Total Sports Durham Feb 2023

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Total Sports Durham Region Edition is a free Magazine, published 6 times a year, bimonthly in print and online. Contents Copyright 2020 Total Sports Integrated Media., No part of this magazine may be reproduced or depicted in print or digital without the written permission of Total Sports Integrated Media. The opinions expressed by contributors may not be those of Total Sports Magazine. Total Sports Durham, assumes no liability for submissions or omissions. Contributors -Total Sports Durham wishes to thank all of our contributors in this spring issue of Total Sports Durham! Photo Credits: Whitby Sports Hall of Fame, OJHL Images, , Jeff Roux, Scary mary, OHO, Claus Andersen, Toronto Rock PUBLISHER/EDITOR Amy Knowles Head Office 416-436-5036 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Kelly Leigh Martin Total Sports Quinte WRITERS Dallas Knowles Randy Uens Scary Mary Jeff Roux Joey Walsh - Hockey Stick Man twitter @DTotalSports f: /durhamtotalsports Cover Photo Elaine Dickson Photography Total Sports DURHAM REGION Volume 10 Issue 1 FEATURES INSIDE 2 ......................................................Flying Squirrel 4 ...................................................Vintage Apparel 5 ............................................................19Thirteen 6-7 .............................................Hockey Stick Man 8-9 ................Lady Blue Knights - Play Like A Girl 10 -11 ..............................MOVE365 - Life is Sport 12 ...................................Brooklin Natural Health 13 ..........................1st Annual Josh Bailey Classic 14 -15 .................Scary Skate - Get On Your Toes 16-17 ......Whitby Sports Hall of Fame Inductees 18 ...Whitby FC - The Name Of The Game Is Fun 19 .................................................Twig and Biscuit 20 ..................Laserbody - Face, Body, Wellbeing 21- 26.........Okanagan Hockey - Meet Our Team 27 .................................................Ajax Wanderers 28-29 ..............Ontario Tusks Baseball Academy 30-31 .................................Whitby Eagles Softball 32 ..........................................Whitby Girls Softball 33 ...............................................Hunt and Dagger 34 ...........................................................MOVE 365 ONTARIO TUSKS BASEBALL ACADEMY PG 28 2023 WHITBY

Do you experience a busy life or finding it difficult to get to the dental office while working long days?

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19Thirteen Mobile offers the

A hectic lifestyle, mental health, or even mobility restrictions make it hard to stay on top of your oral health.

Using state of the art equipment to provide preventive dental care in the comfort of your own space. Keeping your dental appointments just got a whole lot easier.

Catherine has been working in the dental industry in Durham Region for twelve years and has been a registered dental hygienist for the past seven years. She graduated from Durham College and is an active member of the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario and the Canadian Dental Hygiene Association.

Through additional courses and certification, she became self-initiated in 2020 where she was able to practice as an Independent dental hygienist. In that same year 19Thirteen was launched to fulfill her goal of being a mobile dental

hygienist who can deliver exceptional preventative dental health to a broad community demographic.

Life is busy—making time for appointments can be tough. Maintaining your smile doesn’t need to be. This dental hygiene practice comes to you! Mobile services are covered under all major insurance providers. 19Thirteen offers direct billing for your convenience.

Sometimes we forget to put ourselves first and this is a very convenient way to get something done that would normally require travel and time.

If you live in the Durham Region or surrounding area and need help maintaining or improving your oral health please get in touch for more information about home visits!

Making it easy for you!

Independent Dental Hygienists can electronically submit claims to most insurance carriers. Allowing 19Thirteen to process your dental insurance benefits and offer assignment.


I will work with you to establish a care plan that includes disease prevention and providing appropriate


Disclaimer... while the above points are common in hockey, that does not mean they are absolute truths. Some defensemen use short sticks, while some hockey players who are great with the puck use a longer stick (Marty St. Louis). These tips should help beginner players find a length to start at, but don’t be afraid to try something new! Where does personal preference come into play?

Personal preference is super important! Make sure to ask the question “Does it feel good in my hands?” That being said the typical guidelines are there for a reason, and unless you’re playing at an elite level it’s unlikely that you’re helping your game much by using an unusually short or long stick.

Does hockey stick length affect performance?

Stick length can have a major impact on a player’s game. A stick that is not the correct length affects both the hockey stick, and player’s performance.

What part of you’re game does stick length affect?

Stickhandling - the overall ability to control the puck

Your shot - Stick Flex (stiffness) is affected by stick length

Receiving passes - sitting flat on the ice (see Crosby) Your reach - some players need all the reach we can get! How does it affect my stick?

If its too tall you may find that your smashing and wearing the heel out of your stick. TIP - If you play ball hockey you will be able to tell wear pattern pretty easily, if one part of the stick is wearing much quicker than the other, you need to adjust your stick height and lie.

What are the General Guidelines?

Jeremy Rupke of How to Hockey explains the guidelines. Standing straight up looking forward with the stick in front of the body (tip of the stick’s toe on the ground) the stick should be between your chin and your nose. When on skates it should be up to around your chin.

What type of player would want to use a shorter/longer stick?

Short Hockey Stick

“The Dangler” – Hockey players who are good at stick handling tend to prefer shorter sticks. Using a short stick makes it a bit easier to move the puck around because the stick will be lighter (less material) and a shorter stick is easier to move around the body. Many players who are good at stick handling tend to bring the puck in close to their body in order to protect the puck while pulling a deke. A short stick makes it easier to perform these moves.

Average Hockey Stick

“The Grinder” - Grinders like to get in the corners, dig for pucks, and cause trouble in front of the net. With an average length stick you can still easily handle the puck, and also make poke checks, intercept passes, and hammer off a slapshot.

Long Hockey Stick

“The Defensemen” – It is common for defensemen to have the longest sticks on the team. A long hockey stick gives you a longer reach, which makes it easier for you to poke the puck away from attackers, intercept passes, and stop a puck before it leaves the offensive zone. Defensemen are also known to have hard slapshots, and a longer stick (with the right technique) will provide more power on the slapshots.

Experienced players know the exact length they like and are thrown off by change .... Gretzky used a short stick ...

Mark Stone of the Vegas Golden Knights uses a longer stick (65” shaft) and consistently ranks Top 10 in the league in takeaways as a result. He also uses a crazy big knob on his stick, but that is another story in itself.

What are common mistakes that people make with the length of their stick?

When buying an expensive stick players and parents are often nervous about the player outgrowing the stick and therefore sometimes tend to leave it too long

Solution – cut it to the correct length and use a plug/extension when or if the player sprouts up. And unfortunately just because the stick cost $300 bucks doesn’t mean it’s going to last. In fact, the new sticks seem to break even easier than in the past. Fortunately, we offer sticks at low prices to help alleviate the pain a little bit when a stick breaks or is outgrown.

A young kid gets a stick that was broken up high from a Pro/Junior/etc. and he/she cant flex the thing.

Solution – Either hang it up in the Den or use if for ball hockey and go buy one that is the right size!

The player gets a little more zip on his slapshot in practice and is now using the stick in games

Solution – Fair enough, but the slapshot is most effective when you can get it off quickly and hit the net/get it through traffic. Therefore, there is a good chance you are sacrificing a big part of your game (puck control) for what is likely a small benefit.

Looking for a longer hockey stick? Because we source all of our hockey sticks direct from pro, college and junior teams, a lot of our sticks are extended height. You can find some of our extended height (63” and above) on our website.

We measure all of our sticks standing flat against the ground. Until next time........keep your stick on the ice!



NOW OPEN Sign up before March 1 to save $50 OFF your registration fee. Plus, the first 100 new registrants will receive a FREE women’s field lacrosse stick!



Lady Blue Knights is Canada’s largest and most decorated women’s field lacrosse organization and the only one of its kind in Durham Region. Through our love of lacrosse, we strive to create and maintain an environment that inspires, supports, and empowers girls and women through sport.

We started our club in 2000 with just over 60 girls playing U15 house league lacrosse, and have grown to see upwards of 500 girls in our House and Rep Leagues in a single season. Played outdoors from May through July, our short spring/summer season and minimal equipment make it a fan favourite for many.


Our House League program is perfect for beginners right up to experienced players. With age groups starting as young as 2 in our moms+tots program, right up to our women’s house league team for ages 25 and older. It’s a great place to learn the game, develop your skills, play with a team and enjoy friendly competition in a positive and supportive sports environment.

Whether you’re looking for a community to make friends and have fun, for a team sport with a healthy balance of performance and play, or are a multi-sport athlete who wants to maintain their fitness in the off-season, our House League program has something for everyone.


Our Rep League program helps athletes step up their skills with the goal of reaching their maximum potential, both as a team and individually. Rep level athletes benefit from strength and conditioning, skill development, strategy and tactics, all while building confidence, strengthening their selfesteem and enriching their passion for field lacrosse.

Lady Blue Knights Rep League teams compete in the Ontario Women’s Field Lacrosse Provincial League (OWFL). Open to players ages 8 and up, our goal is to field two rep teams per age division (U11, U13, U15, U19) with athletes being grouped according to skill on either our Competitive or Elite Teams.

To learn more about our leagues, schedules, fees and to register for our upcoming season, visit

Lacrosse Club
JOIN OUR TEAM Ages 4 and up Durham’s Only Women’s Field Lacrosse Club PLayLikeA Girl REGISTER TODAY!

Life is Sport MOVE-

Newton’s first law of motion says that an object in motion will remain in motion and an object at rest will remain at unless somehow compelled to change its state. This tendency to resist changes in our state of motion is known as inertia. Our goal is to inspire people to move, teach them to move better and coach them to turn this into a state of motion that is unstoppable in their sport and in their everyday life. We know that being more active and healthier, when we are young, allows us to handle more, physically, and mentally, as we age. Sometimes all we need in a little push to get moving in the right direction.

At Move365, we encourage our clients and athletes of all ages and skill levels to think, live and train like an athlete. Everyone is competing for something in sport and in life. This means that moving better, being more athletic and having a body does the things you want and need it to do, when you want it and need it to do them.

Moving often and moving better should be a priority for everyone in 2023.

Whether you are an athlete re-setting your seasonal training program as a new year begins or an active adult starting (or re-starting) a new fitness program, the most important step is the first one. Find something that motivates you to get moving, stay moving and keep moving better.

Find Your Why!

The question that everyone must consider when performing any training program or even a specific exercise or drill is, why?

• Why am I training? - Preparing for a specific sport, trying to improve specific skills or overcome improve physical limitations? Am I trying to be healthier and more active, be a better role model for my kids? Am I just trying to be healthier and happier for me?

• Why am I choosing a particular exercise? There are thousands of them, not all of them are right for you, or right for your needs.

• Why am I doing a specific number of sets and repetitions? This is an important questions, when it comes to training goals, outcomes, overtraining and potential injury risk vs performance benefit. What is the purpose of each movement? Will it make me better, or will it just make me tired?

What is your why and does your program inspire you and help you achieve it.

Train with Purpose

Anyone can train hard and push beyond their limits, in a particular training session, but a big picture outlook must have a plan and a progression. High intensity training (HIIT) programs are popular and often make viral social media content as they offer quick, intense, challenging workouts and can be an excellent part of a training program if prescribed and progressed properly. Often, however, the intensity and effort of the workout supersedes the purpose, progression and

can often do more harm than good if not progressed properly. Not to mention the injury potential that exists when good technical execution is by-passed for those last few seconds or reps. Following a purposeful, progressive program that has a specific objective, a planned progression and ongoing correction and evaluation will always result in more long-term success than random acts of exercise.

Move Every Day

As individuals get older, move less, sit more, and spend more time ensuring the kids make it to their practices and games than making time for their own strength and conditioning, the ability to move well is inhibited. Injuries and movement dysfunctions begin to settle in, and many people put off finding ways to get moving well again.

The bottom line is, you need to start moving move, in order to start moving better.

Improving athletic mobility, maximizing joint stability, and enhancing the ability to run, jump, skate, ski, hike, garden, and just play with your kids comes from moving more, learning to move better, and challenging the intensity and complexity of the movement to continue to improve performance and overall skill execution.

Movement means taking muscles through a full, functional range of motion and expanding that range of motion. It is stabilizing the joints and creating leverage to handle deceleration and direction changes without injury. It is developing explosive muscle firing patterns to accelerate quickly and change gears efficiently. It is enhancing a variety of energy systems from short burst anaerobic to long duration endurance to produce the work capacity necessary to execute skillful movement under fatigue.

Movement challenges your body to stop and go and challenges your heart and lungs to adapt to a variety of conditioning intervals and intensities. Movement will help you perform better in your sport and in your life.

TOTALSPORTSDURHAM.CA 10 for more information

MOVE-Every Day!

Strength Training is Movement Training

Strength training is movement training. There are many elements that must come together to execute strength training technique besides simply moving heavy weight up and down. If you cannot perform a movement properly in the first place and you load it and try to move it, injury is inevitable. Establishing proper strength training movements allow you to reinforce the athletic foundations required for skill execution when it comes to speed, power, and explosive sport performance and building a resilient athletic body that can produce and absorb force when you need it.

Executing proper movement patterns and muscle firing patterns are essential to a progressive strength program. People love training the beach muscles (arms & chest) but don’t spend enough time training the stabilizer muscles (Core, Shoulder girdle, hamstrings, Upper back) that support and leverage athletic movement and protect the body from injury. Squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, jumping, running, are all movements that make sport and life performance better and that get better through strength training. First, learn to move properly, then you can load, lift and challenge the movement in different ways.

Eat. Sleep. Recover

No matter how hard you work, recovery is when the magic happens. Getting enough rest, getting enough sleep, and fueling your cells with proper nutrition and hydration help maximize digestion and allow enzymes, hormones and all of the organs in your body run efficiently. This is what allows us to adapt to exercise, deal with stress and continue to improve our health and fitness. You can’t outwork poor nutrition or poor sleep patterns. This is when the body adapts, re-charges and gets better. Recovery means you can get up and move again and keep getting better.


No diet, lifestyle changes, or training program will work for the long term if it is done is short doses. Our bodies and our brains crave routine and function best when we have consistency in our patterns of exercise, sleep and nutrition. Developing a purposeful and consistent routine allows our systems to stabilize and focus on performing at the highest level possible every day. When this happens health and performance will take care of themselves and we can focus more on being in the moment, having fun and enjoying the journey along the way.

Now that 2023 is here, set your sights on what you want from your training program, get up, get out and get moving, every day.

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TOTALSPORTSDURHAM.CA 12 services we offer Chiropractic Physiotherapy Registered Massage Therapy Psychotherapy Psychological Counselling Custom Orthotics Acupuncture Therapy Naturopathic Medicine Our team, led by owners Dr. Sean Perry and Dr. Andrew Brubacher, is comprised of twelve highly qualified, skilled practitioners, and offers the convenience of day, evening and Saturday appointments. 2 PRINCESS STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO L1M 1B1 PHONE : 905-655-0752 EMAIL: TheBrooklinNaturalHealthCentre @TheBNHC Brooklinnaturalhealth We are a proud supporter of sports teams in our community! At The Brooklin Natural Health Centre, our goal is to provide comprehensive, natural health care based on the best available clinical and scientific evidence.

Is Getting on your toes the best focus for explosive take-offs?

more of our inside edge of the blade on the ice which will allow that sharp pressure that can now push directly backwards with no slip and send us off forward with full force.

If you have visualized the look of this in your head and if you were to get into this position with your knees out and squatting low, even off ice, it is a very awkward and difficult position to hold. Your hips will naturally want to turn back in and allow your foot to return to straight, making this an unnatural movement. Hence, why it requires lots of training and practice to gain the ability to override our natural tendency.

You think of a player like Sidney Crosby and his infamous use of the mohawk in game. This is possible for him because of his ability to open his hips and get full pressure on his inside edge in the same way it is needed for a powerful take off.

Thinking now, is getting on your toes incorrect? Definitely not. It is an important skill to get good knee bend and get our weight towards our toes to allow us to lean in the direction we want to continue to go. But is it the most important focus for players trying to instill good habits and learning abnormal ways to move…. I think not.

In practicing take-offs with our students, we always start off by giving the kids an explanation of the technical details they should focus on when completing the skill. I was teaching a group of 10-year-olds and at the end of the explanation a kid piped up and said “is this physics class?”

We had a laugh but the student was right, players need to learn a very simplified version of the physics of movement to understand how to do movements properly. Here is how to think about it in the case of a take-off; if it was a running sprint, you would just push directly behind you from your toe and blast forward. The same is not true on the ice, if you were to keep your foot straight and push right backwards, your blade would just glide behind you and you would look like you’re practicing the Michael Jackson ‘moonwalk’.

In hockey, we need to take advantage of the two sharp parts of our skate which we call our inside and outside edge. I have students who may not look like Michael Jackson when they take off but they do have a subtle slice in their take-off because their skates are not angled properly to give them a sharp enough edge, to dig harder enough in the ice, to propel directly forward. This is where players need to be very mobile in their hips and inner thighs; players need to be able to get their blade completely sideways on the ice to use the sharpest part of their inside edge to get the traction for a strong take-off.

So, what is more important? Getting on our toes or emphasizing getting our knees pointing out to the sides to be able to turn our feet out to get

Being able to open our hips and getting comfortable on our inside edge is of more importance at our Scary Skate programs than is learning first to get on our toes.

We might not all become Sidney Crosby in our lifetime but using him as a reference point when thinking of these ‘physics’ (as my 10-year-olds students would say) is a great place to start. Open our hips, use our skates’ edges to our advantage and practice the fundamentals until it becomes habitual.

“It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time” - David Allan Coe

Until next time Scary Mary says I will see you at the rink….

SKARYSKATE.COM fb/scaryskate @scary_skate
Coach Staaly Head Technical Power Skating Instructor Scary Skate Inc

Monday Nights Spring/Summer Technical Power Skating - May 29th

Summer Semi Privates Skating/Skill Development

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday mornings July 4th, 5th, 6th

Wednesday Nights Elite & AAA Rep level Skating/Skill Development June 28th

Defense Specific Classes - May/June/July/August

Shoot to Score Classes - May/June/July/August

Tuesday Nights Skill/Shooting Development - July 4th

Thursday night Beginner Hockey Program - July 6th

Rep Battle Half Day Camp - August 8th

Full Week Rep Hockey Camp - July 24th

Team Training Sessions - July/August

New Spring/Summer Classes that will be offered through Scary Skate from February onwards

15 TOTAL SPORTS DURHAM YOUR PERFECT PARTNER TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR STRIDE Registration online for spring/summer 2023 All registration and class information can be found directly online @scary_skate 2361 Prestonvale Rd Courtice, ON, Canada L1E0A3 Mary’s Cell: 905 718-5295 Justin’s Cell: 613-899-5827 Ryan’s Cell:905-767-4273


Priscilla Lopes-Schliep

Athlete – Track and Field

2004 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) indoor champion – 60-meter hurdles

Won Bronze Medal – Women’s 100-meter hurdles – 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games

2010: World #1 Rank and Diamond League outdoor season champion –100-meter hurdles

Adrian Woodley

Athlete – Track and Field

Won 6 Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations titles: 110m hurdles (3), triple-jump (3)

Won 4 Canadian championships in 110-meter hurdles: 1 Junior (1994) and 3 Senior (1999-2001)

Syracuse University – National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) All-American 1999 and 2000

Derek Suddons

Athlete – Lacrosse

Won Bronze Medal with Team Canada – U-19 World Field Lacrosse Games (Tokyo, Japan)

Won 2 Minto Cup Canadian Junior A Championships with Whitby Warriors (1997 and 1999)

2004 Merv McKenzie Memorial Trophy winner – Top Defensive Player in Major Series Lacrosse

Priscilla Lopes-Schliep - Athlete - Track and Field

champion in the 60-meter hurdles and was a two-time NCAA silver medalist in the 100-meter hurdles (2004 and 2005). Priscilla also achieved considerable success representing Canada at the international level. In 2005, she reached the semi-final in the 100-meter hurdles at the World Championships held in Helsinki and won the silver medal when these championships were staged in Berlin in 2009. Priscilla is also a two-time Canadian Olympian, Athens 2004, and Beijing 2008. It was at the Beijing games where she captured the bronze medal in a very closely contested hurdles final. Of note, this was the only track and field medal won by Canadian athletes at these games, as well as the first medal for a Canadian woman in Olympic track and field since 1992.

Born in Scarborough, Ontario, Priscilla Lopes-Schliep developed a passion for running or, more accurately, for sprinting at an early age, routinely besting neighbourhood friends in foot races on the street in front of her home. But it was after moving with her family to Whitby in 1997 that she would embark on her distinguished career in track and field. As a sign of the success that lie ahead, Priscilla was a finalist in the 100-meter hurdles event at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) championships in her first year of formal competition, despite racing in standard running shoes while her competitors wore conventional track cleats.

She then proceeded to refine her technique through the tutelage of coach Anthony McCleary, eventually earning a scholarship to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). While competing at Nebraska, Priscilla became the 2004 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) indoor

The 2010 season was unquestionably the best of her career. It began with a bronze medal in the 60-meter hurdles at the World Indoor Championship in Doha, Qatar, and continued into the outdoor season during which Priscilla was undefeated in 12 races, earning her a World #1 ranking. She capped the summer by winning the prestigious Diamond League title, awarded to reflect season-long consistency by an athlete in a particular discipline.

A graduate of Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School, Priscilla now resides in Lincoln, Nebraska with her husband Bronsen Schliep, an Orthodontist, and their daughters Nataliya and Jaslene. Priscilla continues to exemplify her dedication and passion for her chosen sport by serving as a volunteer coach for the UNL track and field team, imparting her knowledge to help develop young athletes who have a primary focus on sprints and hurdles.


Adrian Woodley - Athlete - Track and Field

Born in Montreal, Quebec, and raised in Whitby after he and his family relocated to Ontario in 1988, Adrian Woodley embarked on his illustrious track and field career when he joined the Durham XL Track Club in 1990. Durham XL was recognized for developing talented athletes, and if Adrian wanted to fulfill his potential, he would need to prove himself within this highly skilled group. He did so by quickly establishing a dedicated, diligent, and respected work ethic that would lead to considerable success from the local level to the international stage.

Recognized by his coaches, teammates, and competitors alike to be an excellent sprinter who specialized in the 110-meter hurdles, Adrian soon became a force on the track as well as an inspiration and role model to those who would follow in his footsteps. As a member of the Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute’s track and field team from 1991 to 1995, Adrian was a six-time Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) champion, winning three titles each in 110-meter hurdles and triple-jump. His success at the provincial secondary school level coincided with his 1994 Canadian Junior championship in 110-meter hurdles, and subsequently led to a track and field scholarship at Syracuse University.

Adrian continued to excel during his collegiate career at Syracuse from 1996 to 2000. He was a two-time Big East Conference Indoor Champion in the 60-meter hurdles (1999 and 2000), the Big East Conference Indoor Champion in the 200 meters (2000), the Big East Conference Outdoor Champion in the 110-meter hurdles and the 200 meters (2000) and was recognized as a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) All-American in 1999 and 2000. Adrian also received the Big East Conference Most Outstanding Male Track Performer Award in 2000.

On a national level, Adrian was a four-time Canadian champion in the 110-meter hurdles; in addition to winning his national Junior title in 1994, Adrian dominated the competition in the Senior division by winning three consecutive championships from 1999 to 2001.

Over and above his success at the various high school, collegiate, and national competitions, Adrian also represented Canada on several occasions, including:

• 1993 Pan American Junior Track and Field Championships

• 1994 World Junior Track and Field Championships (Portugal)

• 1994 Commonwealth Games (Victoria, British Columbia)

• 1999 Pan American Games (Winnipeg, Manitoba)

• 1999 World Track and Field Championships (Spain)

• 2000 Summer Olympic Games (Sydney, Australia)

• 2001 World Indoor Track and Field Championships (Portugal)

Adrian currently resides in Toronto with his wife Lami, and their children, Xavier and Serena. He continues to give back to the sport he loves as a volunteer coach whenever his schedule permits, and often mentors aspiring athletes by providing direction based on his experiences.

A native of Whitby, Gil Nieuwendyk was introduced to the sport of lacrosse at the age of six when he was registered by hisfather to play in the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association. And it did not take very long for Gil to demonstrate his exceptional talents on a lacrosse floor; by age 15, Gil was playing Junior B lacrosse in Ajax before returning to play for his hometown Whitby Warriors Junior A team from 1979 to 1982.

During his four seasons with the Warriors, Gil played in 86 regular season games, recording 124 goals and 139 assists for 286 total points or 3.3 points per game. He maintained a similar pace in 35 playoff games, scoring 49 goals and adding 62 assists; this includes 19 goals and 13 assists in the 1980 playoffs when the Warriors won the Minto Cup national championship. This team was later inducted into the Whitby Sports Hall of Fame (2006).

At the conclusion of his junior career, Gil went on to play Major Series Lacrosse, joining the Brooklin Redmen in 1983. In his first season with Brooklin, Gil won the Gene Dopp Trophy, awarded to the Outstanding Rookie in Major Series Lacrosse.

Over six seasons from 1983 to 1988, Gil spearheaded a powerful offence for these Brooklin teams; he won the league scoring title (Bucko McDonald Trophy) in 1983 and again in 1985, and finished in the Top 10 in league scoring in each of the six campaigns. In 117 regular season games during his senior career, Gil scored 256 goals and added 307 assists for 563 points, a pace of 4.8 points per game. He accumulated another 113 goals and 160 assists in 85 playoff games, leading Brooklin to Mann Cup championships in 1985, 1987, and 1988.

As a further testament to his scoring and playmaking skills, Gil was drafted in the first round (sixth overall) by the Buffalo Bandits of the National Lacrosse League in 1993 –five years after his retirement from lacrosse.

Gil was inducted into the Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 2012 and the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame in 2014, both times in the player category. A father of three, Gil has remained heavily involved in the sport, coaching at the minor level and with the Brooklin senior team.

Derek Suddons - Athlete - Lacrosse

We’re Blue, We’re White, We’re Dynamite!

Whitby FC U10 Girls, the name of the game is fun

For the Whitby FC U10 Girls, the name of the game is fun. This group of girls have been learning the fundamentals of soccer through the Long Term Player Development (LTPD) Model which emphasizes making a difference in their lives and instilling a lifelong passion for the game.

Under the LTPD, coaches teach the players psychological, technical, physical, and social/emotional aspects of the game. The players have benefited from learning specific soccer skills (dribbling, shooting, passing etc.) all while building confidence and developing important life skills such as teamwork, communication, and listening. These skills are on display each and every time the girls are on the field for training or a game as their passion for playing soccer and supporting each other is evident.

The girls’ season runs for 11 months of the year and consists of two training sessions and one game per week. In the winter and early spring, the team trains in the Whitby FC Dome and plays in the York Region Indoor Soccer League. In the summer, training, and games switch to outdoors where the team practices in Whitby and plays against other clubs from around the GTA and Central Ontario.

The U10 girls have improved their individual skills and learned how to play together as a team, all while maintaining the number one goal which is to have fun and create lifelong friendships. Nothing embodies this approach more than hearing the team do their team cheer at the start and end of each game or practice. If you ever hear the chant “We’re blue, we’re white, we’re dynamite, we have the power the speed, we’re the number one team,” you know that the Whitby FC U10 Girls are about to take the field. Thank to our amazing coaching and management team for all of the hard work and time that you have spent developing this great squad!



Corey Beer’s coaching career has come full circle over the past few seasons transitioning from coaching junior A hockey in Timmins to moving back to Durham Region to take over as the Head Coach of the Okanagan Hockey U18 Prep team in Whitby. Growing up in Oshawa, Beer played minor hockey and baseball but at a young age he discovered that coaching was the pathway he wanted to take in sports. His move from player to coach was heavily influenced by both his father and younger brother.

“My brother started playing hockey when he was seven, and there’s a seven year age difference between the two of us. I just jumped in with my dad and started helping him. We coached all the way through his minor hockey career,” said Beer.

At just 26 years old, Beer jumped to the junior ranks with the Whitby Fury of the Ontario Junior Hockey League (OJHL) where he got the opportunity to work under Head Coach Curtis Hodgins. Hodgins, who is now the Head Coach of the Ontario Tech Men’s Team, was a coaching mentor for Beer and helped him learn more about the junior game. The Fury made it all the way to the finals that year with future NHLer Devon Shore leading the team. The next year the coaching staff moved to the Cobourg Cougars where they stayed for five seasons, capping it all off with a National Championship in 2017. With all of the success in Cobourg and the RBC Cup victory Beer was ready to move into a head coaching job. The Timmins Rock of the Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League (NOJHL) came calling and Beer moved north where he stayed for four years.

“The experience in Cobourg was pretty cool and that ended up getting me an opportunity to become a head coach and it took going up going to Timmins Ontario to do that. I ended up going up north and spent four years there, I would say it was the best four best years of my coaching career,” said Beer.

Beer embraced his time in Timmins and loved the small town atmosphere and the support that the community gave to the hockey team.

“Timmins is an incredibly special community. People come up to you and they want to talk to you in the grocery store and tell you how bad your power play was. It’s pretty funny and they’re intense about hockey which is great,” said Beer.

Beer found a lot of success during his time with the Timmins Rock, pushing the team into the top 10 National Rankings in his third year. His experience with the Rock also earned him a coaching position with Team Canada in the World Junior Challenge for three years winning

a Silver Medal in the process and he also got to be the head coach in the Provincial Junior Hockey League (PJHL) Top Prospects Game. Unfortunately, like a lot of teams, the COVID pandemic ended the Rock’s season in 2020-21 and Beer was forced to make some tough decisions about his coaching future. After signing a five year extension in Timmins the uncertainty that the pandemic brought, plus a change in his family dynamics, forced Beer to make a very difficult decision about his coaching future.

“The junior hockey world was always great with me and I was always looked after, but you’re sitting there looking at empty stands and you’re wondering what your gate revenue is gonna be and whether or not the money wilI dry up, especially in a small town community like Timmins. My wife and I had just gotten pregnant too, so with the first first child on the way I had to make a tough decision. It kind of tugged at my heartstrings a bit but at that time we made the decision to come back home to Durham Region,” said Beer

With all of the experience at the junior level Beer returned to Durham and was hired as the head coach of the Okanagan Hockey Ontario (OHO)U18 Prep team which runs out of Iroquois Park Arena. Beer knew OHO General Manager Paul Pascuzzi from his time in Cobourg and through the hockey world in Durham Region, so joining OHO was a natural fit. Beer is really enjoying his head coaching position at OHO and is already seeing the benefits for the players. The approach with OHO compared to a traditional AAA/AA team is the long-term player development which focuses on nutrition, fitness and academics in addition to hockey skills and systems.

“It’s all about the development of young athletes. We focus on school, how they are on the ice, and watching them grow as young men, which is all the stuff that I love doing as a coach,” said Beer.

Beer’s OHO players have the benefit of training with Hockey Skills Coach MIke Duco along with a comprehensive fitness program run by Elite Training Systems (ETS) that focuses on strength and conditioning all in the same facility. Watching the players who progress through two or three years of the program Beer can clearly see the results.

“We’ve had a couple guys that are three year players and they come in really small at 120 pounds and they’re leaving here, ready for Junior at age 18 having put on almost 40 pounds of muscle. We have also given the players opportunities to play different spots in the lineup with different responsibilities,” said Beer.

Knowles - Total Sports Durham

Meet the Players



WEIGHT (lbs) 160

Date of Birth Jan 27, 06

HOMETOWN Pickering, ON

Favourite NHL Player

Jake Oettinger

Pre-Game Meal

Pork Chips and Rice

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Family Guy



WEIGHT (lbs) 160

Date of Birth Jan 27, 06

HOMETOWN Pickering, ON

Favourite NHL Player

Duncan Keith

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show / Movie

Family Guy



WEIGHT (lbs) 172

Date of Birth Feb 8, 06


Favourite NHL Player

Moritz Seider

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show / Movie

72 Summit Series



WEIGHT (lbs) 172

Date of Birth Feb 8, 06


Favourite NHL Player

Moritz Seider

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show / Movie

72 Summit Series



WEIGHT (lbs) 191

Date of Birth Sep 23, 04


Favourite NHL Player

Michael Bunting

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show / Movie


#2 Alexander Keith #3 Franceso Carlo Denti #24 Emil Obstfelder #32 Drew Osinga #1 Nicholas Iosif



WEIGHT (lbs) 168

Date of Birth Aug 18, 07


Favourite NHL Player

Auston Matthews

Pre-Game Meal

Shrimp Penne Alfredo

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Outer Banks



WEIGHT (lbs) 163

Date of Birth Jan 16, 06

HOMETOWN Blackstock, ON

Favourite NHL Player

Tim Stutzle

Pre-Game Meal

Pasta and Shrimp

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Fast and the Furious


HEIGHT 66-11

WEIGHT (lbs) 140

Date of Birth Aug 25, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Henrik Lundqvist

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken Alfredo

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Pulp Fiction



WEIGHT (lbs) 200

Date of Birth Jan 28, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Victor Hedman

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken and Pasta

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Stranger Things



WEIGHT (lbs) 130

Date of Birth Jan 23, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Mitch Marner

Pre-Game Meal

Bacon and Eggs

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Top Gun: Maverick



WEIGHT (lbs) 155

Date of Birth Mar 3, 06

HOMETOWN Stittsville, ON

Favourite NHL Player

Nathan Mackinnon

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken Caesar Salad

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Modern Family

#13 Carter Chadwick #33 Declan Tucker #21 Darren Baker #8 Angus Swick #16 Jayden Lyons #9 Jordan Laroda



WEIGHT (lbs) 150

Date of Birth Jul 24, 07

HOMETOWN Stuttgart, DE

Favourite NHL Player

Auston Matthews

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken, rice & Broccoli

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Top Boy



WEIGHT (lbs) 151

Date of Birth Jun 5, 06


Favourite NHL Player

Brendan Gallagher

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show / Movie Suits



WEIGHT (lbs) 131

Date of Birth Jan 23, 07


Favourite NHL Player

Cole Caufield

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken and Rice

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Grown Ups



WEIGHT (lbs) 165

Date of Birth Nov 10, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Lucas Raymond

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken and rice

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Fresh Prince of Bel Air



WEIGHT (lbs) 138

Date of Birth Sep 12, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Artemi Panarin

Pre-Game Meal

Steak and Pasta

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Pursuit of Happiness



WEIGHT (lbs) 141

Date of Birth Mar 7, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Sidney Crosby

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken Alfredo

Favourite TV Show / Movie


#18 Leonard Ess #19 Mavrick Boucher #15 Riley Madden #10 Rhys Hausz #25 Rasmus Lind #17 Mateo Signoretti



WEIGHT (lbs) 145

Date of Birth Aug 25, 07

HOMETOWN Bowmanville, ON

Favourite NHL Player

Sidney Crosby

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show / Movie




WEIGHT (lbs) 154

Date of Birth Feb 1, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Brad Marchand

Pre-Game Meal

Salmon and Rice

Favourite TV Show / Movie




WEIGHT (lbs) 180

Date of Birth May 17, 05

HOMETOWN Bragg Creek, AB

Favourite NHL Player

Cale Makar

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken and Rice

Favourite TV Show / Movie




WEIGHT (lbs) 177

Date of Birth Feb 21, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Auston Matthews

Pre-Game Meal

Salmon, rice & brocolli

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Rick and Morty



WEIGHT (lbs) 163

Date of Birth Oct 19, 05


Favourite NHL Player

Jacob Markstrom

Pre-Game Meal

Chicken and Pasta

Favourite TV Show / Movie

Last Chance U



WEIGHT (lbs) 130

Date of Birth Aug 27, 06


Favourite NHL Player

Brendan Gallagher

Pre-Game Meal


Favourite TV Show/ Movie


#22 Ryan Leeming #7 Noah Phillippe #11 Sam Gallagher #35 Todd Hiscock #20 Sam Jossinet #6 Zion Thornhill


Our athletes participate in purposeful daily training both on and off the ice. Through tactical and technical teaching, practices are designed for individual skill development. Our philosophy is to provide our athletes with the tools necessary to execute and perform at the highest level possible.

Our belief is that in order to be the best you must surround yourself with the best.


The strength and conditioning component of the program is in partnership with Elite Training Systems. We strongly believe that physical preparation is key to long-term hockey development.

Elite Training Systems is committed to helping all athletes reach their athletic potential. They believe in building well-rounded athletes through education and execution on proper training, nutrition and recovery strategies. All of our programs are progressive and designed on an individualized basis.


At Okanagan Hockey Ontario our primary focus is to promote the longterm development of each of our athletes in the classroom, on the ice, and in the community. Putting young, motivated people in a structured environment, surrounded by a world-class staff and support system, allows us to deliver a consistent message and value system that we feel is imperative to the long term development of our students.

We believe that elite athletes need to be challenged, yet supported, in all aspects of their lives. We hold our student-athletes accountable for their efforts, attention to detail, and above all their attitudes. We have learned through experience that those three key ingredients are keys to future success.

Okanagan Hockey is built on experience, knowledge, passion for our game, and above all, Okanagan Hockey is built on each individual’s mark left behind as they move on to achieve their goals. The commitment to excellence in all areas is what makes Okanagan Hockey Ontario a tremendous opportunity for any young and aspiring hockey player.


The Town of Whitby is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario. The town’s proximity to major 400 series highways provides easy access to many other Canadian destinations, U.S. border crossings, and U.S. interstate highways. Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson International Airport is 63 km away with efficient connections throughout North America and overseas.

Situated on 50 acres of parkland, the Iroquois Park Sports Centre (IPSC) is Canada’s largest municipally owned and operated recreation facility. Inside are six arenas, including a large stadium arena, two pools, banquet and meeting rooms, a pro shop, and elite athletic training facilities. The 250,000-square-foot sports and entertainment facility was voted in the Top 5 “Best Arenas in the GTA” by Toronto Star.


Boosting our players’ hockey IQ is a big part of our daily activities. Our coaches are experts by experience, having played the game at the NHL, Junior, University, National and Olympic levels. Their knowledge of what it takes to go pro and their understanding of the player’s perspective make OHO a unique and standout program.


Okanagan Hockey Ontario will offer a male U18 Prep team for the 2022-23 season. The team will play a 60+ game schedule competing in the Canadian Sport School Hockey League (CSSHL), tournaments and exhibition games.


OHO leads the way in exposure and placement of players to Junior A, WHL and NCAA programs. Our coaches have extensive professional hockey backgrounds that show diversity in their routes to success. As a result, our staff possess a network of contacts that is second to none. Junior and college hockey programs often contact our coaching staff because they value our knowledge, honesty, and integrity.

It is often difficult to decide which path a player should take after graduation. At OHO, we will do everything we can to prepare parents and players for what lies ahead on their athletic journey.

When choosing where a student should play next, we remain impartial in the decision-making process. A hockey player’s future home is a personal decision with financial implications. It is ultimately up to the athlete and their family.


Our athletes who need room and board are billeted among a great group of local families. Our billets provide a safe and supportive environment that our student athletes can call home. We have had great success through our billeting program and feel that it has been an integral part of the growth of our Academy.


Ontario Tusks Baseball Academy

The Ontario Tusks Baseball Academy wants to give kids an opportunity to play baseball at a higher level, an Elite level.

Our development program is based out of Durham Region in Oshawa, Ontario. We strive to work with the boys on their skills and mental attitude towards the game of baseball and to help them develop into better players and good people.

We play every weekend, doubleheaders in Port Hope, Oshawa and throughout Ontario in the summer and fall.

We will be involved in 3-4 tournaments in the summer season. We are currently running our winter program out of Oshawa on Monday, Wednesday, Friday nights and Saturdays.

We run our fitness and batting cages out of Rich Butler’s Line Drive.

The Whitby Eagles

Looking to take your game to the next level Come Soar with the Eagles !!!

Our teams are made up of girls living within Durham Region, and beyond. We train yearround with an emphasis on providing an elite softball experience, professional coaching, mentorship and development, sportsmanship and of course fun. Tournament play, camps and clinics provide both college and professional exposure to all our players.

The Whitby Eagles are proud members of the Provincial Women’s Softball Association and are a founding member of the Central Eastern Women’s Fastpitch League

Our teams play and travel throughout the Greater Toronto Area, across Canada and in the USA to play competitive fastpitch games.

Our season and tournaments begin in February and conclude in August. We regularly have multiple teams participating in Provincial and National championships and have many of our girls playing for Team Ontario, Team Canada, NCAA Division I, II and III in the United States and Canadian Universities and Colleges.

The Eagles are fielding a total of 10 Rep Teams for the 2023 season.

U13 – Team MacIntyre

U13 – Team K. Campbell

U15 T2 – Team Napoleone

U15 T1 – Team Harness

U17 T2 – Team McDonald

U17 T1 Elite – Team Aquanno

U19 T2 – Team Folco

U19 T1 – Team Veerman

Intermediate T2 - Team Post

Intermediate T2 – Team S. Campbell

Follow & Interact with The Whitby Eagles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now

TikTok! 30


Whitby Eagles National Champions:

Bantam (U16) 2003

Midget (U19) 2014

Senior (Open) 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017

Whitby Eagles Eastern Canadian Champions:

Bantam (U16) 2003

Novice (U14) 2008

Midget (U19) 2014

PWSA Senior I Champions: 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016

PWSA Women’s Open Champions: 2017

PWSA Champions:

U10 Tier I – 1996

U10 Tier II – 1997

U12 Tier I – 1998

U12 Tier II – 1997

U14 Tier I - 1999, 2004

U16 Tier 1 – 2021

PWSA B Provincial Champions: U12 2012

CEWFL Championships

2022 Bronze Medalists -U13 Team MacIntyre

2022 Silver Medalists - U19 Team Mackay

2022 Gold Medalists - U15 Team Harness

2022 Gold Medalists - U19 Team Post

We love to hear from players all year round, email us at

For more information or to inquire about spots for the upcoming seasons please reach out anytime.


Just because it’s the winter and we’re not outside on the diamonds, it doesn’t stop our players from wanting to play more softball! Back by overwhelmingly popular demand we are running our Spring 2023 clinics! We had a great turnout during the Winter and Fall Clinics. There was a noticeable improvement in the level of play at the beginning of this past summer season for both House League and Select play, which we credit to many of our players attending the off-season clinics. We are again utilizing the Oshawa Civic Centre, allowing us to accommodate increased numbers of players as well as expand the drills that we can run.

Our Spring Skills clinics will commence in February. These clinics will run for 6 weeks into early April. We will offer specialized clinics for pitching and catching to give players the opportunity to try out these in-demand positions or improve on their current skills. We also run General and Advanced Skills clinics for all players in Mite through Midget divisions, to include beginners new to softball, to give everyone a head start on the summer season.

Of course, all of these clinics are leading up to 2023 summer season. The Whitby Girls Softball Association offers a variety of softball programs for girls from ages 5 to 24.

For our youngest players we offer a Learn to Play and Advanced Learn to play program. The focus is on fun and engagement as players rotate throughout skills centres teaching them different core softball skills.

For those players beyond LTP/ALTP, we offer a full house league program involving weekly games and practices, along with frequent opportunities to use our batting cage facility. The house league season runs from mid-May through mid-August, culminating with playoffs and a banquet.

Finally, for those players looking for more competitive software, the WGSA is pleased to offer our Select program. While players continue to be part of their individual house league teams, they’ll also receive extra weekly practices and the opportunity to play in weekend tournaments against Select teams from other softball organizations across Ontario. The play at this level is faster and more skillful than what is generally found at the House League Level, allowing players to further develop their skills.

For more information about all our off-season clinics as well registering for our upcoming 2023 season, please check our website www. or follow us on social media (Facebook and Instagram) @whitbylightning.

The WGSA strives to offer parents an affordable and enjoyable environment for their child, regardless of skill level. We focus on fun, sociability, physical activity, and skills improvement for all in our community. In addition, while many parents wish to come to the diamond purely as fans, those with the time and interest will find opportunities to participate through scorekeeping, coaching or offering their organizational skills.

Lastly, the success of our program relies heavily on the support of local businesses and organizations who become a sponsor, which allows us to offer a cost-effective sport to local families.

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about being a sponsor for 2023, please contact
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