1 minute read

Women Who Wine

Women Who Wine held their Christmas in July event at Sally Brooke Event Center and raised $2700 - plus collected a large amount of hygiene products. 100% of their donations goes right to children in need.


I’ve heard it said that the eyes are the window to the soul. That is an important piece of information to have at your disposal if you are looking for a lifetime partner. Once, long ago, I met a woman who had the same eyes as mine. It surprised me at first, but over time I began to sense that something important was happening there. I pursued her until she finally agreed to marry me. I saw my eyes, and perhaps my soul, in her.

We were on our way to Port A for a few days R&R at our favorite dive motel on the beach, but first, we had to take a side trip. A friend had told me about a large mural in the tiny town of Sinton that he insisted I needed to see. Now, I generally am not into wall murals in towns. They just don’t touch my sense of excitement in art. My tastes lean more toward Raphael’s School of Athens, or better yet, Pannini’s Interior of a Picture Gallery. I guess just about any Baroque art or architecture gets my attention. While I do appreciate the Impressionists, later painters like Kandinsky and even Picasso don’t move me at all. I just see something from a kindergarten art show. That is not meant to be a quality judgement; I am not an art expert or critic. It is just what I see personally, one layman’s opinion. But I had told my buddy I’d stop to see the mural on this trip since Sinton was not far off our route, so we did.

When we got to town, the mural was not hard to find. It was on the side of a building, right downtown. I have to admit, on first look, I had no idea how my friend could imagine I would like this. It is nothing more than a long silhouette, so long it runs the entire length of the building. It depicts a near life-size ranch fence that has several cowboys

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