22 minute read

n a world inundated with minimalist décor trends—clutter-free spaces, neutral tones, functionality over style, and accessorizing with restraint—one Rayville resident is going rogue and filling her crisp-white, southern, Acadian-style home with opulence in color and texture. With such a traditional exterior, walking into the home of Sharon Heath is a jolt to the senses, akin to Dorothy opening that door and stepping into a wondrous land of color, in combinations most homeowners might shy away from. Some call Heath brave for living in such bright pigments, but her motivation and inspiration have been what we should all aspire to breathe into our own lives—the primal, God-given need to express our authentic selves, completely and unapologetically.
Sharon and husband Tyler Heath grew up in the area; she was raised in Start and he in Rayville. The couple began as high school sweethearts and married young, moving their lives to Jackson, Mississippi, where Tyler worked as a respiratory therapist while pursing a doctorate in dentistry. There, Sharon was managing a couple of boutiques, gaining a stronger foundation of color and texture combinations. As if preparing for her dream home, the pair would antique shop fervently, storing pieces of furniture away. “We’re pretty traditional people, so we knew what kind of home we’d eventually like to have.” On her 30th birthday, her hubby gave her papers to the three acres that would become their forever
Ihome. A serene plot facing the majesty of the bayou is what they have been waking up to now for close to sixteen years. While the house was built by BRACO Construction Co. some parts of the building process were a little more intimate. The shutters on the front porch were built by her father-in-law Tom Heath and the white shutters inside of the foyer and den were from the Women’s Ministry Union Building, affiliated with First Baptist Church of Rayville, a building dating to 1927 and later renovated in the early 90s. “That is something I have tried to fill my home with over the years. I love art and furniture that may tell a story or has special meaning,” she says. “Obviously, I love textures,” Sharon laughs as she glances around her dining room filled with pops of bright shades streaming from walls, furniture, paintings, and an impressive collection of uniquely created ceramic pieces by the talented “Seedsters” from the Mustard Seed, a Christian community for adults with developmental disabilities based in Brandon, Mississippi. Ironically, Sharon doesn’t usually wear a lot of bright clothing, but she dresses her home with it. “My eyes are just drawn to color,” she says. In her home, a variety of hues compel the senses, beginning with her walls which are a delightful pea green. “It goes year-round with everything,” she says, but most importantly it makes her happy. One of her first color influencers was a designer from Neiman Marcus who visited the boutique she worked for at the time. He would take the weekend to decorate the windows, changing the palette and aesthetic given the season. “I learned

COLOR THEORY: Accent pieces in the living room include two custommade, bright pink upholstered lounge chairs and a vintage, lightchartreuse green upholstered loveseat.

AT RIGHT: A collection of MacKenzie Childs’ black and white checkered ceramics inhabit the dining room’s wide bookcase hutch and kitchen area, along with uniquely created ceramic pieces by the talented “Seedsters” from the Mustard Seed, a Christian community for adults with developmental disabilities based in Brandon, Mississippi. BOTTOM PAGE: A natural attraction to a variety of shades and tones will usually lend itself to art. The Heath’s home and a hallway adjacent to the dining room and kitchen, have walls brimming from top to bottom with a gleeful assortment of art of all sizes.
a lot with him because I did not go to school to be a decorator,” she says, though she confesses that as a child when her parents left her home alone, they’d come back to a completely rearranged home, compliments of a restless impulse and a creative mind that would forever have an instinct for design. “I loved to play house,” she adds, taking a pause to remember a quote by Iris Apfel, American interior designer and color queen: “When we were small children we all played dress-up and everybody had a good time. So why stop?” That childlike fancy has translated to having dishes out at the ready (as if a party could be in tow at any given moment) and decorating the space with other beautifully designed dinnerware.“I love MacKenzie-Childs,” she says pointing to the black and white checkered ceramics inhabiting the dining room’s wide bookcase hutch and kitchen area.
A natural attraction to a variety of shades and tones will usually lend itself to art. “Whenever we go on a trip, I always look for a local gallery with local artists,” Sharon says proudly, taking me to a small hallway adjacent to the dining room and kitchen, whose walls are brimming from top to bottom with a gleeful assortment of art of all sizes. “This is from an artist in Florida. This is from an artist in Mississippi,” she pauses at each allowing them to be rightfully admired. She stops at a portrait of a young girl with bubble-wide eyes. “She has an interesting story,” she says, referring to the artist. In the heat of battling cancer, Lila Graves went to Mexico to die. There, she occupied her time by street painting. Months went by, and she realized, “I’m not dying.” Heath pauses to reflect on the tale before joyfully continuing to point out pieces as she name-drops states from other past artistic hauls: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia.
Accumulating home furnishing has been Sharon’s specialty and one that is best admired in the piano room. The cozy space located close to the entryway is hallmarked by bright tan walls with a light-green undertone

TRANQUIL SPACE: Unlike the rest of the home, the only room that is understated is the one made for winding down, the couple’s bedroom. The neutral tones include the greyish-taupe walls, eggshellwhite headboard and wall-length curtains, and elegant dark gray, Bella Notte bedding.
and features a wood piano adorned with family pictures, a velvet, forest green sofa, and a whitewashed brick fireplace decorated with whimsical figurines by Moni McKee of Sharon’s favorite animal, the bunny. The color combinations crescendo at the living room, where a number of pastel hues mingle with bright bursts of lime green, canary yellow, and guava pink. Sharon often gets asked whether her husband minds the pink. “He does not mind at all,” she asserts. “His mother decorated with pastels.” Accent pieces in the living room include two custom-made, bright pink upholstered lounge chairs and a vintage, light-chartreuse green upholstered loveseat.
Unlike the rest of the home, the only room that is understated is the one made for winding down, the couple’s bedroom. The neutral tones include the greyish-taupe walls, eggshell-white headboard and wall-length curtains, and elegant dark gray, Bella Notte bedding. At the foot of the bed two antique lounge chairs with chocolatebrown fabric and leaf cut-outs complete the softspoken, leisurely feel Sharon was envisioning for the end of her day.

OUTDOOR HAVEN: Another kick-back area of the home is the backyard, an idyllic panorama of the bayou, manicured lawn, clusters of beautiful Sweet Drift rose bushes, and a few patio sectionals to mellow out and enjoy the majesty of nature. A grand outdoor brick fireplace stands among their outdoor haven, where during cool evenings, the family tends to congregate to make campfire favorites like s’mores and hot dogs.

Another kick-back area of the home is the backyard, an idyllic panorama of the bayou, manicured lawn, clusters of beautiful Sweet Drift rose bushes, and a few patio sectionals to mellow out and enjoy the majesty of nature like their grand outdoor brick fireplace where, particularly during cool evenings, the family tends to congregate to make campfire favorites like s’mores, which is a “big deal” for them, and hot dogs. The pool area is naturally frequented by their grandkids, as well as the black and white playhouse that once belonged to one of their daughters. Closer to the water, a shady arbor is perfect for decompressing, romantic evenings, or fellowship with friends. When not laying back in their many areas of relaxation, the family tends to enjoy the land by way of their golf cart: “We were actually running around last night on the golf cart and we saw an alligator in the middle of the lake.”
When Sharon was living in Jackson, she worked with about a dozen women she ended up referring to as her “Mississippi mamas.” This group of creators and decorators became Sharon’s bedrock for her approach to design. “They introduced me to the arts.” While their influence is palpable around the house, there is no denying that much of Sharon’s knowhow is a gift she has always possessed. “And I’ve always been told I just have a natural eye for things, you know... I think that I might see colors different than other people,” she says adding, “and some colors just appear more vibrant to me. I don’t know, I get really excited about textures and prints and color.” The key to her selective intuition is an affinity for what she sees: “I always tell my girls if you do see something and you don’t just love it, put it back. Don’t buy it.” There’s an unmistakable joyous emotionality to how hues flow from one room to the next. Even when considering where to place the number of art pieces she collects, it’s all based on gut feeling and a simple motto she learned from her “Mississippi mamas:” “If you like it you better get it and you’ll find a place to put [it].”
While there is something to the adage less is more, visiting Sharon’s home almost acts like a rebuttal. Many of her friends, those same admirers that have called her “brave” for coloring outside the lines, have come to embrace the overstimulation that always results in joy. At Sharon and Tyler’s home, there is always something to eat and music playing from Sam Cooke and Frank Sinatra to Lady Gaga. “They’re happy. Everybody’s happy,” Sharon says about those that benefit from her hospitality and love for entertaining. “I wanted people to come in and feel special. And, you know, that’s always been my word for years. Special.”

Are You on Your Gift List?
The Woman’s Clinic Wants to Take Care of You
THIS HOLIDAY SEASON IS SURE TO be filled with family gatherings, holiday parties, and every social gathering you can imagine. Before you start shopping for everyone on your holiday list be sure to take care of you first. The Woman’s Clinic Medispa can help you achieve your goals this holiday season. From body contouring for fat reduction to Botox for your crows feet, we have you covered. We even offer BioTE Hormone Therapy to help you feel great!
Claire Shemwell, RN is our dedicated ZO Expert who is also certified to perform a wide variety of cosmetic procedures in our office. These procedures are minimally invasive and affordable, with proven results. We offer a free consultation with Claire so patients have the opportunity to work with her to develop an individualized protocol to address their concerns, while keeping their budget and lifestyle in mind.
We use the ZO Skin Health product line by world renown dermatologist Zein Obagi, MD to prep the skin, tailoring each step to the specific person’s needs. These products bridge the gap between therapeutic treatments and daily care, allowing patients to experience continuously healthy skin regardless of their age, ethnicity or unique skin condition.
Our wide range of cosmetic office procedures cover the gamut of skincare needs. Sublime Skin Tightening & Contouring targets telltale signs of aging. Unlike conventional laser treatments, Sublime offers virtually painless and fast treatment for sagging and wrinkled skin. Sublative Skin Rejuvenation is an advanced technology that uses radio frequency to deliver an effective and controlled fractional treatment to address wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, laxity, large pores, and textural irregularities on the skin. Velashape III is a noninvasive aesthetic tool that can smooth out your skin and get rid of your cellulite and shrink fat cells without pain or downtime. CO2RE Intima is a laser treatment used to address various intimate needs of our patients including mild urinary incontinence, painful intercourse, cosmetic issues, and other concerns.
Kick off the holiday season feeling your best. The physicians at The Woman’s Clinic are certified BioTE providers. With the BioTE method you can age healthier and live happier. Using our subcutaneous pellet approach to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, some patients report feeling symptom relief in as little as four weeks. Our BioTE Certified Providers customize each dose of pellet therapy to the patient’s needs. The BHRT pellets that The Woman’s Clinic uses are made to replicate the hormones men and women lose as they age. BioTE research has shown that the BioTE Method of pellet therapy has helped thousands of people feel their best and achieve hormonal balance. BioTE Method uses bioidentical hormone pellets which contain bioidentical testosterone or estrogen.
We have been privileged to serve the women of Northeast Louisiana and are honored to be named Best MediSpa two years in a row. To fit your individual needs, there are lots of ways to get more information on ZO Skin Health products, the cosmetic procedures, & BioTE: • Go online to www.thewomansclinic.net • Message Claire directly through our patient portal for fast, convenient scheduling • Call us at 318-388-4030, option 3
Follow us on Facebook for live videos, product giveaways, and amazing promos!

The Holidays are Right Around the Corner
In Downtown Ruston
IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE THAT CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT AROUND the corner. November is packed full of exciting events to get you in the mood for the holiday season in Downtown Ruston. November 4th from 5-8 p.m. stop in and visit many of our Downtown Merchants for Holiday Open House. This will be the first event of the holiday season and you can get a jump start on your list of gifts for everyone on your list. Many of our merchants are participating in the Ruston-Lincoln Chamber and Downtown Ruston’s Shop Early, Shop Local campaign.
When shopping for gifts this year, finding things local is your best bet! During November, Downton Ruston and the Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce have partnered to encourage everyone to Shop Early and Shop Local this holiday season. When you spend $20 or more with participating merchants, you will be entered into a weekly drawing for $100 in gift cards to local merchants. Thanks to the generous sponsorships from Jim Taylor Auto Group and RocketFast Car Wash, you will also be entered into the grand prize drawing for $1,000. The grand prize winner will be announced at the Kick-off to Christmas event in Downtown Ruston, November 27, 2021, at 6 p.m.
Our Loyal Blue Weekend events continue with a family football movie night at 6 p.m. at the Historic Fire Station on November 12th. Thanks to Experience Ruston and the City of Ruston, the game-day shuttle offers you a ride to The Joe when the Bulldogs play! Catch the shuttle at the shuttle stop in Downtown Ruston. The shuttle starts two hours before game time and ends one hour after the game. This is a great way to get your shopping and dining in all before the kick-off.
Our traditional event “Kick-off to Christmas” will be full of fun this year! Be sure and join us as we light the Tree in Railroad Park. You can also expect a visit from Santa, our Shop Early, Shop Local prize winner announcement, and art activities for the kids. Our Downtown Carriage Rides will also begin on November 27th and run each Friday and Saturday evening through December 18th.
December 4th the NCLAC Holiday Arts Market will be at the Norton Building, The Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade will be December 11th, and Cookies with Santa will be December 18th. These next few months are packed full of family-friendly things to do in Downtown Ruston. To keep up with all the events and activities, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @downtownruston. We are looking forward to seeing you Downtown!

Achieve Good Health at the Surgery Clinic of NELA
It Can Be Tempting, but Don’t Ignore Nagging Health Issues
ALL OF US AT THE SURGERY CLINIC of Northeast Louisiana, home of Delta Vein Care, wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season—full of happiness and health. We are truly thankful you continue to trust us with your care.
Speaking of health, we want to remind you how important it is to maintain your health during the pandemic and beyond.
To improve your wellbeing, we encourage you to embrace all that our clinic offers—from general surgery to weight loss surgery to vein care. It can be daunting to seek medical care during the pandemic, but rest assured our clinic follows all COVID-19 safety guidelines outlined by the CDC. It can even be tempting to delay medical care when not facing a worldwide pandemic. However, the long-term ramifications of prolonging medical care simply aren’t worth it, as health conditions can worsen when left unattended.
Janet Hendrix endured pain—an aching leg and a swollen ankle—for more than a year. Janet, an ophthalmic technician for over 40 years, spent a considerable amount of time on her feet, which exacerbated the problem. Finally, she decided her quality of life needed to improve, so Dr. Bart Liles performed a minimally invasive vein procedure. While the West Monroe native planned to recover the day after her appointment, she soon realized it wasn’t necessary. She was left with a bruise, and most notably: no pain.
Today, Janet is active and grateful for her life, which she said has improved tremendously. She wants others who suffer from vein disease to understand how simple the procedure is and the profound impact it can have.
“I can’t say enough good things about this procedure and Dr. Liles. I recommend him to everyone I see. He’s very capable, and he knows the very best treatment for the patient. He’s kind. He made me feel very comfortable and explained to me exactly how the procedure would work,” Janet said. “Before the procedure, my biggest concern was downtime, because I really didn’t have any. I remember thinking, ‘There’s no way it can work like this, but it did.’”
Janet suffered from saphenous vein reflux, a condition that leads to varicose veins, which resemble raised, enlarged vein branches. When vein reflux is diagnosed early with a simple ultrasound, our surgeons can prevent other veins from becoming problematic. Untreated vein disease can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and even deep vein thrombosis, which can be life-threatening. We are grateful that Janet sought treatment when she did.
As we enjoy and appreciate this holiday season, remember one of your greatest blessings: your health. Prioritize your wellbeing and book a consultation with our clinic today to ensure you are in good health.
In addition to Dr. Liles, the Surgery Clinic of Northeast Louisiana is home to surgeons Dr. Walter Sartor, Dr. Patrick Smith, and Dr. Mohamed Bakeer. Contact the clinic today with your questions about general surgery, vein care procedures, or weight loss surgery.

Bayou Grill for the Holidays
Treat the Whole Family This Holiday Season
FAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATED, Bayou Grill is quickly becoming a staple in local cuisine! The Hegwood family created the ideal atmosphere for food and family. From the moment you walk in the door, you feel like you’re back home visiting relatives. Courtney and her mother Renee make sure every customer feels like they are old family friends, all while serving up some delicious Louisiana favorites! Located across from Bayou DeSiard, this hometown restaurant sets the scene from the parking lot all the way to the kitchen. Jim and Renee Hegwood are the proud owners of this favorite local spot, but the whole family pitches in. Courtney and Renee run the dayto-day operations; while Jim, Jimbo, and Charlie are there to lend a hand. From the first mouthwatering po’boy, made with their homemade roast and gravy, to the last freshly battered seafood at night, the Hegwoods are all hands on deck which wouldn’t be complete without Renee’s grandkids, the real stars of the show.
If you’re really craving some downhome Louisiana cooking, be sure to try one of their seafood plates. Selections include boiled shrimp, stuffed crab, frog legs, fried shrimp, and catfish. Renee will be the first to tell you that if you’re a newcomer, try it all! Each member of the family has their own favorite dish, but that dish may change daily. To get a little taste of all the flavors cooking, check out the Bayou Platter! Loaded down with catfish, frog legs, stuffed crab, and fried shrimp; this taster platter is an absolute musthave, especially for a family table. Renee and Courtney were sure to think of the kids, too, offering a good selection for a great price. The Hegwood family has really made this a fun spot for the whole family!
Fish Platters, fried appetizers, burgers, and wings may get you in the door, but the family dynamic will keep you coming back! The best wings can be ordered bonein or boneless, Choose from lemon pepper, BBQ, garlic, or parmesan. Another popular menu item is the Hurt Attack, including one pound of fresh Angus beef, bacon, fried egg, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, and mayo, with your choice of a regular or jalapeno bun. Appetizers include: fried mushrooms, fried pickles, banana peppers, hand-cut gravy fries, or cheese fries - all hand-battered to perfection. Onion rings, spicy fried green beans, crab kickers, and mozzarella cheese sticks are available as well. Stop by and check out one of these southern battered and fried dishes or call ahead to order take home for a family night in. Bayou Grill even offers catering services to really make your big occasions and holiday gatherings a hit. Let the Hedgwood family make your family gathering extra special this holiday season.

Look and Feel Your Best
Louisiana Center for Women’s Health
WHEN YOU DON’T LOOK YOUR best, you’re not going to feel your best. Over a period of decades, our clinic has acquired the equipment and expertise to offer a palette of state-of-the-art procedures to maximize your appearance.
We strive to offer our cosmetic services and procedures at affordable prices, which represent real value in today’s world. These various high-tech services can be obtained at our private clinic here in the Monroe area for a fraction of the charge for the same procedure in other cities. We are aware that our patients are interested in getting the best value, and we are structured to deliver this.
Everyone can benefit from the Hydrafacial procedure. It is inexpensive, gives immediately noticeable results, only takes about 30 minutes, and has no social downtime. The procedure is extremely pleasant and relaxing. We have the latest Hydrafacial equipment and a dedicated technician to perform it in a private setting. The procedure minimizes skin discoloration and brightens skin tone, instantly minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin is saturated with antioxidants and peptides to maximize skin glow. Uncover a new layer of skin with exfoliation and resurfacing.
We are among the earliest adopters of Vaser Liposuction in the world. In fact, we have taught and demonstrated this unique procedure for doctors from as far away as Seoul, Korea.
Vaser liposuction uses a very small incision of less than 1/4 inch to emulsify and remove fat. The procedure is performed in the office under local anesthesia, saving the expense of a hospital or surgery center. The results are immediate, unlike various noninvasive treatments which may or may not work.
Hormone pellets have helped thousands of men and women achieve hormonal balance for restoration of their health. We offer hormone pellets and hormone testing in our clinic. The pellets look much like a grain of rice and are placed under the skin where hormones are released as they dissolve over a period of months. For most people, this is the easiest way to replace missing hormones. If you have fatigue, depression, anxiety, decreased sexual performance, muscle wasting, insomnia, or weight gain, it might be appropriate to have your hormones checked.
Our clinic has state-of-the-art lasers for the treatment of numerous medical and cosmetic problems. Unfortunately, this involves too much information to include in this space but will be detailed in future articles.
We also offer Botox, Juvederm fillers, and various cosmeceutical beauty correcting formulas, all priced competitively.
Please call 318-387-3113 if we can provide you with additional information.