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Calendar of Events

I REMEMBER how scarce the news was during the years of the World War II battles that took place in Europe and in the Pacific. Today we are accustomed to almost immediate reports of significant events via TV or the internet – of course, neither of these was around in the earlyto-mid 1940’s. Our access to the earliest news of the nation and of the world was limited primarily to the radio. So, it was not unusual for our family to gather around the radio when it was time for the evening news. How different are things today!

Now, when something significant happens anywhere in the world, we are informed immediately, and often we can even see the news as it is taking place.


One of the prime sources of the radio news was the reporting, often from the scene, of the CBS newscaster, Edward R. Murrow. He became well-known for his work during the German bombing raids on London. Each evening he would grab our attention with his deep voice and his introductory words, “This is London.” Then he would proceed to describe, in graphic style, what was happening in Europe. One could almost hear the bombs exploding and see the resultant fires that burned in that city. In that time in our nation’s history, we were so proud of those men and women who were risking everything for the preservation of freedom, soldiers who are now viewed as “the Greatest Generation.” All of us can be thankful that we live in a nation that produced such awesome and brave individuals. And dare we anticipate, and even pray, that there is still the hope and the possibility that generations to come will exhibit that same character, that same decency that has always been present in many Americans.

Despite disparaging remarks that one may sometimes hear relative to the character of the United States of America, I believe that history will show that the sacrificial spirit of her citizens is unparalleled when compared to all other nations. God has blessed us and has made the U.S. a blessing to many whose liberties were being threatened. One can be proud to be an American!

Having said that, it should be acknowledged that the U.S. is not without her faults. We can and should get better. Nevertheless, where else in this world are immigrants flooding any other nation’s borders, anxious to find a better life. Daily thousands of illegal aliens cross our southern border, aided by the Cartels who are getting rich in the process. This, of course, is in addition to those who lawfully seek entry to this country. America is a place of hope for the hopeless.

The United States has been good in the way our nation has been benevolent to other nations, and our country has also shown a caring, compassionate heart toward her needy citizens. Entitlements and welfare programs are funded by a significant percentage of our federal budget and provide assistance for things like health care, housing, education, food, transportation, and various forms of aid for children. In addition to governmental help, there is also aid provided by Christian charities and other benevolent organizations that have been established to provide help for the less fortunate.

This month, as we celebrate our nation’s birthday, let us give thanks for the benefits we have received because, in God’s good Providence, we were born in the U.S.A. There is no other place that I would rather call home, no other place in which I would rather live than America.

Could all of us, then, who are people of faith join together and pray again, “God bless America!”

article by PAUL LIPE opinion expressed is that of the writer

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