Broken Bay News December 2019

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Welcome Bishop Anthony Randazzo! OUR NEW SHEPHERD OF BROKEN BAY





A new shepherd for Broken Bay Most Rev Anthony Randazzo installed as Bishop of Broken Bay On the Feast of St Charles Borremeo, Monday 4 November 2019, the Diocese of Broken Bay officially welcomed their new shepherd, Bishop Anthony Randazzo as the fourth Bishop of Broken Bay, in a beautiful Liturgical Reception and Solemn Mass of Installation at The Light of Christ Centre, Waitara.


lose to 1200 people were in attendance, including 27 bishops from across Australia and more than 120 priests and deacons.

The evening began at 5.00pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral for the official Liturgical Reception and Evening Prayer, attended by Bishop Anthony, the clergy of the Diocese and visiting bishops. Bishop Anthony was greeted at the Cathedral door by the Dean of the Cathedral Fr Peter De Souza, before professing his faith and oath of fidelity to the Apostolic Nuncio. The Solemn Mass of Installation began at 7.00pm in The Light of Christ Centre, allowing more people to attend the very special occasion than the Cathedral would allow. As part of the Rite of Installation, the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, read out the Papal Bull in Latin and then in English. The Bull was then presented to the College of Consultors and given to the Chancellor of Broken Bay, Mrs Jo Robertson. Archbishop Peter Comensoli, the third Bishop of Broken Bay, presented the crozier belonging to the first Bishop of Broken Bay, Patrick Murphy to Bishop Anthony. Archbishop Yllana and Archbishop Anthony Fisher then escorted Bishop Anthony


The Mass was a wonderful, joyful experience for the whole Diocesan community in Broken Bay. Randazzo to his Cathedra, taking his place as the Bishop of Broken Bay. Representatives from across the Diocese were then introduced to Bishop Anthony, including families, the Catholic Women’s League, schools, clergy, and migrant communities. The choir and musicians, led by Simon Hyland, created an amazing, holy and beautiful

ACROSS OUR DIOCESE atmosphere in The Light of Christ Centre. The projection of the stained glass from Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral at the back of the sanctuary helped Mass attendees forget they were in a school hall. The Mass was a wonderful, joyful experience for the whole Diocesan community in Broken Bay.

Bishop Anthony also thanked Fr David Ranson, who has been leading Broken Bay as Diocesan Administrator for the last 16 months, since Archbishop Peter Comensoli was appointed to Melbourne. Quoting Chapter 25 of Matthew’s Gospel, Bishop Anthony said, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

In his thanks at the end of Mass, Bishop Anthony made special mention of the two previous Bishops of Broken Bay, Most Rev David Walker and Most Rev Peter Comensoli, or as they are now known as BB2 and BB3!

After Mass, guests were invited to join Bishop Anthony for a light supper in the adjacent hall.

“It is so great to have you with us,” said Bishop Anthony. “You are both held in such high esteem and greatly loved by these, your people of Broken Bay. And I hope that I can be half the bishop you have been leading this flock.


A big thank you to all of those who helped put this amazing event together in just under four weeks, which was no mean feat. Special thanks to Jake Ryan, event coordinator and conductor extraordinaire who coordinated the whole event. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped on the day, your time and devotion is very much appreciated. Special thanks also to Rodgers who

And so begins a new chapter in the life of the Diocese of Broken Bay, with a new shepherd… supplied the amazing organ on the night in The Light of Christ Centre. And so begins a new chapter in the life of the Diocese of Broken Bay, with a new shepherd to guide and stand amongst the flock in their faith journey.



In the Body of Christ, each member has a place, a dignity, a role, a gift, and a vocation for the benefit of all.

Homily given by Most Rev Anthony Randazzo Fourth Bishop of Broken Bay Mass of Installation – 4 November 2019 St Charles Borromeo, whose feast we celebrate today, has been the subject of biographers and historians for over 400 years.


he sixteenth century Archbishop of Milan and patron saint of bishops, seminarians, and catechists, is perhaps remembered best for being a bold reformer of the Church. With his legacy of reform, some might forget that St Charles’ greatest legacy is his religious virtue, and his inspiration for others to be disciples of the Lord. As a reformer, Charles identified many challenges in the events of everyday life that, left unchecked, were harmful or abusive to his people and to the mission of the Church. Once he identified these challenges, he would preach the Word of God into the various circumstances, always with the purpose of bringing to the attention of all members of the


community the right order of life – with God, our creator and redeemer, at the centre (cf. Carlo Bascapé, Vita e Opera di Carlo 391). At the heart of Charles’ preaching was a call to conversion, which would lead to renewal, and lay the foundation for authentic reform. St Charles remained firm in his conviction that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, all of creation is restored. For Charles, this was not merely a static dogmatic thesis; it was a living and dynamic profession of faith that would animate his life and ministry. The restored creation, for Borromeo, would be recognised most powerfully in a renewed Church. Somewhat courageously, he focused his attention on the reformation

of the clergy. In this, St Charles would provide for us the inspiration – taken up by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council – that the renewal of the Church begins with the renewal of the clergy. (cf. Presbyterorum ordinis 1) One outward sign of this renewal was mandating that all clergy were to be clean-shaven. Charles appeared in public without a beard, firstly, to show that conversion, renewal, and reform also applied – perhaps especially applied – to himself; and secondly, to be in solidarity with his closest collaborators, the priests. When the shepherd offers personal testimony to the saving power of God in his own life, then the sheep will follow with confidence and hope. When the shepherd lives a life of

fidelity to God and is at the service of God’s holy People, then the People of God will be drawn more deeply into their vocation to be holy. When the shepherd imitates Christ by giving his life for the sheep (Jn10:15), the People will listen and will be of one mind and one heart in the Spirit. With Christ, the Good Shepherd as our guide, there is the faithful promise of life to the full (Jn 10:10). In the letter to the Romans that we have listened to this evening (Rom 12:3-13), St Paul writes with a certain boldness, reminding members of the Christian community not to exaggerate their own individual importance. While he affirms that each has received the grace of God, Paul

ACROSS OUR DIOCESE cautions that the Christian vocation is not merely to work as individuals, each separately pursuing their own personal salvation. Rather, St Paul reminds the community that fellowship with Christ means an abiding communion with His body. In the Body of Christ, each member has a place, a dignity, a role, a gift, and a vocation for the benefit of all. As the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council taught, the people whom Christ has established as his own are a communion of life, charity and truth (cf. Lumen gentium 9). As members of His Body, we are called as the Church to be an instrument for the redemption of all. Our common call is to be holy, to be disciples, and to be sent forth as the light of the world and the salt of the earth (cf. Lumen gentium 32). Of course, to be holy, is to be configured more closely to Christ each day. To be authentic disciples, is to take up the cross and follow Jesus each day. And to be sent forth as missionaries into the world requires that we use our gifts, freely, diligently and cheerfully so that others may come to see and know Christ present in us – sometimes by what we say and do, but always because of who we are – the living members of the Body of Christ. In his prophetic way, St Paul reminds us that it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are configured daily to Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who stirs us into action. To the Church at Corinth he says “In the one Spirit we were all baptised, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as citizens” (1 Cor 12:13).

that the love of God is given to us in Jesus Christ. They remind us that the Holy Spirit binds us together into one body, the Church – me, your bishop and you, God’s holy people entrusted to my care. The lives and teachings of St Paul and St Charles Borromeo remind me and you that as disciples of Christ, we do not exist in isolation from the human society in which we live. St Paul knew this when he wrote to the early Christian communities. He gave remarkable testimony to his vocation by preaching the Gospel, which he saw as a duty which was laid upon him (1Cor 9:16-19.22-23). He did not need to be asked or told to preach the Good News; it was a commission that he undertook with commitment, passion and above all, generosity. Likewise, St Charles was adamant that reform was only possible in the Church if it was preceded by a personal and genuine conversion and renewal. My dear people, the first question to ask today is “whether the remarkable testimonies of these saints is something you and I should imitate in our Church of Broken Bay?”

himself. And when all is said and done, he reminds us not to seek self-glorification, but rather to “boast about the Lord” (1Cor 1:31), not to exaggerate our real importance, but to give freely, to be diligent and to be cheerful. If we are in need of encouragement in order to carry out our ministry among the sick and the poor; the stranger and the lost; the abused and the marginalised, we can take heart by standing alongside St Paul, St Charles Borromeo, and countless women and men who have dedicated their lives to the mission of the Church in Broken Bay over the past 33 years, and indeed the Church across the world over the centuries. We need

look no further than these holy men and women for the blueprint for our Christian life. As we gather to celebrate the Mass this evening, we place ourselves before others to be for others, and we do so motivated by love of God and of neighbour. Side by side as brothers and sisters let us encourage, challenge and support each other as we respond to our vocation to be Christ in the world. In baptism we have already been committed to a life of Christian discipleship, may God who has begun the good work in us, bring it to completion. Amen.

The answer comes from Paul who was concerned not for himself, but for those who had not heard of Jesus. How could he win them for Christ? Paul is quick to remind us that, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we do all to the glory of God. He says, “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ” (cf. 1 Cor 10:31–11:1).

To the Church at Ephesus he says, “There is one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph 4:4-5).

St Paul’s aim is clear. He does all for the sake of the Gospel, that he may become a fellow partaker of it. His faith and love of Christ would be utterly inauthentic and false, if he abandoned the pattern of life set by Jesus and no longer cared for other people.

My sisters and brothers, what is common to St Paul and St Charles Borromeo is their utter conviction

He tells us his aim in three ways: to win others; to save others; to partake in the benefits of the gospel


They remind us that the Holy Spirit binds us together into one body, the Church – me, your bishop and you…

Side by side as brothers and sisters let us encourage, challenge and support each other ... DECEMBER 2019 5


Biography of Most Rev Anthony Randazzo Anthony Randazzo was born on 7 October 1966 in Sydney, the son of Colin Randazzo from Sydney and his wife Caterina Di Losa from Lipari, Italy.


e was educated at St Augustine’s School, Coolangatta, Guardian Angels School, Southport and Aquinas College, Southport. Before entering the seminary, Bishop Anthony worked in the hospitality industry and taught music in a Catholic primary school. In 1985, he commenced his formation for priesthood at Pius XII Seminary for the

Archdiocese of Brisbane. Asked about how he knew he was called to the priesthood, Bishop Anthony says: “The same way that I know that I am still called. I listen to God and I speak to him in prayer. I also find myself constantly being called into the community of faith. That is where my vocation is most clear to me. It is Incarnational, God among us. That is the model, and that is where I first heard God call me.” Bishop Anthony was ordained a priest on 29 November 1991 at the Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane. In 1998 he was sent to Rome, where he undertook studies in Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Upon his return to Brisbane in 2001, he was appointed Pastor of Regina Caeli Parish Coorparoo Heights, Associate Judicial Vicar at the Regional Tribunal, and Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Brisbane. In 2004 he was called to Rome where he worked in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for five years. Bishop Anthony returned to Australia, and from 2009-2015 was Rector of the Holy Spirit Seminary of Queensland. In 2016, Pope Francis appointed him, alongside Fr Richard Umbers, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, and was consecrated as a bishop by Archbishop

It is Incarnational, God among us. That is the model, and that is where I first heard God call me. Anthony Fisher OP in St Mary’s Cathedral on 24 August 2016. As Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, Bishop Anthony had charge of the western region of the Archdiocese. He was also the episcopal vicar for formation, with a particular focus on the formation of seminarians, young clergy, and the ongoing formation of priests, and chaired the Board of Sydney Catholic Schools. He is a member of the Board of Catholic Schools NSW, a member of the Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council, and a member of the Bishops Panel for Canon Law. His motto is Fiat Voluntas Tua: Thy Will be Done.

Bishop Anthony and family




Installation photography by Gavin Abraham, Tom Croll and Giovanni Portelli



A letter of gratitude to the people of Broken Bay BY FR DAVID RANSON


My dear brothers and sisters,

o our great joy, our waiting is over! The Holy Father, Pope Francis has appointed us a new Shepherd to guide us into the future. How extraordinary, too, that this would occur on 7 October – the patronal feast day of our Cathedral, Our Lady of the Rosary. With open arms and hearts, we welcome Bishop Anthony Randazzo to our diocesan family! I am confident that you will receive him enthusiastically and warmly. We are enormously blessed by his appointment. Bishop Anthony is young and energetic. In fact, on the day of his appointment he turned just 53. Yet, he brings remarkable experience of leadership already – from his pastoral experience in the Archdiocese of Brisbane, his studies in Canon Law, his service in Rome at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, his time as a Seminary Rector in Queensland, and more recently his term as an Auxiliary Bishop in Sydney during which he has enjoyed significant involvement in youth, education and clergy. I have known him personally for many years and have enjoyed his very personable, engaging and humorous personality on many occasions, most recently during the Ad Limina pilgrimage in Rome. On behalf of our Diocese, I express our profound gratitude to Pope Francis for gifting us with a leader of such calibre and stature. We can be confident in the future that opens before us. For my part, I will serve our new Bishop to the very best of my ability. As Bishop Anthony

I have learnt so much over these months and what I have learnt has only made me love the people and priests of our Diocese so much more. assumes the complex task of leadership, he knows he has my complete support and friendship and I look forward to working with him in continued service to our Diocese. At the end of my term as Administrator of our Diocese, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. To serve in this role for you over the last 16 months has been, unmistakably, the greatest privilege of my life. I want to thank you for the trust and the confidence that you have placed in me, for your affection, and for the many, many ways you have encouraged me. On your behalf, I thank especially our clergy and our Diocesan staff, all of whom have been indefatigable in their support which has enabled me to provide our wonderful new Bishop with good account of our Diocese. I also want to record my deepest appreciation to my beloved Parish Family of Holy Name Wahroonga

who have been so patient with my absence over this time. I thank, especially, Fr Anselam Lakra HGN and our Parish Secretary, Jackie Thornton, for their generous commitment to the Parish over this time which has been a gift to the whole Diocese. It has been a remarkable time as, together, we have faced the various challenges that have presented, seeking always the opportunities given us by the Spirit of God. I have learnt so much over these months and what I have learnt has only made me love the people and priests of our Diocese so much more. I am privileged to be a member of our local Church of Broken Bay. And with this love, I commit myself to you in new ways, now through my dedication to our new Bishop. With my immense gratitude and affection, and with renewed hope in Christ Jesus.

Christmas Mass Times All are invited to join us this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, 23 Yardley Ave, Waitara Christmas Eve 5.00 pm Vigil / 8.30 pm Vigil Midnight (Carols from 11.30pm) Christmas Day 9.30 am


For a full list of Christmas Mass times in parishes across the Diocese of Broken Bay, please visit:



Lector, Acolyte, Candidate: Steps on the path to Ordination We continue to thank God and to pray for the nine seminarians and three men preparing for the permanent diaconate for service in the Diocese of Broken Bay. BY FR PAUL DURKIN, DIRECTOR OF VOCATIONS


ecently, Bishop Anthony Randazzo and Fr David Ranson officiated at ceremonies which mark a significant step along the path to ordination for several of these men in formation. In summary: Hien Vu was admitted to the Ministry of Acolyte at St Thomas’, Willoughby on Saturday 19 October. Shane Hyland was admitted to the Ministry of Lector at St Cecilia’s, Wyong on Sunday 20 October. Martino Hoang was admitted to the Ministry of Acolyte at Our Lady Help of Christians, Epping on Sunday 20 October. Peter Lennon was admitted to Ministry of Lector at St Agatha’s, Pennant Hills on Saturday 9 November. Aldrin Valdehueza was admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders at St Patrick’s, Asquith on Sunday 10 November. From the early centuries, particular roles of service, including deacon, subdeacon, lector and acolyte,

10 DECEMBER 2019

were instituted in the life of the Church. These orders over time became linked to preparation for the ordained priesthood and were divided between “minor orders” (such as porter, exorcist, lector and acolyte) and “major orders” (subdeacon, deacon and priest). Each order was received, and its function performed for a suitable time before the next step on the path to ordained priesthood. The roles served an approved purpose in the Church, usually related to the celebration of the Liturgy. For example, the porter was the doorkeeper, responsible for opening and closing the church and guarding the door during the celebration of Mass. The acolyte, in the original role, was responsible for lighting the candles around the altar and he accompanied the priest, bringing a candle near him so that he could read the proper prayers. The lector was set apart to read the sacred Scriptures during the Liturgy. The subdeacon assisted the deacon and priest by helping set the altar, among other duties. The orders have been revised and developed

at various stages in the history of the Church. Even with some of these ministries being open to the lay faithful since Vatican II, the practice of officially instituting lectors and acolytes retained its connection to preparation for ordained priesthood and diaconate. As a Diocese, we celebrate as these men are admitted as lectors and acolytes, and serve in these ministries in preparation for Holy Orders. We also congratulate Aldrin Valdehueza as he is admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders, a most significant step in his calling. May God continue to raise up ‘shepherds after his own heart’ who will care for and lead the flock of Broken Bay. Contact details for the Vocations Team: Vocations Office Diocese of Broken Bay T: 02 9484 1427 M: 0418 522 449 E: W:


Catholic Women’s League helping our community in Broken Bay The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) is an institution in the life of the Catholic Church in Australia. In the Diocese of Broken Bay, the CWL has branches in three parishes on the Central Coast, namely Toukley-Lake Munmorah, Kincumber and Terrigal.

At Bishop Anthony Randazzo’s Installation Mass, two representatives of the CWL were introduced to the new Bishop. President of the Diocesan CWL

Jacqueline Kemp and Secretary Ruth Robinson. “It was a wonderful honour to greet Bishop Anthony,” said Jacqueline. “It was a beautiful ceremony, sure to be long remembered.” If you would like to find out more about the Catholic Women’s League in Broken Bay, contact Ruth Robinson on 0414 434 856.


The CWL also provided funding to help students with disabilities attending St Lucy’s and St Edmund’s schools with bus transport from the Central Coast.


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In May 2020, the CWL will participate in the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations Asia-Pacific Conference taking place in Sydney. Some 400 delegates will be in attendance.



We understand the needs of our community and local families at a time of loss.

But the CWL isn’t just about fundraising. They provide an important voice for Catholic women on issues such as human rights, social justice and advocacy for women, and lobby our governments on these important issues.

This year, the Terrigal branch of the CWL nominated three members to be honoured at the Jean Arnot Memorial Luncheon held at NSW





The CWL are responsible for the provision of eight $2000 scholarships for students on the Central Coast. This is achieved through their fundraising. Each year the Terrigal CWL run a St Patrick’s Day dinner dance which raises approximately $4000 to go towards the scholarships.

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All women across our Diocese are invited to join the Catholic Women’s League. Membership ranges from $30 – $40 a year, which also provides membership to the State and National bodies of the Catholic Women’s League. Membership involves attending monthly meetings in the local branch and an Annual General Meeting. Any women can join the CWL and all are welcome.

Parliament House in May. The Jean Arnot Luncheon is under the sponsorship of the National Council of Women, and honours women over 90 years old for service to their community.



here are 78 members of the CWL across the Diocese, with most in the three Central Coast parish branches, as well as a few Diocesan members.

DECEMBER 2019 11


Praying for Plenary Council 2020 One of the key aspects of the Plenary Council will, and must be, prayer.


he final report on the Listening and Dialogue Phase, Listen to what the Spirit is saying, reveals many varied, fervent and strongly held but, sometimes contradictory, voices of the people of God. Fr Noel Connolly, a member of the Facilitation Team for the Plenary Council 2020, reminds us that it is not just a question of what we want. The real question at the heart of our Plenary Council planning process is not ‘What will we do?’ but ‘What is the Holy Spirit leading us to do?’ Unless the Plenary Council processes are Spirit-inspired, they will not be attractive, life-giving or lasting in the end.* You, the people of Broken Bay, are invited to discern on the National themes for Discernment, particularly in relation to what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do within our own local communities. Begin and end your discernment sessions with prayer, reflect and pray with scripture readings related to the themes and

pray for those in our communities who are working closely on the national process. Please pray for Bishop Anthony Randazzo who is on the Bishop’s Commission for the Plenary Council. Pray also for those in our Diocese who are part of the National Discernment and Writing Groups, Alison Newell, Deacon Adrian Gomez and Bernard Cumming. Finally, pray for your own local communities as we discern how God is calling us to be a Christcentred Church that is:

our community. Lord Jesus, you are the life of the right paths. in us You refresh us and lead r body in the world, you be to rch Chu the You established sion mis r you ard to carry forw your love. and bear radiant witness to t and nurture one another Give us the grace to suppor spiritual gifts you have given. the e rcis exe and as we discern boldly of your truth Give us the courage to speak ther and listen humbly to one ano Spirit. the to ing ord acc as we seek to live are calling us, you on which May we discover anew the path and love cy mer ’s God of l nne so we may become a cha we live. ch whi in ities mun for our neighbour and the com e-filled future, Lead your Church into a hop the Gospel with joy. live to and om wisd with to discern of the Plenary Council, Guide us on the pilgrim way poses. and unite us to your loving pur Amen. pray for Our Lady Help of Christians, St Mary MacKillop, pray for us.

• Missionary and Evangelising


• Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal • Prayerful and Eucharistic • Humble, Healing and Merciful • A Joyful, Hope-filled and Servant Community • Open to Conversion, Renewal and Reform *Connolly, Noel. 14 October 2019 Why another phase of discernment?

Finally, pray for your own local communities as we discern how God is calling us to be a Christ-centred Church

Alison Newell

12 DECEMBER 2019

A Prayer for a Year of Discernment 2019

Bernard Cumming

Deacon Adrian Gomez


Relics of St Therese of Lisieux to visit Broken Bay in 2020 For the first time in 18 years, the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux, one of the most popular saints of modern times, will visit Australia next year on a four-month pilgrimage with her parents, Saints Louis and Zélie Martin.


rom February through May 2020, the family’s relics will travel to Queensland, New South Wales and ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia. The pilgrimage was officially announced on 1 October by Catholic Mission, who are partnering with InvoCare to bring the relics to 17 Australian dioceses, including Broken Bay. “As the Pope’s own mission agency, we are very pleased to be able to partner with InvoCare, who will undertake the secure transport and housing of the relics, to bring this opportunity to Australians,” said Fr Brian Lucas, National Director of Catholic Mission. St Thérèse was born in 1873 and felt an early call to religious life. She

entered the Carmelite order at age 15 after experiencing what she called her “complete conversion”. Her simple way of living, spiritual writings and commitment to small acts of charity and love made her an immensely popular figure, and her canonisation in St Peter’s Basilica in 1925, just 28 years after her death, was attended by over 60,000 people. Her parents, Louis and Zélie, became the first spouses to be canonised as a couple in 2015. Fr Lucas says the togetherness of the family is an important feature of next year’s pilgrimage. “I think the connection between the relics of St Thérèse and [those] of her parents gives us an opportunity to consider the importance of relationships and family life.”

To learn more about the pilgrimage of St Thérèse of Lisieux and Sts Louis and Zélie Martin, visit relics-of-saint-thérèse-of-lisieux

Broken Bay Parishes Schedule of Relics Tour Thursday 5 March: Corpus Christi, St Ives Friday 6 March: St Rose, Collaroy Plateau. Morning St Joseph’s, Narrabeen. Afternoon Saturday 7 March: Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara Sunday 8 March: St Patrick’s, East Gosford Monday 9 March: Our Lady of the Rosary, The Entrance 5 - 2 5 DE CE MB E R 2 019 ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL college street, sydney choirs: 7.30PM lights: 8.30PM - 11.00PM

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DECEMBER 2019 13


Making Hearts Sing “Singing with friends and making new ones” is how one participant described the highlight of this year’s Diocese of Broken Bay Children’s Choir Games. BY PATRICIA SMITH


arents, parishioners and participants who attended the 2019 Choir Games were unanimous in their praise: “Uplifting and inspiring!” “An amazing event that promotes teamwork, creativity and honing of skills among the participants. Definitely attending again next year and in the coming years.” “The best part is children getting involved and working and learning together.” Young people from ages seven to 17 from different parishes and schools gathered on Sunday 22 September at St Patrick’s Church, Asquith to compete in the 5th annual Children’s Choir Games. They were formed into three choirs under the leadership of three young directors, David Mooney, Helena Cullis and Luke Massa, all senior members of Ku-ring-gai Chase

14 DECEMBER 2019

Parish children’s choir. Then Choir Games Director, Michaela De Souza, assistant choir director at Ku-ringgai Chase Parish, led them through rehearsals and workshops where they learned spirituals and action songs, honed their dance skills and came up with creative moves for the big competition. When the Games opened at 3.00pm, the three choirs performed brilliantly, but the ultimate winners were the Green Choir led by Luke Massa, with their moving performance of ‘Be With Me, Lord’, their arrangement of ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ with Auslan signing, and an outstanding effort in the 5-minutes Skills Challenge that had the audience going wild. Special guest, Fr David Ranson, told the singers that listening to the music that they created made everyone’s hearts sing, not just with the beauty of the music but with joy at the enthusiasm and excitement that overflowed from everyone taking part. Parents responded with the same warmth and encouragement: “Kids were so excited to talk about it afterwards. Loved the teamwork and responsibility the older kids took on.” “Great initiative – hope to see more in the future.” “Well done and more power to you and your music ministry!”


Singing Cherubs at Ku-ring-gai Chase “Because it makes God happy” Since the beginning of April this year, Ku-ring-gai Chase Parish has had a new choir for very young parishioners.


he starting point was gaining permission from parish priest, Fr Shaju John, who warmly encouraged the idea. The parish has had a Children’s Choir since 2005 for children from Year 3 and up, but with the expansion of medium-density housing in the area, a growing number of young families are joining the Parish. A choir for younger children is a way of providing active and meaningful participation for them as well as an invitation for new families to become involved in the Parish. It began with an announcement at the 10.00am Family Mass seeking expressions of interest in a Cherubs Choir for Kinder to Year 2 children. Six families came forward at the end of Mass, excited about this new opportunity for their children. Two weeks later the choir had a starting date, a plan of action and nine children ready to sing. Weekly rehearsals began before school,


led by parish choir director, Patricia Smith, with at least two parents rostered on to help at each rehearsal. Once the Cherubs started singing at Mass, word spread quickly and by the end of June there were 19 children in the choir, and 16 families involved. At their first Mass on Palm Sunday, the Cherubs led the opening procession waving palms and singing. The next month they sang on Mother’s Day, and at their third Mass, on Pentecost Sunday, they led the Thanksgiving song in eight different languages. Each time they sing, the Children’s Choir supports them, so they are gradually learning how an experienced choir works. Weekly rehearsals are only 30 minutes long, starting with a prayer and then simple catechesis on the Gospel or the season or the new song they will be learning. With a group of largely pre-readers, songs with actions are central. Not

Not everyone may be able to read yet, but everyone can do the actions! And there are lots of games: games for warm-ups, games to get to know each other, games for listening and singing together. everyone may be able to read yet, but everyone can do the actions! And there are lots of games: games for warm-ups, games to get to know each other, games for listening and singing together. After only six months, the Cherubs Choir is already an important part of the Parish music ministry. At the Children’s Choir anniversary Mass in June, the Cherubs were commissioned and blessed alongside

the older singers. When the Parish celebrated the silver jubilee of both its priests, it was the Cherubs who sang a blessing over them. And when the diocesan Choir Games were held in the parish in September, the Cherubs had a starring role. The children understand very well how important their role is: when they were asked why we have a children’s choir to sing at Mass, one of the youngest children answered, “Because it makes God happy!”

DECEMBER 2019 15


Renewal Powered by Prayer and the Holy Spirit The Church exists to evangelise (EN, 14)*, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through our words, our witness and by sharing our own faith stories. BY TANIA RIMAC


e as the Church are called to go out and evangelise, but often the mere idea of this can be overwhelming and challenging and we can second guess our ability to evangelise to those we encounter.

pouring out of the Holy Spirit, with the gifts of wisdom and knowledge, understanding and fortitude, that the Apostles had the courage to open the doors to the Upper Room and go out boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus.

Upon Jesus’ ascension, he gave his Apostles the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18). Gathered in the Upper Room, the Apostles stayed with one another in prayer, while they waited “for the promise of the Father…‘You will be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now’” (Acts 1:4-5). The promise of the Holy Spirit was to reassure them that they would not be alone or abandoned once Jesus left, but that they would continue to be accompanied and guided by God, through the Spirit.

We can find ourselves in the same predicament as the Apostles in the Upper Room, with a thin understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and the role the Spirit plays within our own lives and the Church. Understanding who the Spirit is and where the Spirit fits into the big picture, helps us understand how the Spirit assists us in our life and faith journey.

In their waiting, the Apostles would have experienced varied emotions; fear, joy, anxiety, hope, apprehension, anticipation and impatience. Through it all they prayed, as this was the example set for them by Jesus, to surrender everything to God, in trust. Even though at the time they were unsure of what the promise was and how it would manifest to help them in their mission of going out to all nations. It was only through the

The Holy Spirit is God, and the third person of the Trinity. The Spirit is generally the least spoken about out of the three; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is our aid and reveals to us the Truth, opening our hearts and minds so that we, and others through us, can come to encounter and know Jesus. It is this Spirit that unpins all our work and efforts for the Lord, and we need to rely on God as it is his work which we are mandated for, and not ours. On Pentecost when the Spirit descended upon the Apostles, he came to stay. The Lord’s gift to us is the Spirit who remains with us always,

When we pray to the Spirit to accompany us we become like the Apostles; bold, fearless and courageous… 16 DECEMBER 2019

to accompany, empower and fill us with love, courage and grace. It is only through the power of the Spirit that we can fulfil our mission in the world with boldness. “It is the Holy Spirit who, today just as at the beginning of the Church, acts in every evangeliser who allows himself to be…led by Him” (EN, 117). Evangelisation cannot take place if the Holy Spirit is not present. During a recent general Wednesday audience, Pope Francis said that “guidance by the Holy Spirit is integral to sharing the Gospel with others and bringing them to Christ”. We are called to be the instrument which the Lord uses to reach others in love, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pope Francis said that “if there is no Holy Spirit there is no evangelisation”. It is the Spirit that guides the Church and will bring about the renewal that is needed today. This is a wonderful, sobering revelation, as it reveals that we are not the protagonists of evangelisation, the Holy Spirit is! Our actions, when in line with the divine plan, do not rely solely on us, but on the Holy Spirit. We are called to cooperate and participate. It is through prayer that we call on the Spirit to aid us in our mission. Through prayer, we open ourselves up to the action of the Spirit. A simple prayer such as “Come Holy Spirit” invokes the assistance of the Spirit and reminds us of whose name we come in. It is in allowing the Spirit to work through us that we allow another person’s heart to be touched by Jesus. We, like the Apostles, can have

mixed feelings about evangelisation and speaking about our faith; fear that we will say the wrong thing; anxiety that people will think that we are odd; apprehension regarding who we should ask; impatience when someone says ‘no’ or does not respond as we would like. These are natural feelings to experience when stepping out of our comfort zone and it is then that we need to call on the Spirit to remind ourselves that we are not alone, and we have the Holy Spirit to lean on. When we rely on the Spirit, amazing things happen, because it is at these times we are working towards God’s plan and not our own! There are no limitations on how the Spirit can use us and we can only be fruitful instruments when we rely on and cooperate with the Spirit. When we pray to the Spirit to accompany us we become like the Apostles; bold, fearless and courageous, to go out and fulfil the mandate given to us by Jesus, sharing the Good News with those we meet, and becoming the conduits of God’s love for all to encounter Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, through us. This is the way our lives will be transformed, and our Church renewed, by invoking and trusting the Spirit.

Challenge 1. Pray to the Holy Spirit and ask for the courage to witness to people your faith journey. 2. Become aware of the opportunities in your everyday life to evangelise and give it a go. * (EN) Evangelii Nuntiandi, 1975


Office for Evangelisation EVENT CALENDAR 2020 CCD Training and Formation Offerings Compulsory training for new catechists and helpers CCD Ministry Induction course is compulsory for all new catechists and those catechists returning to teach after an extended break from teaching. The CCD MI is also available to complete online, except for Teaching the Authorised Curriculum which is required to be completed ‘face to face’, along with Using the Interactive Smartboard. Please contact registrations for more details. Ph: 8379 1643 or Email:

CCD Ministry Induction Course Units • The Mission and Ministry of the Catechist • SRE Teacher in the Parish and the School • Safeguarding and Child Protection • Lesson Planning: Teaching the Authorised Curriculum (must be completed face-to-face) • The Development of the Child and Adolescent I • Classroom Management: Positive Discipline • Introduction to the Bible • Using Interactive Whiteboard Resources (must be completed face-to-face)

NORTH SHORE HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Friday 14, 21, 28 February & 6 March 2020 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Friday 7 February 2020

NORTHERN BEACHES REGION Location: St Kieran’s Parish Hall, King Street, Manly Vale Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Monday 17, 24 February & 2, 9 March 2020 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Monday 10 February 2020

CENTRAL COAST REGION Location: Leo Mahon Room, St John the Baptist, 54 Victoria Road, Woy Woy Date: Friday 21, 28 February & 6, 13 March 2020 Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm Register by: Friday 14 February 2020

Spirituality Morning

• Teaching Strategies: Prayer in the Classroom • Teaching Strategies: Listening and Questioning • Teaching Strategies: Using Music in the Classroom • Teaching Strategies: Miracles and Parables • Teaching Strategies: Using Drama in the Classroom • Teaching Strategies: Using Stories and Visual Resources

NORTH SHORE HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Friday 13, 20 & 27 March 2020 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Friday 6 March 2020

NORTHERN BEACHES REGION Location: St Kieran’s Parish Hall, King Street, Manly Vale Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Date: Monday 16, 23 & 30 March 2020 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm Register by: Monday 9 March 2020

CENTRAL COAST REGION Location: Leo Mahon Room, St John the Baptist, 54 Victoria Road, Woy Woy Date: Friday 20, 27 March & 3 April 2020 Morning Tea Provided, BYO Lunch Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm Register by: Friday 13 February 2020

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Registrations For ALL registrations and training enquiries please phone: 8379 1643 or Email:

CCD offers Reflection/Spirituality mornings for catechists and their friends.




Location: St Cecilia’s Parish Hall, Byron Street, Wyong Date: Monday 16 March 2020 Time: 9:30am to 12:30pm Register by: Monday 9 March 2020

NORTH SHORE HORNSBY REGION Location: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills Date: Friday 3 April 2020 Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm Register by: Friday 27 March 2020

NORTHERN BEACHES REGION Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel, 11 Currie Road, Forestville Date: Monday 6 April 2020 Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm Register by: Monday 30 March 2020

CCD Level One Certificate: Tools for Ministry Consists of six, 2-hour units, and is complimentary to the CCDMI. The units offered are ‘tools for the CCD ministry’ presenting teaching strategies for the classroom. It is offered as additional training and is not compulsory. A certificate is awarded on successful completion of the CCDMI and Levels One. Units include: BROKEN BAY NEWS

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Presenter: Lorraine McCarthy, Alpha in a Catholic Context Coordinator in Australia

Alpha “Come and See” Night This evening session will give participants a taste of Alpha, and includes a meal, video and discussion. It is ideal for anyone who would like to understand what Alpha is and to evaluate its possible effectiveness for their parish. Date: Friday, 7 February 2020 Time: 6:15pm—8:30pm, includes dinner Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills

Alpha Team Training Day Alpha team training aims to develop teams with the skills to successfully run Alpha in local parishes. Training will include information about the Alpha series; small group facilitation; and how to run the Alpha weekend/day retreat. Date: Saturday 8 February 2020 Time: 9:00am—4:30pm Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills RSVP: By Tuesday 4 February 2020 to or Tania Rimac 8379 1629 DECEMBER 2019



The Power of Words Year Six student Alyssa Leong from Our Lady of Dolours Catholic School, Chatswood won a gold medal in the Diocesan Public Speaking Grand Final with her inspiring speech, ‘What is more important – doing what is right or being popular?’


econd place went to Caitlin Goh from St Agatha’s Catholic School, Pennant Hills for her speech on the same topic, while the bronze medal went to Zoe Chan from St Brendan’s Catholic School, Lake Munmorah with the topic TV shows have too much influence on children. The Grand Final was held at St Patrick’s Catholic School, Asquith and after the speeches, the audience were entertained by musicians Jacob Slee and Joel Tjoa from St Leo’s Catholic College, Wahroonga while the adjudicators made their final decision. The adjudicators this year were Jane Sulis, a teacher at Santa Sabina College, who judges public speaking and debating for a variety of competitions, Francesca Boyer who coaches speaking and presentation skills in corporate and private settings and Nick Heydon, an English teacher at St Ignatius’ College, Riverview who oversees the College’s

participation in the Schools Debating Network (SDN) competition. All three adjudicators were impressed by the level of skill presented by all speakers and particularly commended them on their eye contact and pace. Dr Tony Bracken, Acting Director of Schools, said he was impressed by the Catholic values that came

through in each of the speeches and congratulated the winners. He also thanked the families and schools for their support.

Destination Moon National Science Week celebrated 50 years since the moon landing with the theme “Destination Moon”.


chools and teachers across the Diocese recently participated in a great range of shared learnings in the field of Science.

Students at St John Fisher Catholic School, Tumbi Umbi arrived at school to find what looked like a meteorite had landed on the school oval. After reporting the find to the school Principal, the school community got down to some serious thinking about what this strange thing on the oval might be and where it may have come from and what might need to be done to get rid of it so that lunch time games could take place later on. Students at Corpus Christi Catholic School, St Ives created a “moonscape” in the STEM lab to tie in

St John the Baptist STEM Fair with Zali Steggall, Federal Member (left) and Judy Slattery, School Principal (right)

18 DECEMBER 2019

with the theme of Destination Moon. The students used Spheros and Drones to navigate around craters and moon rocks. A new Tuesday Lunch STEM club to encourage collaboration across all year groups also gave the students a chance to work together with new technologies including Drones, Edison Robotics, Spheros, Bluebots and Scratch. St Philip Neri Catholic School, Northbridge received one of the 291 Science Week Grants, which they used to purchase Parrot Mambo Drones. Students in Years 5 and 6 coded a drone using an app and then flew the drone from the top playground to the office.

St Philip Neri students coding their drone

St John the Baptist Catholic School, Freshwater also received a grant and held a STEM fair which was attended by the local Federal Member for Warringah, Zali Steggall. The fair was focused on building the local population of native bees to encourage biodiversity and sustainability. Students worked in teams to investigate and design ways to solve real-world issues. Students reached out to a local apiarist, designed and made ‘bee hotels’ and beeswax lunch wraps, and planted bee attracting plants.

Corpus Christi students their Moonscape


Future Problem Solving


St Joseph’s Catholic College, East Gosford had two teams in the Future Problem Solving (FPS) Program National Competition held recently in Melbourne.

ifted and high ability students at St Joseph’s have been attending weekly FPS sessions which aim to equip students with the critical and creative skills to promote a positive future.

St Joseph’s sent a middle school and a senior team to Melbourne for the finals after delivering their action plans to solve the future scene problem, ‘Food Loss and Waste.’

The Future Problem Solving Program is designed to help students learn how to think – not what to think.

The middle school team included Gemma Lavings, Hayleigh Paull, Ana Rechberger-Carson, Makayla Stevens, Phoebe Sheridan and

Piper Yanz, and placed fourth in 26 teams. Ana also participated in a mixed school team and placed first in her division. The senior team was Jessica Marchant, Bronte Mills, Jess Taylor and Dakota Xuereb. Other topics addressed by the gifted and high ability students during the

year included ‘Mission to the Moon, Mars and Beyond’ and ‘Drones.’ The teams devised booklets on the topics, including researching and critically evaluating each issue. The completed booklets were assessed by evaluators and returned to students to allow them to incorporate feedback, one of the Program’s major strengths, assisting students to grow and develop.

Luella wins NAIDOC Medal of Excellence


uella Vumbaca, a Year 3 student at St John the Apostle Catholic School, Narraweena, was awarded a prestigious NAIDOC Medal of Excellence. Luella received her medal at the

National NAIDOC 2019 Awards Ceremony held in Canberra in recognition of her excellent poem on the topic of Reconciliation. The Awards recognise the outstanding contributions

of Indigenous Australians to improve the lives of Indigenous people in their communities and beyond, to promote Indigenous issues in the wider community, or the excellence they have shown in their chosen field.

Preparing students for the real world


Catholic schools in the Diocese of Broken Bay have implemented an approach which prepares their students for the kind of thinking needed for adult life.

his approach, known as Deep Learning, began as a trial in five schools in 2018 and has now been rolled out across 16 schools in the Diocese. Deep Learning, the brainchild of eminent educationalists – led by Michael Fullan, sees students build their skills in the ‘6Cs’: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication, citizenship and character. It also sees teachers build capacity in the four Elements: pedagogical practices, learning partnerships, learning environments and leveraging digital. “The aim of deep learning is to foster


deep learning so that all learners can contribute to the common good, address global challenges and flourish in a complex world,” said Michael. Year 7 students at St Peter’s Catholic College, Tuggerah, chose to consider the Murray-Darling Basin, inviting their Federal Member of Parliament to a student-led forum to understand the government’s response to the issue. They also contacted a former student who had a doctorate in riverine ecosystems and was involved in research into the Murray-Darling crisis.

Review and Development at the Catholic Schools Office has led the deep learning approach in the system of schools.

Rosemary Vellar, Leader School

“Gone are the days for students to

just memorise information,” said Rosemary. “In today’s fast-paced world it is essential that children of all ages develop the skills to critically evaluate information and to apply this information to their own context.” DECEMBER 2019 19


Lights, Camera, Action!


The glitz and glamour of the world’s largest short film festival, Tropfest may well have been briefly eclipsed by this year’s awards evening for the annual Bishop’s Religious Visual Arts Prize.

his year’s competition was the first year that Catholic school students were invited to submit short films reflecting on one of the stories from Luke’s Gospel. Winners were chosen at a school level and one winner per stage in each school entered for judging at a Diocesan level. Students with winning entries, their families and teachers were recently invited to an awards night

film festival to be presented their prize and an opportunity to view the winning films. Prize in one hand and popcorn in the other, the students truly were the stars of the night. The audience were entertained with the creative responses to Scripture in films submitted by students as young as five years of age. Thanks to Australian Catholic University, award winners were all presented with movie vouchers.

“Your Mission starts now”


For the month of October 2019, Pope Francis asked the whole Church to live, “an extraordinary time of missionary activity.”

t Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara on Thursday 24 October, several hundred Catholic school students and their teachers gathered for Eucharist at the annual Catholic Mission Mass. In thanking the students and their teachers for the work they had done, then Bishop Elect Anthony Randazzo, encouraged them all to continue to spread the Mission of Jesus by reaching out to others both locally and globally. At the conclusion of Mass, Bishop Anthony proclaimed “Your Mission starts now!” – a reminder that mission is not confined to the month of October.

20 DECEMBER 2019

A highlight of the Mass was each school’s presentation of a donation to Catholic Mission during the Offertory. Each year Catholic schools raise over $20,000 in support of the work of Catholic Mission. Mercy Catholic College, Chatswood has partnered with Catholic Mission to support the Nazareth Home for God’s Children. Their particular fundraiser was Socktober; so named as many rural villages in Ghana cannot afford to buy a proper ball, instead, they use socks, old clothes, plastic bags and wool

to create one. “Along with the newfound knowledge, we were tasked with making friendship bracelets and sending either prayers or messages to the children in the orphanage,” said Sahara T in Year 7. Students from Corpus Christi Catholic School, St Ives said that learning how to make their own soccer balls helped them understand what children in Ghana would need to do just to play a game of soccer. There were even soccer penalty shootouts with Fr Greg and Fr Johny playing the roles of goalkeepers in the nets.


Sharing STEM knowledge Throughout Term 3, students in the Northern Beaches Catholic primary schools were involved in the first ever Northern Beaches STEM Challenge.


he term’s learning in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics culminated with two showcase events hosted at Mater Maria Catholic College, Warriewood and St Paul’s Catholic College, Manly. Teams of students from each school presented their work to each other with global themes such as the need for alternative energy production, recycling, sustainability and support for endangered and threatened species being prominent. Other projects looked at the future of autonomous transport, how to get rid of pests

using technology in an environmentally friendly manner and what the local park might look like with the incorporation of technology. The depth of knowledge students had around their project impressed everyone lucky enough to be present to hear the students talk through their work and demonstrate their learning. Secondary students were able to demonstrate the work they had been engaged with in the STEM Academy at St Paul’s to investigate ways they can support and increase awareness of the Australian Native Bee and Year 11 students at Mater

Maria presented for their Science Depth Study investigations. Students from the primary schools got a hands-on experience of the cool things they get the chance to engage with in the different branches of Science at Secondary College. Secondary Science Teachers of Chemistry and Biology also gathered in Science Week to learn from experienced HSC markers and each other to collaboratively assess their students’ HSC trial examination performance. This is an example of how the learning never ends for the teachers within our Diocese.

Good deeds in Cambodia Fifteen boys in Years 10 to 12 at St Paul’s Catholic College in Manly travelled to Cambodia for the annual immersion trip in Term 3.


tudents returned to the New Hope orphanage for Cambodian children who are HIV positive, where they worked as teachers’ aides in basic Mathematics and English as well as participating in small construction and gardening projects. Steven Callow, the Head of PDHPE at St Paul’s, said, “A Buddhist country may be the last place one would expect a life-changing encounter with Christ… but in a place you could expect to have been sad and despondent, we found joy, hope and unconditional love.” Mr Callow said that the founders of the orphanage, John and Kathy, were very welcoming. “They oozed unconditional love,” he said. “No judgement, no discrimination.”


The boys took donations for the orphanage and spent some their time painting houses and helping in the orphanage garden. “We went there to help, but the children gave us much more in return,” said Mr Callow. “The experience affected the heart and the emotions and we found ourselves thanking them.” The boys also met a group of women and girls who had been saved from trafficking. “One young lady stood up, told us her hopes and dreams and challenged our boys to protect and nurture women and girls of Australia,” said Mr Callow. “It was direct and touching.” DECEMBER 2019 21


The Marriage Tribunal team in Broken Bay: Alda Mendezona, Director Adrienne Connaghan and Deacon Adrian Gomez

What exactly is the Marriage Tribunal? “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” begins Tolstoy in his novel Anna Karenina (1878). BY DEACON ADRIAN GOMEZ


ouples enter marriage with great hopes and dreams of a future of building a shared life together, but the sad reality is that over a third of Australian marriages end in divorce. As Tolstoy indicated, there are a vast range of reasons for marriages to break down. The Church cares for and works to uphold the family, with parishes and agencies such as CatholicCare providing support to relationships in difficulty. “The life of every family is marked by all kinds of crises, yet these are also part of its dramatic beauty. Couples should be helped to realize that surmounting a crisis need not weaken their relationship; instead, it can improve, settle and mature the wine of their union,” says Pope Francis in Amoris Laetitia (n.232). Nevertheless, the Church recognises that after all attempts at reconciliation have failed, some marriages break down irretrievably. The Code of Canon Law states that: “If either of the spouses causes grave mental or physical danger to the other spouse or to the offspring or otherwise renders common life too difficult, that spouse give the other a legitimate cause for leaving…” (Can. 1153 §1). The Church endeavours to reach out to the pain and hurt of the divorced, while upholding the permanence of a valid marriage bond. The Marriage Tribunal in the Diocese of Broken Bay is a service of the Diocese to assist with the pastoral care of people who are divorced and seeking to remarry in the Catholic Church, are divorced and remarried and are seeking to have their marriages recognised by the Church, or are divorced and seeking to

22 DECEMBER 2019

clarify their standing in the Catholic Church for their own peace of conscience or for reassurance in developing future relationships. The main work of the Marriage Tribunal is to investigate the validity of the bond of marriage. “Annulment” is an unfortunate word that is generally used to refer to a Catholic “declaration of nullity”. Actually, nothing is made null through the process. Rather, a Church Tribunal declares that a marriage thought to be valid according to Church law, fell short from the beginning of at least one of the essential elements required for a binding union. These essential elements for valid consent concern the knowledge, intentions, freedom and capacity of a person to undertake the obligations of marriage. A declaration of nullity does not deny that a real relationship once existed. Nor is it about blaming one party or the other for the breakdown. It simply states that at the time of consent something was lacking so that a permanent marriage bond according to the Church’s standards never came into existence. This is different from a divorce, which is a civil decree which says that a marriage that existed has ended and is now dissolved. A declaration of nullity means that the parties are free to remarry in the Catholic Church or have their new marriages recognised. It has no effect in civil law. Children of the marriage continue to be legitimate. The grounds under which a petition for a declaration of nullity can be made are complex and it would be best to speak to one of the Tribunal staff members who can give advice about this. Every case is different, and some situations may be resolved more

The Church cares for and works to uphold the family, with parishes and agencies such as CatholicCare providing support to relationships in difficulty. quickly than others. However, in general a decision regarding a declaration of nullity takes between a year to a year and a half. The NSW & ACT bishops have set a fee of $750 to be paid in instalments, but in difficult financial circumstances the fees may be reduced or waived. No one is refused an application if they are unable to afford the fee. For those interested in finding out more about the process there is new information on the Broken Bay website under Agencies – Marriage Tribunal. To enquire about, or begin, the process please phone the Marriage Tribunal on (02) 8379 1681 or email A time for an interview will be made, which may be done at Pennant Hills, East Gosford or Manly.



Jubilarians celebrated in Special Mass n 17 October 2019, Bishop Anthony Randazzo, not yet installed as our new bishop,

celebrated a special Mass for the clergy in the Diocese of Broken Bay. The annual Jubilarians’ Mass celebrates those Clergy with special anniversaries of ordination to priesthood or permanent diaconate.

Jubilarians 2019 65 years Fr Ian Abbott (deceased) 60 years Fr Ian Aliprandi

This year there were some worthy milestones to mention, but not all could attend on the day. Most notable was Fr Bill Aliprandi, who celebrates an amazing 60 years of ordination in 2019! Fr Bill was unable to attend, but did get to meet Bishop Anthony a few weeks later before his installation.

55 years Fr John Hill Fr Carmelo Scibberas Fr Jim Tierney 50 years Fr Robert Crawford Fr David Austin 40 years Fr Johny Arattukulam OCD

Fr Robert Crawford and Fr David Austin OSA celebrated their golden jubilees this year, 50 years of ordination! Congratulations Fr Bob and Fr Dave!

35 years Fr Colin Blayney 30 years Fr Boguslaw Loska SDS Fr Christopher Kowalczyk SDS Fr Bronek Pietruswicz SDS

Fr Bill Aliprandi meets Bishop Anthony

Another special celebration, a silver jubilee for Frs Shaju John OSH and Joy Kunnasserry OSH, both ordained on the same day 25 years ago.

of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara since his announcement as the new Bishop of Broken Bay was made on 7 October.

It was wonderful to have Bishop Anthony Randazzo attend and celebrate his first Mass in Our Lady

The Jubilarians and other clergy of the Diocese followed Mass with a luncheon at Hornsby RSL.

25 years Fr Shaju John OSH Fr Joy Kunnasserry OSH 20 years Fr Jim McKeon Fr Ryszard Sadowski SDS Fr Stephen Hamilton 15 years Fr Baby Thomas CFIC Deacon Paul Simmons Deacon Jim Caulfield (deceased) 5 years Fr Fransiskus Yangminta CS


(l-r) Fr Chris Kowalczyk, Fr Ryszard Sadowski, Fr Boguslaw Loska, Fr Johny Arattukulam, Fr Bronek Pietruswicz, Fr David Ranson, Fr Jim McKeon, Bishop Anthony Randazzo, Deacon Paul Simmons, Fr Baby Thomas, Fr Peter De Souza, Fr Shaju John, Fr Bob Crawford, Fr Carmelo Scibberas, Fr Dave Austin and Fr Colin Blayney

OPENING DAY Saturday 7 December 9.00am-3.00pm EXHIBITION DATES Monday 9 December: 9.00am - 3.00pm Tuesday 10 December: 9.00am - 3.00pm Wednesday 11 December: 9.00am - 3.00pm Thursday 12 December: 9.00am - 3.00pm Friday 13 December: 9.00am - 3.00pm Saturday 14 December: 9.00am - 3.00pm



Saturday 7 December 9.00am-3.00pm




Shop 27, The Philip Mall, Kendall Street, West Pymble P: (02) 9499 5675 E: W:

DECEMBER 2019 23


Celebrating Special Religious Education The annual CCD Mass and Presentation of Awards for catechists was held recently at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara.


BY ALISON NEWELL CCD Diocesan Coordinator

highlight of the annual Mass this year was that Bishop Anthony Randazzo presided over the Mass; his first official engagement at the Cathedral since his installation.

relative’s name is announced. This provides CCD and catechists from across the Diocese the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of deceased catechists and thank their families for their support.

Parish Catechist Coordinators were acknowledged for their contribution to the Ministry of SRE and described as the ‘backbone of the Ministry’ at a local level.

The Mass was immediately preceded by a rose ceremony which is held each year to commemorate catechists who have died in the previous 12 months. Family members of deceased catechists lay a rose at the CCD Book of Remembrance in the sanctuary as their deceased

During the Mass, catechists were commissioned for their ministry for the next 12 months, each accepting their mission to be a faithful disciple, proclaiming the good news of the Gospels, affirming the tradition of the Church and upholding the dignity of each child.

In his homily, Bishop Anthony spoke of the need for conversion, renewal and reform of the Church moving forward and affirmed the work of catechists as evangelisers and catechisers of Catholic children in the public schools of the Diocese of Broken Bay.

Level 3 Certificate Recipients – 2019 Level 3 Diploma of Graduation Jennifer Perrott St Ives Service Awards Recipients – 2019 15 Year Service Award Christine Ann Beasley Epping Carlingford Caitlin Douglas Pymble Cynthia Gilbertson Ku-ring-gai Chase Rose Granata Arcadia Tina Higgins Pennant Hills Pauline Larkins Chatswood Carole Reynolds Manly Freshwater Lolita Saffy Terrigal Dudley Smith Terrigal Coral Thaddeus Ku-ring-gai Chase Carmel Underwood Pennant Hills Alicen van Bokhoven The Lakes James (Ken) Whalan Warnervale

24 DECEMBER 2019

20 Year Service Award – (Papal Blessings) George Boersma Terrigal Kevin Brand The Lakes Luigi Bruni The Entrance Marina Cooney North Harbour Miriam Mary Evans The Entrance Jo Fiore Frenchs Forest Wynne Mollica Warringah Mary Morris Warringah Nada Poljak Frenchs Forest Lisa Rourke Warringah Dawn Smith Terrigal Antonietta Vuoso Chatswood Judith Woodward Pittwater 25 Year Service Award Rosanna Abrams Celine Sun Lin Choo Bede Hickey Yvonne Marie Rein Vivien Sterrantino Robyn Tuite

Pennant Hills St Ives Terrigal North Harbour Pittwater (Avalon) Pittwater (Avalon)

The Mass was followed by the annual presentation of awards to catechists for completion of the CCD SRE Ministry Diploma and to catechists who have completed 15 years or more (in five-year increments) of service to the Ministry of SRE. Bishop Anthony presented the awards, acknowledging each recipient with joy and gratitude. Celebrations continued with a lunch in the Cathedral courtyard where catechists shared stories and friendship into the afternoon.

Cyril Tumminello Margaret Winter

Epping Carlingford Kincumber

Bishop Patrick Murphy Award – (30 Years of Service) Ann Cartwright Kincumber Patricia Margaret Davis Kincumber Trish Lucas Epping Carlingford 35 Year Service Award Carol Real The Lakes 40 Year Service Award Colleen Appino Arcadia 45 Year Service Award Carmen Chetcuti Toukley Therese Gorman Terrigal Justine Hayes Terrigal 50 Year Service Award Carmel Parker North Harbour 55 Year Service Award Robyn Nevin Gosford


Join me on pilgrimage A pilgrimage is different from a holiday.


hile the time away is enjoyable the spiritual aspect of travelling together enables the group to experience the Holy Spirit working with each pilgrim. Through prayer, the celebration of the Eucharist and visiting holy places, our minds and hearts are fixed on the fact that God is with us.

BY FR ROBERT BORG Budapest, a most beautiful city. Over our days together besides pilgrimage places we will also have

some cultural experiences including a cruise on the Danube and a Mozart concert in Vienna.

European Passion Play PILGRIMAGE 2020 The hills will be alive with the sounds of pilgrims as we weave a blessed path through Europe to culmiate with the world famous Passion Play!

The pilgrimage to The Oberammergau Passion Play will be the culmination of our pilgrimage through various shrines in Europe. The Oberammergau Passion Play is performed in an open-air stage in the Bavarian town of Oberammergau, Germany. The Passion Play is performed every 10 years. This will be the 42nd production of the worldrenowned play. The play lasts around five and a half hours with a threehour intermission with lunch. Our Lord never had this luxury of a lunch break on the Way to Calvary!

I welcome you to join me or invite others on this exceptional pilgrimage from 3-17 September 2020.

12 Night Pilgrimage Superior Accommodation Breakfast & Dinner Daily Private Daily Mass Outstanding Local Guides Insider Encounters 12 NIGHTS / 15 DAYS

Budapest (2) • Bratislava • Vienna (2) • Melk Abbey • Prague (2) • Svata Hora • Altotting (2) • Salzburg (2) • Innsbruck • Oberammergau Passion Play (2)


3 SEP 2020 Accompanied by: Fr Robert Borg

1800 819 156

TOUR COST FROM twin $ share


Prior to arriving in Oberammergau, we will begin our pilgrimage in BROKEN BAY NEWS

DECEMBER 2019 25


Supports & Services For Seniors Everybody needs a little help sometimes. Working through the aged care system can be daunting but you’re not alone. We can help you work out what type of care and support will suit you best and what assistance may be available. Here are some of the services CatholicCare provides for seniors:

New Memory Innovations Centre Opening Monday 27 January 2020


eeling forgetful? Or are you, or someone you know worried about a recent diagnosis of dementia?

CatholicCare has recently received funding for an exciting new project we have called the Memory Innovations Centre. Opening at Clarke Road in Waitara on Monday 27 January 2020, the Centre aims to improve quality of life, wellbeing and cognition for older Australians through use of

emerging technologies (including virtual reality, brain programs, smart home devices) and creative activities – all focused on having fun and connecting with others. Participants will have access to a variety of programs and education sessions run by experts including a Social Worker, Exercise Physiologist, Psychologist, Nutritionist/ Dietician, Occupational Therapist, Dance/Music

Therapist & Creative Arts Therapist. The programs are designed to improve the quality of life, wellbeing and cognition of people living in the community with concerns about their memory by combining science and social activity. The simplicity of the programs is key. Our aim is to empower the client and carer to deliver these programs at home.

Respite Options All carers deserve a break with support from people they trust.


atholicCare currently provides entry level respite support to older people on a short-term or an ongoing basis. We can also provide higher intensity services short-term. This is funded through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) for Flexible Respite and Centre-Based Respite and does have limited

availability. We also provide respite support paid directly by clients or carers.

Flexible Respite Central Coast & Northern Sydney

More information on Commonwealth Home Support Programme visit: https:// commonwealth-home-support-programme.


atholicCare’s flexible respite service provides a break for carers and in-home support services across the Northern Sydney and Central Coast Regions. The service aims to meet the individual needs of the person while giving the carer a well-deserved break from their caring role. Staff work with the individual and their family to provide meaningful and positive activities, conversations and experiences. This service is provided in-home and can include light domestic duties, meal preparation support, social interaction, and individual transport around the community (eg. doctors’ appointments, shopping, social events, visits to family members).

Centre-Based Respite Northern Sydney


atholicCare is currently commissioning a building in Waitara to use as our centrebased respite hub. This hub will also involve our new Memory Innovations Centre.


26 DECEMBER 2019


Creative Arts Boonah Arts: West Pymble


e run art classes for seniors who are interested in building or enhancing their creativity in a social setting. At the heart of the Centre is the wellbeing of the group. The program also supports people living with early stage dementia. Making art boosts self-confidence and improves wellbeing. With small classes and a friendly, relaxed environment, individuals can work at their own pace. The environment is ideal for those who may not have a place in their own homes to make art and the associated mess! All materials are provided.

Aruma Arts: Waitara


his therapeutic arts program based at Waitara will be running in collaboration with our Memory Innovations Centre art program launching in January 2020. Register your interest now. Make an enquiry or reserve a place.

MORE INFORMATION CatholicCare Seniors P: (02) 9488 2500 E: W:

I feel so warm when I open my eyes on the mornings Marie is due knowing that she’s coming. She brings me tea and toast in bed. My body may be crumbling but I thank CatholicCare for my lovely helpers. They chose the perfect people for me. I am alone sometimes for 22 hours a day. I can’t see to read or watch the TV. My husband of 71 years passed away last year and the silence is awful. Marie’s companionship is so wonderful and means so much to me. – Shirley, CatholicCare Aged Care Client


It’s my absolute pleasure to care for Shirley. She’s such an incredibly interesting woman and I always look forward to visiting her. I help with lots of jobs but I love just sitting with her and chatting. – Marie, CatholicCare Support Worker


DECEMBER 2019 27


Dealing with Domestic Violence on the Central Coast The level of Apprehended Violence Orders on the Central Coast is the highest in NSW; central to this is the issue of Domestic Violence.


his motivated the Warnervale Parish’s Social Justice Committee to facilitate a

The presentation included various scenarios of situations affecting women, men and children caught up in violent relationships.

Seminar to raise awareness of the problem and assist people in responding to it. Danielle Habib from CatholicCare, Tuggerah, presented the Workshop held on 18 October at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Centre at The Entrance. It was an ecumenical gathering attended by people from local Catholic, Anglican, Baptist and Uniting Churches. The presentation included various scenarios of situations affecting women, men and children caught up in violent relationships.

These led into discussions on ways in which people could become aware of potential problems; offer non-judgemental encouragement and suggest services which can offer help.

Literature supplied by the Diocese of Broken Bay, CatholicCare, Legal Aid, and a number of non-government organisations was available for participants to take back to share with their own communities.

At McQuoin Park, be part of a friendly, supportive retirement community in Wahroonga on Sydney’s leafy upper north shore. There are always new friends to share a coffee with, along with interesting and fulfilling activities. As McQuoin Park is brought to you by Catholic Healthcare, you can rest assured that quality care and support are on hand should you ever need it. Meaning we’re here to help you keep living independently in your own home. Apartments now selling from $595,000. You may have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village.

Where little things count for everything

Our display suite is open Monday–Friday 9:00 am– 4:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am– 3:00 pm. Call us today on 1300 221 271 or visit

Artist’s impression

28 DECEMBER 2019

35 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga.


SJ Around the Bay Echoes the Message of Pope Francis “No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house.” Matt 5:15 BY PHIL JONES


reta Thunberg may not have envisaged the movement she started when she took time off school to sit in front of the Swedish Parliament at age 15 urging for more serious action on the Climate Crisis. Later encouraged by Pope Francis, her inspiring determination led to approximately 80,000 students and adults joining the Strike4Climate rally in the Sydney Domain on 20 September 2019, along with millions of others around the world. SJ Around the Bay was present in support of the younger generation and to show that the Climate Crisis in very much a concern of the Church. Twenty different placards displayed portions of the message of Laudato Si’ and the banner carried a quote from the Season of Creation message of Pope Francis. Recently acquired brand t-shirts carried the network’s logo, the image of Pope Francis and a summary quote from his encyclical, “hear the cry of the poor… hear the

cry of the earth”. It was clear for all to see that we were Catholics. Many stopped to read the texts. Others took photos and made endorsing comments. “That’s what the Gospel is all about”, said one young lady, declaring at the same time that she was a non-believer. “I’m not a Catholic but I’ve read the whole of Laudato Si’. It’s a wonderful document,” was another remark. A Year 5 boy asked how much a placard cost. He was informed that they were not for sale but were for conveying a message. He said he was a Catholic and his school principal had allowed students to attend the rally. He was delighted to be given a placard to carry.

their voices heard and calling for courageous decisions. They feel let down by too many unfulfilled promises, by commitments made and then ignored for selfish interests or out of expediency. The young remind us that the earth is not a possession to be squandered, but an inheritance to be handed down. They remind us that hope for tomorrow is not a noble sentiment, but a task calling for

concrete actions here and now. We owe them real answers, not empty words, actions not illusions.” Phil Jones is convener of SJ Around the Bay, a network of Parish Social Justice Groups in the Diocese of Broken Bay. Parishioners are welcome to attend the quarterly meetings advertised on the SJ Around the Bay website.

Pope Francis expressed his support for the younger generation in this year’s Season of Creation message: “This too is a season for undertaking prophetic actions. Many young people all over the world are making



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DECEMBER 2019 29


In loving memory of Judith Rose Sulter, Terrigal Parish Housekeeper 27 January 1945 to 9 April 2019 BY JANETTE MERROTSY


udith, affectionately known to us as Jude, worked as a dedicated housekeeper for every Parish Priest in Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish at Terrigal, from Fr Doc Joiner up until late 2018, a total of 43 years. Judith often shared her memories of early days in the Parish and how on one occasion even helped hold the measuring tape with Fr Joiner for the first classroom at the old site. Judith was a hard worker and worked with her heart so nothing was any trouble in serving her parish in various roles. In her private life, Judith was a devoted mother to Craig and Anissa and was a loving grandmother. She loved her family, and had a very strong faith, which she clung to during her whole life.

She loved her family, and had a very strong faith, which she clung to during her whole life. St Francis would have also been proud of her as she really loved her animals and birds and was a Wires volunteer. Sometimes Anne and I would laugh with her and tease her saying she looked after them better than she looked after herself. Judith was a very caring friend, especially to us who worked closely with her in the parish office. We felt like family. I worked with Jude for over 23 years, Anne for 18, Nellie 10 and before us Barbara and Brenda who also shared many years with her. Judith never forgot our birthdays and would go to such trouble wrapping our gifts with bows, flowers and love.

Judith was very proud of her Irish Heritage, loved her Irish music, St Patrick’s Day and was overjoyed to visit Ireland with Anissa some years ago. Judith lived her Christian faith in the community and was a very generous woman. Judith was an emergency Foster Care volunteer and looked after over 20 children during this time, she also worked as a volunteer fundraising for the Lioness Club.

Judith Rose, we loved you for your warmth, sincerity,



gentleness, integrity, strength and the way you did everything with perfection. May you now be rewarded for your dedication to your family, your friends, your parish and above all your love of God through your strong Catholic faith. Well done good and faithful servant.


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All you need is love

DIOCESE OF BROKEN BAY Diocesan Office: Tel (02) 8379 1600 Caroline Chisholm Centre Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Rd Pennant Hills NSW 2120 (Access off City View Rd) PO Box 340 Pennant Hills NSW 1715

CHANCERY OFFICES Bishop Most Rev Anthony Randazzo Vicar General Very Rev Dr David Ranson Senior Advisor Kelly Paget Chancellor Jo Robertson Diocesan Financial Administrator, Director, Office for Stewardship: Emma McDonald Director, Diocesan Office for Safeguarding Jodie Crisafulli Tel: (02) 8379 1605 Director, Marriage Tribunal: Adrienne Connaghan Tel: (02) 8379 1680 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) Alison Newell

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE Acting Director: Tony Bracken Tel (02) 9847 0000 PO Box 967 Pennant Hills NSW 1715

CATHOLICCARE Executive Director: Lyn Ainsworth Tel: (02) 9481 2600 PO Box 966 Pennant Hills 1715 Children’s Services: Tel: (02) 9481 2660 Family Centres: Brookvale – Tel: (02) 8968 5100 Naremburn – Tel: (02) 8425 8700 Waitara – Tel: (02) 9488 2400 Warnervale – Tel: (02) 4356 2600 Foster and Residential Care: Tel: (02) 4320 7700 Mission, Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care (02) 9481 2658

BROKEN BAY NEWS Editor: Melissa Loughlin Tel: (02) 8379 1618 Design: Chris Murray Printed by NCP Printing 18,500 copies of the Broken Bay News are distributed monthly through 26 parishes and 44 schools in the Diocese of Broken Bay. The Broken Bay News is a member of the Australasian Catholic Press Association. Acceptance of advertisements does not imply diocesan endorsement of products or services advertised.


A few years ago, my mum was comparing notes with her sister and sister-in-law about what they got on Valentine’s Day. BY CATHERINE DAY


um got the usual flowers and chocolates, her sister got a diamond ring and her sister-inlaw got nothing – my uncle completely forgot about the whole thing. The three of them were talking about how men usually need reminding about these things and that getting even a single rose, shows how much they are appreciated and loved. My grandmother, after having listened to them for about 15 minutes, stood up and said “I never needed a single rose. Your father loved me and showed it to me every day. He satisfied me every way possible and I never once complained about our life together. You need to be grateful with the men you have.” I believe my grandmother has the right end of the stick. She knows what it is to love and be loved without having to show off to the rest of the world. Love today has been skewed so much by the ‘happy’ Instagram couples that we no longer can be satisfied with the simpleness of what we have in front of us. Personally, I have never liked the idea of getting a flower on Valentine’s Day. I would much rather get flowers (or a small gift) any other day of the year. That to me says you are loved and appreciated because it shows the other person that you are genuinely thinking of them; that you took the time out of your day to surprise them. Now I don’t think we should rush out and buy each other expensive gifts all the time because even a simple chocolate bar is enough to say, I was thinking about you today. Having a satisfied life filled with love, is more than simple material gift giving. It’s also about considering what’s right for the other person. Many years ago, my grandfather, when he was still working, was given a job opportunity in America. He wanted to go because everyone

he knew was heading over there. My grandmother on the other hand, didn’t. Her parents were old and needed looking after. She told him that she wouldn’t be able to leave them. So they stayed. Several years later after her parents passed away, they found themselves coming over to Australia to be close to mum. It’s been over thirty years since they left Egypt and my grandmother is sure, had they not stayed to look after her parents they would not have had a blessed life in America. One of the main reasons she loved my grandfather even more is because he gave her the opportunity to be with her parents in their final years. Had they left and her parents died, she probably would never have forgiven him. That’s the main thing about love, it’s not selfish. It can be demanding but it is never selfish. It is demanding because to love, is to give yourself completely to the other. As Christians, we know that love demands a personal commitment to God’s will. But in return we are gifted with an abundance of blessings. To love is to give and to receive. Loving God and how He loves us in return, is the

perfect blueprint for how we are to love each other. Love never asks us to do something that will hurt us; it will always encourage us, protect us, build us up, but it will never harm us, and it will never lie to us. I’ve always hated hearing ‘if you love me then…’ but the truth is, if you love, you will make sacrifices. Without sacrifices (or compromise) we end up saying to one another ‘I’m giving up on us.’ In effect, without sacrifice, you’re sacrificing love itself and losing that which matters most in life. To love and be loved is a wonderful thing. God made us for love. The death of Christ was out of love. To recognise that we have love in our lives makes living all that much better. It might take awhile to have romantic love, but the love of family and friends sustains us until that special someone comes along. And if that never happens, knowing that God loved us to the point of sacrificing His Son for us is more than enough to fill us with 10 lifetimes of love. Love, pure love (once that fuzzy feeling subsides) is the meaning of life. Always love one another because without love, what’s left?

Love, pure love (once that fuzzy feeling subsides) is the meaning of life. DECEMBER 2019 31

20 19 Diocese of Broken Bay FILIPINO CHAPLAINCY



waitara 7:00 PM

Novena Masses

The Launch Mass Hornsby Cathedral Parish 23 Yardley Ave, Waitara Followed by food & festivities.

16-24/dec chatswood 5:30 AM

15-23/dec dee why 7:30 PM

Christmas Novena Masses St Kevin’s Church 50 Oaks Avenue, Dee Why

Fellowship & light refreshments follow after each of these Masses.

Christmas Novena Dawn Masses Our Lady of Dolours Parish 94 Archer St, Chatswood

The Triduum St Cecilia’s Church 23 Byron Street, Wyong

20,22,23 /dec wyong 7:00 PM

More inquiries: bbfilipinochaplaincy Contact: Deacon Roberto Corpuz, Pastoral Coordinator Mobile 0414 525 448 Email

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