-2250.

Themed event nights at the fascinating new nature museum; plus food, cocktails and DJed dancing. $10$12. 6pm-10pm, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park. 379-8000.

Out of the Past @ Old Mint

Fascinating fundraiser for Project Open Hand at the beautiful architectural treasure, with performances, DJed dance music, cocktails, nibbly things, talks with historians and activists (Stuart Milk, Donna Sachet, Jose Cisneros). $20. 6pm-11pm. 88 5th St.

Big Gigantic @ Fox Theatre, Oakland

Friday Nights @ De Young Museum

Season 9 of the popular weekly early evening museum parties continues, with live music and performance, exhibit-themed workshops and food and drinks. 5pm-8:30pm. Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive. 750-3600.

Happy Friday @ Midnight Sun

Tesla Boy @ Rickshaw Stop

Russian synth-pop sensation performs; Night Moves, Queen Kwong, plus Popscene DJs. $13-$15. 9:30pm. 155 Fell St. 861-2011.

Open during renovations, the popular video bar ends each week with gogo guys (starting at 9pm) and drink specials. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

Thursday Night Live @ SF Eagle

Hard @ Qbar

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

HYSL @ The Lookout

The weekly live rock shows have returned. 9pm-ish. 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Retro disco tunes and cruisy crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor.

Underwear Party @ Powerhouse

Strip down to your skivvies (free clothes check) and watch or compete in the wet underwear contest ($100 prize!) at midnight; gogo guys and DJ Dam Nation. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St.

DJ Haute Toddy spins electro beats; cute gogo guys shake it. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. Shots, drinks and DJed fun with the adorable David and Trevor. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Josh Klipp and The Klipptones @ Palace Hotel

The local jazz crooner and his band perform weekly shows at the hotel’s lounge, which draws a growing swing-dance audience. 7pm-11pm. 2 New Montgomery.

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Christine Ebersole, Thu. 5

Cookie Dough’s weekly drag show with gogo guys. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood.

~from page 15


La Bota Loca @ Club 21, Oakland

Live bands, DJed tunes, gogo hotties, drag shows, drink specials, all at Oakland’s premiere Latin nightclub and weekly cowboy night. $10-$15. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425.

Club Voyeur @ White Horse Bar, Oakland Dance party (first Saturdays) at the intimate, historic LGBT bar. 6551 Telegraph Ave. (510) 652-3820.

Club Gossip @ Cat Club

Mixed gay-friendly goth-electro-retro-ish club night; monthly (2nd Sat.). $8. 21+. 9pm-3am. 1190 Folsom St.

Cockblock @ Rickshaw Stop

Monthly lesbo-rific queer homo dance night. $5-$10. 21+. 10pm-2am. 155 Fell St.

Doll House @ Midnight Sun Burger Bub Mini-Fest, Sun. 8

Pandora Boxx @ Rebel

Enjoy a night of comedy, stories and song from comic contender from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 2. $22.50. 7:30pm & 10pm, nightly thru Sept. 8. 1760 Market St.

Picante @ Esta Noche

Weekly show with drag queens and the Picante Boys; hosted by Lulu Ramirez; DJ Marco. 9pm-2am. 3079 16th St. 841-5748.

Release @ Club OMG

Weekly party at the intimate mid-Market club; rotating hosts and DJs, Top 40 dance remixes, giveaways, gogo hunks. Free before 11pm. $3. 9pm-2am. 43 Sixth St.

Sat 7 Austra, Diana @ The Fillmore

Two new eclectic synth-pop bands perform. $20. 9pm. 1805 Geary Blvd. at Fillmore. (800) 745-3000.

Bears in the Dark @ Beatbox

Underwear party with minimal lighting, for the ursine set and their admirers, with Vancouver DJ Nick Bertossi. $5-$10. 10pm-4am. 314 11th St.

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. 16 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Emperor Drew Cutler and Empress Patty McGroin cohost the monthly charity fundraiser and beer bust; with drag acts, Jell-O shots and general frivolity. $10. 4pm-8pm. 4067 18th St.

Go Bang @ The Stud

The monthly atomic disco dance night, with resident DJs Sergio Fedasz and Steve Fabus, welcomes guest DJ Paul Goodyear and performers The A for a fabulous Sylvester tribute night. $7. 9pm-3am. (free before 10pm). 399 9th St. at Harrison.

Homo Erectus @ Qbar

Raunchy, slutty, dancing, drinking party with wild gogo guys and more fun from the Cockfight herd; first Saturdays. DJs DCNSTRCT and Mykill. $5. 9pm-2am. 465 Castro St.

Magic Show @ Hotel Rex

Old-fashioned magic show with Sebastian Boswell III, Adam Sachs and guest performers, weekly in the parlor of the elegant downtown hotel. Two-drink min. Light fare menu. Saturdays thru 2013. $25-$30. 8pm. 562 Sutter St. 895-0090.

SoMa Country @ Beatbox

Sundance Saloon’s extra night of two-stepping and country western dancing. $8. Lessons 6pm. Dancing til 10pm. 314 11th St.

Sugar @ The Café

Fun club night with sexy gogo guys, drag acts and drink specials; 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sat monthly. Free guest list before 11pm. 841-5748. 9:30pm-2am. 2369 Market St.

Sun 8 Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

The classic leather bar is back, with the most popular Sunday day time event in town. 3pm-6pm (Also now open daily 11am-2am). 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Brunch @ Hi Tops

Enjoy crunchy sandwiches and mimosas, among other menu items, at the popular new sports bar. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Burger Bub Mini-Fest @ Rickshaw Stop

Meet and greet, book signing (or pawing?) plus film screening with, for, and all about Lil Bub, the adorable (and slightly deformed) cat and YouTube sensation. $20-$25. 3pm. All ages. At 8:30pm, the very wild Nobunny performs,with Colleen Green opening. $12-$15. 155 Fell St. 861-2011.

Jock @ Lookout

Weekly fundraiser for various local LGBT sports groups. $2 cover. Drink specials. 3pm-9pm. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

Donna Sachet hosts the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.

Vicki Marlane Memorial Fundraiser @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Enjoy a drag show, food, drinks, a raffle for donated prizes; funds raised benefit the street-naming campaign for departed drag icon Vicki Marlane. 4pm9pm. 133 Turk St.

Mon 9 Comedy Returns @ El Rio

The Mission nightclub’s monthly laugh-fest, hosted by Lisa Geduldig. $7-$20. 21+. 8pm. 3158 Mission St. (800) 838-3006.

Monday Musicals @ The Edge

The renovated bar now shows fun musicals each week. 7pm-2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood.

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Michael Feinstein, Tue. 10

Sacred Cocktails @ Twin Peaks

Weekly gathering for Christian and other faithful LGBTs, sponsored by Oasis, the GLBT Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of California. Upstairs, 7:308:30pm. Castro St. at Market.

Tue 10 Block Party @ Midnight Sun

Weekly screenings of music videos, concert footage, interviews and more, of popular pop stars. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night; this week, Aundre the Wonderwoman. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV.

Michael Feinstein @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko

Classy jazz-pop singer-pianist performs his new act, “Swingin’ Back Home,” at the new cabaret venue he brought to San Francisco. $30-$65. Tue0Fri 8pm. Sat & Sun 7pm. Thru Sept. 15. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. 394-1111.

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Enjoy strip shows in the comfort of your skivvies, or less, with complimentary libations, at the weekly night. $20. 8pm-11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 3976758.

Smarty Pants Trivia @ Stray Bar

Kitty Tapata hosts the game show fun with popcorn and prizes at the dog-friendly gay/straight bar in Bernal Heights. Tuesdays, 8pm. 309 Cortland.

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September 2013 • • BARHTAB 17

Weekly Latin partner dance night. 8pm-1am. 314 11th St.

~from page 17


Red Hots Burlesque @ El Rio

The Monster Show @ The Edge

Thu 12

Patricia Kaas @ Masonic Hall

The 80s pop singer’s back, performing old and new songs; Prima Donna opens. $29-$32. 8pm. 1290 Sutter St. at Van Ness Ave. (888) 929-7849. Florent Schmidt

Soma Country @ Beatbox

Sundance Saloon’s monthly SoMa two-stepping dance night now takes place every Tuesday. $8. 8pm-12am. Lessons 8pm. 314 11th St. at Folsom.

Trivia Night @ Hi Tops

Play the trivia game at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Wed 11 Bi Social @ Café Flore

Bi-monthly meeting of bisexual folks and their friends. 7pm-10pm. 2298 Market St. at Noe. 621-8579.

Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. www.

Bottoms Up Bingo @ Hi Tops

Play board games and win offbeat prizes at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Dream Queens Revue @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Retro-classic drag show (2nd and 4th Wednesday) at the classic Tenderloin bar, featuring Collette Ashton, Ruby Slippers, Sophilya Leggz, Bobby Ashton, Sheena Rose, Davida Ashton and Joie de Vivre. No cover. 10pm. 133 Turk St. 441-2922.

Earth, Wind & Fire @ Masonic Hall

The iconic R&B band performs their classic hits (“Shining Star,” “Got to Get You Into My Life”). $58-$103. 8pm. 1111 California St. 18 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Bill Frizell @ SF Jazz Center

Accomplished experimental jazz guitarist performs with a different guest each of three nights. $18-$65. 7:30pm. Sept 12 with Geri Allen and Greg Osby. Sept 13 with Thomas Morgan and Petra Haden. Sept 14 (2pm) with cartoonist Jim Woodring. Sept 15, 7pm with several artists. 201 Franklin St. (866) 920-5299.

Comedy Bodega @ Esta Noche

Marga Gomez hosts the weekly LGBT- and queerfriendly comedy night at the Mission club. No cover one-drink min. 8pm. 3079 16th St.

David J @ Café DuNord

Cookie Dough’s weekly drag show with gogo guys. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. Singer performs her Edith Piaf musical tribute, which includes an orchestra, stage sets, video and Piaf archival footage. $58-$112. 8pm. 1111 California St.

Shirts Off @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

$1 off any drink if ya doff yer shirt. 8pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Thursday Night Live @ SF Eagle

The weekly live rock shows have returned. 9pm-ish. 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Retro tunes and fun crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor.

Fri 13 Frolic @ The Stud

Landon Conrad @ Nob Hill Theatre

Monthly costume dance party (2nd Sat) for Furries and friends, with DJs Neonbunny and guests. Dance, you animals! $4 (with costume) $8 (without). 8pm2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison

Fuego @ The Watergarden, San Jose

Galilea and Daft-Nee Gesuntheit cohost a fundraiser for the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association, with prizes, raffles, Jell-O shots. 8pm-12am. 2565 Mission St. 920-0577.

Gym Class @ Hi Tops

Enjoy cheap/free whiskey shots from jock-strapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular new sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Jukebox @ Beatbox

Veteran DJ Page Hodel (The Box, Q and many other events) presents a new weekly dance event, with soul, funk, hip-hop and house mixes. $10. 21+. 9pm-2am. 314 11th St. at Folsom.

Josh Klipp and The Klipptones @ Palace Hotel

The local jazz crooner and his band perform weekly shows at the hotel’s lounge, which draws a growing swing-dance audience. 7pm-11pm. 2 New Montgomery.

Former member of Bauhaus and Love & Rockets performs goth rock faves; also, Sky Parade, The Cellar Doors and DJ Jay Tibbs. $15. 7:30pm. 21+. 2170 Market St. 861-5016. Weekly event, with Latin music, half-off locker fees and Latin men, at the South Bay private men’s bath house. $8-$39. Reg hours 24/7. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215.

Landon Conard, Fri. 13

Amazingly hot gogo guys, cheap drinks and DJed dance music. $5. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St.

Women’s burlesque show performs each Wed & Fri. Karaoke follows. $5-$10. 7pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Adam Ant @ Regency Ballroom

Patricia Kaas, Thu. 12

Latin Night @ The Café

Gay Rodeo Fundraiser @ Balancoire

Happy Friday @ Midnight Sun

Open during renovations, the popular video bar ends each week with gogo guys (starting at 9pm) and drink specials. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

HYSL @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun with the adorable David and Trevor. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Jabari Davis @ Yoshi’s

Local comic blends street smarts through-provoking insights in his stand-up routine. $18-$22. 10:30pm. 1330 Fillmore St. 655-5600.

The hot porn stud strips and goes all the way onstage. $25. 8pm & 10pm. Also August 14. Other strippers nightly, and before and after headliners. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758.

Picante @ Esta Noche

Weekly show with drag queens and the Picante Boys; hosted by Lulu Ramirez; DJ Marco. 9pm-2am. 3079 16th St. 841-5748.

Release @ Club OMG

Weekly party at the intimate mid-Market club; rotating hosts and DJs, Top 40 dance remixes, giveaways, gogo hunks. Free before 11pm. $3. 9pm-2am. 43 Sixth St.

Steam @ Powerhouse

Sexy wet towel-snapping night at the cruisy bar. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St.

Wanda Sykes @ Uptown Theatre, Napa

The out lesbian comic tells it like it is, with bold brash up-front comedy. $55-$70. 8pm. 18+. 1350 Third St., Napa. (707) 259-0123.

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Queer Salsa @ Beatbox


September 2013 • • BARHTAB 19

~from page 19


Cockblock @ Rickshaw Stop

Lesbo-rific queer homo dance night each 2nd Saturdays. $5-$7. 21+. 10pm-2am. 155 Fell St.

Golden Gate Ball @ The Arc of San Francisco

Crowning pageant of Mr. and Ms. Golden Gate is also a fundraiser for the Imperial court includes food, no-host bar, a drag show, and courtly festivities. $25. 5pm-10pm. 1500 Howard St.

Love Will Fix It @ Hot Spot

DJ Bus Station John’s intimate monthly (2nd Saturdays) retro disco night with an R&B focus, re-decorates the cozy dive bar into a cool dance hangout; popular with a gaily diverse crowd. $5. 9pm-2am. 1414 Market St. at Polk.

Northern California Renaissance Faire @ Casa de Fruta, Hollister

NorCal Renaissance Faire, Sat. 14

Sat 14 Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Annual festive olden time-themed weekend faire, with performances, music, crafts, food, ale, women in bustly dresses and men in capes and codpieces. $25 (single day) - $150 (all-season pass). 10am-6pm, with Celtic rock concerts many Sat. nights. Sat & Sun thru Oct. 13. 10031 Pacheco Pass Highway, Hollister. (408) 847-FAIR.

Sadistic Saturdays @ SF Eagle

Michael Brandon and Terry Penn cohost the leather and kink night, with demos, gogo guys, a boot black and naughty fun. 2nd & 4th Saturdays. 10pm-1am. (Also now open daily 11am-2am). 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

Tue 17

Daytime Realness @ El Rio

Weekly women’s night at the stylish intimate bar. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Daytime party hosted by Heklina, DJ Carnita (Hard French) and Stanley Frank; performances by Roxy Cotton-Candy, Ethel Merman; guest DJ’s Robin Simmons and Chipmint. $6-$8. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission St.

Debauchery @ White Horse Bar, Oakland Third Sunday dance and cruise fun. No cover. 6551 Telegraph Ave. (510) 652-3820.

Gershwin in the Garden @ Queens Lane, Petaluma

Garden concert and dinner party fundraiser for Cinnabar Theater, with vocalist Denise Perrier and an orchestra playing Gershwin and Cole Porter classics. $25-$50 (with dinner). 4pm. 200 Queens Lane, Petaluma. (707) 763-8920.

Cock and Bull Mondays @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Weekly mash-up dance night, with resident DJs Adrian & Mysterious D. $8-$15. 9pm-3am. 21+. 375 11th St. at Harrison.

Specials on drinks made with “Cock and Bull” ginger ale (Jack and Cock, Russian Mule, and more). 8pmclosing. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

La Bota Loca @ Club 21, Oakland

Live bands, DJed tunes, gogo hotties, drag shows, drink specials, at the weekly Latin cowboy night. $10-$15. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425.

Girl in a Coma, Tue. 17

The classic leather bar is back, with the most popular Sunday day time event in town. 3pm-6pm (Also now open daily 11am2am). 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Mon 16

Bootie SF @ DNA Lounge

20 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Sun 15

Donna Sachet hosts the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.

Indie folk-rock group from the Bay Area performs at the popular Potrero Hill venue. Water strider and Ghost Tiger also perform. $10-$12. 1233 17th St. at Missouri. 626-4455.

Weekly hip hop and R&B night. $8-$15. 9pm to 4am. 510 17th St.

Fun club night with sexy gogo guys, drag acts and drink specials; 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sat monthly. Free guest list before 11pm. 841-5748. 9:30pm-2am. 2369 Market St.

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

Big Tree @ Bottom of the Hill

Club Rimshot @ Bench and Bar, Oakland

Sugar @ The Café

Karaoke @ The Lookout

Paul K hosts the amateur singing night. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

13 Licks @ Q Bar

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night; this week, headliner Scott Silverman. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV.

Girl in a Coma, Hunter Valentine @ Rickshaw Stop

Two power-chord all-women (and a lesbian here or there) rock bands perform, plus Krissy Krissy. $12$15. All ages. 8:30pm. 155 Fell St. 861-2011.

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Enjoy strip shows in the comfort of your skivvies, or less, with complimentary libations, and the weekly night. $20. 8pm-11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758.

Trivia Night @ Hi Tops

Play the trivia game at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Wed 18 Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Bottoms Up Bingo @ Hi Tops

Play board games and win offbeat prizes at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Monday Musicals @ The Edge Denise Perrier at Gershwin in the Garden, Sun. 15 Denise Perrier

The renovated bar now shows fun musicals each week, with Broadway touring performers stopping by to sing, too. 7pm-2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood.

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September 2013 • • BARHTAB 21

~from page 21


Fuego @ The Watergarden, San Jose

Weekly event, with Latin music, half-off locker fees and Latin men, at the South Bay private men’s bath house. $8-$39. Reg hours 24/7. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215.

Glamorama @ Orpheum Theatre

Blondie, Thu. 19

The Orb @ Regency Ballroom

Popular electro-groovy acid-house music innovators (“Little Fluffy Clouds”) perform their mixed-music concert. $22-$25. 8pm. 1290 Sutter St. at Van Ness Ave. (888) 929-7849.

Queer Salsa @ Beatbox

Weekly Latin partner dance night. 8pm-1am. 314 11th St.

Red Hots Burlesque @ El Rio

Women’s burlesque show performs each Wed & Fri. Karaoke follows. $5-$10. 7pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Trivia Night @ Harvey’s

Bebe Sweetbriar hosts a weekly night of trivia quizzes and fun and prizes; no cover. 8pm-1pm. 500 Castro St. 431-4278.

Thu 19 80s Thursdays @ Cat Club

DJs and VJs take you back to the MTV era with music from the 1980s. $6. 9:30-2am. 1190 Folsom St.

Blondie, X @ Masonic Hall

31st anniversary of Macy’s Passport fashion show and AIDS/HIV fundraiser features performances by Sheryl Crow, Cirque du Soleil, plus a fashion show of clothes by Calvin Klein, Diesel, Rachel Rachel Roy, Tallia Orange, Tommy Hilfiger, Weekend Max Mara, and Macy’s newest Impulse collection Maison Jules; after-party at the Asian art Museum, 200 Larkin St. $75 and up. 8pm. 1192 Market St. (888) 746-1799.

Gym Class @ Hi Tops

Enjoy cheap/free whiskey shots from jock-strapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular new sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Jack Jones @ Feinstein at the Nikko

Veteran vocalist performs a concert at the elegant cabaret. $35-$60. Thu & Fri 8pm. Sat 7pm. Thru Sept 21. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. 394-1111.

The Jill and Julia Show @ Swedish American Hall

Comic actress Julia Sweeney and singer Jill Sobule perform their unique duo show. Singer Heather Combs (“Proud”) opens. $20. 8pm. 2170 Market St. 861-5016.

Jukebox @ Beatbox

Veteran DJ Page Hodel (The Box, Q and many other events) presents a new weekly dance event, with soul, funk, hip-hop and house mixes. $10. 21+. 9pm2am. 314 11th St. at Folsom.

Latin Night @ The Café

Amazingly hot gogo guys, cheap drinks and DJed dance music. $5. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St.

The iconic New Wave band performs one of their last concerts before retiring; X opens. $55-$99. 8pm. 1111 California St. Also, Sept 20 at the Montalvo Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga. (408) 961-5800.

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Fauxgirls @ Infusion Lounge

Underwear Party @ Powerhouse

The classy drag revue (3rd Thursdays) now in its 12th year features Victoria Secret, Alexandria, Chanel, Maria Garza, Mini Minerva, Kipper, Daffney Deluxe and Ruby LeBrowne, with special guest Anya; dinner seating at 7pm. Show at 8pm. No cover. 124 Ellis St. 421-8700. 22 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Retro tunes and fun crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. Strip down to your skivvies (free clothes check) and watch or compete in the wet underwear contest ($100 prize!) at midnight; gogo guys and DJ Dam Nation. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St.

VIP @ Club 21, Oakland

Hip Hop, Top 40, and sexy Latin music; gogo dancers, appetizers, and special guest DJs. No cover before 11pm and just $5 after all night. Dancing 9pm-3am. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425.

Fri 20 Bad Girl Cocktail Hour @ The Lexington Club

Every Friday night, bad girls can get $1 dollar margaritas between 9pm and 10pm. 3464 19th St. between Mission and Valencia. 863-2052.

Darling Nikki @ Slate

Krewella, Fri. 20 Nikko Lamere

Picante @ Esta Noche

DJs Durt, Dr. Sleep and Justin Credible play 80s, top 40, and popular indy tunes; gogo queers, drink specials and a photo booth (3rd Fridays). $5. 8pm-2am. 2925 16th St.

Weekly show with drag queens and the Picante Boys; hosted by Lulu Ramirez; DJ Marco. 9pm-2am. 3079 16th St. 841-5748.

Dragon 2.0 @ Raven

The East Bay monthly gogo guy dance night, presented by Elliot Live Events, moves to Oakland’s popular bar; 3rd Fridays. $10-$15. 9pm-3am. 510 17th St., Oakland.

Revamped monthly gay Asian dance party at the renovated club (formerly Club 8); tequila gogos and two floors of fun. Third Fridays. $5. 9pm-3am. 1151 Folsom St. at 7th.

Hardbox @ Powerhouse

Gehno Aviance and Robin Simmons spin beats at the cruisy bar (3rd Fridays); gogo guys, free clothes check and capoiera demos. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St.

Josh Klipp and The Klipptones @ Palace Hotel

The local jazz crooner and his band perform weekly shows at the hotel’s lounge, which draws a growing swing-dance audience. 7pm-11pm. 2 New Montgomery.

Krewella @ The Warfield

Popular young dance music trio performs live. Seven Lions and Candyland open. $30-$50. 9pm. 982 Market St. 345-0900.

Penguins and Pajamas @ California Academy of Sciences

Adults-only version of the kids’ sleepover event, with nature-themed events through the night, with breakfast and snacks. $79-$99. 6pm-8am. 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park. 379-8000.

Pulse @ Bench & Bar, Oakland

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f eON THE TAB ~ ~from page 23


Megan Hilty @ The Venetian Room

The Broadway (Wicked) and TV star (Smash) performs several genres of music from her new CD It Happens All the Time. $95. 8pm. Fairmont Hotel, 950 Mason St. 392-4400.

Sugar @ The Café

Fun club night with sexy gogo guys, drag acts and drink specials; 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sat monthly. Free guest list before 11pm. 841-5748. 9:30pm-2am. 2369 Market St.

Sun 22 Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

The classic leather bar is back, with the most popular Sunday daytime event in town. 3pm-6pm (Also now open daily 11am-2am). 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Sonia Rao @ Hotel Utah

Singer-compoer and contestant on The Voice performs music from her new CD, Los Angeles Part 1. $10-$12. 9pm. 21+. 500 4th St.

Sat 21 Bands Live @ El Rio

Battlehooch, Tape Deck Mountain and QunQ perform their indie rock and unsual sounds. $7. 9pm. 21+. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Beatpig @ Powerhouse

Juanita More spins saucy grooves and dudes cruise at the eclectic music, drag and kink night; each 3rd Saturday. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Club Gossip @ Cat Club

Mixed gay-friendly goth-electro-retro-ish club night; monthly (2nd Sat.). $8. 21+. 9pm-3am. 1190 Folsom St.

Club Rimshot @ Bench and Bar, Oakland

Weekly hip hop and R&B night. $8-$15. 9pm to 4am. 510 17th St.

Gameboi @ Rickshaw Stop

Asian pop, disco and dance music night with drink specials, gogo hotties and DJed tunes (3rd Sat) has moved to a new venue. $12. 9:30pm-2am. 133 Fell St. 24 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Buena Vista Social Club @ Davies Symphony Hall

Cuban jazz orchestra performs with opening guest pianist Roberto Fonseca. $25-$80. 8pm. 201 Van Ness Ave.

SF Album Project @ The Chapel

Third in the popular series of drag concerts where an entire classic album is performed by Precious Moments, Nikki Sixx Mile, Raya Light, Jordan L’Moore and others. This time, Prince & The Revolution’s Parade. $15. 8pm. 777 Valencia St.

Mon 23 Monday Musicals @ The Edge

The popular Castro bar shows fun musicals each week. 7pm-2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood.

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Sacred Cocktails @ Twin Peaks

Weekly gathering for Christian and other faithful LGBTs, sponsored by Oasis, the GLBT Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of California. Upstairs, 7:308:30pm. Castro St. at Market.

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Megan Hilty, Sat. 21

Porno @ The Stud

f eON THE TAB ~ Tue 24

Folsom edition of the saucy dance night hosted by Turk Mason and Bebe Sweetbriar has moved. Guest performer Eli Marrs; porny gogos, porn and drink giveaways. $10-$15. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Block Party @ Midnight Sun

Raunch @ Lone Star Saloon

~from page 24


Weekly screenings of music videos, concert footage, interviews and more, of popular pop stars. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

Enjoy a Folsom weekend kickoff event with raunchy, sleazy music and gogo men, with the adorable DJ Brian Maier. 9pm-2am. 1354 Harrison St.

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night; this week, headliner Caitlin Gill. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. Enjoy strip shows in the comfort of your skivvies, or less, with complimentary libations, at the weekly night. $20. 8pm11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758.

The prolific violinist performs with guests Jenny Scheinman and Sara Caswell. $25-$55. 7:30pm. 201 Franklin St. (866) 920-5299. DJ Brian Maier at Raunch, Thu. 26

Trivia Night @ Hi Tops

Play the trivia game at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Thu 26 Circle Jerk @ Nob Hill Theatre

Have a wank with stripper/porn dude Christopher Daniels. $20. 9pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758.

Comedy Bodega @ Esta Noche

Wed 25 Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Dream Queens Revue @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Thrillpeddlers’ new show takes on a creepy-fun Halloween theme, with Grand Guignol-styled tales of the famous London serial killer, plus the one-act Salome and more fun. $25-$35. Thu-Sat 8pm. Thru Nov 23. (800) 838-3006.

The Folsom edition of the big bear party includes a 7-hour set from London’s DJ Hifi Sean, plus upstairs grooves with P-Play, Mark Louque and others. Predrinks at Truck, 7pm-9pm, then the big beary blowout dance party. $20-$30. 9pm-4am. 161 Erie St.

Tommy Tune @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko

Christopher Daniels, Hans Berlin @ Nob Hill Theatre

Cub Camp @ The Lookout

Underwear Party @ Powerhouse

Open during renovations, the popular video bar ends each week with gogo guys (starting at 9pm) and drink specials. 4067 18th St. 861-4186.

Traveling bear fuzz event lands in SF with DJs Scooter, Taco Tuesday and resident Guy Ruben, fuzzy gogo studs, and ursine entertainments. 3600 16th St. 4310306.

Veteran DJ Page Hodel (The Box, Q and many other events) presents a new weekly dance event, with soul, funk, hip-hop and house mixes. $10. 21+. 9pm2am. 314 11th St. at Folsom.

26 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Bearracuda @ Public Works

The two porn studs perform a live Folsom-themed onstage sex show. $25. 8pm and 10pm. Also Sept 28. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758.

Robert Cray Band @ Yoshi’s Oakland

Bebe Sweetbriar hosts a weekly night of trivia quizzes and fun and prizes; no cover. 8pm-1pm. 500 Castro St. 431-4278.

Shocktoberfest 14: Jack the Ripper @ Hypnodrome

The veteran award-winning choreographer performs his semi-autobiographical musical show, “Taps, Tunes and Tall Tales.” $30-$65. Thu & Fri 8pm. Sat 7pm. Thru Sept. 28. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. 394-1111.

Gym Class @ Hi Tops

Trivia Night @ Harvey’s

Fri 27

Marga Gomez hosts the weekly LGBT- and queerfriendly comedy night at the Mission club. No cover; one-drink min. 8pm. 3079 16th St.

Retro-classic drag show (2nd and 4th Wednesday) at the classic Tenderloin bar, featuring Collette Ashton, Ruby Slippers, Sophilya Leggz, Bobby Ashton, Sheena Rose, Davida Ashton and Joie de Vivre. No cover. 10pm. 133 Turk St. 441-2922. Multi-Grammy-winning musician and his band perform blues-jazz-rock music. $68. 8pm. 510 Embarcadero West. (510) 238-9200.

Tommy Tune, Thu. 26

Strip down to your skivvies (free clothes check) and watch or compete in the wet underwear contest ($100 prize!) at midnight; gogo guys and DJ Dam Nation. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St.

Enjoy cheap/free whiskey shots from jock-strapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular new sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500.

Jukebox @ Beatbox

Latin Night @ The Café

Amazingly hot gogo guys, cheap drinks and DJed dance music. $5. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St.


Happy Friday @ Midnight Sun

NPage 28


Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Regina Carter @ SF Jazz Center

f eON THE TAB ~ ~from page 27

Sat 28 La Bota Loca @ Club 21, Oakland

Live bands, DJed tunes, gogo hotties, drag shows, drink specials, all at Oakland’s premiere Latin nightclub and weekly cowboy night. $10-$15. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425.


Magnitude @ Terra, Factory

The annual big kinky official dance party of the Folsom Street Fair expands from the downtown club to the gallery and event space next door. DJs Tony Moran, Jack Change, Phil B. and Russ Rich spin; gogo and porn stud sexy shows, and a play space. Leather, kink, or very little clothing, strongly recommended. $90-$100. Clothes check $6. 9pm-4am. 521 & 525 Harrison St. Lorde, Fri., 27

The Queers @ Bottom of the Hill

Salsa Sundays @ El Rio

Salsa dancing for LGBT folks and friends, with live merengue and cumbia bands; tapas and donations that support local causes. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 3pm8pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Mon 30 Climaxx @ Beatbox

Tristan Jaxx and the Chaos crew host the second annual late night-early morning post-Folsom party. $15$25. 3am-12pm. 314 11th St.

Cock and Bull Mondays @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Specials on drinks made with “Cock and Bull” ginger ale (Jack and Cock, Russian Mule, and more). 8pmclosing. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Monday Musicals @ The Edge

Hard @ Qbar

DJ Haute Toddy spins electro beats; cute gogo guys shake it. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Teenage Bottlerocket and The Copyrights perform with the pop-punk band that isn’t gay, despite its name. $15. 8:30pm. All ages. 1233 17th St. at Missouri. 626-4455.

Herbert Gronemeyer @ Bimbo’s

Sadistic Saturdays @ SF Eagle

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Popular German rock singer (18 million records sold) performs with his band. $45. 21+. 9pm. 1025 Columbus Ave. 474-0365.

HYSL @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun with the adorable David and Trevor. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Michael Brandon and Terry Penn cohost the leather and kink night, with demos, gogo guys boot black and naughty fun. 2nd & 4th Saturdays. 10pm-1am. 398 12th St. at Harrison.

Aftershock @ City Nights

Lorde @ The Fillmore

Aiden James @ Various Venues

Fascinating young vocalist from Auckland performs live. $25. 8pm. 1805 Geary Blvd. at Fillmore. (800) 745-3000.

Pink Friday @ The Mad Dog in the Fog

Yo, bro; the Haight straight bar goes gay (and lesbianic!), now each 4th Friday. Gogo guys, pink drinks, no cover, Jell-O shots, and gay fun; DJ Getty spins tunes. 9pm-2am. 530 Haight St. 626-7279.

Recon Full Fetish @ Factory

Folsom Street Fair’s official Friday kink circuit night, a men-only event where your kinkiest uniform, jocks, leather, rubber etc, are more than welcome. $30-$40. 10pm-3am. 525 Harrison St. 28 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Sun 29

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland

Eight bars, more dance floors, and a smoking lounge; the largest gay Latin dance night in the Bay Area. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425.

The popular Castro bar shows fun musicals each week. 7pm-2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood.

Official post-Folsom Street Fair after-afterparty (after Magnitude), with DJs Abel, Guy Smith and Rob Montenegro. $20-$30. 4am-10pm. 715 Harrison St. The Philadelphia-based gay singer-songwriter performs at the Folsom Street fair main stage 12pm, and Sept. 30 at the Midnight Sun, 4067 18th St.

Deviants @ Beatbox, Mist

Official closing party of the Folsom Street Fair, with gender-bending kink and dance grooves by the Hard French and Honey Soundsystem crews, with guests Boris, Matrixxman, Olga T and Aaron Clark. $25-$35. 314 11th St.

Folsom Street Fair @ SoMa

The 30th annual gathering of thousands of leather fans, freaks, and the merely curious. Donations at the gate $5 and up. 11am-6:30pm. Folsome Street between 7th and 12th.

Folsom Street Fair, Sun. 29


Rich Stadtmiller

To submit your October events, send by September 20 to

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Jim and John, post-shave, at The Slot.

The Slot

© Jim Stewart

American boy, in a baseball cap; and watching just inside the door were buff voyeurs with big tools, practicing Russ, John and Jack at The Slot. by Jim Stewart their own version of S&M: Standing & Modeling. © Jim Stewart After John’s head was shaved and n 1976, before the Folsom Street Fair became anointed with witch hazel, I thought the iconic festival it is today, among the bars, it was over. Time to stash the camera, cruise the baths, and blue-collar joints South of Market, sticky hallways, gaze through open doorways, and at 979 Folsom Street, stood the South-of-the-Slot get it on. But I was gently pushed back onto the bathhouse. Crisco-slick mattress. Built in 1906 and licensed as a hotel, the Slot’s “Now it’s your turn,” Jack Fritscher said in my three stories catered to homomasculine concupis- ear. cence. The Slot was for those who kept their fin- “Yes,” I said, surprised at my own desires. gernails clipped short and carried a can of Cris- Jack got out his clothespin clips. Sheldon apco. It was for men who knew their way through proached with his barber tools. I was ready. Later, minefields of drugs and implements of pain and as John and I each stroked the smoothness of the pleasure. other’s skull I heard a voice say, “Look at those bil“Want to go to the Slot Saturday?” Sheldon said. liard balls getting it on!” “What’s happening?” I said. I’d planned on sa- A 1966 city directory listed 979 Folsom Street as looning Saturday night. Kim’s Hula Shack, Tavern. By 1971 a poster fea“I’m going to shave John’s head,” he said. John turing a drawing by Bill Tellman of a hunk posed Ely was Sheldon’s latest boyfriend. with towel advertised “The Slot Hotel for Gentle“Can I bring my Nikon,” I said. men: Open 24 Hours.” “I don’t care,” Sheldon said, “as long as Tony A later poster by Al Shapiro aka A. Jay, in his doesn’t mind.” iconic Harry Chess cartoon style, featured a nude Tony Tavarossi was Slot manager for owner Jack dude in hardhat and rubber gloves spilling his Haines. This was back in the day when undercover goods. The caption read “The Slot: Inquire about vice cops could end careers and ruin lives. But it Our Early Cum Special, Call for Details” followed was arranged with Tony. The camera stayed in the by the address and phone number. room on the second floor. You entered the room, On October 10, 1984, the Slot was included in you took your chances. People vs. Owen, filed by City Attorney George Word spread; a head-shaving at the Slot; a sexual Agnost and Director of Public Health Mervyn happening in a private room; indoor street theater. Silverman in an effort to close several San FranJack Fritscher, in room 326 – his Saturday night cisco bath houses, hoping it would stop the spread pied-a-terre – with Russ Van Leer, came down of AIDS. Today 979 and 977 Folsom are listed as to the second floor, saw what was happening, one property with twenty-nine rooms and eight and called David Sparrow to join. Steve Prokaski bathrooms. ✸ walked by the open door, saw me, and joined us. Voyeurs peeked in, liked what they saw, and © 2013 joined the gathering. Each made the event unique. For further true gay adventures, check There was Sheldon with barber tools and John out the award-winning Folsom Street with a head itching to be shaved; Jack in his Blues: A Memoir of 1970s SoMa and Air Force jump suit, pocket-loaded with toys; Leatherfolk in Gay San Francisco by Russ with his special suppositories; Steve, All- Jim Stewart.


30 BARHTAB • • September 2013

Tickets are available at To charge by phone (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per person. All dates, acts and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. All tickets are subject to applicable service charges.

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