1 minute read

The Process of Selling a Home Continued


• Update you regularly with any feedback from agents and after opens and make adjustments if needed.


• Respond immediately to all inquires from agents and/or buyers

• Send out disclosure packages as requested.

• Follow up with all interested buyers

• Follow up with the realtors who attend the opens or showed the property

• Host open houses until sold

• Modify wording and photos in advertisements to present different perspectives and keep the property fresh


• Collet any and all offers.

• Verify that offers are complete and request any missing information.

• Call lenders to verify buyers’ pre-approvals and proof of funds.

• Meet with you to review any and all offers.

• Negotiate the highest possible price and most attractive terms for you.

• Provide you with an Escrow Calendar with all the pertinent information in one place.

• If needed review and negotiate any buyer requests.

• Coordinate and be present for the appraisal.

• Monitor the transaction to be sure all time frames are adhered to and duties fulfilled.

• Keep in regular contact with all parties so you always know where we are in the transaction.

• Confirm receipt of buyers’ loan documents and provide settlement instructions.

• Attend your signing appointments and verify terms.

• Confirm successful receipt of proceeds and cancellation/transfer of utilities and insurance.

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