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Tips on Applying to Top Business Schools
from The Journey
by ThinkingEyes
Tips for Applying to Top Business Schools
source : www.businesinsider.in
About 1 in 10 applicants was accepted last year at the Harvard Business School, the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Wharton, all of them are the top ranked Business Schools in the world. What really distinguishes that one candidate who was accepted from the rest? Can we get sureshot ways of knowing the parameter used in judging candidates during interviews? Maybe not. But we can definitely get closer to perfection if we get an insider’s perspective, basically get to know about the kind of people who study at, let’s say, HBS, their qualities, their background and their personality. So we collated answers from the posts of several Quora users and spoke to some of them, all of whom also happen to be studying or are graduates of HBS, and produced a list of what could help you get into the world’s top B-school.
Here are some key points:
Apply by your mid 20’s
HBS students are actually younger than the students at the other Top 10 MBA colleges. Richard Ludlow, who started studying at HBS early last year says: “Bulk of students are 24-26 years old and 3-4 years out of school. The sweet spot for applying is when you have around 3 years of experience after graduating.
Consulting is the clearest path here
McKinsey Business Analysts have a 92% success rate in getting into HBS and Stanford GSB. Richard wrote in his Quora post: “People will tell you that consultants are a dime a dozen and you’re much better off doing something more interesting, but the fact of the matter is 1 in 4 students in the entering class had worked at McKinsey, Bain or BCG.”
Write that essay with a lot of love
Ben Schumacher, another HBS graduate, keeps it short and simple – Love your essays. “Each essay needs to be a gem that unfolds a new layer about you, further differentiating you from the crowd. Also, if you’re from a traditional background, lean more towards writing about activities outside of work than you initially think.”
It’s a must to get these three things right – talent, passion, purpose
Tyler Cormney, an MBA admissions consultant as well as a HBS graduate, says he found three common denominators in students: “They all had talent, passion and purpose. Of course, they were competing with highly qualified candidates who also had talent, passion and purpose. The secret sauce, if you’ll forgive the expression, appears to be the way in which those three ingredients combine to create a compelling leadership identity. The successful candidates proved in their application and interview that they had impressive talents fuelled by exceptional passion and directed by a clear sense of purpose.”
Emphasize what makes you a great leader
Meanwhile, Richard says: “HBS really does try to select people who will be leaders in business and society, not people who will be great individual contributors. They simply love applicants that show both leadership potential and technical skill.”
While all these opinions really count in applying to join HBS, it won’t hurt to know from Harvard itself, the three things it looks out for in students:
A Habit of Leadership
“Leadership may be expressed in many forms, from college extracurricular activities to academic or business achievements, from personal accomplishments to community commitments. We appreciate leadership on any scale, from organizing a classroom to directing a combat squad, from running an independent business to spearheading initiatives at work. In essence, we are looking for evidence of your potential.”
Analytical Aptitude and Appetite
Harvard Business School is a demanding, fast-paced and highly-verbal environment. “We look for individuals who enjoy lively discussion and debate. Our case and field-based methods of learning depend upon the active participation of prepared students who can assess, analyze and act upon complex information within often-ambiguous contexts. The MBA Admissions Board will review your prior academic performance, the results of the GMAT or GRE, and, if applicable, TOEFL iBT and/or IELTS, and the nature of your work experience. There is no particular previous course of study required to apply; you must, however, demonstrate the ability to master analytical and quantitative concepts.”
Engaged Community Citizenship
“So much of our MBA experience – including the case method, section life, and student-organized events – requires the active collaboration of the entire HBS community. That’s why we look for students who exhibit the highest ethical standards and respect for others, and can make positive contributions to the MBA Program. The right candidates must be eager to share their experiences, support their colleagues, and teach as well as learn from their peers. We want applicants who have these traits, as well as bring a variety of skills, accomplishments and aspirations. In each class, we create a dynamic environment that mirrors the breadth and depth of our world economy. Our promise to our faculty and to every student here is to create a class of 900 students who come from as many different backgrounds and perspectives as possible.”