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2 0 2 1Ba z eUn i v e r s i t y . Al l r i g h t sr e s e r v e d .


I SSN 26366789

Vol .4,No.7( C) Jul y 19t h,2021

Ba z eUni v er s i t yi sl oc a t edi nt hehea r toft he c i t yofAbuj a , Ni ger i a . I ti sapr i v a t euni v er s i t y , es t a bl i s hed i n 2011.I tha ss i xF a c ul t i es ; Ma na gement a nd Soc i a l Sc i enc es ,L a w, Comput i ng&Appl i edSc i enc es ,Engi neer i ng, Medi c i ne a nd Hea l t h Sc i enc es a nd Env i r onment a lSc i enc es .Al lunder gr a dua t e a ndpos tgr a dua t epr ogr a mmesha v ebeen a ppr ov ed a nd a c c r edi t ed by t he Na t i ona l Uni v er s i t i esCommi s s i on. Vi s i tourwebs i t e: www. baz euni ver s i t y . edu. ng

FM&SS–11t hSemi narSer i es

30t hJune,2021

TheFacul t yofManagementandSoci al Sci ences( FM&SS)hel di t s11t hSemi nar Ser i es.Ai rVi ceMar shalOsi t aObi er i ka ( Rt d)oft heDepar t mentofI nt er nat i onal Rel at i onsandDi pl omacydel i ver eda Lect ur eont heTopi c,“Secur i t ySect or Ref or mi nNi ger i aandt he4t hI ndust r i al Revol ut i on”.Someoft hemember sof Managementatt heeventwer e:t heDean FM&SS,Pr of .Osi t aAgbu;t heDean SchoolofPostGr aduat eSt udi es,Dr . Hel enJekel l e;t heUni ver si t yBur sar , UmarDal hat ;andt heDi r ect orCent r al Ser vi ces,Khal i f aMohammedUmar .The l ect ur ewhi chwasal sowel lat t endedby st af fandst udent s,gener at edr obust di scussi onsont hei ssueofi nsecur i t yi n Ni ger i a.

QUOTE Togi ver ealser vi ce,youmustaddsomet hi ng whi chcannotbeboughtormeasur edwi t hmoney , andt hati ssi ncer i t yandi nt egr i t y . Dougl asAdams

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