Tai Whakarara - Sparkling Tides
Tauranga City Council, BOP Regional Council, Western BOP District Council, BOPDHB
2016 Local Body Elections Special Issue
Tauranga City Council Page 3
6 1 0 2 ns o i t lec
Regional Council
Page 20
WBOP Dist. Council Page 24
BOP Dist. Health Board
Vote for the future of your whÄ nau
Page 28
Page 30
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Of reforms and elections
Co-written by Tim Shadbolt (Mayor of Invercargill) and Mary Dillon Little power but lots of responsibility Mayors in New Zealand do not have a lot of personal power. They are, however, placed on a pedestal and can assume the role of leadership when there’s a devastating disaster: Mayor Bob Parker and the Christchurch earthquakes, Mayor Tony Kokshoorn and Pike River, Mayor Len Brown and the Auckland housing crisis, Mayor Lawrence Yule and the recent water contamination.
Invercargill City Mayor Tim Shadbolt
Having been through the great purge of 1989 I know how destructive local government ‘reforms’ can be. You have to sack all your workers and then rehire most of them along with an army of consultants. Then you have to match up all the different computer systems, combine all the long -term plans and try to fairly divide debts and assets. Naturally, this unleashes a wave of demoralising anxiety and insecurity, but this didn’t deter the then Minister of Local Government, Michael Bassett. Central government was ruthless. About 850 local authorities and special purpose boards were reduced to just 90 city, district and regional councils. It was a case of ‘do it to yourself or we’ll do it for you’, and that government attitude is alive and well right now.
The young people of our nation are well aware that local government is often controlled by central government, and this is one of many reasons why they don’t bother voting. People aged between 18 and 39 years are far less likely to vote than people over 60 years. Voter apathy makes it far easier for central government to ‘reform’ local councils. The reasons for these reforms are that it will make councils more efficient and drive down rates. This is a noble objective. The question is – has it worked? Have the rates deceased since 1989? Has amalgamation of Auckland’s seven councils combined to create a super city actually worked?
Changing rules to get desired outcomes I would like some well researched, independent data that will clearly show this theory is fact not fiction. The people of Nelson and Tasman, Napier and Hastings, the Greater Wellington region and the Far North have clearly voted against amalgamation. The response of central government is simple: deprive them of their right to vote. At a grassroots level there seems to be an instinctive understanding that local representation is really important. The government’s reaction once again is quite simple: let’s do more reform of the Local Government Act and
BurgerFuel Mount Maunganui
BurgerFuel Tauranga
centralise more control. But if local government cannot assist citizens in building better communities because it lacks the legislative tools and the community commitment to do so, all of us are losers. In the end the exercise of democracy requires all of the parties to be awake to their respective and vital roles. If individual voters are asleep or don’t care, then democracy is broken. Democracy is a partnership. For the partnership to work individuals need to be engaged and responsive to the government that they are closest to: local government. This response needs to be active, and the first step is to ensure that each of us exercises our right to decide who will represent us.
Voting – a vital democratic process At 19 or 39 you may be asking: well, what does it matter? I can’t make a difference. Yes you can. Right here, right now you can help choose the future for your community by being actively engaged in the exercise of a vital democratic process: casting a vote in the local government elections. The younger generation are the least likely to vote, and yet they are the torch bearers of the future, of democracy enthusiastically exercised and the building of better communities for us and for future generations. As citizens and communities we have thought much about war as we commemorate the first and second world wars and the high price that was paid in blood, pain and sorrow by the generations who responded to the call.
If you care – vote and encourage others to vote Previous generations made that sacrifice and bought us freedom and the right to choose our leaders in peace. Are we so uncaring, so disengaged and so ungrateful that we can’t even be bothered to cast a vote to honour their commitment? I don’t think so. Of course we all care. So let’s demonstrate that by talking about the election, getting in contact with the candidates and by actively encouraging everyone to vote, starting with our own family and friends.
1 September 2016
Editor Antoon "un-tone" Moonen Contact 7-days 022 673 8006 editor@baywaka.nz Advertising
Margarete Kraemer
Published by
Antoon Moonen
Printed for on behalf of AM Consultancy Limited by Pukeko Print Welcome Bay Community Centre Inc 07 544 9774 Community Centre Contact centre@ourcommunity.org.nz 242 Welcome Bay Road, Tauranga 3112 Circulation:
OCT-DEC issue final editorial deadline:
30 September 2016
LICENCE TO COPY: Material content in Tai Whakarara - The WHOMP may be reproduced in part or in whole provided appropriate credit and attribution is given, including any changes that were made, and you must also distribute your contributions under this same licence. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.
Exciting times!
Welcome to our future... From the office of Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP, we are delighted to present this Special Elections Issue. Supported by the Welcome Bay Community Centre in Tauranga Moana, our community magazine normally has a restricted print run of 12,000 but today we have pulled out all stops to deliver this special edition to the entire Tauranga city and Western BOP District in a one-off print run of 70,000 copies dedicated to the upcoming local body elections. You can still read our regular issues online at www.whomp.nz; just click on the menu link “Read online”.
What’s in it for me? When it comes to voting, people often ask themselves “What’s in it for me?” or “who is going to get me what I want?”. Instead, perhaps we should look at the children around us who too young to vote and ask, “What’s in it for them?” “Who will be working towards providing the best for our city now, and in future, for them? How about for this election, we encourage our friends, family, colleagues and neighbours to
vote for that gaggle of kids out there playing on the street?
Co-creating the future for our region This is a wonderful community in which to live. You only need to have had the privilege of living elsewhere to realise that Bay of ‘Plenty’ is just that. In 50 years’ time, those living here will reap the rewards and benefits from the decisions we make here today. Nothing is perfect, but together by casting a vote we can co-create the best outcomes for the people and environs of this region. Make a difference for our future generations by being part of this gentle process of evolution. Cast your vote on time. Enjoy! Kia ora Antoon Moonen
Tauranga City Mayoral Candidate List 2016 Mayor (1 seat) Name
Baldock, Larry
More Democracy Less Bureaucracy
Page 6
Brownless, Greg
Page 9
Clout, Kelvin
Energy and Experience
Page 7
Guy, Murray
Community Focused Leadership
Page 8
Mason, Max
Experienced Positive Leadership
Page 5
Morris, Steve
Together we can build a better city
Page 7
Owens, Doug
Effectiveness, Efficiency, Growth
Page 9
Peterson, Noel James
Page 4
Purches, Graeme
Page 4
Leaming, Hori BOP Robson, John
Profile location
Not featured Real change in TCC - Guaranteed
Not featured
Tauranga City Council Mayor
About us
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
For YOUR MAYOR and STRONG LEADERSHIP Team Tauranga YOU and YOUR Council working together I offer myself as YOUR MAYOR, delivering strong leadership, open and transparent representation, and a promise to drive better engagement between YOUR Council and OUR Community.
Council is a large business, and I have proven myself in enterprises with employee counts ranging from 500 to 1,850.
I have 29 years of successful employment experience in Public Affairs, Communications, Community Relations (including 17 years at Trustpower), and Journalism.
The Mayor’s key job is leadership, guiding the elected team which sets the targets and boundaries for the CEO and staff, plus representation with key stakeholders including Central Government and its agencies.
Tauranga City Council Mayor
I have studied councils around New Zealand, investigating what works and what doesn’t, worked with 66 mayors and a host of Council CEOs and managers, and picked lots of brains along the way. My experience as a successful Chairman of another Council’s Property Company has given me hands on experience at local government level. In other words, I have local government political and business knowledge and experience.
Councillors and Mayors serve in a governance role, representing YOU, the people.
I am running a frugal election campaign, a trait that will continue if you elect me. I am not loose as a goose with my own money, and I won’t be with yours. In 26 years working for large enterprises, I have not once blown my budget, and I am proud of that. I have no “backers” - meaning nobody can expect favours for their support. I stand for election at my own cost, and I am not
hedging my bets by standing for both council and Mayor. I make no rash promises. If I am elected as your Mayor I will be one of 11 voices around the Council table. But as Mayor, I will be a strong and effective leader, pulling together the elected team to work collaboratively in the best interests of Tauranga. I want to make a difference, and I know that I can. So please elect me as Mayor/Coach of TeamTauranga, and let’s all work together to achieve changes for the better. Your voice will be heard. Graeme Purches Authorised by Graeme Purches 22 Donnington Place, Tauranga 3110 e graeme@purches.co.nz p 027 959 3471 teamtauranga
Tauranga mayor
I would like to work for you, leading Tauranga, caring for people, your community and environment, creating a future to believe in, feel free to ask me more... Noel James Peterson I Phone: 578 0031 I Mobile: 027 223 0103 I electiontauranga@gmail.com Authorised by Noel James Peterson, 52 Pemberton Crescent, Greeton, Tauranga, 3112.
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Tauranga City Council Mayor
Authorised by Max Mason, 73 Waratah Street, Tauranga.
D O I N G T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T LY Strong positive leadership
An age friendly city
Free flowing traffic and good parking
Fiscally sound leadership
Collaborative business friendly council
Reshaping local government
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
I believe the new Mayor of Tauranga needs to have awareness of our history that spans more than just the last few years plus the ability to articulate a vision for the foreseeable future, and most importantly, the capability to get things done. I have a proven track record of achieving things for the city from my time in Parliament 2002-2005 and Council in 2010-2013.
Probably the greatest single threat to our city’s prosperous future will be the failure to address the growing traffic congestion across our transport network. Despite this, there seems to be almost no provision for the cost of dealing with this in the current Long Term Plan. (10 YRS)
Tauranga City Council Mayor
When I was an MP in 2005 I worked with the Minister of Transport to obtain $150 mil in funding as a special grant for our road network. I am the only candidate with a track record of working effectively with Central Government and Regional Council to ensure we continue investment in all our vital infrastructure, especially our roads at this time, to avoid the clogged highways many have moved here to escape. Options like Park and Ride, off road cycle-ways and future light rail need to be considered as part of the answer but a good road network around and through the city is vital.
CIVIC HEART REVITALISATION I have a plan to provide for the Council Staff’s need for office accommodation and also beginning the development of the civic heart in the city centre that avoids the need to spend $62 mil on a new office building at this time. I believe Council must prioritise new civic amenities and an international hotel that would contribute to the growth of our economy. The revitalization of the City Centre can only be achieved with more people visiting, working and living within the CBD to bring life and vibrancy to its heart.
MORE DEMOCRACY I would pursue improvements to our democracy by initiating regular surveys sent out with rates and water bills to better understand your opinion to guide Council’s decision making on our city’s future. Authorised by Larry Baldock, 40 Hampstead Court, Pyes Pa, Tauranga.
I also believe that in a good democracy everyone needs to know how Councilors vote. For most of us life is busy and we do not have the time to wade through the Council website to find the minutes of meetings etc. Council needs to take the initiative by regularly publishing the details of how elected members vote at least on the major issues being dealt with. Too often I have seen the hypocritical situation where Elected Members turn up for photo ops at the opening of some new popular civic project, like the Hairy Maclary statues on the waterfront that I pushed through, or the Pilot Bay boardwalk at the Mount I supported, when they actually voted against the project.
LESS BUREAUCRACY Bureaucracy, if left unchecked, will naturally grow and become more costly and less efficient. Because Council has a monopoly on many of the services it provides it can be guilty of overcharging, therefore Councilors need to be vigilant in their oversight of the organisation. I share the growing concerns expressed by many about the endless forms to fill out and rules and regulations being forced upon us. We need to be working hard to minimize how all this is implemented at our local level so that common sense becomes common again.
OPEN MORE LAND FOR DEVELOPMENT Smart Growth and the three partner Councils must continue to open up more residential land to keep ahead of demand and to maintain as much flexibility in planning rules as possible. Seeing the housing affordability index improve over the next 10 years for families to own their homes is a must. If you believe our rapidly growing city needs capable strategic leadership now, please give me your vote for Mayor and Council.
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Together we can build a better city... Tauranga in the near future...
My vision for Tauranga is a city with infrastructure that you can rely on and a debt balance that doesn’t cripple future generations. If the next council overspends on a staff building and builds a $25m+ rugby grandstand for just one extra game a year the city risks losing water pressure in 2021 and four-laning of 15th Ave/Turret Rd could be pushed out well beyond 2026.
Or Tauranga’s near future with Steve Morris in the driver’s seat...
As Mayor I'll progress the infrastructure that matters to you and your daily life. I will present a long term budget to council that includes four-laning of 15th Ave/Turret Road for the first time, completion of the new water plant by 2021, and upgrades to our sewage system to stop sewage overflows into the harbour. Let's do the basics right and keep debt in check. It’s time for new leadership to keep our city moving.
ConTaCT me phone 542 1602 email stevem.tauranga@gmail.com or visit stevemorris.co.nz
Authorised by Steve Morris, 2 The Glade, Papamoa, Tauranga
New Zealand’s most sustainable and desirable city for raising a family, building a business or career, and enjoying life. Please refer to my website for details on how I will address the following issues:
• • • • • • • •
Promoting economic growth and bringing businesses to our city Empowering and supporting our local iwi and protecting our natural treasures in a positive post-treaty-settlement partnership
Clearing traffic chokepoints, promoting active transportation and investigating commuter trains and ferries Invigorating our cultural, heritage and sporting lives
Enhancing Council’s relationship with, and service to, our community
Embracing family-friendly events and facilities Refreshing our Smartgrowth sub-regional planning regime
Enabling urban development and revitalising our CBD
• Boosting community-led development • Tackling homelessness and the housing affordability crisis • Preparing for the effects of climate change, reducing chemical-spray use by Council, and better controlling pest trees and vermin
• Kelvin Clout, Deputy Mayor Tauranga City Council
Regulating for a smoke-free Tauranga
authorised by Kelvin Clout, 7 Alexander Street, Tauranga
Tauranga City Council Mayor
Imagine a city with better roads, the best drinking water in New Zealand and a harbour that doesn’t have overflows of raw sewage anymore.
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Tauranga City Council Mayor
1) Open, transparent decision making processes and meetings – Performance measures for CEO and staff, portfolios for councillors ensuring greater accountability.
4) Fixed zero rate increase – ‘needs to have’ & efficiency focus
2) CBD plan developed with business owners and community
5) Community consultation, referendum on significant issues and projects e.g. museum, performing arts centre, stadium, CCOs and amalgamation.
3) Safe transport, cycling, park and ride, development of main arterial routes.
6) Improved facilities & infrastructure to match growth
Murray Guy - CounCillor TE PaPa – WElCoME Bay Ward Born & lived in Merivale/Gate Pa most of my life. Elected as a Te Papa Ward Councillor 2001.
Priorities: 1) Effective Te Papa - Welcome Bay Ward representation 2) Welcome Bay/Ohauiti business, shopping and recreational options 3) 4 lane Turret Rd, Hairini bridge, 15th Ave
Email me
I will respond
4) Community focused 5) Off-road safe cycle options 6) Reduce speed limits in residential and school zones
Phone me I will answer
Home: 07 543 2778 Mobile: 0274 599 485 Email: murray.guy@xtra.co.nz Facebook.com: /MurrayGuy.Tauranga/
Authorised by Murray Guy, 10 Georgia Grove, Pyes Pa. Authorised by Murray Guy, 10 Georgia Grove, Pyes Pa.
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
•Think regionally act locally •Continue to work with all Bay Councils and Government on the Local Government Reform Legislation •Review TCC Management and Consenting Systems •Scope the use of Local Body Bonds for investment in infrastructure •Review the proposed Civic Amenities concept •Review funding of 15th Avenue works with the NZTA •Review Waste Management Systems in the Bay •Work with the BOPRC to maintain and enhance the Tauranga Harbour •Keep the build of the BOP University on track •Network with Sport BOP to scope sport scholarships to attract young athletes to the Bay and into our University environment •The people, the people, the people Authorised by Douglas Owens, 12/11th Avenue Tauranga
Greg Brownless StandIng only for Mayor I advocate: Using rates efficiently to get better value for money and achieve results Getting Council spending and staffing levels under control Looking for sensible traffic congestion solutions Retaining direct ownership of our assets including water Support for heritage, sport & arts at an affordable cost Encouraging recycling to help our environment More open decision-making
w w w.gregbrownless.co.nz Authorised by Greg Brownless, 167 Grange Road, Tauranga
With experience and proven service to the community through many local organisations and the gifting of my business to the Legacy Trust, I have the ability and heart to be Mayor and to lead Tauranga by example. I’m asking for your support to get there.
Tauranga City Council Mayor
The business of Council has become complex and my skillset matches the drive for innovation as an independent Mayor and leader of your city for the next three years and beyond. In their day, my parents Bob and Joy Owens, strived to make Tauranga a better place for people to live, work and play. There is more work to be done and my commitment to further effectiveness and efficiency, will bring with it the results and the environment we need to support ourselves, the aged, the vulnerable and our youth wanting jobs. Let’s take Tauranga and the Bay to another level. My experience and knowledge of politics, commerce, media, IT, transport, construction, project management and environmental science, places me and ultimately you, at the centre of the challenges ahead.
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Tauranga City Council Candidate List 2016 At Large (4 seats) Name Christiansen, Tony Clout, Kelvin
Profile location Page 18 Page 19
Curach, Rick
Page 12
Mason, Max
page 5
Peterson, Noel James Wassung, Mark
Page 7
Coffin, Antoine
McIntosh, Gail
Mount Maunganui Papamoa Ward (2 seats) Brown, Leanne Morris, Steve
Page 12
Profile location Page 18 Page 7
Harnor, Bob
Not featured
Stanley, Peter
Not featured
Page 4 Page 17
Otumoetai - Pyes Pa Ward (2 seats)
Tauranga City Councillors
Brown, Geoffrey
Not featured
Cowley, Matt
Not featured
Davidson, Alan
Not featured
Baldock, Larry
Page 12
Millin, Kevin
Not featured
Edlin, Bev
Page 13
Ottaway, Grayson
Not featured
Moore, Graeme
Page 14
Robb, Hugh E
Not featured
Nesdale, Sheldon
Page 11
Robson, John
Not featured
Stewart, Catherine
Not featured
West, Jo
Not featured
Profile location
Te Papa - Welcome Bay Ward (2 seats) Name
Profile location
Grainger, Bill
Page 11
Guy, Murray
Page 8
Misa, Jesse
Page 16
Molloy, Terry
Page 15
Bailey, Sam
Not featured
Leaming, Hori BOP
Not featured
Oxley, Brian
Not featured
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Who Do We Need On Tauranga City Council? Someone who wants a council that provides excellent value for money, that is open, transparent, and inclusive. Someone who has business acumen, communication skills, and above all is a good listener. Someone who has prepared for the role by reading thousands of pages of council documents, interviewed dozens of experts, and has visited thousands of homes in Matua, Pilans Point, Cherrywood, Brookfield, Otumoetai, Judea, Bellevue, Bethlehem and Pyes Pa.
Someone who has a proven track record of injecting fresh ideas, taking action, and leading teams to create extraordinary results by setting ambitious goals and taking steps forward. That someone is me. If these are the qualities you value, put me, Sheldon Nesdale, on council.
Find out more: Visit: www.IAmListening.co.nz Email: sheldon@iamlistening.co.nz Call: 575 8799 or 021 128 5046
Authorised by Sheldon Nesdale, 137 Levers Road, Matua
Sheldon Nesdale for Tauranga City Council Otumoetai/Pyes Pa Ward
Tauranga City Councillors
I think we need a family man who cherishes our elders, who inspires and understands our youth.
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Tauranga City Councillors
To the residents of Otumoetai, Cherrywood, Pillans Point, Bureta, Matua, Bellevue, Brookfield, Judea, Bethlehem, Pyes Pa and The Lakes. I am applying for the job to represent you and your community’s needs, hopes and dreams for a better city. So let me tell you a bit about myself. Most of my 62 years have been spent in this amazing place. I grew up in Gate Pa and 39 years ago I married a beautiful girl from Otumoetai and together we have raised 3 children. We spent 15 years living abroad in several countries in Asia and Europe and returned to Tauranga in 1993 and have now lived in Pyes Pa for over 20 years. Elected to the Board of trustees of Bethlehem College, then Tauranga City Council in 2001, Parliament in 2002 and
then again to Council in 2010, I have had the privilege and opportunity to be involved in the development of our rapidly growing city. Barbara and I love having our family and eight grandchildren around us in this beautiful environment. They are a constant reminder that we need to keep building a great city for them and their children which is why you will always find me supporting and promoting the good projects that make Tauranga even better. In this election it’s vital you choose candidates who have the skills necessary to perform effectively on your behalf in Council.
Authorised by Larry Baldock, 40 Hampstead Court, Pyes Pa, Tauranga.
A strong voice at the debating chamber and a track record of being able to work co-operatively with other elected members and Council staff to get things done is essential. For more information read my job application for Mayor in this magazine, or visit my website www.baldock.nz I assure you of my commitment to represent you with CAPABLE, STRATEGIC, LEADERSHIP. Yours sincerely,
Larry Baldock
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Dr. Bev Edlin Reputation and experience you can trust
Tauranga is more than our beach… Together, we can build a
vibrant city with opportunities for all, a city for our grandchildren. We need sound, well-designed, sustainable infrastructure and amenities that enable the city to grow in a deliberate manner, to ensure future generations will be able to live, work and play in this wonderful place. I will focus council on managing land use and debt, funds and risk. I will ensure council is kept on task, with thoroughly checked processes.
Re-elect for Otumoetai & Pyes Pa
We need to plan for today, tomorrow and 50 years from now.
Elect for Bay of Plenty District Health Board
“Bev understands the importance of arts and culture. She is positive and forthright, approachable and practical. Bev is real.” - Simone Anderson, Director The Incubator Growing Art & Culture
“Her understanding of governance, both from a practical and academic perspective, means her advice has led to positive change on the Board.” - Ian Smith, Past Chair Tourism Bay of Plenty
Our region’s greatest asset is its people… I’m passionate
about the health of our people. I believe great governance at board level is key to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all our residents. I have extensive experience and will bring strategic vision and financial acumen to the Bay of Plenty District Health Board. I will ensure initiatives are both affordable and strategically delivered.
Bev’s credentials include:
Elect for Bay of Plenty District Health Board
• Deputy Chair of Bay of Plenty’s Institute of Directors
I am compassionate, ethical and always put people first. I am a proud local - three generations of my family live in the Bay. I am a visionary with strong negotiation and communication skills. I am resilient, intelligent and have a reputation and experience you can trust.
• Board member of: - Tauranga YMCA - Netball WaikatoBay of Plenty • Rotarian
Dr. Bev Edlin DBA, MBA(DIST), FICS, C.MINSTD Chartered Director
• Member of the Maori Business and Merge Networks
• Awarded Excellence in Governance Development at this year’s Women in Governance Awards • A PhD in Governance, focused on effective decision-making and boardroom behaviour
Authorised by Bev Edlin, 11 Windover Rise, Tauranga.
Tauranga City Councillors
Re-elect for Otumoetai & Pyes Pa
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Graeme moore Progress - With Prudent Financial management
Tauranga City Councillors
My place of residence is in Otumoetai/Pyes Pa Ward. I was a teacher at Tauranga Boys’ College for 27 years and 6 years in International Schools with my wife Sharon. For the last 5 years I have enjoyed being on call at Otumoetai College. Sport and recreation have featured strongly in my life. I represented the BOP (Steamers) Rugby team for 14 years and am a Founding and Life Member of Tauranga Sports Club.
rates & current issues I am committed to finding ways to finance basic infrastructure and recreational, cultural, and sporting facilities for our rapidly growing City without unnecessary rates increases. For example, Council could lease office space instead of spending $74 million on a new building. This would free up funds for projects already under consideration, and money for debt reduction. Traffic congestion is another concern.
Please Note:
Further to finance becoming available for the much discussed cultural amenities and up-grading of the civic centre – at this point a multi-purpose stadium for the Tauranga Domain also becomes a possibility. If such a stadium is built I would advocate in the interests of the current sports club users – tennis, bowls, croquet, rugby, cricket, soccer (on Wharepai field) and athletics – to ensure minimal impact and inconvenience.
i would consult with and be guided by you, the ratepayer. Authorised by Graeme Moore, 543 Otumoetai Road, Matua
committed | passionate | ResULts
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Terry Molloy:
Te Papa Welcome Bay Ward I have lived, worked and played in Tauranga from the day I was born. I have seen it grow from a small village to one of the most significant cities in New Zealand. With my wife Robyn, I have a background in farming, horticulture and property development. Sport and travel are my ‘spare time’ passions. I have been president of Tauranga Fruit Growers, president of the Greerton Lions and am chairman of the Bay of Plenty Coromandel Automobile Association board. I chaired the Battle of Gate Pa Trust that brought you the Battle of Gate Pa exhibition. I organised the big screen on the strand during the Rugby World Cup when Council would not. In my terms as a councillor, 6 years, I have been a solid supporter of the Welcome Bay Community Centre, Merivale Community Centre, Greerton and Tauranga Main Streets. Even before my time as a councillor, I chaired the Greerton Village redevelopment committee which brought you Greerton Village as it is today.
A word of caution; beware of candidates bringing gifts. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
This has been a 23 year project. It involved support from Council, business and the community, the strategic allocation of resources, and persistence, culminating in the 2016 opening of the new Greerton Library and Village Square.
The Future Funding our future is the key; a new funding model is required.
That just skims who Terry Molloy is, but consider, it’s not what I may say about Terry Molloy that’s important, it’s what others who know me or have worked with me say. If you would like to know more, I invite you to talk to other well-known Tauranga community or business leaders or visit my web site. www.terrymolloy.co.nz
The reality, we must work smarter with a range of potential funding partners: • With Government, they must provide more assistance; we are a critical part of the national economy; • With Bay of Plenty Regional Council who are holding considerable local resources; • With Western Bay of Plenty District Council, where there are opportunities to collaborate, save and improve services; • With the corporate and business community, who are looking for joint ventures; • With TECT who are looking for ways to support the city; • With the three Iwi of Tauranga, who will become significant partners in the future.
The Place Tauranga is on the top of a very large growth wave; both an opportunity and a challenge. Going forward core infrastructure is a no-brainer. The city is running hard to keep up; infrastructure, new and old, is fully stretching our resources. Our top priorities must be: • Roads (including… Cameron Rd…Traffic lights in Greerton is a NO); • Three waters (drinking, storm and sewerage); • Parks, environment and waterways; • Sustainable growth that nurtures the heart and soul of the city as well.
It won’t be easy, and strong leadership from Council is required. As a candidate, I have the relationships and the proven ability to work with all these potential partners. My vision is make sure Tauranga stays the best place in New Zealand to put down your anchor.
I will support the community’s aspirations in these key areas. In doing so, I will leave no stone unturned to find new ways to fund our needs. The current rate funded model will not, on its own, provide for our city.
Phone 0274940296
Tauranga City. The People. The Place. The Future. Authorised by Terry Molloy, 902/72 Devonport Rd, Tauranga
email terry@terrymolloy.co.nz
Tauranga City Councillors
The Person
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Why is Jesse Misa running For CounCil?
Tauranga City Councillors
Jesse Misa, also affectionately known as Captain Jesse has lived in Tauranga for 25 years. He and his family have called this place home and his children have grown up and been educated here. Now Jesse has a desire to invest himself in ensuring that the future of Tauranga includes in its leadership, those who care about its people, its future and its community values. Jesse offers a combination of vision, energy, and skill accumulated from a considerable history in governance with local charitable trusts and as a CEO and trustee with Marine Reach, having served as both Captain of Marine Reach humanitarian aid and mission ships and as Marine Reach International Co Director. Jesse has that fortunate capability of successfully leading others, representing their viewpoint, not from a detached and distant position but from alongside those he serves and leads. He is a listener, a people person and when there is a task, a goal, an aspiration placed before him, his skill as a facilitator and finisher has been well established. Why would someone support Jesse as a candidate for Tauranga City Council? In three words Jesse has given the people of Welcome Bay and Te Papa some idea of what he offers; Service, Advocacy and Accountability. Service indicates Jesse’s desire to keep people as the primary reason anyone should seek a place at the council
table. His goal is to listen to people and to serve their best interests without the undue distraction of imposed agendas or political tangents. Tauranga people deserve councillors who are intent on providing them with a city that works and serves the needs of those who live here and pay for that privilege. Advocacy suggests something more than giving people a voice, or just representing their views. Jesse’s intention is to foster the involvement of Tauranga residents to the extent that they can genuinely participate in shaping the future of their city. It is also about making strong and healthy community values something that Tauranga strives to foster and encourage. Accountability is an expectation that the performance of elected representatives should be measured and that productivity is not an unreasonable expectation of the electorate. Jesse wants to ensure that he is being effective, working hard and feeding back information and celebrating achievement and progress. Integrity is about being up front, being transparent and a person who can be relied on. What is it that Jesse hopes to achieve for communities within Tauranga? The first is that at council level the people of Tauranga have a team who are hardworking, efficient and accountable. Also on Jesse’s list of aspirations is planning for transport and road infrastructure to ensure that Tauranga communities remain connected and that travel within and between them remains efficient. Other centres appear to play catch up, Tauranga needs to remain proactive, forward thinking and strategic, with both transport and with services infrastructure. Other planning is also required, such things as ensuring that growing communities within Tauranga are appropriately served by schools and educational facilities within easy reach.
Te Papa and Welcome Bay will need further capacity by way of new schooling at Intermediate and College level with additional classrooms. Jesse also sees recreational and other outdoor amenities which, with some investment would be considerably safer and more effectively utilised. Lighting in parks, reserves and along walkways would certainly enhance the community’s use of such amenities. Encouragement of new shopping developments such as a supermarket for Welcome Bay for starters, which will serve the needs of our growing community, add jobs and in the long term decrease traffic flow in and out of high congested areas which is high on Jesse’s consideration and future strategic planning. In the end, there are three reasons Jesse suggests you should consider a vote for him as he seeks a seat on the Tauranga City Council. He has a genuine and unbiased concern for all groups represented within the city, whether they are social, community, business, government or service level. His perception of communities and city encompasses all people at every level, not just the wealthy and successful. Jesse is certain that he represents, robust and visionary leadership which still holds at its core the value of people, the environment and the community at large. He is equally certain that he has the experience, skills and integrity established at local, regional and international level, to serve you well. For Jesse an opportunity to serve you in this way is not viewed as employment but rather as a vocation, which is a commitment of himself to a task, in a way he knows very well. To make this happen, Jesse Misa needs you. I would suggest that equally, the people of Tauranga need Jesse Misa.
Authorised by Jesse Misa, 114 Meander Drive, Tauranga 3112
Everybody wants to live in a vital, healthy community, one that is safe, where residents feel included and listened to, where leaders are thinking about ensuring infrastructure and facilities will match needs into the future. And communities need leaders who don’t just think about the place where they live and its people but have experience in the world of enterprise along with a history of involvement and success in civic, regional and international affairs.
Email: jessemisa@gmail.com Facebook: @jessepolitician Mobile: 021 441 977
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Tauranga City Councillors
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
How do I enrol? It’s easy! You can get a form sent to you by Free texting your name and address to 3676 or calling 0800 36 76 56. You can also pick up a form at your local PostShop. The form will ask you for information about yourself. When you have enrolled, your name will go on the electoral roll, which is the list of people who have enrolled and are allowed to vote. If you are Māori, you get to choose whether you want to be on the Māori or the General Roll. If you are concerned about your safety if your name goes on the Electoral Roll, you can ask to go on the Unpublished Roll. If you need help to fill in your form, because of language or disability issues, you can ask someone else to help you, or you can contact your local Registrar of Electors:
Tauranga City Councillors
Tauranga (07) 578 2763 tauranga@elections.org.nz Bay of Plenty (07) 578 2762 bay.of.plenty@elections.org.nz
TONY CHRISTIANSEN COMMITTED to TAURANGA Tony was born in Tauranga and has lived here all his life. He is successful in business, sports & a past City Councillor. Tony supports a transparent Council that engages with the community and if elected, will address our city’s growth, affordable housing & homelessness, roading & traf�ic congestion, rising rates & debt, our water needs and the revitalisation of our CBD.
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Vote Antoine Strategic Intelligent Point of Difference
ANTOINE COFFIN Tauranga City Councillors
KEEPING IT REAL Tauranga City Council - At Large Authorised by Antoine Coffin, 8 Double Bay Road, Pyes Pa, Tauranga
ga ran u a lor T ncil u o C
Taura ng Mayor a WBOP Dis trict Mayor
Regional Co uncillor
Dis tr ict Co un cillo rs WBOP
BOPDHB Board Member
Make your vote count
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Candidate List 2016 Eastern Bay of Plenty General Constituency (2 seats) Name
Profile location
Western Bay of Plenty General Constituency (2 seats) Name
Profile location
Clark, Bill
Not featured
Bruning, Norm
Elected Unopposed
Holmes, Colin
Not featured
Nees, Jane
Elected Unopposed
Leeder, Douglas
Not featured
Rotorua General Constituency (2 seats) Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Profile location
Oppatt, Neil
Not featured
Paul, Katie
Not featured
Thurston, Lyall
Not featured
Winters, Kevin
Not featured
Tauranga General Constituency (5 seats) Name
Profile location
Araroa, Miro
Not featured
Marr, Tiipene
Not featured
Paul, Wetini
Not featured
Ōkurei Māori Constituency (1 seat) Name
Profile location
Mohi, Gina
Not featured
Tahana, Arapeta
Not featured
Profile location
Cronin, John
Page 21
Crosby, Stuart
Page 23
Kane, Rusty
Page 22
Love, David
Page 21
O'Neill, Michael
Page 22
Thompson, Paula
Page 23
von Dadelszen, Andrew
Page 21
Johnston, Keith
Kōhī Māori Constituency (1 seat)
Not featured
Mauao Māori Constituency (1 seat) Name
Profile location
Black, Awanui
Page 22
Bidois, Carlton
Not featured
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
• Current Chair Audit and Risk • Past Chairman (4 Terms) • Proven Leadership It has been an honour and a privilege to serve you over a period of such significant economic growth in our region. These are difficult times for many. I will with your support continue to work hard to see Tauranga thrive, and will support you all through advocating for key initiatives such as affordable council rates, educational opportunities through the new tertiary partnership, (which has the potential to bring unprecedented growth to Tauranga), supporting real jobs for youths, while ensuring respect and security for the vulnerable and the elderly.
mnzm, jp.
For Regional Council Contact: johncronin@xtra.co.nz Phone 021 578 001
Accredited Fellow of the Institute of Directors, a Life member of Greypower (for services to seniors), and a former director of many companies, including Port of Tauranga Limited, (2002-2014). I support continued co-operation I support volunteer groups, coast care between local councils, addressing and other environmental programs, shared services, key issues including Forest and Bird, and protection of our infrastructure development, roading, rivers, streams and harbour. improved bus and transport services, marine and harbour initiatives, siltation I am a family man, and privileged to and mangrove solutions, while asserting represent you. I have listened, promises made have strong financial prudence. been promises kept. I hold the, New Zealand Order of Merit I seek your continued support. and I am a Chartered Accountant, Authorised by John Cronin, 16 Fifth Avenue, Tauranga
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
1 September 2016
I will strive to achieve: ` ` ` ` `
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Affordability and efficiency Safer roads Improved transport infrastructures Clean beaches and waterways Safe people centred communities Shared Council service provisions Authorised by Michael O’Neill 28A Terrace Avenue, Mount Maunganui
Mauao - Mauri Ora! Te Awanui Moana Te Awanui Black is the current Elected Member for the Mauao Māori constituency and hopes to continue his work with the Regional Council, advocating for the people of the Bay of Plenty. Awanui is a respected community leader, with an extensive background in kaupapa Māori, kapa haka, and marae tradition. Awanui has spent his life working for his community. He led the Iwi response to the 2011 Rena disaster for two Authorised by Te Awanuiarangi Black, 3B Dixon Road, Papamoa
years, as well as facilitating the new Māori language entity ‘Te Mātāwai' for the Bay of Plenty. leader in the Regional Council’s integration of tikanga Māori, and was behind the Council’s adoption of its Māori name, 'Toi Moana'. Going forward, Awanui wants to continue his work with the community, prioritising the needs of the people in the Bay and working to make a positive difference. Contact: awanui.black@gmail.com
Authorised by AB Blacktopp, 7 Lorna Place, Taruanga
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
P O’NEILL Michael
For a fresh, clean environment
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
1 September 2016
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Western BOP District Council Candidate List 2016 Mayor (1 seat) Name
Profile location
Merriman, Gwenda
Leadership, inclusiveness, compromise
Page 26
Webber, Garry
A leader for real change in the Western Bay
Page 25
Lally, Mike
Not featured
Thwaites, Don
Not featured
Tohiariki, Kevin
Not featured
Kaimai Ward (4 seats) Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Maketu - Te Puke Ward (4 seats)
Profile location
Profile location
Dean, Mark
Page 26
Colmore, Margaret
Page 26
Murray-Benge, Margaret
Page 27
Cantlon, Gus
Not featured
Humphreys, Christina
Not featured
Dally, Grant
Not featured
Livingston-Pooley, Tracy
Not featured
Gunn-Thomas, Karyl
Not featured
Palmer, John
Not featured
Lally, Mike
Not featured
Thwaites, Don
Not featured
Marsh, Kevin
Not featured
Ratu, Bertie
Not featured
Scrimgeour, John
Not featured
Katikati - Waihi Beach Ward (3 seats) Name
Profile location
Bowyer, Phil
Not featured
Goudie, Ross
Not featured
Mackay, Peter
Not featured
Marshall, David
Not featured
Tohiariki, Kevin
Not featured
Williams, Mike
Not featured
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Garry Webber FOR MAYOR
A Leader for Real Change in the Western Bay
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
1 September 2016
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Authorised by G Merriman, Whakamarama
Leading a Council that is connected to all our communities, that through innovation and collaboration delivers services efficiently and effectively.
I will listen and act in your interest The whole Western Bay is my focus I support a balance of affordable growth and protection of our environment I provide assured continuity — a seamless transition My international and regional relationships will be invaluable as Mayor
Serving as your D e p u t y M a y o r, Western Bay of Plenty District Council 2013-2016
As your serving Deputy Mayor, I realise the Mayor needs to be free to represent the whole region and all of our communities — fairly and without favour
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
AN for MAYOR - Leadership - Inclusiveness - Compromise
P 021 839 997 E gwenda@eol.co.nz W www.gwendamerriman.nz FB www.facebook.com/gwendamerriman
VOTE Margaret Colmore
Western Bay of Plenty District Council Elections
Your choice for Maketu / Te Puke Ward
Mark DEAN for Kaimai Ward
Business and Governance Experience Extensive Community Service Western Bay Resident for 40 years Practical Environmental Experience
I listen, I act Your voice in Council
For a thriving Te Puke township Broadening the rates base through economic growth Transparency in council allocated contracts Ensure Te Puke is center of excellence for horticulture & agriculture. Ensure roading budget is allocated where most needed Authorised by Margaret Colmore, 599 Mountain Rd, RD3, 021 2294505
As your Councillor I aim to achieve: • a Western Bay that continues to be a great community to live in • a more efficient and cohesive council; making your rates go further • a balance between fostering business, protecting our unique environment and planning for sustainable population growth. facebook.com/MarkDeanforWesternBay Authorised by Mark A Dean, 1343 Oropi Road, Tauranga 3173
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
1 September 2016
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
BOP District Health Board Candidate List 2016
At Large (7 seats) Name
Profile location
Boyes, Yvonne
Page 28
Edlin, Bev
Page 13
For your
Gordon, Carole
Page 28
Guy, Marion
Page 28
Nicholl, Peter
Page 29
District Health Board
Scott, Ron
Page 29
continued on the
p Commitment p For your Community
(BOPDHB Candidate list continues over on Page 30)
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
Authorised by Yvonne Boyes 47 Pohutukawa Ave, Ohope
Marion Guy
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
rn, PG Dip., Mn., QSo
Carole Gordon I have a proud history in efforts to improve the wellbeing of people in our region. I offer my wealth of knowledge as an educator, social scientist and research as a social gerontologist to health policy decision-making, together with wide service experience on national and local boards. I will: h achieve continued investment in child and Maori health improvements; h foster local government, and social sector collaboration; h ensure a platform for efficient delivery of hospital and community services for older people. Phone 07 576 6727 Authorised by Carole Gordon, 17b Purcival Avenue, Matua, Tauranga
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
VoTE 1
Registered Nurse 4 terms BOP District Health Board Member of Primary Health Organisation Board Health leadership and governance roles both nationally and internationally.
As a nurse I have considerable knowledge of how the health system works, assisting me to make informed decisions on the issues presented. My clinical and governance background gives me an understanding of issues facing health providers and the community. This enables me to highlight gaps in the delivery of timely and effective services, along with suggestions for improvement. We need to ensure we have affordable, accessible and appropriate healthcare for our community. Email: mmguy10@gmail.com Authorised by Marion Guy, 10 Georgia Grove, Pyes Pa
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Let my experience work for you Governor of the RBNZ, Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and President of the NZ Association of Economists.
Key health issues: Aim: The BOPDHB aims to give people better ability to manage their own health – it’s a great aim but it has to be put into practice. Two things that What can I bring to the BOPDHB? can do this are: I am not a health professional. But an Prevention and healthy living: The Bay effective Board needs people with a mix of Plenty really is a land of plenty: of experiences and skills on it. I can bring good climate, ample space, great three things to the Board: food. The Board needs to do all it can to help people convert these Good governance: natural assets into healthy lifestyles. I have been on many Boards including Prevention is good for the people – the Reserve Bank of NZ, The World Bank and makes budget sense too. (Washington DC) and the Central Bank of Bosnia. I understand what the role of a Board Accessibility: The Board’s area is a large one. If people are to manage their own should be. health, they must have easy access to Dealing with diverse groups medical services, especially families and with problem issues: with young children and the elderly. I am used to working in areas where people have Wherever practicable, the health services should go to the people. strong views and competing interests. I worked in the ethnically complex country of Bosnia for 10 One example in the area of where accessibility to health services needs years – and won awards for my work there. to be improved is Eastern Papamoa. The area has grown enormously but Financial and economic knowledge: the provision of easily accessible All industries, including health, have to deal with health services in this area hasn’t kept financial and economic issues. I have an immense up with this growth. amount of experience in these areas. I was Deputy PeterNichollforBOPDHB
Authorised by Peter Nicholl, 25 Kotuku Place, Matua, Tauranga
RE-ELECT RON SCOTT Bay of Plenty DHB Ron Scott, Deputy Chair
JP B.Soc.Sc. B.A. Dip.Bus. CMInstD MNZATD
• Current Deputy Chair of the Bay of Plenty DHB • Chair of Community and Public Health Advisory Committee and Disability Services Advisory Committee • Member DHB Audit and Risk Management Committee • Chair of SILC Charitable Trust • Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors • Justice of the Peace • Chief Executive of Stellaris Ltd
Our people’s health is our top priority. The Bay of Plenty is fortunate to have an effective District Health Board already, but there is always room for improvement. I want a board that always strives for better, faster services which are closer to where people live. The DHB should focus on the very old, the very young and maintaining a qualified workforce.
The DHB is enormously complex and extends beyond our hospitals. It includes community health services, such as the work of your GP or pharmacist, provision of healthcare for older people and B4 School checks.
I am proud to have already served six years on the Bay of Plenty District Health Board, the past three as deputy chair. I have an indepth understanding of the organisation and the people it serves.
The BOPDHB has a budget of more than $700 million but when we spend it, every dollar has to be effective. As an economist and business owner I understand how to get the best value out of the DHB’s assets and revenue, so we can provide more services. Let’s face it - the health dollar is always going to be stretched so we can’t afford to waste what we have.
I have proven governance skills in large organisations.
Board members don’t provide health services –that’s why
for Ron Scott
VOTERONSCOTT.CO.NZ we have our wonderful health professionals. But the board plans, develops strategy and manages assets so that those at the frontline can get on and do their job effectively. We need to recruit and keep the best people - without them we would be lost. While I’m not a health professional, I have experience working across the sector, and am particularly passionate about the disability and longterm illnesses area having served as chair of the SILC Charitable Trust and worked to rehabilitate ACC clients over many years. Authorised by Ron Scott 6 Courtney Road, Tauranga
We’re going in the right direction. Help me maintain the Bay of Plenty District Health Board’s steady progress so our region can have healthy, thriving communities with access to quality services.
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
My motivation Hi, I am a New Zealander and I returned with my family to live in New Zealand last year. We chose Tauranga. We love the Bay of Plenty and I would like to use my experience to make a contribution to this great place.
2016 Local Body Elections - Special Issue
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
BOP District Health Board Candidate List 2016 At Large (7 seats) Name
(Continued from Page 28)
Profile location
Profile location
Chamberlain, Ron
Not featured
Murfitt, Kirsten Marie
Not featured
Esterman, Geoff
Not featured
Nees, Jane
Not featured
Forster, Richard
Not featured
Parkinson, Matua
Not featured
Fyfe, Ron
Not featured
Peters, Janet
Not featured
Hunter, Callum
Not featured
Rhodes, Hylton
Not featured
Lamare, Yvette Nora
Not featured
Turner, Judy
Not featured
Moncrieff, Rob
Not featured
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
The right to Vote
Written by Jake Spear
Kei te mihi ana ahau ki a koutou te hunga e noho mai ra i roto i tēnei rohe whānui. Ko te tūmanako anō, kei te noho ora koutou i raro i ngā manaakitanga a Te Runga Rawa.
(b) Oh, I didn’t know their policies.
One of the abiding principles by which a democratic society operates is the right to vote. One eligible person, one vote – an inherent right that should never be taken lightly.
(e) Oh, I was too lazy/had a hangover/ was bored/too spaced…
When communities vote for people to represent them in some capacity, whether prime minister or local mayor, they expect that the people they vote for do a damned good job… or else! Sometimes they don’t do a good job, and so voters have the option to get rid of them. But more often than not, people seem to believe that ‘others’ will take care of that. This kind of laziness means that bad representatives are just as likely as the good ones to ‘stay in power’ well beyond their use-by dates.
No more excuses Non-voters, when questioned on their failure to vote, are pretty sure about their answers. They’re quite standard across the board: (a) Oh, I didn’t know the candidates.
(c) Oh, I didn’t like any of them. (d) Oh, I don’t like/know anything about politics.
(f) Oh, I just couldn’t be bothered. Badly run local government, like badly run central government, can make life tough for those of us who are struggling to make ends meet, or who feel that our rights are being suppressed, or denied. But excuses to not vote, like those listed above, only make matters worse. They tend to give us a false sense of right, as if the problem is someone else’s doing and therefore ‘they’ need to fix it.
Our Māori opinion counts Māori are poorly represented when it comes to voting in both general and local elections. At the last Tauranga local body elections, a poor overall voter turnout saw just over thirty-five percent of eligible voters cast a vote, and Maori made up only a tiny fraction of this figure. If we as Māori are to determine our future in this growing city and its
surrounds, we need to become more active both as voters and as participants in development policies. At the coming elections, think about the future you want your children and grandchildren to enjoy. Find out what candidates might suit your aspirations and vote for the one that fits best. The key word here is “vote” – for the future of your whānau.
1 September 2016
Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP
Elections Special Issue Featured Candidates Index Page
Baldock, Larry
6 and 12
Black, Awanui
McIntosh, Gail
Merriman, Gwenda
Boyes, Yvonne
Misa, Jesse
Brown, Leanne
Molloy, Terry
Brownless, Greg
Moore, Graeme
Christiansen, Tony Clout, Kelvin
18 7
Morris, Steve
Murray Benge, Margaret
Coffin, Antoine
Nesdale, Sheldon
Colmore, Margaret
Nicholl, Peter
Cronin, John
O'Neill, Michael
Crosby, Stuart
Owens, Douglas
Curach, Rick
Peterson, Noel James
Dean, Mark
Purches, Graeme
Edlin, Bev
Scott, Ron
Gordon, Carole
Thompson, Paula
Grainger, Bill
von Dadelszen, Andrew
Guy, Marion
Wassung, Mark
Guy, Murray
Webber, Garry
Kane, Rusty
Love, David
Mason, Max
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