4: Courses taken universities 325: Colleges and that
to-teacher ratio
321: Students in grades 9-12
52,800: Delicious
and healthy organic lunches served each year
3% East Bay 37% in Marin 4% South Bay or
30%: Students 76%: Faculty of color at Bay
5: Intersession days
with advanced degrees
per year spent exploring Student-run clubs Death Valley, building and activities including an electric car, making electronic music, planting Eco, Foodie and Engineering clubs community gardens and more
80: Minutes in an average class 10: Number of
arts-related field trips each year
13: Average class size
7: Physical activity courses
offered (including cycling, yoga and rock climbing)
10,800: Feet of
vertical wall climbed in Bay after-school program at Planet Granite
each trimester
279: Number of
accepted Bay students in past six years school- provided breakfast including Yale, Brown, bagels consumed weekly Princeton, MIT, Stanford, by Bay students UC Berkeley, Wellesley, Number of artists Duke and Bowdoin
studied in Painting 1A Trimesters to pursue a passion and get credit for it
(ask us about our Senior Signature Projects program)
69%: Bay
375: Number of school-provided laptops used by faculty, students and staff
64: Number
of windows with students on an views of the athletic team Golden Gate Bridge (unless it’s foggy!) Dramatic productions yearly 12: Number of art
1,200: Minutes of SAT prep built into the curriculum
exhibits installed throughout year
22: Bay Breakers interscholastic athletic teams, including sailing
For admission information visit us online at www.bayschoolsf.org or telephone 415-684-8949
The Bay School of San Francisco
in SF
8 to 1: Student- 56% students live