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Boxing in Quinte - Fighting Covid 19

Powers On Through the Pandemic...Safely!

As society begins to open up a little and adapt to our changing social landscape, people are craving safe avenues to return to sport or to find something to help with their fitness levels. Quinte Bay Boxing is doing their part by getting back to offering programs while prudently adhering to the advice of the local health unit. Warren Hutton says, ”As it stands now, with COVID still an ongoing issue, essentially what we are doing is training while maintaining the directives set out by the local Health Unit and Boxing Ontario. We are in the John Howard Society of Belleville building and they have been extremely supportive of the club.”


The club is taking this time to focus on coaching fundamentals, footwork, defence, combinations, etc. These are things that the members can do on their own, while the coaches supervise. Members are not allowed to spar at this time but skills can be developed and conditioning optimized with the programs being implemented. Hutton says” Before members enter, we first disinfect/sanitize any equipment the members will be using or touching. We have COVID signage and hand sanitizer situated throughout the club. We clean the washroom, doorknobs, etc.” Every precaution is being taken to ensure client and coaches safety in the facility. Hutton goes on to say, “All members are masked and screened before entering the club. Once in, they pick their spot to train, (maintaining required social distancing), and we begin class.” Currently there are two classes. Ladies class at 5:30 -6:30 and Men’s class combined with the competitors training at 7pm-8 pm. Sanitation of the facility occurs from 6:30-7 pm. Hutton says “While the first class is not as challenging as the second class (seeing as the first class is more for fitness than competing), both classes include skipping, a lot of cardio work and strength training. Circuit training goes for a half hour or so, then we turn to fundamentals, bag work and pad work (when allowed). It’s a very intense allround workout, and we expect members to work hard regardless of what class they attend. You have to be fit to fight!”

Hutton concluded, “Quinte Bay Boxing as well as Boxing Ontario take this pandemic very seriously and we strive to keep all our members as safe as possible. COVID does make this difficult but certainly not impossible. In the meantime, QBB is being diligent at keeping our members safe, working hard, fit and ready to go once we get past this COVID pandemic.”

For more information about Quinte Bay Boxing ; 19-21 Wallbridge Cres, Belleville , Ontario Contact Warren Hunton quinte.bay.boxing@hotmail.com (613) 827-0513

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