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Editor’s Note
My Favorite Things
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is a very popular book in my house, so I’m thrilled for the new title by beloved author-illustrator Eric Carle. “You’re My Little Baby,” an interactive touch-and-feel board book featuring parents throughout the animal kingdom doting on their little babies, is out Aug. 25.
Goliath’s new Wheels on the Bus board game is a huge hit with my 3-year-old, who happens to love big yellow buses. The bus plays the song that everyone knows while going around the game board in this memory game that’s perfect for little kids.

editor’s note

I have two older sisters who are both wonderful mothers. Between them, they have four kids ranging from grade school to teenagers, and they’re all smart, responsible and well-rounded.
But while they’re both raising great kids, like all parents, they’re doing it differently -- even when it comes to the upcoming school year.
My oldest sister plans to send her children -- a high school ju nior and a fifth grader -- to school, however the district configures its in-person learning. Her kids miss and need school, she says, and they thrive on the routine and peer interaction.
My second sister, on the other hand, plans to keep both her daughters home, taking part in their district’s remote-only learn ing option. Her oldest, a high schooler, has health issues that put her in a “high-risk” category, and there’s just too much at stake with the ongoing COVID crisis. For her, it’s an easy call.
Parenting is full of decisions, but for many moms and dads, these back-to-school choices feel particularly important and emo tional. Should they send kids back to school with masks, gloves and social distance lectures? Return to only e-learning? Look into homeschooling? Should parents trust experts or trust their gut?
There’s plenty of other things to consider, too: family members’ health risks, work schedules, transportation and childcare, as well as the best learning environment for their child.
As we head into back-to-school season, there’s no one-size-fitsall solution. Most moms and dads are choosing from an array of unappealing options, weighing their children’s unique needs while looking ahead to a school year full of uncertainty. For some fami lies, the choice is clear cut. For others, it’s a lot more difficult.
This issue of baystateparent has tips for however you’re tack ling this extraordinary school year. Is online learning going to be part of your child’s academic plans? Some pointers for making the most out of remote learning are on page 11. Concerned about them wearing a mask at school? Find tips and kid-friendly face coverings on page 8. Want to know more about homeschooling? Read about how local families make it work on page 20.
Parents, give each other, and yourself, some grace this season. These are unprecedented times, and these are really tough deci sions. However “back-to-school” looks in your family, I hope it’s the start of a good year.
Looking for some fun before school starts? Head to baystateparent. com for our guide, 18 Places to Bring The Kids This August. There’s more open than you might think!
Disney brings all of your favorite characters, from classic Disney to Pixar favorites to Star Wars, to their face masks. There is nothing fancy about these masks, and nothing to ensure a customized fit but, when your kid is walking around looking like Baby Yoda, you won’t be disappointed that you dropped $20 for a four-pack. These masks are currently on pre-order to arrive at homes in August.

I love the wave of first day of school photos that flood my social media feeds every year this month. This year, that first day might feel different, but I hope we all still celebrate and share. And be sure to send your first day photos to bspeditor@gatehousemedia.com to be featured in our online gallery!