B谩lint Bolcs贸
Passacaglia for clarinet and fixed media
Legend color-coded material types (with associated mnemonics):
muffled, soft, colorless tone
fast, restless searching around the notated pitch (+/-2 semitones max, microtones encouraged)
strident, loud tone
sentimental fluctuation on a wide dynamic range
free, varied improvisation around and/or starting from the notated pitch
temporary distortion of sound during the marked sections (thin bar: mellow multiphonics, bisbigliando, instability etc.; thick bar: harsh multiphonics, singing along, frullato etc.) if no pitches are notated above the bar, any unpitched material can be played
as near to white noise as possible, can vary in pitch/tone
slap tongue and similar dry, short attacks
turn the instrument in the marked direction at the given points in time (✦ = normal middle position towards audience)
Details of execution as well as any decisions about parameters not specified are free and up to the performer. Note (material) durations are marked with attached horizontal lines. Note groups with the same color belong together and should be played accordingly. There should be no gap between different colors/materials (unless there is space in between in the score), the changes of character should be abrupt. The second-based timing should be followed strictly (e.g. using a clock signal).
Clarinet in B
(sounds 2 semitones lower)
(starts synchronised with electronics)
← ✦ ↑
(unstable sounds via teeth on reed ad. lib.------------------------------------------
✦ ←
(end of electronics)
Global score with all parameters (for information purposes only)
Clarinet part
Clarinet parameters
Electronics parameters