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Baze Alumni 80

Baze Alumni 80


he word "medicine" is derived from Latin, medicus, meaning "a physician". Medicine Tcan be defined as the science or practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medical education/training varies around the world. Medicine aims to promote and maintain health and wellbeing. It typically involves entry-level education at a university medical school, followed by a period of supervised practice or internship, or residency.

In Nigeria, the medical education is called Medicine & Surgery; hence, the degree awarded is commonly referred to as the MBBS degree (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery). It is a 6 Year program in the Baze University College of Medicine & Health Sciences. A recent needs assessment of the Nigerian health sector by the National Manpower Board established that it operates with less than one-tenth of its required number of Physicians and Dentists and it identified dearth in the quality, quantity and mix of health care workers.

It is against this background, that the need for the establishment of the MBBS degree program at Baze University arose; to address the acute shortage of personnel. The Nigerian population is underserviced by medical personnel whose distribution is grossly skewed against rural areas, hence the continued increase in number of medical programs, especially Medicine and Dentistry towards meeting the ever-rising demand.

Reforms in medical education are informed by emerging challenges in healthcare delivery and administration, attuned to the health needs of the people to be served. Baze University College of Medicine & Health Sciences comprehends this fact, and in order for its medical education to affect optimally the national health system and health outcomes of patients and populations, the curriculum and instructional process have been structured to include competences, robust systems of instruction as well as optimal teaching technologies.

stThe College of Medicine & Health Sciences aspires to be Africa’s premier 21 century centre of excellence for quality teaching, research, innovations, and patient care for the enhancement of human resources in health. With a mission to train competent doctors who are able to respond to contemporary health needs in a team of healthcare providers to enhance the health needs of the community as service to humanity. It promises to provide students with integrated learning experience in theory and practice in a six-year curriculum for a UTME entry mode.

The College will serve as the academic engine for Baze University Hospital (BUH) which has a “Built-Up Area” of 16,000 Square Meters. Arguably the largest Private Academic Hospital in Africa with a stand-alone structure that sits on 4.1 Hectares (41,000 Square Meters) of land, a Plot Area of 41,000 Square Meters, and a “Foot Print Area” of 8,000 Square Meters.

A career in medicine in this environment will be very rewarding. It may appeal to you because you can make a real difference in people's lives by helping to alleviate pain and suffering. Medicine is a respected profession and the willingness and ability to work with patients and their families is one of the primary reasons to study medicine. Moreover, the doctor–patient relationship is a central pillar to the practice of healthcare that also assures high-quality care, diagnosis and treatments.

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