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Innovations from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences 35-38

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Baze Alumni 80

Baze Alumni 80

Figure 2: Face detector Flow chart

As shown in the image Figure - 2, the algorithm is divided into two parts. The first phase has to do with training the programme on the computer so as to tell if a person is wearing a face mask or not. Then, the second phase has to do with computer vision and using the trained model to predict to a good accuracy if someone has a facemask on.

b. Assisted Social Distancing

This program is very much similar to the first algorithm. The difference here is that the programme detects a human body instead of a human face. It then measures the proximity between a group of people (more than 30 at a time) by computing pairwise distances between centroids of the human body. Below, Figure 3, is the flowchart diagram for the algorithm.

Figure 3: Social Distancing Flow Chart

AI Assisted Social Distancing

Input Image/ Frame

Step 1: Object Detecon Step 2: Compute Pairwise Distances Between Centroids

Display Result

Step 3: Check Distance Matrix for people < N Pixels Apart

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