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Be there for me: Volunteer catechists needed

Be there for me: Volunteer catechists needed

By John Donnelly, CCD Northern Beaches Coordinator

What motivates a person to be a Catechist in public schools? How is it that someone continues to teach weekly SRE lessons for over three decades? Moreover, what has prompted such a person to stand aside from this rewarding ministry at this time?

Dorothy Fulton is one person who can answer these questions. She first answered the call for Catechists in 1981 at St Gerard Majella’s Parish in Carlingford just after leaving work in the insurance industry in Sydney. After five weeks as a helper Dorothy, went on to train and become a Catechist. The students she taught at Carlingford and Murray Farm Public Schools would now be in their fifties.

When Dorothy and her husband David moved to Newcastle in 1984, she had just unpacked when she soon took up the ministry in local state schools in Waratah. Having known many Catechists over the years Dorothy believes people stay in the role because of their faith and their willingness to share it. Personally, she has been sustained by occasional precious moments shared with children in the classroom.

For almost 20 years Dorothy has been part of a faithful band of Catechists who sow the seeds of faith among the children of Woy Woy on the Central Coast.

“The kids in the schools today are not much different to 40 years ago,” said Dorothy. “Most are well behaved and happy to learn about God.”

While devoted to these students, Dorothy and others are taking a break during this COVID-19 time, to protect their health and that of their families.

Be there for me

Catechists take the message of the Gospel to children and young people in public schools every week. It is a message of love, service and hope for them and their families especially in difficult times. There are 1,000 Catechists in Diocese of Broken Bay and there are about 90 needing temporary relief this term. The CCD in Broken Bay has launched a recruitment campaign “Be there for me” to find new volunteers that are able to help out in classrooms in our public schools while some of our more vulnerable or older volunteers stay home due to health concerns around COVID-19.

Almost every parish is looking for relief teachers to fill in for the Catechists who are temporarily standing aside. Relief SRE teachers will be required to do the usual Working with Children screening and a minimal amount of training including Safeguarding/Child Protection. There are also special pre-packaged lessons to assist new teachers to deliver quality faith education in an age appropriate and sensitive manner. This means no compromise of the standards schools, families and their children have come to expect from Catholic SRE lessons.

As we transition to the ‘new normal’, schools are reporting that children and their families are in need of reassurance, routine and resilience. Recent research has indicated that religion and spirituality can be formative in delivering these wellbeing outcomes. Could you make a difference to just one child or young person who is asking ‘Be there for me?’

If you would like to volunteer and help our wonderful Catechists like Dorothy at this time, please contact your local parish and ask how you can become a temporary SRE teacher. For more information about the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), visit https://www.bbcatholic.org.au/parish-community/ministries/ccd, or phone 02 8379 1643 or email registrations@bbcatholic.org.au

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