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How to travel with children, according to this globetrotting Texas mother

By Sarah Bahari

Traveling with kids can be both an adventure and an occasional exercise in humiliation. The prospect alone fills some parents with dread: visions of sleepless babies, cranky toddlers and long, tortuous flights from which there is no escape. But a Frisco mom wants to ease some of those fears.

Lesley Carter, who runs the travel blog Bucket List Publications, traveled with her 2-year-old son, Max Smith, to Antarctica this past winter. That trip made Max the youngest American to visit all seven continents.

Carter, 42, who is originally from Canada, has loved to travel since she took a solo flight at age 8. Since then, she has visited more than 100 countries.

Having children didn’t slow down Carter down. She has traveled with her kids around the U.S., Europe, Rwanda, Uganda, Dubai, Fiji and more. In addition to Max, Carter has a 10-yearold daughter, Athena.

Carter offered some advice for fellow parents.

Expect a little misery

Babies cry. They need sleep. They refuse to sleep. They won’t sit in the stroller. They refuse to get out of the stroller.

“You have to accept that sometimes you are going to be the parent with the screaming child. It’s part of traveling with a child,” Carter said. “Once you’ve accepted that, you’ll feel a little better.”

Accept — and ask for — help

While wrangling an infant and attempting to shove your suitcase in an overhead compartment, a stranger offers to help. Always say yes, Carter said. If someone has not offered to help, just ask for it.

“Most people are more than happy to help,” she said. “We just to have ask.”

Pack light, like really light

Carter said she never checks luggage, even for longer trips. For clothing, she recommends picking a color scheme and packing clothes to mix and match. Nearly everything else, including diapers, can be purchased upon arriving to a destination.

But make sure to have essentials like snacks, water and comfort items like a baby’s blanket or favorite toy. And don’t forget to keep an extra change of clothes on you, even if you check luggage.

“There is nothing worse than having poop on your clothes for what seems like endless hours because you forget to pack an extra pair of pants,” Carter said.

But do pack a stroller

A toddler might not always want to sit in a stroller, Carter said, but a stroller can do so much more. To free up your arms, toss bags, coats and just about anything else.

Then when children are too tired to participate in a tour or other activity, they can doze in the stroller. “A well-rested child is a happy child,” she said. “When he needs to sleep, I let him sleep.”

Be prepared

Carter always makes sure to bring plenty of Max’s favorite snacks, Cheerios and cereal bars, but she also brings extras in case of long flight delays. Also, bring extra formula or milk, books, a tablet, crayons and whatever else will help distract them.

Plan flights with your kids in mind

Carter’s son sleeps well on airplanes, so she loves a nonstop, overnight flight. Her sister’s child, however, hates long flights, so they try to break flights up with layovers. Once you know how your children’s preference, it makes planning easier.

Break the rules

At home, you might restrict screen time and junk food. But consider loosening up a little, or a lot, while traveling. “If your child wants to watch TV and eat eight airplane cookies in a row, go ahead and let him,” she said.

Same for nap schedules. Let them sleep when they’re tired. Worry about restoring a routine when you return home.

Book early to save

Plan your trip in advance to take advantage of early bird deals and discounts on flights, hotels and activities. Booking in advance can help you save up to 50% on travel expenses, Carter said she has found.

Save in the off-season

Prices soar in the summer and during other school holidays, like spring break, and many hotels even offer steep discounts in the offseason. Families can avoid crowds and long lines skipping the most popular seasons. If your kids are not school-aged yet and have flexible schedules, take advantage of the deals.

Skip the restaurants

Dining out can be one of the biggest expenses when traveling, Carter said. Consider cooking your own meals or eating at street food stalls to save money.

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