Bayless Magazine Spring 2023

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Onward, Upward

Coming from Afghanistan, finding a future p. 4

The new leaders at BJH and BHS for next school year p. 9, 11

Recognizing some of our best educators through #TeacherProudTuesday p. 14

Spring 23 /Vol.6 Issue 4

Bayless is distributed to alumni, parents, friends and neighbors. Its mission is to maintain ties among the District, its alumni and all of our friends and neighbors.

In this Issue: Letter from Superintendent 3

Woody Babb, President

Shannon Kohler, Vice President

Jeff Preisack ’83, Member Sarah Reece, Member

Board of Education District Administration

Michelle Padgett, Member

Laura Van Zale ’83, Member

Stephanie McCreary, Member

Amy Ruzicka

Superintendent of Schools

(314) 256-8601

Michael Hawkins

Assistant Superintendent

(314) 373-0506

Dr. Chel’Lee Whitten

Chief Academic Officer (314) 256-8658

Anna Barton Director of Instructional Effectiveness (314) 256-8601 ext. 8088

Preston Sterett

Director of Business & Finance

(314) 256-8687

Kim Arnold

Director of Human Resources (314)-256-8605

Early Childhood Center


Christina Ly ’99, Principal

Amra Hadzic, Secretary

VICC Transportation

(314) 721-8657

Stephen Terrill

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

(314) 256-8115

Kelly Stahlhuth

District Activities Director


Barbara Shetley District Registrar (314) 256-8100

Kari Wolford ‘03

Transportation Supervisor (314) 256-8601

Fadil Hamidovic Director of Technology (314) 256-8611

Bayless Schools

Dr. Andrew Mertens, Assistant Principal

Sanela Jugovic, Administrative Assistant

Cantrece Novak, Administrative Assistant

School Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Office Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.



Aaron Kohler, Principal

Dr. Amanda Middendorf, Assistant Principal

Amber Callahan, Assistant Principal

Mirsada Becarevic, Administrative Assistant

Kimberly Moreau, Administrative Assistant

Christine Kohl, Administrative Assistant

School Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 3:21 p.m.

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Junior High


Christine Prosser, Principal

School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:36 p.m.

Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

High School


Melanie Rouggly, Principal

Eric Lawrence, Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director

Holly Kennedy, Director of Student Services

Dr. Monika Hasanbasic, ELL Coordinator

Sandra Schacht, Administrative Assistant

Lauren Champion ’07, Administrative Assistant

Melissa Godat, Registrar

School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:36 p.m.

Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Alumni Association

314-256-8660 x8617

Sally Wear ’58

Bayless is published multiple times a year to inform the public about what is occurring at the Bayless Schools - including student achievements, happenings in the classroom, involvement in the community and more. Please submit any questions, comments or letters to Stephen Terrill, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, 4950 Heege Road, St. Louis, MO, 63123, 314-256-8115 or at:

Bayless School District does not discriminate in its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law. Inquiries related to District programs may be directed to Director of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator Mrs. Kim Arnold at 314-256-8605, 4950 Heege Road, St. Louis, MO, 63123. The Bayless School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Finding Success: The Nazary Sisters 4-5 Bayless Early Childhood Center 6 Bayless Elementary School 7 Bayless Junior High 8-9 Bayless High School 10-11 Building a Better Bayless 12-13 #TeacherProudTuesday 14-15 Spring Sports Schedules 16 Bayless Instagram 17 Classroom Makeover 18 Oasis Tutoring 19 Bayless Junior High during a sunny afternoon.

From the Superintendent Amy Ruzicka

Dear Bayless Community,


As I reflect upon the 2022-2023 school year, two words come to mind: community and momentum. In the previous issue of we focused on community. This issue is dedicated to momentum.

March 2023 was a particularly momentous month for the Bayless School District. On March 7, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released Annual Performance Reports for districts across the state. Bayless scored higher than any other district in the region on student growth in English and math and growth in English for student groups. Additionally, Bayless is the only district in St. Louis County with enrollment growth of more than 1% since 2019.

Also, on March 7, Bayless was highlighted in the State Board of Education President’s Report. The Missouri Spotlight on Success celebrated the district’s expansion of afterschool activities to provide all students the opportunity to discover their passions, connect with peers and learn from positive adult role models. Under the leadership of District Activities Director Kelly Stahlhuth, numerous Elementary and Junior High activities and intramural athletics were added: Broncho Beast fitness, kickball, volleyball, soccer, basketball, sports sampler, track events, baseball, chess, cooking and more.

On March 8, St. Louis County issued an occupancy permit for the new Bayless Junior High addition, which boasts over 18 educational spaces, a library media center, a band room and an outdoor classroom. Several classrooms began moving to the new space on March 8 to allow renovations to begin in the new Bayless Junior High cafeteria. The nearly 30,000 square-foot addition to relieve overcrowding in the Junior High and High School was made possible by the community’s support of Proposition 1 bonds approved by voters in 2019.

With our outstanding growth in academics, extracurriculars, facilities and enrollment, we have built tremendous momentum as a school community over the past 155 years. I am excited for the work ahead to keep this momentum going with the Best Team Ever: the students, families, staff, community members and Board of Education who help make Bayless a wonderful place to learn, grow and work.

Finding SucceSS:

Farahnaz and Suyhalla Nazary escaped the Taliban. At Bayless, they have found a place to thrive.

When speaking to them, it is hard to tell Farahnaz and Suyhalla Nazary have only been in America for a little over a year.

They are doing well in their classes, have college plans and Farahnaz is applying to speak at

graduation. They always have a friendly greeting and love to connect with their teachers and peers.

All of that would have been unthinkable at the beginning of 2022.

At the time, Farahanaz and Suyhalla were still living in their hometown of Kabul, Afghanistan, which was firmly under the control of the Taliban.

“It was impossible — we were not safe, we didn’t have access to education, we don’t have freedom,” Farahnaz said.

While not all of the exact actions the Taliban have taken since seizing Afghanistan are known, women face intense oppression. Formal education is not an option for the millions of girls there, along with many other restrictions.

In early 2022, Farahnaz and Suyhalla Nazary, along with their mother and brother, fled Kabul and came to the United States. They ended up in St. Louis, where there is a growing population of Afghan families who have fled violence and strife in their country. Bayless currently has over 50 students from Afghanistan and has

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Suyhalla (left) and Farahnaz (right) sitting in the newly rennovated ELL classroom at BHS.

participated in a state grant program to help resettle them.

With an interrupted education and all of the classes taught in an unfamiliar language, school was difficult for Farahnaz and Suyhalla.

“When we came (to Bayless), my English was not good,” Farahnaz said. “I couldn’t speak fluently — and that was really hard to say something in English.”

“My (first) few days of school was very, very hard for me,” Suyhalla said.

Despite that, they were committed to taking advantage of the opportunities provided to them here and doing it together.

“I think it was easy to have (Suyhalla) with me, and we try together to do our best,” Farahnaz said.

After a hard adjustment period, their momentum started to come together at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Their English improved rapidly to levels where it was easy to converse with English speakers. Their hard work in other subjects began to show.

“This year they’ve done amazing back in Algebra I,” math teacher and curriculum chair Sarah Olson said. “They’re turning in all their assignments, they’re doing extremely well on their assessments, and they’ll even ask to go to the board to teach.”

The growth has been stunning — Farahnaz jumped over six grade levels in her math testing scores from August to January.

“Never in my 11 years have I seen a student grow 112 points,” Olson said.

The sisters’ teachers quickly discovered their intense drive and desire to learn.

“They are a wealth of information about things, and when they don’t

know something — they want to know,” English Language Learner teacher and newcomer specialist Tiffany Maloney said. “They are constantly in a state of ‘tell me more,’ ‘how do you say that,’ ‘what does that mean.’”

Their vast knowledge base is something that has helped other ELL students. This semester, several students who speak Pashayi, which is related to the sisters’ native language of Pashtu, came to BHS. Farahnaz and Suyhalla have been able to communicate with the new students and help their teachers do the same.

“They are leaders in the classroom,” Maloney said. “It’s been great having them.”

The drive to learn will carry them past high school next fall. Both will attend St. Louis Community College as their first step in higher education.

Across Bayless, the story of Farahnaz and Suyhalla has played out many times in individual lives going back to the first Bosnian refugees in the 1990s.

“It’s really rewarding to see successful stories like this,” ELL Coordinator Monika Hasanbasic, who was a refugee herself, said. “Not only them — we have so many. They’ve been through so much just to get here. For them to have the opportunity to live the American dream is priceless.”

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A video version of this story is available online through the QR Code.
“They are a wealth of information about things, and when they don’t know something — they want to know.”
-Tiffany Maloney, ELL Teacher

Bayless Early Childhood Center

Back to our roots

In October 1999, Bayless School District received a Missouri Preschool Project Grant and opened the first full-day preschool program. The classroom was located in the “Annex” building behind Bayless Elementary School. The classroom moved into the Elementary Building where it stayed until May 2018. In August 2016, the new Bayless Early Childhood Center was completed and opened its doors to the community. The program grew from one classroom with 10 children to four classrooms with 75 children.

In May 2022, Bayless ECC was faced with the challenge of coming up with a plan to support the growing number of children ages three to five and children qualifying for special education services in the district. There was not enough space in our center. As it turned out, the original room in the “Annex” was available! In three short weeks during the summer of 2022, custodial, maintenance, and the ECC staff turned the space into an amazing classroom where Yellow Room students have thrived!

When the new staff were hired and came into the space, there were many emotions.

Miss Aja, ECSE Teacher, was the first to see the space.

“When I first saw the room, I saw it as a blank space with so many opportunities,” Miss Aja said. “I tried to envision the best way to create an inviting learning environment that was not only functional but would meet the needs of my new little learners.”

Miss Mary was a new paraprofessional, new to Bayless, new to Early Childhood and new to education.

“I thought ‘I sure hope it’s true that we can do hard things,’” Miss Mary said.

Looking back over this year and searching through photos from the original room, there are similarities

in the space and the experiences the children are enjoying. The 1999-2000 school year held the challenges of starting a new program, and the 2022-2023 school year may have felt very much the same. As we close out our first year in the “Annex” and envision the future, Miss Aja and Miss Mary’s feelings have evolved and reflect all that can happen when everyone works together to keep the momentum going.

“When looking back at the start of the year and all the obstacles my staff and I have had to face, I am proud of the support and encouragement that we have all provided one another,” Miss Aja said. “I am also thrilled with the classroom community that we have been able to build amongst ourselves and our students.”

“Team work makes the dream work regardless of the space that you are in,” Miss Mary said. “When co-workers get along well, have patience, have a love of children, and have a sense of humor great learning and growth happens. I feel blessed having been a part of the Yellow room and appreciate all that I have learned from my colleagues and littles. I am proud of the growth that we all did this year!”

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Students part of the first preschool class next to Miss Aja playing with a current student. A panoramic shot of the entire Yellow room.

Bayless Elementary

Representing our core values

Bayless Elementary School continues to grow and improve. This year our staff have focused on student connection and our Portrait of a Graduate core values. Our goal is for students to model our POAG values in all settings. The values are: Critical & Creative Thinker, Problem Solver, Collaborative Communicator and Global Citizen. This past semester we introduced students to the POAG bracelets. Each bracelet has one of the core values printed on it. Students who display that core value are recognized by their teacher and earn that particular POAG bracelet. Students were challenged to earn all four bracelets. The bracelets have been a huge hit! Students are proud to wear them and will happily tell anyone what they did to earn it, like the students in the pictures to the right.

On the move and trying new things

Bayless Elementary also focused on providing greater opportunities for our students through our after school intramurals program. Students were offered a revamped intramural program which included volleyball, soccer, basketball, a sports sampler, track events/cross country, and baseball/ softball. BES also continued to offer our other activities: Archery, Girls on the Run, The Boys Running Organization, LEGO Robotics and Elementary Choir. By the time the school year ends, over 250 students will have participated in our after school activities and sports programs. It has been great to see students be so involved!

Bayless Elementary School

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Third-grader Victor Petrovic hits the ball during a volleyball intramural session. Over 250 students in grades 3-5 will participate in an intramural session this year. Students in top picture: Nina Veselinovic (black shirt), Angel Magar (white shirts), Tiana Booth (purple). Students in bottom picture: Vincent Vo (black shirt), Jaquri Spencer (gray shirt), James Atkins (red).

Bayless Junior High

Bayless Junior High School

Our unique strengths creating something better

“Addingchess is absolutely amazing,” a seventh grade student said when Bayless Junior High added Chess Club as an intramural after-school activity. “I love it!”

As BJH continues to prioritize student engagement and connectedness, the addition of an intramural sports program is just the momentum needed to provide more opportunities for students to get involved. This program is designed for all students, whether they want to play sports or want to try something new and connect with their peers.

Physical activity not only promotes physical health, but also supports mental health and social-emotional development. The intramural program has a variety of offerings, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, chess and even cooking. The goal is to provide a diverse range of activities that cater to the interests of all students. Through these activities, students not only have the opportunity to build physical skills, but also develop teamwork, communication and leadership skills. We recognize not all students have the opportunity to participate in team sports for various reasons, and this program can help fill that gap.

Moreover, this program also plays off the strengths of our teachers. We are lucky to have a team of dedicated and enthusiastic educators who have a passion for supporting student activities.

They are excited to share their knowledge and experience with students. Over 120 students have participated and 10 teachers sponsored activities.

In the words of Dr. Brene Brown, “When we know better, we do better.” By prioritizing the physical and social-emotional well-being of our students, we are doing better. We are creating positive momentum that will benefit our students and our community for years to come.

Sample of Sessions Offered: Soccer Fitness Club Chess

Track & Field Cooking Badminton Pickleball

We believe by creating this positive momentum, we can help our students thrive both in and out of the classroom. We hope that this program will provide a platform for students to not only engage in physical activity but also to build relationships, develop skills and grow as individuals.

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Students playing in a chess competition with other St. Louis-area schools.

From the desk of Daniel Bieser: BJH’s Next Principal

I am extremely grateful to be named the next principal at Bayless Junior High School. I am excited to be part of a school that is the bedrock of the community and a school the community rallies around. I would like to take this moment to introduce myself.

After living in the Kansas City area for 12 years, my wife Ashley and I moved our family back to St. Louis last summer. We are both originally from the St. Louis area and are excited to now be able to raise our children closer to our families. Vivian (7) and Grant (4) are enjoying St. Louis and seeing their extended family more often.

Mr. Bieser’s Education:

Bachelor’s: Harris-Stowe

Master’s: William Woods

Education Specialist: Arkansas State

Mr. Bieser’s Previous Stops:

Van Horn High School (Independence)

-Math Teacher, Boys’ basketball coach

Bingham Middle School (Independence)

-Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Truman High School (Independence)

-Activities Director

Seckman High School (Fox C-9)

-Assistant Principal

I am especially excited to join Bayless and help the Junior High students prepare for their journey through high school and beyond. BJH does so many wonderful things for students that I cannot wait to be a part of. I want to each student become the best person and student possible. As a school, we will help students grow emotionally, socially and academically. I have strived my whole career to be a supportive, collaborative and relationship-driven leader. I want to support our teachers and staff in their professional needs so they can support our

students in the best possible way. As a school we will collaborate with each other, whether that is staff to staff, student to student or staff to student. We will learn to work together so students can take that skill into high school and beyond. Relationships are what makes a school so great to come to, so I will strive to build a relationship with each staff member and student. With the relationship to each student will come with the relationship with each family and the community.

As a former coach and activities director, I am a huge proponent and advocate for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Bayless Junior High already has an extensive after-school program, but I want to tap into ways we can continue to grow this area. I will continue to find new ways for students to become a part of the Bayless community outside of just coming during regular school hours.

There is a quote that hung in my classroom when I first started teaching (and now is hanging in my office) by the late UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden, “You’re just as good as anyone but you’re no better than anybody.” This quote lets people instill confidence in themselves but also lets them know to treat everyone as equal. This is what I will try to have students strive for.

We are Bayless Junior High!

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Mr. Bieser in front of the Junior High building.

Bayless High School

is the Bayless Marching Bronchos’

Jett Bono, a multifaceted musician and composer, has been one of the driving forces behind the momentum of the Bayless Bands this year. He has an impressive range of talents, and is something of a jack-of-all-trades in the music world.

He plays a variety of instruments, from the horn to the ocarina, can sing baritone, tenor and bass, has composed multiple arrangements the band has performed, and can play by ear. If he hears a piece played, he can replicate it without the sheet music.

Thanks in-part to Jett’s contributions, the Bayless Bands have taken their momentum to new heights. There have been plenty of things to overcome and figure out along the way. Adversity often presents an opportunity to rise and build momentum towards something greater. And that’s precisely what the students at Bayless High School did.

In late 2020, although they were unable to conduct in person, the program’s dedication and

hard work shone through when they recorded a video of the concert band performing literature that received an “Outstanding” rating at the MSHSAA Large Group Festival.

This success only fueled the students’ desire to keep striving for excellence. Two years ago, the Marching Bronchos returned to normal rehearsals and fielded the show “aRose.” The band’s dedication and hard work paid off as they received numerous awards and accolades, including Best Music Performance, Best Visual Performance and Best Overall General Effect.

“Momentum for me, and probably most people in band, is the drive to be the very best at competitions,” Ahmed Al-Robaie said. “Through each practice, we keep going, and by the end of it, you feel proud of yourself for being able to put on not only a show but a smile on people’s faces.”

The momentum from the Marching Bronchos’ success carried over into one of the concert band’s best seasons. It received an overall “Exemplary” rating for the first time in recent memory.

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Bayless High
Jett Bono playing a solo during the Marching Bronchos’ halftime show, “Lost in a Dream.”

In 2022, the program received an unprecedented 11 caption awards, three First Place finishes, and two performances in Finals. The students took ownership of their success, practicing before and after school, during Ac Lab, and even on weekends.

“Momentum to me means, getting rid of the little things that are holding you back to gain the larger things that keep moving you forward,” Almedina Hozdic said. “A personal reflection

I have of the momentum our band has gained this year is, no matter how hard it got — we kept pushing forward and our hard work paid off. From hour-long practices to hot weather the band kept pushing to learn and finish our show, and this paid off in the competition awards.”

The momentum of the program’s success also inspired individual students to push themselves to new heights. Bono successfully auditioned for the St. Louis All-Suburban Band and the Missouri All-State Band, becoming one of the first Bayless student to receive this honor.

“When I think of momentum, the first thing that comes to mind in the band program is how much dedication it takes to work as a group,” Savannah Krull said. “At the end of marching season it truly pays off to see the end result and to be able to celebrate with all of your peers that have worked hard to reach the same goal — momentum, ‘quantity of motion of a moving body.’

“During a field show we all have to move as one and try to keep as much patience and peace when creating a new set, which can be hard but is so rewarding when you can come together as a whole to create something you want to watch and perform something amazing. Momentum is the Bayless Marching Bronchos.”

From the desk of Eric Lawrence: BHS’s Next Principal

Bayless High School Community,

It is with great honor and excitement that I introduce myself as the next principal of Bayless High School. I am truly blessed to serve a school community with such a deep history and a continued commitment to providing students with opportunities to become the best versions of themselves.

I currently reside in Jefferson County with my wife and two children. My passion has always been deeply rooted in education, mentorship and leadership. I believe all students deserve equitable access to education in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. Becoming a father within the past few years has deepened that passion.

For the past 11 years, I have worked as an educator, leader, athletic director, coach and sponsor. I am coming up on the end of my fourth year at Bayless High School, and I look forward to continuing to support and collaborate with our students, fami-

lies and community. I am committed to embracing the positive traditions and practices in place here at Bayless High School and continuing to move our building forward.

I look forward to working with all stakeholders to prepare our students with the education, work ethic and character traits they need for tomorrow. I am honored and humbled to be selected to serve as the next principal of Bayless High School as we continue to build on previous accomplishments and reach for excellence.

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Seniors Cole Schniedermeyer and Amina Bajramovic hold an award from the National Heritage Music Festival.

A PLACE TO FOSTER MOMENTUM: Building a Better Bayless

The past three years have been challenging for our schools, community and society. But through these tough times, everyone at Bayless Schools worked to stay on task for our students, staff and community. Our hard work is showing academically and visibly with our new Junior High School addition. As the project nears the finish line, our Junior High School, and our district, have a renewed sense of momentum looking toward the future.

In 2019, when voters approved the bonds to build the Junior High Addition, the thought of pandemics, lock-downs, social distancing and COVID-19 were simply not on anyone’s mind. As plans for the new addition unfolded, it be -

came clear Bayless would be building through an extraordinarily difficult time. From the early uncertainty contractors had in staffing projects to significant supply chain disruptions, the project moved forward steadily and methodically. Today, the project is nearly finished — and the results are magnificent.

This new space is so important to our students and operations that we moved two classrooms and our counselors into new spaces on Wednesday, March 8th, the same day St. Louis County issued our occupancy permit. Over the next week, three additional classrooms were moved to accommodate classes. The full move-in process will happen over the summer because the additional space allows our teachers and administrators to rearrange all of our classrooms in a thought-out manner to better serve our students.

The results are impressive. At just under 30,000 square feet, the new addition doubles the size of the original building, which was built in 1934 as part of president Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Works Progress Admin -

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A science laboratory classroom in the addition. A room in the addition set up for classes.

istration. The new addition was designed to complement the look and feel of the original building designed by architect Marcel Boulicault. In fact, Boulicault had visualizations in 1932 which hinted the original building might be expanded to the east. The back page of this magazine has one of the drawings. The idea expressed in 1932 has become reality 90 years later with the addition of 22 educational spaces and a renovated cafeteria. These spaces will allow BJH students to remain in the school building instead of transitioning to the High School for classes. Among the featured areas is a new band room and four specially-designed science laboratory classrooms. In addition, the building includes a ICC-500 storm shelter that can accommodate all students, faculty and staff in the event emergency shelter is needed during severe weather.

While we are proud of this new space for our students, we are humbled by the continued support and encouragement we receive from the Bayless community. This newest addition makes a world of difference to our students and teachers, but we can promise that our work continues both academically and on our facilities to make Bayless the best school district in the state.

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A view of the connected Junior High Building looking southeast. Some classes are being held in the addition currently, with plans to fully occupy the space next fall.


Every day, educators at Bayless do a tremendous job making sure our students have the opportunity to become Smart, Good and Strong. This year we have honored some of them with #TeacherProudTuesday on the building Facebook accounts, district Instagram page and the district Twitter account. Here are some of those honored this spring:

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All schedules are subject to change. For the most upto-date schedules, go to the Bayless Athletics website.

Magazin Issue 2020 16 At Hancock V. Hancock At Metro V. Brentwood At Brentwood At Grandview (Hillsboro) V. Crossroads College Prep At Crossroads College Prep V. Bishop DuBourg V. Soldan with Sumner V. Metro At Maplewood Richmond Hts. V. Soldan with Sumner At Roosevelt with Carnahan V. Maplewood Richmond Hts. Districts 4/10 4/11 4/13 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/24 4/25 4/27 4/28 5/1 5/2 5/4 5/5 5/8 TBA 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. TBA
V. Brentwood V. St. Louis Christian V. Gateway Science At Valley Park V. Roosevelt at Hancock V. Maplewood Richmond Hts. V. Festus V. Principia At Brentwood At DeSoto V. Valley Park At Metro At CSMBS V. Affton Districts 4/11 4/12 4/17 4/18 4/20 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/28 5/2 5/4 5/5 5/8 5/10 5/11 TBA 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. TBA
#BRINGTHESTAMPEDE Bayless High School Athletics @BaylessAD1 V. Notre Dame (Cape Girardeau) V. Lutheran South At Hazelwood West At Ft. Zumwalt North Lutheran St. Charles Tourn. V. St. Francis Borgia At St. Pius X (Festus) V. Gateway V. Soldan V. Lutheran St. Charles V. Bishop DuBourg V. Ritenour At Whitfield V. Ft. Zumwalt East At Seckman Districts 4/12 4/13 4/19 4/20 4/22 4/24 4/26 4/27 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/5 5/8 5/9 5/10 TBA 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m. TBA
Spring Sports Schedules
16 Simpson Relays Brentwood Invitational Orchard Farm Varsity Inv. Marion Freeman Inv. Class 3 District 2 Tournament 4/14 4/17 4/21 4/28 5/13 Daytime Daytime Daytime Daytime Daytime
Magazin Lifestyle Magazine 17 17 Follow us at: @baylesssd

What is that new Classroom?

Over Spring Break, Classroom 219, which sits in the same building as the auditorium, got a hefty remake courtesy of Office Essentials and the Hon Furniture company. English Language Learner specialists Tiffany Maloney and Matthew Gibson share the room throughout the day.

Tiffany entered the Office Essentials

“Make Over My Classroom” contest and her entry won the $50,000 makeover. Every penny was used to build a classroom suited to students and unique dynamics of an ELL environment.

When the classroom was finally revealed after we returned from Spring Break, Fox2 Now’s Tim Ezell showcased everything live the 9 a.m. newscast.

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Oasis Tutoring Impacting two lives at once

Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring is a national tutoring program started in St. Louis by the Oasis Institute in 1989. The Oasis Institute is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of older adults and engaging them in community service.

The Oasis Program at Bayless

The Oasis Tutoring Program at Bayless was started in 2010. The program was created to support students by providing them with additional literacy opportunities in addition to increasing engagement with our community members. Linda Munsell was the first program coordinator, serving from 2010 –2012. Kim Grempler followed Ms. Munsell, serving from 2012 until fall 2022. Diane Sterett assumed the role in fall 2022.

Oasis Library in Bayless Elementary

The Oasis Library has evolved from a few buckets of books to over 120 buckets. Mrs. Grempler saved books being removed from the shelves of the Bayless Elementary Library for the Oasis Library. She also used her Scholastic book points to purchase books. Additionally, the Oasis Institute generously gives books to the Oasis Library annually. Session plans are written for and accompany many of the books in the Oasis Library. The session plan provides a guide for the tutor to include six activities in each tutoring session. An average tutoring session can include things like writing together, reading the child’s writing and of course reading. The Oasis tutor must be flexible and willing to adapt the session plan to meet the child’s needs. During Mrs. Grempler’s tenure, she wrote 150 session plans for books added to the Oasis Library.

Oasis Intergenerational Tutors at Bayless

When the Oasis Program started at Bayless, there were 10 tutors. At one time, there were over 60. Currently, following COVID-19, there are 15 tutors.

Oasis tutors are volunteers (usually 50 and over) who wish to contribute meaningfully to their community. They work with the same student, on the same school day, at the same time, once a week. Kindergarten sessions are 30 minutes. First through second-grade sessions are 45 minutes to one hour. The tutors attend training to promote motivation, success, and enjoyment of reading, writing, and oral communication, as well as build self-esteem and confidence in the child.

Oasis tutors often participate in other school activities such as being a classroom volunteer, listening to students (many of whom are not part of the Oasis program) read, attending school concerts, volunteering at school festivals, or accompanying classrooms on field trips.

Impact of Oasis Tutoring on Students at Bayless

Our students benefit from the individual attention provided by the Oasis tutors. If the student is reading below grade level but does not qualify for special services, the tutor provides individual attention to help the student improve their reading level. For the student who is advanced academically and needs to be challenged, the tutor can read and discuss books more at their reading level. At all levels, the Oasis tutors promote motivation, success, and enjoyment of reading, writing, and oral communication and build self-esteem and confidence in our students.

Magazin Lifestyle Magazine 19 19
Diane Sterett reading to kindergartener Henry Stegemann. Charlotte Buchhold reading to kindergartener Malakai Ackerman.

4950 Heege Road Saint Louis, Missouri 63123 p. 314.256.8600 - f. 314.544.6315

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Where’s Joe Broncho?

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Magazin Issue 2020 20
One of the original designs by architect Marcel Boulicault of a possible addition to Bayless High School (now Bayless Junior High). The proposed addition can be seen on the eastern (left) end of the building.

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