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BAY PLAN N E R By Kathy Knotts • September 3 - 10 Submit your ideas, comments and events! Email us: calendar@bayweekly.com
Patuxent River Cruises
Take a leisurely cruise on the centenarian buyboat Wm. B. Tennison. Hop aboard for a one-hour cruise through the harbor and under the Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge, past the U.S. Naval Recreation Center at Point Patience (every ThF). 2pm, departs from the Calvert Marine Museum dock, $7 w/discounts, RSVP: 410-326-2042 x15.
SoCo Farmers Market
4-7pm, Deale Library, Facebook: SOCOFarmersMarketAtDealesLibrary.
Dinner under the Stars
Enjoy outdoor dining and listen to music by Timmie & Tambo. Dining 5-10pm, music 6-9pm, fi rst block West St., Annapolis: www.dinnerunderthestars.org.
Annapolis and Colonial Painters Lecture
Some of the most well-known Colonial artists regularly worked in Annapolis. Join Curator of Collections, Robin Matty, for this intimate look not only at the people portrayed, but also the artists who painted them. Discover why prominent members of society desired to have their likenesses captured and displayed, and what some of these paintings reveal about the person. 7pm, RSVP for Zoom link, $15 w/discounts: www.annapolis.org.
First Friday Webinar
Ryan Davis, Chesapeake Forests program manager for the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, presents a program on riparian forest buffers and their importance to waterways. Noon, Enjoy outdoor dining and lis
via Zoom, free: www.jugbay.org.
Shipyard Program
Explore traditional sand casting and mold making with Jennifer Kuhn in this weekly outdoor series on woodworking and boatbuilding skills, between the corn crib and Hooper Strait Lighthouse on the museum’s campus; facial coverings req’d inside buildings or within six feet of other guests. 1pm, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels, free w/admission: Join birder and park volunteer Brad
First Friday Leonardtown
Celebrate the 7 th anniversary of the town’s Arts & Entertainment District by taking the Art Walk, visiting shops and restaurants, voting for favorcircle with fi re dance performance (7pm, St. Mary’s County Arts Council). 5-8pm, downtown Leonardtown:
September 3: Annapolis and Colonial Painters Lecture
www.fi rstfridaysleonardtown.com.
Dinner under the Stars
ten to music by Alex Peters. Dining 5-10pm, music 6-9pm, fi rst block West St., Annapolis: www.dinnerunderthestars.org.
AACo Farmers Market
7am-noon, Riva Rd. & Harry Truman Pkwy, Annapolis: www.aacofarmersmarket.com.
Bird Walk
ite art works and joining in a drum Mann to learn skills for identifying birds by sight and sound on this guided hike (ages 12+). 8-11am, Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, Lothian, $6 vehicle fee: www.jugbay.org.
Severna Park Farmers Market
8am-noon, Park and Ride, Rt. 2 and Jones Station Rd.: 410-924-3092.
Fossil Field Experience
Explore the fossils of Calvert Cliffs, learn to fi nd them, identify them and what they tell us about the past (ages 8+). 9am-noon, Cove Point Lighthouse, Solomons, $15, RSVP: www.calvertmarinemuseum.com.
Stretch and Sketch
Discuss James Peale’s painting The Mill and how it was attributed to him due to a sketch; discuss drawing techniques and choose a painting from the museum to sketch; then stretch out with a gentle yoga fl ow in the backyard. 10:30am-noon, Hammond-Harwood House, Annapolis, rsvp: 410-263-4683 x10.
Dinner under the Stars
Enjoy outdoor dining and listen to music by Alyssa Shouse. Dining 5-10pm, music 6-9pm, fi rst block West St., Annapolis: www.dinnerunderthestars.org.
Mayo Beach Open
Watch Facebook page for capacity announcements. 9am-5pm, Mayo Beach, Annapolis, free: www.facebook.com/MayoPeninsulaParks/.
AACo Farmers Market
10am-1pm, year-round, Riva Rd. & Harry Truman Pkwy, Annapolis: www.aacofarmersmarket.com.
Nature Walk
Learn about the farm’s permaculture farming techniques, tour the gardens, collect food to take home and learn about some of the farm’s wild edibles. Graze your way through the tour and into the food forest garden where you will see thousands of native fruit and nut-bearing trees. 10am, Honey’s Harvest Farm, Lothian, $8 w/ discounts: https://honeysharvest.com/ guided-nature-walks.
Honey’s Harvest Market
11am-2pm, Honey’s Harvest Farm, Lothian: www.honeysharvest.com,
Dinner under the Stars
Enjoy outdoor dining and listen to music by Caleb Stine. Dining 5-10pm, music 6-9pm, fi rst block West St., Annapolis: www.dinnerunderthestars.org.
It’s Labor Day: This annual holiday is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers and the contributions they have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
Mayo Beach Open
Watch Facebook page for capacity announcements. 9am-5pm, Mayo Beach, Annapolis, free: https://www. facebook.com/MayoPeninsulaParks/.
Calvert Farmers Market
2:30-6:30pm, CalvertHealth Medical Center, Prince Frederick: www.calvertag.com.
AACo Farmers Market
7am-noon, Riva Rd. & Harry Truman Pkwy, Annapolis: www.aacofarmersmarket.com.
KIDS What’s in a Tree?
Children explore the gardens and learn about the trees that live on the property, then perform a tree-themed experiment (grades 1-4). (Also Sept. 12, 10am). 1-3pm, Historic London Town, Edgewater, $10 w/discounts,
September 9: KIDS What’s in a Tree?
RSVP: www.historiclondontown.org.
Jane Austen Tour
Tour the house and compare the customs and social graces of the Loockerman family who lived in the house with those of characters in Austen’s novels. 2pm, Hammond-Harwood House, Annapolis, $10, RSVP: 410-263-4683 x10.
Piney Orchard Farmers Market
2-6:30pm, Piney Orchard Community Center, Odenton: www.pineyorchard.com.
Crofton Farmers Market
3-7pm, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 1800 Seton Dr.: www.croftonfarmersmarket.com.
Dinner under the Stars
Enjoy outdoor dining and listen to music by Hardway Connection. Dining 5-10pm, music 6:30-9:30pm, first block West St., Annapolis: www.dinnerunderthestars.org.
Family Finance Seminar
Learn to manage your finances during the pandemic in this seminar with the University of Maryland Extension. 9:30am-3pm, rsvp for Zoom
link, free: https://go.umd. edu/5bS.
KIDS Preschool Explorers
Children (ages 3-5yrs) learn about a nature topic and then explore the sanctuary; dress for weather. 10-11:30am, Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, Lothian, $6, rsvp: www.jugbay.org.
Patuxent River Cruises
Take a leisurely cruise on the centenarian buyboat Wm. B. Tennison. Hop aboard for a one-hour cruise through the harbor and under the Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge, past the U.S. Naval Recreation Center at Point Patience (every ThF). 2pm, departs from the Calvert Marine Museum dock, $7 w/discounts, RSVP: 410-326-2042 x15.
Garden Round Table
Discuss effective and sustainable horticultural practices, gardening tips, tricks and how to be a humane gardener. 4-5:30pm, RSVP for link: www.aacpl.librarycalendar.com.
SoCo Farmers Market
4-7pm, Deale Library, Facebook: SOCOFarmersMarketAtDealesLibrary.
To have your event listed in BAY PLANNER, send your information at least 10 days in advance to calendar@bayweekly.com. Include date, location, time, pricing, short description and contact information. Our online calendar at bayweekly.com/events is always open.
Artist Reception
Join Janis Jagodzinski and the nate drunk and drugged driving.
Annapolis Arts Alliance for a socially distanced reception and discussion about the new exhibit Fabric as a Medium. 5-7pm, Gallery 57 West, Annapolis: www.gallery57west.com.
Backman Talk
New York Times best-selling author Fredrik Backman joins Maryland Humanities and co-hosts Frederick County Public Libraries, Curious Iguana, and Weinberg Center for the Arts, for a virtual event to discuss his latest book, Anxious People. 5-7pm,
Sept. 12: Dance the night away with unable to socially distance from individco.cal.md.us (activity number 150001). rsvp for link: https://bit.ly/3kwx6WK.
Dinner under the Stars
Enjoy outdoor dining and listen to music by Chris Sacks. Dining 5-10pm, music 6-9pm, first block West St., Annapolis: www.dinnerunderthestars.org.
Engineers Meeting
Join the Annapolis chapter of the Maryland Society of Professional Engineers to discuss spreadsheet use in woodworking design. 6:30pm, Double T Diner, Annapolis: 410-263-0794.
Bethany McGlyn retraces the lives and work of enslaved and servant artisans using primary sources. 7pm, RSVP for Zoom link, $15 w/discounts: www.annapolis.org.
Virtual Walk Like MADD
Sept. 12: Mothers Against Drunk Driving host their signature fundraising event to help raise both awareness and funds to elimiWalk where you can, in the neighborhood, a park or on a treadmill, then share photos on social media. MADD presents opening remarks on Facebook and sponsor videos will play during the event. 9am-noon, www.walklikemadd.org/maryland.
Breezy Point Beach Blast-Off
music from DJ Keith Hicks, enjoy lowtouch games and activities and cap the night off with a spectacular fireworks show. The free all-ages event is for Calvert County residents only and attendees must wear face masks when uals outside of their group. No food vendors will be available and attendees are encouraged to bring their own picnics. No alcohol or glass containers will be permitted. 5:30pm, Breezy Point Beach, Chesapeake Beach, rsvp: https://webtrac.
Slavery & Servitude
Joshua Roach Memorial Golf Tournament
Sept. 18: Play in the 77th annual tournament featuring best ball scramble, food, beverages, silent auction and more to benefit the Anne Arundel Youth Football Association. 7:30am registration, 9am shotgun start, Compass Pointe Golf Course, Pasadena, $110/ player, RSVP: www.active.com. p