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Living Life Lovingly
Fall in Love with Life
THESE DAYS I HAVE LOVE ON MY MIND. IN PART IT IS because February, the month society gives special attention to love, is quickly approaching. Without question love is on my mind as it reflects my thoughts of what I feel is greatly needed in the world. This is not to overlook the other things we need like social justice, advocacy, positive action, understanding and genuine respect for others. We live in a world at a time when social unrest, political violence, fiscal uncertainties, educational matters, and healthcare disparities have disrupted our joy and compromised our sense of peace. Now more than ever we need to consider the many reasons and ways to love and be intentional about our expressions of love. This time of the year we see and hear a lot about love. The presence of love is seen and felt through commercialized promotions. I am of the mindset to love and be loved is one of the greatest emotions we can possess and needs to be celebrated every day. My idea is to fall in love with life and live it lovingly.
In my opinion living life lovingly encompasses all forms of love whether it is universal love or love of mankind; love of friends or equals; committed, long, lasting love; self-love; unconditional love; love of parents for children; playful, flirtatious love; and perhaps the most discussed this time of the year, romantic or passionate love. We show love through our verbalizations, behaviors, time, interest, physical affection, and gift giving (I believe love is a priceless gift more precious than anything one can buy). Living Life Lovingly means to know that you are loved and to consciously internalize and put into action what you are. Love, although complex and at times complicated, is empowering, energizing, and exciting. Experiencing love can provide one with feelings of hope, motivation, inspiration, and liberation. Giving and receiving love positively impacts our attitude, our relationships, our perspective on life and enhances our overall wellbeing. To live lovingly does not mean a life without problems. It means you are able to let go of resentment, seek reconciliation when appropriate, forgive when possible, accept when able and work towards a solution. When you live life in a loving manner, you experience joy and strength inside of you allowing you to spring into action to overcome challenge, imperfections, disappointment, setbacks, physical hurt, and emotional despair. Ideally love transcends socioeconomics, race, ethnicity, nationality, politics, and religion. Living lovingly means honoring the worth and dignity of each person. February is a good time for all of us to look to love.
Dr. Maya Angelou once wrote, “Success is loving life and daring to live it. Live life as though life was created for you.” Suggested ways to successfully live life lovingly – develop a mindset of living to love and loving to live. Create a life you love and be happy. February is the second month of the year, so ease into the new year with love. Beautiful things happen in life when you distance yourself from negative things. In 2023 make a commitment to love your life, ensure the positive takes over the negative, allow compassion to override criticism and take steps daily to improve your physical and mental wellness. Savor experiences shaped by love. Be mindful, love knows no boundaries, broaden your definition of love, and embrace those unlike yourself with authenticity. Many of us have been taught to love our neighbors as we love ourselves and to love others as brothers and sisters. We need to ask ourselves if we really put this into practice. Be a demonstrator of love. Invest your love in those you love and those in need of love. Select times in your life outside of February for caring and sharing.
February, the shortest month of the year, is a month packed with so much life. According to Mahatma Gandhi, where there is love there is life. During the month of February, the nation commemorates Black History Month, observes National Freedom Day, Random Act of Kindness Day, Presidents Day, Children’s Mental Health Week and acknowledges the religious holidays of Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday. Mid-way through the month on February 14th the nation celebrates Valentine’s Day. When February rolls around we must take measures to feel the pulse of the month after all it is heart health month or National Wear Red Day. It has been said love is when one’s heart can feel the soul of another. Living life lovingly encourages us to create the life we love while opening ourselves to the lives of others. In this vein it allows our heart to feel the soul of another. Living life lovingly may seem idyllic to some and a lofty undertaking to others. Most regardless of who they are, where they are from, how they vote, what language they speak, how old they are will agree that they have a desire to love and to be loved. Living life lovingly is a tall order. For most (present company included) there is a lot of work to do. It requires planning, self-evaluation, reflection, values clarification, advocacy, stepping outside of one’s comfort zone and love. Living life lovingly breaks down the barriers blocking racial healing, religious reconciliation, and political resolutions. It affords us the energy to build bridges figuratively and literally between communities, especially to those whom society excludes. Through love we can conquer and achieve many things. I feel like falling in love with life, how about you? May we all feel love because we love and are loved.
For more information on counseling and outreach services contact Dr. Beatrice Tatem at Wellness Initiatives, LLC, 2485 Tower Drive, Suite 10 Monroe, La 71201, 318-410-1555 or at btatem.bt@gmail.com.