Ye l a y B a y r a k t a r o Δ l u Architecture Portfolio CV & Selected Works
1/ CV 2/ Master Degree Projects Elastic Choreography Collabrative Design
3/ Undergraduate Degree Projects Fab_Istanbul & Art Center Design and Research Institute
4/ Other Projects Construction Design Tashkent Congress Centre and Hilton Hotel Jasmine Residences An Attempt to Design A Universe Photography Lesson
Classification: Distinction
MASTER DEGREE Bartlett School of Architecture
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To watch the Bpro Show, please read the barcode
ELASTIC CHOREOGRAPHY Tutors: Valentina Soana, Georgia Kolokoudia Students: Yelay Bayraktaroglu, Cephas Bhaskar, Shahram M. Sabery
Elastic Choreography explores the performative potential of elastic robotic structures at architectural scale. Large shape changes are achieved through the integration of modular robotic-material-systems with elastic structure: Bending Active Tensile Hybrid (BATH). Inspired by body movement of dancers, the project investigates how to design and control architectural robots to generate spatial performances. The robotic system comprises of BATH structures interacting with robotic actuators. Robotic components are employed to manipulate the position and to induce a controlled deformation of the BATH modules. The synergy between rigid body spatial assemblies and elastic structures generates a hybrid system that combines high precision and intricate forms in a compliant system. The project envisions the emergence of dancing structures, providing a new paradigm for Human-, Material-, Machine- and Space- architectures.
Human - Machine Interaction
The research inspires from human kinesthetics and on the dynamic state of being in a human society. The project builds on the complex and elegant choreography of the human movement. While robots are thought to be designed to achieve certain specific outcomes, the product of this research is a process β an architectural performance in itself.The performances are enacted by a bending active textile hybrid structure, which, is able to kinetically morph its shape and create volumes that are direct derivatives of spatial, environmental or programmatic factors. The simplest movements of certain points in three dimensional space can cause the
Hearing System
largest and most complex global shape deformations.
Auditory Sensor Robotic Vision
A robot -human choreography was attempted by making the project prototype. The robotβs motor positions were pre-determined and programmed to play in a loop and the human dancer would in-turn choreograph their dance based on the movement of the structure. Snippets from this βDance of the botβ are displayed here. The human-like topology of the system is able to be paralleled with the human movements effectively, thus enabling state changes that are similar to human kinesthetic movements.
System Design and Components
The Elastic Choreographies system attempts to combine the versitality of bending Active Structure with ease of actuation of a rigid frame structure. To achieve flexible and adaptable structural form, three components are involved in the system. They are the Bending active textile hybrid (BATH) system, the substructure module and the robotic arm (among other type of actuators).
Bending Active Textile Hybrid (BATH)
Rigid Assembly Structure
Large Span Deformation
Accurate Position-based Matrix
Bending Active Textile Hybrid (BATH) work togethe with Rigid Assembly Structure. By manipulating anchor points, self-assembly and self-reconfiguring Archtectural system is created.
Self-assembly and Self-reconfiguring Architectural System: Rigid Assembly Structure and Bending Active Textile Hybrid (BATH) working together.
An underlying coordinate system forms the base for a network of anchor points populated with substructure modules. The ends of the BATH systemβs rods are attached to few of the modules. The robotic arm is then actuated to traverse through the substructure aggretation and selectively modulate the position and location of a suitable substructure module to create global shape change in the BATH systemβs topology.
Movement of Robotic Arm
Achieving varied global shapes states by manipulating anchor points.
Possible Other States
Digital Design
A1 (7,9,3)
A3 (5,4,6) A3 (10,6,7)
A1 (7,8,2)
A2 (12,3,0)
A2 (8,2,2)
A3 (9,5,3)
A3 (5,4,6)
A1 (7,9,3)
A1 (7,9,7) A2 (4,2,2)
A2 (12,4,2)
The bending active structure is designed in the Rhino-grasshopper environment. Thus, in the digital environment, the shapes that can be obtained by bringing the anchor points to different coordinate points are determined in advance.
Digital Workflow
A robotically actuated prototype needs a control system that allows communication and data exchange between the operator and end effectors. A cyber-physical platform is created and employed to allow for this communication to take place. A user controls the system behaviour based on a user control panel within the User interface. This UI which is developed within Unity 3D, is connected to Robotic Operating System (ROS) through ROSBRIDGE/ ROSSHARP via a web-socket.
User Interface (UI) - Real-Time Decision Making
User Interface (UI)
Architectural Scale - Aggregation of Choreographies
In order for the Elastic Choreography architectural robotic system to be useful as architecture for the masses, the system must be scalable in order o cover more physical ground or cater to aa larger programatic requirement. This section illustrates how this is achieved. The following image illustrates the multiplication of a single unit to multiple units which can then be choreographed to perfrom in synergy or together. In the following pages, 3d images, time-lapse plans and present the combined actuation and thus choreography of the aggregated units.
From a single unit to an aggregated form
Time-lapse Plan
e 1 Plan
State 2 Elevation
State 1 Elevation
State 3 Elevation
Finally, an architectural choreography was created that integrates with the city. In order to create the choreograph, every component of the system has been integrated with each other.
COLLABRATIVE DESIGN WORKSHOP Supervisor: Alexandra Parger, Alexander Grasser Students: Saee, Zikun, Huiyin,Yelay
The workshop was organized by the Bartlett School of Architecture and run by Alexandra Parger and Alexander Grasser. Basically, the workshop aims to make a collaborative design by utilizing todayβs technologies. At the beginning of the workshop, Rhino, Grasshopper, Enscape and Unity Tutorials was given to students for the production. At first, each student created their own spatial modules, then in the Unity environment, these modules were combined in real time with the modules of different students. This workshop aggregates individual design decisions, resulting in highly differentiated open architectures of multiple design intentions and objectives.
Step1: Each student created their own spatial modules
Step 2: Each student created larger modules by combining the small modules they have created.
Step 3: In the Unity environment, these modules were combined in real time with the modules of different students.
Render of combined modules and living environment
Render of combined modules and living environment
UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE Istanbul Technical University
FAB_ISTANBUL & ART CENTER -Graduation ProjectLocation: Persembe PazarΔ±, Istanbul Year 4, Fall 2018 Supervisor: Arch. Kerem Piker, Assoc. Prof. Δ°pek AkpΔ±nar, Assoc. Prof. Dilek YΔ±ldΔ±z, Prof. AslΔ±han Tavil, Prof.Yegan Kahya, Prof. HΓΌlya Turgut, Prof.Zuhal Ulusoy. Done by Individual
The idea behind Fab Istanbul is bringing benefits of Fabcity global network to Istanbul by becoming one of the cities which have joined Fab City Global Initiative. A Fab City is a new urban model for locally productive and globally connected self sufficient cities that shifts how cities source and use materials by bring back production to distrubuted and smaller scales. More production occurs inside the city, neighbourhoods and citiziensβ homes along with recycling materials and meeting local needs through local inventiness.This model is being constructed through an evergrowing web leader, makerspaced and citizens. The fact that this project is used in a large construction market such as βPersembe Pazariβ , supports Fabcity strategy of minimizing procurement of products.Fab Istanbul aims to develop these production methods, inform and educate people about this innovation. Since it works as an academy, it is made up of places which is convenient for building workshop areas, makerspaces for production, classrooms for education and training, and conference halls for organizations. The design of the structure is inspired by the physical environment of Persembe Pazari which makes it conducive to strong communication. For this reason, the building is designed to be suitable for common areas and strong social networks.
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δΌζηζηηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζΌζβεζηηζζ΄ζζβεζη¨ζηγ εζηηζζ΄ζζβεζη¨ζηγβηζΌηζ¬ηβζηβζβζζΌζ΄ηηζζ ζζΈηζ€ηζβζζΌζΈηηηηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζ΄ζηζ¬ζηβΈβ εζ ζηζβ ζ€ηβ ζβ ηηζζζβ ηζΌηηζβ ηηζηηζ€ζΈζβ ζηζΌζ΄β ηζ ζβ δ¬ηηζ¬ζηζ°ζηβ δ¬ζηγηγβ εηηζζηβ ηζ ζ€ζζ βζ€ζΈζζ°ηζζηβδ¬ηηηηζΈζ°ηβδ ζζΈβΈβδβηζ€ζζβηζηζ€ζηη€βζΌζβζζΌζΈηηηηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζ΄ζηζβ΄ ηζ€ζζ°ηβζηζβηζΌζ°ζβζ ζηζβΈβεηηζΌζΈζβζζΌζ΄ζ΄ηζΈζζηζ€ζΌζΈβζΈζηηζΌηζ¬βζζ΄ζΌζΈζβηζζΌηζ°ζβ ζζΈζβηζ ζβζζζηβηζ ζηβζ€ηβζ€ηβζβζ ζ€ηηζΌηζ€ζζ°βζζΌζ΄ζ΄ζηζζ€ζζ°βζηζζβζηζβηζ ζβζ¬ζη€βζζζηηβ΄ ηζηβηζ ζ€ζζ βζ΄ζζ¬ζηβηζ ζ€ηβηζ°ζζζβηηζζζ€ζζ°βΈ εζ ζβηζ η€ηζ€ζζζ°βηηηηζΌηζΈζζ€ζΈζηβζΌζβεζηηζζ΄ζζβεζη¨ζηγβζζ°ζ°ζΌηζζβηζζΌηζ°ζβηζΌβ ζ ζηζβ ηηηζΌζΈζβ ζ€ζΈηζηζζηζ€ζΌζΈηβΈβ δ€ηβ ζ€ηβ ζΌζηζηηζζβ ηζ ζηβ ηζζ°ζηβ ζηζβ ζ΄ζζζβ ζ€ζΈβ ζΈζηηζΌηβ ηηηζζηηβ°β ζ€ηηζζηζ°ζηβ ηηζζζηβ ζηζβ ηηζζβ ζη€β ηζ ζβ ηηζζ°ζ€ζβ ζηβ ηζΌζζ€ζζ°β ζηζζηβζζΈζβζζΌηηηη€ζηζηβζηζβηηζζβζηβηηζΌζηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζηζζηβΈβεζ ζβζζηζ€ζζΈβζΌζβ δζζβδ€ηηζζΈζηζ°βζ€ηβζ€ζΈηηζ€ηζζβζη€βηζ ζβηηηηζηηηζβζΌζβεζηηζζ΄ζζβεζη¨ζηγβζζΈζβ ζζ€ζ΄ζζβζηβηζΌζζ€ζζ°βζζηζ ζηζ€ζΈζηβζΌζβζ€ζΈζζ€ηζ€ζηζζ°ηβΈ
εζ€ηζ βηζ ζβζ€ζΈηηζ€ηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζηζΌζ΄βηζ ζβηζ η€ηζ€ζζζ°βηηηηζηηηζβζΌζβηζ ζηζζηβηζ ζηβζζζΈβζζβηζΌηζ¬ζζβζΌηηηζ€ζζβζη€βζ΄ζζ¬ζ€ζΈζβζβζηζζζ΄ζ ηζ€ζΈζηζ€ζΌζΈβζζηηζζζΈβζ€ζΈηζηζΈζζ°βζζΈζβζη ηζηζΈζζ°βζζ€ηζηζ°ζηζ€ζΌζΈβζ€η ζ€ζΈζζΌζΌηβζηζζηβζζΈζβζΌζζζηηβηζ ζβζΌηηζΌηηηζΈζ€ηη€βηζΌβηηζζΈζβηζ€ζ΄
δζ΄ηζ ζηζ€ηβηζηβηζ°ζζζζβζΌζΈβηζ ζβζζζηβηζ ζηβηζ ζβζηζ€ζ°ζζ€ζΈζβζΌζζζηηβζβζζΌζ΄ζ΄ζΌζΈβζ΄ζζηζ€ζΈζβζζΈζβηζΌηζ¬ζ€ζΈζβηηζζζβζΌηηβ΄ ηζ€ζζβΈβεζ ζηζζζΌηζβ°βζζηηβηζηζβζηζζηζζβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζηζ€ζ°ζζ€ζΈζβζ΄ζηηβζζΈζβζβηηζΌηηηζζ€ζΈζβζ΄ζηηβηζηβζηζζηζζβΈβδζζ°ζζΌζΈζ€ζηβ ηζηζβζηζζηζζβζΌζΈβηζ ζβηηηζηβζζ°ζΌζΌηβηζΌβηζζβηζ ζβηζζβηζ€ζηβ°βζζΈζβζζΌζ΄ζ΄ζΌζΈβηζΌηζ¬ζ€ζΈζβζηζζηβηζηζβζηζζηζζβζΌζΈβηζ ζβ ζηζΌηζΈζβζζ°ζΌζΌηβΈβδ€ζΈβζΌηζζηβηζΌβζ€ζΈζζ°ηζζβηζ ζβηηζηβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζζηζ€ζζΈβηηζΌζζηηβ°βζηζζζζ€ηζ€βηζΌηζ¬βηζηβζζ°ζ°ζΌηζζβζΌζΈβηζΌζ΄ζβ ηζζ°ζ°ηβΈ
εζΌζζη€β°βηζ€ηζ βηζ ζβζ€ζΈζζ°ηζζΈζζβζΌζβηζ ζβζζηζζ°ζΌηζ΄ζζΈηβζΌζβζΌηζ ηζ€ζΌζΈβζ ζηβζζζζΈβηηζ€ζΌηζ€ηζ€η¨ζζβζ€ζΈβδζζβδ€ηηζζΈζηζ°βΈβδ€ζΈβζΌηζζηβηζΌβζ€ ζζ€ζζΈζζηβ°βζβζ°ζηζζβηζηζζζΈβζ€ηβηζ°ζζζζβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζ΄ζηηβηζ ζηζβ εζ ζ€ηβηζηζζζΈβζζΈζζζ°ζηβηζ ζβζζΌζΈζζηζζΈζζηβζ΄ζζζβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζη ηζΌηζ°ζβηζΌβζζβηζ ζηζζβηζ€ηζ βζηζηη€ζΌζΈζβΈ
ζ ζβεζηηζζ΄ζζβεζη¨ζηγβ°βζ€ηβζ€ηβζζ€ζ΄ζζβηζΌβζηζζηζβζζΌζ΄ζ΄ζΌζΈβ ζζΈηζζβηηηηζηηηζβζ€ζΈηηζζζβζΌζβζβηζ ζΌζ°ζβζ΄ζηηβΈβεζ ζβζζ€ηβ΄ ηβζΈζΌηβηζ ζηηβΈβδ€ηβζζζΈβζζβζζηζ€ζ°η€βζζζζηηζζβζηζΌζ΄βζ΄ζζΈη€β ζ΄ζβΈ
εηζηηβ ηζηζβ ηζζ¬ζζΈβ ζ€ζΈηζΌβ ζζΌζΈηζ€ζζηζηζ€ζΌζΈβ ηζ ζζΈβ ζ΄ζζ¬ζ€ζΈζβ ζηζΈζηζ€ζΌζΈζζ°β ζζζζ€ηζ€ζΌζΈηβ ζ€ζΈβ ηζ ζβ ζ΄ζηηβΈβ εζ ζβ ηηζΌζηζηζ€ζΌζΈβ ζηζζηβ ηζηζβ ηζ°ζζζζβ ζ€ζΈβ ηζ ζβ ηζζηβ ζ΄ζηηβ°β ζηβ ηζ ζη€β ηζ€ζ°ζ°β ζηηζζζ°β ηζΌβ ηζ ζβ ηηηζζζΈηβ ζηβ ηζ ζβ ζζζζζζ΄η€βΈβ δ΄ζηηζηβ ηζ ζηβ ζηηζζζ°βηζΌβζβηζ€ζζβζηζζ€ζζΈζζβηηζζ βζηβζβζζζζβ°βηζηηζηηζζΈηβζηζβζ°ζΌζζηζζβζΈζζηβηζ ζβηζζβΈβδηηζζζ€ζζ°ζ°η€βηζ ζβζζΌζΈζζηζζΈζζβ ζ ζζ°ζ°βζ€ηβηζΌηζ€ηζ€ζΌζΈζζβζζ°ζΌηζβηζΌβεζηηζζΈζβεηηζζηβζζΈζβζβηζηζ¬ζ€ζΈζβζηζζβζ€ηβζηζ€ζ°ηβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζζηζζ΄ζζΈηβΈβεζ ζβζηζζζΈζ ζΌηηζβ ζηζζβζ€ηβηζΌηζ€ηζ€ζΌζΈζζβζ€ζΈβζβζζζΈηηζζ°βζ°ζΌζζηζ€ζΌζΈβ°βζΈζη ηβηζΌβζζζζηβζζΈζβηζηηζηηζζΈηηβ°βζζ€ζ΄ζζβζηβζζζ€ζΈζβζζΈβζζηζ€ζ°η€βηηζ€ζ°ζ€η¨ζζβ ζ°ζΌζζηζ€ζΌζΈβηζ ζ€ζζ βηζζΌηζ°ζβζζζΈβηζζβζζΈζβζζζζηηβΈ
ζζΈβηζΌηηζζβηηζΌζηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζ΄ζηζ ζΌζηβ°βζζζζηηβηζΌβζ€ζΈζζΌηζ΄ζβ΄ ζ€ζΈζηζζηζβηζ ζβηζ ζηζ€ζΈζβζΌζβζ€ζΈζζΌηζ΄ζηζ€ζΌζΈβηζ€ηζ βζ°ζηζζβζηβ΄ βηζ ζβδζΌζΈζζηζζΈζζβδ ζζ°ζ°βζζΈζβηζ ζβδ°ζ€ζηζηη€βζηζβζ°ζΌζζηζζβΈβ ηζ€ζ°ζζ€ζΈζβζΌηβηζηζ€ζΌηηβζζΌζΈηζηηζηζ€ζΌζΈηβζηζΌζ΄βζηζΌηζΈζβηζ ζ
εζ ζβζηζζζΈζ ζΌηηζβζ ζηβζζζζΈβζζζζζβηζΌβηζ ζβηηζΌζηζζ΄βηζΌβηηηηζΌηηββζζζΌζ°ζΌζζ€ζζζ°βζζΌηζ΄ζηζ€ζΌζΈβζζΈζβηζΌβζη ηζ°ζΌηζβζζΈζβ ζζηζζ°ζΌηβηζζΈζηζζζ°ζβζζΈζηζη€βηζΌηηζζηβΈεζ ζβζηζζζΈζ ζΌηηζβζηζζβζ€ηβηζΌηζ€ηζ€ζΌζΈζζβζ€ζΈβζβζζζΈηηζζ°βζ°ζΌζζηζ€ζΌζΈβ°βζΈζη ηβηζΌβζζζζηβ ζζΈζβηζηηζηηζζΈηηβ°βζζ€ζ΄ζζβζηβζζζ€ζΈζβζζΈβζζηζ€ζ°η€βηηζ€ζ°ζ€η¨ζζβζ°ζΌζζηζ€ζΌζΈβηζ ζ€ζζ βηζζΌηζ°ζβζζζΈβηζζβζζΈζβζζζζηηβΈ
Some sketch studies in the early stages of the design
Model 1:500
Some textures from Persembe PazarΔ±
Done by Individual
δ¬ζαΌγηζ ζζΈζ
εζ η€ηζ€ζζζ°βδζΈηζ€ηζΌζΈζ΄ζζΈηβδζΈζζ°η€ηζ€η
γγ€γ β΄γγ€γ
δ¬ζαΌγηζ ζζΈζ δ¬ζαΌγηζ ζζΈζββ°βηζ ζ€ζζ βηζηβηηζζβζηβηζηηβζΌζβηζ ζβζζ€ηη€βζ€ζΈβηζηζ€ζΌζηβηηζζ βζηβδζΈζζ€ζζΈηβεζ€ζ΄ζηβ°βεζΌζ΄ζβ°βδη€β΄ η¨ζζΈηζ€ηζ΄βζζΈζβδΌηηζΌζ΄ζζΈβ°βηζηβζβηζζζ€ζΌζΈβηζ€ηζ βζ€ηηβζηζζζΈβζζ€ζζ°ζηβζζΈζβηηηζζζ΄ηβηζ ζηζβηζηηζηζΈζ€η¨ζηζ€ζΌζΈβ ζζηζ€ηζ€ηζ€ζηβζΌζβηζ ζβδΌηηζΌζ΄ζζΈβδζ΄ηζ€ηζβζζζζζΈβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζ ζ€ηηζΌηζ€ζζζ°βηζηζ€ζΌζβζζΈζβηζΌζζ€ζζ°βζζηζ€ηζ€ηζ€ζηβηζηζβ ζζηηζ€ζζβζΌηηβζηβζζηηζζ€ζΈβηζ€ζ΄ζηβζΌζβηζ ζβη€ζζηβΈδ€ζΈγγ€γγβ°βδ¬ζαΌγηζ ζζΈζβηζηβζζ€ηζζηζζβηζΌβζζ€ηηηβ΄ζζ°ζηηβζ€ζΈζηηηβ΄ ηζ€ζζ°ζ€η¨ζηζ€ζΌζΈβΈβ εζ€ηζ β ηζ ζβ ηζΈηζ°ζζΈζΈζζβ ζζΌζΈηηηηζηζ€ζΌζΈβ ζζΈζβ ζ€ζΈζηηηηζ€ζζ°β ζζηζζ°ζΌηζ΄ζζΈηβ ζΌζβ δ¬ζαΌγηζ ζζΈζβ εηηζζζ΄βζζΈζβζ€ηηβηηηηζΌηζΈζζ€ζΈζηβ°βζ€ηβζ ζηβζζηηζζβηζ ζβζζηζηζ€ζΌηζηζ€ζΌζΈβζΌζβηζ ζβηζζζ€ζΌζΈβηζ ζ€ζζ βζ€ηβζζΈβζ€ζ΄β΄ ηζΌηηζζΈηβζζζΌζ°ζΌζζ€ζζζ°βζηζζζΈβζηζζβζζΌηβδ€ηηζζΈζηζ°
γ γγ
δβ ζζΌζΈηζ€ζΈηζΌηηβ ζζ€ηζηζ°ζηζ€ζΌζΈβ ζζ°ζΌηβ ηζηβ ζζηζ€ζζΈζζβ ζζηηζζζΈβδζζΈζζηζβεηηζζηβζζΈζβηζ ζβηηηζζζ΄βζΌζΈβζζΌηζ β ηζ ζβζηζΌηζΈζβζζ°ζΌζΌηβζζΈζβηζ ζβηηηζηβζζ°ζΌζΌηηβΈβεζ ηηβ°βηζ ζβ ζζζζηηζ€ζζ€ζ°ζ€ηη€βζΌζβηζ ζβζηζ€ζ°ζζ€ζΈζβηζηβζ€ζΈζηζζηζζβΈβδη€βζηζβ΄ ζηζ€ζΈζβζβζζηβζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζηζΌηζΈζβζζ°ζΌζΌηβ°βζ€ζΈβηζ ζβζ΄ζ€ζζζ°ζβζΌζβ ηζ ζβηηηηζηηηζβ°βζηζ€ζ°ζζ€ζΈζβζζΈηηζζΈζζηβηζηζβζΌηζζζΈζ€η¨ζζβ ζζΈζβ ζζ°ηζΌβ ζβ ζζ€ηζζηβ ζζΌζΈζΈζζηζ€ζΌζΈβ ζζηηζζζΈβ ηζ ζβ ζ΄ζζ€ζΈβ ηηηζζηβζζΈζβηζ ζβηηηζζζ΄βηζηβηηζΌηζ€ζζζβΈ
εζΈζ€ηηβ ζΌηζζΈβ ηζΌβ ηζ ζβ ηηζζ°ζ€ζβ ηζηζβ ηζ°ζζζζβ ζΌζΈβ ηζ ζβ ζηζΌηζΈζβ ζζ°ζΌζΌηβ ζζΌηβ ζζηη€β ζζζζηηβΈβ εζΈζ€ηηβ ηζηηζ€ζΈζβ ηζ ζβ ζ€ζΈηηζ€ηηηζγ¬β ζζ°ζηηηζΌζΌζ΄ηβ°β ζ°ζζζΌηζηζΌηζ€ζηβ°β ζΌζζζ€ζζηβ°β ηζΌηζ¬β ζηζζηβηζηζβηζ°ζζζζβζΌζΈβηζ ζβηηηζηβζζ°ζΌζΌηηβΈ
εζ ζβζ°ζ€ζηζηη€βηζηβηζ°ζζζζβζΌζΈβηζ ζβζ°ζζ¬ζβηζ€ζζβ°βζζ€ζ΄ζ€ζΈζβηζΌβ ζ΄ζζ¬ζβηηζβζΌζβηζ ζβηζζζΈζηη€βζηβηζζ°ζ°βζηβζβηηζ€ζηβζζΈηζ€β΄ ηζΌζΈζ΄ζζΈηβΈ εζ ζβ ζηζζζΈζ ζΌηηζβ ηζηβ ηζ°ζζζζβ ζΌζΈβ ηζ ζβ ηζΌηηζ β ζζΈζβ ηζΌηηζ βζζηηβζηζΌζΈηβ°βζζΌζΈηζ€ζζηζ€ζΈζβηζΌζ°ζηβζζζζ€ζζ€ζζΈζη€βΈ
β¬γ βΈ βδ°ζηζζ°βεζ°ζζΈ
β¬γγβΈ βδ°ζηζζ°βεζ°ζζΈ
Done by Individual
δηζΌηζΈζβδζ°ζΌζΌηβεζ°ζζΈβ΄βδβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηηζ
εζζΈζζηβδ€ζ΄ζζζβ΄δβεη€ηζβδ ζΌη
δβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηηζβ΄βεζ°ζηηζηβεηζζζ
δηζΌηζΈζβδζ°ζΌζΌηβεζ°ζζΈβ΄βεβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηηζ
εβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηηζβ΄δ°ζηζζ°ζ€ζΈζβδζΌηβεζ°ζηηζηβεηζζζ
εζζΈζζηβδ€ζ΄ζζζβ΄εβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηη
εβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηηζβ΄δ€ζΈηζηζ€ζΌη
εβεη€ηζβδ ζΌηηζβ΄βεζ°ζηηζηβζζΈζβδηζ€ζζ¬βεηζζζ