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ULM Alums: Dr. Matt Sanderson & Merion Spence Sanderson

MATT AND MERION SANDERSON BELIEVE IN ULM and investing in one’s community. Born and raised in Ouachita Parish, Matt Sanderson attended West Monroe High School before graduating from Calhoun High School. Matt chose ULM because of its proximity to home, only 14 short miles. He planned on becoming a dentist and was impressed with ULM’s School of Health Sciences. After one year as a commuter student, Matt moved on campus and immersed himself in campus life which included serving as vice president and then president of Student Government Association, pledging Kappa Sigma, and being a ULM Cheerleader. Matt relished the diverse campus culture and developed strong relationships with his peers and ULM mentors like Dr. Charlie McDonald. At the end of Matt’s junior year, right before Christmas break, he attended a campus party and met a fun and “sassy” girl named Merion, then a ULM freshman. The couple met up again at spring registration and arranged to take an Etymology class together and began dating soon after.


After graduating from River Oaks High School, Merion chose ULM for the health sciences as well. Since her father was a physician, Merion knew she wanted to pursue the medical field and was intrigued by the ULM nursing program. Her mentors Dr. Beryl Franklin, Professor Emeritus of Biology; Dr. Nancy Albright Lowery who taught neurology; and Bernadine Adams who taught obstetrics and reproductive health - they all impressed upon Merion the nuances of healthcare and the importance of the patient. Merion pledged Kappa Delta and was a ULM Cheerleader. Merion was a member of the Student Nursing Association and NLU 31 (now called 31 Ambassadors). When Merion graduated from ULM’s School of Nursing three years later, she took a job in labor and delivery at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, the same city where Matt was in dental school. Since Charity was a teaching hospital for indigent populations, the nurses worked closely with residents and medical students. When Matt graduated from the LSU School of Dentistry the following year and moved back home, Merion stayed behind in New Orleans, anxious to continue her work at Charity thanks to a new promotion.

Matt and Merion married, settled in Monroe, and had 4 children in a span of 7 years. Dr. Sanderson opened Apple Dental in 1991.

As owner, Dr. Sanderson is committed to promoting dental health and improving smiles in our community. Dr. Sanderson relished fatherhood, coaching soccer and baseball during Ladd, Ty, McKenna, and Sophee’s developing years. Meanwhile, Merion devoted herself full time to motherhood, substitute teaching at the children’s schools and across Monroe City. Six years ago, Merion began volunteering at the Children’s Coalition and eventually was hired as an Adolescent Health Instructor. She visits Monroe City junior high schools to educate students about anatomy, physiology, and other health topics pertaining to teenagers.. Her time at ULM has come full circle, as ULM nursing students attend her school presentations as part of their public health rotations. Merion insists this work with young people is the most fulfilling of her career and that Monroe City parents and students are lucky to have this program through the Children’s Coalition.

Now, Dr. Matt Sanderson serves on the ULM Athletic Foundation and the ULM Foundation Board. He loves learning the business side of running his alma mater. Always having a passion for architecture, Matt has worked on developing two subdivisions and the riverfront, along with restoring the Gardens at Georgia Tucker. While Merion works on equipping our young people with the health knowledge to thrive, Matt invests in the beautification efforts of this community. The couple enjoys traveling and spending time on the bayou. Matt and Merion’s adult children live and work close to home. Their oldest son Ladd is a Private Client Banker at Chase Bank in Jackson, Mississippi. Ty is an attorney at Durrett Law & Title in Monroe. McKenna is in PA school in New Orleans and Sophee is in Baton Rouge pursuing a masters in Public Relations.

The Sandersons are a prime example of ULM’s potential and promise to educate and grow this community one student at a time. Aside from the university’s economic impact on Monroe and surrounding communities, the institution’s continual investments in this region, particularly in the field of health sciences, showcase the bright future of Monroe and its residents. The Sanderson’s mantra is “Bloom where you’re planted,” and their commitment to ULM and this community is its testament.

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