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Homecoming 2022
Coming Together
We tried something new this October for Homecoming. On top of the pep assembly, the Bayless Games, a football game, the parade and dance, we added an additional event Saturday with the inaugural festival! It was a midday time of family fun for all who came. We had nearly 950 attendees, 18 different clubs and organizations running booths and games, 26 different activities and it raised over $7,000 for our students!
Scan this QR Code to see the video highlights of the Parade and Festival!
Scan this QR Code to see the video highlights of the pep rally and game! Homecoming Royalty and Dance

King: David Uebari Queen: Yasmina Jahic BHS Student Council, under the leadership of Katy McAllister, planned and hosted the Night in Paris dance. Over 350 students danced the night away.

The Bayless Games
The Bayless games are an annual tradition at Bayless Junior High during Homecoming weekend. Teams made up of advisory classes participate in a variety of competitions. This year Mr. Loomis’ group took first place!

Magazin Issue 2020