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Update from CareerSource Gulf Coast

by: Kim Bodine, Executive Director, CareerSource Gulf Coast

The pandemic caused millions of people to reassess what’s important in a career as well as in their lives which led to record numbers of employees quitting their jobs. This massive break up between workers and employers has been dubbed “The Great Resignation.” In reality, the shift could be called the “Great Reshuffling” as many individuals seek new careers that offer not just higher wages and financial incentives, but also benefits that lead to better work-life balance and solid career paths.

Some employers are responding to the competition for workers with a host of appealing benefit offerings. Companies are also desperately trying to retain their current talent while also looking within their own ranks to fill positions.

Training and upskilling opportunities are a desirable employee benefit and can be a powerful means to attract and retain talent. Employers and jobseekers have support available to implement and take advantage of grant-funded learning and development programs through collaboration with their local workforce development boards, economic development associations, and career and technical education partners.

CareerSource Gulf Coast’s mission is to connect employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity.

There are a variety of programs offered in the State of Florida which have been made available predominantly through the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and facilitated by local workforce boards such as CareerSource Gulf Coast, CareerSource Florida and the Department of Economic Opportunity. These include:

Apprenticeships — a proven earn and learn strategy for meeting the business needs for a highly skilled workforce that continues to innovate and adapt to meet the needs of the 21st century. These programs fill the skills gap that may exist in the workforce. Apprenticeships provide a paycheck from day one with wage increases as apprentices become more proficient. The programs connect education and work resulting in industry-recognized credentials that can lead to associate’s and bachelor’s degrees.

Internship programs — short-term earn-while-you-learn programs for Floridians wishing to gain work experience in desirable industries. These programs build a pipeline of talent and a career pathway for permanent employment at the assigned worksite. CareerSource Gulf Coast pays the wages, helps recruit and screen for candidates, and provides basic soft skills and employability skills training. Interns are also guided by career coaches who offer mentoring and provide supportive services to cover costs associated with transportation, uniforms, and tools.

Scholarships for in-demand CTE programs — learning new

skills or upgrading skills are great ways to start a career and move up at one’s current job. Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs can provide funding for in-demand career training that provide industry-recognized credentials or certifications. Scholarships, awarded based on WIOA eligibility guidelines and funding availability, may cover tuition, books, uniforms, testing fees and other supportive services.

Quick Response Training — new and expanding businesses in qualified targeted industries may receive grant funding for customized, skills-based curriculum development and training, through partial reimbursement. It may also cover related equipment costs.

Incumbent Worker Training — a program providing grant funding for continuing education and training of current employees at existing for-profit Florida businesses or hospitals operated by nonprofit or local government entities in the State of Florida. The grants reimburse companies up to 75 percent for pre-approved training costs. Based on the needs of the company and their overall workforce development needs, the company chooses its own training and training provider that provide employees with opportunities to acquire new or improved skills by earning a credential of a Master Credentials List.

Training, reskilling, and upskilling are win-win programs for Floridians. These programs give Florida businesses a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining employees. They can increase competitiveness, create a skilled workforce, increase productivity, increase profits, reduce turnover and aide in company growth. Employees offered training and development find the career paths they desire leading to their retention while also equipping them with transferrable skills that increase their advancement and career opportunities.

Whether you are an employer or jobseeker, we encourage you to start the conversation about implementing training and development programs. Connect with CareerSource Gulf Coast’s team of professional staff and its network of community partners and educational institutions.

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