The WHOMP, Issue 5 - OCT-DEC 2016

Page 1

Tai Whakarara - Sparkling Tides



The exclusive community companion for south eastern Tauranga Moana households

Issue 5 - OCT-DEC 2016

Rangataua Club Premiers Baywide Champions 2016

Our Boys Our Champions

Page 4 - 8

Meet our two new Mayors Page 17


e and play, alcohol-free in Welcome Bay


Welcome Bay Family Day TYEFun PARK DRIVE DecFORRESTER 4

Sunday 4 DECEMBER 2016 10.00AM - 2.00PM WELCOME BAY

Page 9, 19




EVERY WEEK Monday, 6pm – 7pm Montez Hip Hop Dance Class Tuesdays, 4.00 – 5.30pm Children’s Spiritual Empowerment (school term only) 6.30 – 8.00pm Yoga – $8.00 bring your own mat and towel Wednesdays, 9.30 – 12.00pm Tauranga Budget Advisory Service drop-in clinic Problem Gambling Support, Social Worker

Wednesdays, 9.30 – 12.00pm Welcome! All Knitting group 1.00 – 3.00pm ace (JP) Justice of the Pe ic drop-in clin

- welcome bay -

Wednesdays, 4.15 – 5.45pm ICONZ for Girls (WB Baptist Church) (school term only) Thursdays, 7.15pm – 8.30pm Yoga – $8.00 bring your own mat and towel Fridays, 9.30am Coffee, Cuties & Conversation (WB Baptist Church) (school term only)

Family MOVIE NIGHT Welcome Bay Community Centre 242 Welcome Bay Road

Start time: 6.30pm Popcorn $1 * Juicies $1 each


ALL children 14 and under MUST be accompanie by an adult for the entirety of the film - NO EXCEPTIONS -

* Koha/Donation Entry * - DATES Every first Friday of the month

pg. 3 Cheesecake Shop - candles pg. 5 Hell Pizza - wedges li pg. 7 BurgerFuel - fries with Aio s pg. 9 Palmers Garden - reward pg. 16 Ideal Garages - advice pg. 16 15th Ave Tyre & Suspension pg. 21 Silver Service IT - advice pg. 22 Vanilla Catering - advice pg. 27 Budget Advisory - courses pg. 28 Youth Leadership Course pg. 29 YMCA - free pick-up pg. 29 CarFit Check-up pg. 30 KiwiPetz - rewards pg. 32 Sanctuary Therapy pg. 32 Driver Refresher Course pg. 40 Christmas Competition pg. 42 Better Hiring Decisions pg.43 Legal Advice pg. 43 KitchenMakeover - $500 pg. 44 NZ Business Market - 10% pg. 45 Williams Auto. $30 WOF pg. 48 Paradise FM - free music



... Maungata pu Marae 4 November & 2 December Rangatau pg. 7 a Sports & - fOR MORE INFO Cultural C O h a u it i l. S pg. 7 ettlers Ha ll Oropi Com or phone 07 544 9774 pg. 11 munity Ce ntre obile Libra Bay WelcomeM pg. 13 Live, love and play, alcohol-free in ry timetab le W.Bay Fa pg. 15 mily Fun Day Maungata pg. 9, 19 pu Under p ass Waldorf F pg. 26 air & Ope n Day A P Every Month la pm c 4 e – pg. 31 to Bee the month, 1pm CHOICE Third Monday of op-in clinic, see pg. 14 p g. 33 The Film r) dr MP (Todd Mulle y 2017 ar K nu ic Ja k st b fa o xing & Fit pg. 33 k Break ness Business Networ W.Bay Su p g. 34 mmer Wa lks pg.9, 19 , 16 Annual Events 20 ec D 4 pg. 40 n Day - Sun e Park Family Fu Ty

Programme School Holiday liday period tails for each ho de r fo te si eb w See Centre www.welcomeb


October – December 2016

About us

Editor: Antoon "un-tone" Moonen Contact 7-days: 022 673 8006 Front cover photo photographer: Antoon Moonen Front cover photo subject: Rangataua Sports & Cultural Club Premiers - Baywide Champions 2016 Front cover photo site location Rangataua Sports & Cultural Club overlooking Maungatapu Marae background - Rangataua Bay Maungatapu, Tauranga Moana Published by:

Antoon Moonen

Printed for on behalf of AM Consultancy Ltd. by Pukeko Print Our Community Centre Manager: Anna Larsen Our Community Centre: 07 544 9774 242 Welcome Bay Road, Tauranga 3112 Circulation:


Estimated Readership:


JAN-MAR issue final editorial deadline: Christmas Eve 2016 LICENCE TO COPY: Material content in Tai Whakarara - The WHOMP may be reproduced in part or in whole provided appropriate credit and attribution is given, including any changes that were made, and you must also distribute your contributions under this same licence. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher.


Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Welcome back and thank you! It is without doubt the greatest honour to move about in this community and get to meet and talk to all of you. Everyone that I encounter has a story to share and often with an excitement to tell it. Your willingness to allow this publication to convey these messages to others, helps this community to grow ever closer with more understanding and tolerance towards each other. Our heartfelt thanks to all those candidates who shared and offered themselves into our recent triennial local body elections process. Regardless of success or not, it was your participation that ensured these elections had a successful outcome. Your effort and investment in our community has not gone unnoticed and we trust that you will stay the course. To our two Mayors Greg Brownless and Garry Webber, we bid you welcome and thank-you both for your columns on page 17. The quality of your combined professional expertise and the experience you bring, together with the strength of your elected colleagues, through your leadership will ensure a progressive approach for right outcomes to benefit vested interests of not only our current society, but for the future generations as well. It is hard not to notice those people who are intent on driving this city towards a bright future. The good thing about local body elections, is that it raises some of these individuals to the

surface and we get to meet them. You can see what I mean when you read about the new Waikato University campus in town, as written by John Cronin on page 20, or the energetic Architect and Urban Designer, Mark Wassung and his vision to focus on a Tauranga Connect Multimodal Transportation Network, on pages 23-25. Lastly as you can tell, I was building up to reference, the incredible recent results of the efforts of the Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club Premier rugby team (pictured on the front cover) who for the first time ever, snatched a win in the Premier league to take the Baywide Championship. Unequivocal congratulations go to the Rangataua Premier Sports team and management for doing our community proud. Many thanks also, to you all and to your club, for supporting the efforts to bring some stories and history of the Club together for this publication to celebrate your win. If you wanted to get noticed, you can consider your job well done. But guess what? I’m going to join as a Social Club member (pg. 7) to give my support, and keep a close eye on what you get up to next year for 'our' Club's 110th anniversary! Enjoy! Antoon Moonen, Editor


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Our special thanks to Life Members and Kaumātua Te Tai Taikato and Pauline Harawira for giving their time and providing the information which was used to write these Feature articles.

Rangataua Premiers Baywide Champions 2016 For the first time in the Baywide Premier competition since it began in 1990, the ‘Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club Inc.’ of Maungatapu became champions of the 2016 “Baywide Premier 1” club rugby competition. This was an outstanding achievement after starting the competition series on the back foot with a couple of losses. Even in the final match, they came from behind 5-14 against ‘Mount Maunganui Sports’ to snatch the stunning victory at 35-33.

Management and Coaching


Special acknowledgement this season is given to Coach Aramahou Ririnui and his outstanding team of Assistant Coaches, Murray Ririnui, John Oloan, John Moore and Manager David Little, who combined their approach, it is said,

to enhance a new level of thinking into this Premier team.

Rātana Rosebowl Cup After the final of the Baywide competition, there were 3 unsuccessful challenges levelled against the Rangataua Club for the ‘Rātana Rosebowl Cup’ which has been held by Rangataua for the past 3 years. Somewhere prior to 1938 it is said that a Mr. Peter Rose was sponsored by Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana (founder of the Rātana religion) to compete in a 100 metre race at a Whanganui track meet. Peter won that race and as a token of gratitude for the support, donated the cup to Rātana who in turn gave it to the Rātana Rugby Club for challenges against other rugby clubs.

Local Māori equivalent of the Ranfurly Shield The ‘Rātana Rosebowl Cup’ is special and likened to the local Māori teams equivalent of the Ranfurly Shield. Uniquely, it is also a fund-raiser for the Rugby Club who has it in their possession. Challengers pay a small amount for the privilege of challenging the cup holder, adding the gate-takings and spending over the bar afterwards to provide a welcome boost to the club’s coffers. It is said that the ‘Rātana Rosebowl cup’ always goes with the Club where it is most needed and there have been several times when lesser known clubs have won it.

October – December 2016

History of our local Rugby Club

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Rangataua Football Club 1907 Senior

From way back in the past, the people who lived around the Rangataua Bay including the hapū Ngāti He of the Maungatapu Marae have been known as ‘Ngā Pāpaka o Rangataua’ (The Crabs of Rangataua). The rugby club today bears the crab as an emblem for this very reason and they themselves are the modern day representatives of ‘Ngā Pāpaka o Rangataua’ and known in rugby circles as ‘the Pāpaka’s’ (the crabs).

Karikari Whanau Club Back in those days, prior to competition rugby, various teams consisting of different whanau (family) practised in paddocks and generally played against one another within the club. Out of the 2 or 3 whanau teams they could

Back Row: Taki (Fullback), Ngawhare (Forward), Haora (Wingforward), H Ririnui (Forward), Taikato (Forward), Kakau (Centre) Middle Row: Standing: H Hetara(Mgr), Taite (Wingforward), Marara (Wingthreequarter), A Asher (Coach). T Mcleod (Cpt. Forward), T Ririnui (Wingthreequarter), Wiremu (Forward), Standing (Ranganui (Treasurer) Front Row: J Harawira (Halfback), C McLeod (Five eighth), H Bridger (Forward), G Rameka (Forward, Kiwi Rameka (Fullback), Tu Moiri (Forward) build, they would later go on to forming a team to play at the local District Union level and even toured overseas in Australia as the ‘Karikari Whanau Club’.

Rangataua Football Club In 1907 the club became the ‘Rangataua Football Club’ and this is considered to be the official start date of the club in its current form today, which means that it is 109-years old in 2016.

Centenary celebrations in 2007 with L-R Trevor Billing, Hinenui (Putiputi) Ririnui, Te Tai Taikato

We can all remember earlier back in the day when “rugby” was referred to as “football”, or especially “footy”. It is only the rise of media attention on ‘International Football’, that has begun to apply the name of Football

to what we in New Zealand have commonly referred to as Soccer.

Rangataua Rugby and Netball Club In 1965, the club changed its name to include netball as the ‘Rangataua Rugby and Netball Club’, and later some years after, to ‘Rangataua Rugby, Recreational and Sports Club’.

Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club 2016 Since 1998 until today, the club is recognised as the ‘Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club Inc.’ and in Labour Weekend 2017 the Club will celebrate their 110th anniversary.


This rugby club has a long heritage beginning way back in 1893 where it is well known that the old fella Taipiri Makarauri (McLeod) was instrumental in forming the Karikari Whanau Club from ten local hapū.


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Maungatapu Marae Reservation land Pa O Te Ariki The land that currently houses both the Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club building, the rugby field, tennis and netball courts, is known as ‘Pa O Te Ariki’. It is from this site, in 1898 that the Maungatapu Marae was relocated to its current position on the Opōpoti waterfront (see article in The WHOMP Issue 3, page 36-37,

Influenza pandemic 1918


After the whare was moved off this land, the land itself remained in partial use as an urupā (graveyard). As a result of the 1918 influenza pandemic which killed 8,600 people nationwide in less than two months, Maori suffered heavily, and their death rate was seven times that of Europeans. There were so many Ngti He people requiring burial, that on the Pa O Te Ariki land they had to be buried beside each other and sitting upright in order to save space. After this period, the urupā was no longer used for burials and the site became covered in flax and peach trees were dotted all over the area.

Lifting of the tapu During the late 1930’s, Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana, being the founder of the Rātana religion, while visiting the Tauranga region, came and spiritually cleansed the Pa O Te Ariki land so that the bones that were in the ground, could be later removed from the site to permit for future development – the tapu had been lifted. In 1947 a bulldozer was scrapping, flattening and pushing fill to the edge of the site, leaving a trail of bones sticking up behind it. Some people today can still recall in their youth, the gathering up of the bones and moving them to the nearby urupā at Waitaia for reburial.

Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club and grounds with Maungatapu Marae in background.

from this time until the early 1970’s the site over summer was used on and off as a camping ground and they would close the Club during the camping season. Therefore, the building that was initially constructed, housed a kitchen and shop, which was utilised by the campground users.

Let the good times roll As the club was growing in numbers, the camping was beginning to

impede on the social-life of the Club and therefore it ended and a second level was built in the early 1970’s with the split level completed in the late 70’s making upstairs the big room it is today. The outside deck was completed in 2008. The social life became so good within the Club that it wasn’t uncommon to come to training on Thursday night and go home on Sunday.

New sports field opened Before this site was prepared for the new sports field, the rugby teams used to play in the cow paddock opposite where the shops in Maungatapu are today. In the early 1950’s however, the Rangataua Football Club finally moved onto the newly developed sports field land with a bus for a changing room and a shed for the tools and beer. Meals were had down at the Marae.

Camping grounds in use In the late 1950’s the bottom section of the two story Clubroom building that stands today was built using whanau resources and labour. At that time, almost everyone was a ‘wharfie’ and they just got stuck in to complete the job together. To raise extra income for the Club

Major overhaul in 1970's for the Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club building as we know it today.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Regional rugby-record set In 1997, for the first time in the history of the Tauranga–Te Puke competitions, all Senior, Reserve and Colt (under 21s) grades, of the then ‘Rangataua Rugby, Recreational and Sports Club’, won each of their respective competitions.


Come and join the Club today as a Social Member! One of the ways in which us busy locals can show our support to the Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club is to become a Social Member of the Club.

Low cost, new friends, big value For only $40/year you will be kept informed about special Club events and you will always be welcome to come on down with friends and family for a drink or a meal on those special occasions.

Licenced function rooms available for hire The Club rooms are ready to host any functions with licenced premises for up to 230 people. This makes it the largest licenced Function facility available in our community.

1997 celebrations First club to win Colts, Reserves and Seniors WBOP competition.

Inside Running Academy The ‘Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club’ has for the past 3 or 4 years, provided placements for overseas rugby players to join the Club through their involvement with the ‘Inside Running Academy’ which is New Zealand’s leading international rugby academy providing a world-class rugby development programme. Most memorable was a Japanese boy who stayed for as long as he could, until his Visa ran out.

Our hearts to Joe Stanford This year, there were players from the U.K. and South America

who immersed themselves in not only the Club but the social and family feeling that the Club is surrounded with. Everyone suffered a great shock this year when in August, Joe Stanford who had been playing for the Club since he arrived from the U.K. in April, was involved in a serious car crash in Northland after his car left the road. The Club has supported his family as best they can and held a fundraiser during a recent home game. In the meantime, Joe is recovering slowly to ready himself for his journey back to the U.K.

What’s on in Maungatapu All welcome! Social Club Activities offered to Our Community: Housie (Bingo) Wednesday 8am – 10.30pm (held at Maungatapu Marae) Women’s Sevens

Wednesday 6pm

Women’s Softball Thursday Sunday

4.30pm 12 noon

Social Tennis Club Friday

4.30pm – 7.30pm


2.30pm – 6pm


For more information, phone Erin on 021 0261 6996, or just come on down!

BurgerFuel Mount Maunganui


BurgerFuel Tauranga




Contact Erin on 021 0261 6996, or to join the club!


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Relocation of the Transpower transmission lines from Maungatapu Marae Reservation Lands The Maungatapu Marae Reservation is traversed by Transpower overhead lines. For many good reasons, this has been an ongoing concern for the local Marae community over several decades.

Ongoing health and safety concerns During regular social and sports activities held at the Rangataua Sports and Cultural Club, it is always a worry for both Club Management and the Land Administrators, that the safety of the land for users is being compromised by the integrity of poles and live overhead transmission lines.

Need to relocate confirmed


Due to the degradation of a Transpower pole known as KMO-MTM/117, in 2014 it was proposed by Transpower that the lines would be relocated out of the Maungatapu Marae Reservation grounds and an alternative route would be sought down the NZTA road corridor. The actual relocation works were programmed into Transpower’s work plan for the 2015/16 year.

Emergency works anchor placed without Ngāti He consent It was back in 2005 that a concrete anchor structure was placed on the foreshore of the Marae Reservation under emergency works. The intent

Visible slip and land damage requiring reinstatement on Maungatapu Marae Reserve.

of this structure was to provide a required level of stability for pole KMO-MTM/117, located on the most northern point of the Reservation. During the affected party approval process for a permit, the Ngāti He hapu of Maungatapu Marae had opposed this temporary structure and that concern was outlined in the submission from the Ngāti He Kaitiaki o te Taiao (Guardians of the Environment) resource management team to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council opposing the anchor structure. According to Ngāti He, a fair hearing of this submission was never convened by Council and the structure remained in place without the people’s approval.

Ngāti He agree to temporary Resource Consent In 2014, in light of the longer term solution to relocate the poles proposed by Transpower, in good faith, Ngāti He finally agreed to a temporary Resource Consent for the anchor structure. On 14 August 2014 the Bay of Plenty Regional Council granted a permit for the Structure for three years which expires 31 July 2017.

Transpower reinstatement of damaged reserve land Transpower pole KMO-MTM/117 is on death row.

When the Transpower pole and anchor is removed, the people of Ngāti He

and Maungatapu Marae expect full reinstatement to the original condition of the Maungatapu Marae Reservation grounds and cliff face. This must include developing a solution to remedy the slip, and prevent any further land loss that has occurred, due to and during the course of, Transpower’s use of this area of the reservation land.

Temporary safety fencing The safety concerns of the area due to the slip has been acknowledged by Transpower and to their credit a temporary three wire fence was erected in 2014 following the permit being obtained for the temporary anchor structure. This provides some form of measure for deterring any access to the slip area by users of the Reserve. The Transpower transmission line relocation from Maungatapu Marae Reservation is now anticipated to take place any day, given the impending lapse of the temporary Bay of Plenty Regional Council resource consent for the now exposed anchor structure. Written by Des Heke Kaiawha, Kaitiaki Taiao-Cultural Monitor and Advocate, Hapu: Ngati He and Ngai Te Ahi, Marae: Maungatapu and Hairini I write for this magazine to inform the people of our community of known facts.

Welcome Bay full of family fun Spring is in the air, so the time has come to plan our 4th annual Tye Park Family Fun Day! This year we’ve moved the date to Sunday 4 December so we don’t clash with all the wonderful Santa Parades around the city and neighbouring communities. Te Puke is having a float parade on Saturday 3 December, followed by a fabulous food fiesta, so who would want to miss that? The Tye Park Family Fun Day will be full of music and stage performances, kapahaka groups from local schools, and our wonderful principals from Selwyn Ridge and Welcome Bay primary schools will keep us all on our toes with their MC Duet.

Bring your togs There will be food vendors and market stalls, with

lots of Christmas shopping opportunities for everyone. There will be a free bouncy castle for little ones, and for the bigger kids a water slide, dunka-rama, pony rides and much more. Don’t forget to bring your togs! Grab a delicious snack from our food vendors, or bring a picnic and enjoy the sun, the music and the laughter. The park is beside the beach so if it’s hot enough, you can cool off in the bay.

Our Community This is a great opportunity to engage with your local Community Centre, various local community groups, organisations, and everyone else who makes Our Community the great place it is. You might even catch a glimpse of the Big Guy in Red Suit… This wonderful event is made possible

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

by the generous support of Tauranga City Council Community Match Fund, and the generous sponsorship of our local businesses, the hours of hard work by volunteers, local preschools, schools, students and their families.

Our Mural The magnificent mural we’ve been putting together over the last year or so is now completed and ready to be hung on the Welcome Bay Community Hall, overlooking the skate park on Waitaha Reserve. Look out for the date when this is unveiled and join us for a sausage and song to celebrate a wonderful pictorial representation of Our Community.

Christmas Break

Anna Larsen, Centre Manager

the Christmas holidays but we’ll back up and running on Monday 9 January 2017. So, on that note, we wish everyone a wonderful, joyful, peaceful Festive Season and a Happy New Year! Kei te mihi atu Kia Koutou mo ō Koutou whānau hoki. Meri Kirihimete, me te tau hau kia koutou Tēna koutou tēna koutou tēna koutou katoa. Written by Anna Larsen, Centre Manager, Welcome Bay Community Centre


Helping your garden

We’re taking a break over

this spring


in the garden centre and get a


Excludes takeaway. Valid until 30th November 2016.



s Palmerrds a Rew TI

u Come and try our delicious menee coff and award winning organic

PLUS: Get a $10 Reward with every $100 spend.

Huge range of spring colour and your favourite vegetables, herbs and fruit

Murray & Craig welcome you to their friendly store, proudly locally owned and operated.

Join in store or online today at

1 Ohauiti Rd, Welcome Bay. Ph: 544 1306. Open 7 days from 8.30am. 0800 PALMERS



Our Community

October – December 2016


Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Free public WiFi and Internet computers in Welcome Bay 7-days a week, when you need access to the Internet with your own mobile device, come on down to Waitaha Reserve beside the Welcome Bay Hall and receive free WiFi. Tune your network connection into “Welcome Bay Guest”. This is one of the free services offered by the Community Centre.

Our Community

The other exciting free-service offering to the public are the 2 super-fast computer kiosks inside the Community Centre for public use during opening hours. In here, you can safely do online banking, Facebook, communicate with Government Agencies, or even printing and there is also usually someone on hand to help you if you get stuck.

Issue 5

Not getting a WHOMP at home? Our community magazine is delivered by PMP Distribution, who are the same people who deliver the Bay News and The Weekend Sun. So, if you or someone you know is not receiving these publications, then don’t be surprised if you don’t get a WHOMP either. Contact those newspapers regularly to inform them of non-deliveries if you want these outcomes to improve.

Urban If you live in an established residential area let us know ASAP if you, or any friends or neighbours have missed out on receiving a copy of the WHOMP. There are several new streets that don’t receive ‘circulars’ because they are not yet registered as an urban street. Streets in Welcome Bay like Riverstone Drive and Orakei Place, or Ballintoy Place are not registered as urban streets with NZ Post – yet. If you want

this to change, then you need to jump up and down and say so!

Register your missing WHOMP – urban For WHOMP non-deliveries in urban (or should be urban) streets, write your name, address and phone number in an email to:, or phone 022 673 8006.

Rural Rural deliveries will not receive our magazines unless the property has applied to join rural delivery as either a Residential, Business or Farmer and specifically requested to ‘receive circulars’ which not only includes our WHOMP publication, but ALL unsolicited distributed advertising post including “junk mail”. It is all or nothing I’m afraid, in these rural areas.

Register to receive circulars – rural If you want to be included on the rural circulars delivery run, please phone Peter Moore at NZ Post on 07 848 0930. Leave a message if he is out and about, and he will get back to you.

Letter-box signage Do you have "NZ Post Only" or “Addressed mail only” signage on your letter-box? If so, then you can’t receive the WHOMP either.

Grab yourself a spare copy Part time work is available delivering community newspapers, magazines & pamphlets in your local area. If you are 11 years or older, honest & reliable we would like to hear from you. For further details please contact Rebecca - 07 578 8988 - Tauranga East & Central Brenda - 027 283 7606 - Tauranga West, Mount, & Papamoa

There are plenty of places to pick up the latest WHOMP around the suburbs and city. If you don’t know of a location, phone 022 673 8006 and we’ll tell you the closest, or call into the Welcome Bay Community Centre at 242 Welcome Bay Road.

Come and see us at the only Real Estate office in Welcome Bay: 43 Welcome Bay Road, Welcome Bay

The Beech


Licensed Salespersons REAA2008

Property Consultants

Ph: Mike 07 562 0307 Or Marlene 07 562 0313 Email:

or call us for a FREE market appraisal to determine the value of your home in today’s market.

“Let us open the door to your new home”

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


What’s on in Ohauiti Settlers Hall? Welcome to the hub of our rural community up in the beautiful Ohauiti Hills, managed by a committee of

volunteers and funded by local ratepayers and fundraising events.


Facebook Also check-out Ohauiti Settlers on Facebook, “LIKE” our page and you’ll get sent updates of events and happenings.


Monday 6pm - Zumba classes $5pp. Goes to Mental Health Foundation Phone Barb, 544 9224

We can accommodate your special interest group and it’s a great venue for Weddings, parties or to get together.

2nd Tuesday afternoon - The Ladies Social Circle meets once a month Contact Jill Newall, 544 1860

We love our community! Events at The Hall are a great way to get to know your neighbours and find out what’s happening in the area. We look forward to meeting you there.

Thursday 9am - Walking group Phone 027 2867 7398 for more info. Thursday 11am - Tai Chi Ci Queng $1 per person, run by Eric, ph 577 0473 3rd Friday 5pm - The monthly Produce and Craft Market 21 October, 18 November, 16 December, 20 January To run your own stall, call Sue Frieswyk, 027 286 7739 1st Friday 5.30pm - 7.30pm - Happy Hour Every month in Spring and Summer BYO liquid refreshment Buy a delicious burger or sausage for tea

For more information, availability and hire costs. Phone: Ele, on 0800 042 848. By Shirley Wells I write for this magazine because it is written for locals by locals and it’s a jolly good read!

Our Community

Wednesday evenings - Indoor Bowls team are in residence during winter

Our centres are committed to providing the highest quality care and education for your child. Come and meet us and see one of our wonderful centres today. Quality education programmes tailored to your child’s needs Centres set up to encourage exploration and discovery Great teacher to child ratios Unique Be School Ready initiative Friendly, qualified teams, focused on fostering strong relationships TopKids Welcome Bay 166 Welcome Bay Road (07) 544 3546

Community Kindy The Bay 301 Welcome Bay Road (07) 544 3799

TopKids Pyes Pa 83 Pyes Pa Road (07) 562 1130


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Oropi community celebrates opening of new Community Centre and hall On Saturday 1 October 2016, the Oropi Community celebrated the official opening of its newly refurbished and extended Hall and Community Centre. The opening was a community celebration and the culmination of years of hard work, planning and fundraising with approximately 300 members of the local community in attendance. Todd Muller, MP for Bay of Plenty officially opened the new facility.

Community generated funds

Our Community

The upgrade has cost approximately $1.6 million. The funds were raised by the community through a combination of donations, in-kind contributions of goods and services, grants and community fundraising events. Hall Committee Chairman, Richard

Somerfield said, “that the upgraded hall surpassed the expectations of the committee”. “Our new hall is a fantastic modern community facility that will meet the needs of our growing district’s residents, local community groups and school for years to come. I have been blown away by the generosity and support the community has shown this project. It is very humbling.” “We certainly could not have achieved this for the community without the generous grants we received from funders like TECT, Lotteries, NZ Community Foundation, Lion Foundation, Grassroots Trust, Transpower and Pub Charities or the very generous donations that so many current and past residents of Oropi have given,” said Mr Somerfield.

Colin Amrein



trucks, trailers Bobcat - 4t rubber tracked Bulldozer Loaders

Well appointed features and amenities The upgraded hall features a newly extended, dedicated community playgroup space, a meeting room with kitchen, a new foyer area, dedicated dry bar and music room and improved access to the supper room. The stage was moved to make better use of the main hall space, the main kitchen extended, toilets upgraded, and the indoor-outdoor flow enhanced by adding large decks. The upgraded facility has been designed so that it can be used by multiple community groups at the same time, increasing the usability of the building. Many of the historical and cultural features of the old hall have been retained.

Recycled materials The original Oropi Hall was built in 1953 as a war memorial. Many of the materials used in the construction of the original hall were donated, as was the labour. That hall served the Oropi Community for well for over 60 years. Continues on page 13...

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Chairman, Richard Somerfield and MP Todd Muller together, officially open the Community Hall.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


(Continued from page 12)

Meeting the needs of the wider community The aim of the upgrade was to create a modern facility that will meet the needs of the district’s residents, local community groups, Oropi School and the wider area including Pyes Pa, Ohauiti and the southern suburbs of Tauranga.

Squash Courts and gym still in the wings The project is being done in 4 stages. Stages 1, 2 and 4 are completed. This is what was officially opened on 1 October 2016. Stage 3 will be the eventual addition of two squash courts and a gym. “The hall has been designed so that eventually we will be able to add two squash courts which will have movable partitions to provide an indoor, all weather sports facility. Income from the squash courts and venue rental will contribute to ongoing running costs and future maintenance,” said Mr Somerfield.

Great benefactors, Lloyd and Kath Christie are congratulated by MP Todd Muller.

Our Community

For more information contact: Richard Somerfield, Chair Oropi Hall Committee (Phone: 07 543 1513)

Oropi Hall Hireage Looking for a great venue for a wedding, family celebration or a quiet place for a meeting? The newly upgraded Oropi Hall and Community Centre and its various rooms, including a commercial kitchen are now available for hire. The venues are spectacular; new, fresh and modern and the venue hire rates are very reasonable. For information and bookings please visit or contact Clare Hanser on or call her on 0800 146 767.

Distribution Committee Member, Lotteries Community Facilities Fund (LCFF), Andrew von Dadelszen, Oropi Hall Committee Members, Chairman, Richard Somerfield, & Megan Holmes.

Oropi locals and guests enjoying free moments together before the official opening ceremony.


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Our older locals keep it real I recently invited a cross section of our over 65’s in the community to a morning tea to chat about how the government is going and provide them with an opportunity to share with me their perspectives. We had about 50-60 people attend, so there wasn’t much room left in the Centre, and the conversation was real and direct, just the way I like it. I find these meetings really valuable because it keeps me connected with your perspective on local and national issues. I opened by referencing how important a strong economy is to our future success as a community.

Challenges of an aging demographic

Our Community

We spend $77 billion a year of your taxes, and a growing economy (now at 3.6%) helps immeasurably by giving us choices on spending and investing priorities. We covered healthcare funding, education standards and funding, crime, immigration, cost of healthcare insurance. I spoke to the now record $16.2 billion we are spending in healthcare and the

challenges around delivering more operations for dollar spent, whilst acknowledging the challenges of an aging demographic. My youngest daughter is 8, the average life expectancy of an 8-year-old girl in NZ is north of 90! Can you imagine the cost of healthcare in 50 years time? Where it takes me and I think the audience; is to agreeing on the importance of a growing economy, of innovation that will reduce the cost of surgeries, of a population that can sustain 2 million + people over the age of 65 when she is that age.

No appointment necessary As always, if you have an issue you need help with or a perspective that I need to listen to, please contact my office or pop into my special Maungatapu Welcome Bay clinics every third Monday from 1-4 at the Welcome Bay Community Centre - no appointment necessary. By Todd Muller, MP for Bay of Plenty I write for this magazine because it's a great way to invite feedback from the community.


Come visit me in Welcome Bay! WHEN

Every 3rd Monday of the month

Upcoming clinic date 21st November

1.00pm - 4.00 pm WHERE

Welcome Bay Community Centre 242 Welcome Bay Road

‘Alternative ID’ for taking out books without library card Our family has two children under 10-years who constantly loan a stream of library books. We always have a collection of these books at home and despite all our efforts, when they are due we must always play the “where is the CD?”, or “have you seen that book?” game.

One library account – one card As such, we find it much easier to have just one account in the family. Heaven help us if we had to manage two library accounts. The problem always was until recently, that having only one account library card, the parent without the card couldn’t easily go into the library and this often caught us out.

Not having a card is no longer an impediment! If you know your library card PIN, the account holder, or authorised person can phone 07 577 7177 and ask the friendly librarians to setup an ‘Alternative ID’ for you, which is basically a simple name that you can easily recall, e.g. like: myfamily. The ‘Alternative ID’ needs to be unique to you, so library staff will check that when they set it up for you. Next time you come into the library to loan books, simply go to the manual checkout computer, enter your Alternative ID: myfamily and your PIN number and proceed to checkout books. No library card is required! Thank you Tauranga City Libraries – what a welcome experience. PS: We like the fancy new self-check-in system as well! By Antoon Moonen

We will then recommence our clinics on 20th February

No appointment necessary All enquiries

T: 07 542 0505 E:

Working for our community... Funded by Parliamentary Service and authorised by Todd Muller, 3/9 Domain Road, Papamoa 3118

Reilly and Arlo sharing their library books at home.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Welcome Aboard the Mobile Library The Tauranga mobile library visits locations throughout the city six-daysa-week. You’ll find us near shopping centres, on residential estates, by

primary schools and at several retirement homes. We’re at Welcome Bay every week and Maungatapu shops every fortnight.

You can check out the full timetable details on the library web site at:

Friends of the Tauranga City Libraries is a group for all people interested in books, libraries, life and literacy. We lobbied strongly for the new Papamoa Library and more recently for the

new Greerton Library and the retention of the Mobile Library. We have monthly book clubs at Mt Maunganui and Papamoa Libraries, a general

meeting with a speaker at the Central Library, and a chat group at Greerton Library.

November at 10am. Shelley Wu (librarian) will speak about her recent trip to China. All welcome.

The Greerton Library Chat Group meets on Thurs. 24

Contact Pam on 571 2566, or visit

Family Weekend activity that Won’t bloW your budget?


children’s and adult library cards are now Free at all tauranga city libraries.

Your local librarY at PaPamoa Palm beach or Greerton VillaGe noW oPen SaturdaY and SundaY 9:30am - 4:00Pm

Our Community

Love reading? Love your library? Join 'Friends of the Libraries'


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Our local boy leads the way You know we don’t really do advertorials in this magazine, but I couldn’t help myself and had to write something about our local Maungatapu-bred supporter David Little, who has lived in, and supported this community for many years, not least of all recently, as Manager, in helping the Rangataua Rugby Club Premier team to win the recent Baywide championship (spot him on the front cover this issue).

Growing the team David recently took over as the new Tauranga distributor for that iconic NZ company Ideal Buildings. He is now assisted by Paul Hooper, who has over 20 years industry experience prior to joining this local team. Furthermore, David’s two boys, not only play for Rangataua, but are also in the building industry as a drain-layer and apprentice electrician.

Our Community

Sleep-outs worth considering

many first home buyers getting shut out of the market, you could create extra living space for family in your back yard with an Ideal sleep-out or cottage.

Buy New Zealand made The majority of materials are sourced in New Zealand and of course the buildings are engineered to ensure they meet or exceed NZ Building code requirements and if you ask around, everyone knows they are built to last.

Full construction services David’s team take care of the entire project and provide full construction services, from Council consents and planning, to plumbing, drainage and electrical work. Check out his advert (below) for contact details and get David’s success to work for you. By Antoon Moonen

David offers a range of garages, sleepouts, cottages, carports and garden sheds. With the cost of land rising, and

Add value to your property with an Ideal garage, sleepout or cottage.

David Little and Paul Hooper at the October 2016 Tauranga Home Show.

Under new ownership!

Call us for an obligation free quote today. 0800 50 67 67

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Mayor Greg Brownless: Mayor Garry Webber:

“We want our city to be a great “Make our slice of paradise even family place to live for all age groups” better than it is already.” I’d also like to thank all those who put their name forward as candidates for either the mayoralty or Council. You opened yourselves up to public scrutiny and an intensive time of listening, meeting, greeting and speaking, as well a nervewracking day on which the results were announced. To those who weren’t elected, don’t let that detract from your desire to work for the betterment of Tauranga. There are many people doing their bit for our community in other roles, and there is always going to be another opportunity in a few short years time. In the first week, my priority is to get together with the councillors and work out how we can best listen to, and plan for the community. In council, we will both agree and disagree on a variety of pressing issues, but we don’t need to be disagreeable. The new Council will formally take office on 31 October with our first Council meeting. We want our city to be a great family place to live for all age groups, providing work, business, leisure and retirement opportunities for all stages of our lives. It’s difficult balancing the needs and wants with limited budgets but with your help I’m positive about our future. By Mayor Greg Brownless, Tauranga City Council I write for this magazine because I want to introduce myself and some of my thoughts.

First and foremost, a very sincere thank you to all the people who took the time to return their voting papers in October’s local body elections. I am both humbled and honoured to have been supported by many of you who believed in my ability to lead real and positive change across our district which has so much potential. While the Western Bay District can be proud of its position as one of the best places to live, learn, work and play, with your help I firmly believe we can make it even better. From my perspective, the next three years will be all about our Council playing its part to assist all of our communities to go from “Good to Great” and with the support of the councillors that will be my complete focus over the next three years. At the heart of our work at council will be solid leadership that works with our communities to deliver affordable services and to ensure the “community’s voice” is reflected in all of our decisions. This will be about our Council listening, learning, adapting and being responsive. It will also be about compromise because there will need to be some tough decisions made along the way. I am absolutely confident that with the support of our communities we can deliver change and realise the opportunities that will make our slice of paradise even better than it is already. I look forward to working with you. By Mayor Garry Webber, WBOP District Council I write for the WHOMP because it is a good vehicle to communicate with the communities.


I will start by thanking all those who actually took part in the election and voted. It’s essential to exercise your democratic right even if you may doubt its importance.


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Councillors corner

Final results for the Tauranga City Council 2016 Triennial Elections Perhaps next election there maybe online voting? Could that produce more votes? Is online voting overdue? Will the security be rigid enough? Who knows what and how the next election will be.

Noel James Peterson, 452

Informal, 18

Hori BOP Leaming, 406

Blank Voting Papers, 650

Informal, 145

Bill Grainger and Terry Molloy are declared elected.

Blank Voting Papers, 552

Otumoetai - Pyes Pa Ward (2 vacancies) Votes Received Larry Baldock, 4,592

Max Mason, 4,040

Council - At Large (4 vacancies) Votes Received

Doug Owens, 3,991

Kelvin Clout, 17,364

Jo West, 4,073

Morris, Steve, 3,019

Gail McIntosh, 14,056

Sheldon Nesdale, 3,713

Murray Guy, 1,764

Max Mason, 13,575

Graeme Moore, 1,787

Larry Baldock, 1,654

Rick Curach, 11,484

Informal, 38

John Robson, 1,478

Tony Christiansen, 11,398

Blank Voting Papers, 841

Mark Wassung, 9,327

Larry Baldock and Catherine Stewart are declared elected.

Greg Brownless, 9,110 Kelvin Clout, 7,128


The votes return was 38.07% (35,503 voting papers, excl. special votes) compared with the 2013 Election returns of 37.46% (31,718 voting papers, excl. special votes).

Hori BOP Leaming, 1,024

Greg Brownless is declared elected.

Mayor - Votes Received Councillor Bill Grainger

Graeme Purches, 995

Matt Cowley, 8,344


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Bev Edlin, 4,315

Hugh E Robb, 3,103

Mount Maunganui - Papamoa Ward (2 vacancies) Votes Received

Grayson Ottaway, 2,504

Steve Morris, 7,359

Noel James Peterson, 2,408

Leanne Brown, 7,150

Alan Davidson, 2,321

Bob Harnor, 3,573

Kevin Millin, 2,319

Peter Stanley, 2,014

Informal, 158

Informal, 14

Blank Voting Papers, 1,152

Blank Voting Papers, 536

Kelvin Clout, Rick Curach, Max Mason and Gail Mcintosh are declared elected.

Leanne Brown and Steve Morris are declared elected.

Antoine Coffin, 7,192 Geoffrey Brown, 3,137



John Robson, 7,355

Catherine Stewart, 4,408

Te Papa - Welcome Bay Ward (2 vacancies) Votes Received Bill Grainger, 4,349

Finally, I would like to thank all the community who voted me in to represent them on Council and I am looking forward to working with the new Mayor, Councillors and Community this next term.

Terry Molloy, 3,280

By Councillor Bill Grainger

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Murray Guy, 2,880

248 Welcome Bay Rd, Welcome Bay Shopping Centre Phone: 07 544 2512

Sam Bailey, 1,639

I write for this magazine as I find this a great way to keep the Community informed.

Jesse Misa, 1,997 Brian Oxley, 1,303

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Councillors corner

Recycled Councillor - Put Terry back, the public have spoken I am often asked, what are your principal objectives? My response is how long have you got? So here we go in less than two hundred words, and I will provide more information in future issues.

Councillor Terry Molloy

First of all, I would like to thank all those who supported me in the election, and to those who supported other candidates, I will do my very best for everybody from poorest to wealthiest across all cultures.

First and most critical, is finding other ways to share the load - it can be done. Part of the solution is to join up services with the Regional Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council and increase collaboration with the business community and

our three Iwi who are critical to our forward planning. Secondly, ‘roading’; we are heading towards a tsunami of traffic and will need some clever joined-up thinking. My ideas are quite different from some of my predecessors. Thirdly, planning and development; the CBD needs some urgent attention, bedding in the civic centre project and giving the business community the lead is an important start. A big international hotel and conference centre would be a big step forward. For Welcome Bay, ‘roading’ and future commercial

development needs attention. Greerton needs some very careful planning as the future development of the village is at a critical stage. And last but not least, our city needs to find a place for those less fortunate than most of us. New Zealand should not have people sleeping on the street. It’s not Kiwi. Remember the Good Samaritan. That’s a start! By Councillor Terry Molloy I write for this magazine to keep in touch with the community.

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My guiding mantra when making decisions will be: OUR PEOPLE, OUR PLACE, OUR FUTURE.


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Regional Councillors corner

Can We but Dare to Make This City Special environment, with degrees, and tangible outcomes, i.e. jobs / careers, for our people and caring for our environment.

The Waikato University Marine Research Station One stage of the current development has slipped "below the radar", and that will drive a true uniqueness, and worldwide recognition.

It is an incredible privilege to be re-elected as a Tauranga Constituency member of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

This is The Waikato University Marine Research Station at Sulphur Point that is poised to relocate, as part of an integrated vision to join with the Regional Council, Tauranga City (for land), public and private partnerships, ...with completion at the same time or earlier than the campus development.

Unfinished Business

Roll over Kelly Tarleton

In the previous term I had stood down as Chairman and I wanted to concentrate in part, on the economic developments, that we as a Regional Council were able to allocate, i.e. $40 million for projects:

If I have a vision or view on just one part of this exciting project it is the AQUARIUM, that could /will equal or surpass that of the Kelly Tarleton AQUARIUM, in Auckland. This to be in part available to the Public, the Tourists, but mainly as a research Laboratory for the University, …and could be very special.

Councillor John Cronin


Opotiki, $20m, subject to an additional $20m from Central Govt.

Rotorua, $5m

Tauranga Marine (with land input from Tauranga City), and the Tertiary Partnership $15m with $15m from TECT, and land input from Tauranga City, …from a Regional Council perspective, at no additional cost to ratepayers.

Plans and drawings from the Tertiary Partnership have just been made public and in my opinion, will on completion bring a huge economic surge to benefit the whole community with real jobs for youth, and be a real community facility.

A personal vision for the University of Waikato Regional Council Coastal Marine Field Station and Coastal Science. •

Focused on providing leadership in the development of an internationally acclaimed research platform, and promote sustainability in the coastal marine domain.

Provide education and training to develop a unique linked environmental science an innovation approach to understanding and resolving key issues affecting the

Being the only New Zealand Coastal Marine Research facility dedicated to urbanised coastal research in Port and Harbours.

Provide a research platform for carrying out field work in a variety of habitats, i.e. including sheltered inner estuaries to active volcanic islands.

Bringing an economic platform to "products from the sea", leading to the development of Coastal Enterprises.

The facility to be the Premier New Zealand Research Institute for the understanding how urbanised coasts can be managed both for sustainability and contribute to economies. Gaining a wordwide reputation that attracts people /students to

Tauranga, due to the excellence of the programmes, and where people want to work, live and play. •

Supporting International Partnerships including Intercoast, Bremen University, and other collaborative partnerships.

I have been privileged to play a small part within the Regional Council, to be part of the transformation of our City, to try to bring real growth, jobs for the youth, respect for the older people, and hopefully to make our City a better place for our families. The above are personal views, and are not necessarily the views of all councillors. By Councillor John Cronin, Bay of Plenty Regional Council I write for this magazine because I think that it has a future and resonates with the people that receive it.

Planned Waikato University Campus on Durham Street.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Beginner's Guide To Police Harassment “I would like to know how it is possible for police officers to continually harass people and get away with it?” In response, a sergeant supposedly posted this reply: First of all, let me tell you this ... it’s not easy. In the Palmerston North and rural area, we average one cop for every 505 people. Only about 60 per cent of those cops are on general duty (or what you might refer to as “general patrols”) where we do most of our harassing. The rest are in non-harassing units that do not allow them contact with the day to day innocents. At any given moment, only one-fifth of the 60 per cent of general patrols are on duty and available for harassing people while the rest are off duty. So, roughly, one cop is responsible for harassing about 6000 residents. When you toss in the commercial business and tourist locations that attract people from other areas, sometimes you have a situation where a single cop is responsible for harassing 15,000 or more people a day. Now, your average eight-hour shift runs 28,800 seconds long. This gives a cop two-thirds of a second to harass a person, and then only another third of a second to drink a Massey iced coffee AND then find a new person to harass. This is not an easy task. To be honest, most cops are not up to the challenge day in and day out. It is just too tiring. What we do is utilise some tools to help us narrow down those people we can realistically harass.

no insurance or drivers with no licences and the like. It’s lots of fun when you pick them out of traffic for nothing more obvious than running a red light. Sometimes you get to really heap the harassment on when you find they have drugs in the car, they are drunk, or have an outstanding warrant on file.

LAWS: When we don’t have phone or cars, and have nothing better to do, there are actually books that give us ideas for reasons to harass folks. They are called “statutes”. These include the Crimes Act, Summary Offences Act, Land Transport Act and a whole bunch of others... They spell out all sorts of things for which you can really mess with people. After you read the law, you can just drive around for a while until you find someone violating one of these listed offences and harass them. Just last week I saw a guy trying to steal a car. Well, the book says that’s not allowed. That meant I had permission to harass this guy. It is a really cool system that we have set up, and it works pretty well. We

seem to have a never-ending supply of folks to harass. And we get away with it. Why? Because, for the good citizens who pay the tab, we try to keep the streets safe for them, and they pay us to “harass” some people. Next time you are in Palmerston North, give me the old “single finger wave”. That’s another one of those codes. It means, “You can harass me.” It’s one of our favourites. By unknown Palmerston North Police Officer (2012) but eerily similar to a blog written in 2009 found at randysbusylife.


In 2012, a North Island police station supposedly received this question from a resident through the feedback section of a local Police website:

Photo supplied by Police Media Team, NZ Police

Keeping IT the same as it was “It turns out, I knew what I was doing all along, but the new computer wasn’t set up properly”

PHONE: People will call us up and point out things that cause us to focus on a person for special harassment. “My neighbour is beating his wife” is a code phrase used often. This means we’ll come out and give somebody some special harassment. Another popular one is, “There’s a guy breaking into a house.” The harassment team is then put into action.

CARS: We have special cops assigned to harass people who drive. They like to harass the drivers of fast cars, cars with

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Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Opinion Piece

Lessons learnt we can all learn from Papakainga housing Recently, I was fortunate enough to attend the National Māori Housing Conference 2016 hosted at the ASB Centre here in Tauranga.

Building communities Central to the conference was the concept of Papakāinga housing: Housing development on multiplyowned Maori or ancestral land. Traditionally, the literal meaning of Papakāinga housing is, 'a nurturing place to return to”.


A number of local and national case studies were presented that reported the benefits of housing development that yes, focused on building warm, good quality suitable homes, but more importantly were about building communities. Housing developments that put the people living in the houses

first and creating communities diverse in age with shared common spaces, community gardens and designs that facilitated social interaction between its members.

A nurturing place to return to So, I got to thinking how great it would be if the new housing developments sprouting up around the Bay also invested some serious thought into creating communities not just building houses for profit? Housing developments where local facilities, shops and schools are in walking/cycling distance. Urban designs that include spaces to promote social interaction and housing types that support inter-generational living (no, actually we don’t all want four bedroom houses with two lounges:

some older folks might like a one or two-bedroom terraced house). incorporating communal gardens and community fruit trees would also address food poverty and increase our resilience as communities. Creating communities produces many health, environmental and crimereduction benefits. Wouldn’t we all like to live in a community that is “a nurturing place to return to”? By Lisa Hickling

Image source:

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October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Tauranga Urban Design Panel

Do we want to actively encourage CBD and waterfront renewal, inner city and smart growth intensification and limit suburban sprawl?

Servicing our inevitable growth A city-changing piece of infrastructure, the new Tauranga CONNECT Multimodal Transport System concept (refer to Tauranga Connect, following page 24-25) potentially combines trains, buses, ferries, safe walkways and cycleways to service growth and congestion, while the design for THE ELMS includes New Functions Building, Hotel and Museum which protects our Heritage and provides enhanced facilities for Tourism and Locals.

View online •

Tauranga CONNECT Multimodal Transport System: connect

THE ELMS new Functions Building, Hotel and Museum:

A nurturing place In Tauranga, we should be open to exploring alternative Housing Concepts that build communities and allow for diversity in age, working families and single parent families with shared common spaces, community gardens and designs that enhance social interaction and sharing. By Mark Wassung Design Engine Architects


Has the time arrived for a City Council initiated Urban Design Panel to help ensure quality control of our built environment by using local specialists in Planning, Architecture, Landscape Design and Traffic Design?


I write for this magazine to inspire long term thinking in the community. Mark Wassung, Architect, Design Engine Architects.

Crockford Real Estate is one of Tauranga’s only remaining independently owned boutique companies, having successfully built a reputation on customer service, integrity and professionalism since 1972.

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Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Issue 5


Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP



October – December 2016


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Maungatapu underpass

We are just over one year into construction and the Maungatapu underpass is taking shape.

Turret Road to Maungatapu Roundabout

Between Turret Road Bridge through to the Maungatapu Roundabout our contractor has been busy completing earthworks on the main swale drain that runs between the roundabout on and off ramps. Work will start to ramp up as the earthworks season begins.

Work underway or completed:

Over the next six months:

• Installation of environmental controls • Site access roads • Construction of the permanent swale drain

• Complete the earthworks • Stormwater drainage • Pavement construction Environmental controls in place and working well.

Maungatapu Roundabout Social

Within the Maungatapu Roundabout construction zone work is well underway on the underpass and two bridges. The first bridge is finished and traffic has been diverted so work can start on constructing the second bridge.

Work underway or completed:

Over the next six months:

• Pedestrian bridge installed • Roundabout bridge one of two completed • Underpass wall construction • Relocated the overhead power transmission lines

• Construction of the second bridge • Continue construction of the underpass wall Roundabout traffic switched to allow construction of the second bridge.

Maungatapu Roundabout to Welcome Bay Road The Maungatapu Roundabout to Welcome Bay Road portion of the project is the most challenging for earthworks, with soft ground conditions and nearly 10 metres of fill material required. To date over 110,000 metres of wick drains and 30,000m2 of high strength geo-fabric has been installed, whilst also preparing the foundations for the future road.

Work underway or completed:

Over the next six months:

• Installed over 110,000m of wick drains and over 30,000m2 of geo-fabric • Removed over 3000m3 of asbestos contaminated fill • Constructed the temporary Kaitemako Stream diversion • Imported nearly 70% of the fill material required

• After the settlement period remove the preloaded material • Complete the remaining earthworks • Start on the drainage, pavement and construction of the Kaitemako Culvert • Relocate the bulk watermain and sewer line

Earthworks preloading in place.

Any questions relating to the project please do not hesitate to get in touch Visit our website

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Phone us on 0800 772 532

Follow us on Twitter

Maungatapu underpass

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Free financial training courses The Tauranga Budget Advisory Service (TBAS) has been running their popular free course More About Money in Welcome Bay. It’s an excellent course full of helpful tips and pointers to better manage your money and covers topics such as household budgets, shopping, good debt versus bad debt and saving for big ticket items. Talk to our resident Financial Mentor, who is available every Wednesday from 9.30 – 12.00 at the Community Centre for oneon-one money management assistance.

Everybody wants a Home Another successful course run by TBAS is their Housing Assistance Programme, better known as “Everybody wants a Home”. This

programme brings together educators and industry experts to help wage earners reach their goal of owning their own home. It consists of five evening sessions run over five weeks with TBAS’s friendly and professional Financial Mentor’s talking about household budgets, purchasing goods on credit, saving and KiwiSaver. A bank representative talks about mortgages and a lawyer gives the run-down on real estate contracts and their conditions.

FREE Budgeting Advice Including:

Community Education Including:

Practical Money Management

Workshops and Seminars

Negotiation and Advocacy with Creditors

‘Sorted’ Accredited Facilitators Housing Assistance Programme

To find out when the next course is starting near you, phone 578 0969. By Diane Bruin, Manager, Tauranga Budget Advisory Service I write for this magazine because I’m passionate about people in our community managing their finances well.

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Marlene Beech Marlene Beech 562 0313 562 0313

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07 576 9868


More About Money


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

From multi-vitamins to multi-volunteering You may have heard her voice: every third Saturday of the month as, from 1pm to 5pm Maria Burns plays music from the 1950s to 1985 at Village Radio. “Memorable Music with Maria Burns” – a radio show down memory lane, sprinkled with interviews and seasonal health tips such as what to do during hay-fever season or how to deal with coughs and colds during winter. The Welcome Bay based clinical naturopath, medical herbalist and pharmacist who loves to listen to music and sing, emigrated to New Zealand from the Philippines 20 years ago to study for another degree. With a Bachelor of Natural Medicine she is able to treat patients seeking natural alternatives one-on-one in her own practice.

English – a far cry from how Kiwis speak.” Therefore she encourages migrants to make use of Multicultural Tauranga’s free English classes and to fully immerse themselves into New Zealand culture. “They really help you to get your bearings as a newbie.” By Margarete Kraemer I write for this magazine because I like to showcase positive examples of community engagement.

If you live in Tauranga and attend local festivals, or if you like to listen to a wide range of playing styles and genre’s, you’d be hard-pressed to have missed Josh Durning and his ever present musical styles of Country /Bluegrass / Jazz /Ragtime /Old-time.

Internationally acclaimed You might not realise it when you see him, but our Josh is well recognised and followed overseas, especially in America and he plays regularly in many venues around the world to crowd sizes that would seldom be seen in Tauranga.

Southern USA speciality

Culture & Art

His performances include multiple appearances in the US at the NAMM Show (Anaheim California & Nashville Tennessee) and the Chet Atkins Appreciation Society in Nashville.

Despite a busy life as a medical practitioner, Maria makes time for volunteer roles – not only as a radio announcer. For some seven years she was a committee member of Multicultural Tauranga. In July this year she stepped down to become President of the Tauranga Filipino Society while, at the same time, also being a member of the Club Filipino Tauranga Inc. Her first two years in New Zealand were hard. “People often made fun of my pronunciation because Filipino English is influenced by American

Local Josh Durning musical and guitar playing genius

The Who's Who in acoustic guitarists Josh Has Played with Tommy Emmanuel Bill Nershi (String Cheese Incident) Tony Joe White, Guy Van Duser, Mark Mazengarb, Loren Barriger, Bob Saxton (Patsty Cline) and Ralph Bennet Eades to name a few. Maria Burns at home in Welcome Bay.

Keep on coming back for more Let us always applaud loudly when he pops on stage at our local community events. I’ve known a few local event organisers who have invited Josh to play and to date, he never seems to miss an opportunity. By Antoon Moonen

Josh Durning's sweet sound on stage as usual.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Visiting a home for abandoned children in China JiaoZuo is a relatively small city with a population of approximately 3.5 million people. Foreigners are not common in this area, on average there are around 12-16 foreigners at any given time, so we were considered quite a novelty, especially with young people who wanted to practice their English with us and have photos taken! The home (Eagles Wings) was set up by an Australian woman, Linda McCarthy Shum for abandoned children, most of whom have some form of disability. They range in age from babies to 17 years, the older ones attending the

CarFit Check Up Helping older drivers find their safest fit, CarFit is a community education programme that offers older drivers the opportunity to check out how well their cars “fit” them and lets them know about community resources and activities that help make the fit better. This programme assists both safety and comfort.

Greenwood Park CarFit session Run by Travel Safe, CarFit was recently busy at Greenwood Park. Residents found the Car Fit session very helpful in making sure they had their safest fit for their car.

school the home has set up during the day. Most of the children live in Eagles Wings family group homes of 6-9 children each, cared for by local women ‘aiyas’ (aunties). Some of the homes are located in neighborhoods in the community while others occupy a floor in the state run orphanage. Some of the children from the orphanage attend classes in the Eagle Wings School and move into the homes as others are adopted. Vocational programmes are being developed for children turning 18. Support is needed for the staff who work long hours, with limited training and lack of funding for salaries. I’ve left a little of my heart with these gorgeous children and plan to return in the near future. For further information, see www. By Marlene Beech

Children in the Eagles Wings Children’s Home in JiaoZuo (Henan Province), China

We write for this magazine because it has a focus on families in community, whether they live in Welcome Bay or further afield. We also want to raise awareness of what is being done for children with disabilities in places where there may not be the same level of support children in our community can access.

Sign up for our After School Care and Holiday Programmes

Contact TCC Travel Safe on 07 577 7000, or email:, to find out where the next CarFit regular session will be run.






We provide homework clubs, encourage recreational sports, healthy eating and having fun!

ie sid



a ail

At Welcome Bay Tennis Club servicing Selwyn Ridge Primary School.

Free pick-up from all primary and intermediate schools in the WHOMP area CarFit community volunteer technicians, Greenwood Park resident, DHB Occupational Therapists.

For more information call 07 578 9272 or visit

Culture & Art

Mike and I recently spent four weeks on the trip of a lifetime, exploring China. Before joining an organised tour, we spent the first week visiting a Children’s Home in JiaoZuo (Henan Province).


Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP Discover your life and its challenges from a spiritual perspective. 1 hour sessions with your Spiritual Life Coach Marie

Issue 5

YOU Travel

Celebrating Success - With Food, Wine, Fashion & Cruising YOU Travel Directors, Kay Rogers and Catherine Membery wanted their clients to be the first to know they had won a TAANZ National Travel Industry Award for the second year running. They made the announcement at the YOU Travel / Viking Cruises Fashion Show last month to a round of applause. “Taking home the Best Brand Retail Multi Location Award again, has just floored us. We were so excited to share this good news with our clients and staff at the Fashion Show held at the French Country House,” Managing Director Kay Rogers said.

Guidance Readings available Who are you really?


2 hour classes for small groups Speak with Marie for more information and appointments 021 103 0009

“We really can’t believe it,” commented Catherine Membery. “Given we went through the biggest change in our 30 year history when we rebranded to YOU Travel in April, we didn’t think it was likely. It’s a testament to our clients and staff who have embraced the new brand and taken this journey with us.” YOU Travel Bethlehem, Mount Maunganui and Katikati are solely owned by Kay and Catherine who work hands-on in the business – whilst both taking key roles in the day to day running, management and strategic future of the business. These TAANZ awards are considered to be the highest accolade in the NZ Travel Industry and all branded travel companies compete fiercely for this title. On Sundays we meet in the Welcome Bay Community Hall at 10am. This includes children’s church. During the week there is youth group and many LifeGroups. ph 544 3984

party sTaRTER

Quality helium balloons, balloon sculptures and decorating Themed party products Cake candles Hen party novelties Party lighting hire

415 Cameron Road, Tauranga Phone: 07 579 5836 E:

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

ildren vities for ch ti c a f o ty n enjoy Ple adults who ome • d c n a to s e s g ie a il m of all inment. day for fa e Fair, and enterta d th o t a fo • A great t n a fu re g f lots o e at and have ristmas ol looks lik o h c s e for your Ch n th lls e t ta a rd S h a w • g , e e crafts to se om g and uniqu ay classro in p D p n o e h s p O the purchase. d and farm. a o R y a B lcome : R364 We • Address

year s i h t n i s aga u n mily i a f o j e l d o n h a w Come or the f y a d t a e r Enjoy a g Rosebud Playgroup Using natural resources within a warm and nurturing environment Birth - 3 year olds 9:30am - 11:30am Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs $5 per session or concession cards available. Bring a piece of fruit to share. We provide toast and spreads for morning tea. Bring a sun hat/warm hat and slippers for inside.


R364 Welcome Bay Rd, Tauranga 3112 Phone: (07) 544 2452 email:



October – December 2016


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

At risk lives changed through surfing 'Live For More' is a charity weaving counselling with surfing. In a late teen demographic missed by the system, Krista Davis has found that Mount Maunganui waves help. “This is more than counselling,” Krista says, “although the clinical part is very important. These young men, in the 17 to 22 year-old bracket, respond better when engaged in activities. Learning to surf gives a sense of achievement, and of course a natural thrill rather than a chemical one.”

Live for More

Look Ma, no hands! Learning to surf with 'Live For More'.


Welcome Bay Service Station

Trading hours 6am - 9pm, 7 days Phone 07 544 2095

Trailer Hire - Coffee - Food

Free Driver Refresher Course Road rules Intersection rules and roundabouts Looking out for hazards Car care and maintenance hints Prescription drugs and driving Rural and urban driving

Krista is the founder of ‘Live For More’ and has run this type of programme for several years. In 2016, she created the ‘Live For More Charitable Trust’. The NZ Herald made a movie about her work, which is on the ‘Live For More’ website at

Starting anew “We see young men leaving troubled backgrounds, some with prison terms, and beginning new lives with their partners and children, and finding employment. That is highly rewarding,” Krista says. “Starting a charity is challenging of course, but we are building a steady base of supporters. We love people joining our email list, or plugging into our Facebook site.” ( By Bryan Winters I write for this magazine because you invited me to.

Sanctuary Sanctuary Therapy Therapy FeelsGood Goodto ItItFeels to Feel Great! Feel Great!

-- Sports Sports and and Recovery Recovery -- Deep or Relaxation Relaxation Deep Tissue Tissue or Acupressure and and Trigger Trigger Point -- Acupressure Point - Reflexology; Hands and Feet - Reflexology: Hands and Feet Receive a complimetary heat-pack when

Receive a complimentary heat-pack you book your first therapy session. when Giftbook Vouchers you your available. first therapy session. Gift Vouchers available.

Melanie Caldwell Massage Therapist NZQA 07-5449699 Melanie Caldwell 021-2022195 Massage Therapist NZQA

07 543 4438 Western Bay Tauranga Area 021 202 2195

Phone Age Concern on 07 578 2631 to book your space.

Oropi Road, Upper Oropi

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


A Place to Bee Gifting to those in need The group has produced crocheted blankets for premature babies, knitted scarves for the Tauranga homeless and donated gifts to Tauranga Women’s Refuge.


"You have the power to change your world"

Tauranga screening • Monday 7th November • Rialto Cinema, 6pm Come and chat with the local NZ Producers. Money raised will be donated to The Bright Path NZ for teaching, meditation in prisons and for charitable causes. Tickets available at

Make some new friends Everyone is welcome to take this opportunity to learn a new skill, meet a new friend and have a good chat. Please call Mel on 027 576 3105 with any questions., or just pop by!

Enjoying our crafty moments together.

Feel great on the inside Often our attention is focused on our appearance, especially in the summer. However, it really is our inner sense of well-being that brings the greatest pleasure. When we feel good inside, we tend to look better too.

Water is your friend Some very simple natural changes can make the world of difference to your inner health, and looks, and I’m not just talking about vegetables! Whatever your health issues, water will help. Quite simply water helps all aspects of health including pain, low energy, chronic disease, skin problems, anxiety, and so much more.

High-quality fats and oils Another key to inner health is to include health-giving fats, essential to health such as cold-pressed oils, Extra Virgin oils.

While supplements can be helpful they should be in addition to including the high quality fats from these Cold pressed oils and from foods such as fish, organic standard meat, avocados, and nuts. High quality fats are essential to great physical and mental health.

Nutrient balance essential Inner health is wrecked by the damaging foods such as sugars. Sugars also deplete your body of Magnesium, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, GTF Chromium. Craving sugar can be a sign nutrient depletion. By Jaine Kirtley, Bay Naturopath Bay Health Clinic I write for this magazine because it’s a great way to help a whole community get the help it needs.


Our friendly team at Bay Health Clinic offer a wide range of skills and experience tailored to your individual requirements...

lifesTYle cHANges HeRbAl mediciNes NUTRiTiONAl sUPPlemeNTs

Our Team...

Jaine Kirtley (Naturopath, Nutritionist, Reg. Nurse), Serina Gardner (Naturopath, Medical Herbalist), Beth Martin Massage Therapist.

25% of the prisoners at ‘Centro de Reinserción Social Apodaca’, Mexico, meditate.

. .

9 Churchill Road, Judea, Tauranga 3110 Phone: 07 571 3226 Email:

Sport & Wellbeing

A Place to Bee is a free craft session held every Thursday 11am – 1pm at the Lighthouse Church. Activities include knitting, crochet, adult colouring and handmade cards.


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

The Spirit of Sportsmanship Now that the Olympics have finished again and we’ve all had time to bask in the reflected glory provided by the convenient ‘six degrees of separation’ theory (‘you must know my wife’s friend’s doctor is a friend of the mother of the world champ?’) it’s time to ponder on some of the more memorable events that took place.

medal. Not to say that winning a gold medal, or any other Olympic medal, is not a great achievement in itself. But the fair play medals would seem by their very nature to be harder to obtain. I don’t think there are too many of these handed out at any given Olympic tournament, but then I don’t really know. They are often overshadowed by the focus on which country has succeeded best on the medals table.

One of the most memorable moments of course did not involve the feats of a multi-gold medallist, or that of a record-breaker or even the suspension of a drugs cheat.

Nevertheless, both women will rightly head home hailed as heroes and will be friends because of it.

Sport & Wellbeing

Kiwi Nikki Hamblin and the USA’s Abbey D’Agostino rightfully captured headlines with their outstanding display of sportsmanship. The whole episode was loaded with its own dynamic of pathos, courage, determination, humanity and simple kindness. It epitomised what Baron Pierre De Coubertin – acknowledged as the ‘father’ of the modern Olympics – extolled in his drive to revive the spirit as much as the fact of the ancient games.

Conversely the two Mongolian wrestling coaches – head coach Tserenbaatar Tsogtbayar and his assistant Byambarenchin Bayaraa – probably won’t be high on the list of fair play recipients after stripping down in protest at the decision by the judges to take away a point from their wrestler, a decision that cost him a bronze medal. Yet they too will no doubt head home hailed as heroes by their country for the stance they took on behalf of their athlete. Who can rightly judge them otherwise?

“L'important dans la vie ce n'est point le triomphe, mais le combat, l'essentiel ce n'est pas d'avoir vaincu mais de s'être bien battu.”

Then there was the less pronounced incident that was arguably just as significant, if not more so than the Hamblin/D’Agostino event. The selfie taken by a smiling Lee Eun-ju of South Korea with a smiling Hong Un-jong of North Korea raises much speculation about the fate that awaits Hong when she reaches home. Her act speaks of a different kind of courage, given the nature of the regime that presumably controls how she is supposed to act.

“The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.” Both Hamblin and D’Agostino received the Pierre De Coubertin Olympic Fair Play Award, something that to some minds might just exceed winning a gold

Feeling stiff and sore?


Stiff and Sore?


We can help with... Back & neck pain Joint pain Headaches Sports related injuries Pain associated with pregnancy Unsettled children & babies Postural/ergonomic advice


Speculation ranges from her facing the death penalty, to the idea that her simple act of courage might just bring about the combining of the two nations into a single entity when it comes to world sporting events like the Olympics. In my estimation she is no less a hero than Hamblin and D’Agostino or in their own way, the two Mongolian coaches. By Jake Spear I write for this magazine because it embodies the kind of community contact important for communication on all levels.

Kickboxing and fitness classes Christel and Trevor Clarke have 15 years experience running several branches of Warrior Sports Academy overseas and are now living and teaching in Welcome Bay and Bethlehem. •

Welcome Bay Hall 250 Welcome Bay Road Mondays and Wednesdays, 5pm – 6.30pm

Bethlehem Primary School 66 Carmichael Rd Tuesday and Thursday 5pm – 6.30pm

Future classes: •

5 – 7 year old class 5pm – 5.30pm

Krav Maga (the Israeli hand to hand Self Defence system) 6.30pm – 7.30pm

For more information, contact Christel 022 085 1478 or Trevor 022 085 1495.

can help with

Alice Edme Bay - 79 Welcome Bay Road • PH: (07) 544 8479 ACC claims accepted

Early morning & evening appointments available



Craig Torr, Fionna Spittles, Alice Edme and Emma van der Vliet 79 Welcome Bay Rd Ph (07) 544 8479

Students from Welcome Bay.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Move over family, we’re open for business!

New friends a welcome surprise

Dawn and Melissa Rumney: massage advocates!

Since Dawn Rumney finished her Massage qualification with Waiariki Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, she is more popular than ever with her family. In fact, daughter Melissa says that after a hard week’s teaching in Tokoroa, nothing helps her relax more

It’s quite a change from being a Waikato dairy farmer, but Dawn says she’s always loved getting and giving massages, and when she and her husband moved to Te Puna a year ago, it was time to ‘seize the day’ and follow her heart. Six months of study was a revelation: “I was surprised by the depth of what we covered, the muscles, the anatomy – all the underpinning knowledge that’s needed.” Another unexpected gain was her classmates, “…such a range of ages and backgrounds” who have all become new friends,

and who have continued meeting up and supporting one another after the programme has finished.

Establishing business So far, most of Dawn’s bookings for her on-site clinic are more relaxation than sports massage, but she enjoys it all, and is happy to work with what her guests and clients select. And while her business grows, Dawn is eager to continue building her own repertoire of skills: next up will be reflexology and hot stones massage, she thinks. Her new career is taking off! By Cath Fraser I write for this magazine because it's a great place to celebrate local success stories and share items and issues of community interest

Sport & Wellbeing

than a drive across to the Minden, and some neck and shoulders magic! Now that would be all very well, except that Dawn is also running a luxury Bed n Breakfast business, Minden Heights, and establishing her own massage clinic.


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Easy, tasty meal for families - give it a TRY no phone and no TV …to hear family news instead. Sometimes it’s the only opportunity of the day to really talk with each other and connect and what better place than around the table with good kai!

Cooking seasonal Spring produce Spring is here (and hopefully the sunshine) and now is the time to enjoy the early seasonal produce. This following dish gets all the healthy ticks and thumbs up and will put a smile on your face …even to those who are Vegetarian and Vegan.

Cooking with eggplants


This traditional Sicilian Caponata recipe is absolutely gorgeous as a warm side or cold antipasto.

Family meals are a must in our whanau. It’s our favourite time of the day. My mum Kiri Tapu (Kitty) was a real trooper. I don’t know where she had the energy and resources to feed eleven of us kids but fed them well she did with lots of love and laughter.

“The Art of Living” I was blessed to learn “L’Art de Vivre” from the French where I lived 26 privileged years in the beautiful city of Paris. They so love to “partager le pain” (break the bread) around the table, taking the time, enjoying the

meal and the moment, not rushing …conversing into the late hours …. feeding the soul.

Sharing stories around the dinner table Our dinner table is a techfree zone! …no texting

This is a typical Sicilian dish based on vegetables above all on Aubergines (Eggplants), which I had the pleasure to prepare for a young French couple for their wedding at the Ataahua Garden Venue in Pyes Pa. SICILIAN CAPONATA This traditional Sicilian Caponata recipe is absolutely gorgeous as a warm side or cold antipasto Continues on Page 37...

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Sicilian Caponata Stage 1 • • • •

It can be eaten warm as an accompaniment to meat and poultry ...or it’s so delicious on Crostinis. The surprising thing about Caponata is that it definitely improves the day after it’s made. Add the fresh Basil just before serving with a good grind of black pepper.

By Stephen Wilson I write for this magazine because where life around the table thrives, so does community.

• • •

2 tablespoons sugar / or Honey 1⁄2 cup finely slivered Basil 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted until golden then cooled

In a large frying pan, heat oil over mediumhigh heat. Once very hot, working in batches, fry eggplant cubes in one layer at a time, stirring and turning occasionally until golden brown, about 3 to 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to drain eggplant over pan, then transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and immediately season with salt. Repeat with remaining eggplant. Transfer drained and mostly cooled eggplant to a large bowl.

Stage 3

Stage 2 • • • •

Bon Appetit!

5 tablespoons Olive Oil 2 medium Aubergines/Eggplants, cut into 5 cm/1" cubes 1 large yellow or white onion, chopped medium-small 1 to 2 celery stalks, thinly sliced1. Remove the leaves from the celery branches and cut the branches into 1/2-inch (1,25cm) thick slices. Bring a medium sized pot of water to a low boil and simmer the celery until crisptender, about 5 to 7 minutes. Drain and rinse well in cold water. Set aside.

• • •

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3 tablespoons tomato paste 1⁄4 cup water 1 cup crushed canned tomatoes 1/2 cup Green olives, pitted and roughly chopped 1⁄2 cup white wine vinegar 1⁄2 cup golden raisins 1⁄4 cup salt-packed capers, rinsed and drained

Cook onions and par boiled celery with salt and pepper over medium-high heat until beginning to brown, about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, add tomato paste and water and cook, stirring, until caramelized and almost evaporated, 2 minutes. Keep the heat to medium and add crushed tomatoes; cook for 10 minutes. Stir in olives, vinegar, raisins, capers, and sugar and cook, stirring occasionally, (and tasting!) until thickened, about 15 minutes more.

Bay Masala

Excellent Indian Cuisine Lunch: 11.00am - 2.00pm (Tues-Sat) Dinner: 4.30pm - 9.30pm (7 days)

Dine in or Takeaway Home deliveries available Fully Licenced and BYO Free delivery

for orders over $40.00 (T’s & C’s apply)

Unit H, 252 Welcome Bay Road, Welcome Bay Phone orders welcome - 544 8513


Continued from Page 36 …the flavour is so deep and quite rich, considering it only cooks for about 30 minutes. I loved the way the eggplants exploded with flavour, and the other ingredients – salty olives, still-crisp celery, and capers – keep the dish bright and crunchy.



Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Colour In and Win

! ! ! r e n n i W

Friday markets after school are pretty good with Buns, Juicies, the Crafty Pukeko shop and Herbs.

Class 3 news Brylie (7) accepts her Wonder Woman cape and mask set from Rowan of ‘Circus In A Flash’ for winning the Colouring-in Competition published in the previous WHOMP Issue 4. Special thanks to, and to all those who entered the competition.

• • •

There was a broken window. We made a big paper-mache dragon head. A Tauranga City Council person came along to help us sort out the rubbish bins.

Farming From Class 3 onwards, you start planting, weeding and making stuff for the farm. Written by Reilly (9) I write for this magazine because I’ve always wanted to write in a magazine.


October – December 2016


Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Crisis - a Labrador not eating

Travel Safe

Everyone who knows anything about dogs will know that when a Labrador goes off his food there must be something seriously amiss!

was thoroughly searched internally, an obvious cause of the infection was unfortunately not found.

He will be on Antibiotics for a long time Safer Journeys to eliminate any possible lingering

internal infection and the question remains as to whether there is possibly something like a grass seed buried somewhere deep inside. The good news is he has so far (2 weeks’ post-op), “Encouraging primary made an amazing recovery. children to walk, bike or

How can you become part of the solution?


Set the scene fo a healthier, sa r fe environment r aro your school… und

brings many

scooter to school By The Welcome Bay Vet Team ns they’re more benefits. It mea


sically active which bri phybecause We write for this magazine health benefits.” ificantthis sign we want to continue to support community with (hopefully) interesting anecdotes.

The answer lies with you!

Sick as a dog

Digger was going to need major surgery Our bodies are made for movement and children Getting to school under your own ‘steam’ to remove this pus laden fluid and to try are happiest when they’re physically active. Our can be a great social opportunity to catch up androle find where infection had come as their parents the and caregivers is to ensure with friends. It also encourages children to be from. Hadprotected he scavenged something we provide and attractive environments more independent while at the same time so children themselves and explore Had nurturing a level of freedom. sharp that can hadbe pierced hissafely bowels? their surroundings. One alternative to driving kids something staked his abdomen (weeks to school for parents is to walk, bike or scooter ago?) and introduced infection that with their children, at least occasionally. This gives Phil Shoemack way? Did grass pierce his skin parents and a their childrenseed some time being active MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH (weeks/months ago?) and migrate into and exploring new things together. the abdomen?


and more importantly for life skills for the future

Digger lookingyour and feeling fine! child learning Healthy outlo

ok in every da y active life Safety and pe rception skills Independence


Digger is a 6-year-old chocolate Labrador. He came to see us recently with a lack of energy, a poor appetite and a swollen belly. He had a fever and x-rays showed his tummy was full of an abnormal fluid. With a needle and syringe we sucked a sample of this fluid out; it was pus and he had several litres or more of the stuff sloshing around in his belly!

Social skills alo

ngside others

The mystery remains Healthier active all children A long surgery followed in more which the pus was removed Increased and independence flushed out and some rotting internal fat was for children trimmed away. Although his abdomen


Opportunities for children to interact with the road environment in a safe and active way Reduced chaos and traffic congestion around school gates

Providing companionship and fun WILLS for both parents TRUSTS and children RELATIONSHIP PROPERTY An environmentally friendly form of transport to and COMMERCIAL from school BUYING AND SELLING PROPERTY Children arrive at school fresh and ready to learn • EMPLOYMENT

• • • • •

Sam Messenger

• Check out your safest route • Identify safe crossings • Check bike, scooter, skateboard

• • • •

p-off point away fro

Damien Harris ARY UNT PRIM

• Year 5/6 students take part in Kids Can Ride cycle safety programme • Kids Can Ride students cycle with a friend 58



07-928 9000 Reduced travel cost

m school

4. Kids Can Ride


• Younger students cycle with an adult

Join a walking school bus Walk with a friend Scooter/skateboard to school Drop the kids off away from school and walk/ scooter/skateboard the rest



• Look for a saf e dro

3. Kids on Feet

Supported with fun incentive

Monmouth House, 41 Monmouth Street, Tauranga

2. Live too far from

It is great that our e to be students are abl rney active on their jou ps to school. This keeduces re them healthy andour school. congestion around

58 58

The walking school pace, allowing children to bus sets a more-relaxed worthy decisions. It fosters learn about making good, road a great it is an invaluable part sense of community and of our week.



Mel Young



Like us on Facebook

Use your feet to get to and from school!

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6/11/12 9:40 AM

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Travel Smart

WBVC_A6LetterBoxDropCardPATH.indd 1


Let’s keep moving ahead! For more information contact Tauranga City Council - Phone: 577 7000 WBVC_A6LetterBoxDropCardPATH.indd 1

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MVM 61617


Safer and closer communities

1. Pre-plan

6/11/12 9:40 AM


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Bow-wow-come to the Wander Dogs walking club!


WANDER DOGS Because I’m a dog and I love walking, and even more so with friends – I have made a club which I would love you all to join! This summer we have sniffed out some great walking locations and made some dates to meet for social walks in our area with other dog-minded humans! So, grab your leashes and pull along your owners – join our Facebook group ‘Wander Dogs Club’ hosted by myself, Alfie Hall (add me as a friend!)- to stay in tune with the scent of the walking updates! My humans will be able to answer any questions you might have on this group page.







Te Puna Quarry Park

Quarry Carpark, 108 Te Puna Quarry Road



Te Puke

Jubilee Park, Commerce Lane




Reserve Carpark, Leyland Road




Meet at the Yacht Club Carpark, The Esplanade



Waihi Beach

Anzac Bay Carpark, Seaforth Road, Bowentown




Meet at Haiku Reserve Carpark (off Main Road, by Robert Harris)




Meet at the Children’s Playground Corner, Beach and Park Roads



Mystery Location

Mystery location to be decided by Walkers



Kev ‘n’ Shirl


Putting You First

To celebrate Christmas we are giving away this FUR-TASTIC hamper from Holistic Vets valued up to an astHOUNDING $300!!!

For excellent results, great service and competitive rates call us now...

This will have your four legged friend howling with delight! Entering is super simple, all you have to do is:

First National Real Estate 43 Welcome Bay Rd

1. LIKE our Facebook Page “Kevnshirl Real Estate Champions� 2. SHARE the competition post 3. POST your cutest, Christmas Themed, photo of your pooch (and their name) in the comments section. Our dog, Milly (Millicent Mildred, Fluffy Belly BumFace), thinks it’s pretty RUFF she is not allowed to enter, but YOU have until the 23rd December 11.59pm to submit. The winner will be drawn and announced on our Facebook page just in time for your poochies Christmas Day * PLEASE NOTE:To be eligible for this competition, you must complete all three steps *

Kevin Wells AREINZ: Licenced Agent REAA2008 Rural & Lifestyle specialist, 0274 788 905 or 544 8859 Shirley Wells Licenced Salesperson REAA2008 Residential Sales Whizz, 0274 406 403 or 544 1159

Kaimai Real Estate Ltd Licenced Agent (REAA 2008) MREINZ

Like us on Facebook:

Kevnshirl Real Estate Champions Dr. Liza - Holistic Vet

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Teddy on last legs, or not… Teddy was one sore and unhappy dog after being diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia and Degenerative Joint Disease by his local vet. He had been showing signs of intermittent and irregular lameness as well as suffering with gastrointestinal problems that caused him to have regular tummy upsets.

Help is on the way


was only able to walk for ten minutes just a couple of months ago!"

our whole family by helping Teddy like you have. We are so grateful."

"Yesterday we took him to Raglan beach which is very hard underfoot and he was off leash, running and playing in the water and NO lameness afterwards! This is pretty-much a miracle!"

By Dr. Liza Schneider Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre (A RRC), Holistic Vets

"So thank you so much for what you do. You have made such a huge impact on

I write for this magazine because, educating, empowering and inspiring people with useful information is important to us.

Teddy’s owners wanted all the help they could get for Teddy, ideally to help him feel better without, just giving him pain killers to suppress the pain but not address the problem. They sought the advice of Dr Liza and the Holistic Vets Team to see if there was anything they could do and drove an hour to visit the clinic in Tauranga as they don’t live locally.

Healthy diet for improved well-being


Teddy is a delightful little man. As part of his treatment strategy his diet was addressed; he was prescribed some supplements as well as given some complementary therapies – but no drugs. After a couple of weeks Teddy’s tummy had been fine with no more upsets, his energy levels and general vitality were much improved and his coat was shinier.

Pretty-much a miracle

Teddy in full flight - feeling just fine!

A few weeks later Teddy’s Mum sent through an e-mail: “I just wanted to update you on Teddy. He's doing so well! We have got his walks up to 40 minutes per day with zero signs of lameness afterwards. He

Lighthouse Church 260 Welcome Bay Road Phone 544 5383

“The next day he roared into the house like a puppy; we couldn't believe the difference. No limp, no stiffness, no nothing - our boy was back! …”

 Surgery  Digital X-Rays  In house Blood Testing  24 Hour Emergency Care  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Regular Sunday Services - 10am Christmas Day Carols - 10am

We offer long distance consultation by phone 212 Fraser St, Tauranga, Ph: 578 7054 Visit us online for a comprehensive list of services, information and testimonials at


For peace of mind and naturally healthy pets


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Relocating to Tauranga Tauranga’s a fantastic place to start a new business, or to re-locate from somewhere else.

nearly 6000, we are in a good position to connect you to the people you need to know.

Here at the Chamber we’re meeting lots of people who are fresh into town or looking to move here soon. One of the first questions they ask is: ‘who do I need to know?’, followed by ‘what sort of support can we tap into to allow our business to grow?’

Last week a young professional man with an accountancy degree came to see me to ask if I could give him a steer. He was relatively new to town, and after having done a lot of voluntary work overseas was now keen to find a more permanent job opportunity. He and his wife were living in an apartment in the city centre, and loving the lifestyle here. He was happy to look at any kind of role that give him a leg into the Tauranga employment market.


Fortunately, the Chamber is well placed to help on both fronts. We are happy to meet people who are new to town to give them a steer and to create the right introductions for them. With a membership of over 800 local businesses, and a network that extends to

My advice to him was get involved in some local networks, like the Linkt group

for young professionals; and to do something different to get himself noticed and in front of local decisionmakers. How about offering to speak at a Rotary Club about his overseas volunteer experience? Community clubs are always on the lookout for good speakers. The beauty of Tauranga is that we have so many community and business support groups you can join, that will allow you to meet new people and help build your profile. As a new business, there’s also a well established support structure in place. At the Chamber our core business is to help your business grow and

Stan Gregec, CEO, Tauranga Chamber of Commerce

flourish, whether you’re a ‘solopreneur’ or a larger business. By Stan Gregec CEO Tauranga Chamber of Commerce I write for this magazine because we represent the Tauranga business community and believe that positive engagement is the best way to do this.

Diversity starts with making better hiring decisions Making better hiring decisions starts long before you advertise a job vacancy. As a business owner you need to create a job description that addresses the key competencies required for the role. To do this you need to assess the current workflow as well as the skills mix suitable for the job, and your company’s growth and on-going business needs.

Strategic Hiring Policies Identifying the most critical job competencies will help you identify candidates who ‘Can Do’ the job e.g. creating a strategic vision or analysing information efficiently. Most jobs require a variety of ‘Will Do’ competencies e.g. driving for results

BiznessWins Diversity Managers

or showing ‘emotional maturity’. Companies need employees with the motivation and values that the job profile demonstrates. Many of our jobs today do not have the same level of physical demands. These ‘Able to Do’ competencies may still, however, require flexibility and coordination as well as dexterity and precision to execute tasks efficiently.

Ensuring a good fit The requirement to make new hires count as part of your hiring strategy starts with knowing what you need. Knowing what job competencies are required to accomplish the job and developing a strategic hiring policy, ensure that your new hire is a good fit for your company, resulting in a more diverse and inclusive culture; this is key to faster, better and cheaper hiring. Call me if you would like to discuss any concern on 027 692 7736.



Supporting a diverse and inclusive workplace Staff retention and attracting top talent Productivity and profitability Skills shortages and career development Free consultation Warren Scobie, GDipBus I Phone: 027 692 7736 I Email:

By Warren Scobie BiznessWins – Diversity Managers I write for the WHOMP magazine because it reaches across the wider community in an effort to link likeminded people.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


Makeover your kitchen any day and save

Travel Safe

You don’t have to replace your kitchen to give it an amazing new look! The team at are the Tauranga-based specialists in rejuvenating kitchens using the same materials and fittings found in designer kitchens. In fact, lacquer is still the choice of most designers as seen in magazines such as Kitchen Trends and online sites like Houzz.

kitchen based on a time-tested process that normally takes just 10 days. Plus, with our makeover, your kitchen is usable during the process!

Easy to clean, doesn’t peel

By Nelson Tkatch

Safer Journeys

Why replace your kitchen if there’s nothing really wrong with how it functions? Instead, save thousands by y couraging primar making over your existing“En kitchen. to walk, bike or

How can you become part of the solution?

school children y scooter to school brings man e mor e y’r the ns mea It benefits. I write for this publicationphybecause sically active which brings lth benefits.” ificant hea sign we are a local firm that is focused on

Lacquer can transform any type of cabinetry whether timber, MDF, whiteboard or melamine, and best of all helping local residents and providing offers a limitless choice of colour and a an economical and ecologically friendly wide of finishes! Anchildren authentic toown gutting Ourvariety bodies are made for movement and Getting toalternative school under your ‘steam’ a perfectly good kitchen makeover about lacquering are happiest when they’reisphysically active. Our can be akitchen. great social opportunity to catch up role as theirthat’s parents and to ensure cabinetry in caregivers good isnick but is with a friends. It also encourages children to be we provide protected and attractive more independent while at the same time dated colour or looks a bitenvironments tired.

The answer lies with you!


nurturing a level of freedom.

with making their children,over at leasttheir occasionally. This givesmany While kitchen, Phil Shoemack parents and their children some time being active MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH people update their bench top with and exploring new things together. stunning new laminate or natural stone. Some add a splash of colour or striking graphic for that bit of WOW with a modern glass splash back.


Healthier more active children Increased independence for children

Our experience in doing make-overs of Safer and closer communities hundreds of existing kitchens means every makeover results in a gorgeous


Opportunities for children to interact with the road environment in a safe and active way

TOFREE WALK, CYCLE, legal information, SCOOTER OR JOIN Reduced chaos and traffic advice, congestion around school gates A KIDS ON FEET assistance WALKING BUSeducation and

Providing companionship and fun for both parents Street, Tauranga and children

63 Willow Phone: 07 571 6812 An environmentally friendly form Email: of transport to and from school

ok in every da y active life Safety and pe rception skills Independence

Social skills alo

ngside others

1. Pre-plan • Check out your safest route • Identify safe crossings • Check bike, scooter, skateboard

It is great that our e to be students are abl rney active on their jou ps to school. This keeduces re them healthy andour school. congestion around Damien Harris ARY UNT PRIM


Supported with fun incentive

resources Reduced travel cost

2. Live too far frBefore om school? • Look for a saf e dro

p-off point away fro

m school

4. Kids Can Ride • Year 5/6 students take part in Kids Can Ride cycle safety programme • Kids Can Ride students cycle with a friend

3. Kids on Feet

After • Younger students cycle with an adult • Join a walking school bus • Walk with a friend • Scooter/skateboard to school Make your existing kitchen with designer finishes • Dropover the kids off away from school and walk/ scooter/skateboard the rest and save THOUSANDS compared to replacing it!

Outreach clinics arrive atWaihi school fresh and Te Puke, Greerton, Children Katikati, ready to learn

Healthy outlo


their surroundings. One alternative to driving kids Bench-top options to school for parents is to walk, bike or scooter

10-day makeover process

and more importantly for learning life skills for the future

your child As good as new again.

Show this ad at your consultation for a credit of up to $500 towards new handles

Call 0800 48 77 48 now for your free The walkconsultation ing school bus sets a mor and quote no-obligation e-relaxed pace, allow

*Terms and conditions apply

ing children to learn abou t making good, road worthy decisions. It fosters a great it is an invaluable part sense of community and our week.Tauranga Showroom: 48 Birchof Ave,

Mel Young Mon - Fri 8:00 OMA - 4:30, 9:00 - 12:00 NU VOLUNTEER Sat PARENT

Use your feet to get to and from school! Let’s keep moving ahead! For more information contact Tauranga City Council - Phone: 577 7000

Like us on Facebook

Travel Smart Students

MVM 61617

so children can be themselves and safely explore

Set the scene fo a healthier, sa r fe environment r aro your school… und


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

NZ Business Market - 11 November 2016 Grow yourself, Grow your business, Grow your influence

nt 10% discMoPureaders

HO offered to W it. ring to Exhib when registe to an email Please send dmin@ t Christel a a rk a nzbusinessm

The NZ Business Market was launched at the beginning of 2016 out of a need to offer SME's an opportunity to profile themselves at ten percent of the cost of a traditional Expo in a one-day market. This approach enables you to spread your financial and human resources across the calendar instead of three gruelling days talking to unqualified prospects.

Getting down to business The Morning Market always creates quite a buzz running 9am to 1pm.


Keynote speaker with breakfast

Lunch speakers

Our fourth and final Market for 2016 is on Friday, 11 November between 7.30am and 4.30pm. The day starts with a hearty breakfast while we also serve four excellent guest speakers to inform, encourage and entertain you.

The lunch session starts at 1pm with a welcome from our new Mayor Greg Brownless, followed by speakers Sharon Zollner, Nick McDonald, Nicolette Aldridge, Andrew Crisp and Alex Talopau.

Breakfast is kick-started by Hon Simon Bridges, followed by Pat Buckley, Zita Cameron and our keynote speaker is Sharon Zollner the top economist from the ANZ.

‘Effective Networking’ workshop The value proposition just gets better when the Christine Greer from the ANZ delivers a free afternoon workshop

between 2.30pm and 4.30pm on Effective Networking. Numbers are limited so secure your booking today.

10% WHOMP discount To exhibit, visit, or find out more about the costs for the event go to our website A 10% discount offered to WHOMP readers when registering to Exhibit. Please send an email to Christel at admin@ to claim your discount and to register. The feedback from our growing number of delegates has been extremely encouraging and we invite you to journey with us in strengthening business in The Bay. By Brett Yeatman

Vibrant Local Community Bar

I write for this magazine because l believe that the strength of every nation is strong cities and the strength of every city is strong communities.


TAB Self Service Terminal . 18 Gaming Machine Lounge Off-licence: wine, spirits & beer sales until 10:00pm



Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday: 9:15 am until late Monday: closed Saturday: noon until late Sunday: 3:00 pm until late

291 Maungatapu Road

. Phone: 07-544 6680

Setting-up in the morning at the NZ Business Market.

October – December 2016

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP


CLASSIFIEDS Freemasonry Composed of men of character with high ideals and worthwhile values who strive to make a difference in themselves and our community. Learn more about one of the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organisations. Phone or text Glen 027 918 9096.



Positions available for enthusiastic, positive and reliable individuals. • Chef • Kitchenhand • Front of house Email CV to, or phone Jason 021 795 406, 7 days.


$30 WOF W illiams A utomotive

• Full automotive repairs • Free 23 point safety

If you have a site you want filled call Ross 027 578 2887 PAGE EARTHWORKS

inspection with every service • Batteries • Brakes and clutches • Vehicle wof inspections • LPG wof inspections • LPG installations, repairs and servicing

• Tunes • Lube, oil and filter service • Modern, classic and vintage repairs

• Fishing rod and reel repairs • Fleet servicing a specialty • Some light engineering • Eftpos / credit card facilities

If we haven’t mentioned it - then please ask! Honest, reliable & friendly service

Phone / Fax: 07 578 9062 Unit 3, 11 Glen Lyon Avenue, Greerton, Tauranga


The Bays Biggest Fujitsu Dealer


Issue 5

Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Community Centre rooms to hire

These rooms are suitable for meetings, family gatherings, Family Group Conferences, exercise groups, church groups. Kauri Room 18 x 10m Puriri Room 6 x 5m Kowhai Room 6 x 4m Give us a call or drop in to see us if you think we can help you: T: 07 544 9774 E: There are a number of trestle tables and other tables, and chairs available for use in the Centre. Terms and conditions for Centre Hire apply.

Community Centre, 242 Welcome Bay Road

Room Hire Charges:

Prices exclude GST (include GST).

Kauri Room – 1 hour minimum –

Kauri Room – 2nd hour –

Puriri / Kowhai Rooms – 2 hours minimum –

Puriri / Kowhai Rooms – 3rd hour –

Not For Profit (NFP)

$ 17.39 ($ 20.00)

$ 13.43 ($ 15.00)

$ 17.39 ($ 20.00)

$ 8.70 ($ 10.00)


$ 21.74 ($ 25.00)

$ 17.39 ($ 20.00)

$ 21.74 ($ 25.00)

$ 8.70 ($ 10.00)


$ 30.00 ($ 34.50)

$ 25.00 ($ 28.75)

$ 30.00 ($ 34.50)

$ 15.00 ($ 17.25)





Private Functions





Additional Charges

Per Booking

Per Booking

Kitchen Food Preparation, also with option to use Stove/Oven

$ 13.43 ($ 15.00)

$ 13.43 ($ 15.00)

Cleaning Bond (refundable)

$ 17.39 ($ 20.00)

$ 17.39 ($ 20.00)

WBCC Room Booking Rates

Kitchen: tea & coffee only


Don’t pay more than you should! We Save You Thousands! For Professional Service and Results that Count

Sale Price

Common Fee (incl gst)*

Our aim is to offer youCall a me to find out more... $18,745.00 Karla$400,000.00 Rule cost effective alternative $500,000.00 $21,620.00 when when selling your 07 552 027 439 0949 OR$24,495.00 $600,000.00 property. $700,000.00 $27,370.00 Compare the commission fees commonly calculated by other agencies and us.


Reality Realty **

Call us to find out more...

$9,154.00 $11,442.50



$13,742.50 $14,892.50







* common fee: $500 +3.95% till $400,000 2.5% thereafter plus GST ** our fee 1.99% till $500,000 1% thereafter plus GST Other agencies may charge different fees

Ben Louis

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Karla Rule Salesperson

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October – December 2016


Tai Whakarara – The WHOMP

Please support our Supporters… Page



15th Avenue Tyre & Suspension Centre


NZ Transport Agency


AJ's Bar Maungatapu


Page Earthworks


Balance Osteopathy


Palmers Garden Centre

Bay Health Clinic


Paradise FM


Bay Masala - Indian Cuisine


Party Starter


Baywide Community Law Service


PMP-Delivering phamphlets work


BestStart Education & Care Centres


Reality Realty Ltd


Bizness Wins


Rosebud Playgroup


Sanctuary Therapy





Burley Attwood Law


Silver Service IT


Caltex Welcome Bay


Snowden Electrical



Spiritual Life Coach


Cheesecake Shop Colin Amrein Contracting Ltd


Summerhill A1 Youth Academy


Crockford Real Estate


Tauranga Budget Advisory Service


Tauranga City Libraries


Design Engine Architects


Eves Realty - Nicola Cooke


Todd Muller MP


First National Real Estate - Kev ‘n' Shirl


Toi-Ohomai Intitute of Technology


First National Real Estate - The Beech Team


Travel Safe - Tauranga City Council

32, 39, 43

First National Real Estate - Tony Quaife


Vanilla Catering


First National Real Estate Welcome Bay Office 27

Welcome Bay Baptist Church



Welcome Bay Community Centre


Welcome Bay Four Square



Hell Pizza


Holistic Vets


Welcome Bay Vet Clinic


Ideal Garages


Western BOP District Council


Kitchen Makeover


White Lining, RWL


KiwiPetz - Fraser Cove


Williams Automotive


Lighthouse Church




Over 30 years experience in all types of road markings, FREE quotes and site inspections


Lining the Way Ahead

Specialists in all types of paint markings:

Car Parks – Sports courts – Warehouses – Safety markings – Airfields – Playgrounds – Coloured walkways 34 Palm Springs Boulevard, Papamoa Phone: 07 542 0652 I Mobile: 027 363 9155 I E-mail: I Web:



Tauranga Has a New and Truly Local Alternative


We’re all about our community and we’re all about our music Studio phone: 07 571 0234

Fe at u re S h ows

Weekend Hosts

Mon 6am 3pm 7pm

Sat – Sun 6am - midnight Alf, Brett, Todd, Nige, Sean & John

– – – –

Fri 9am Wake-up to Veronica & Andy 7 pm Drive Home with Hunter midnight Shady presents Shadyo Radio

Mon – Thu 9am – midday

Adrian gets your day underway

Friday 9am – midday

The Weekend Warm-Up with Nicki

Sunday 7pm – 10pm

Mancave with Tex & Rosko

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