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Baze University has a good academic standing on all its programmes at the National Universities Commission (NUC) - the Agency that is statutorily empowered to regulate all university education programmes and activities in Nigeria. As of October 2021, there were forty-nine (49) approved programmes, 36 at the Undergraduate level and 13 at the Postgraduate level. They all run concurrently with four-four (44) in different Faculties while five (5) are attached to Service Departments.

2021 Re-accreditation Exercise

In April 2021, and in line with practice, NUC carried out a Re-accreditation Visit to some matured programmes in the University, these are Estate Management, Human Anatomy, Mass Communication, Microbiology, Sociology and Anthropology, etc. They were all awarded Full Accreditation Status. As at October 2021, twenty seven programmes now have full accreditation status, while some are not yet matured for accreditation.

Outcome of 2021 Professional Accreditation

The underlisted professional Regulatory Bodies visited some programmes in the university during the year. 1. The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has awarded Full Accreditation Status to the following programmes in the Faculty of Engineering: Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Petroleum and Gas Engineering. 2. The Quantity Surveying Registration Board of Nigeria (QSRBN) has also granted Full Accreditation Status to the Estate Surveying Programme in the Department of Estate Surveying. 3. The Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) has granted Full Accreditation Status to the Architecture Programme of the Department of Architecture in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences.


The Director Academic Planning and Strategy wishes to inform the general public that the underlisted courses have been approved by the National Universities Commission and have commenced at the Baze University PostgraduateSchool.For more information, contact the Dean, Postgraduate School.

S/N FACULTY 1. Management and Social Sciences

2. Computing and Applied Sciences


Accounting, MSc Economics, MSc International Relations and Diplomacy, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 15 months N2, 300, 000 15 months N2, 300, 000

Mass Communication, MSc Management, MSc MBA Public Administration, MSc

15 months N2, 300, 000 15 months N2, 300, 000 24 months N2, 800, 000 15 months N2, 300, 000 Sociology, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 Security, Leadership and Society, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 Intelligence and Global Security, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 Animal & Environmental Sc, MSc 15 months N2, 300, 000 Computer Science, MSc Software Engineering Forensic & cybersecurity Information Systems Information Technology 15 months N2, 300, 000 Chemistry, MSc N2, 300, 000 Parasitology, MSc N2, 300, 000 Law, LLM 15 months N2, 500, 000

*Dr. Helen JEKELLE is the Dean of the School of Post-graduate Studies


Introduction he Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences which hitherto had two Departments now has a total of five; Public THealth, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Radiography & Radiation Sciences which were approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC) in 2020 have now taken off in addition to Anatomy and Physiology which were already on ground. In addition, the University was also given approval to commence the training of medical doctors in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. These are good developments in the University and faculty staff and students are elated to function in their new roles.

The Department of Public Health

TheBSc programme in Public Health started in July 2020 and the pioneer students are currently in their 200 Level. The mission of the Baze University’s Bachelor of Public Health programme is to raise professionals who would lead the advancement of Public Health both locally and internationally by demonstrating in-depth knowledge, competence and professionalism thus ensuring the safety and well-being of the populace.

The Bachelor of Public Health Programme equips students with the essential knowledge and skills required for active participation in the diverse field of public health, so that graduates that can: ascertain and communicate the fundamental tasks of the discipline by applying basic principles in assessing and planning social and behavioural interventions; participate in disaster prevention and management while ensuring the safety of the community; accomplish community diagnosis and actively prepare and participate in community mobilisation through partnerships, to solve the health needs of the population, etc.

The Department of Anatomy

The Bachelor of Medical Science Anatomy was approved in February 2017 by NUC and students enrolled into the programme in May 2017. The programme is fully accredited and has graduated two sets with B. Med. Sci. (Hons.) Anatomy. Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body and the relationship of organs and tissues at a gross (whole organs) and microscopic level (histology).

Human anatomy deals with the way parts of human from molecules to bones interact to form a functional whole. The development of anatomy as a science extends from the earliest examination of sacrificial victims to the sophisticated analysis of the body by modern scientists. Human anatomy has a prestigious historical background, and is considered to be the most prominent of the biological science in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Anatomy is the corner stone of a doctor’s education. In many universities, education in the anatomical sciences has undergone several changes over the last two decades.

At Baze University, the curriculum for the B. Med. Sc. (Anatomy) programme has been enriched with creative courses and hands-on teaching and learning activities that will produce well-grounded Anatomy graduates. Some of the courses injected in the programme include: Medical genetics and Molecular Biology, Cytochemistry and Histochemistry, Introduction to Forensic Science, Comparative Anatomy and Biological Anthropology, Introduction to Histopathology, Behavioral, Developmental & Basic Reproductive Biology, History and Application/Carrier Path in Anatomy, Mortuary Science and Funeral Management, Research Methods in Anatomy, Introduction to Radiographic Anatomy, Stereology and Biological Morphometry, Sports Anatomy, Aesthetics, Cosmetology & Trichology; Basic Prosthetics, Anatomical Techniques and Laboratory Management, etc. The Department is also currently awaiting NUC’s approval to commence Post Graduate Programme in Anatomical Sciences, this will undoubtedly provide more opportunities for postgraduate training for future Anatomists.

The Department of Physiology

The Bachelor of Medical Sciences Physiology (B. Med. Sci.) is an accredited undergraduate Programme in the University and it studies how cells, tissues and organ systems function to sustain and preserve life.The study of physiology explores the basic and pathogenic mechanisms that leads to disease, and how this knowledge helps to develop diagnosis and treatment. In the programme, a student will learn how the body works, and how organisms, organs, organ systems, cells and biomolecules carry out their chemical or physical function within a living system.

Completion of the programme gives the graduand, a working knowledge of human physiology at the molecular, cellular and systems level, with the ability to apply this to health care delivery, research and related fields. Graduates of Physiology, have the opportunity to work in different life science fields such as in forensic science, exercise physiology, scientific research institutions, pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy, research institute and healthcare delivery facilities. The Department has produced two sets of graduates who are also gainfully employed.

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