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Join a Rooflight Association working group or committee
You can make a difference in our industry by joining one of these active and friendly groups. It can be a great way to not only make a contribution, but also to broaden your knowledge and improve your career prospects, so it’s a win-win situation!
To find out more about working groups and committees, email info@rooflightassociation.org ed to be joining the team at this exciting time for the Association, whose important work is supporting best practice in the rooflight industry. I’m looking forward to making my contribution as an active member of the board.”
Chairman Ian Weakford, said: “Alex’s appointment further strengthens our board, which represents manufacturers of rooflights for all sectors. His global experience in sales, marketing and operations will be of great value to NARM in our role as the voice of the UK’s rooflight industry. Welcome to the team, Alex!”
WANTED: your case studies!
Do you publish case studies of rooflighting projects?

We will be placing case studies from member companies, FREE of charge on our new website. All you have to do is send text and images – and we’ll format them in the new Rooflight Association style, with your contact details.
Case studies are uploaded to the site monthly, on a first come, first serve basis, so hurry! Take a look at our case studies page at: rooflightassociation.org/ case-studies/
To get yours published, send text & images to: paul@bennettb2b.co.uk