Wrapupbook shortversion

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Art Colony Association

Art Colony Association EXECUTIVE STATEMENT

Established in 1971, the Art Colony Association (ACA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to producing high quality art festivals and events to provide financial support to local 501(c)3 non-profit programs. Over the past 43 years, the Art Colony Association, producer of Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park in the spring and Downtown Houston in the fall, has raised more than $35 million for local non-profit programs and community organizations. The Festivals are funded in part by grants from the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance. Visit www.bayoucityartfestival.com for more information. Proceeds from the festivals benefit local area Nonprofit Partners. Over the past 43 years, the Bayou City Art Festivals have raised more than $35 million for nonprofit programs. The 2014 partners are: Art League Houston, Bering Omega Community Services, City Artworks, Downtown YMCA, Fotofest, Fresh Arts, Heritage Society, Houston Center for Photography, Lawndale Art Center, Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts (MECA), Memorial Park Conservancy, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), Museum of Cultural Arts, Houston, Orange Show Center for Visionary Art, Workshop Houston , Young Audiences Houston, Lemonade Day, University Of Houston, Clear Lake and Spray Neuter Assistance. 2

Board Of Directors and Staff

Board of Directors and Staff


Nico Whittaker Marina Manuel


Venu Rao

Robin Cavanaugh

Michel Muylle

Karen Campbell

Christina Gorczynski

Art Director



Graphic Design

Vice President

Sponsorship Sales


Creative Zone and Non-Profit John de la Cruz Kerry Jordan Partner Coordinator

Joseph Plumbar Treasurer

Luke Autrey Heidi Armstrong Claire Bond John de la Cruz Marcus Duffel Didi Garza Roland Maldonado, MD Nicola Parente Michael Piana Bart Truxillo EMERITUS Jay Hollyfield Founder

John Daniel Richard Fluhr Nadia Troutenko ART COLONY ASSOCIATION Susan Fowler Executive Director

Kelly Kindred

Director ofOperations

Elena O’Gorman

Director of Marketing

Kia Fleurinord Accountant

Sean Boyd IT Director

Adriana Farias Art Director

Sandy Blum

Grant Coordinator

Claire Bernard Intern


Steve McCurdy Producer

Darrell Rapp

Festival Accounting Manager

Kayler Williams

Concessions Coordinator

Demetria Dixon Artist Relations

Elizabeth Redpath

Volunteer Coordinator

Randy Pee

Beverage Manager

Henry Martinez Chief of Security

Bronwyn Lauder Rachel Hansbro DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Karen Campbell Co-Chair

Didi Garza Co-Chair

Sandy Blum Tom Brents Robin Cavanaugh Susan Fowler Kelly Kindred Kaitlin McLaughlin Paul Pettie Stacey Speier EDUCATION COMMITTEE Venu Rao Chair

Claire Bond Beth Cardono Joey Doyle Adriana Farias Richard Fluhr Carrie Foster Susan Fowler Kelly Kindred Sue Loudis Elena O’Gorman Nicola Parente Mary Paulette Nadia Troutenko Becky Wuerth STEERING COMMITTEE John de la Cruz Chair

Susan Fowler Shannon Gasher Minette Macrae Henry Hunt Michel Muylle Lesleigh Gilmour Brooke Manning Armando Silva


Jack Amschwand Kathleen Ownby Nicola Parente Bart Truxillo Michael Meazell FINANCE COMMITTEE Joseph Plumbar Chair

Kia Fleurinord, Accountant

HEIST COMMITTEE Claire Bond Co-Chair

John de la Cruz Co-Chair

Heidi Armstrong Tina Bomar Sean Boyd Karen Campbell Adriana Farias Susan Fowler Amy Hawk Kelly Kindred John Lopez Elena O’Gorman Alan Mauk Paul Pettie Kelly Reynolds Melissa Seuffert Hannah Thibodeaux Ashley Wyatt Sylvia Walker David Waller Kim Weller Andra White STRATEGIC PLANNING Marcus Duffel Co-Chair

Michael Piana Co-Chair

Venu Rao Co-Chair


Armando Silva Co-Chair

Doug Gilmour Damitra Myles ARTIST SUPPORT Shannon Gasher, Minette Macrae, Denisse Asurmendi Chris Baranowski Margi Bridgewater Douglas Brookover Hebe Brooks Karen Campbell Mark Coyle Scott Early Kate Frost Lillian Garcia Catherine Gonzales Carlos Macias Robin Paoli Richard Paoli Michael Pearson Otise Reed Rhonda Robins Marc Schallert Paul Spana PUBLIC RELATIONS Brittany Zucker

Martini Marketing + Communications

Sara Jackson

Kenektid Public Relations

Tracy Hatfield

Kenektid Public Relations

unLimited STAGE Christine Thompson Producer

Jeremy Parker

J.P.Sound, Austin

SINGLE SOURCE EVENTS Robbie Robinson Tents and Events sse-events.com PRODUCTION OFFICE Art Colony Association

7026 Old Katy Road Suite 221

Houston, Texas 77024



Office: 713-521-0133


Brooke Manning Co-Chair


Festival Overview

Festival Overview


Festival Overview


Daniel Ng Featuired Artist

FEATURED ARTIST Originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, Daniel started his art training as a fine art student at the University of Hawaii. Upon moving to California in 1989, he attended Cypress College in preparation for entry to Art Center College of Design in Pasadena; there he further extended his art training. Daniel has been in Portland, Oregon for 16 years where he currently lives with his wife of 4 years, Sandra Wright. Influenced by the modern masters, Picasso, Matisse, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Chagall, it is his own interpretation of each individual scene that sets his paintings apart from typical

landscape paintings. His unique and vibrant style has been recognized by art aficionados at nationally recognized festivals (as well as his ever-growing client list) from coast-tocoast. Artist Statement: Daniel paints with imagination but not from imagination. Each landscape painting is inspired from an actual place. He creates composition in a simplified form with designs of shapes and patterns found in the natural world. You could speculate his designs are influenced by Fauvism. Daniel is a colorist. With a dry-brush technique, he applies acrylic paints in layers to develop bold vivid colors to bring out eye-catching contrast in his designs. It is his own whimsical interpretation of each individual scene that sets his paintings apart from typical landscape painting. 6

Featuired Artist


Award Winners

Award winners Best in Show - Amber Marshall, Glass Second - Ellie Rusinova & Brandan Styles, Painting and Mixed Media 3D Third - Stephanie Rubiano, Mixed Media 2D Best Booth - Tomas Dumke, Wood MFAH Curatorial Award for Excellence in Glass - Amber Marshall




Matt Adams - President, Visual Arts Alliance (VAA) Luke Autrey - Member, Art Colony Association Board of Directors; Senior Account Executive ABC; Amateur Artist Julie Farr - Executive Director, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft Marissa Hershon - Curatorial Assistant, Decorative Arts and Design, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Nicola Parente - Member, Art Colony Association Board of Directors; Visual Artist Harwood Taylor - Vice President, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art

On Site Festival Judges Tara Conley Joe Aker Trish Matute Angel Quesada Chris Higham Rahul Mitra Tina Zulu Meredith Jack Didi Garza Venu Rao

On Site Festival MFAH Curatorial Award Judges Cindi Strauss Anna Walker Marissa Hershon




John Ho 10


Aaron Hequembourg

Adriana Whitney

Al Clement

Alain Bathelot

Alan Lin

Alberto Toro

Alex Santamarina

Aline Sar

Allison Kallaway-Young

Amanda Armistead Pechacek

Amber Marshall

Amy Dallas

Amy Flynn

Amy Gillespie

Anderson Bailey

Andrew Carson

Andrew Mosedale

Andrew Otis

Andrew Shea

Andrew Van Schyndle

Andy Gonzalez

Angela Fabbri Ball

Angelo Fico

Anita Varadaraju

Anne Cubbage

Anne Gaines

Anne London

Anne Rutt

Annette Scarmardo

April Murphy

Ayala Naphtali

Barbara Lash

Barbara Mason

Barbara Swift

Beau Tudzarov

Bill Wirtel

Bob McNally

Brianna Martray

Bruce Holwerda

Bruce Reinfeld

Bryan Griffith

Bryan Schultz

Bryan Tumlinson

Bud Scheffel

Burkhard Saur

C.J. Bradford

C.L. Cunningham

Cady Watson

Camille Ellington

Carey Adams

Carla Wright

Carlos Montanaro

Carolina Cleere

Caroline Christie

Caroline Viene

Casey Horn



Charles Deckas

Charles St. Charles

Charles Strain

Charles Thomas

Cheryl Acosta

Chris Bruno

Chris Coffey

Christina Smith

Christine Chandler

Christine Hartsock

Christopher Smith

Christopher Wheeler

Chung Hu

Cigdem Yerli

Clare Malloy

Clare Pousson

Cliff Matyszczyk

Clifford Lounsbury

Clifton Henri

Cory Cannella

Craig McMillin

Cynthia Broom

Dale Martin

Dale Rogers

Dani Arrecis

Daniel Horne

Daniel McKenna

Daniel Ng

Danny Young

Daryl Thetford

Dave Piper

David Boone

David Conn

David Fernandez

David Gordon

David Nelson

David O’neal

David Switzer

Dehanna Jones

Denise Greenwood Loveless

Dianne & Chuck Geier

Dolan Geiman

Douglas Fulks

Dylan Engler

Ed Bladen

Edward Holland

Elaine Lanoue

Ella Richards

Ellie Rusinova

Eric Lee

Eric Mort

Eric Ober

Erica Zap

Erik Saulitis

Erika Bell

Erin Curry



Erin Hanson

Estella Fransbergen

Eva Letts

Faith Wickey

Fortune Sitole

Fred Conlon

Fred Fisher

Fred Mertz

Fred Tate

Gary Stretar

Gena Ollendieck

Gene Swensen

George Coll

Grant Manier

Greg Barnes

Greg Little

Greg Robertson

Gregg Rasmusson

Gregory Arth

Gregory Dennis

Guiteau Lanoue

Haley Lebeuf

Hanan Ingel

Harold Siefert

Harry Roa

Heiko Wiener

Helene Little

Helma Mezey

Hetty & Norman Metzger

Hilary Hachey

Holly Foss

Holt Lewis

Horace Thomas

Huixiong Fong

Hweihwei Brown

Inna Miller

Irena Saparnis

Iris Fragoso

Iris Mansard

Jacqui Uza

James Hill

James Offeman

James Perry

Jan Mayer

Janet Chico

Janet Mesic-Mackie

Janice Ho

Jason Hooper

Jason Stoddart

JD Dennison

Jeannie Maddox

Jeff Hamachek

Jeff Leedy

Jeffery Cannon

Jeffrey Nelson

Jennifer and Joseph Worth



Jennifer Ardolino

Jennifer Cavan

Jennifer Romero

Jeremy Griffith

Jesper Johansen

Jill Schienle

Jill Tortorella

Jim Newbury

Jimmy Ellis

Jimmy McDonald

Joachim Knill

Joan Klasson

Joel Hunnicutt

Joey Blazek

Johanna Mueller

John Booth

John Deveer

John Fesken

John Fields

John Ha

John McDonald

John McMurry

John Sim

Jolyn Hecht

Jon Labass

Jon Thompson

Joseph Galvan

Joshua Duncan

Julia Groos

Julio Garcia

Kari Stringer

Kate Beck

Katherine Goulandris

Katherine Worthington

Kathleen Willer

Kathrine Allen Coleman

Kathy Womack

Kavan Geary

Keith Bradley

Kenneth Hudson

Kenneth Smith

Kevin DesPlanques

Kevin Harrington

Kevin Smith

Khrystyna Balushka

Kimber Fiebiger

Kowit Jitpraphai

Kreg Yingst

Kristin Wornson

Kurt McCracken

Kyle Osvog

Lance Heddan

Lance Munn

Larry East

Larry Smith

Laura Junge



Leah Dziewit

Lee Alice Pablo

Leniska Curtis

Lewis Tardy

Libby Ganong

Lily Taylor

Linda Tillman

Linda Wagner

Lindsay Field

Lisa Cimino

Lisa Gastelum

Lisa Loudermilk

Lisa Norris

Lisa Suarez

Lisa Telling Kattenbraker

Lisa Toland

Liv Colbert

Liza Liftee

Lori Betz

Lotus Bermudez

Lou Hii

Lou Michaels

Louis Gonzalez

Lucia Friedericy

Luke Proctor

Lynn Langhoff


Marek Majewski

Margo Stamp

Marie Rust

Marilyn Endres

Marina Terauds

Marirosa Hofmann

Marjolyn Van Der Hart

Marjorie Rawson

Mark & Julie Glocke

Mark Driscoll

Mark Mohrenweiser

Mark Orr

Marla Duran

Marvin Blackmore

Mary Distefano-Jarowitz

Mary Filapek

Matthew Hatala

Matthew Hyner

Maureen Roberts

Mayauel Ward

Melissa Dominiak

Melissa Schmidt

Meyer Abrams

Michael Bryant

Michael Ezzell

Michael Gard

Michael Hamilton

Michael Madzo

Michael Paglia



Michael Protiva

Michael Stephens

Michael Thiele

Michael Vagner

Micheal Paul Cole

Michele Eigler

Miguel Viniegra

Mike Bose

Mikel Robinson

Mimi Damrauer

Mitch Darte

Mitchell Berg

Molly Barnes

Molly Dingledine

Molly Lipsher

Molly Strader

Monika Pate

Morgan Van horn

Mychal Mitchell

Nesto Yulfo

Nichole Walch

Nick Molignano

Olive Kraus

Pamela Blaies

Patty Schwegmann

Paul Gillam

Paul Pearman

Paul Sanchez

Paul Willsea

Paula Sparks

Peg Martinez

Pen Morrison

Phil Kutno

Phillip Hall

Pyper Hugos

Rachel David

Rachell Henne

Ralph Parker

Randal Spangler

Randy Bryant

Randy O’Brien

Renee Dinauer

Rex Nockengust

Reza Pishgahi

Richard McCollum

Richard Ryan

Richard Wilson

Rick Loudermilk

Rita Kirkman

Robert Wilhelm

Robin Lauersdorf

Roderick Stevens

Roger Disney

Roger Mathews

Rommel Ricaurte

Ron & Christine Sisco



Ronald Linton

Ronia Grillos

Ross De La Garza

Russell Grace

Sally J. Bright

Sally Wade

Sam Jones IV

Sam Stang

Samuel Yao

Santana Draper

Sarah Bean

Sarah Hassler

Scott Gamble

Scott Olson

Scott Swezy

Scott Williams

Sean Hill

Seth Vandable

Shae Skidmore

Shanni Renay

Sharon Johnston

Sharon Spillar

Sheldon Ganstrom

Sherri Jones

Sheryl McDonald

Shirley De’Vard

Signe Grushovenko

Sompit Xia

Spirit & Samuel Bush

Stan Allen

Stan Megdall

Stanley Scott

Stephanie Rubiano

Stephen Brehm

Steve Keating

Steve Malavolta

Steve Palmer

Steve Smith

Steven Graber

Steven Malone

Steven Potts

Steven Robowski

Su Abbott

Sue Mersman

Suely Lohr

Susan Clayton

Suzette Schutze

Suzie Baker

Syd Moen

Tai Poon

Talley Starbird

Tanya Doskova

Tate Hamilton

Terrell Powell

Thomas Andrew

Thomas Dumke



Thomas Irven

Thomas Stotts

Tiffany Ownbey

Tim Peters

Timothy Lockwood

Timothy Sullivan

Todd Alexander

Todd Cameron

Tom Beach

Tom Snyder

Tom Walsh

Tony & Gretchen Schartz

Tra Slaughter

Veronica Sandoval

Vic Lee

Vicky Kokolski

Victor Edwards

Victor Gonzalez

Victoria Varga

Wayne Tortorella

Wayne Trinklein

Weldon Lee

Will Armstrong

Will Grant

William Cowherd

Wiwat Kamolpornwijit

Xavier Nuez

Yan Inlow

Yan Lee

Young Joo Yoo

Zhiyi Li















The name says burgers, but that doesn’t quite cover this Houston favorite. Bernie’s Burger Bus hand-grinds the burgers using a custom blend of choice cuts of meats. Their condiments are homemade from scratch, in small batches with fresh ingredients. Buns are baked fresh daily by a local artisan baker. Signature Dish: Salvador Dali Burger Burger Topped with a House made Salsa Verde, Chipotle Aioli, Pepper Jack Cheese, Lettuce, Garlic Roasted Tomatoes and Crispy Tortilla Chips. @BerniesBurgers • bernie’sburgerbus.com



COREANOS Perfect harmony in mixing the savory taste of Korean BBQ with the familiar flavors of Mexican cuisine. Signature Dish: Francisco Toledo Burrito @Coreanoshtx • houston.coreanostx.com Coreanos food truck seeks to find the

THE GOLDEN GRILL Houston’s original grilled cheese truck. It takes the classic sandwich beyond just bread and cheese and puts this childhood favorite into gourmet category. Signature Dish: Vincent Van Gouda Grilled Cheese Grilled Cheese with smoked Gouda and bacon jam @goldengrillhtx • goldengrillhtx.com The Golden Grill food truck sets claims as 20


HAPPY ENDINGS ASIAN FUSION Throw in fusion fries or homemade egg-rolls made from the owner’s grandma’s recipe or a barbecue pork bun to round out the meal. Signature Dish: Sculpture of David Dog @happyendingsHTX • happyendingsHTX.com Happy Endings takes the idea of a dog and a bun to a whole new level by using 100% beef premium hot dogs served on Hawaiian-steamed rolls baked daily. Providing a dog for every kind of taste bud, the truck recently added taco baos which are served in a soft clamshell bun, steamed or fried.


Loaded with toppings like in-house marinated Korean BBQ ribeye, the truck’s signature Kimchi made by Chef Pak, onions, aioli, and cheese options, like provolone or the always popular “wiz”. Signature Dish: Andy Warhog Cheesesteak Marinated pork cheesesteak @koagiehots • koagiehots.com Hoagie Hots is a Korean influenced food truck serving cheesesteaks, hot dogs and a unique spin on the “korn” dog. Koagie’s serves fresh French baguettes











Omar López, one of Austin’s top string musicians, walks the line between the classical and pop world and has shared the stage with artists such as Jose Feliciano, Enrique Iglesias, Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday (“Dreamgirls”), and 80s rock icons Cyndi Lauper and Pat Benatar. He has also performed in venues from Beirut, Lebanon to Beijing, China with Spanish guitarist BENISE.


Houston’s own Shawn Pander was a 2006 Grand Prize Winner in The John Lennon Songwriting Contest. He penned Notes from Hoover Street in Los Angeles, then recorded it in Austin with acclaimed producer/saxophonist, Carlos Sosa (Jason Mraz, Kelly Clarkson, Adam Levine) Shawn evokes shades of Dire Straits, James Taylor and Patsy Kline, and treads a fine line between vintage jazz, country and blues.


Margo Rey, wife of comedian Ron White, has charted three hits: Habit (Remixes) which broke into the Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs Chart, “Let The Rain” A “Hot Shot Debut” which remained on the Charts for 21 weeks, and “Between Us,” which climbed to #21 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary Chart. Margo, a breast cancer survivor, is the national spokesperson for “Brides Against Breast Cancer.”


Lauren collaborated with Carrie Underwood and can be seen singing next to her in the movie “Soul Surfer. Her single “Hurt,” was nominated for Best Pop Song in the Hollywood Music in Media Awards and was placed on TV’s Oxygen Network, earning her first radio play in New York, Canada. “Hurt” claimed the number one spot on Austin’s KAZI for over six weeks in a row. 24



Reno Perez is a versatile South Texas Bluesman. He’s a classically trained Mariachi, and routinely crosses all genres, transitioning from Blues to Latin, Jazz and Mariachi. Deftly fusing cultures and genres, he blithely colors outside the lines. Reno has toured with Country great Johnny Rodriguez, and shared the stage with Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, and Blues icons Bobby Blue Bland and Pinetop Perkins.


Four-time grammy nominated Marcia Ball has won a total of nine Blues Music Awards (BMA’s) including the Pinetop Perkins Piano Player of the Year and received the 2013 Living Blues Readers’ Award. She has won three 2012 Living Blues Readers’ Awards, and was inducted into the Gulf Coast Hall of Fame in 2010 and into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame in 2012.

SOUL SUPPORTERS FEATURING BARBARA LYNN The Soul Supporters were voted “Best Soul Band” of 2013 on Austin music website Sonic. They will be backing Barbara Lynn. Her first single, “You’ll Lose A Good Thing”, co-written by her and Meaux, was recorded at Cosimo Matassa’s J&M studio with session musicians including Mac Rebennack (Dr. John). Released by Jamie Records, it was a number 1 US Billboard R&B chart hit and Top 10 Billboard Hot 100 hit in 1962. The song was later recorded by Aretha Franklin and became a country hit record for Freddy Fender. Lynn also released an album, also titled You’ll Lose A Good Thing, which featured ten of her compositions.


Hell Bent is an all star fusion band featuring grammy winner Johnny Nicholas, Asleep at The Wheel’s original vocalist, and five-time grammy winner Cindy Cashdollar, steel guitar hall of famer, The list of artists each individual in the band has played with, opened for, backed up and recorded with is shockingly comprehensive, and reads like a who’s who of the contemporary music world. 25

Art Heist

Art Heist


Art Heist

Thank you to the Art Heist: Radiant Orchid Thief Sponsors: A&E - The Graphics Complex Baccarat brown Carrabba's Italian Grill Comerica Bank Costco CRISP Daniel Ng Gibson Landscaping Girls Only The Secret Comedy of Women Grace's Harmony Electric Company High Gloss Hollywood Frame Gallery Houston Grand Opera Innovative Images IW Marks Jewelers Jackson and Company JNS Diamond Imports Karem Munoz - K. Renee Salon, Spas and Studio Kroger Lawn Barber Masterson Designs Mike Piana Piatto Ristorante Rainbow Lodge Sam's Sheraton Suites Houston Single Source Events Stella & Dot TDECU Trader Joe's

Proceeds from the Art Heist: Radiant Orchid Thief benefit the Art Colony Association and its Nonprofit Partners: Art Colony Association City Artworks Fotofest Fresh Arts Heritage Society Houston Center for Photography (HCP) Lemonadeday.org Memorial Park Concervancy Multicultural Education and Counceling Through the Arts (MECA) Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH) Spay-Neuter Assistance Program Steam Education Initiatives Tellepsen Family Downtown YMCA The Orange Show Center for Visionary Arts Young Audiences of Houston Art Colony Association (ACA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to produce high quality art festivals. The aim of these festivals is to provide financial support to local nonprofit organizations and generate year-round revenue for artists creating master works in their medium. Funding for the art festivals is provided in part by grants from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance, corporate sponsorships, private contributions, in-kind support and volunteer assistance.


Art Heist


Art Heist


Art Heist

Donating Artists Alberto Toro

Anne London Amy Flynn

Annette Scarmardo Amy Gillespie

Bryan Tumlinson

Anita Varadaraju

Dolan Geiman

Chris Wheeler

Bruce Holwerda

Daryl Thetford

Fred Fisher

David Conn

Gary Stretar

Ella Richards Elaine Lanoue

Grant Manier

Fred Conlon

Helene Little

Greg Little Heather Fields Guiteau Lanoue


Harold Siefert

Hudson River Inlay

Art Heist

Jill Tortorella

Josh Duncan

Johanna Mueller

James Offeman

Kevin DesPlanques

John Booth

Khrystyna Balushka

Kenneth Hudson


Linda Wagner

Marie Rust

Lucia Friedericy

Michael Protiva Marjolyn van der Hart

Rita Kirkman Paul Sanchez

Samuel Yao

Robin Lauersdorf Robert Wilhelm

Sean Hill Earrings

Steven Potts Steven Graber

Roger Disney

syd moen

Roger Mathews

Tra Slaughter

Tanya Doskova Tate Hamilton


Volunteers and Community Partners

Volunteers And Community Partners


Volunteers and Community Partners


Sponsor Acknowledgements & Community Partners VOLUNTEERS

• 560 total volunteer shifts covered throughout the festival. • 8 Nonprofit Partners contributed over 200 volunteers for their Creative Zone activities. • Over 300 volunteers staffed markets, check-ins, festival entry, and artist relief. • 360 total shifts with a duration of 4.5 hours. 200 total Creative Zone shifts with a duration of 3.5 hours. Estimated total donated time: over 2320 hours. • Volunteer time valued at: $52,316. (Volunteer rate estimated at $22.55/hour in 2013)


Kroger • Over 1400 artists Lemonade Day.org registered for jury Memorial Park consideration in Concervancy festival. Microsoft • 430 artists on Mountain Dew display from 38 Museum of Fine states and Canada. Arts, Houston • 308 artists from (MFAH) outside of Texas; The Naked Grape 122 Texas artists. The New York Times SPONSORS Northwest Mall (listed Alphabetically) Orange Show Center Advantage BMW for Visionary Arts Midtown Parks Department Art Colony Association (City of Houston) AT&T Digital Life PODS Moving and Storage Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Renewal by Anderson Bayou City Robust Energy Drink Bike Barn Single Source Events City of Houston Sonesta Collection Club Wyndham Stell a Artios Deep Eddy Vodka Sweat Leaf Iced Teas Fast Frame Texas Monthly Green Mountain Energy TMS Transportation Hampton Inn Verizon Wireless Houston Arts Alliance The Wall Street Journal Houston Chronicle Waste Management Icelandic Glacial Jackson and Company William Winery Hill Estate KHOU11 Yelp 33

2014 Nonprofit Partners

2014 Nonprofit Partners • City Artworks • Fotofest • Fresh Arts • Heritage Society • Houston Center for Photography (HCP) • LemonadeDay.org • Memorial Park Conservancy • Multicultural Education and Counceling Through the Arts (MECA) • Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH) • Spay-Neuter Assistance Program • STEAM Education Initiatives • Tellepsen Family Downtown YMCA • The Orange Show Center for Visionary Art • Young Audiences of Houston







Educational Outreach

Educational Outreach


Educational Outreach


Children’s Creative Zone

Children’s Creative Zone Tellepsen Family Downtown YMCA encouraged creation of the perfect art festival accessory with Spangles That Dangle! Children selected from an exciting assortment of beads and pendants to construct Bayou City keepsakes. Young Audiences of Houston volunteers helped kids tell their stories with dots in an activity called Aboriginal Dot Paintings. The craft simulates a style of art that uses dots to form images like animals and symbols. LemonadeDay.org taught children to be entrepreneurs with big dreams. Children helped run the lemonade stand and learned to use a Point of Sale called Square. One of their founders, Lisa Holthouse, signed and sold the book she co-wrote with Bill Megenheardt, “It All Started With a Turtle”. Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH) offered a craft called Linguist Staffs. In some cultures these messenger sticks were intended to remind the holders of basic values and morals and thus prevent power from going to people’s heads. Fotofest helped children create Custom Frames to hold their future photographic artwork. City Artworks volunteers used colorful pipe cleaners and supplies to help kids build any kind of Creative Critters their imaginations could dream up. University of Houston - Clear Lake Art Gallery brought an exciting activity called Printmaking to inspire and educate our youth. Orange Show brought their magnificent Art Bus, where kids can climb aboard and create, what else? Art Cars! The Orange Show volunteers supplied all of the little pieces needed for kids to make their own versions of the wild and crazy cars.


Children’s Creative Zone


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