Chinese Astrology August 2015

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August 2015 甲申 wood monkey 八 字 Bazi Chart 時 Hour


月 Month 偏 印


年 Year 正 印



Geng Yang Metal

Bing Yang Fire

Jia Yang Wood

Yi Yin Wood

Wu EG 食神

甲 Jia IR 偏印

Bing F 比肩

Gui DO 正官

戊 Wu EG 食神

Yi DR 正印

Ren 7K 七殺

庚 Geng IW 偏財

Wu EG 食神

Wei Goat Yin Earth

Yi DR 正印

己 Ji HO 傷官


Ding RW 劫財

Hidden Stem

Shen Monkey Yang Metal

Chen Dragon Yang Earth

地支 Earthly Branches

Yin Tiger Yang Wood

Heavenly Stems

偏 財

日 Day

Auspicious Stars 天乙 Nobleman 紅鸞 Red Matchmaker 太陽 Sun Inauspicious Stars 孤辰 Solitary 劫煞 Robbery Sha 晦氣 Bad Qi 天空 Sky Emptiness In the month of August, people are more willing to offer help and be helpful. This is also a challenging month. People are easily provoked to fight due to a feeling of unrest. On the brighter side, there are also many happy events and celebrations. Hence, focus on the good things and good things will come to you in the Monkey month. If the month’s Qi is unfavourable to you, especially those who have Tiger, Snake and Pig in their Bazi Chart, be extra careful. You are prone to injury, accidents and loss of wealth. This month’s energy favours those who have the following zodiacs: Snake, Rat and Dragon. Wood Day Masters (甲 Jia Yang Wood and 乙 Yi Yin Wood) will likely feel stress. Take some time off to relax and rejuvenate.

58 June 2015 |

Fire Day Masters (丙 Bing Yang Fire and 丁 Ding Yin Fire), there are possible extra sources of income coming your way in the form of a challenging job. Wealth depends on whether you want to take it. Earth Day Masters (戊 Wu Yang Earth and 己 Ji Yin Earth), you will see your ideas turning into reality bit by bit. Keep working on it with determination and you will see success. Metal Day Masters (庚 Geng Yang Metal and 辛 Xin Yin Metal), it is a good time to network. Business people can focus on creating a brand especially if the brand conveys an impression of high-status, authority and respect. Water Day Masters (壬 Ren Yang Water and 癸 Gui Yin Water), focus on branding and marketing yourselves. Put yourself out there! Tiger Remember the motto, “There is no easy way out.” Do not resort to short-cuts to do your work. Be diligent and follow the rules in completing your assignment. Any attempt to take the easy way out can land you in unexpected trouble.

Rabbit Rabbits still enjoy networking opportunities. This is a good time to build a good network and learn something new. You are surrounded by harmonious people and friends who are willing to listen and offer their support. All in a smooth sailing month and for single Rabbits, you are going to experience strong romantic luck. Dragon Your luck takes a turn for the better this month especially in terms of wealth and career. Take this time to market yourself and build a positive image for yourself. | June 2015


Snake The Snake will experience some instability with good and bad events happening instantaneously. Take one step at a time to resolve any issue coming your way. At the end of the day, you will gain much from these events.

Horse Wealth luck is strong, especially for those in business or in sales. However, this translates into a heavier workload. You are going to experience a hectic month with a lot of short business trips. For employees, your luck cycle will be stable and leans towards the positive. Goat Goat sign will feel under pressure. They have likely received many requests for help and feel obligated to give a hand. Do what you can. Learn to say, “No” if you really cannot.

Monkey Romance is on the cards! Single Monkeys will find people paying more attention to them. Couples may find their marriage a bit crowded as a third party may come into the picture if they’re not careful. Do not let friends, family or nosy relatives come between your happiness with your spouse. Expect an overall smooth sailing month in all aspects of your life. Rooster Rooster will go through a rather busy month. You seem to be bombarded with errands. Learn to discern the difference between what is important to you personally and to your career and what is urgent but less beneficial. Find ways to simplify your tasks.

60 June 2015 |

Dog While you are not fully free from the disruptive cycle of the previous month, you can breathe a sigh of relief as things take a turn for the better. To be safe, keep working diligently.

Pig This month’s energy is less favourable for the Pig zodiac. Take precautions on everything you do as there is unexpected trouble. Avoid any illegal or under table deals. It will be easily exposed.

Rat The Rat zodiac can expect an auspicious month. Your reputation will gain a boost this month. While you are as busy as a bee with work and responsibilities, you still find yourself happy and fulfilled.

Ox You will experience quite a bit of travelling luck. It may just be short trips or you’ll find yourself running around. Why not just take this time to have a long vacation? You may find inspiration whether for work or personal development while taking a rest in some exotic island. | June 2015


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